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Readex Course Mapping Services

Helpful documents encourage students to explore rich historical content

Integrating primary sources into undergraduate courses can offer enormous benefits to faculty and students alike. Among these are:

  • Increased student engagement
  • Cutting-edge current topics (such as Immigration and Civil Rights) are portrayed in a rich historical context
  • Student costs may be reduced as library resources replace the purchase of expensive texts and readers
  • Research skills are introduced and refined.

But finding the right primary source content—and effectively integrating it into an already crowded syllabus—can be a challenge.

Readex can help! Our Course Maps make it faster and easier to identify and embed the most appropriate primary source documents for the greatest impact.

Provided on request, Readex Course Maps deliver a visual representation of the relationship among selected Readex products and the actual courses offered at any four-year college or university. These custom-created documents guide exploration of Readex content and deepen understanding of the ways individual products support specific learning and research needs. Because the Course Maps can help librarians learn which products will play a direct role in supporting both classwork and student/faculty research, these documents will ensure resources are aligned with key goals, including undergraduate learning and success.

To help colleges and university libraries meet their key teaching and research needs, Readex Course Maps:

  • List and explain the actual courses with which selected Readex products most closely align
  • Highlight the academic subjects for which the selected products will be most often used
  • Offer real-life search examples to explore frequently used content within the products
  • Present the actual searches performed in the products at peer institutions
  • Demonstrate scholarly applications by providing faculty-written articles citing the products.

In short, free Readex Course Maps are valuable tools that can help every college and university library in its mission to support learning and student achievement.

To request a custom Readex Course Map for your institution, please use this simple form.

Shortly after we receive your request, a sales rep will reply with a document detailing how this product aligns with courses at your institution.

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