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African History and Culture, 1540-1921

Imprints from the Library Company of Philadelphia

A vital collection that illuminates Africa’s past
Learn what makes this product unique
  • Includes primary source documents that highlight the history of Africa and its diverse peoples across nearly 400 years
  • More than 1,300 books, pamphlets, almanacs, broadsides and ephemera, both from and about the African continent
  • Expertly compiled by the curators of the Afro-Americana Imprints collection

Created from the renowned holdings of the Library Company of Philadelphia, African History and Culture, 1540-1921, is the most comprehensive digital collection of historical documents related to the African continent. More than 1,300 cataloged and searchable books, pamphlets, almanacs, broadsides and ephemera cover the history, peoples, and social and economic changes across Africa from the 16th century to the early 20th century. All areas of Africa and related adjacent regions are covered.

Prismatic research and teaching opportunities
In the 18th century, the Library Company ambitiously attempted to gather every piece of printed information related to Africa and its history. This included historical narratives, social histories, maps, navigational logs, military reports, government documents, demographic studies, anthropological studies, natural histories, personal memoirs and much more. African History and Culture, 1540-1921 is the only publicly available, digital archive of this seminal collection. Many items published prior to 1800 are included, but most of these 1,300-plus works imprints were published in the 19th century.

Although many documents were originally published in England and the United States, the collection also includes works published in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Haiti, India, Ireland, Italy, Liberia, Mauritius, Netherlands, Portugal, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland and other locations. Most were published in the English language. Students and scholars across a range of disciplines—from Africana studies to economics, gender studies, anthropology and beyond—will find perspectives and information that expand both the scope and specificity of their research.

About the Library Company of Philadelphia
The Library Company of Philadelphia is an independent research library specializing in American history and culture from the 17th through 19th centuries. Founded in 1731 by Benjamin Franklin, the Library Company is America’s oldest cultural institution. It houses an extensive collection of rare books, manuscripts, broadsides, ephemera, prints, photographs and works of art, as well as the second largest holding of early American imprints.

A Readex Africana Studies Collection
Researchers interested in African History and Culture, 1540-1921, may also be interested in related collections from Readex. These include African Newspapers, 1800-1922; Caribbean History and Culture, 1535-1920; Black Authors, 1556-1922; and Early American Imprints, 1639-1819. All are seamlessly integrated and cross-searchable.

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“… offers new and exciting opportunities for uncovering the lives of Africans during the early era of European exploration and colonization.”
Krystal Appiah, Curator of African American History, Library Company of Philadelphia
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African & Middle Eastern Studies
World History
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Title List


Year of Publication State/Country of Publication City Title Author Imprint
1540 Germany Friburgi Brisgoiae. Omnium gentium mores, leges & ritus, Boemus, Joannes, ca. 1485-1535. Friburgi Brisgoiae. : [s.n., 1540]
1542 Italy Venetiis. Omnium gentium mores, leges et ritus Boemus, Joannes, ca. 1485-1535. Venetiis. : [s.n.], M D XXXXII. [1542]
1556 Belgium Antuerpi Ioannis Leonis Africani, de totius Africæ descriptione, libri. IX. : Quibus non solùm Africæ regionum, insularum, [et] oppidorum situs, locorumq[ue] interualla accuratè complexus est, sed regum familias, bellorum causas [et] euentus ... tam à seipso diligenti obseruatione indagatas, q[uam] in veris Maurorum Annalib. memoriæ traditas, copiose descripsit, Leo, Africanus, ca. 1492-ca. 1550. Antuerpiæ : apud Ioan. Latium,, M.D.LVI. [1556]
1562 Belgium Antuerpiae Omnium gentium mores, leges et ritus Boemus, Joannes, ca. 1485-1535. Antuerpiae, : In aedibus Ioannis Stelsii. M. D. LXII. Cum priuilegio., [1562]
1563 Italy In Venetia Primo volume, & terza editione delle navigationi et viaggi Ramusio, Giovanni Battista, 1485-1557. In Venetia : Nella stamperia de Giunti., l'anno M D LXIII. [1563]
1565 Italy In Venetia Terzo volume delle navigationi et viaggi Ramusio, Giovanni Battista, 1485-1557. In Venetia : nella Stamperia de'Giunti., L'anno M D LXV. [1565]
1581 Germany Coloniae Agrippinae Historiae Hieronymi Osorii, Lusitani, Siluensis in Algarbiis episcopi, de rebus; Emmanuelis, Lusitaniae regis invictissimi virtute et auspicio, annis sex, ac viginti, domi forisque gestis, libri duodecim. Ad Henricum principem, regis eius F. Cardinalem. : Item: Io. Matalii Metelli sequani I. C. in eandem historiam præfatio, et commentarius: de reperta ab Hispanis et Lusitanis, in Occidentis et Orientis Indiam, nauigatione, deq. populorum eius vita, moribus, ac ritibus. Ad Ant. Augustinum, Archiepiscopum Tarraconensem. : Omnia iam recognita & emendata. : Adiectus est; præter marginis notationes, locupletissimus rerum & verborum index.. Osório, Jerónimo, 1506-1580. Coloniae Agrippinae, : Apud haeredes Arnoldi Birckmanni., Anno M.D.LXXXI. [1581]
1589 Belgium Antuerpiae Epitome Theatri Orteliani, : praecipuarum orbis regionum delineationes, minoribus tabulis expressas, breuioribusq´ue declarationibus illustratas, continens.. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. Antuerpiae, : Philippo Gallaeo excudebat Christophorus Plantinus., M.D.LXXXIX. [1589].
1589 England London, England The principall nauigations, voiages and discoueries of the English nation, : made by sea or ouer land, to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500. yeeres: deuided into three seuerall parts, according to the positions of the regions wherunto they were directed ... Whereunto is added the last most renowmed English nauigation, round about the whole globe of the earth. Principall navigations, voiages, and discoveries of the English nation. Imprinted at London : by George Bishop and Ralph Newberie, deputies to Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Most Excellent Maiestie., 1589..
1589 England London, England The principall nauigations, voiages and discoueries of the English nation, : made by sea or ouer land, to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500. yeeres: deuided into three seuerall parts, according to the positions of the regions wherunto they were directed ... Whereunto is added the last most renowmed English nauigation, round about the whole globe of the earth. Principall navigations, voiages, and discoveries of the English nation. Imprinted at London : by George Bishop and Ralph Newberie, deputies to Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Most Excellent Maiestie., 1589..
1595 Belgium Antverpiae Epitome Theatri Orteliani. : Praecipuarum orbis regionum delineationes, minoribus tabulis expressas, breuiorisbúsque declarationibus illustratas, continens.. Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. Antverpiae, : Philippo Gallaeo excudebat Arnoldus Coninx., Anno M.D.XCV. [1595].
1595 Belgium Antuerpiae Theatrum orbis terrarum Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. [Antuerpiae : Ex Officina Plantiniana, Abrah. Ortelij aere & cura, M.D.XCV [1595]]
1598 England London, England The Principal nauigations, voiages, traffiques and discoueries of the English nation, : made by sea or ouer-land, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1500. yeeres: deuided into three seuerall volumes, according to the positions of the regions, whereunto they were directed ... : And lastly, the memorable defeate of the Spanish huge Armada, anno 1588. and the famous victorie atchieued at the citie of Cadiz, 1596. are described.   Imprinted at London : by George Bishop, Ralph Newberie and Robert Barker., 1598-1600..
1604 Switzerland [Geneva] Mores, leges, et ritus omnium gentium, Boemus, Joannes, ca. 1485-1535. [Geneva] : Apud I. Tornaesium, [M.D.] CIIII. [1604]
1609 Germany Getruckt zu Franckfort am Mayn Regnum Congo hoc est : warhaffte vnd eigentliche Beschreibung dess Königreichs Congo in Africa vnd deren angrentzenden Länder darinnen der inwohner Glaub Leben Sitten vnd Klendung wol vnd aussführlich vermeldet vnd angezeigt wirdt. Lopes, Duarte. Getruckt zu Franckfort am Mayn : durch Matthias Becker in Verlegung Hans Dietherich vnd Hans Israel von Bry, im Jahr M.D.C.IX. [1609]
1614 England London, England Purchas his pilgrimage. Or Relations of the world and the religions observed in all ages and places discouered, from the creation unto this present. : In foure parts. This first containeth a theologicall and geographical historie of Asia, Africa, and America, with the ilands adiacent. Declaring the ancient religions before the floud, the heathnish, Jewish, and Saracenicall in all ages since, in those parts professed, and their seueral opinions, idols, oracles, temples, priests, fasts, feasts, sacrifices, and rites religious: their beginnings, proceedings, alterations, sects, orders and successions. With briefe descriptions of the countries, nations, states, discoueries; private and publike customes, and the most remarkable rarities of nature, or humane industrie, in the same. Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626. London, : Printed by William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Rose., 1614.
1617 England London, England Purchas his pilgrimage, or Relations of the world and the religions observed in al ages and places discouered, from the creation unto this present. : In foure parts. This first contayneth a theologicall and geographicall historie of Asia, Africa, and America, with the ilands adiacent. Declaring the ancient religions before the floud, the heathenish, Jewish, and Saracenicall in all ages since, in those parts professed, with their seueral opinions, idols, oracles, temples, priests, fasts, feasts, sacrifices, and rites religious: their beginnings, proceedings, alterations, sects, orders and successions. With briefe descriptions of the countries, nations, states, discoueries; priuate and publike customes, and the most remarkable rarities of nature, or humane industrie, in the same. Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626. London, : Printed by William Stansby for Henry Fetherstone, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Rose., 1617.
1620 France Paris, France Geographia Nvbiensis : id est accvratissima totivs orbis in septem climata divisi descriptio, continens præsertim exactam vniuersæ Asiæ, & Africæ, rerumq[ue]; in ijs hactenus incognitarum explicationem Idrisi, ca. 1100-1166. Parisiis : ex typographia Hieronymi Blageart, propè Collegium Rhemense, 1619 [i.e. 1620].
1622 Italy Venice Le relationi vniversali di Giovanni Botero Benese, divise in sette parti. : Alle quali vi sono aggiunte nuouamente i Capitani dell'istesso auttore, con le relationi di Spagna; del stato della chiesa, & di Sauoia. ... In oltre vi s'aggiunge nell'vltimo un breue racconto di mostri, & vsanze di quelle Indie, con le sue figure al naturale d'Alessandro de Vecchi. Botero, Giovanni, 1540-1617. [Venice] : In Venetia : presso Alessandro Vecchi., 1622 [-1623].
1623 England London, England The golden trade: or, A discouery of the Riuer Gambra, and the golden trade of the Aethiopians. : Also, the commerce with a great blacke merchant, called Buckor Sano, and his report of the houses couered with gold, and other strange obseruations for the good of our owne countrey; set downe as they were collected in trauelling, part of the yeares, 1620. and 1621. Jobson, Richard, fl. 1620-1623. London, : Printed by Nicholas Okes, and are to be sold by Nicholas Bourne, dwelling at the entrance of the Royall Exchange,, 1623..
1625 England London, England Purchas his pilgrimes. : In five books. The first, contayning the voyages and peregrinations made by ancient kings, patriarkes, apostles, philosophers, and others, to and thorow the remoter parts of the knowne world: enquiries also of languages and religions, especially of the moderne diuersified professions of Christianitie. The second, a description of all the circum-nauigations of the globes. The third, nauigations and voyages of English-men, alongst the coasts of Africa, to the Cape of Good Hope, and from thence to the Red Sea, the Abassine, Arabian, Persian, Indian, shoares, continents, and ilands. The fourth, English voyages beyond the East Indies, to the ilands of Iapan, China, Cauchinchina, the Philippinae with others, and the Indian nauigations further prosecuted: their iust commerce, nobly vindicated against Turkish treacherie; victoriously defended against Portugall hostilitie; gloriously aduanced against Moorish and ethnike perfidie; hopefully recouering from Dutch malignitie; iustly maintayned against ignorant and malicious calumnie. The fifth, nauigations, voyages, traffiques, discoueries, of the English nation in the easterne parts of the world: continuing the English-Indian occurrents, and contayning the English affaires with the Great Samorine, in the Persian and Arabian Gulfes, and in other places of the continent, and ilands of and beyond the Indies: the Portugall attempts, and Dutch disasters, diuers sea-fights with both; and many other remarkable relations. The first[-fourth] part. Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626. London : Printed by William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Rose., 1625.
1626 England London, England Purchas his pilgrimage. Or Relations of the world and the religions obserued in all ages and places discouered, from the creation vnto this present. : Contayning a theologicall and geographicall historie of Asia, Africa, and America, with the ilands adiacent. Declaring the ancient religions before the floud, the heathenish, Iewish, and Saracenicall in all ages since, in those parts professed, with their seuerall opinions, idols, oracles, temples, priests, fasts, feasts, sacrifices, and rites religious: their beginnings, proceedings, alterations, sects, orders and successions. With briefe descriptions of the countries, nations, states, discoueries; priuate and publike customes, and the most remarkable rarities of nature, or humane industrie, in the same. Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626. London, : Printed by William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Rose., 1626.
1630 Netherlands Amsterdam Gerardi Mercatoris Atlas : sive Cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi et fabricati figura. Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594. [Amsterdam] : Sumptibus et typis aeneis Henrici Hondij, Amsterodami, An.D. 1630.
1632 Netherlands Lugd[uni] Batav[orum; ie. Leyden] Ioannis Leonis Africani Africae descriptio IX. lib[ri] absoluta.. Leo, Africanus, ca. 1492-ca. 1550. Lugd[uni] Batav[orum; ie. Leyden] : Apud Elzevir., A.° 1632..
1634 England London, England A relation of some yeares travaile, begvnne anno 1626. : Into Afrique and the greater Asia, especially the territories of the Persian monarchie: and some parts of the Orientall Indies, and iles adiacent. Of their religion, language, habit, discent, ceremonies, and other matters concerning them. Together with the proceedings and death of the three late ambassadours: Sir D.C. Sir R.S. and the Persian Nogdi-beg: as also the two great monarchs, the king of Persia, and the great mogol. Herbert, Thomas, Sir, 1606-1682. London, : Printed by William Stansby, and Jacob Bloome,, 1634..
1637 France Paris, France Relation du voyage du Cap-Verd. Saint-Lo, Alexis de. A Paris, : Chez François Targa, au premier pillier de la grand' Salle du Palais, devant la Chapelle, au Soleil d'or., 1637.
1638 England London, England Some yeares travels into divers parts of Asia and Afrique. : Describing especially the two famous empires, the Persian and great Mogull: weaved with the history of these later times as also, many rich and spacious kingdomes in the Orientall India, and other parts of Asia; together with the adjacent iles. Severally relating the religion, language, qualities, customes, habit, descent, fashions, and other observations touching them. With a revivall of the first discoverer of America.. Herbert, Thomas, Sir, 1606-1682. London, : Printed by R. Bip. for Iacob Blome and Richard Bishop., 1638..
1638 England London, England The merchants mappe of commerce: : wherein, the universall manner and matter of trade, is compendiously handled. The standerd and currant coines of sundry princes, observed. The reall and imaginary coines of accompts and exchanges, expressed. The naturall and artificiall commodities of all countries for transportation declared. The weights and measures of all eminent cities and townes of traffique, collected and reduced one into another; and all the meridian of commerce practised in the famous citie of London. Roberts, Lewes, 1596-1640. At London, : Printed by R.O. for Ralph Mabb., MDCXXXVIII. [1638]
1644 Netherlands Amsterdami, :Apud Iohannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu. Le theatre du monde ou Nouvel atlas : contenant les chartes et descriptions de tous les païs de la terre Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638. Amsterdami, :Apud Iohannem Guiljelmi F. Blaeu., Anno [MD]CXXXXIV. [1644-1646]
1661 England Londini Confessio fidei Claudii regis Aethiopiae Ludolf, Hiob, 1624-1704. Londini : Apud Thomam Roycroft ..., 1661.
1669 Germany Nürnberg Erasmi Francisci Guineischer und americanischer Blumen-Pusch: : welcher einen ergetzlichen Geruch mancherley mercklicher Eigenschafften, wunderlicher Thiere, Vögel, Fische, fremder Weisen, Sitten, Gebräuche selbiger Länder; u.a.m. imgleichen aller Königer in Peru und Mexico Geschichten und denckwürdigen Verrichtungen von sich streuet. : Nebenst beygedrucktem Anhang der, hiebey zugleich neu-auffgelegten, Michael Hemmersams sel. guineisch- und west-indianischen Reisebeschreibung.. Francisci, Erasmus, 1627-1694. Nürnberg, : In Verlegung Paul Fürstens, Kunst- und Buchh. Seel: Wittib und Erben. Gedruckt daselbst bey Christoph Gerhard,, Anno M.DC.LXIX. [1669]
1669 England London, England A short relation of the river Nile, : of its sourse and current; of its overflowing the campagnia of Ægypt, till it runs into the Mediterranean: and of other curiosities: Lobo, Jerónimo, 1596?-1678. London, : Printed for John Martyn, printer to the Royal Society and are to be sold at the sign of the Bell without Temple Bar,, 1669..
1670 Netherlands Amstelodami Philippi Cluverii Introductionis in universam geographiam, tam veterem quàm novam, libri VI. : Accessit P. Bertij Breviarium orbis terrarum.. Clüver, Philipp, 1580-1622. Amstelodami, : Apud Elzeuirios., 1670..
1670 England London, England Cosmography, : in four books. Containing the chorography and history of the whole world, and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof. Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. London, : Printed for Philip Chetwind,, anno dom. MDCLXX. [1670]
1670 England London, England Africa: being an accurate description of the regions of Aegypt, Barbary, Lybia, and Billedulgerid, : the land of Negroes, Guinee, Aethiopia, and the Abyssines, with all the adjacent islands, either in the Mediterranean, Atlantick, Southern, or Oriental Sea, belonging thereunto. With the several dnominations of their coasts, harbors, creeks, rivers, lakes, cities, towns, castles, and villages. Their customs, modes, and manners, languages, religions, and inexhaustible treasure; with their governments and policy, variety of trade and barter, and also of their wonderful plants, beasts, birds, and serpents. Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. London, : Printed by Tho. Johnson for the author, and are to be had at his house in White Fryers,, M.DC.LXX. [1670].
1670 England London, England A relation of the coasts of Africk called Guinee; : with a description of the countreys, manners and customs of the inhabitants; of the productions of the earth, and the merchandise and commodities it affords; with some historical observations upon the coasts. Being collected in a voyage made by the Sieur Villault, Escuyer, Sieur de Bellefond, in the years 1666, and 1667. Villault, Nicolas, sieur de Bellefond, 17th cent. London, : Printed for John Starkey at the Mitre in Fleet-street near Temple-Barr,, 1670.
1671 England London, England A geographical description of all the countries in the known world : As also of the greatest and famousest cities, and fabricks which have been, or are now remaining : whereunto are now added, an alphabetical-description of all the counties in England, and Wales; and of the four chiefest English plantations in America : Together with the rarest beasts, fowls, birds, fishes, and serpents which are least known amongst us : Collected out of the most approved authors ... Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. London : Printed by Tho. Milbourn for Robert Clavel, Tho. Passinger, William Cadman, William Whiswood, Tho. Sawbridge, and William Birch, 1671.
1674 England London, England Enquiries touching the diversity of languages and religions, through the chief parts of the world Brerewood, Edward, 1565?-1613. London : Printed for S.M.J.M. and H.H. and are to be sold by Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1674.
1674 England London, England Enquiries touching the diversity of languages and religions, through the chief parts of the world Brerewood, Edward, 1565?-1613. London : Printed for Samuel Mearne, John Martyn, and Henry Herringman, 1674.
1674 France Paris, France Recueil de divers voyages faits en Afrique et en l'Amerique, qui n'ont point esté encore publiez; : contenant l'origine, les moeurs, les coûtumes & le commerce des habitans de ces deux parties du monde. Avec des traitez curieux touchant la Haute Ethyopie, le débordement du Nil, la mer Rouge, & le Prete-Jean. Le tout enrichi de figures, & de cartes geographiques, qui servent à l'intelligence des choses contenuës en ce volume..   A Paris, : Chez Louïs Billaine, dans la Grand' Salle du Palais, au second pillier, au grand Cesar., M.DC.LXXIV. [1674]
1677 England London, England Cosmography in four books. : Containing the chorography and history of the whole world: and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof. Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. London: : Printed by A[ndrew]. C[larke]. [and Thomas Dawks] for P. Chetwind, and A. Seile, and are to be sold by T. Basset, J. Wright, R. Chiswel, and T. Sawbridge., M DC LXX VII. [1677]
1678 England London, England A description of the island of Jamaica : with the other isles and territories in America, to which the English are related, viz. Barbadoes, St. Christophers, Nievis, or Mevis, Antego, St. Vincent, Dominica, Montserrat, Anguilla, Barbada, Bermudes, Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, New-York, New-England, New-Found-Land Blome, Richard, d. 1705. London : Printed by J.B. for Dorman Newman, at the Kings-Arms in the Poultrey, 1678.
1679 England London, England A brief account of the rebellions and bloudshed occasioned by the anti-Christian practices of the Jesuits and other popish emissaries in the empire of Ethiopia. Wansleben, Johann Michael, 1635-1679. London, : Printed, and are to be sold by Jonathan Edwin, at the sign of the Three Roses in Ludgate-street,, 1679.
1680 France A Lyon, et se vend à Paris Relation curieuse et nouvelle d'un voyage de Congo. : Fait és années 1666. & 1667. Guattini, Michele Angelo, d. 1668. A Lyon, : Chez Thomas Amaulry, libraire, ruë Mercière, à la Victoire., M.DC.LXXX. [1680]
1680 England London, England Certain considerations relating to the Royal African Company of England. : In which, the original, growth, and national advantages of the Guiney trade, are demonstrated: as also that the same trade cannot be carried on, but by a company and joint-stock.   [London, England? : s.n.], Printed in the year, MDCLXXX. [1680]
1681 Germany Francofurti ad Moenum Jobi Ludolfi aliàs Leut-holf dicti Historia Aethiopica, sive Brevis & succincta descriptio regni Habessinorum, quod vulgò malè Presbyteri Johannis vocatur. : In qua libris quatuor agitur ... cum tabulâ capitum, & indicibus necessariis.. Ludolf, Hiob, 1624-1704. Francofurti ad Moenum : Prostat apud Joh. David Zunner. : Typis Balthasaris Christophori Wustii Sen., A.S.C. MDCLXXXI. [1681]
1681 France A Lyon, et se vend à Paris Le grand dictionaire historique, : ou Le mélange curieux de l'histoire sacrée et profane, qui contient en abregé les vies des patriarches, des juges et des rois de l'Ancien Testament ... Celles des empeurs [sic] de Rome, de Grece, d'Alemagne ... Il fait aussi remarquer le plus importans traitez des auteurs, les opinions particulieres des philosophes; & les principaux dogmes des heresiarques; et comprend la description des etats, empires, royaumes ... avec l'histoire des Conciles Generaux & particuliers, des synodes ... le nom, l'etablissement, la propagation des ordres religieux & militaires, la vie de leurs fondateurs; les genealogies, & les actions memorables de plusiers familles illustres; et l'histoire fabuleuse des dieux, & des heros de l'antiquité payenne .... Moréri, Louis, 1643-1680. A Lyon, et se vend à Paris, : Chez Denys Thierry, ruë saint Jacques, devant la ruë du Plâtre, à l'Enseigne de la Ville de Paris., M. DC. LXXXI [1681]..
1682 England London, England Cosmography : in four books. Containing the chorography and history of the whole world: and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and the isles there of. Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. London, : Printed for P.C.T. Passenger at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, B. Tooke at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and T. Sawbridge at the Three Flower de Luces in Little-Britain,, MDCLXXXII. [1682]
1682 England London, England A new history of Ethiopia. Being a full and accurate description of the kingdom of Abessinia, vulgarly, though erroneously called the empire of Prester John. In four books. Wherein are contained I. An account of the nature, quality and condition of the country, and inhabitants; their mountains, metals and minerals; their rivers, (particularly of the source of the Nile and Niger;) their birds, beasts, amphibious animals, (as the river horse and crocodile;) serpents, &c. II. Their political government; the genealogy and succession of their Kings; a description of their court, and camp; their power and military discipline; their courts of justice, &c. III. Their ecclesiastical affairs; their conversion to the Christian religion, and the propagation thereof, their sacred writings, their sacraments, rites, ceremonies, and church discipline; the decrease of the romish religion, their contentions with the Jesuits, their separation from the Greek Church, &c. IV. Their private oeconomy, their books and learning; their common names, their dyet, marriages, and polygamies, their mechanick arts, and trades, their burials, their merchandize and commerce, &c. Illustrated with copper plates. Ludolf, Hiob, 1624-1704. London, : Printed for Samuel Smith bookseller, at the Prince's Arms in St. Pauls Church-yard,, 1682..
1683 Netherlands Amsterdam Les imposteurs insignes ou Histoires de plusieurs hommes de néant, de toutes nations, qui ont usurpé la qualité d'empereurs, roys & princes: : des guerres qu'ils ont causé, accompagnées de plusieurs curieuses circonstances. Rocoles, Jean-Baptiste de, 1620-1696. A Amsterdam, : Chez Abraham Wolfgang, prés de la Bourse,, 1683.
1684 England London, England A new history of Ethiopia. Being a full and accurate description of the kingdom of Abessinia. Vulgarly, though erroneously, called the Empire of Prester John. In four books. Wherein are contained, I. An account of the nature, quality, and condition of the country; and inhabitants; their mountains, metals, and minerals; their rivers, (particularly, of the source of the Nile and Niger;) their birds, beasts, amphibious animals, (as the rever-horse and crocodile;) serpents, &c.II. Their political government; the genealogy and succession of their Kings; a description of their court, and camp; their power and military discipline;... III. Their ecclesiastical affairs; their conversion to the Christian religion, and the propagation thereof, their sacred writings, their sacraments, rites, ceremonies, and church-discipline; the decrease of the romish religion, ... IV. Their private oeconomy, their books and learning, their common names, their diet, marriages, and polygamies; their mechanick arts and trades; ... Illustrated with copper plates. Ludolf, Hiob, 1624-1704. London, : Printed for Samuel Smith bookseller, at the Princes Arms in St. Paul's Church Yard., 1684..
1684 France Paris, France Nouvelle histoire d'Abissinie, ou d'Ethiopie, Ludolf, Hiob, 1624-1704. A Paris, : Chez la veuve A. Cellier, ruë de la Harpe, à l'imprimerie Des Roziers., M.DC.LXXXIV. [1684]
1688 England London, England A geographical dictionary : representing the present and ancient names of all the countries, provinces, remarkable cities ... and rivers of the whole world: their distances, longitudes and latitudes. With a short historical account of the same; and their present state: to which is added an index of the ancient and Latin names ... Bohun, Edmund, 1645-1699. London : printed for Charles Brome, at the gun, at the west-end of St. Pauls, 1688.
1689 France Paris, France Voyages de Mr. de Thevenot : tant en Europe qu'en Asie & en Afrique divisez en trois parties, qui comprement cinq volumes. Premiere parties qui comprend le voiage de Levant. ... Thévenot, Jean de, 1633-1667. A Paris : Chez Charles Angot, libraire juré, ruë Saint Jacques, au Lyon d'Or. MDCLXXXIX. Avec privilege du Roy., [1689]
1691 Germany Francofurti ad Moenum Jobi Ludolfi aliàs Leutholf dicti ad suam Historiam Aethiopicam antehac editam commentarius : in quo multa breviter dicta fusius narrantur ... cum tabula capitum, figuris, & variis indicibus ... Ludolf, Hiob, 1624-1704. Francofurti ad Moenum : Sumptibus Johannis David Zunneri. : Typis Martini Jacqueti., Anno Christi MDCXCI. [1691]
1693 England London, England Geography rectified: : or, A description of the vvorld, in all its kingdoms, provinces, countries, islands, sities, towns, seas, rivers, bays, capes, ports; their ancient and present names, inhabitants, situations, histories, customs, governments, &c. As also their commodities, coins, weights, and measures, compared with those at London. Illustrated with seventy eight maps. The whole work performed according to the more accurate observations and discoveries of modern authors. Morden, Robert, d. 1703. London: : Printed for Robert Morden and Thomas Cockerill, at the Atlas in Cornhill, and at the Three Legs in the Poultrey, over against the Stocks-Market., MDCXCIII [1693]..
1694 England London, England The great historical, geographical and poetical dictionary; : being a curious miscellany of sacred and prophane history. Containing, in short, the lives and most remarkable actions of the patriarchs, judges, and kings of the Jews ... The genealogy of several illustrious families in Europe. The fabulous history of the heathen gods and heroes. The description of empires, kingdoms, common-wealths ... The whole being full of remarks and curious enquiries, for the illustration of several difficulties in theology, history, chronology and geography. Moréri, Louis, 1643-1680. London, : printed for Henry Rhodes, near Bride-Lane in Fleetstreet; Luke Meredith, at the Star in St. Paul's Church-Yard; John Harris, at the Harrow in the Poultry; and Thomas Newborough, at the Golden-Ball in St. Paul's Church-Yard,, MDCXCIV [1694]..
1695 England London, England A geographical dictionary : representing the present and antient names and states of all the countries, kingdoms, provinces, remarkable cities ... and rivers of the whole world. Their distances, longitudes, and latitudes, with a short historical account of the same, and a general index of the antient and Latin names Bohun, Edmund, 1645-1699. London : printed for Charles Brome, at the gun at the west end of St. Pauls, 1695.
1695 England London, England The present state of the empire of Morocco. : With a faithful account of the manners, religion, and government of that people. Pidou de Saint-Olon, Monsieur (François), 1646-1720. London: : Printed for R. Bently, at the Post-Office in Russel-street in Covent-Garden; W. Freeman, at the Bible against the Middle-Temple in Fleet-street; and S. Manship, at the Ship in Corn-hill,, 1695..
1696 England London, England The church-history of Ethiopia. : Wherein, among other things, the two great splendid Roman missions into that empire are placed in their true light. : To which are added, an epitome of the Dominican history of that church. And an account of the practices and conviction of Maria of the Annunciation, the famous nun of Lisbon. Geddes, Michael, 1650?-1713. London: : Printed for Ri. Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard., MDCXCVI. [1696]
1698 England London, England The history of Portugal, : from the first ages of the world, to the late great revolution, under King John IV. in the year MDCXL. Faria e Sousa, Manuel de, 1590-1649. London, : Printed for W. Rogers and Abel Roper, in Fleet-Street; J. Harris and J. Nicholson, in Little-Britain; T. Newborough, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and T. Cockerill, in Pater-Noster-Row,, MDCXCVIII. [1698]
1698 England London, England A relation of a voyage made in the years 1695, 1696, 1697. : on the coasts of Africa, streights of Magellan, Brasil, Cayenna, and the Antilles, by a squadron of French men of war, under the command of M. de Gennes. Froger, François, b. 1676. London, : Printed for M. Gillyflower in Westminster Hall; W. Freeman, M. Wotton in Fleet-Street; J. Walthoe in the Temple; and R. Parker in Cornhill., 1698..
1698 France Paris, France Relation d'un voyage fait en 1695. 1696. & 1697. : aux côtes d'Afrique, détroit de Magellan, Brezil, Cayenne & isles Antilles, par une escadre des vaisseaux du roy, commandée par M. de Gennes. Froger, François, b. 1676. A Paris, : Imprimée par les soins & aux frais du sieur de Fer, geographe de Monseigneur le dauphin. Dans l'isle du Palais, sur le quay de l'Horloge, à la Sphere royale. : Et chez G. Saugrain dans la grande salle du Palais, à la Croix d'or., M.DC.XCVIII. [1698]
1698 England London, England The new atlas : or, Travels and voyages in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, thro' the most renowned parts of the world, viz. from England to the Dardanelles, thence to Constantinople, Ægypt, Palestine, or the Holy Land, Syria, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, Persia, East-India, China, Tartary, Muscovy, and by Poland; the German Empire, Flanders and Holland, to Spain and the West-Indies; with a brief account of Æthiopia, and the pilgrimages to Mecha and Medina in Arabia, containing what is rare and worthy of remarks in those vast countries; relating to building, antiquities, religion, manners, customs, princes, courts, or affairs military and civil, or whatever else or any kind is worthy of note. Performed by an English gentleman, in nine years travel and voyages, more exact than ever. T. C. London : Printed for J. Cleave in Chancery-Lane near Serjeant's Inn, and A. Roper at the Black Boy in Fleet-Street, 1698.
1699 England London, England The history of the bucaniers of America; : from their first original down to this time; written in several languages; and now collected into one volume ... Exquemelin, A. O. (Alexandre Olivier) London: : printed for Tho. Newborough at the Golden Ball in St. Paul's Church Yard, John Nicholson at the King's Arms in Little Britain, and Benj. Tooke at the Middle Temple Gate, Fleestreet[sic]., 1699..
1700 Netherlands Amsterdam Historie der boecaniers, of vrybuyters van America. : Van haar eerste beginzelen tot deze tegenwoordige tyd toe. : Met figuuren.. Exquemelin, A. O. (Alexandre Olivier) t'Amsterdam, : By Nicolaas ten Hoorn, boekverkooper, over 't oude heeren logement,, 1700..
1700 England London, England Geography rectified: or, A description of the world, : in all its kingdoms, provinces, countries, islands, cities, towns, seas, rivers, bays, capes, ports; their ancient and present names, inhabitants, situations, customs, governments, &c. As also their commodities, coins, weights, and measures, compared with those at London. Illustrated with seventy eight maps. The whole work performed according to the more accurate observations and discoveries of modern authors. Morden, Robert, d. 1703. London: : Printed for R. Morden and T. Cockerill, and are to be sold by M. Fabian in Mercers-Chappel-Porch in Cheapside, and Ralph Smith at the Bible under the Exchange in Cornhill., MDCC [1700]..
1703 Netherlands Amsterdam Atlas. Danckerts, Justus, 1635-1701. Tot Amsterdam : Bij Iustus Danckers in de Calverstraet inde Dancbaerheijt, [1703?]
1703 England London, England Cosmography : in four books. Containing the chorography and history of the whole world: and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof. Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. London, : Printed for Edw. Brewster, Ric. Chiswell, Benj. Tooke, Tho. Hodgkin, and Tho. Bennet., MDCCIII. [1703]
1704 England London, England The history of the bucaniers of America; : from the first original down to this time; written in several languages; and now collected into one volume ... Exquemelin, A. O. (Alexandre Olivier) London: : printed for Tho. Newborough at the Golden-Ball in St. Paul's Church-Yard, John Nicholson at the King's-Arms in Little-Britain, and Benj. Tooke at the Middle-Temple-Gate, Fleetstreet., 1704..
1705 England London, England A new and accurate description of the coast of Guinea : divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory coasts. Containing a geographical, political and natural history of the kingdoms and countries: with a particular account of the rise, progress and present condition of all the European settlements upon that coast; and the just measures for improving the several branches of the Guinea trade. Illustrated with several cutts Bosman, Willem. London : Printed for J. Knapton, A. Bell, R. Smith, D. Midwinter, W. Haws, W. Davis, G. Strahan, B. Lintott, J. Round, and J. Wale, 1705.
1705 England London, England Navigantium atque itinerantium bibliotheca: or, A compleat collection of voyages and travels: : consisting of above four hundred of the most authentick writers; beginning with Hackluit, Purchass, &c. in English; Ramusio in Italian; Thevenot, &c. in French; De Bry, and Grynæi Novus orbis in Latin; the Dutch East-India Company in Dutch: and continued, with others of note ... relating to any part of Asia, Africa, America, Europe or the Islands thereof, to this present time ... Also, an appendix, of the remarkable accidents at sea ... the charters, acts of Parliament, &c. about the East-India trade ... To which is prefixed, a history of the peopling of the several parts of the world, and particularly of America ...   London: : Printed for Thomas Bennet, at the Half-Moon, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; John Nicholson, at the King's-Arms, in Little-Britain; and Daniel Midwinter, at the Rose and Crown, in St. Paul's Church-Yard., MDCCV. [1705]
1706 Netherlands Leyden De gedenkwaardige voyage van Andries Battell : van leigh in Essex, na Brasilien, en desselfs Wonderlijke Avontuuren, zijnde gevangen gebragt van de Portugijsen na Angola, alwaar en waar ontrent hy by-na 18. Jaren gewoond heeft. Ao. 1589. en vervolgens.... Battell, Andrew. Leyden : By Pieter Vander Aa, 1706.
1709 England London, England A voyage to Aethiopia, made in the years 1698, 1699, and 1700. : Describing particularly that famous empire; as also the kingdoms of Dongola, Sennar, part of Egypt, &c. With the natural history of those parts. Poncet, Charles Jacques, d. 1706. London, : Printed for W. Lewis at the Dolphin, next Tom's Coffee-House in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden,, 1709..
1711 England London, England Atlas geographus; or, A compleat system of geography, ancient and modern : Containing what is of most use in Bleau, Varenius, Cellarius, Cluverius, Baudrand, Brietius, Sanson, &c. With the discoveries and improvements of the best modern authors to this time. Illustrated with about 100 new maps, done from the latest observations, by Herman Moll, geographer; and many other cuts, by the best artists. Vol. I[-V].   [London] In the Savoy : Printed by John Nutt; and sold by Benjamin Barker and Charles King [and five others], 1711-1717.
1716 Netherlands Amsterdam Supplement aux anciennes editions du Grand dictionaire historique de mre. Louis Moreri. : Ou le mélange curieux de l'histoire sacrée et profane qui contient en abregé les vies et les actions remarquables des patriarches, des juges, des roi des Juifs, des Papes, des saints Peres & anciens Docteurs Orthodoxes; des evêques, des cardinaux, & autre prélats célebres; des héresiarques & des schismatiques, avec leurs principaux dogmes: Des empereurs, des roi, des princes illustres, & des grands capitaines: des auteurs anciens & modernes, des philosophes, des inventeurs des arts, & de ceux qui se sont rendus recommandables, en toutes sortes de professions ... L'établissement et le progrés des ordres religieux & militaires, & la vie de leurs fondateurs. Les genealogies de plusieurs familles illustres de France & d'autre Païs. L'histoire fabuleuse des dieux, et des héros de l'antiquité payenne. La description des empires, royaumes, républiques ... avec l'histoire des Conciles Generaux & particuliers, sous le nom des lieux où ils ont été tenus. Le tout enrichi de remarques & de recherches curieuses, pour l'éclaircissement des difficultez de l'histoire, de la chronologie, & de la géographie. Tome premier[-Tome second]..   A Amsterdam : Chez Pierre Brunel, R. & G. Wetstein, David Mortier, Pierre de Coup. ; A la Haye : Chez Adrian Moetjens, L. & H. Van Dole. ; A Utrecht : Chez Guillaume Vande Water., M DCC XVI [1716]..
1717 Netherlands Amsterdam Le grand dictionaire historique, : ou Le mélange curieux de l'histoire sacrée et profane, qui contient en abregé les vies et les actions remarquables des patriarches, des juges, des rois des Juifs, des Papes, des saints Peres & anciens Docteurs Orthodoxes; des evêques, des cardinaux, & autres prélats célebres; des héresiarques & des schismatiques, avec leurs principaux dogmes: Des empereurs, des rois, des princes illustres, & des grands capitaines: des auteurs anciens & modernes, des philosophes, des inventeurs des arts, & de ceux qui se sont rendus recommandables, en toutes sortes de professions ... L'etablissement et le progrès des ordres religieux & militaires, & la vie de leurs fondateurs. Les genealogies de plusieurs familles illustres de France & d'autres Païs. L'histoire fabuleuse des dieux, et des héros de l'antiquité païenne. La description des empires, royaumes, républiques ... Avec l'histoire des Conciles Géneraux & particuliers, sous le nom des lieux où ils ont été tenus. Le tout enrichi de remarques & de recherches curieuses, pour l'éclaircissement des difficultez de l'histoire, de la chronologie, & de la géographie. Moréri, Louis, 1643-1680. A Amsterdam : Chez Pierre Brunel, R. & G. Wetstein, David Mortier, Pierre de Coup. ; A la Haye : Chez Adrien Moetjens, L. & H. Van Dole. ; A Utrecht : Chez Guillaume Vande Water., M DCC XVII [1717]..
1721 England London, England A new and accurate description of the coast of Guinea : divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory coasts. Containing a geographical, political and natural history of the kingdoms and countries: with a particular account of the rise, progress, and present condition of all the Europian settlements upon that coast; and the just measures for improving the several branches of the Guinea trade. Illustrated with several cuts Bosman, Willem. London : Printed by J. Knapton, D. Midwinter, B. Lintot, G. Strahan, J. Round, and E. Bell, 1721.
1721 England London, England A new general atlas, containing a geographical and historical account of all the empires, kingdoms, and other dominions of the world: : with the natural history and trade of each country. Taken from the best authors, particularly Cluverius, Brietius, Cellarius, Bleau ... : to which is prefix'd an introduction to geography, rendring the principal parts of that science easy, and containing all that is necessary for the ready understanding of maps. Together with a copious alphatbetical index. The maps, which are all engraven or revised by Mr. Senex, are laid down according to the observations communicated to the English Royal Society, the French Royal Academy of Sciences, and those made by the latest travellers: and the descriptions suited to the course of each map, which has not been observed in any other atlas. Senex, John, d. 1740. London: : Printed for Daniel Browne without Temple-Bar, Thomas Taylor over-against Serjeants-Inn in Fleet-Street, John Darby in Bartholomew-Close, John Senex in Salisbury-Court, William Taylor in Pater-Noster-Row, Joseph Smith in Exeter-Change, Andrew Johnston engraver in Round-Court, William Bray next the Fountain-Tavern in the Strand, Edward Symon in Cornhill., M.DCC.XXI [1721]..
1723 England London, England The compleat geographer: or, The chorography and topography of all the known parts of the earth. : To which is premis'd an introduction to geography, and a natural history of the earth and the elements. Containing a true and perfect account of I. The situation, bounds and extent, climate, soil, productions, history, trade, manufactures: the religion, manners and customs of the people ... II. The several provinces that every kingdom or state is divided into. III. The principal cities ... all necessary pieces of natural history. : The whole containing the substance of at least an hundred and fifty books of modern travels, faithfully abstracted ... : To which are added maps of every country, fairly engraven on copper, according to the latest surveys ... most engrav'd by Herman Moll.   London, : printed for J. Knapton ... [and 20 others], 1723.
1725 Belgium En Amberes [Antwerp] El atlas abreviado, ò Compendiosa geographia del mundo antiguo, y nuevo ... : Ilustrada con quarenta y dos mapas ... Afferden, Francisco de, 1653-1709. En Amberes [Antwerp] : por viuda de Henrico Verdussen, mercadera de libros, 1725.
1725 France Paris, France Le grand dictionnaire historique : ou, Le mélange curieux de l'histoire sacreé et profane: qui contient en abregé l'histoire fabuleuse des dieux & des heros de l'antiquité payenne: les vies et les actions remarquables des patriarches; des juges; des rois des Juifs; des papes; des saints martyrs & confesseurs; des Peres de l'Eglise, & des Docteurs Orthodoxes; des evêques; des cardinaux & autres prélats celebres; des heresiarques & des schismatiques; avec leurs principaux dogmes. Des empereurs, des rois, des princes illustres; & des grands capitaines: des auteurs anciens & modernes; des philosophes; des inventeurs des arts, & de ceux qui se sont rendus recommandables en toute sorte de professions ... L'établissement et le progrés des ordres religieux & militaires; & la vie de leurs fondateurs: les genealogies de plusieurs familles illustres de France, & d'autres pays: la description des empires, royaumes, republiques ... L'histoire des Conciles Generaux & particuliers, sous le nom des lieux où ils ont été tenus. Le tout enrichi de remarques, de dissertations & de recherches curieuses, pour l'éclaircissement des difficultez de l'histoire, de la chronologie & de la géographie, tirées de differens auteurs, & sur tout du dictionnaire critique de M. Bayle. / Par Mre. Louis Moreri, prêtre, docteur en theologie. Tome I[-Tome VI].. Moréri, Louis, 1643-1680. A Paris : Chez Denys Mariette, ruë S. Jacques, au coin de la ruë des Noyers, à S. Augustin & à l'Ecu de Venise., MDCCXXV [1725]..
1726 England London, England The four years voyages of Capt. George Roberts : being a series of uncommon events, which befell him in a voyage to the islands of the Canaries, Cape de Verde, and Barbadoes, from whence he was bound to the coast of Guiney ... together with observations on the minerals, mineral waters, metals, and salts, and of the nitre with which some of these islands abound Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and J. Osborn, 1726.
1726 England London, England A history of the voyages and travels of Capt. Nathaniel Uring. : With new draughts of the Bay of Honduras and the Caribbee Islands; and particularly of St. Lucia, and the harbour of Petite Carenage; into which ships may run in bad weather, and be safe from all winds and storms. Very useful for masters of ships that use the Leeward Island trade, or Jamaica. Uring, Nathaniel. London: : Printed by W. Wilkins, for J. Peele, at Locke's Head in Pater-noster-Row., 1726.
1727 Netherlands Amsterdam Voyages de Mr. de Thevenot : en Europe, Asie & Afrique. Divisez en trois parties, contenant cinq tomes. ... Thévenot, Jean de, 1633-1667. A Amsterdam, : Chez Michel Charles le Céne,, M. DCC. XXVII. [1727]
1728 France Paris, France Nouvelle relation de l'Afrique occidentale: : contenant une description exacte du Senegal & des païs situés entre le Cap-Blanc & la riviere de Serrelionne, jusqu'à plus de 300. lieuës en avant dans les terres. L'histoire naturelle de ces païs, les differentes nations qui y sont répanduës, leurs religions & leurs mœurs. Avec l'état ancien et présent des compagnies qui y font le commerce. Ouvrage enrichi de quantite' de cartes, de plans, & de figures en taille-douce. Labat, Jean Baptiste, 1663-1738. A Paris. : Chez Pierre-François Giffart, ruë Saint Jacques, à Sainte Therese., M.DCC.XXVIII. [1728]
1728 England London, England A complete history of Algiers. : To which is prefixed, an epitome of the general history of Barbary, from the earliest times: interspersed with many curious passages and remarks, not touched on by any writer whatever. Morgan, J., fl. 1739. London, : printed by J. Bettenham; for A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lion in Pater-Noster-Row., [1728-]M.DCC.XXXI [1731]..
1729 England London, England Madagascar: : or, Robert Drury's journal, during fifteen years captivity on that island ... The whole is a faithful narrative of matters of fact, interspers'd with variety of surprising incidents, and illustrated with a sheet map of Madagascar, and cuts. Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. London: : printed, and sold by W. Meadows, at the Angel in Cornhill; J. Marshall, at the Bible in Newgate-Street; T. Worrall, at the Judge's Head in Fleet Street; and by the author, at Old Tom's Coffee-House in Birchin Lane., 1729.
1731 England London, England The present state of the Cape of Good-Hope: ... Kolb, Peter, 1675-1726. London: : Printed for W. Innys and R. Manby, at the west end of St. Paul's., MDCCXXXVIII. [1738]
1731 Netherlands Amsterdam Voyage du chevalier Des Marchais en Guinée, isles voisines, et a Cayenne, fait en 1725, 1726 & 1727. : Contenant une description très exacte & très étenduë de ces païs, & du commerce qui s'y fait. Enrichi d'un grand nombre de cartes & de figures en taille douces. Labat, Jean Baptiste, 1663-1738. A Amsterdam, : aux dépens de la Compagnie., M.DCC.XXXI. [1731]
1733 England London, England The ceremonies and religious customs of the various nations of the known world: : together with historical annotations, and several curious discourses equally instructive and entertaining ... Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde. English. London: : Printed by William Jackson, for Claude Du Bosc, engraver at the Golden Head in Charles-Street, Covent Garden., M.DCC.XXXIII-M.DCC.XXXIX. [1733-1739]
1734 England London, England A new account of some parts of Guinea, and the slave-trade : containing I. The history of the late conquest of the kingdom of Whidaw by the king of Dahomè. The author's journey to the conqueror's camp; where he saw several captives sacrificed, &c. II. The manner how the Negroes become slaves. The numbers of them yearly exported from Guinea to America. The lawfullness of that trade. The mutinies among them on board the ships where the author has been, &c. III. A relation of the author's being taken by pirates, and the many dangers he underwent. Snelgrave, William. London: : Printed for James, John, and Paul Knapton, at the Crown in Ludgate-Street., 1734.
1735 England London, England A voyage to Abyssinia. Lobo, Jerónimo, 1596?-1678. London: : Printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch at the Red-Lyon in Paternoster-Row., MDCCXXXV. [1735]
1735 France Paris, France Supplement au Grand dictionaire historique, genealogique, geographique, &c. de M. Louis Moreri, : pour servir à la derniere édition de l'an 1732 & aux précédentes. Tome premier[-Tome second]..   A Paris, : Chez Jacques Vincent, rue & vis-à-vis l'Eglise S. Severin, à l'Ange. Jean Baptiste Coignard. Pierre-Gilles Lemercier. Jean-Thomas Herissant. rue S. Jacques., M. D. CC. XXXV [1735]..
1738 England London, England The present state of the Cape of Good-Hope: or, A particular account of the several nations of the Hottentots: : their religion, government, laws, customs, ceremonies, and opinions; their art of war, professions, language, genius, etc. Together with a short account of the Dutch settlement at the Cape. Kolb, Peter, 1675-1726. London: : Printed for W. Innys and R. Manby, at the west end of St. Paul's., MDCCXXXVIII. [1738]
1738 England London, England Travels into the inland parts of Africa: : containing a description of the several nations for the space of six hundred miles up the River Gambia; their trade, habits, customs, language, manners, religion and government; the power, disposition and characters of some Negro princes; with a particular account of Job Ben Solomon, a Pholey, who was in England in the year 1733, and known by the name of the African. ... Moore, Francis, fl. 1744. London: : Printed by Edward Cave, at St John's Gate, for the author, and sold by J. Stagg, in Westminster Hall; and at St John's Gate aforesaid., M,DCC,XXXVIII [1738]..
1740 Netherlands Amsterdam Le grand dictionaire historique, : ou, Le mêlange curieux de l'histoire sacreé et profane; qui contient en abregé, les vies et les actions remarquables des patriarches, des juges, des rois des Juifs, des Papes, des saints Péres & anciens Docteurs Orthodoxes; des evêques, des cardinaux, & autres prélats célébres; des hérésiarques & des schismatiques, avec leurs principaux dogmes: des empereurs, des rois, des princes illustres, & des grands capitaines: des auteurs anciens & modernes, des philosophes, des inventeurs des arts, & de ceux qui se sont rendus recommandables en toutes sortes de professions ... L'etablissement et le progrès des ordres religieux & militaires, & la vie de leurs fondateurs. Les genealogies de plusieurs familles illustres de France & d'autres païs. L'histoire fabuleuse des dieux, & des héros de l'antiquité payenne. La description des empires, royaumes, républiques ... avec l'histoire des Conciles Généraux & particuliers, sous le nom des lieux où ils ont été tenus. Le tout enrichi de remarques & de recherches curieuses, pour l'éclaircissement des difficultez de l'histoire, de la chronologie, & de la géographie. Moréri, Louis, 1643-1680. A Amsterdam : Chez P. Brunel [and 10 others]. ; A Leyden, : Chez S. Luchtmans & C. Haak. ; A la Haye, : Chez P. Gosse [and 5 others]. ; A Utrecht, : Chez E. Néaulme. Libraires., M. DCC. XL [1740]..
1742 England London, England An historical dictionary of all religions from the creation of the world to this present time : Containing ... Broughton, Thomas, 1704-1774. London : Printed for C. Davis, over against Grays-Inn-Gate, Holbourn ; and T. Harris, on London-Bridge, 1742.
1744 France Paris, France Voyages du capitaine Robert Lade en differentes parties de l'Afrique, de l'Asie et de l'Amerique: : contenant l'histoire de sa fortune, & ses observations sur les colonies & le commerce des Espagnols, des Anglois, des Hollandois, &c. Prévost, abbé, 1697-1763. A Paris, : Chez Didot, quai des Augustins, à la Bible d'or., M.DCC.XLIV. [1744]
1744 England London, England Navigantium atque itinerantium bibliotheca. Or, A complete collection of voyages and travels. : Consisting of above six hundred of the most authentic writers ... whether published in English, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, high and low Dutch, or in any other European language. Containing whatever has been observed worthy of notice in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ... To which is prefixed a copious introduction, comprehending the rise and progress of the art of navigation ...   London: : Printed for T. Woodward, A. Ward, S. Birt, D. Browne, T. Longman, R. Hett, C. Hitch, H. Whitridge, S. Austen, J. Hodges, J. Robinson, B. Dod, T. Harris, J. Hinton, and J. Rivington., M.DCC.XLIV-M.DCC.XLVIII. [1744-1748]
1745 England London, England A new voyage to Guinea : describing the customs, manners, soil, climate, ... Likewise, an account of their animals, minerals, &c. ... With an alphabetical index Smith, William, surveyor London : printed for John Nourse, MDDCXLV [i.e. 1745].
1745 England London, England A new general collection of voyages and travels: : consisting of the most esteemed relations, which have been hitherto published in any language: comprehending every thing remarkable in its kind, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ... so as to form a compleat system of modern geography and history, exhibiting the present state of all nations; illustrated not only with charts ... and maps ... but likewise with variety of plans ... selected from the most authentic travellers, foreign as well as English. : Published by His Majesty's authority..   London: : printed for Thomas Astley, in Pater-Noster-Row., 1745-1747.
1747 England London, England A complete system of geography : Being a description of all the countries, islands, cities, chief towns, harbours, lakes, and rivers, mountains, mines, &c. of the known world. Shewing the situation, extent, and boundaries of the several empires, kingdoms, republics, principalities, provinces, &c. their climate, soil, and produce ... Including the most material revolutions and changes that have happen'd in every state ... : In two volumes Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767. London : printed for William Innys ... [and 15 others], 1747.
1748 England London, England The adventures of Sigr. Gaudentio di Lucca : Being the substance of his examination before the fathers of the Inquisition at Bologna in Italy : giving an account of an unknown country in the midst of the deserts of Africa, the origine and antiquity of the people, their religion, customs, polity, and laws Berington, Simon, 1680-1755. London : Printed for W. Innys in Pater-noster Row, and R. Manby and H.S. Cox on Ludgate-Hill. And sold by M. Cooper on Pater-Noster Row, 1748.
1750 England London, England A compleat history of the piratical states of Barbary : viz. Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, and Morocco. Containing the origin, revolutions, and present state of these kingdoms, their forces, revenues, policy, and commerce. Illustrated with a plan of Algiers, and a map of Barbary   London : printed for R. Griffiths, 1750.
1752 England London, England A complete atlas, or Distinct view of the known world : exhibited in sixty-eight maps ... in which the latitude and longitude of the principal places in different countries are laid down, according to the latest discoveries Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767. London : printed for William Innys and Joseph Richardson ... [and 13 others], 1752.
1752 England London, England The history of the Portuguese, during the reign of Emmanuel: : containing all their discoveries, from the coast of Africk to the farthest parts of China; their battles by sea and land, their seiges, and other memorable exploits: with a description of those countries, and a particular account of the religion, government, and customs of the natives. Including also, their discovery of the Brazils, and their wars with the Moors. Osório, Jerónimo, 1506-1580. London: : Printed for A. Millar, in the Strand., MDCCLII. [1752].
1753 England London, England Curious observations : upon the manners, customs, usages, different languages, government, mythology, chronology, ancient and modern geography, ceremonies, religion, mechanics, astronomy, medicine, physics, natural history, commerce, arts and sciences, of the several nations of Asia, Africa, and America. Lambert, Claude-François, 1705-1765. London: : Printed for G. Woodfall, at the King's Arms, Charing-Cross; W. Russel, at Horace's Head, without Temple-Bar; and W. Meyer, in May's -Buildings, St. Martin's-Lane., [1753]
1754 Netherlands Amsterdam Memoires de Gaudence de Luques : prisonnier de l'Inquisition; augmentés de plusieurs cahiers qui avoient été perdus à la Douanne de Marseille Berington, Simon, 1680-1755. A Amsterdam et a Leipzig : Chez Arkste'e & Merkus, 1754.
1755 Denmark A Copenhague Voyage d'Egypte et de Nubie, Norden, Frederik Ludvig, 1708-1742. A Copenhague, : de l'imprimerie de la Maison royale des orphelins., MDCCLV [1755]..
1755 Ireland Dublin, Ireland Modern history: or, The present state of all nations. : Describing their respective situations, persons, habits, buildings, manners, laws and customs, religion and policy, arts and sciences, trades, manufactures and husbandry, rivers, mountains, plants, animals and minerals. In six volumes. Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767. Dublin: : Printed for William Williamson, bookseller, at Macaena's Head in Bride-street., 1755.
1756 England London, England An historical dictionary of all religions from the creation of the world to this present time : Containing ... Broughton, Thomas, 1704-1774. London : Printed for T. Osborne and J. SHipton, in Grays-Inn, 1756.
1756 England London, England A compendium of authentic and entertaining voyages, : digested in a chronological series. The whole exhibiting a clear view of the customs, manners, religion, government, commerce, and natural history of most nations in the known world. : Illustrated and adorned with a variety of genuine charts, maps, plans, heads, &c. curiously engraved. : In seven volumes. Smollett, Tobias George, 1721-1771 comp. London: : printed for R. and J. Dodsley; Jo. Rivington; Ja. Rivington and J. Fletcher; W. Johnston; W. Strahan; and T. Jefferys., 1756.
1757 England London, England Travels in Egypt and Nubia. Norden, Frederik Ludvig, 1708-1742. London, : printed for Lockyer Davis and Charles Reymers in Holborn; printers to the Royal Society., MDCCLVII [1757]..
1757 England London, England Travels in Egypt and Nubia. Norden, Frederik Ludvig, 1708-1742. London, : Printed for Lockyer Davis and Charles Reymers, in Holborn; printers to the Royal Society., MDCCLVII [1757]..
1757 England London, England Travels in Egypt and Nubia. Norden, Frederik Ludvig, 1708-1742. London, : Printed for Lockyer Davis and Charles Reymers, in Holborn; printers to the Royal Society., MDCCLVII [1757]..
1758 England London, England The importance of the African expedition considered: : with copies of the memorials, as drawn up originally, and presented to the ministry; to induce them to take possession of the French forts and settlements in the river Senagal, as well as all other on the coast of Africa. Postlethwayt, Malachy, 1707?-1767. London: : Printed by C. Say, in Newgate-Street; and sold by M. Cooper, in Pater-noster Row., 1758..
1758 England London, England The naval history of Great Britain; : with the lives of the most-illustrious admirals and commanders, from the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Interspersed with accounts of the most important discoveries made in the several parts of the world; and including all the great events of the present war, to the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty eight. : In four volumes. Vol. I ...[-Vol. IV ...]. Adorned with the heads of the principal admirals..   London, : Printed for James Rivington and James Fletcher, at the Oxford Theater in Pater-noster Row; and John Hinton, at the King's Arms in Newgate-street., MDCCLVIII [1779]..
1759 England London, England A voyage to Senegal, the isle of Goree, and the river Gambia Adanson, Michel, 1727-1806. London : Printed for J. Nourse and W. Johnston [sic], 1759.
1759 Ireland Dublin, Ireland A voyage to Senegal, the isle of Goree, and the river Gambia : By M. Adanson ... Translated from the French. With notes by an English gentleman, who resided some time in that country. Adanson, Michel, 1727-1806. Dublin : Printed for G. and A. Ewing, A. James, and H. Bradley, Booksellers, 1759.
1759 England London, England A universal geographical dictionary : or, Grand gazetteer; of general, special, antient and modern geography : including a comprehensive view of the various countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ... describing their soil, extent, and situation ... with the most remarkable events, accidents, and revolutions ... : Illustrated by a general map of the world, particular ones of the different quarters, and of the seat of the war in Germany Brice, Andrew, 1690-1773. London : printed for, and sold by, J. Robinson and W. Johnston, in Ludgate-Street; P. Davey and B. Law in Ave-Mary-Lane; and H. Woodgate and S. Brooks, in Pater-Noster Row, 1759.
1760 France Avignon Dictionnaire portatif, comprenant la géographie et l'histoire universelle, la chronologie, la mythologie, l'astronomie, la physique, l'histoire naturelle & toutes ses parties, la chimie, l'anatomie, l'hydrographie, et la marine .... Morenas, François, 1702-1774. A Avignon, : Chez Louis-Chambeau, imprimeur-libraire., 1760-1762.
1760 England London, England The Naval chronicle: : or, Voyages, travels, expeditions, remarkable exploits and atchievements, of the most celebrated English navigators, travellers, and sea-commanders, from the earliest accounts to the end of the year 1759: by whose wisdom, conduct, and intrepidity, the most useful and important discoveries have been made, and the British commerce extended, thro' Asia, Africa, and America: the many conquests they obtained over the Spaniards, French, and other nations: the unparalelled hardships and sufferings they underwent by shipwreck, famine, and the treachery and cruelty of their enemies. With a description of the religions, governments, customs, manners, commerce, and natural history of the several nations they visited, conquered, or had dealings with. Including the lives of the most eminent British admirals and seamen, who have distinguished themselves by their bravery and love of liberty. : In three volumes. Adorned with cuts.   London: : Printed for J. Fuller, bookseller, at his Lottery-Office, Newgate-street; I. Pottinger, Pater-noster-row; J. Cooke, in May-fair; and J. Ross, Middle-row, Holborn., M.DCC.LX. [1760].
1761 England London, England Lex mercatoria rediviva, or, The merchant's directory : Being a complete guide to all men in business ... Containing an account of our trading companies and colonies ... the duty of consuls, and the laws subsisting about aliens, naturalization and denization. To which is added a state of the present general traffick of the whole world ... Extracted from the works of the best writers at home and abroad; more especially from ... Messieurs Savary ... Beawes, Wyndham. London : Printed for R. Baldwin and S. Crowder and Co., 1761.
1761 Scotland Edinburgh The adventures of Sig. Gaudentio di Lucca : Being the substance of his examination before the fathers of the Inquisition at Bologna, in Italy: giving an account of an unknown country in the midst of the deserts of Africa, the origin and antiquity of the people, their religion, customs, and laws Berington, Simon, 1680-1755. Edinburgh : Printed by A. Dondaldson and J. Reid. For Alex. Donaldson, 1761.
1762 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa A short account of that part of Africa, inhabited by the Negroes : With respect to the fertility of the country; the good disposition of many of the natives, and the manner by which the slave trade is carried on. Benezet, Anthony, 1713-1784. Philadelphia : printed by W. Dunlap, in the year 1762.
1762 England London, England Coloniae Anglicanae illustratae: or, The acquest of dominion, and the plantation of colonies made by the English in America : with the rights of the colonists, examined, stated, and illustrated. Part I. ... Bollan, William, d. 1776. London : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1762.
1763 Pennsylvania Ephrata [Pa.] Eine kurtze Vorstellung des Theils von Africa, welches bewohnt wird von Negroes : darinnen beschrieben wird die Fruchtbarkeit desselben Landes, die Gutartigkeit dessen Einwohner, und wie man daselbst den Sclaven-Handel treibt Benezet, Anthony, 1713-1784. Ephrata [Pa.] : Drucks der Societät auf Kosten etlicher Freunden, Anno Domini 1763.
1763 France Paris, France Journal historique du voyage fait au Cap de Bonne-Espérance, La Caille, Nicolas Louis de, 1713-1762. A Paris, : chez Guillyn, libraire, Quai des Augustins, près le pont S. Michel, au Lys d'or., 1763.
1763 England London, England Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M---y W----y M-----e : written,during her travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, to persons of distinction, men of letters, &c. in different parts of Europe. Which contain, among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks; drawn from sources that have been inaccessible to other travellers. : Vol. I[-Vol. III].. Montagu, Mary Wortley, Lady, 1689-1762. London: : Printed for T. Becket and P.A. De Hondt, in the Strand., MDCCLXIII [1763]..
1763 England London, England The beauties of nature and art displayed in a tour through the world ... Illustrated and embellished with copperplates. Vol. I [-XIV].   London : Printed for J. Payne, 1763-1764.
1764 England London, England Essays. : I. On the populousness of Africa. II. On the trade at the forts on the Gold Coast. III. On the necessity of erecting a fort at Cape Appolonia. : Illustrated with a new map of Africa, from Cape Blanco to the Kingdom of Angola.. Hippisley, John, d. 1767. London, : Printed for T. Lownds, in Fleet Street., MDCCLXIV. [1764]
1766 England London, England The maps and charts to The modern part of the universal history. Modern part of An universal history. Maps. London : Printed for T. Osborne, A. Millar, J. Rivington, B. Law and Co., T. Longman, C. Ware, and S. Bladon, 1766.
1767 France Paris, France Mémoires géographiques, physiques et historiques. : Sur l'Asie, l'Afrique et l'Amérique. Tirés des lettres édifiantes, & des voyages des missionnaires Jesuites. Rousselot de Surgy, Jacques-Philibert, b. 1737. A Paris, : Chez Durand, neveu, libraire, rue Saint Jacques, à la Sagesse. M. D. CC. LXVII. Avec approbation & privilége du roi., [1767]
1767 England London, England A new collection of voyages, discoveries and travels: : containing whatever is worthy of notice, in Europe, Asia, Africa and America: in respect to the situation and extent of empires, kingdoms, and provinces; their climates, soil, produce &c. With the manners and customs of the several inhabitants, their government, religion, arts, sciences, manufactures, and commerce. The whole consisting of such English and foreign authors as are in most esteem; including the descriptions and remarks of some late celebrated travellers, not to be found in any other collection. Illustrated with a variety of accurate maps, plans, and elegant engravings. In seven volumes..   London: : Printed for J. Knox, near Southampton-Street, in the Strand., MDCCLXVII. [1767]
1768 Switzerland A Yverdon Voyages d'un philosophe, ou, Observations sur les moeurs & les arts des peuples de l'Afrique, de l'Asie et de l'Amerique.. Poivre, Pierre, 1719-1786. A Yverdon, : [s.n.], M. DCC. LXVIII. [1768].
1768 France Paris, France Considerations philosophiques de la gradation naturelle des formes de l'etre, ou Les essais de la nature qui apprend a faire l'homme. Robinet, J. B. (Jean Baptiste), 1735-1820. A Paris, : Chez Charles Saillant., MDCCLXVIII. [1768]
1769 England London, England Travels of a philosopher: or, Observations on the manner and arts of various nations in Africa and Asia. Poivre, Pierre, 1719-1786. London: : Printed for T. Becket and Co. in the Strand., M.DCC.LXIX. [1769].
1769 England London, England Travels of a philosopher. : Being observations on the customs, manners, arts, agriculture and trade of several nations in Asia and Africa. Poivre, Pierre, 1719-1786. London: : Printed for J. Davidson in the Strand., MDCCLXIX. [1769].
1770 England London, England The youth's geographical grammar : containing geographical definitions ... a description ... of all the countries in the known world ... To which is added I. An alphabetical index of kingdoms, states, and most considerable islands ... II. An alphabetical index of cities, market-towns, &c ... Addington, Stephen, 1729-1796. [London] : Printed for, and sold by the author, and J. Buckland, London, 1770.
1771 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Some historical account of Guinea : its situation, produce and the general disposition of its inhabitants. With an inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave-trade, its nature and lamentable effects. Also a re-publication of the sentiments of several authors of note, on this interesting subject; particularly an extract of a treatise, by Granville Sharp Benezet, Anthony, 1713-1784. Philadelphia : printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Third-Street, opposite the Work-house, 1771.
1771 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Some historical account of Guinea : its situation, produce and the general disposition of its inhabitants. With an inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave-trade, its nature and lamentable effects. Also a re-publication of the sentiments of several authors of note, on this interesting subject; particularly an extract of a treatise, by Granville Sharp Benezet, Anthony, 1713-1784. Philadelphia : printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Third-Street, opposite the Work-house, 1771.
1771 England London, England A general atlas of thirty-six new and correct maps Bowles, Carington, 1724-1793. London : printed for Carington Bowles, No. 69, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1771.
1771 England London, England The history of the bucaniers of America ... : Exhibiting a particular account and description of Porto Bello, Chagre, Panama, Cuba, Havanna, and most of the Spanish possessions on the coasts of the West Indies, and also all along the coasts of the South Sea; with the manner in which they have been invaded, attempted, or taken by these adventurers. Exquemelin, A. O. (Alexandre Olivier) London: : printed for T. Evans, in King-Street, Covent Garden; and Richardson and Urquhart, under the Royal Exchange., M.DCC.LXXI. [1771]
1772 England London, England Some historical account of Guinea : its situation, produce, and the general disposition of its inhabitants. With an inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave trade, its nature, and lamentable effects. Also a republication of the sentiments of several authors of note on this interesting subject: particularly an extract of a treatise written by Granville Sharpe Benezet, Anthony, 1713-1784. [London] : Philadelphia printed 1771. London: re-printed, and sold by W. Owen; and E. and C. Dilly, 1772.
1772 France Paris, France Atlas général, civil, ecclésiastique et militaire, méthodique et élémentaire pour l'étude de la géographie et de l'histoire : Ouvrage destiné specialement à l'instruction de la jeune noblesse de l'Ecole Royale Militaire. Adapté aux livres de géographie les plus suivis, entr'autres à ceux de Mm. l'Abbé Langlet du Frenoy ... et particulierement pour l'Abbé Nicole de la Croix ... Brion de la Tour, Louis. A Paris : Dirigé par le Sr. Desnos ... : A.P.D.R., 1772.
1772 England London, England A Treatise upon the trade from Great-Britain to Africa; : humbly recommended to the attention of government.   London: : Printed for R. Baldwin, No. 47, Pater-noster Row., M DCC LXXII. [1772]
1773 England Devizes The way to the temple of true honor and fame by the paths of heroic virtue; : exemplified in the most entertaining lives of the most eminent persons of both sexes; on the plan laid down by Sir William Temple in his Essay of heroic virtue. : In four volumes. Cooke, William, b. 1745 or 6. Devizes : Printed and sold by T. Burrough, bookseller; ; [London] : Sold also by L. Davis, over against Gray's-Inn-Gate, Holbourn, London., 1773.
1775 Netherlands Amsterdam L'antiquité devoilée par ses usages : ou Examen critique des principales opinions, cérémonies et institutions religieuses et politiques des différens peuples de la terre Boulanger, Nicolas Antoine. A Amsterdam : Chez Marc-Michel Rey, 1775.
1775 England London, England A voyage to the island of Mauritius, (or, Isle of France) the Isle of Bourbon, the Cape of Good Hope, &c. : With observations and reflections upon nature, and mankind. Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de, 1737-1814. London: : Printed for W. Griffin, no. 6, Catharine-Street, Strand., 1775.
1776 France Paris, France Histoire de Loango, Kakongo, et autres royaumes d'Afrique : rédigée d'après les mémoires des préfets apostoliques de la mission françoise; enrichie d'une carte utile aux navigateurs: dédiée a monsieur Proyart, abbé, 1743?-1808. A Paris : Chez C.P. Berton, Libraire. N. Crapart, Libraire ; A Lyon : Chez Bruyset-Ponthus, Imprimeur-Libraire, 1776 [de l'Imprimerie de P.G. Simon]
1777 England London, England A voyage to East-India; : wherein some things are taken notice of, in our passage thither, but many more in our abode there, within that rich and most spacious empire of the Great Mogul: mixt with some parallel observations and inferences upon the story, to profit as well as delight the reader. Reprinted from the edition of 1655. With copper-plates. Terry, Edward, 1590-1660. London: : Printed for J. Wilkie, No. 71, St. Paul's Church-Yard; W. Cater, No. 274, and S. Hayes, No. 92, Holborn; and E. Easton, at Salisbury., 1777.
1780 France Paris, France Abrégé de l'Histoire générale des voyages, : contenant ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable, de plus utile & de mieux avéré dans les pays où les voyageurs ont pénétré; les mœurs des habitans, la religion, les usages, arts & sciences, commerce, manufactures; enrichie de cartes géographiques & de figures. Histoire générale des voyages. Selections. A Paris, : Hôtel de Thou, rue des Poitevins., M.DCC.LXXX.-M.DCCC.I. [1780-1801]
1780 England London, England The new and universal system of geography: : being a complete modern history and description of the whole world. : Containing a particular, full, accurate, circumstantial, and entertaining account, including the antient and present state, of all the various countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, ... Including all the valuable discoveries made in the most remarkable voyages and travels to different parts of the world from the earliest times to the present year; ... Millar, George Henry. London: : printed for Alex. Hogg, No. 16, Pater-noster Row., [178-?]
1782 England London, England Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa; : describing characters, customs, manners, laws, and productions of nature and art: containing various remarks on the political and commercial interests of Great Britain: and delineating, in particular, a new system for the government and improvement of the British settlements in the East Indies: begun in the year 1777, and finished in 1781. In two volumes. Vol. I[-II]. Macintosh, William, 18th cent. London: : Printed for J. Murray, No. 32, Fleet-Street., MDCCLXXXII [1782]
1782 France Paris, France Voyages autour du monde, et vers les deux poles, par terre et par mer, : pendant les années 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1773, 1774, & 1776. Pagès, Monsieur de (Pierre Marie François), 1748-1793. A Paris, : Chez Moutard, imprimeur-libraire, rue des Mathurins, no. 334., M. DCC. LXXXII. [1782].
1783 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa An authentic narrative of some remarkable and interesting particulars in the life of Mr. Newton : Communicated, in a series of letters, to the Reverend Mr Haweis, Rector of Aldwinkle, Northamptonshire; and by him, at the request of friends, now made public. Newton, John, 1725-1807. [Philadelphia] : Printed in the year, 1783.
1783 Switzerland A Berne Voyages autour du monde, et vers les deux poles, par terre et par mer, : pendant les années 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1773, 1774, & 1776 Pagès, Monsieur de (Pierre Marie François), 1748-1793. A Berne, : Chez la Nouvelle Société Typographique, ; & a Lausanne, : Chez Jean-Pierre Heubach & Compagnie., 1783.
1784 England London, England Travels to the coast of Arabia Felix: and from thence by the Red-Sea and Egypt, to Europe. : Containing a short account of an expedition undertaken against the Cape of Good Hope. In a series of letters Rooke, Henry. London: : Printed for R. Blamire, in the Strand., M DCC LXXXIV. [1784]
1785 England London, England A voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antarctic polar circle, and round the world: : but chiefly into the country of the Hottentots and Caffres, from the year 1772, to 1776. Sparrman, Anders, 1748-1820. London: : Printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson, Pater-Noster-Row., 1785.
1785 Ireland Dublin, Ireland A voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antartic polar circle, and round the world: : but chiefly into the country of the Hottentots and Caffres, from the year 1772, to 1776. Sparrman, Anders, 1748-1820. Dublin: : Printed for Messrs. White, Cash, and Byrne., 1785.
1786 Ireland Dublin, Ireland Remarks on a tour through the different countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa; : giving a particular description of the characters, customs, manners and laws of each, with their natural and mechanical productions. The political and commercial interests of the English East India Company are accurately delineated ... a work of this kind becomes particularly interesting to the public, at a critical moment, in which a late governor of Bengal is called before the great tribunal of the British Parliament, to answer various charges of misconduct, founded in a great measure on this authentic and instructive narrative. In two volumes.. Macintosh, William, 18th cent. Dublin: : Printed by J. Jones, no. 39, College-Green., M,DCC,LXXXVI. [1786]
1786 England London, England A short sketch of temporary regulations (until better shall be proposed) for the intended settlement on the Grain Coast of Africa, near Sierra Leona. Sharp, Granville, 1735-1813. London: : Printed by H. Baldwin, Fleet-Street., 1786.
1787 England A Londres, et se trouve à Paris Tableau général du commerce de l'Europe, avec l'Afrique, les Indes Orientales et l'Amerique. : Fondé sur les traités de 1763 & 1783.   A Londres, et se trouve à Paris, : Chez Desenne, libraire, au Palai-Royal, no. 216, près le Théâtre des Variétés., 1787.
1788 England London, England An account of the slave trade on the coast of Africa. Falconbridge, Alexander, d. 1792. London: : printed by J. Phillips, George Yard, Lombard-Street., MDCCLXXXVIII. [1788]
1788 England London, England A voyage to the river Sierra-Leone, on the coast of Africa; : containing an account of the trade and productions of the country, and of the civil and religious customs and manners of the people; in a series of lettres to a friend in England. Matthews, John, lieutenant in the Royal Navy London: : printed for B. White and Son, at Horace's Head Fleet-Street; and J. Sewall, Cornhill., 1788.. (8vo)
1788 England London, England Observations on a Guinea voyage. : In a series of letters addressed to the Rev. Thomas Clarkson. Stanfield, James Field. London: : Printed by James Phillips, George-Yard, Lombard-Street., 1788.
1788 England London, England Travels through Syria and Egypt, : in the years 1783, 1784, and 1785. Containing the present natural and political state of those countries, their productions, arts, manufactures, and commerce; with observations on the manners, customs, and government of the Turks and Arabs. Illustrated with copper plates. Volney, C.-F. (Constantin-François), 1757-1820. London: : Printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson, Pater-Noster-Row., MDCCLXXXVIII. [1788]
1789 England London, England An account of the shipwreck and captivity of M. de Brisson : containing a description of the deserts of Africa, from Senegal to Morocco Brisson, Pierre-Raymond de, 1745-1820? London : Printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-yard, 1789.
1789 Switzerland A Genève Histoire du naufrage et de la capitivité de M. de Brisson : officier de l'administration des colonies; avec la description des déserts d'Afrique, depuis le Sénégal jusqu'à Maroc. Brisson, Pierre-Raymond de, 1745-1820? A Genève : Chez Barde, Manget & Compagnie, imprimeurs-libraires ; Et trouve à Paris : Chez Royez, libraire, quai des Augustins, 1789.
1789 France Paris, France Rapport fait a l'Assemblée nationale, au nom du Comité d'agriculture et de commerce, sur le commerce du Sénégal, France. Assemblée nationale constituante (1789-1791). Comité d'agriculture et de commerce A Paris, : De l'Imprimerie nationale., [1789]
1789 England Manchester [Eng.] Liberty or death. : A tract. By which is vindicated the obvious practicability of trading to the coasts of Guinea, for its natural products, in lieu of the slave-trade, much more to the interest of the merchants in particular, and the kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland in general. Lowe, John, Jun. Manchester [Eng.]: : Printed by J. Harrop., MDCCLXXXIX. [1789]
1789 England London, England Letters of the Right Honorable Lady M-y W--y M--e: written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, to persons of distinction, men of letters, &c. in different parts of Europe. Which contain among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks; drawn from sources that have been inaccessible to other travellers. To which are added, poems, by the same author. ; In two volumes. Vol. I[-Vol II].. Montagu, Mary Wortley, Lady, 1689-1762. London: : Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand; J. Murray, in Fleet-Street; and R. Baldwin, in Pater-noster Row., M DCC LXXXIX [1789]..
1789 England London, England Plan for a free community upon the coast of Africa, : under the protection of Great Britain; but intirely independent of all European laws and governments. With an invitation, under certain conditions, to all persons desirous of partaking the benefits thereof. : Embellished with a large and elegant view of Sierra Leona, on the coast of Guinea.. Nordenskiöld, August, 1754-1792. London: : Printed by R. Hindmarsh, printer to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, no. 32 Clerkenwell-Close., 1789..
1789 England London, England Memoirs of the reign of Bossa Ahádee : King of Dahomy, an inland country of Guiney. To which are added, the author's journey to Abomey, the capital; and A short account of the African slave trade Norris, Robert, d. 1791. London : printed for W. Lowndes, 1789.
1789 England London, England A narrative of four journeys into the country of the Hottentots, and Caffraria. : In the years one thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven, eight, and nine. Illustrated with a map, and seventeen copper-plates. Paterson, William, 1755-1810. London: : printed for J. Johnson, no. 72, St. Paul's Church-Yard., MDCCLXXXIX. [1789].
1789 Netherlands Amsterdam Description de la Nigritie. Pruneau de Pommegorge, Antoine Edme, 1720-1812. A Amsterdam et se trouve a Paris : Chez Maradan, libraire, rue des Noyers, no. 33., 1789.
1789 Scotland Perth [Scotland] A voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antartic polar circle, and round the world: : but chiefly into the country of the Hottentots and Caffres, from the year 1772, to 1776. Sparrman, Anders, 1748-1820. Perth [Scotland]: : Printed by R. Morison Junior, for R. Morison and Son, booksellers, Perth; G. Mudie, bookseller, Edinburgh; and J. Lackington, Moorfields, London., 1789.
1789 England London, England The Guinea voyage. : A poem. In three books. Stanfield, James Field. London: : Printed and sold by James Phillips, George-Yard, Lombard-Street., 1789.
1790 England London, England Memoirs and travels of Mauritius Augustus count de Benyowsky : ... Consisting of his military operations in Poland, his exile into Kamchatka, his escape and voyage from the peninsula through the northern Pacific Ocean, touching at Japan and Formosa, to Canton in China, with an account of the French settlement he was appointed to form upon the island of Madagascar Benyowsky, Maurice Auguste, comte de, 1746-1786. London : Printed for G.G.J and J. Robinson, Pater-Noster-Row, 1790.
1790 Ireland Dublin, Ireland Travels to discover the source of the Nile : in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 : In six volumes Bruce, James, 1730-1794. Dublin : Printed by William Sleater, for P. Wogan [and 12 others], 1790-1791.
1790 New York New York, N.Y. An interesting narrative of the travels of James Bruce, Esq. into Abyssinia, to discover the source of the Nile Bruce, James, 1730-1794. [New York] : London : Printed ; New-York : Re-printed for Berry and Rogers, Hanover-Square, 1790.
1790 Scotland Edinburgh Travels to discover the source of the Nile : in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 : In five volumes Bruce, James, 1730-1794. Edinburgh : Printed by J. Ruthven, for G.G.J. and J. Robinson, Paternoster Row, London, 1790.
1790 France Paris, France Réplique des Deputés des manufactures et du commerce de France, aux administrateurs de la Compagnie du Sénégal.. France. Députés des manufactures et du commerce. A Paris, : De l'Imprimerie nationale., 1790..
1790 England London, England Travels into the interior parts of Africa, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope; : in the years 1780, 81, 82, 83, 84 and 85. Le Vaillant, François, 1753-1824. London: : Printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row., M.DCC.XC. [1790]
1790 France Paris, France Voyage de Monsieur Le Vaillant dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique, par le Cap de Bonne-Espérance, : dans les années 1780, 81, 82, 83, 84 et 85.. Le Vaillant, François, 1753-1824. A Paris, : Chez Leroy, libraire, rue Saint-Jacques, vis-à-vis celle de la Parcheminerie, no 15., M.DCC.LXXXX. [1790]
1790 England London, England Travels, in various parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, : during a series of thirty years and upwards. MacDonald, John, b. 1741? London: : Printed for the author, and sold by J. Forbes, Covent-Garden., MDCCXC. [1790]
1790 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Geography made easy: being an abridgement of The American geography.: Containing, astronomical geography - discovery and general description of America - general view of the United States - particular accounts of the thirteen United States of America, in regard to their boundaries, extent, rivers, lakes, mountains, productions, population, character, government, trade, manufactures, curiosities, history, &c. To which is added, a geographical account of the European settlements in America; and of Europe, Asia and Africa. Illustrated with eight neat maps and cuts. Calculated particularly for the use and improvement of schools in the United States. Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826. Printed at Boston, : by Isaiah Thomas & Ebenezer T. Andrews., MDCCXC [1790]..
1790 England London, England Free English territory in Africa. St. George's Bay Company. [London : s.n., 1790]
1790 France Paris, France Voyages dans le pays des Hottentots, a la Caffrerie, a la Baye Botanique, et dans la Nouvelle Hollande.   A Paris, : Chez Letellier, libraire, quai des Augustins, no. 50, 1790..
1791 England London, England A narrative of the loss of the Grosvenor East Indiaman : which was unfortunately wrecked upon the coast of Caffraria, somewhere between the 27th and 32d degrees of southern latitude, on the 4th of August, 1782 Carter, George, 1737-1794. London : Printed at the Minerva Press, for J. Murray, Fleet-Street, and William Lane, Leadenhall-Street, 1791.
1791 England London, England Letters on the slave-trade, and the state of the natives in those parts of Africa, which are contiguous to Fort St. Louis and Goree : written at Paris in December 1789, and January 1790 Clarkson, Thomas, 1760-1846. London : Printed and sold by James Phillips, George Yard, Lombard Street, 1791.
1791 France Paris, France Rapport du Comité colonial, : sur l'admission du Député de l'Isle de Bourbon au Corps-Législatif; Despinassy de Fontanelles, Antoine-Joseph-Marie, 1757-1829. [Paris] : De l'Imprimerie nationale, [1791?]
1791 France A Coutances Loi relative au commerce du Sénégal. : Donnée à Paris. Le 23 janvier 1791.. France. A Coutances, : de l'imprimerie de J.N. Agnès, 1791..
1791 England London, England A short relation of the river Nile: : of its sourse and current; of its overflowing the campagnia of Ægypt, 'till it runs into the Mediterranean; and of other curiosities. With a new preface. Lobo, Jerónimo, 1596?-1678. London: : Printed for the Royal Society, MDCLXIX: Reprinted for, and sold by J. Lackington, no 46 & 47, Chiswell-Street, Moorfields,, MDCCXCI. [1791]
1791 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Geography made easy: : being an abridgement of the American geography. Containing astronomical geography; discovery and general description of America; general view of the United States; particular accounts of the thirteen United States of America, in regard to boundaries, extent, rivers, lakes, mountains, productions, population, character, government, trade, manufactures, curiosities, history, &c. To which is added, a geographical account of the European settlements in America; and of Europe, Asia and Africa. Illustrated with eight neat maps and cuts, newly engraved. Calculated particularly for the use and improvement of schools in the United States of America. Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826. Boston: : Printed by Samuel Hall, no. 53, Cornhill., MDCCXCI [1791]..
1791 England London, England Travels round the world, in the years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771. Pagès, Monsieur de (Pierre Marie François), 1748-1793. London: : Printed for J. Murray, no. 32, Fleet Street., M.DCC.XCI.[-M.DCC.XCII. i.e. 1791-1792]
1791 England London, England Substance of the report of the court of directors of the Sierra Leone Company to the general court, held at London on Wednesday the 19th of October, 1791. Sierra Leone Company. London: : Printed by James Phillips, George Yard, Lombard Street., 1791.
1792 France Paris, France Rapport et projet de décret sur les effets de la révolution dans les colonies françaises au-delà du cap de Bonne-Espérance; : ... sur l'importance de rétablir à Pondichéri une garnison et un état militaire ... ; et sur les moyens d'établir de nouvelles cultures sans le service des esclaves; : présentés a l'Assemblée nationale, le 7 janvier 1792, l'an 4 de la liberté, au nom du Comité des colonies, Journu-Auber, Bernard, 1745-1815. [Paris] : De l'Imprimerie nationale., [1792?]
1792 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Dinarbas; : a tale: being a continuation of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia.. Knight, Ellis Cornelia, 1757-1837. Philadelphia: : Printed by F. Bailey, No. 116, Market-Street, and T. Lang, No. 21, Church-Alley., MDCCXCII. [1792]
1792 England London, England A journal of a journey from the Cape of Good Hope, : undertaken in 1790 and 1791, Reenen, Jacob van. London: : Printed for G. Nicol, bookseller to His Majesty, Pall-Mall., MDCCXCII. [1792]
1792 England London, England A voyage to Madagascar, and the East Indies. Rochon, Alexis, 1741-1817. London: : Printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row., M.DCC.XCII. [1792]
1792 England London, England Voyages to the coast of Africa, Saugnier. London: : Printed for G.G.J. and J. Robinson, Paternoster Row., 1792.
1792 France Paris, France Relations de plusieurs voyages a la cote d'Afrique, : a Maroc, au Sénégal, a Gorée, a Galam, &c. Avec des détails intéressans pour ceux qui se destinent à la traite des negres, de l'or, de l'ivoire, &c. Saugnier. A Paris, : et se trouve a Maestricht, chez J.P. Roux & Compagnie, imprimeurs-libraires, associés., 1792.
1792 England London, England Substance of the report of the court of directors of the Sierra Leone Company to the general court, held at London on Wednesday the 19th of October, 1791. : To which is added a postscript. Sierra Leone Company. London: : Printed by James Phillips, George Yard, Lombard Street., 1792.
1792 England London, England Substance of the report of the court of directors of the Sierra Leone Company to the general court, held at London on Wednesday the 19th of October, 1791. : To which is added a postscript. Sierra Leone Company. London: : Printed by James Phillips, George Yard, Lombard Street., 1792.
1793 England London, England A narrative of the loss of the Winterton, on her passage to India, the 20th of August, 1792, on a reef of rocks of the island of Madagascar. : With the names of the passengers and officers that were saved and lost.. Dale, John, 18th cent. London: : Printed by C. Whittingham, for B. Crosby, No. 4, Stationers Court, Ludgate Street, [1793?]
1793 England London, England The history of Dahomy, : an inland Kingdom of Africa; : compiled from authentic memoirs; with an introduction and notes. Dalzel, Archibald. London: : printed for the author, by T. Spilsbury and Son, Snowhill; and sold by G. and W. Nicol ... Pall-Mall; C. Dilly, Poultry; and W.J. and J. Richardson, Royal Exchange., 1793.
1793 England London, England The history of Dahomy, : an inland kingdom of Africa; : compiled from authentic memoirs; with an introduction and notes. Dalzel, Archibald. London: : printed for the editor, by T. Spilsbury and Son, Snow-hill; and sold by J. Evans, Pater-Noster-Row., 1793.
1793 France Paris, France Voyages en Guinée et dans les îles Caraïbes en Amérique, Isert, Paul Erdmann, 1756-1789. A Paris, : chez Maradan, libraire, rue du Cimitière Saint André, no 9., M.DCC.XCIII. [1793]
1793 England London, England Dinarbas; : a tale: being a continuation of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia.. Knight, Ellis Cornelia, 1757-1837. London: : Printed for C. Dilly, in the Poultry., M.DCC.XCIII. [1793]
1793 England London, England The geographical magazine; or, New system of geography. : With beautiful and correct views, maps, and globes. Mavor, William Fordyce, 1758-1837. London: : Printed for Harrison and Co. no. 18, Paternoster Row., MDCCXCIV. [i.e. 1793-1794]
1793 England London, England Letters to a wife Newton, John, 1725-1807. London : Printed for J. Johnson, 1793.
1793 England London, England A voyage to Madagascar and the East Indies. Rochon, Alexis, 1741-1817. London: : Printed for Edward Jeffery, Pall-Mall; R. Faulder, New Bond-Street; T. and J. Egerton, Whitehall; J. Cuthell and J. Deighton, Holborn; J. Bannister, Bell-Yard; J. Walker, Pater-Noster-Row, and W. Miller, Old Bond-Street., M,DCC,XCIII. [1793]
1793 England London, England The history of ancient Europe; : with a view of the revolutions in Asia and Africa. In a series of letters to a young nobleman. Russell, William, 1741-1793. London: : Printed for G.G.J and J. Robinson, Pater-Noster Row., 1793.
1793 England London, England Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia. : Performed between the years 1770 and 1779. In three volumes. ... Thunberg, Carl Peter, 1743-1828. London: : Printed for and sold by W. Richardson, Cornhill; and J. Egerton, whitehall., [1793-1795]
1793 Ireland Dublin, Ireland Travels through Syria and Egypt, : in the years 1783, 1784, and 1785. Containing the present natural and political state of those countries, their productions, arts, manufactures, and commerce; with observations on the manners, customs, and government of the Turks and Arabs. Volney, C.-F. (Constantin-François), 1757-1820. Dublin: : Printed for Messrs. White, Byrne, W. Porter, Moore, Dornin, and Wm. Jones., 1793.
1794 England London, England A geographical and historical account of the island of Bulama, : with observations on its climate, productions, &c. and an account of the formation and progress of the Bulam Association, and of the colony itself: to which are added, a variety of authentic documents, and a descriptive map of the island and adjoining continent. Johansen, Andrew. London: : Printed for Martin and Bain, no. 184, Fleet-Street., [1794?]
1794 England London, England An authentic account of the late expedition to Bulam, on the coast of Africa; : with a description of the present settlement of Sierra Leone, and the adjacent country. Montefiore, Joshua, 1762-1843. London: : Printed for J. Johnson, in St. Paul's Church Yard., MDCCXCIV [1794]..
1794 New York New York, N.Y. Letters to a wife. Newton, John, 1725-1807. New-York: : Printed by Samuel Campbell, no. 124, Pearl-Street., 1794..
1794 England London, England A new, complete, and universal collection of authentic and entertaining voyages and travels to all the various parts of the world. ... : Describing, in the most accurate manner, (upon an entire new and interesting plan) every place worthy of notice in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Portlock, William Henry. London: : Printed for Alex. Hogg, at the King's-Arms, No. 16, Paternoster-Row; and sold by all other booksellers and newscarriers in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland., [1794?]
1794 France Paris, France Voyage en Afrique et en Asie, principalement au Japon, pendant les années 1770-1779. : Servant de suite au Voyage de D. Sparmann; Thunberg, Carl Peter, 1743-1828. A Paris, : Chez Fuchs, quai des Augustins, no. 28. L'an troisième de la République., (1794.).
1794 England London, England An essay on colonization, : particularly applied to the western coast of Africa, with some free thoughts on cultivation and commerce; also brief descriptions of the colonies already formed, or attempted, in Africa, including those of Sierra Leona and Bulama. Wadström, Carl Bernhard, 1746-1799. London: : Printed for the author, by Darton and Harvey, Gracechurch-Street. And sold by G. Nicol, No. 58, Pall-Mall; W. Faden, corner of St. Martin's Lane, Strand; J. Stockdale, No. 191, Piccadilly; J. Edwards, No. 78, Pall-Mall; E. [sic] & J. Egerton, No. 32, Charing-Cross; J. Debrett, No. 179, Piccadilly; J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Church-Yard; and C. Dilly, No. 22, Poultry., MDCCXCIV. [1794-1795]
1795 Ireland Dublin, Ireland Lex mercatoria rediviva; or, A complete code of commercial law : Being a general guide to all men in business ... With an account of our mercantile companies; our colonies and factories abroad; our commercial treaties with foreign powers; the duty of consuls, and of the laws concerning aliens, naturalization, and denization. To which is added, a sketch of the present state of the commerce of the whole world ... Compiled from the works of the most celebrated British and foreign commercial writers ... Beawes, Wyndham. Dublin : Printed for John Rice, 1795.
1795 England London, England Two voyages to Sierra Leone, during the years 1791-2-3; : in a series of letters, Falconbridge, A. M. (Anna Maria) London: : printed for the author: and sold by J. Parsons, no 21, Paternoster-Row., 1795.
1795 France Paris, France Second voyage dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique, par le Cap de Bonne-Espérance, : dans les années 1783, 84 et 85; Le Vaillant, François, 1753-1824. A Paris, : Chez H.J. Jansen et compe, imprimeurs-libraires, place du Muséum., L'an 3 de la République, une et indivisible. [1795]
1795 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Elements of geography: : containing a concise and comprehensive view of that useful science, as divided into, 1. astronomical 2. physical or natural 3. political geography, on a new plan. Adapted to the capacities of children and youth; and designed, from its cheapness, for a reading and classical book in common schools, and as a useful winter evening's entertainment for young people in private families. : Illustrated with a neat map of the United States, and a beautiful chart of the whole world. Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826. Printed at Boston, : by I. Thomas and E.T. Andrews. Sold by them, at Faust's Statue, and by I. Thomas, in Worcester; also, in New York, by S. Campbell; in Philadelphia, by M. Carey; in Baltimore, by Thomas, Andrews and Butler; and by other booksellers, in different parts of the United States., Dec. 1795..
1795 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa An authentic narrative of some remarkable and interesting particulars in the life of Mr. Newton : Communicated in a series of letters, to the Rev. Mr. Haweis, Rector of Aldwinckle, Northamptonshire; and by him, at the request of friends, now made public. Newton, John, 1725-1807. Philadelphia : printed by William Young, 1795.
1795 England Bath Selections from M. Pauw, Pauw, Cornelius, 1739-1799. Bath, : Printed by R. Cruttwell; and sold by C. Dilly, Poultry; and J. Wallis, Ludgate-Street, London; and Bull and Co., Bath., MDCCXCV. [1795].
1795 England London, England An account of the colony of Sierra Leone, : from its first establishment in 1793. Being the substance of a report delivered to the proprietors. Sierra Leone Company. London: : Printed and sold by James Philips, George Yard, Lombard Street., 1795.
1795 England London, England Substance of the report of the court of directors of the Sierra Leone Company, delivered to the general court of proprietors, on Thursday the 26th February, 1795. : Published by order of the directors. Sierra Leone Company. London: : Printed by James Phillips, George Yard, Lombard Street., 1795.
1795 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Substance of the report delivered by the court of directors of the Sierra Leone Company, to the general court of proprietors, on Thursday, March 27th, 1794. Sierra Leone Company. Philadelphia, : Printed by Thomas Dobson, at the stone-house, no 41, South Second Street., 1795.
1795 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Substance of the report of the court of directors of the Sierra Leone Company, delivered to the general court of proprietors, on Thursday the 26th of February, 1795. : Published by order of the directors. Sierra Leone Company. Philadelphia, : Printed by Thomas Dobson, at the stone-house, no 41, South Second Street., 1795.
1795 England London, England Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, : made between the years 1770 and 1779. In four volumes. ... Thunberg, Carl Peter, 1743-1828. London: : Printed for F. and C. Rivington, No 62, St. Paul's Church-Yard; and sold by W. Richardson, Cornhill, and T. Egerton, Whitehall., 1795[-1796]
1796 England London, England New travels into the interior parts of Africa, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope, : in the years 1783, 84 and 85. Le Vaillant, François, 1753-1824. London: : Printed for G.G. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row., 1796..
1796 England London, England Travels into the interior parts of Africa. By the way of the Cape of Good Hope; : in the years 1780, 81, 82, 83, 84, and 85. Le Vaillant, François, 1753-1824. London: : Printed for G.G. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row., 1796..
1796 France Au Port Nord-Ouest, Isle de France Liberté. Égalité : L'Assemblée Coloniale de l'Isle de France, au Corps Législatif. Salut & fraternité. Citoyens législateurs. Mauritius. Assemblée Coloniale. Au Port Nord-Ouest, Isle de France, : chez F.N. Bolle, imprimeur., [1796]
1796 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The American universal geography, or, A view of the present state of all the empires, kingdoms, states, and republics in the known world, and of the United States in particular. : In two parts. ... The whole comprehending a complete and improved system of modern geography. Calculated for Americans. : Illustrated with twenty-eight maps and charts. Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826. Printed at Boston, : by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews. Sold at their bookstore, Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury Street; by said Thomas, in Worcester; by S. Campbell, in New York; by M. Carey, in Philadelphia; by Thomas, Andrews and Butler, in Baltimore; and by other booksellers in different parts of the United States., June, 1796..
1796 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Elements of geography: : containing a concise and comprehensive view of that useful science, as divided into, 1. astronomical 2. physical or natural 3. political geography. On a new plan. Adapted to the capacities of children and youth; and designed, from its cheapness, for a reading and classical book in common schools, and as a useful winter evening's entertainment for young people in private families. : Illustrated with a neat map of the United States, and a beautiful chart of the whole world. Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826. Printed at Boston, : by I. Thomas and E.T. Andrews. Sold by them, at Faust's Statue, and by I. Thomas, in Worcester; also, in New York, by S. Campbell; in Philadelphia, by M. Carey; in Baltimore, by Thomas, Andrews and Butler; and by other booksellers, in different parts of the United States., Feb. 1796..
1796 England London, England Periodical accounts relating to the missions of the Church of the United Brethren, established among the heathen. Periodical accounts relating to the missions of the Church of the United Brethren. V. 1. London: : Published by the Brethren's Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel, No. 10, Nevil's Court, Fetter Lane., 1790 [i.e 1796?]
1797 England London, England The voyage of Hanno : translated, and accompanied with the Greek text; explained from the accounts of modern travellers; defended against the objections of Mr. Dodwell, and other writers; and illustrated by maps from Ptolemy, d'Anville, and Bougainville. Hanno. London: : Sold by T. Cadell jun. and Davies, (successors to Mr Cadell), in the Strand., MDCCXCVII. [1797]
1797 New York Troy, N.Y. A history of a voyage to the coast of Africa, and travels into the interior of that country; : containing particular descriptions of the climate and inhabitants, and interesting particulars concerning the slave trade. Hawkins, Joseph, b. 1772. Troy [N.Y.]: : Printed for the author, by Luther Pratt., 1797..
1797 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa A history of a voyage to the coast of Africa, and travels into the interior of that country; : containing particular descriptions of the climate and inhabitants, and interesting particulars concerning the slave trade. Hawkins, Joseph, b. 1772. Philadelphia: : Printed for the author, by S.C[.] Ustick, & Co., 1797..
1797 England Liverpool, England A general and descriptive history of the antient and present state, of the town of Liverpool, : comprising a review of its government, police, antiquities, and modern improvements; the progressive increase of streets, squares, public buildings, and inhabitants; together with a circumstantial account of the true causes of its extensive African trade. The whole carefully compiled from original manuscripts, authentic records, and other warranted authorities. Wallace, James. Liverpool; : Printed for and sold by Crane and Jones, Castle-Street; and Vernor and Hood, Birchin-Lane, London., 1797.
1798 Ireland Dublin, Ireland The adventures of Signor Gaudentio di Lucca : Being the substance of his examination before the fathers of the Inquisition at Bologna, in Italy. Giving an account of an unknown country in the midst of the deserts of Africa Berington, Simon, 1680-1755. Dublin : Printed by J. and J. Carrick, Bedford-Row, 1798.
1798 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. An interesting narrative of the travels of James Bruce, Esq. into Abyssinia, to discover the source of the Nile : abridged from the original work : To which are added notes and extracts from the travels of Dr. Shaw, M. Savary, and the memoirs of Baron de Tott. Bruce, James, 1730-1794. Boston : Printed by Samuel Etheridge, for Alexander Thomas and George Merriam, sold by A. Thomas in Walpole, by G. Merriam in Worcester, and by S. Etheridge in Boston, 1798.
1798 Massachusetts Newburyport, [Mass.] A journal, of the captivity and sufferings of John Foss; : several years a prisoner at Algiers: together with some account of the treatment of Christian slaves when sick:-- and observations of the manners and customs of the Algerines. Foss, John, d. 1800. Newburyport [Mass.] : Printed by Angier March, Middle-Street., [1798]
1798 England London, England Voyages to the East-Indies; Stavorinus, Johan Splinter, 1739-1788. London: : Printed for G.G. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row., 1798.
1798 England London, England Narrative of the loss of the ship Hercules, commanded by Captain Benjamin Stout, on the coast of Caffraria, the 16th of June, 1796; : also, a circumstantial detail of his travels through the southern deserts of Africa, and the colonies to the Cape of Good Hope. With an introductory address to the Rt. Honourable John Adams, President of the Continental Congress of America. Stout, Benjamin. London: : Printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-Yard., 1798..
1798 New York   Travels through Egypt and Syria, : in the years 1783, 1784 & 1785. Containing the present natural and political state of those countries; their productions, arts, manufactures & commerce; with observations on the manners, customs and government of the Turks & Arabs. Volney, C.-F. (Constantin-François), 1757-1820. New York: : Printed by J. Tiebout, for E. Duyckinck & Co. booksellers., --1798--
1798 England London, England Medical directions for the use of the vessels in the service of the Hon. Sierra Leone Company. Winterbottom, Thomas Masterman, 1765-1859. London [England]: : Printed for T. Cadell, Junior, and W. Davies, in the Strand., 1798.
1799 England London, England The flowers of modern travels : being elegant, entertaining, and instructive extracts, selected from the works of the most celebrated travellers ... Adams, John, 1750?-1814. London : Printed for G. Kearsley, and Darton and Harvey, 1799.
1799 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The adventures of Sig. Gaudentio di Lucca : Being the substance of his examination before the fathers of the Inquisition at Bologna, in Italy: giving an account of an unknown country, in the midst of the deserts of Africa, the origin and antiquity of the people, their religion, customs, and laws Berington, Simon, 1680-1755. Philadelphia: : Re-printed by William Conover, no. 71, Walnut-Street., 1799.
1799 England London, England Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria : from the year 1792 to 1798 Browne, William George, 1768-1813. London : printed for T. Cadell Junior and W. Davies, Strand; and T.N. Longman and O. Rees, Paternoster-Row, 1799.
1799 England London, England Travels in the interior districts of Africa: : performed under the direction and patronage of the African Association, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. Park, Mungo, 1771-1806. London: : Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. for the author; and sold by G. and W. Nicol, booksellers to His Majesty, Pall-Mall., 1799..
1799 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Substance of the reports delivered by the court of directors of the Sierra Leone Company, to the general court of proprietors : To which is prefixed Memoirs of Naimbanna, an African prince. Sierra Leone Company. Philadelphia: : printed for Thomas Dobson, 1799.
1799 England London, England Travels in upper and lower Egypt: : undertaken by order of the old government of France; Sonnini, C. S. (Charles Sigisbert), 1751-1812. London: : Printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly. 1799. T. Gillet, printer, Salisbury Square., [1799]
1799 France Paris, France Voyage par le Cap de Bonne-Espérance et Batavia, a Samarang, a Macassar, a Amboine, et a Surate, : en 1774, 75, 76, 77 et 78, Stavorinus, Johan Splinter, 1739-1788. A Paris : Chez H.J. Jansen, imprimeur-libraire rue des Pères, no. 1195, F.G., An VII de la république françoise [1799]
1799 England London, England Travels from England to India, in the year 1789, : by the way of the Tyrol, Venice, Scandaroon, Aleppo, and over the Great Desart to Bussora; with instructions for travellers; and an account of the expence of travelling &c. &c. Taylor, John, d. 1808. London: : Printed by S. Low, Berwick Street, Soho; for J. Carpenter, Old Bond-Street; and Murray and Highly, Fleet-Street., 1799.
1800 England London, England An interesting narrative of the travels of James Bruce, Esq. into Abyssinia, to discover the source of the Nile Bruce, James, 1730-1794. London : Printed for H.D. Symonds, No. 20, Pater-Noster-Row, [1800?]
1800 New York New York, N.Y. Travels, in the interior districts of Africa: : performed under the direction and patronage, of the African Association, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. Park, Mungo, 1771-1806. New-York: : Printed by J. Tiebout, and sold by George F. Hopkins, at Washington's Head, no. 136 Pearl-Street., 1800..
1800 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Travels in the interior districts of Africa: : performed under the direction and patronage of the African Association, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797; Park, Mungo, 1771-1806. Philadelphia: : Printed from the London quarto edition by James Humphreys: and sold by him, at no. 106, south side of Market-Street., 1800..
1800 England London, England Periodical accounts relating to the missions of the Church of the United Brethren, established among the heathen. Vol. II. Periodical accounts relating to the missions of the Church of the United Brethren. V. 2. London: : Published for the Brethren's Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel, No. 10 Nevil's Court, Fetter Lane., 1797 [i.e 1800?]
1800 England London, England The geographical system of Herodotus, examined; : and explained, by a comparison with those of other ancient authors, and with modern geography. In the course of the work are introduced, dissertations on the itinerary stade of the Greeks, the expedition of Darius Hystaspes to Scythia, the position and remains of ancient Babylon, the alluvions of the Nile, and canals of Suez; the oasis and temple of Jupiter Ammon, the ancient circumnavigation of Africa, and other subjects of history and geography. The whole explained by eleven maps, adapted to the different subjects; and accompanied with a complete index. Rennell, James, 1742-1830. London: : Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Russel-Court, Cleveland-Row, St. James's, for the author; and sold by G. and W. Nicol, booksellers to His Majesty, Pall-Mall., MDCCC. [1800]
1800 England London, England A voyage to the Isle of France, the Isle of Bourbon, and the Cape of Good Hope; : with observations and reflections upon nature and mankind. Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de, 1737-1814. London: : Printed by J. Cundee, Ivy Lane, for Vernor and Hood, in the Poultry; J. Cuthell, Middle-Row, Holborn; and J. Walker, Paternoster-Row., 1800.
1800 England Newcastle upon Tyne Observations on the authenticity of Bruce's travels in Abyssinia; : in reply to some passages in Brown's travels through Egypt, Africa, and Syria. To which is added, A comparative view of life and happiness in Europe and Caffraria. Wharton, R. (Richard), ca. 1774-1828. Newcastle upon Tyne: : Printed by E. Walker, Pilgrim-Street. Sold by T. Cadell, Jun. and W. Davies, Strand, London; J. Todd, York; A. Clifton, Durham; and W. Charnley, Newcastle., 1800.
1800 England London, England Journal of a voyage performed in the Lion Extra Indiaman, : from Madras to Columbo, and Da Lagoa Bay, on the eastern coast of Africa; (where the ship was condemned) in the year 1798. With some account of the manners and customs of the inhabitants of Da Lagoa Bay, and a vocabulary of the language. White, William, Captain of the 73rd Regiment of Highlanders London: : Printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly., 1800.
1800 England London, England The modern traveller. : Vol I[-Vol. IV] containing ....   London: : Printed and published by Geo. Cawtnorn [sic], British Library, No. 132, Strand, bookseller to her Most Royal Highness the Princess of Wales; Sold also by Messrs. Richardson, Royal-Exchange; H. D. Symonds, J. Wallis, West and Hughes, Paternoster Row; and J. Wright, Piccadilly., 1800..
1801 England London, England An account of travels into the interior of Southern Africa in the years 1797 and 1798 : including cursory observations on the geology and geography ... the natural history ... and sketches of ... the various tribes of inhabitants surrounding the settlement of the Cape of Good Hope ... With a map Barrow, John, Sir, 1764-1848. London : Printed by A. Strahan for T. Cadell Jun. and W. Davies, 1801-1804.
1801 France Paris, France Voyage à la côte occidentale d'Afrique, : fait dans les années 1786 et 1787; contenant la description des mœurs, usages, lois, gouvernement et commerce des États du Congo, fréquentés par les Européens, et un précis de la traite des Noirs, ainsi qu'elle avait lieu avant la Révolution française; suivi d'un voyage fait au cap de Bonne-Espérance, contenant la description militaire de cette colonie. Grandpré, L. de (Louis), 1761-1846. Paris, : Dentu, imprimeur-libraire, Palais du Tribunat, Galeries de Bois, no. 240., an IX.--1801..
1801 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Letters of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montague : written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, which contain, among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks. Drawn from sources that have been inaccessible to other travellers.. Montagu, Mary Wortley, Lady, 1689-1762. Philadelphia: : Printed by William Duane, and published at the Aurora Book Stores, No. 106, Market-street, Philadelphia, and Square 460, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington City., 1801..
1801 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The history of ancient Europe. : With a view of the revolutions in Asia and Africa. In a series of letters to a young nobleman. Russell, William, 1741-1793. Philadelphia: : Printed by H. Maxwell, Columbia-House, for William Young Birch and Abraham Small., 1801.
1801 England London, England Travels through the interior of Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco; : in Caffraria, the kingdoms of Mataman, Angola, Massi, Monoemugi, Muschako, Bahahara, Wangara, Haoussa, &c. &c. and thence through the desert of Sahara and the north of Barbary to Morocco. : Between the years 1781 and 1797. Taurinius, Zacharias. London: : printed for R. Phillips, 71, St. Paul's Church-Yard. and sold by T. Hurst, and J. Wallis, Paternoster-Row; by Elphinstone Balfour, Edinburgh; J. Archer, Dublin; and all other booksellers. : T. Gillet, printer, Salisbury Square., 1801.
1801 Massachusetts Charlestown, Mass. Travels through the interior of Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco; : in Caffraria, the kingdoms of Mataman, Angola, Massi, Monoemugi, Muschako, Bahahara, Wangara, Haoussa, &c. &c. and thence through the desert of Sahara and the north of Barbary to Morocco; : between the years 1781 and 1797. Taurinius, Zacharias. Charlestown: : printed by Samuel Etheridge, for E. and S. Larkin, no. 47, Cornhill, Boston., 1801
1801 England London, England The history of Mauritius, : or the Isle of France, and the neighbouring islands; from their first discovery to the present time; composed principally from the papers and memoirs of Baron Grant, who resided twenty years in the island, Vaux, Charles Grant, vicomte de London: : Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-Row, St. James's, for the author; and sold by G. and W. Nicol, booksellers to His Majesty, Pall-Mall; J. Wright, Piccadilly; and B. Uphill, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden., 1801..
1802 New York   An account of travels into the interior of southern Africa, in the years 1797 and 1798 : including cursory observations on the geology and geography ... the natural history ... and sketches on ... the various tribes ... surrounding the settlement of the Cape of Good Hope ... With a map ... Barrow, John, Sir, 1764-1848. New York : Printed and sold by G.F. Hopkins at Washington's head, no. 118 Pearl Street, New York, 1802.
1802 England London, England Travels in Africa, : performed during the years 1785, 1786, and 1787, in the western countries of that continent, comprised between Cape Blanco in Barbary, situated in 20° 47', and Cape Palmas, in 4° 30' north latitude. : Embellished with a general map of Africa, corrected according to the most authentic and recent observations; and several plans, copper-plates, &c. Golbéry, Sylvain Meinrad Xavier de, 1742-1822. London: : Printed for James Ridgway, York-Street, St. James's-Square; by B. McMillan, Bow-Street, Covent-Garden., 1802..
1802 England London, England The journal of Frederick Horneman's travels, : from Cairo to Mourzouk, the capital of the kingdom of Fezzan, in Africa. In the years 1797-8.. Hornemann, Friedrich, 1772-1800. London: : Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-Row, St. James's; : For G. and W. Nicol, booksellees [sic] to His Majesty, Pall-Mall., 1802..
1802 Maryland Baltimore, Maryland An historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, : from the time of Columbus, to the present period. Mavor, William Fordyce, 1758-1837. [Baltimore] : Published by M. and J. Conrad, and Co. No. 140, Market-Street, Baltimore: and Rapin, Conrad, and Co. Washington City., 1802[-1803]..
1802 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa An historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to the present period. Mavor, William Fordyce, 1758-1837. Philadelphia: : Published by Samuel F. Bradford, No. 4, South Third-Street., 1802[-1803]..
1802 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa An historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to the present period. Mavor, William Fordyce, 1758-1837. Philadelphia: : Published by Samuel F. Bradford, no. 4, South Third-Street., 1802[-1803].
1802 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Geography made easy: being an abridgement of the American universal geography. : Containing astronomical geography; discovery and general description of America; general view of the United States; particular accounts of the United States of America, and of all the kingdoms, states, and republics in the known world, in regard to their boundaries, extent, rivers, lakes, mountains, productions, population, character, government, trade, manufactures, curiosities, history, &c. To which is added, an improved chronological table of remarkable events, from the creation to the present time. Illustrated with a map of the world, and a map of North America. Calculated particularly for the use and improvement of schools and academies in the United States of America. Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826. Printed at Boston, : by I. Thomas and E.T. Andrews, Faust's statue, No. 45 Newbury Street. Sold by said Thomas & Andrews, and other booksellers, in Boiton [i.e. Boston]; I. Thomas, Worcester; and Thomas, Andrews & Butler, Baltimore., -Dec. 1802.
1802 Massachusetts Charlestown, Mass. A new gazetteer of the Eastern continent; : or, A geographical dictionary: containing, in alphabetical order, a description of all the countries, kingdoms, states, cities, towns, principal rivers, lakes, harbours, mountains, &c. &c. in Europe, Asia, Africa, and their adjacent islands. Carefully compiled from the best authorities. Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826. Charlestown: : Printed and sold by Samuel Etheridge., 1802..
1802 England London, England Modern geography. A description of the empires, kingdoms, states, and colonies; : with the oceans, seas, and isles; in all parts of the world: including the most recent discoveries, and political alterations. Digested on a new plan. Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826. London: : printed by A. Strahan, Printers Street; for T. Cadell Jun. and W. Davies, Strand; and T.N. Longman and O. Rees, Paternoster-Row., 1802..
1802 France Paris, France Société de l'Afrique intérieure et de découvertes. Société de l'Afrique intérieure et de découvertes. [Paris? : s.n., 1802?]
1802 England London, England Life, trial, and particulars of the execution of Governor Wall, : who was executed on Thursday morning last, fronting Newgate, for the murder of Benjamin Armstrong, nearly 20 years ago, at Goree, in Africa. By causing him to receive, without trial, 800 lashes, which were inflicted by black slaves, changed at every 25 lashes. Wall, Joseph, 1737-1802. [London] : Printed by J. Davenport 6, George's Court St. John's Lane, West Smithfield, London., [1802]
1803 France Paris, France Science de l'histoire : contenant le systême général des connoissances a acquérir avant détudier l'histoire, et la méthode a suivre quand on se livre a ce genre d'étude, developpee par tableaux synoptiques Chantreau, 1741-1808. A Paris : chez Goujon fils, imprimeur-libraire, rue Taranne, no. 737, an XI.--1803 - an 1806.
1803 England London, England The progress of maritime discovery : from the earliest period to the close of the eighteenth century : forming an extensive system of hydrography Clarke, James Stanier, 1765?-1834. London : Printed by A. Strahan, Printers Street, for T. Cadell, and W. Davies, in the Strand, 1803.
1803 England London, England A journal of travels in Barbary, in the year 1801: Curtis, James. London: : Printed by D.N. Shury, Berwick Street; for T.N. Longmans and O. Rees, Paternoster Row., 1803.
1803 England London, England The narrative of a voyage of discovery, : performed in His Majesty's vessel the Lady Nelson, of sixty tons burthen, with sliding keels, in the years 1800, 1801, and 1802, to New South Wales. Grant, James, 1771 or 2-1833. London: : Printed by C. Roworth, Bell Yard, Fleet Street, for T. Egerton, Military Library, Whitehall., 1803..
1803 France Paris, France Voyage a la côte de Guinée, ou Description des côtes d'Afrique, depuis le cap Tagrin jusqu'au cap de Lopez-Gonzalves. : Contenant, des instructions relatives à la traite des noirs, d'après des mémoires authentiques, avec une carte gravée sous la direction de Brion fils, d'après un dessin fourni par l'auteur. Labarthe, P. (Pierre), 1760-1824. A Paris, : Chez Debray, libraire, place du Musée central des arts, no. 9. L'auteur, rue du Cherche-Midi, no. 791. Bossange, Masson et Besson, rue de Tournon., an XI.--1803..
1803 France Paris, France Second voyage de F. Le Vaillant, dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique, par le Cap de Bonne-Espérance, : pendant les années 1783, 1784 et 1785.. Le Vaillant, François, 1753-1824. A Paris, : Chez Desray, libraire-éditeur des ouvrages d'Audebert et Vieillot, rue Hautefeuille, no 36. : De l'imprimerie de Crapelet., An XI.--1803..
1803 England London, England Walks and sketches at the Cape of Good Hope; : to which is subjoined, a journey from Cape Town to Blettenberg's Bay. Semple, Robert, 1766-1816. London: : Printed by and for C. and R. Baldwin, New Bridge-Street., 1803.
1803 England London, England Walks and sketches at the Cape of Good Hope; : to which is subjoined, a journey from Cape Town to Blettenberg's Bay. Semple, Robert, 1766-1816. London: : Printed by and for C. and R. Baldwin, New Bridge-Street., 1803.
1803 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa History of the British expedition to Egypt; : to which is subjoined, a sketch of the present state of that country and its means of defence. Illustrated with maps, and a portrait of Sir Ralph Abercromby. Wilson, Robert Thomas, Sir, 1777-1849. Philadelphia: : Published by Conrad, & co. and sold at their book stores in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Petersburg and Norfolk. Bonsal & Niles, printers, Wilmington [Del.]., 1803.
1803 England London, England An account of the native Africans in the neighbourhood of Sierra Leone; : to which is added, an account of the present state of medicine among them. Winterbottom, Thomas Masterman, 1765-1859. London: : Printed by C. Whittingham, Dean Street; and sold by John Hatchard, 199, Piccadilly, and J. Mawman, Poultry., 1803.
1804 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa A new and elegant general atlas : comprising all the new discoveries, to the present time; containing sixty-three maps Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1750-1823. [Philadelphia] : Published by John Conrad & Co. Philadelphia; M. & J. Conrad & Co. Baltimore; Rapin, Conrad & Co. Washington City [and two others in two more cities], 1804.
1804 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa A new and elegant general atlas : comprising all the new discoveries, to the present time; containing sixty-five maps Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1750-1823. [Philadephia] : Published by John Conrad & Co., Philadelphia; M. & J. Conrad & Co. Baltimore; Rapin, Conrad & Co. Washington City [and two others in two more cities], 1804.
1804 Spain Madrid Continuacion de la Historia general de España del P. Juan de Mariana de la Compañia de Jesus, Miñana, José Manuel, 1671-1730. Madrid: : Por Gomez Fuentenebro y Compañia., 1804..
1804 England London, England An account of the Cape of Good Hope; : containing an historical view of its original settlement by the Dutch, its capture by the British in 1795, and the different policy pursued there by the Dutch and British governments. : Also a sketch of its geography, productions, the manners and customs of the inhabitants, &c. &c. : With a view of the political and commercial advantages which might be derived from its possession by Great Britain. Percival, Robert, 1765-1826. London: : Printed for C. and R. Baldwin, of New Bridge-Street., 1804..
1804 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Modern geography. A description of the empires, kingdoms, states, and colonies; : with the oceans, seas, and isles; in all parts of the world: including the most recent discoveries, and political alterations. Digested on a new plan. Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826. [Philadelphia] : Published by John Conrad & Co. Philadelphia; M. & J. Conrad & Co. Baltimore, Rapin, Conrad & Co. Washington City; Somervell & Conrad, Petersburg; Bonsal, Conrad & Co. Norfolk; Bernard Dornin, New-York; Whiting, Bachus, & Whiting, Albany; Samuel Pleasants, Richmond; Beeres & Howe, New-Haven; Crow and Query, Charleston, S.C. H. Maxwell, printer, no. 25, North Second Street., 1804..
1805 England London, England The young lady's and gentleman's atlas : for assisting them in the knowledge of geography Adams, John, 1750?-1814. London : printed and sold by Darton and Harvey, 1805.
1805 England London, England African memoranda : relative to an attempt to establish a British settlement on the island of Bulama, on the western coast of Africa, in the year 1792. With a brief notice of the neighbouring tribes, soil, productions, &c. and some observations on the facility of colonizing that part of Africa ... as the means of gradually abolishing African slavery Beaver, Philip, 1766-1813. London : Printed for C. and R. Baldwin, 1805.
1805 New York Hudson, N.Y. An authentic narrative of some remarkable and interesting particulars in the life of Mr. John Newton : Communicated, in a series of letters to the Rev Mr. Haweis, Rector of Aldwinckle, Northamptonshire. Newton, John, 1725-1807. Hudson : printed by Ashbel Stoddard, and sold at his printing office, and book-store, 1805.
1805 New York New York, N.Y. Paul & Virginia. Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de, 1737-1814. New-York: : Evert Duyckinck, no. 110 Pearl-Street. L. Nichols, printer., 1805..
1806 England London, England A voyage to Senegal; : or, Historical, philosophical, and political memoirs, relative to the discoveries, establishments, and commerce of Europeans in the Atlantic Ocean, from Cape Blanco to the river of Sierra Leone. : To which is added an account of a journey from isle St. Louis to Galam. Durand, Jean Baptiste Léonard, 1742-1812. London: : printed for Richard Phillips, 6, New Bridge Street, by J.G. Barnard, 57, Snow Hill., 1806..
1806 England London, England An essay on the principle of population; or, A view of its past and present effects on human happiness; : with an inquiry into our prospects respecting the future removal or mitigation of the evils which it occasions. Malthus, T. R. (Thomas Robert), 1766-1834. London: : Printed for J. Johnson, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, by T. Bensley, Bolt Court, Fleet Street., 1806..
1806 England London, England Gleanings in Africa; : exhibiting a faithful and correct view of the manners and customs of the inhabitants of the Cape of Good Hope, and surrounding country. With a full and comprehensive account of the system of agriculture adopted by the colonists: soil, climate, natural productions, &c. &c. &c. Interspersed with observations and reflections on the state of slavery in the southern extremity of the African continent. : In a series of letters from an English officer during the period in which that colony was under the protection of the British government. : Illustrated with engravings..   [London] : Albion Press printed: : published by James Cundee, Ivy - Lane; Paternoster-Row, London., 1806..
1807 England London, England Report of the committee of the African Institution : read to the general meeting on the 15th July, 1807. African Institution (London, England) London : Printed by W. Phillips; and sold by John Hatchard, 1807.
1807 England London, England Report of the committee of the African Institution : read to the general meeting on the 15th July, 1807. Together with the rules and regulations which were then adopted for the government of the society. African Institution (London, England) London : Printed by William Phillips, 1807.
1807 England London, England Observations upon the windward coast of Africa, : the religion, character, customs, &c. of the natives; with a system upon which they may be civilized, and a knowledge attained of the interior of this extraordinary quarter of the globe; and upon the natural and commercial resources of the country: made in the years 1805 and 1806. Corry, Joseph. London: : printed for G. and W. Nicol, booksellers to His Majesty, Pall-Mall; and James Asperne, Cornhill. By W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland Row, St. James's., 1807.
1807 England London, England The adventures of Robert Drury, : during fifteen years captivity on the island of Madagascar; : containing a description of that island; an account of its produce, manufactures, and commerce; with an account of the manners and customs, wars, religion, and civil policy of the inhabitants: : to which is added, a vocabulary of the Madagascar language. Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. London: : printed and sold by W. Meadows, in Cornhill; T. Astley, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and B. Milles, in Houndsditch, near Bishopsgate.--1743. ; [Hull] : Reprinted for Stodart and Craggs, Hull. : D. Ramsay & Son, printers., 1807.
1807 France Paris, France Voyage au Sénégal, fait dans les années 1785 et 1786; : contenant la description historique, philosophique et politique des établissemens et du commerce des Européens dans les mers de l'Océan atlantique, depuis le Cap-Blanc jusqu'á la rivière de Serra-Léone inclusivement; suivie de la relation d'un voyage par terre d l'île Saint-Louis à Galam, et du texte arabe de trois traités de commerce faits par l'auteur avec les princes du pays, revus par M. Silvestre de Sacy. : Avec un atlas de 44 planches et cartes. Durand, Jean Baptiste Léonard, 1742-1812. Paris, : Dentu, imprimeur-libraire, rue du Pont-de-Lody, n.3°., M. D. CCCVII [1807]..
1807 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Geography made easy: being an abridgment of the American universal geography. : Containing astronomical geography--discovery and general description of America--general view of the United States--particular accounts of the United States of America, and of all the kingdoms, states, and republicks in the known world, in regard to their boundaries, extent, rivers, lakes, mountains, productions, population, character, government, trade, manufactures, curiosities, history, &c. To which is added an improved chronological table of remarkable events, from the creation to the present time. Illustrated with a map of the world, and a map of North-America. Calculated particularly for the use of schools and academies in the United States of America. Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826. Boston: : Published by Thomas & Andrews. Sold wholesale and retail, at their bookstore, No. 45, Newbury Street. September 1807. J.T. Buckingham--printer, [1807]
1807 England London, England Account of a voyage to the western coast of Africa; : performed by His Majesty's sloop Favourite, in the year 1805. Being a journal of the events which happened to that vessel, from the time of her leaving England till her capture by the French, and the return of the author in a cartel. Spilsbury, F. B. (Francis B.) London: : Printed for Richard Phillips, 6, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, by J.G. Barnard, 57, Snow-hill., 1807.
1807 England London, England Softly, brave Yankees!!! or The West Indies rendered independent of America; and Africa civilized. : Dedicated to the African Association.   London: : Printed for Jordan and Maxwell, 331, Strand, opposite Somerset House; and Blacklock, Royal Exchange., 1807.
1808 England London, England Second report of the committee of the African Institution : read at the annual general meeting, on the 25th of March, 1808. To which is added a list of subscribers. African Institution (London, England) London : Printed by W. Phillips; and sold by John Hatchard, 1808.
1808 France Paris, France Bibliothèque universelle des voyages : ou Notice complète et raisonnée de tous les voyages anciens et modernes dans les différentes parties du monde, publiés tant en langue française qu'en langues étrangères, classés par ordre de pays dans leur série chronologique; avec des extraits plus ou moins rapides des voyages les plus estimés de chaque pays, et des jugemens motivés sur les relations anciennes qui ont le plus de célébrité: /par G. Boucher de la Richarderie ... Boucher de la Richarderie, G. (Gilles), 1733-1810. A Paris : Chez Treuttel et Würtz, ancien hôtel de Lauraguais, rue de Lille, no 17, vis-à-vis les Théatins; et à Strasbourg, même maison de commerce, 1808 [Imprimerie de Crapelet]
1808 England London, England Cary's New universal atlas : containing distinct maps of all the principal states and kingdoms throughout the world. From the latest and best authorities extant. Cary, John, ca. 1754-1835. London : Printed for J. Cary, engraver and map-seller. No. 181. near Norfolk Street, Strand, 1808.
1808 Scotland Edinburgh Account of the life and writings of James Bruce, of Kinnaird, Esq. F.R.S. : Author of Travels to discover the source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, & 1773. Murray, Alexander, 1775-1813. Edinburgh: : Printed by George Ramsay and Company for Archibald Constable and Company, and Manners and Miller, Edinburgh; and Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, London., 1808..
1808 Scotland Edinburgh A system of geography, ancient and modern; : containing 1. the history of geography ... 2. ancient and modern lineal measures ... 3. a review of all the empires, kingdoms, and provinces in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ... 4. a complete atlas .... Playfair, James, 1738-1819. Edinburgh: : printed for Peter Hill, Edinburgh; Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe, London. Alex. Smellie, printer., 1808.[-1814].
1808 Maryland Baltimore, Maryland The adventures of James Sharan: : compiled from the journal, written during his voyages and travels in the four quarters of the globe. Sharan, James, b. 1762. Baltimore [Md.]: : Printed by G. Dobbin & Murphy, 10 Baltimore-Street--for James Sharan., 1808.
1808 England London, England A general collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels in all parts of the world; : many of which are now first translated into English. : Digested on a new plan.   London: : Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster-Row; and Cadell and Davies, in the Strand., 1808.[-1814].
1809 England London, England Third report of the directors of the African Institution : read at the annual general meeting on the 25th of March, 1809. African Institution (London, England) London : Printed by G. Ellerton. Sold by J. Hatchard, 1809.
1809 England London, England Third report of the directors of the African Institution : read at the annual general meeting on the 25th of March, 1809. To which is added, a list of subscribers. African Institution (London, England) London : Printed by Ellerton and Byworth. Sold by J. Hatchard, 1809.
1809 France Paris, France Tableau historique des découvertes et établissemens des européens, dans le nord et dans l'ouest de l'Afrique, : jusqu'au commencement du XIXe siècle; augmenté du voyage de Horneman dans le Fezzan, et de tous les renseignemens qui sont parvenus depuis à la Société d'Afrique sur les empires du Bornou, du Cashna et du Monou; ouvrage publié par la Société d'Afrique et traduit par Cuny. Tome I[-II]. Leyden, John, 1775-1811. A Paris, : Chez P. Mongie l'aîné, libraire, cour de Fountaines no. 1., 1809.
1809 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. An essay on the principle of population; or, A view of its past and present effects on human happiness; : with an inquiry into our prospects respecting the future removal or mitigation of the evils which it occasions. Malthus, T. R. (Thomas Robert), 1766-1834. Washington City: : Printed and published by Roger Chew Weightman, Pennsylvania Avenue., 1809..
1809 District of Columbia George Town [D.C.] An essay on the principle of population; or, A view of its past and present effects on human happiness; : with an inquiry into our prospects respecting the future removal or mitigation of the evils which it occasions. Malthus, T. R. (Thomas Robert), 1766-1834. George Town [D.C.]: : Published by J. Milligan, at J. March's bookstore. : R. Chew Weightman, printer., 1809..
1809 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Geography made easy; being an abridgement of the American universal geography. : To which are prefixed elements of geography. For the use of schools and academies in the United States of America. Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826. Boston: : Published by Thomas & Andrews. Sold at their bookstore, No. 45 Newbury-Street, and by the principal booksellers in the United States. J.T. Buckingham, printer., 1809..
1810 England Broxbourn, Herts The travels of Mirza Abu Taleb Khan, in Asia, Africa, and Europe : during the years 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, and 1803. Abu Talib Khan, 1752-1806? [Broxbourn, Herts] : Printed by R. Watts, Broxbourn, Herts: and sold by Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, London., 1810.
1810 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa An account of the empire of Marocco, and the district of Suse; : compiled from miscellaneous observations made during a long residence in, and various journeys through, these countries. : To which is added an account of Timbuctoo, the great emporium of central Africa. Jackson, James Grey. Philadelphia: : Printed for Francis Nichols. : Fry and Kammerer, printers., 1810..
1810 England London, England A voyage to South America, and the Cape of Good Hope; : in His Majesty's gun brig The Protector, commanded by Lieut. Sir G.M. Keith, bart.. Keith, George Mouat, Sir London: : Printed for Richard Phillips, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, by B. McMillan, Bow Street, Covent Garden., 1810..
1810 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa A general collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels, in all parts of the world; : many of which are now first translated into English. Digested on a new plan.   Philadelphia: : Published by Kimber and Conrad, no. 93, Market Street, William Falconer, New York; Samuel Jefferis, Baltimore; James Kennedy, sen. Alexandria; Fitzwhylsonn and Potter, Richmond; John Hoff, Charleston, South Carolina; Henry Cushing, Providence, R.I.; John West and Co., Boston; Cushing and Appleton, Salem; Edward Little and Co. Newburyport; Charles Tappan, Portsmouth. Brown & Merritt, printers., 1810.[-1812].
1811 England London, England Account of the conquest of Mauritius. : With some notices on the history, soil, products, defences, and the political importance, of this island. : To which is added, a sketch, explanatory of the military operations. Evans, Lieut. London. : Printed for T. Egerton, Military Library, Whitehall., 1811..
1811 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Sketches of human manners, : delineated in stories intended to illustrate the characters, religion, and singular customs, of the inhabitants of different parts of the world. Wakefield, Priscilla, 1751-1832. Philadelphia: : Published by Johnson & Warner, and sold at their stores, in Philadelphia, in Richmond, (Vir.) and Lexington, (K.), 1811.
1812 England London, England Travels in southern Africa, in the years 1803, 1804, 1805, and 1806, Lichtenstein, Hinrich, 1780-1857. London: : Printed for Henry Colburn, English and Foreign Public Library, Conduit-Street; George Goldie, Edinburgh; and John Cumming, Dublin., 1812-1815..
1812 England London, England An account of the Gold Coast of Africa: : with a brief history of the African Company. Meredith, Henry. London: : printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster Row., 1812..
1812 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The American universal geography; or A view of the present state of all the kingdoms, states, and colonies in the known world. : In two volumes. ... The whole comprehending a complete system of modern geography, accompanied by a new and elegent general atlas of the world, containing (in a separate quarto volume,) sixty three maps, comprising, as far as they could be obtained, all the latest discoveries to the present time. Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826. Boston: : Published by Thomas & Andrews, and sold, wholesale and retail, at their bookstore, no. 45, Newbury-Street---May, 1812. J. T. Buckingham, printer, Winter-Street., [1812]
1812 England London, England A Selection of curious, rare, and early voyages, and histories of interesting discoveries, : chiefly published by Hakluyt, or at his suggestion, but not included in his celebrated compilation, to which, to Purchas, and other general collections, this is intended as a supplement..   London: : Printed for R.H. Evans, 26, Pall Mall; and R. Priestley, Holborn., 1812..
1813 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Geography made easy: being an abridgement of the American universal geography. : To which are prefixed elements of geography. For the use of schools and academies in the United States of America. Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826. Boston: : Published by Thomas & Andrews. Sold at their bookstore, no. 45 Newbury-street; by Eastburn, Kirk and Co. New York, M. Carey, Philadelphia; and by the principal booksellers in the United States. J. T. Buckingham, printer., Oct. 1813..
1813 New York New York, N.Y. Travels, in the interior districts of Africa: : performed under the direction and patronage of the African Association, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. Park, Mungo, 1771-1806. New-York: : Published by Evert Duyckinck, no. 102, Pearl-Street. J. Oram, printer., 1813..
1814 England London, England A spelling-book of the Bullom language; : with a dialogue and Scripture exercises. Nyländer, Gustavus Reinhold, d. 1825. London: : printed for the Church Missionary Society, by Ellerton and Henderson, Johnson's Court, Fleet Street., 1814..
1814 France Paris, France L'Afrique, ou Histoire, moeurs, usages et coutumes des africains. : Le Sénégal. R. G. V. (René Geoffroy de Villeneuve), 1767-1831. Paris, : Nepveu, libraire, passage des Panoramas, no. 26., 1814..
1814 England London, England A voyage to Abyssinia, : and travels into the interior of that country, executed under the orders of the British government, in the years 1809 and 1810; in which are included, an account of the Portuguese settlements on the east coast of Africa, visited in the course of the voyage; a concise narrative of late events in Arabia Felix; and some particulars respecting the aboriginal African tribes, extending from Mosambique to the borders of Egypt; together with vocabularies of their respective languages. Illustrated with a map of Abyssinia, numerous engravings, and charts. Salt, Henry, 1780-1827. London: : Printed for F.C. and J. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-Yard; by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-Row, St. James's., 1814.
1815 England London, England Travels in South Africa : undertaken at the request of the Missionary Society Campbell, John, 1766-1840. London : Printed for Black, Parry, & Co., Leadenhall-Street, and T. Hamilton, 33 Paternoster-Row : W. Flint, printer, Old Bailey, London, 1815.
1815 England London, England A letter to His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester ... Macaulay, Zachary, 1768-1838. London : printed by Ellerton and Henderson; for John Hatchard, 1815.
1815 England London, England The journal of a mission to the interior of Africa, in the year 1805. Park, Mungo, 1771-1806. London: : Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-Street, by W. Bulmer and co. Cleveland-Row, St. James's., 1815..
1815 England London, England The journal of a mission to the interior of Africa, in the year 1805. Park, Mungo, 1771-1806. London: : Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-Street, by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-Row, St. James's., 1815..
1815 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The journal of a mission to the interior of Africa, in the year 1805. Park, Mungo, 1771-1806. Philadelphia: : Published by Edward Earle. William Fry, printer., 1815..
1815 England London, England A reply "point to point" to the special report of the directors of the African Institution. Thorpe, Robert. London: : Printed for F.C. and J. Rivington, No. 62, St. Paul's Church Yard; by R. & R. Gilbert, St. John's-Square, Clerkenwell., 1815.
1815 England London, England Postscript to the Reply "point to point;" : containing an exposure of the misrepresentation of the treatment of the captured negroes at Sierra Leone; and other matters arising from the Ninth report of the African Institution. Thorpe, Robert. London: : Printed for F.C. and J. Rivington, No. 62, St. Paul's Church-Yard; by R. and R. Gilbert, St. John's Square, Clerkenwell., 1815.
1815 England London, England A letter to William Wilberforce, Esq. M.P. vice president of the African Institution, &c. &c. &c. : containing remarks on the reports of the Sierra Leone Company, and African Institution: with hints respecting the means by which an universal abolition of the slave trade might be carried into effect. Thorpe, Robert. London: : Printed for F.C. and J. Rivington. No. 62, St. Paul's Church Yard; by Law and Gilbert, St. John's-Square, Clerkenwell., 1815.
1815 England London, England Maritime geography and statistics, or A description of the ocean and its coasts, maritime commerce, navigation, &c. &c. &c. Tuckey, James Hingston, 1776-1816. London: : Printed for Black, Parry, and Co. booksellers to the Hon. East-India Company, Leadenhall-Street., 1815.
1816 England London, England An historical display of the effects of physical and moral causes on the character and circumstances of nations : including a comparison of the ancients and moderns in regard to their intellectual and social state Bigland, John, 1750-1832. London : printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown [and 3 others], 1816 [Doncaster : W. Sheardown, printer].
1816 Massachusetts Andover, Mass. Travels in South Africa : Undertaken at the request of the Missionary Society Campbell, John, 1766-1840. Andover [Mass.] : Printed and published by Flagg and Gould : For sale by the publishers; By Mark Newman, Andover; Cummings and Hilliard, Boston; Cushing and Appleton, Salem; Charles Whipple, Newburyport; and Eastburn, Kirk, and Co., New York, 1816.
1816 England London, England A letter to a member of Parliament on the slavery of the Christians at Algiers Croker, Walter. London : Printed for J.J. Stockdale, 1816 [Printed by Cox and Baylis].
1816 England London, England Narrative of a journey in Egypt and the country beyond the cataracts. Legh, Thomas, 1793-1857. London: : Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-Street., 1816..
1816 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Travels at home, and voyages by the fire-side, for the instruction and entertainment of young persons. 2 vols. Lloyd, Charles. Philadelphia: Published by Edward Earle. T. & G. Palmer, printers., 1816..
1816 England London, England Letters of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, : written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa.. Montagu, Mary Wortley, Lady, 1689-1762. London: : and sold at Paris by Theophilus Barrois, Jun. book-seller for the foreign living languages, Quai Voltaire, No. 11., 1816..
1816 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Geography made easy: being an abridgment of the American universal geography. : To which are prefixed elements of geography. For the use of schools and academies in the United states of America. Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826. Boston: : Published by Thomas & Andrews. Sold at their bookstore, No. 45 Newbury-Street, and by West and Richardson, No. 75 Cornhill; by S. Wood and Sons, New-York, M. Carey, Philadelphia; and by the principal booksellers in the United States. Ezra Lincoln, printer., Sept. 1816..
1816 England London, England Lum keleng ko kë anin buleing nghana yehmah koh kë foy. : A good word to all people who wish to go to heaven. Nyländer, Gustavus Reinhold, d. 1825. London: : printed for the Church Missionary Society, by Ellerton and Henderson, Johnson's Court., 1816..
1816 England London, England Travels in the interior districts of Africa: performed in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. With an account of a subsequent mission to that country in 1805. Park, Mungo, 1771-1806. London, J. Murray, 1816.
1816 England London, England Travels in the interior districts of Africa: : performed in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. With an account of a subsequent mission to that country in 1805. Park, Mungo, 1771-1806. London: : Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-Street, by William Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-Row., 1816..
1816 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa A voyage to Abyssinia, : and travels into the interior of that country, executed under the orders of the British government, in the years 1809 and 1810; in which are included, an account of the Portuguese settlements on the east coast of Africa, visited in the course of the voyage; a concise narrative of late events in Arabia Felix; and some particulars respecting the aboriginal African tribes, extending from Mosambique to the borders of Egypt; together with vocabularies of their respective languages. Illustrated with a map of Abyssinia. Salt, Henry, 1780-1827. [Philadelphia] : Published by M. Carey, Philadelphia, and Wells & Lilly, Boston. Printed by Lydia R. Bailey., 1816.
1816 Haiti Au Cap-Henry [i.e. Cap-Haïtien, Haiti] Réflexions sur une lettre de Mazères, : ex-colon français, adressée à M. J.C.L. Sismonde de Sismondi, sur les noirs et les blancs, la civilisation de l'Afrique, le royaume d'Hayti, etc. Vastey, Pompée-Valentin, baron de, d. 1820? Au Cap-Henry [i.e. Cap-Haïtien, Haiti], Chez P. Roux, imprimeur du roi., Mars 1816, l'an 13eme.
1817 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The narrative of Robert Adams, an American sailor : who was wrecked on the western coast of Africa, in the year 1810; was detained three years in slavery by the Arabs of the Great Desert, and resided several months in the city of Tombuctoo. With a map, notes and an appendix. Adams, Robert. Boston : Published by Wells and Lilly--Sold by M. Carey and Son, Philadelphia, 1817.
1817 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Narrative of a journey in Egypt and the country beyond the cataracts. Legh, Thomas, 1793-1857. Philadelphia: : Published by M. Thomas. : James Maxwell, printer., 1817..
1817 Scotland Edinburgh Historical account of discoveries and travels in Africa, Leyden, John, 1775-1811. Edinburgh: : Printed by George Ramsay and Company, for Archibald Constable and Company, Edinburgh; and Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, London., 1817..
1817 England London, England Loss of the American brig Commerce, : wrecked on the western coast of Africa, in the month of August, 1815. With an account of Tombuctoo and of the hitherto undiscovered great city of Wassanah. Riley, James, 1777-1840. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1817.
1817 New York New York, N.Y. An authentic narrative of the loss of the American brig Commerce, : wrecked on the western coast of Africa, in the month of August, 1815. With an account of the sufferings of her surviving officers and crew, who were enslaved by the wandering Arabs on the great African desart, or Zahahrah; and observations historical, geographical, &c. made during the travels of the author, while a slave to the Arabs, and in the empire of Morocco. Riley, James, 1777-1840. New-York: : Printed and published for the author, by T. & W. Mercein, No. 93 Gold-Street., 1817.
1817 Connecticut Hartford, (Connecticut) A journal, comprising an account of the loss of the brig Commerce, : of Hartford, (Con.) James Riley, master, upon the western coast of Africa, August 28th, 1815; also of the slavery and sufferings of the author and the rest of the crew, upon the desert of Zahara, in the years 1815, 1816, 1817; with accounts of the manners, customs, and habits of the wandering Arabs; also, a brief historical and geographical view of the continent of Africa. Robbins, Archibald, 1792-1865. Hartford [Conn.]: : Printed by F.D. Bolles & Co., 1817.
1817 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa A portraiture of domestic slavery, in the United States: : with reflections on the practicability of restoring the moral rights of the slave, without impairing the legal privileges of the possessor; and a project of a colonial asylum for free persons of colour: including memoirs of facts on the interior traffic in slaves, and on kidnapping. Illustrated with engravings. Torrey, Jesse, fl. 1787-1834. Philadelphia: : Published by the author. John Bioren, printer., 1817.
1817 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. A View of exertions lately made for the purpose of colonizing the free people of colour, : in the United States, in Africa, or elsewhere.   City of Washington [D.C.], : Printed by Jonathan Elliot, Pennsylvania Avenue., 1817.
1818 England London, England Journal of a visit to South Africa, in 1815, and 1816. : With some account of the missionary settlements of the United Brethren, near the Cape of Good Hope. Latrobe, Christian Ignatius, 1758-1836. London: : Published by L.B. Seeley, 169, Fleet Street, and R. Ackermann, 101 Strand., 1818..
1818 New York New York, N.Y. Journal of a visit to South Africa, in 1815 and 1816. : With some account of the missionary settlements of the United Brethren, near the Cape of Good Hope. Latrobe, Christian Ignatius, 1758-1836. New-York: : Published by James Eastburn and Co., at the Literary Rooms, Broadway. ; Clayton & Kingsland, printers., 1818..
1818 England London, England Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Holy Land, Mount Libanon, and Cyprus, in the year 1814. Light, Henry, 1783-1870. London: : Printed for Rodwell and Martin, New Bond-Street., 1818..
1818 New York New York, N.Y. A narrative of the shipwreck of the ship Oswego, on the coast of South Barbary, and of the sufferings of the master and the crew while in bondage among the Arabs; : interspersed with numerous remarks upon the country and its inhabitants, and concerning the peculiar perils of that coast. Paddock, Judah, 1767-1823. New-York [N.Y.]: : Published by Captain James Riley. J. Seymour, printer., 1818.
1818 New York New York, N.Y. An authentic narrative of the loss of the American brig Commerce, : wrecked on the western coast of Africa, in the month of August, 1815. With an account of the sufferings of her surviving officers and crew, who were enslaved by the wandering Arabs on the great African desert, or Zahahrah; and observations historical, geographical, &c. made during the travels of the author, while a slave to the Arabs, and in the empire of Morocco. Riley, James, 1777-1840. New-York: : Published and sold by Collins & Co., 1818.
1818 Connecticut Hartford, (Connecticut) A journal, comprising an account of the loss of the brig Commerce, : of Hartford, (Con.) James Riley, master, upon the western coast of Africa, August 28th, 1815; also of the slavery and sufferings of the author and the rest of the crew, upon the desert of Zahara, in the years 1815, 1816, 1817; with accounts of the manners, customs, and habits of the wandering Arabs; also, a brief historical and geographical view of the continent of Africa. Robbins, Archibald, 1792-1865. Hartford [Conn.]: : Published by Silas Andrus. 1818. Stereotyped by C. Starr, New-York., [1818]
1818 England London, England Narrative of a voyage to Senegal in 1816; : undertaken by order of the French Government, comprising an account of the shipwreck of the Medusa, the sufferings of the crew, and the various occurrences on board the raft, in the desert of Zaara, at St. Louis, and at the camp of Daccard. To which are subjoined observations respecting the agriculture of the western coast of Africa, from Cape Blanco to the mouth of the Gambia. Savigny, Jean Baptiste Henri, 1793-1843. London: : Printed for Henry Colburn, Conduit-Street., 1818.
1818 England London, England Narrative of an expedition to explore the river Zaire, : usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816, Tuckey, James Hingston, 1776-1816. London: : John Murray, Albemarle-Street., 1818.
1818 New York New York, N.Y. Narrative of an expedition to explore the river Zaire, : usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816, Tuckey, James Hingston, 1776-1816. New-York: : Published by William B. Gilley, No. 92 Broadway. Printed by William A. Mercein,, 1818.
1818 New York New York, N.Y. Narrative of an expedition to explore the river Zaire, : usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816, Tuckey, James Hingston, 1776-1816. New-York [N.Y.]: : Published by Kirk & Mercein, 22, Wall-Street. Printed by William A. Mercein,, 1818.
1819 England London, England Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee : with a statistical account of that kingdom, and geographical notices of other parts of the interior of Africa Bowdich, T. Edward (Thomas Edward), 1791-1824. London : J. Murray, Albemarle-Street : printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-Row, St. James's, 1819.
1819 England London, England Travels of M. Burckhardt, in Egypt and Nubia : From the Calcutta journal. Burckhardt, John Lewis, 1784-1817. London : Printed for Sir Richard Phillips and Co., Bride-Court, Bridge-Street : W. Lewis, printer, Finch Lane, Cornhill, 1819.
1819 England London, England Travels in Nubia Burckhardt, John Lewis, 1784-1817. London : John Murray, Albemarle Street : Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland Row, St. James's, 1819.
1819 England London, England Narrative of thirty-four years slavery and travels in Africa, Dumont, P.-J. (Pierre-Joseph), b. 1768. London: : Printed for Sir Richard Phillips and Co. Bride Court, Bridge-Street. : W. Lewis, printer, Finch Lane, Cornhill., 1819.
1819 England London, England The tour of Africa. : Containing a concise account of all the countries in that quarter of the globe, hitherto visited by Europeans; with the manners and customs of the inhabitants. Hutton, Catherine, 1756-1846. London: : Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, Paternoster Row., 1819-1821..
1819 England London, England A voyage to South America and the Cape of Good Hope, : in His Majesty's brig Protector, Keith, George Mouat, Sir London: : Printed for the author, by J.B.G. Vogel, 7, Castle Street, Falcon Square., 1819..
1819 England London, England Narrative of the sufferings and adventures of Henderick Portenger, : a private soldier of the late Swiss regiment De Mueron, who was wrecked on the shores of Abyssinia, in the Red Sea. Portenger, Hendrick. London: : Printed for Sir Richard Phillips and Co. Bride-Court, Bridge-Street., 1819..
1819 England London, England Voyage along the eastern coast of Africa, to Mosambique, Johanna, and Quiloa; : to St. Helena; to Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, and Pernambuco in Brazil, in the Nisus frigate, Prior, James, Sir, 1790?-1869. London: : Printed for Sir Richard Phillips and Co. Bride-Court, Bridge-Street., 1819..
1819 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Universal history Americanised; or, An historical view of the world, : from the earliest records to the year 1808. With a particular reference to the state of society, literature, religion, and form of government, in the United States of America. Ramsay, David, 1749-1815. [Philadelphia] : Copy-right secured, for the benefit of the family of Doctor Ramsay, and printed by assignment from them, by M. Carey & Son, Philadelphia., 1819.
1819 England London, England Notes on Africa; : particularly those parts which are situated between Cape Verd and the River Congo; containing sketches of the geographical situations--the manners and customs--the trade, commerce, and manufactures--and the government and policy of the various nations in this extensive tract; also a view of their capabilities for the reception of civilations; with hints for the melioration of the whole African population. Robertson, G. A. London: : Printed for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row., 1819.
1820 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. The third annual report of the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States. With an appendix. American Colonization Society. Washington : Printed by Davis and Force, 1820.
1820 England London, England An account of Timbuctoo and Housa : territories in the interior of Africa Jackson, James Grey. London : printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1820 [Printed by A. and R. Spottiswoode].
1820 England London, England A voyage to Africa : with some account of the manners and customs of the Dahomian people M'Leod, John, 1777?-1820. London : John Murray, MDCCCXX. [1820]
1820 England London, England Travels in Africa, to the sources of the Senegal and Gambia, in 1818. Mollien, Gaspard Théodore, comte de, 1796-1872. London: : Printed for Sir R. Phillips, and Co. Bride Court, Bridge Street., 1820..
1820 England London, England Travels in the interior of Africa, to the sources of the Senegal and Gambia; : Performed by command of the French government, in the year 1818, Mollien, Gaspard Théodore, comte de, 1796-1872. London: : printed for Henry Colburn & Co. Public library, Conduit-Street, Hanover-Square., 1820..
1820 England London, England The Surprising adventures of Henry Twisdon, : a young gentleman of Yorkshire; containing a narrative of the perilious state of the vessel in which he was embarked, and its subsquent capture by pirates; the horrid proceedings on board the corsair; his arrival at an astonishing cavern in Africa, wherein a most dreadful battle was fought; his providential escape, by means of a subterraneous passage; the destruction of the pirate's cave; Twisdon's perilous journey through the African forests; his safe arrival in England, &c. &c.   London: : Printed and sold by Dean and Munday, Threadneedle-Street. Price six-pence., [ca. 1820?]
1821 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Abstract of a journal of E. Bacon, assistant agent of the United States, to Africa : with an appendix, containing extracts from proceedings of the Church Missionary Society in England, for the years 1819-20. To which is prefixed An abstract of the journal, of the Rev. J.B. Cates, one of the missionaries from Sierra Leone to Grand Bassa; in an overland journey ... 1819. The whole showing the successful exertions of the British and American governments in repressing the slave trade. Bacon, Ephraim. Philadelphia : published by S. Potter, & Co. D. Dickinson, printer, 1821.
1821 England London, England Notes of the Cape of Good Hope, made during an excursion in that colony in the year 1820. Blount, Edward. London: : John Murray, Albemarle-Street., 1821..
1821 France Paris, France Naufrage du brick français la Sophie : perdu, le 30 mai 1819, sur la côte occidentale d'Afrique, et captivité d'une partie des naufragés dans le désert de Sahara : avec de nouveaux renseignemens sur la ville de Timectou : Ouvrage orné d'une carte dressée par M. Lapie, et de planches dessinées par H. Vernet, et autres artistes distingués Cochelet, Charles. Paris : librairie universelle de P. Mongie ainé, boulevart poissonnière, no. 18 : Imprimerie de Fain, place de l'odéon, 1821.
1821 England London, England A dissertation shewing the identity of the rivers Niger and Nile; : chiefly from the authority of the ancients. Dudley, John, 1762-1856. London: : Sold by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, Pater Noster Row; ; [Cambridge] : Deighton and Sons, Cambridge; ; [Oxford] : J. Parker, Oxford ; ; [Leicester] : Combe, Leicester. : Printed by T. Combe, Leicester., M.DCCC.XXI. [1821]
1821 England London, England A voyage to Africa: : including a narrative of an embassy to one of the interior kingdoms, in the year 1820; with remarks on the course and termination of the Niger, and other principal rivers in that country. Hutton, William, 1797-1860. London: : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster-Row., 1821..
1821 France Paris, France Histoire complète des voyages et découvertes en Afrique, : depuis les siècles les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours; accompagnée d'un précis géographique sur ce continent et des iles qui l'environnent; de notices sur l'état physique, moral et politique des divers peuples qui l'habitent, et d'un tableau de son histoire naturelle; Leyden, John, 1775-1811. A Paris, : Chez Arthus Bertrand, libraire, rue Hautefeuille, no. 23., 1821..
1821 England London, England A narrative of travels in northern Africa, in the years 1818, 19, and 20; : accompanied by geographical notices of Soudan, and of the course of the Niger. With a chart of the routes, and a variety of coloured plates, illustrative of the costumes of the several natives of northern Africa. Lyon, G. F. (George Francis), 1795-1832. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1821..
1821 France Paris, France Choix de voyages dans les quatre parties du monde, ou Précis des voyages les plus intéressans, par terre et par mer, entrepris depuis l'année 1806 jusqu'a ce jour; MacCarthy, J. A Paris, : a la Librairie nationale et étrangère, rue Notre-Dame-des-Victoires, no 34; et chez Locard et Davi, libraires, quai des Augustins, no 3. : Imprimerie de Rignoux., 1821-1822..
1821 Scotland Edinburgh A geographical and commercial view of northern Central Africa: : containing a particular account of the course and termination of the great river Niger in the Atlantic ocean. MacQueen, James, 1778-1870. Edinburgh: : Printed for William Blackwood, Edinburgh; T. Cadell, in the Strand, London; and W. Turnbull, Glasgow., 1821..
1821 Connecticut New-Haven, Conn. A new universal gazeteer, or Geographical dictionary, : containing a description of the various countries, provinces, cities, towns, seas, lakes, rivers, mountains, capes, &c. in the known world. With an appendix, containing an account of the monies, weights, and measures of various countries, with tables illustrating the population, commerce, and resources of the United States. Accompanied with an atlas. Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826. [New-Haven] : Published by Sherman Converse of New Haven, and Silas Andrus of Hartford. S. Converse, printer., 1821..
1821 France Paris, France Recherches géographiques sur l'intérieur de l'Afrique septentrionale, : comprenant l'histoire des voyages entrepris ou exécutés jusqu'à ce jour pour pénétrer dans l'intérieur du Soudan; l'exposition des systèmes géographiques qu'on a formés sur cette contrée; l'analyse de divers itinéraires arabes pour déterminer la position de Timbouctou; et l'examen de connaissances des anciens relativement à l'intérieur de l'Afrique: suivies d'un appendice, contenant divers itinéraires, Walckenaer, C. A. (Charles Athanase), 1771-1852. A Paris, : Chez Arthus Bertrand, libraire, rue Hautefeuille, No 23., 1821.
1821 England London, England Africa, : containing a description of the manners and customs, with some historical particulars of the Moors of the Zahara, and of the Negro nations between the rivers Senegal and Gambia: illustrated with two maps, and forty-five coloured engravings. Vol. I[-IV].   London: : Printed for R. Ackermann, 101, Strand, and to be had of all booksellers., [1821]
1822 England London, England Sketches taken during ten voyages to Africa, between the years 1786 and 1800 : including observations on the country between Cape Palmas and the River Congo; and cursory remarks on the physical and moral character of the inhabitants: with an appendix, containing an account of the European trade with the west coast of Africa Adams, John, d. 1866. London : published by Hurst, Robinson, and Co. Constable and Co. Edinburgh; by T. Muncaster, Liverpool; and may be had of all other booksellers. James Smith, printer, Liverpool, [1822].
1822 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. The fifth annual report of the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States : With an appendix. American Colonization Society. Washington City : Printed by Davis & Force, 1822.
1822 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Abstract of a journal of E. Bacon, assistant agent of the United States, to Africa : with an appendix, containing interesting accounts of the effects of the Gospel among the native Africans. With cuts, showing a contrast between two native towns, one of which is Christianized and the other heathen. Published for the benefit of Africa. Bacon, Ephraim. Philadelphia : Clark & Raser, printers, 1822.
1822 England London, England Travels in the interior of southern Africa Burchell, William John, 1782?-1863. London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster-Row : Printed by A. & H. Spottiswoode, New-Street-Square, 1822-1824.
1822 England London, England Travels in South Africa, undertaken at the request of the London Missionary Society : being a narrative of a second journey in the interior of that country Campbell, John, 1766-1840. London : Printed for the Society : Published and sold by Francis Westley; and sold by Black and Co.; Waugh and Innes, Edinburgh; and Chalmers and Collins, Glasgow ; [London] : T.C. Hansard, printer, Peterborough-court, Fleet-street, 1822.
1822 England London, England Narrative of the shipwreck of the Sophia : on the 30th of May, 1819, on the western coast of Africa, and of the captivity of a part of the crew in the desert of Sahara : With engravings Cochelet, Charles. London : printed for Sir Richard Phillips and Co. Bride-Court, Bridge-Street, 1822.
1822 England London, England A history of the island of Madagascar, : comprising a political account of the island, the religion, manners, and customs of its inhabitants, and its natural productions: : with an appendix, containing a history of the several attempts to introduce Christianity into the island. Copland, Samuel. London: : printed by R. Clay, Devonshire-Street, Bishopsgate; for Burton and Smith, 156, Leadenhall-Street: : sold also by Simpkin and Marshall, Stationers' Court; and D. Walther, Brydges Street, Covent Garden., 1822.
1822 England London, England A journey to two of the oases of upper Egypt, Edmonstone, Archibald, Sir, 1795-1871. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1822.
1822 England London, England A new and comprehensive system of modern geography, mathematical, physical, political, and commercial; : comprising a perspicuous delineation of the present state of the globe, with its inhabitants and productions; preceded by the history of the science; interspersed with statistical and synoptical tables; and accompanied with a series of coloured maps, a great variety of appropriate views, and numerous other engravings illustrative of the manners, customs, and costumes of nations. Myers, Thomas, 1774-1834. London: : Printed for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster-Row., 1822..
1822 Massachusetts Newburyport, [Mass.] Dazee, or The re-captured negro. Sherwood, Mrs. (Mary Martha), 1775-1851. Newburyport [Mass.]: : Printed by W. & J. Gilman, booksellers, Phenix-Building, No. 9 State-Street., 1822.
1822 England London, England Journal of a visit to some parts of Ethiopia. Waddington, George, 1793-1869. London: : John Murray, Albemarle-Street., MDCCCXXII. [1822]
1823 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. The sixth annual report of the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States : With an appendix. American Colonization Society. Washington City : Printed by Davis and Force, 1823.
1823 England London, England State of the Cape of Good Hope, in 1822. Bird, William Wilberforce, ca. 1759-1836. London : John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1823 [printed by C. Roworth].
1823 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. A narrative of the expedition to Dongola and Sennaar, under the command of His Excellence Ismael Pasha, : undertaken by order of His Highness Mehemmed Ali Pasha, Viceroy of Egypt. English, George Bethune, 1787-1828. Boston: : Wells and Lilly--Court-street., 1823..
1823 England London, England Tour over the Alps and in Italy. Montémont, Albert, 1788-1861. London: : Printed for Sir Richard Phillips and Co. Bride-Court, Bridge-Street., 1823..
1823 Connecticut New-Haven, Conn. A new universal gazeteer, or Geographical dictionary, : containing a description of the various countries, provinces, cities, towns, seas, lakes, rivers, mountains, capes, &c. in the known world. With an appendix, containing an account of the monies, weights and measures of various countries, with tables illustrating the population, commerce, and resources of the United States. Accompanied with an atlas. Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826. New-Haven: : Printed and published by S. Converse, 1823..
1824 England London, England An account of the discoveries of the Portuguese in the interior of Angola and Mozambique Bowdich, T. Edward (Thomas Edward), 1791-1824. London : Printed for John Booth, Duke Street, Portland Place, 1824 [Howlett and Brimmer]
1824 England London, England Journal of a residence in Ashantee. Dupuis, Joseph. London: : Printed for Henry Colburn, New Burlington Street. : Shackell and Arrowsmith, Johnson's-Court, Fleet-Street., 1824..
1824 England London, England Radama; or, The enlightened African. : With sketches of Madagascar. Hedge, Mary Ann. London: : Printed for Harvey and Darton; 55, Gracechurch-Street., 1824..
1824 Connecticut Hartford, (Connecticut) Communications from the London Missionary Society, to the Missionary Society of Connecticut.. London Missionary Society. Hartford [Conn.]: : Printed by Hudson & Goodwin., 1803..
1824 Connecticut Hartford, (Connecticut) A view of all religions; and the religious ceremonies of all nations at the present day. : In four parts. Part I. Christianity. Part II. Judaism. Part III. Mahometanism. Part IV. Paganism. Including an abridgment of "The idolatry of the Hindoos, their history, literature, religion, manners, and customs, &c. by William Ward, D.D. of Serampore." With the religion and ceremonies of other pagan nations. Robbins, Thomas, 1777-1856. Hartford [Conn.]: : [s.n.], 1824.
1824 France Paris, France Faits relatifs à la traite des noirs, : suivis de détails sur la colonie de Sierra-Léone, Society of Friends. Paris, : Imprimerie de Lachevardière fils, successeur de Cellot, rue du Colombier, no. 30., 1824..
1824 Scotland Edinburgh Historical sketch of the progress of discovery, navigation, and commerce, : from the earliest records to the beginning of the nineteenth century. Stevenson, William, 1772-1829. [Edinburgh] : William Blackwood, Edinburgh: and T. Cadell, London., 1824.
1824 England London, England West-African sketches:   [London] : Printed for L.B. Seeley and Son, Fleet Street, London., MDCCCXXIV. [1824]
1825 England London, England Excursions in Madeira and Porto Santo : during the autumn of 1823, while on his third voyage to Africa Bowdich, T. Edward (Thomas Edward), 1791-1824. London : George B. Whittaker, 1825.
1825 Connecticut Wethersfield, [Conn.] Elements of geography and history : combined in a catechetical form : for the use of families and schools Butler, Frederick, 1766-1843. Wethersfield, [Conn.] : Published by Deming & Francis : A. Francis, printer, 1825.
1825 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The life of Africaner, a Namacqua chief, of South Africa Campbell, John, 1766-1840. Philadelphia : American Sunday School Union. Depository, 13 N. Fourth Street, 1825.
1825 England London, England Travels in Western Africa, in the years 1818, 19, 20, and 21, : from the river Gambia, through Woolli, Bondoo, Galam, Kasson, Kaarta, and Foolidoo, to the river Niger. Gray, William, Major London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., MDCCCXXV. [1825]
1825 England London, England Travels in the Timannee, Kooranko, and Soolima countries, in Western Africa. Laing, Alexander Gordon. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., MDCCCXXV. [1825]
1826 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. History of the American colony in Liberia, from December 1821 to 1823 Ashmun, J. (Jehudi), 1794-1828. Washington City : Printed by Way & Gideon, 1826.
1826 England London, England The pleasant and surprising adventures of Robert Drury, : during the fifteen years' captivity on the island of Madagascar. Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. London: : Printed for Hunt and Clarke, Tavistock-Street, Covent-Garden. ; London: : printed by W. Clowes, Stamford-Street., 1826.
1826 England London, England Narrative of travels and discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, : in the years 1822, 1823, and 1824, Denham, Dixon, 1786-1828. London: : John Murray, Albemarle-Street. : Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars., 1826.
1826 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Narrative of travels and discoveries in northern and central Africa, : in the years 1822, 1823, and 1824, Denham, Dixon, 1786-1828. Boston: : Published by Cummings, Hilliard & Co. and Carey and Lea, Philadelphia., 1826.
1826 New York New York, N.Y. The history of the bucaniers of America.. Exquemelin, A. O. (Alexandre Olivier) New-York: : published by William Beastall. : S. Marks, printer., 1826..
1827 Italy Milan Le costume ancien et moderne ou Histoire du gouvernement, de la milice, de la religion, des arts, sciences et usages de tous les peuples anciens et modernes : d'après les monumens de l'antiquité et accompagné de dessins analogues au sujet Ferrario, Giulio, 1767-1847. Milan : De l'imprimerie de l'éditeur., MDCCCXXVII. [1827]
1827 England Southampton [England]; The widowed missionary's journal; : containing some account of Madagascar: and also, a narrative of the missionary career of the Rev. J. Jeffreys; who died on a passage from Madagascar to the Isle of France, July 4, 1825, aged 31 years. Jeffreys, Keturah. Southampton [England]; : Printed for the author; and sold by Westley and Davis, London; by Godwin, Bath; and Trumplett, Bristol., MDCCCXXVII. [1827]
1827 England London, England Scenes and occurrences in Albany and Caffer-land, South Africa.. Phillips, Thomas, fl. 1827. London: : William Marsh, 145, Oxford Street., 1827..
1827 New York New York, N.Y. Scenes in Africa, for the amusement and instruction of little tarry-at-home travellers. Taylor, Isaac, 1759-1829. New-York: : W.B. Gilley, 94 Broadway., 1827.
1827 England London, England Travels and adventures in Southern Africa. Thompson, George, 1796-1889. London: : Henry Colburn, New Burlington Street., 1827.
1827 England London, England Travels and adventures in Southern Africa. Thompson, George, 1796-1889. London: : Henry Colburn, New Burlington Street., 1827.
1827 Connecticut Hartford, (Connecticut) A system of universal geography, on the principles of comparison and classification; Woodbridge, William C. (William Channing), 1794-1845. Hartford [Conn.]: : Oliver D. Cooke & Sons., 1824 [i.e. 1827].
1828 England London, England Proceedings of the expedition to explore the northern coast of Africa : from Tripoly eastward; in MDCCCXXI. and MDCCCXXII. comprehending an account of the Greater Syrtis and Cyrenaica; and of the ancient cities composing the pentapolis Beechey, Frederick William, 1796-1856. London : John Murray, 1828 [printed by William Clowes].
1828 Connecticut Wethersfield, [Conn.] Elements of geography and history combined : in a catechetical form, for the use of families and schools. Butler, Frederick, 1766-1843. Wethersfield [Conn.]: : published by Deming & Francis., 1828..
1828 South Africa Cape Town,] Cape of Good Hope Ordinance of his honor the Lieutenant-Governor in Council : for improving the condition of the Hottentots and other free persons of colour at the Cape of Good Hope ... Cape of Good Hope (South Africa). Lieutenant-Governor. [Cape Town] : Printed by W. Bridekirk, Gazette Office, 31, Heeregracht, [1828].
1828 England London, England Africa described, in its ancient and present state; : including accounts from Bruce, Ledyard, Lucas, Horneman, Park, Salt, Jackson, Sir F. Henniker, Belzoni, the Portuguese missionaries, and others, down to the recent discoveries by Major Denham, Dr. Oudney, and Captain Clapperton. Intended for the use of young persons and schools. Hofland, Mrs. (Barbara), 1770-1844. London: : Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, Paternoster-row., 1828..
1828 France Paris, France Remarques géographiques sur les parties inférieures du cours du Sénégal et de celui de la Gambie; : accompagnées de deux cartes et d'une note sur les positions de Tombouctou et de Sego.. Jomard, M. (Edme-François), 1777-1862. [Paris] : Éverat, imprimeur, rue du Cadran, no 16., [1828?]
1828 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Sympathy, its foundation and legitimate exercise considered, in special relation to Africa: : a discourse delivered on the Fourth of July 1828, in the Sixth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. Kennedy, John H. (John Herron), 1801-1840. Philadelphia: : Printed by W.F. Geddes, no. 59 Locust Street., [1828]
1828 England London, England Researches in South Africa; : illustrating the civil, moral, and religious condition of the native tribes: including journals of the author's travels in the interior; together with detailed accounts of the progress of the Christian missions, exhibiting the influence of Christianity in promoting civilization. Philip, John, 1775-1851. London: : James Duncan, Paternoster-Row., MDCCCXXVIII. [1828].
1828 England London, England Remarks on the demoralizing influence of slavery. Resident at the Cape of Good Hope. London: : printed by Bagster & Thoms, 14, Bartholomew Close, for the Society for the Mitigation and Gradual Abolition of Slavery Throughout the British Dominions., 1828.
1828 England London, England Memoirs of the life and travels of John Ledyard, : from his journals and correspondence. Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866. London. : Henry Colburn, New Burlington Street., 1828.
1828 Massachusetts Cambridge, Mass. The life of John Ledyard, the American traveller; : comprising selections from his journals and correspondence. Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866. Cambridge [Mass.], : Published by Hilliard and Brown; and by Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins, and Richardson and Lord, Boston; G. and C. Carvill, New York; Carey, Lea, and Carey, Philadelphia., 1828.
1829 England London, England Journal of a second expedition into the interior of Africa : from the Bight of Benin to Soccatoo Clapperton, Hugh, 1788-1827. London : John Murray, Albemarle-S1reet : Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars, 1829.
1829 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Journal of a second expedition into the interior of Africa : from the Bight of Benin to Soccatoo Clapperton, Hugh, 1788-1827. Philadelphia : Carey, Lea and Carey--Chesnut Street ; Sold in New York, by G. & C. Carvill, in Boston, by Munroe & Francis ; [Philadelphia] : Griggs & Dickinson, printers, 1829.
1829 England London, England A dissertation on the course and probable termination of the Niger. Donkin, Rufane Shaw, Sir, 1773-1841. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street. : Printed by C. Roworth, Bell Yard, Temple Bar., 1829.
1829 England London, England Four years in southern Africa. Rose, Cowper. London: : Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street., 1829.
1829 Germany Frankfurt am Main Reisen in Nubien, Kordofan und dem peträischen Arabien vorzüglich in geographisch-statistischer Hinsicht Rüppell, Eduard, 1794-1884. Frankfurt am Main, : Bei Friedrich Wilmans., 1829.
1829 Connecticut Hartford, (Connecticut) Rudiments of geography, on a new plan, : designed to assist the memory by comparison and classification; with numerous engravings of manners, customs, & curiosities. Accompanied with an atlas, exhibiting the prevailing religions, forms of government, degrees of civilization, and the comparative size of towns, rivers and mountains. Woodbridge, William C. (William Channing), 1794-1845. Hartford [Conn.]: : Oliver D. Cooke and Co., 1829.
1830 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. A few facts respecting the American Colonization Society, and the colony at Liberia : For gratuitous distribution American Colonization Society. Washington : Printed by Way and Gideon, 1830.
1830 England London, England Recollections of seven years residence at the Mauritius, or Isle of France Bartram, Alfred, Lady. London : James Cawthorn, 1830 [Thomas White, Printer]
1830 England London, England Travels through central Africa to Timbuctoo : and across the great desert, to Morocco, performed in the years 1824-1828 Caillié, René, 1799-1838. London : Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street : printed by G. Schulze, 13, Poland Street, 1830.
1830 England London, England The life of Bruce, : the African traveller. Head, Francis Bond, Sir, 1793-1875. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., MDCCCXXX. [1830]
1830 Scotland Edinburgh Narrative of discovery and adventure in Africa : from the earliest ages to the present time: with illustrations of the geology, mineralogy, and zoology Jameson, Robert, 1774-1854. Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd; and Simpkin & Marshall, London, 1830.
1830 England London, England Records of Captain Clapperton's last expedition to Africa: Lander, Richard, 1804-1834. London: : Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street., 1830..
1830 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine, in 1824, 1825, 1826, and 1827. Madden, Richard Robert, 1798-1886. Philadelphia: : Carey & Lea., 1830..
1830 England London, England Representation of the state of government slaves and apprentices in the Mauritius; : with observations. Vicars, Richard. London: : James Ridgway, No 169 Piccadilly., MDCCCXXX. [1830]
1830 Connecticut Hartford, (Connecticut) Rudiments of geography, on a new plan, : designed to assist the memory by comparison and classification; with numerous engravings of manners, customs, and curiosities. Accompanied with an atlas, exhibiting the prevailing religions, forms of government, degrees of civilization, and the comparative size of towns, rivers, and mountains. Woodbridge, William C. (William Channing), 1794-1845. Hartford [Conn.]: : Oliver D. Cooke and Co., 1830.
1830 Liberia Monrovia, Liberia Liberia herald. Vol. 1. Monrovia, Liberia, (West Africa,) March, 6, 1830. no. 1.   [Monrovia, Liberia : s.n., 1830]
1831 England London, England A practical medico-historical account of the western coast of Africa : embracing a topographical description of its shores, rivers, and settlements, with their seasons and comparative healthiness : together with the causes, symptoms, and treatment, of the fevers of western Africa; and a similar account respecting the other diseases which prevail there Boyle, James. London : S. Highley, 32, Fleet Street; Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh; and Hodges & Smith, Dublin : Printed by G. Hayden, Little College-Street, Westminster, 1831.
1831 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The life of Africaner, a Namacqua chief, of South Africa Campbell, John, 1766-1840. [Philadelphia] : American Sunday School Union. Philadelphia, No. 146 Chesnut Street, 1831.
1831 New York New York, N.Y. Narrative of discovery and adventure in Africa : from the earliest ages to the present time: with illustrations of the geology, mineralogy, and zoology Jameson, Robert, 1774-1854. New-York : printed by J. & J. Harper. Sold by Collins & Hannay [and 5 others];--Albany, O. Steele, and Little & Cummings;--Philadelphia, John Grigg [and 5 others], 1831.
1831 New Jersey Princeton, N.J. A statement of facts respecting the American Colonization Society, and the colony at Liberia. Massachusetts Colonization Society. Princeton, N.J. : Printed by Wm. D'Hart., 1831..
1831 England London, England Narrative of the Ashantee War; : with a view of the present state of the colony of Sierra Leone. Ricketts, H. I. London: : Simpkin and Marshall, Stationer's-Hall Court; T. Egerton, Whitehall; and J. Ridgway, Piccadilly., 1831.
1831 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Scientific tracts : designed for instruction and entertainment, and adapted to schools, lyceums, and families Scientific tracts (1831-1833) Boston : Published by Carter, Hendee, and Babcock ..., 1831-1833.
1831 England London, England Calumny exposed; or, Observations on No. XLIV of the Anti-slavery monthly reporter. Vicars, Richard. London: : James Ridgway, Piccadilly., MDCCCXXXI. [1831]
1831 England London, England Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope. Wright, William, 1813-1855. London: : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, Paternoster-Row; and John Rodwell, Bond-Street. Milliken and Son, Dublin., 1831.
1831 Ireland Dublin, Ireland The Shipwreck of the Alceste, an English frigate, in the Straits of Gasper. : Also, the shipwreck of the Medusa, a French frigate, on the coast of Africa; with observations and reflections thereon.   Dublin: : Printed by Thomas I. White, 149, Abbey Street., 1831.
1832 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Reflections on the causes that led to the formation of the Colonization Society : with a view of its probable results : under the following heads: The increase of the coloured population. The origin of the Colonization Society. The manumission of slaves in this country ... The situation of the colonists at Monrovia and other towns ... The effects of the colonization on the slave trade--with a slight sketch of that nefarious and accursed traffic Carey, Mathew, 1760-1839. Philadelphia : printed by Wm. F. Geddes, 1832.
1832 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa. Sir, thoroughly satisfied, on the most mature reflection, that the Colonization Society, if supported by public and private patronage, in any degree commensurate with its usefulness, cannot fail to produce consequences the most salutary .... Carey, Mathew, 1760-1839. [Philadelphia, Pa. : s.n., 1832]
1832 France Paris, France Voyage au Congo et dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique equinoxiale, : fait dans les années 1828, 1829 et 1830, Douville, Jean-Baptiste, 1794-1837. A Paris, : Chez Jules Renouard, libraire, rue de Tournon, n. 6. ; Imprimé chez Paul Renouard, rue Garencière, n. 5., 1832.
1832 England Oxford, England Reflections on the politics, intercourse, and trade of the ancient nations of Africa. Heeren, A. H. L. (Arnold Hermann Ludwig), 1760-1842. Oxford: : Published by D.A. Talboys., 1832..
1832 England London, England Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger; : with a narrative of a voyage down that river to its termination. Lander, Richard, 1804-1834. London: : John Murray, Albemarle-Street., MDCCCXXXII. [1832]
1832 New York New York, N.Y. Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger: : with a narrative of a voyage down that river to its termination. Lander, Richard, 1804-1834. New-York: : Printed and published by J. & J. Harper, no. 82 Cliff-Street, and for sale by the principal booksellers throughout the United States., 1832..
1832 England London, England Life in the wilds. : A tale. Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876. London: : Charles Fox, 67, Paternoster-Row., MDCCCXXXII. [1832]
1832 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Life in the wilds : A tale Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876. Philadelphia : published by E. Littell. T. Holden--E.J. Coale & J.S. Littell, Baltimore--G. & C. & H. Carvill, New York. William Brown, printer, 1832.
1832 New York New York, N.Y. A narrative of four voyages, : to the South Sea, North and South Pacific Ocean, Chinese Sea, Ethiopic and southern Atlantic Ocean, Indian and Antarctic Ocean. From the year 1822 to 1831. : Comprising critical surveys of coasts and islands, with sailing directions. And an account of some new and valuable discoveries, including the Massacre Islands, where thirteen of the author's crew were massacred and eaten by cannibals. To which is prefixed a brief sketch of the author's early life. Morrell, Benjamin, 1795-1839. New-York: : Printed and published by J. & J. Harper, No. 82 Cliff-Street. And sold by the booksellers generally throughout the United States., 1832..
1832 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa An easy introduction to the study of geography : on an improved plan compiled for the use of schools, with a view to render the acquisition of geographical science easy and pleasant to the student : Illustrated by maps of the principal cities in the United States, and by numerous cuts : Accompanied by a new atlas, exhibiting the elevation of mountains, length of rivers, and population of cities : From the best authorities Smiley, Thomas T. (Thomas Tucker), d. 1879. Philadelphia : Printed for the author, and for sale at J. Grigg's, No. 9, North Fourth Street, and by booksellers and country merchants generally in the United States : Jesper Harding, printer, 1832, c1820.
1833 England London, England The history of maritime and inland discovery. Cooley, William Desborough, d. 1883. London: : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green. ; Boston: : Lilly, Wait, & Company., 1833.
1833 England London, England Travels and researches in Caffraria: : describing the character, customs, and moral condition of the tribes inhabiting that portion of southern Africa: with historical and topographical remarks illustrative of the state and prospects of the British settlement in its borders, the introduction of Christianity, and the progress of civilization. Kay, Stephen. London: : Published by John Mason, 14, City-Road, and sold at 66, Paternoster-Row., MDCCCXXXIII. [1833]
1833 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Condition of the American colored population : and of the colony at Liberia. Massachusetts Colonization Society. Boston : published by Peirce & Parker, 1833.
1833 New York New York, N.Y. Narrative of a voyage to the Ethiopic and south Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Chinese Sea, north and south Pacific Ocean, in the years 1829, 1830, 1831. Morrell, Abby Jane, b. 1809. New-York: : Published by J. & J. Harper, No 82 Cliff-Street, and sold by the booksellers generally throughout the United States., 1833..
1833 England London, England Narrative of voyages to explore the shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar; : performed in H.M. Ships Leven and Barracouta under the direction of Captain W. F. W. Owen, R.N. by command of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. In two volumes. Vol. I[-Vol. II].. Owen, W. F. W., 1774-1857. London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, publisher in ordinary to His Majesty., 1833..
1833 New York New York, N.Y. Narrative of voyages to explore the shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar; performed in H.M. ships Leven and Barracouta, under the direction of Captain W. F. W. Owen. R.N. by command of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty : In two volumes. Vol. I[-Vol. II].. Owen, W. F. W., 1774-1857. New-York: : Published by J. & J. Harper, no. 82, Cliff-Street. And sold by the principal booksellers throughout the United States., M DCCC XXXIII. [1833].
1833 Connecticut Hartford, Ct. A journal, comprising an account of the loss of the brig Commerce, : of Hartford, (Con.) James Riley, master, upon the western coast of Africa, August 28th, 1815; also of the slavery and sufferings of the author and the rest of the crew, upon the desert of Zahara, in the years 1815, 1816, 1817; with accounts of the manners, customs, and habits of the wandering Arabs; also, a brief historical and geographical view of the continent of Africa. Robbins, Archibald, 1792-1865. Hartford, Ct. : Published by Andrus & Judd, 1833..
1833 New York New York, N.Y. Nubia and Abyssinia: : comprehending their civil history, antiquities, arts, religion, literature, and natural history. Russell, Michael, 1781-1848. New-York: : Printed and published by J. & J. Harper, no. 82 Cliff-Street, and sold by the principal booksellers throughout the United States., 1833.
1833 Scotland Edinburgh Nubia and Abyssinia: : comprehending their civil history, antiquities, arts, religion, literature, and natural history. Russell, Michael, 1781-1848. Edinburgh: : Oliver & Boyd, Tweeddale Court, and Simpkin & Marshall, London., MDCCCXXXIII. [1833]
1833 England London, England Scenes in Africa and America, for the amusement and instruction of little tarry-at-home travellers. Taylor, Isaac, 1759-1829. London: : John Harris, corner of St. Paul's Church Yard., [1833?]
1833 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The Excitement; or, A book to induce young persons to read : Containing remarkable appearances in nature, signal preservations, and such incidents as are particularly fitted to arrest the youthful mind.   Boston : Lilly, Wait, Colman, and Holden. Colman, Holden, and Co. Portland; Wm. Jackson, New York; Carey & Hart, Philadelphia; Coale & Littell, Baltimore, 1833.
1833 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The western coast of Africa ...   Philadelphia: : Edward C. Mielke, 181, Market Street., 1833..
1834 England London, England Memoirs of celebrated women of all countries. Abrantès, Laure Junot, duchesse d', 1784-1838. London: : Edward Churton, 26, Holles Street., 1834..
1834 New York New York, N.Y. Examination of Mr. Thomas C. Brown, a free colored citizen of S. Carolina, as to the actual state of things in Liberia in the years 1833 and 1834 : at the Chatham Street Chapel, May 9th & 10th, 1834. Brown, Thomas C. (Thomas Cilavan), b. 1800. New-York : S.W. Benedict & Co. printers, 162 Nassau Street, 1834.
1834 England London, England Journal of a three years' residence in Abyssinia, : in furtherance of the objects of the Church Missionary Society. Gobat, Samuel, 1799-1879. London: : Hatchard & Son; and Seeley & Sons., 1834..
1834 England London, England A voyage round the world, : including travels in Africa, Asia, Australasia, America, etc. etc. from MDCCCXXVII to MDCCCXXXII. Holman, James, 1786-1857. London: : Smith, Elder, and Co., Cornhill, booksellers, by appointment, to Their Majesties., 1834-1835..
1834 England London, England European colonies, in various parts of the world, viewed in their social, moral, and physical condition. Howison, John. London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, publisher in ordinary to His Majesty., 1834..
1834 New York   Travels and researches in Caffraria: : describing the character, customs, and moral condition of the tribes inhabiting that portion of southern Africa: : with historical and topographical remarks illustrative of the state and prospects of the British settement in its borders, the introduction of Christianity, and the progress of civilization. Kay, Stephen. New York: : Published by B. Waugh and T. Mason, for the Methodist Episcopal Church, at the conference office, 200 Mulberry-Street., 1834..
1834 England London, England African sketches. Pringle, Thomas, 1789-1834. London: : Edward Moxon, Dover Street., MDCCCXXXIV [1834].
1834 England London, England Travels and adventures of John Ledyard; : comprising his voyage with Capt. Cook's third and last expedition; his journey on foot 1300 miles round the Gulf of Bothnia to St. Petersburgh; his adventure and residence in Siberia; and his exploratory mission to Africa.. Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866. London: : Published for Henry Colburn by R. Bentley. Sold by all booksellers., 1834..
1834 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa A discourse before the Young Men's Colonization Society of Pennslyvania, : delivered October 24, 1834, in St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia. Tyson, Job R. (Job Roberts), 1803-1858. Philadelphia: : Printed for the society., 1834.
1834 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa A discourse before the Young Men's Colonization Society of Pennslyvania, : delivered October 24, 1834, in St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia. Tyson, Job R. (Job Roberts), 1803-1858. Philadelphia: : Printed for the society., 1834.
1835 England London, England Narrative of a voyage of discovery to Africa and Arabia : performed in His Majesty's ships Leven and Barracouta, from 1821 to 1826. Under the command of Capt. F.W. Owen, R.N. Boteler, Thomas. London : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street ... , 1835 [Printed by Samuel Bentley]
1835 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. A comprehensive atlas geographical, historical & commercial Bradford, T. G. (Thomas Gamaliel), 1802-1887. Boston: : American Stationers' Company., [1835].
1835 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. A comprehensive atlas geographical, historical & commercial Bradford, T. G. (Thomas Gamaliel), 1802-1887. [Boston] : William D. Ticknor, Boston. ; [New York] : Wiley & Long, New-York., [1835].
1835 England London, England Travels through part of Africa, Syria, Egypt, and Arabia, into Abyssiania, to discover the source of the Nile : performed between the years 1768, and 1773 Bruce, James, 1730-1794. London : Printed for Scott, Webster, and Geary, 36, Charterhouse Square : A. Sweeting, printer, Barttlet's Buildings, Holborn, 1835.
1835 England London, England Illustrations to Oriental memoirs. Forbes, James, 1749-1819. London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street ... , 1835..
1835 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. Life of Jehudi Ashmun, late colonial agent in Liberia. : With an appendix, containing extracts from his journal and other writings; : with a brief sketch of the life of the Rev. Lott Cary. Gurley, Ralph Randolph, 1797-1872. Washington [D.C.]: : printed by James C. Dunn., 1835..
1835 New York New York, N.Y. Life of Jehudi Ashmun, late colonial agent in Liberia. : With an appendix, containing extracts from his journal and other writings; : with a brief sketch of the life of the Rev. Lott Cary. Gurley, Ralph Randolph, 1797-1872. New-York: : published by Leavitt, Lord & Co. 182 Broadway. ; Boston: : Crocker & Brewster, 47 Washington Street., 1835..
1835 England London, England Travels in Ethiopia, above the second cataract of the Nile; : exhibiting the state of that country, and its various inhabitants, under the dominion of Mohammed Ali; and illustrating the antiquities, arts, and history of the ancient kingdom of Meroe. Hoskins, G. A. (George Alexander), d. 1864. London: : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, Paternoster-Row., 1835..
1835 England London, England Travels in Europe and Africa Keatinge, Maurice, d. 1835. London: : Printed for Henry Colburn, British and Foreign Public Library, Conduit-Street, Hanover-Square., 1816..
1835 England London, England Narrative of a residence in South Africa. Pringle, Thomas, 1789-1834. London: : Edward Moxon, Dover Street., MDCCCXXXV [1835].
1835 England London, England Wanderings and adventures in the interior of southern Africa. Steedman, Andrew. London: : Longman & Co., Paternoster-Row., 1835.
1836 England London, England Narrative of a journey to the Zoolu country, in South Africa. Gardiner, Allen Francis. London: : William Crofts, Chancery Lane., 1836..
1836 England London, England Travels and adventures in eastern Africa, : descriptive of the Zoolus, their manners, customs, etc. etc. : With a sketch of Natal. Isaacs, Nathaniel, b. 1808. London: : Edward Churton, 26, Holles Street., 1836..
1836 New York New York, N.Y. The world as it is: : containing a view of the present condition of its principal nations, as to their forms of government--military and naval strength--revenues--banking institutions--prison discipline--commerce--religion--morals--education, &c. &c. : With anecdotes of distinguished characters, and numerous engravings. Perkins, Samuel, 1767-1850. New York: [i.e. New Haven?] : Thomas Belknap., 1836..
1836 England London, England The white man's grave: : a visit to Sierra Leone, in 1834. Rankin, F. Harrison. London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street. (Successor to Henry Colburn.), 1836.
1836 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Shipwrecks and disasters at sea, or Historical narratives of the most noted calamities, and providential deliverances from fire and famine, on the ocean. : With a sketch of the various expedients for preserving the lives of mariners by the aid of life boats, life preservers, &c.   Boston: : Published by Russell, Shattuck, and Co. and Lemuel Gulliver. Also sold by all the principal booksellers throughout the United States., 1836..
1837 England London, England Narrative of a voyage of observation among the colonies of western Africa, in the flag-ship Thalia : and of a campaign in Kaffir-Land, on the staff of the commander-in-chief, in 1835 Alexander, James Edward, Sir, 1803-1885. London : Henry Colburn, publisher, 1837 [Maurice, Clark, and Co.].
1837 England London, England The wrongs of the Caffre nation; : a narrative, Beverley, R. M. (Robert Mackenzie), 1797 or 8-1868. London: : James Duncan, Paternoster Row., MDCCCXXXVII. [1837]
1837 England London, England A journey to Lattakoo, in South Africa Campbell, John, 1766-1840. London : The Religious Tract Society; sold at the depository and by the booksellers, 1837. (J. Hill, printer)
1837 England London, England Narrative of Captain James Fawckner's travels on the coast of Benin, West Africa. Fawckner, James. London: : published for the proprietor, by A. Schloss, 42, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury., 1837..
1837 England London, England Visit to the great oasis of the Libyan Desert; : with an account, ancient and modern, of the oasis of Amun, and the other oases now under the dominion of the pasha of Egypt. Hoskins, G. A. (George Alexander), d. 1864. London: : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, Paternoster-Row., 1837..
1837 England London, England Narrative of an expedition into the interior of Africa, : by the river Niger, in the steam-vessels Quorra and Alburkah, in 1832, 1833, and 1834. Laird, MacGregor, 1808-1861. London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, publisher in ordinary to Her Majesty., 1837..
1837 England London, England Rambles in Egypt and Candia, : with details of the military power and resources of those countries, and observations on the government, policy, and commercial system of Mohammed Ali. Scott, C. Rochfort (Charles Rochfort), d. 1872. London: : Henry Colburn, publisher, 13, Great Marlborough Street., 1837.
1838 England London, England An expedition of discovery into the interior of Africa : through the hitherto undescribed countries of the Great Namaquas, Boschmans, and Hill Damaras Alexander, James Edward, Sir, 1803-1885. London : Henry Colburn, Publisher, 1838 [Printed by William Wilcockson]
1838 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa. An expedition of discovery into the interior of Africa : through the hitherto undescribed countries of the Great Namaquas, Boschmans, and Hill Damaras Alexander, James Edward, Sir, 1803-1885. Philadelphia, Pa. : E.L. Carey and A. Hart, 1838.
1838 New Jersey Newark, N.J. A sketch of the colonization enterprise, and of the soil, climate and production of Liberia, in Africa. Colonization Society of the City of Newark. [Newark, N.J. : s.n., 1838]
1838 England London, England History of Madagascar. : Comprising also the progress of the Christian mission established in 1818 ... and of the persecution of the native Christians. Ellis, William, 1794-1872. [London] : Fisher, Son, & Co. Newgate-Street, London; ; [Paris] : Quai de l'ecole, Paris., [1838]
1839 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Modern geography : in three parts. Part I. -- A grammar of geography ... Part II. -- A description of the earth ... Part III. -- Geographical orthography ... To which is added a brief sketch of ancient geography; a plain method of constructing maps; and an introduction to the use of the globes. Illustrated by numerous engravings. Accompanied by an improved Atlas Adams, Daniel, 1773-1864. Boston : Published by Robert S. Davis, 1839, [c1838] [Cambridge : Folsom, Wells, and Thurston, Printers to the university]
1839 England London, England Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; : delivered at the anniversary meeting on the 27th May, 1839. Hamilton, W. R. (William Richard), 1777-1859. London: : printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street., 1839..
1839 England London, England The wild sports of southern Africa; : being the narrative of an expedition from the Cape of Good Hope, through the territories of the chief Moselekatse, to the Tropic of Capricorn, Harris, William Cornwallis, Sir, 1807-1848. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., MDCCCXXXIX. [1839]
1839 Connecticut Hartford, (Connecticut) A practical introduction to the study of geography : Embellished with maps from steel plates, and engravings on wood Olney, J. (Jesse), 1798-1872. Hartford : Published by Canfield & Robins. New York : Robinson, Pratt & Co. ; [Hartford] : Case, Tiffany & Co., printers, Pearl Street--Hartford, 1839, [c1837].
1839 England London, England The works of the Rev. Sydney Smith. : In three volumes. Vol. I[-IV]. Smith, Sydney, 1771-1845. London: : Printed for Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, Paternoster-Row., 1839-1840.
1839 Netherlands s'Gravenhage Verhaal van den reistogt en expeditie naar de nederlandsche bezittingen ter westkust van Afrika (kust van Guinea.) Tengbergen, H. F. s'Gravenhage : S. de Visser & Zoon., 1839.
1839 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. A concise history of the commencement, progress and present condition of the American colonies in Liberia, Wilkeson, Samuel, 1781-1848. Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Madisonian Office., 1839.
1840 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Allgemeine Beschreibung der Erde und ihrer Bewohner : Nebst einer kurzen Darstellung der Himmelskörper : Mit vielen Abbildungen und einer illuminirten Weltkarte Bösche, Eduard Theodor. Philadelphia : herausgegeben von A. Rex & Comp., 1840.
1840 England London, England Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; : delivered at the anniversary meeting on the 27th May, 1840. Greenough, George Bellas, 1778-1855. London: : printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street., 1840..
1840 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Adventures in Africa; during a tour of two years through that country. : Including travels of the British embassy from the shores of India to Cape Aden; through Abyssinia ... with the geology, botany and zoology of the country, together with the calendar of the Christian Ethiopic Church, etc., etc. Harris, William Cornwallis, Sir, 1807-1848. Philadelphia: : T.B. Peterson, no. 98 Chesnut Street. One door above Third., [184-?]
1840 England London, England An appeal to the government and people of Great Britain, against the proposed Niger Expedition: : a letter, addressed to the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, principal secretary of state for the colonies, &c. &c. &c. Jamieson, Robert, d. 1861. London: : Smith, Elder, and Co., 65 Cornhill; ; [Liverpool] : Turner & Rose, South Castle-Street, Liverpool., 1840..
1840 France Paris, France Voyage a Madagascar et aux iles Comores (1823 a 1830) Leguével de Lacombe, B.-F. Paris: : Louis Desessart, éditeur, 15, rue des Beaux-Arts., MDCCCXL [1840]
1840 England London, England A geographical survey of Africa, : its rivers, lakes, mountains, productions, states, populations &c. With a map on an entirely new construction. To which is prefixed, a letter to Lord John Russell, regarding the slave trade, and the improvement of Africa. MacQueen, James, 1778-1870. London: : B. Fellowes, Ludgate Street., 1840..
1840 England London, England Prospectus of the Society for the Extinction of the Slave Trade and for the Civilization of Africa, : instituted June, 1839. Society for the Extinction of the Slave Trade and for the Civilization of Africa. [London : s.n., 1840]
1840 England London, England Proceedings at the first public meeting of the Society for the Extinction of the Slave Trade, and for the Civilization of Africa, : held at Exeter Hall, on Monday, 1st June, 1840. His Royal Highness, Prince Albert, president of the society, in the chair. Society for the Extinction of the Slave Trade and for the Civilization of Africa. London: : Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street., 1840.
1840 New York New York, N.Y. Remains of Melville B Cox, late missionary to Liberia. : With a memoir,   New-York : published by T. Mason and G. Lane, for the Methodist Episcopal Church at the conference office, 200 Mulberry-Street. : J. Collord, printer., 1840.
1840 New York New York, N.Y. Around the world : a narrative of a voyage in the East India Squadron, under Commodore George C. Read   New-York : Charles S. Francis ; Boston : Joseph H. Francis, 1840 [Printed by Hopkins V Jennings].
1840 New York New York, N.Y. The life and travels of Mungo Park : with the account of his death from the journal of Isaaco, the substance of later discoveries relative to his lamented fate, and the termination of the Niger.   New-York : Harper and Brothers, 1840.
1841 England London, England Ashantee and the Gold Coast : being a sketch of the history, social state, and superstitions of the inhabitants of those countries: with a notice of the state and prospects of Christianity among them Beecham, John, 1787-1856. London : sold by John Mason; and by all booksellers, 1841 [printed by James Nichols].
1841 England London, England The Negroland of the Arabs examined and explained; or, An inquiry into the early history and geography of Central Africa. Cooley, William Desborough, d. 1883. London: : Printed by James Holmes, Took's Court. : Published by J. Arrowsmith, 10, Soho Square., 1841.
1841 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The story of Captain Riley, and his adventures in Africa : With engravings. Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold), 1793-1860. Philadelphia : Henry F. Anners, 1841, [c1834] [King and Baird, printers].
1841 England London, England Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; : delivered at the anniversary meeting on the 24th May, 1841, Greenough, George Bellas, 1778-1855. London: : printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford-Street., 1841..
1841 England London, England Past and present efforts for the extinction of the African slave trade. Greg, William R. (William Rathbone), 1809-1881. London. : Ridgway, 169, Piccadilly., [1841?]
1841 France Paris, France Campagne de circumnavigation de la frégate l'Artémise, : pendant les années 1837, 1838, 1839 et 1840, sous le commandement de M. Laplace, capitaine de vaisseau. Laplace, Cyrille Pierre Théodore, 1793-1875. Paris, : Arthus Bertrand, éditeur, libraire de la Société de géographie, rue Hautefeuille, 23., 1841-1854..
1841 New York New York, N.Y. Memorials of South Africa. Shaw, Barnabas. New-York: : Published by G. Lane & P.P. Sandford, for the Methodist Episcopal Church, at the conference office, 200 Mulberry-Street. J. Collord, printer., 1841.
1841 France Pariz. Chronica do descobrimento e conquista de Guin Zurara, Gomes Eanes de, ca. 1410-1473 or 4. Pariz. : Publicada por J.P. Aillaud. : Na officina typographica de Fain e Thunot, rue Racine, 28, junto ao Odéon., MDCCCXLI. [1841]
1841 South Africa Cape Town,] Cape of Good Hope An Inquiry into the justice and expediency of completing the publication of the authentic records of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope, relative to the aboriginal tribes   [Cape Town,] Cape of Good Hope : Published by A.S. Robertson, Cape Town, and J. Richardson, London ; Cape Town : Printed by Saul Solomon, "Gazette" Office, 10, St. George's-street, 1841.
1842 France Paris, France Premier voyage à la recherche des sources du Bahr-el-Abiad ou Nil-Blanc, : ordonné par Mohammed-Aly, Vice-Roi d'Égypte, sous le commandement du capitaine de frégate Selim Bimbachi. Bimbachi, Selim. Paris.-- : Imprimerie de Bourgogne et Martinet, rue Jacob, 30., [1842?]
1842 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Allgemeine Beschreibung der Erde und ihrer Bewohner : nebst einer kurzen Darstellung der Himmelskörper : Mit vielen Abbildungen und einer illuminirten Weltkarte Bösche, Eduard Theodor. Philadelphia : herausgegeben von S.S. und A. Rex, 1842, c1840.
1842 France Paris, France Question d'Afrique : de la double conquête de l'Algérie par la guerre et la colonisation : suivi d'un examen critique du gouvernement, de l'administration et de la situation coloniale Buret, Eugène. Paris : chez Ledoyen, libraire, galerie d'Orléans, 31, Palais-Royal : Imprimerie d'Hippolyte Tilliard, rue S.-Hyacinthe-S.-Michel, 30, 1842.
1842 New York   The universal traveller: : designed to introduce readers at home to an acquaintance with the arts, customs, and manners, of the principal modern nations on the globe. Embracing a view of their persons--character--employments--amusements--religion--dress--habitations--mode of warfare--food--arts--agriculture--manufactures--superstitions--government--literature, &c. &c. Derived from the researches of recent travellers of acknowledged enterprise, intelligence, and fidelity; and imbodying a great amount of entertaining and instructive information. Goodrich, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1790-1862. New York: : Published by Luther James., 1842.
1842 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The poetical works of Miss Landon. : Vol. I[-II]. L. E. L. (Letitia Elizabeth Landon), 1802-1838. Philadelphia: : Henry F. Anners., 1842.
1842 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The poetical works of Miss Landon. : Vol. I[-II]. L. E. L. (Letitia Elizabeth Landon), 1802-1838. Philadelphia: : Henry F. Anners., 1842.
1842 England London, England Missionary labours and scenes in Southern Africa; Moffat, Robert, 1795-1883. London: : John Snow, Paternoster Row., 1842..
1842 France Pariz. Quadro elementar das relações politicas e diplomaticas de Portugal : com as diversas potencias do mundo, desde o principio da monarchia portugueza até aos nossos dias; Santarém, Manuel Francisco de Barros e Sousa, Visconde de, 1791-1856. Pariz. : Em casa de J.P. Aillaud, quai Voltaire, no 11., 1842-1843.
1842 France Paris, France Notice sur André Alvarez d'Almada et sa description de la Guinée, Santarém, Manuel Francisco de Barros e Sousa, Visconde de, 1791-1856. Paris. : Arthus Bertrand, libraire, éditeur des nouvelles annales des voyages, 23, rue Hautefeuille., 1842.
1842 England London, England Journals of the Rev. James Frederick Schön and Mr. Samuel Crowther, : who, with the sanction of Her Majesty's government, accompanied the expedition up the Niger, in 1841, in behalf of the Church Missionary Society. With appendices and map. Schön, James Frederick, 1803-1889. London: : Hatchard and Son, Piccadilly; Nisbet and Co., Berners Street; Seeleys, Fleet Street., 1842.
1842 New York   Missions in western Africa: : including Mr. Freeman's visit to Ashantee. : From the London Wesleyan Methodist magazine.   New York : Published by G. Lane & P.P. Sandford, for the Sunday School Union of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at the Conference Office, 200 Mulberry-street. J. Collord, printer., 1842..
1843 England London, England The Cape of Good Hope and the eastern province of Algoa Bay, &c. &c. : with statistics of the colony Chase, John Centlivres. London : Pelham, Richardson, 23, Cornhill; and sold by A.S. Robertson, Cape Town; and J. Caffyn, Graham's Town : Printed by J. Haynes, Nag's Head Court, City, 1843.
1843 England London, England Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; : delivered at the anniversary meeting on the 22nd May, 1843. : Preceded by the addresses on presenting the medals awarded by the council of the society. Hamilton, W. R. (William Richard), 1777-1859. London: : printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street., 1843..
1843 England London, England Journals of the Rev. Messrs. Isenberg and Krapf, missionaries of the Church Missionary Society, : detailing their proceedings in the kingdom of Shoa, and journeys in other parts of Abyssinia, in the years 1839, 1840, 1841, and 1842. : To which is prefixed, A geographical memoir of Abyssinia and south-eastern Africa, by James M'Queen, Esq. grounded on the missionaries' journals, and the expedition of the Pacha of Egypt up the Nile. : The whole illustrated by two maps, engraved by Arrowsmith.. Isenberg, Charles William, 1806-1864. [London] : Seeley, Burnside, and Seeley, Fleet Street, London., MDCCCXLIII. [1843]
1843 France Paris, France La polynésie et les Iles Marquises; : voyages et marine accompagnés d'un voyage en Abyssinie et d'un coup-d'oeil sur la canalisation de l'Isthme de Panama; Reybaud, Louis, 1799-1879. Paris : A la librairie de Guillaumin, éditeur du Dictionaire du commerce et des marchandises et de la Collection des principauz économistes, Galerie de la Bourse, 5, passage des Panoramas., 1843.
1843 England London, England A private journal kept during the Niger Expedition, : from the commencement in May, 1841, until the recall of the expedition in June, 1842. Simpson, William, of the Niger Expedition. London: : John F. Shaw, 27, Southampton Row, Russell-Sq.; Hamilton, Adams & Co., Paternoster Row; J. Johnstone, Edinburgh; and J. Robertson, Dublin., 1843.
1843 Liberia Monrovia, Liberia Liberia herald ... Vol. XII. Monrovia, Liberia, (West-Africa) May 3, 1843. no. 6..   [Monrovia, Liberia : s.n., 1843]
1843 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Madagascar and its martyrs. : A book for the young..   Philadelphia: : Presbyterian Board of Publication, [1843?]
1844 England London, England A narrative of a visit to the Mauritius and South Africa Backhouse, James, 1794-1869. London : Hamilton, Adams, and Co. York : [Printed by] John L. Linney, 1844.
1844 England London, England Narrative of the voyages and services of the Nemesis, from 1840 to 1843 : and of the combined naval and military operations in China : comprising a complete account of the colony of Hong-Kong, and remarks on the character and habits of the Chinese Bernard, W. D. (William Dallas) London : Henry Colburn, publisher, Great Marlborough Street : Frederick Shoberl, Junior, printer ... 51, Rupert Street, Haymarket, London, 1844.
1844 England London, England The life of Major-General Worge, : colonel of the 86th regiment of foot, and governor of Senegal, in Africa; : with an account of the settlements of Senegal and Goree. Duke, George, fl. 1844. London: : Parker, Furnivall, and Parker, Whitehall; ; [Lewes] : Geo. P. Bacon, Lewes, Sussex, 1844.
1844 England London, England Western Africa; : its condition, and Christianity the means of its recovery. East, D. J. (David Jonathan) London: : Houlston and Stoneman, Paternoster Row. : Luntley & Dick, printers, New Broad Street Court, London., M.DCCC.XLIV. [1844]
1844 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Lights and shadows of African history: Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold), 1793-1860. Boston: : J.E. Hickman. 12 School Street., 1844.
1844 New York New York, N.Y. Notes on Northern Africa, the Sahara and Soudan, : in relation to the ethnography, languages, history, political and social condition, of the nations of those countries. Hodgson, William Brown, 1800-1871. New-York: : Wiley and Putnam. : William Osborn, printer, 88 William-street., 1844.
1844 England London, England Travels in southern Abyssinia, : through the country of Adal to the kingdom of Shoa. Johnston, Charles, 1810-1872. London: : J. Madden and Co., Leadenhall Street., MDCCCXLIV. [1844]
1844 France Paris, France Observations sur l'émancipation des noirs, : extraites d'un ouvrage de M. le contre-amiral Laplace, commandant la station navale des Antilles; Laplace, Cyrille Pierre Théodore, 1793-1875. Paris, : Imprimerie de Bruneau, rue Croix-des-petits-champs, 33., 1844..
1844 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Scenes and adventures in Africa, : collected from Moffat's missionary labours in Africa.. Moffat, Robert, 1795-1883. Philadelphia: : Presbyterian Board of Publication. Paul T. Jones, publishing agent., 1844..
1844 England London, England Morrell's narrative of a voyage to the south and west coast of Africa: : containing the information from whence originated the present trade in Guano, found in certain islands on that coast. Morrell, Benjamin, 1795-1839. London: : Whittaker and Company. Grapel, Liverpool., 1844..
1844 England London, England Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; : delivered at the anniversary meeting on the 27th May, 1844. Preceded by the addresses on presenting the medals awarded by the Council of the Society. Murchison, Roderick Impey, Sir, 1792-1871. London: : Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street., 1844..
1844 England London, England Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; : delivered at the anniversary meeting on the 26th May, 1845. Preceded by brief addresses on presenting the medals awarded by the Council of the Society. Murchison, Roderick Impey, Sir, 1792-1871. London: : Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street., 1845..
1844 England London, England Wild sports in Europe, Asia, and Africa. : Illustrated by drawings taken from nature. Napier, Edward Delaval Hungerford Elers, 1808-1870. London: : Henry Colburn, publisher, Great Marlborough Street., 1844..
1844 England London, England Travels in Kordofan; : embracing a description of that province of Egypt, and of some of the bordering countries, with a review of the present state of the commerce in those countries, of the habits and customs of the inhabitants, as also an account of the slave hunts taking place under the government of Mehemed Ali. Pallme, Ignatius. London: : J. Madden and Co., 8, Leadenhall Street., 1844..
1844 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Colonization and missions. : A historical examination of the state of society in Western Africa, as formed by paganism and Muhammedanism, slavery, the slave trade and piracy, and of the remedial influence of colonization and missions. Tracy, Joseph, 1793?-1874. Boston: : Press of T.R. Marvin, 24 Congress Street., 1844.
1845 England London, England Journal of an African cruiser : comprising sketches of the Canaries, the Cape de Verds, Liberia, Madeira, Sierra Leone, and other places of interest on the west coast of Africa Bridge, Horatio, 1806-1893. New-York & London : Wiley and Putnam, 1845.
1845 France Paris, France Essai historique sur les races anciennes et modernes de l'Afrique septentrionale, : leurs origines, leurs mouvements et leurs transformations, depuis l'antiquité la plus reculée jusqu'a nos jours, Duprat, Pascal, 1815-1885. Paris. : Jules Labitte, libraire-éditeur, quai Voltaire, 3. : Imprimerie Dondey-Dupré, rue Saint-Louis, 46, au Marais., 1845.
1845 England London, England The mission: or, Scenes in Africa. : Written for young people. Marryat, Frederick, 1792-1848. London: : Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans, Paternoster Row., 1845..
1845 England London, England Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; : delivered at the anniversary meeting on the 23rd May, 1853. Preceded by observations on presenting the royal medals of the year. Murchison, Roderick Impey, Sir, 1792-1871. London: : Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street., 1853..
1845 England London, England Visit to the Portuguese possessions in south-western Africa. Tams, Georg. London: : Published by T.C. Newby, 72, Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square., [1845]
1845 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Colonization and missions. : A historical examination of the state of society in Western Africa, as formed by paganism and Muhammedanism, slavery, the slave trade and piracy, and of the remedial influence of colonization and missions. Tracy, Joseph, 1793?-1874. Boston: : Press of T.R. Marvin, 24 Congress Street., 1845.
1845 Ireland Dublin, Ireland Missions in western Africa, : among the Soosoos, Bulloms, &c. Being the first undertaken by the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East. With an introduction, containing: I. A Sketch of western Africa; with a description of the principal tribes inhabiting that coast. II. A Brief history of the slave trade, to the present day. III. Some account of the early African churches. IV. A Condensed survey of all the missionary exertions of modern times, in favor of Africa. Walker, Samuel Abraham, d. 1879. Dublin : William Curry, Jun. and Company. Longmans, Brown, and Co. London., 1845.
1846 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa A history of colonization of the western coast of Africa Alexander, Archibald, 1772-1851. Philadelphia : William S. Martien. New York, 1846.
1846 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The gospel among the Bechuanas : and other tribes of southern Africa American Sunday-School Union. Philadelphia : American Sunday-School Union, [c1846].
1846 Portugal Lisboa Memoria sobre Angola, a' qual se refere a correspondencia publicada no Revolução de Septembro de 18 de Junho do corrente. Quinta prte [sic]. Carpo, Arsenio Pompilio Pompeu de, b. 1792. Lisboa: : Typografia da Revolução de Septembro. Rua dos Calafates no. 114.--2o. andar., 1846.
1846 Portugal Lisboa Memoria sobre Angola, a' qual se refere a correspondencia publicada no Revolução de Septembro de 18 de Junho do corrente. Sexta parte. Carpo, Arsenio Pompilio Pompeu de, b. 1792. Lisboa: : Typografia da Revolução de Septembro. Rua dos Calafates no. 114.--2o. andar., 1846.
1846 Portugal Lisboa Memoria sobre Angola, a' qual se refere a correspondencia publicada no Revolução de Septembro de 18 de Junho corrente. Carpo, Arsenio Pompilio Pompeu de, b. 1792. Lisboa: : Typografia da Revolução de Septembro. Rua dos Calafates no. 114.--2o. andar., 1846.
1846 Portugal Lisboa Memoria sobre Angola, a' qual se refere a correspondencia publicada no Revolução de Septembro de 18 de Junho corrente. Segunda parte. Carpo, Arsenio Pompilio Pompeu de, b. 1792. Lisboa: : Typografia da Revolução de Septembro. Rua dos Calafates no. 114.--2o. andar., 1846.
1846 Portugal Lisboa Memoria sobre Angola, a' qual se refere a correspondencia publicada no Revolução de Septembro de 18 de Junho corrente. Terceira parte. Carpo, Arsenio Pompilio Pompeu de, b. 1792. Lisboa: : Typografia da Revolução de Septembro. Rua dos Calafates no. 114.--2o. andar., [1846]
1846 Portugal Lisboa Memoria sobre Angola, a' qual se refere a correspondencia publicada no Revolução de Septembro de 18 de Junho corrente. Quarta parte. Carpo, Arsenio Pompilio Pompeu de, b. 1792. Lisboa: : Typografia da Revolução de Septembro. Rua dos Calafates no. 114.--2o. andar., 1846.
1846 New York   Masterman Ready; or, The wreck of the Pacific. : Written for young people. Marryat, Frederick, 1792-1848. New York: : D. Appleton & Co., 200 Broadway. ; Philadelphia: : George S. Appleton, 148 Chestnut-St., MDCCCXLVI. [1846]
1846 England London, England Life in the wilderness; or Wanderings in South Africa. Methuen, Henry H. (Henry Hoare) London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street,, 1846..
1846 France Paris, France L'Afrique française, l'empire de Maroc, et les deserts de Sahara : conquêtes, victoires et découvertes des Français, depuis la prise d'Alger jusqu'à nos jours Pitois, Christian, 1811-1877. Paris : A. Barbier, éditeur : Imp. de Pommeret et Moreau, [1846]
1846 England London, England England's colonial empire: : an historical, political and statistical account of the empire, its colonies, and dependencies. Pridham, Charles. London: : Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill., MDCCCXLVI [1846].
1847 England London, England An auto-biographical memoir of Sir John Barrow, Bart., late of the Admiralty : including reflections, observations, and reminiscences at home and abroad, from early life to advanced age. Barrow, John, Sir, 1764-1848. London : John Murray, 1847 [Printed by W. Clowes and Sons]
1847 New York New York, N.Y. The progress of ethnology : an account of recent archæological, philological and geographical researches in various parts of the globe, tending to elucidate the physical history of man Bartlett, John Russell, 1805-1886. New-York : Bartlett & Welford, 1847 ; [New-York : William Van Norden, printer].
1847 England London, England Travels in Western Africa, in 1845 & 1846, : comprising a journey from Whydah, through the kingdom of Dahomey, to Adofoodia, in the interior. Duncan, John, 1805-1849. London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street ... : R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill., 1847..
1847 England London, England Madagascar, past and present. : With considerations as to the political and commercial interests of Great Britain and France; and as to the progress of Christian civilisation. Resident. London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, publisher in ordinary to Her Majesty., M.DCCC.XLVII. [1847]
1847 New York   Herdsmen and tillers of the ground; or, Illustrations of early civilisation. Sinnett, Percy, Mrs. New York: : Wiley & Putnam, 161 Broadway., 1847..
1847 England London, England The Church of England mission in Sierra Leone; : including an introductory account of that colony, and a comprehensive sketch of the Niger Expedition in the year 1841. Walker, Samuel Abraham, d. 1879. [London] : Seeley, Burnside, and Seeley, Fleet Street, London. MDCCCXLVII. [1847]
1848 England London, England A narrative of the expedition sent by Her Majesty's government to the river Niger, in 1841 : Under the command of Captain H.D. Trotter, R.N. Allen, William, 1793-1864. London : Richard Bentley. Publisher in ordinary to Her Majesty, 1848 [printed by Schulze and Co.].
1848 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. Information about going to Liberia : Things which every emigrant to Liberia ought to know. Common objections to going to Liberia answered. Reply to certain cavilings against colonization. &c., &c. American Colonization Society. Washington : C. Alexander, printer, 1848.
1848 England London, England A three years' cruize in the Mozambique Channel, for the suppression of the slave trade Barnard, Frederick Lamport, 1813-1880. London : Richard Bentley, 1848 [Printed by Schulze and Co.]
1848 New York   Journal of an African cruiser : comprising sketches of the Canaries, the Cape de Verds, Liberia, Madeira, Sierra Leone, and other places of interest on the west coast of Africa Bridge, Horatio, 1806-1893. New York ; [London] : John Wiley, 161 Broadway, and 12 Paternoster Row, London, 1848.
1848 England London, England Journal of a residence at the Cape of Good Hope : with excursions into the interior, and notes on the natural history, and the native tribes Bunbury, Charles James Fox, Sir, 1809-1886. London : John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1848.
1848 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The tales of Peter Parley about Africa. With engravings. Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold), 1793-1860. Philadelphia : Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1848, [c1830] [Printed by Smith & Peters]
1848 England London, England Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; : delivered at the anniversary meeting on the 22nd May, 1848. : Preceded by brief addresses on presenting the medals awarded by the council of the society. Hamilton, William John, 1805-1867. London: : printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street., 1848..
1848 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Memoir of William G. Crocker, late missionary in West Africa among the Bassas, : including a history of the Bassa mission. Medbery, R. B. (Rebecca B.), 1808-1868. Boston: : Gould, Kendall & Lincoln, 59 Washington Street., 1848..
1848 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Memoir of Miss Margaret Mercer. Morris, Caspar, 1805-1884. Philadelphia: : Lindsay and Blakiston., 1848..
1848 England London, England The Cape and its colonists: : with hints to settlers in 1848. Nicholson, George. London: : Henry Colburn, publisher, Great Marlborough Street., 1848..
1848 England London, England Travels in the great desert of Sahara, in the years of 1845 and 1846. : Containing a narrative of personal adventures, during a tour of nine months through the desert, amongst the Touaricks and other tribes of Saharan people; including a description of the oases and cities of Ghat, Ghadames, and Mourzuk. Richardson, James, 1806-1851. London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, publisher in ordinary to Her Majesty., M.D.CCC.XLVIII. [1848]
1848 England London, England Five years in Kaffirland; : with sketches of the late war in that country, to the conclusion of peace. Ward, Harriet. London: : Henry Colburn, publisher, Great Marlborough Street., 1848.
1848 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The Independent republic of Liberia; : its constitution and declaration of independence; address of the colonists to the free people of color in the United States, with other documents; issued chiefly for the use of the free people of color..   Philadelphia: : William F. Geddes, printer, 112 Chestnut Street., 1848..
1849 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa A history of colonization on the western coast of Africa Alexander, Archibald, 1772-1851. Philadelphia : William S. Martien, 1849.
1849 District of Columbia Washington, D.C. Republic of Liberia--statistics of the republic--benefits resulting from colonization American Colonization Society. [Washington, D.C.? : s.n.], [1849].
1849 England London, England The Kafirs illustrated in a series of drawings taken among the Amazulu, Amaponda, and Amakosa tribes : also, portraits of the Hottentot, Malay, Fingo, and other races inhabiting southern Africa : together with sketches of landscape scenery in the Zulu country, Natal, and the Cape Colony Angas, George French, 1822-1886. London : Published by J. Hogarth, 1849 [Printed by G. Barclay]
1849 England London, England On the sources of the Nile : being an attempt to assign the limits of the basin of that river Beke, Charles T. (Charles Tilstone), 1800-1874. London : printed by Richard and John E. Taylor, 1849.
1849 New York Troy, N.Y. Brown's abridged journal : containing a brief account of the life, trials and travels of Geo. S. Brown, six years a missionary in Liberia, West Africa: a miracle of God's grace. Brown, George S., 1821- Troy, N.Y. : Press of Prescott & Wilson, 1849.
1849 Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio A lecture on African colonization : Including a brief outline of the slave trade, emancipation, the relation of the republic of Liberia to England, &c. ; Delivered in the hall of the House of Representatives of the state of Ohio Christy, David, b. 1802. Cincinnati : printed by J.A. & U.P. James, 1849.
1849 England London, England A residence at Sierra Leone. : Described from a journal kept on the spot, and from letters written to friends at home. Colville of Culross, Elizabeth Colville, Lady London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1849..
1849 England London: :Richard Bentley, New Burlington-Street ... ,1849.. Six months' service in the African blockade, : from April to October, 1848, in command of H.M.S. Bonetta. Forbes, Frederick E. (Frederick Edwyn) London: :Richard Bentley, New Burlington-Street ... ,1849..
1849 Connecticut Hartford, (Connecticut) The baptism of sufferings. : A sermon preached in the chapel of the Theological Institute of Connecticut, February 28, 1849, at the ordination of Rev. Josiah Tyler, as a missionary to the Zulus of South Africa. Gale, Nahum, 1812-1876. Hartford; : Press of Case, Tiffany and Company., 1849..
1849 England London, England Otia ægyptiaca : Discourses on Egyptian archæology and hieroglyphical discoveries Gliddon, George R. (George Robins), 1809-1857. London : James Madden ; Paris : Hector Bossange ; New York : Bartlett and Welford ; Philadelphia : John Penington, 1849 [London : printed by Bateman & Hardwicke].
1849 England London, England Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; : delivered at the anniversary meeting on the 28th May, 1849. : Preceded by brief addresses on presenting the medals awarded by the council of the society. Hamilton, William John, 1805-1867. London: : printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street., 1849..
1849 England London, England Kaloolah, or Journeyings to the Djébel Kumri: : an autobiography of Jonathan Romer. Mayo, William Starbuck, 1812-1895. London: : David Bogue, 86 Fleet-Street., 1849..
1849 New York New York, N.Y. Kaloolah, or Journeyings to the Djébel Kumri: : an autobiography of Jonathan Romer. Mayo, William Starbuck, 1812-1895. New-York: : George P. Putnam, 155 Broadway. ; London: : David Bogue, 86 Fleet-Street., 1849..
1849 New York New York, N.Y. Kaloolah, or Journeyings to the Djébel Kumri: : an autobiography of Jonathan Romer. Mayo, William Starbuck, 1812-1895. New-York: : George P. Putnam, 55 Broadway ; London: : David Bogue, 86 Fleet-Street, 1849..
1849 England London, England Excursions in Southern Africa, including a history of the Cape Colony, an account of the native tribes, etc. Napier, Edward Delaval Hungerford Elers, 1808-1870. London: : William Shoberl, publisher, 20 Great Marlborough Street., 1849..
1849 England London, England Adventures in the Libyan desert and the oäsis of Jupiter Ammon. St. John, Bayle, 1822-1859. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1849..
1849 England London, England Expedition to discover the sources of the White Nile, in the years 1840, 1841. Werne, Ferdinand. London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, publisher in ordinary to Her Majesty., 1849.
1850 Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio A lecture on African civilization : Including a brief outline of the social and moral condition of Africa; and the relations of American slavery to African civilization : Delivered in the hall of the House of Representatives of the state of Ohio, January 19, 1850 Christy, David, b. 1802. Cincinnati : printed by J.A. & U.P. James. Walnut Street, above Fourth : James & Co., stereotypers, 1850.
1850 New York   Journal of three years' residence in Abyssinia. Gobat, Samuel, 1799-1879. New York: : published by M.W. Dodd, Brick Church Chapel, City Hall Square, (opposite the city hall.), 1850..
1850 England London, England Five years of a hunter's life in the far interior of South Africa. : With notices of the native tribes, and anecdotes of the chase of the lion, elephant, hippopotamus, giraffe, rhinoceros, etc. Gordon-Cumming, Roualeyn, 1820-1866. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1850..
1850 New York   Five years of a hunter's life in the far interior of South Africa. : With notices of the native tribes, and anecdotes of the chase of the lion, elephant, hippopotamus, giraffe, rhinoceros, etc. Gordon-Cumming, Roualeyn, 1820-1866. New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, 82 Cliff Street., 1850..
1850 Massachusetts Northampton, Mass. History of a zoological temperance convention : Held in Central Africa in 1847 Hitchcock, Edward, 1793-1864. Northampton [Mass.] : published by Butler & Bridgman, 1850, [c1849] [E.B. Mears, stereotyper ; C. Sherman, printer].
1850 England London, England Seven years' service on the slave coast of Western Africa. Huntley, H. V. (Henry Vere), Sir, 1795-1864. London: : Thomas Cautley Newby, publisher, Welbeck Street, Cavendish Square., MDCCCL. [1850]
1850 Scotland Edinburgh Narrative of discovery and adventure in Africa : from the earliest ages to the present time: with illustrations of the geology, mineralogy, and zoology Jameson, Robert, 1774-1854. Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd; and Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., London, [ca. 1850].
1850 England London, England The African wanderers: or, The adventures of Carlos and Antonio. : Embracing interesting descriptions of the manners and customs of the western tribes, and the natural productions of the country. Lee, R., Mrs., 1791-1856. London: : Grant and Griffith, successors to J. Harris, corner of St. Paul's Churchyard., M.DCCC.L. [1850].
1850 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. Sketches of Liberia: : compromising a brief account of the geography, climate, productions, and diseases, of the republic of Liberia. Lugenbeel, J. W. (James Washington), 1819?-1857. Washington: : C. Alexander, printer., 1850..
1850 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The new republic. Massachusetts Sabbath School Society. Boston: : Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, Depository, No. 13 Cornhill., 1850..
1850 Scotland Edinburgh The life and travels of Mungo Park : Also, an account of the progress of African discovery. Park, Mungo, 1771-1806. Edinburgh : Published by William and Robert Chambers, 1850.
1850 England London, England Life, scenery, and customs in Sierra Leone and the Gambia. Poole, Thomas Eyre. London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street., 1850..
1850 District of Columbia Washington, D.C. Report of the Secretary of State, communicating the report of the Rev. R.R. Gurley, who was recently sent out by the government to obtain information in respect to Liberia : September 14, 1850, read; September 16, 1850, ordered to be printed. United States. Dept. of State [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1850]
1850 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. Report of the secretary of state, communicating the report of the Rev. R.R. Gurley, who was recently sent out by the government to obtain information in respect to Liberia. September 14, 1850. Read. September 16, 1850. Ordered to be printed. United States. Dept. of State [Washington: s.n., 1850]
1850 New York   Remarks on the colonization of the western coast of Africa, by the free negroes of the United States : and the consequent civilization of Africa and suppression of the slave trade.   New York : W.L. Burroughs' Steam Power Press, 1850.
1851 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. Thirty-fourth annual report of the American Colonization Society : with the proceedings of the board of directors and of the society; and the addresses delivered at the annual meeting, January 21, 1851. To which is added an appendix, containing sentiments of the press; memorials to Congress in favor of steamships to Africa; commerce of Africa; a table exhibiting the cost of colonization; and a table of emigrants. American Colonization Society. Washington : C. Alexander, printer, 1851.
1851 England London, England A transport voyage to the Mauritius and back : touching at the Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena Blenkinsop, Adam. London : John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1851 [Printed by W. Clowes and Sons.]
1851 Mauritius Port Louis], Mauritius Bolton's Mauritius almanac, and official directory, for 1851 Bolton, W. Draper. [Port Louis], Mauritius : Printed at the printing establishment of A.J. Tennant, Place d'Armes, 1851 [Printed by J.W. Jeffreys]
1851 England London, England Dahomey and the Dahomans: : being the journals of two missions to the king of Dahomey, and residence at his capital, in the years 1849 and 1850. Forbes, Frederick E. (Frederick Edwyn) London: : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans., 1851..
1851 England London, England A brief history of the Wesleyan missions on the western coast of Africa: : including biographical sketches of all the missionaries who have died in that important field of labour. : With some account of the European settlements, and of the slave-trade. : Illustrated with a map and six engravings. Fox, William. London: : printed for the author. : Published by Aylott and Jones, 8, Paternoster-Row: sold also by John Mason, 66, Paternoster-Row., MDCCCLI. [1851]
1851 England London, England A tour in South Africa, : with notices of Natal, Mauritius, Madagascar, Ceylon, Egypt, and Palestine. Freeman, J. J. (Joseph John), 1794-1851. London: : John Snow, 35, Paternoster Row., 1851..
1851 England London, England Trade and travels in the Gulph of Guinea, Western Africa, : with an account of the manners, habits, customs, and religion of the inhabitants. Smith, John, surgeon and trading-captain. London: : Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Stationers' Hall Court; and Thomas Gill, Easingwold., 1851.
1851 England London, England Address of the Royal Geographical Society of London; : delivered at the anniversary meeting on the 26th May, 1851. Preceded by brief addresses on presenting the awards of the council of the society. Smyth, W. H. (William Henry), 1788-1865. London: : Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street., 1851.
1851 England London, England The Cape and the Kaffirs : a diary of five years' residence in Kaffirland : with a chapter of advice to emigrants, based on the latest official returns, and the most recent information regarding the colony Ward, Harriet. London : Henry G. Bohn, 1851.
1852 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. Information about going to Liberia : with Things which every emigrant ought to know: Report of Messrs. Fuller and Janifer: Sketch of the history of Liberia: and the constitution of the republic of Liberia American Colonization Society. Washington : C. Alexander, printer, 1852.
1852 England London, England Narrative of an exploratory tour to the north-east of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope Arbousset, Thomas, 1810-1877. London : John C. Bishop; George & Robert King, Aberdeen, 1852 [Aberdeen : Geo. Cornwall, printer].
1852 England London, England The dorp and the veld; or, Six months in Natal Barter, Charles, d. 1859. London : William S. Orr and Co., 1852.
1852 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Journal of a voyage from Boston to the west coast of Africa : with a full description of the manner of trading with the natives on the coast Carnes, J. A. (Joshua A.) Boston : Published by John P. Jewett & Co. ; Cleveland, Ohio : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington ; Concord, N.H. : Tripp and Osgood, printers, 1852.
1852 England London, England The Cape and the Kafirs, or, Notes of five years' residence in South Africa Cole, Alfred W. (Alfred Whaley) London : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street : Printed by Samuel Bentley & Co., Bangor House, Shoe Lane, 1852.
1852 England London, England Inner Africa laid open, : in an attempt to trace the chief lines of communication across that continent south of the equator: : with the routes to the Muropue and the Cazembe, Moenemoezi and Lake Nyassa; the journeys of the Rev. Dr. Krapf and the Rev. J. Rebmann on the eastern coast, and the discoveries of Messrs. Oswell and Livingstone in the heart of the continent. Cooley, William Desborough, d. 1883. London: : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans : Spottiswoode and Shaw, New-street-Square, 1852.
1852 England London, England The wild sports of southern Africa; : being the narrative of a hunting expedition from the Cape of Good Hope, through the territories of the chief Moselekatse, to the Tropic of Capricorn. Harris, William Cornwallis, Sir, 1807-1848. London: : Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden., 1852..
1852 Connecticut Hartford, (Connecticut) Land of hope : Reminiscences of Liberia and Cape Palmas, with incidents of the voyage Hoyt, Wm. B. (William B.) Hartford : published by Henry J. Fox & Wm. B. Hoyt, 1852 [Press of Case, Tiffany & Co.].
1852 India Calcutta Rough notes of a trip to Reunion, the Mauritius and Ceylon; : with remarks on their eligibility as sanitaria for Indian invalids. Mouat, Frederic J. (Frederic John), 1816-1897. Calcutta: : Thacker, Spink and Co. ; London: : W. Thacker and Co.- ; Bombay: : Thacker and Co., 1852..
1852 England London, England Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; : delivered at the anniversary meeting on the 24th May, 1852. Preceded by observations on presenting the royal medals of the year. Murchison, Roderick Impey, Sir, 1792-1871. London: : Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street., 1852..
1852 South Africa Cape Town,] Cape of Good Hope The Kat River Settlement in 1851 : described in a series of letters published in "The South African Commercial Advertiser" Read, James, Jr. Cape Town : A.S. Robertson, 1852
1852 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Africa's redemption : a discourse on African colonization in its missionary aspects, and in its relation to slavery and abolition : preached on Sabbath morning, July 4th, 1852, in the Seventh Presbyterian Church, Penn Square, Philadelphia Ruffner, William Henry, 1824-1908. Philadelphia : William S. Martien, 1852.
1852 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. A pilgrimage to Egypt, : embracing a diary of explorations on the Nile; with observations illustrative of the manners, customs, and institutions of the people, and of the present condition of the antiquities and ruins. With numerous engravings. Smith, Jerome Van Crowninshield, 1800-1879. Boston: : Gould and Lincoln, 59 Washington Street., 1852.
1852 Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Thompson in Africa, or An account of the missionary labors, sufferings, travels, observations, &c. of George Thompson, in Western Africa, at the Mendi Mission. Thompson, George, d. 1893. Cleveland [Ohio], : Printed by D.M. Ide., 1852.
1852 England London, England African wanderings, or, An expedition from Sennaar to Taka, Basa, and Beni-Amer, : with a particular glance at the races of Bellad Sudan. Werne, Ferdinand. London: : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans., 1852..
1853 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The first annual report of the Cape Palmas Female Orphan Asylum Society : read in St. Andrew's Church, Philadelphia, Tuesday evening, Nov. 8th, 1853. Cape Palmas Female Orphan Asylum Society. Philadelphia : printed by Stavely & McCalla, No. 12 Pear Street, 1853.
1853 England London, England Eighteen years on the Gold Coast of Africa, : including an account of the native tribes, and their intercourse with Europeans. Cruickshank, Brodie. London: : Hurst and Blackett, publishers, successors to Henry Colburn, 13, Great Marlborough Street. : Printed by Schulze and Co., 13, Poland Street., 1853.
1853 France Paris, France Le désert et le Soudan Escayrac de Lauture, Pierre-Henri-Stanislas d', 1826-1868. Paris. : Librairie de J. Dumaine, rue et passage Dauphine, 30. : Librairie de Friedrich Klincksieck, 11, rue de Lille, à Paris., Novembre 1853..
1853 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The history of the buccaneers of America; : containing detailed accounts of those bold and daring freebooters; chiefly along the Spanish Main, in the West Indies, and in the great South Sea, succeeding the civil wars in England. Exquemelin, A. O. (Alexandre Olivier) Boston: : Benjamin B. Mussey & Co., 29 Cornhill., 1853..
1853 England London, England Kaffraria, and its inhabitants. Flemyng, Francis Patrick. London: : Smith, Elder, and Co., 65 Cornhill. ; Norwich: : T. Priest. ; Bombay: : Smith, Taylor, and Co., MDCCCLIII. [1853]
1853 England London, England The narrative of an explorer in tropical South Africa. Galton, Francis, Sir, 1822-1911. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1853..
1853 Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio The travels and adventures of celebrated travelers in the principal countries of the globe : with brilliantly illuminated illustrations in oil colors, mezzotint engravings, and wood-cuts Howe, Henry, 1816-1893. Cincinnati : Published by Henry Howe, 1853. [C.A. Morgan & Co., Stereotypers; Morgan & Overend, Printers].
1853 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Liberia as it is. Johnson, R. M. Philadelphia: : Brown's Steam Power Book and Job Printing Office, Ledger Buildings., 1853..
1853 England London, England Campaigning in Kaffirland or Scenes and adventures in the Kaffir war of 1851-2. King, William Ross, 1822-1890. London : Saunders and Otley, Conduit Street., 1853..
1853 England London, England Life in Abyssinia : being notes collected during three years' residence and travels in that country Parkyns, Mansfield, 1823-1894. London : J. Murray, 1853.
1853 England London, England Narrative of a mission to Central Africa : performed in the years 1850-51 : under the orders and at the expense of her majesty's government Richardson, James, 1806-1851. London : Chapman and Hall, 1853.
1853 England London, England Abbeokuta; or, Sunrise within the tropics: : an outline of the origin and progress of the Yoruba mission. Tucker, S. (Sarah), d. ca. 1859. London: : James Nisbet and Co., Berners Street., 1853.
1854 England London, England Scenery, science and art; : being extracts from the note-book of a geologist and mining engineer. Ansted, D. T. (David Thomas), 1814-1880. London: : John Van Voorst, Paternoster Row., M.DCCC.LIV. [1854]
1854 New York   Captain Canot; or, Twenty years of an African slaver; : being an account of his career and adventures on the coast, in the interior, on shipboard, and in the West Indies. Canot, Theodore, 1804-1860. New York: : D. Appleton and Company, 346 & 348 Broadway. ; London: 16 Little Britain., M.DCCC.LIV [1854]..
1854 New York   Africa and the American flag Foote, Andrew H. (Andrew Hull), 1806-1863. New York: : D. Appleton & Co., 346 & 348 Broadway, and 16 Little Briain, London., MDCCCLIV.. [1854]
1854 New York New York, N.Y. The mission: or, Scenes in Africa. : Written for young people. Marryat, Frederick, 1792-1848. New-York: : D. Appleton & Co., 346 & 348 Broadway., M.DCCC.LIVII. [i.e. between 1854 and 1859]
1854 United States [U.S.] Africans at home. : (From the "Southern quarterly review," July, 1854.). McCord, David James, 1797-1855. [U.S. : s.n., 1854]
1854 England London, England The Kafir, the Hottentot, and the frontier farmer. : Passages of missionary life from the journals of the venerable Archdeacon Merriman. : Third thousand. Merriman, Nathaniel James, 1809-1881. London: : George Bell, 186, Fleet Street., 1854..
1854 England London, England Algeria: : the topography and history, political, social, and natural, of French Africa. Morell, John Reynell. London: : Nathaniel Cooke, Milford House, Strand., MDCCCLIV [1854]..
1854 New York   Life in Abyssinia : being notes collected during three years' residence and travels in that country Parkyns, Mansfield, 1823-1894. New York : D. Appleton, 1854.
1854 England London, England An account of the progress of the expedition to Central Africa : performed by order of her Majesty's Foreign Office, under Messrs. Richardson, Barth, Overweg & Vogel, in the years 1850, 1851, 1852, and 1853 Petermann, A. (August), 1822-1878. London : Published for the author by E. Stanford, 1854.
1854 New York   The looking-glass : being a true report and narrative of the life, travels and labors of the Rev. Daniel H. Peterson, a colored clergyman; embracing a period of time from the year 1812 to 1854, and including his visit to western Africa : with engravings. Peterson, Daniel H. New York : Wright, printer, 1854.
1854 New York   A journey to Central Africa; or, Life and landscapes from Egypt to the Negro kingdoms of the White Nile. Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878. New York: : G.P. Putnam & Co., 10 Park Place., 1854.
1854 New York   A journey to central Africa; or, Life and landscapes from Egypt to the Negro kingdoms of the White Nile. Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878. New York: : G.P. Putnam & Co., 10 Park Place., [1854]
1854 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Stories of Africa. Winner, Septimus, 1827-1902. Philadelphia: : Charles H. Davis, 62 North Eighth St., 1854..
1855 France Paris, France Le Nil blanc et le Soudan : études sur l'Afrique centrale : moeurs et coutumes des sauvages Brun-Rollet, Antoine. Paris : Librairie de L. Maison 17, rue de Tournon : Imp. de Pillet fils aîné, rue des Grands-Augustins, 5, 1855.
1855 England Halifax, [Eng?] Captain Canot; or, Twenty years of an African slaver. Canot, Theodore, 1804-1860. Halifax [England]: : Milner and Sowerby., 1855..
1855 England Cambridge [Eng.] Ten weeks in Natal. : A journal of a first tour of visitation among the colonists and Zulu Kafirs of Natal. Colenso, John William, 1814-1883. Cambridge [Eng.]: : Macmillan & Co. : R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill, 1855.
1855 England London, England Journal of an expedition up the Niger and Tshadda Rivers, : undertaken by MacGregor Laird, Esq. in connection with the British government, in 1854. Crowther, Samuel, 1806?-1891. London: : Church Missionary House, Salisbury Square; Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, Fleet Street. : T.C. Johns, printer, Wine Office-court, Fleet-street., 1855.
1855 England London, England The lion hunter in South Africa. : Five years of a hunter's life in the far interior of South Africa. With anecdotes of the chase and notices of the native tribes. Gordon-Cumming, Roualeyn, 1820-1866. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1855..
1855 France Paris, France Voyage sur la cote et dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique occidentale Hecquard, Hyacinthe, 1814-1866. Paris : Imprimerie de Bénard et compagnie rue Damiette, no 2., 1855.
1855 England London, England Narrative of the Niger, Tshadda & Binuë exploration: : including a report on the position and prospects of trade up those rivers, with remarks on the malaria and fevers of western Africa. Hutchinson, Thomas J. (Thomas Joseph), 1820-1885. London: : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans., 1855..
1855 Portugal Lisboa Factos e considerações relativas aos direitos de Portugal : sobre os territorios de Molembo, Cabinda e Ambriz e mais logares da costa occidental d'Africa situada entre o 5° grau 12 minutos e o 8° grau de latitude austral, Sá da Bandeira, Bernardo de Sá Nogueira de Figueiredo, marquês de, 1795-1876. Lisboa : Imprensa Nacional, 1855.
1855 Portugal Lisbon Demonstração dos direitos que tem a coroa de Portugal sobre os territorios situados na costa occidental d'Africa entre o 5° grau e 12 minutos e o 8° de latitude meridional e por conseguinte aos territorios de Molembo, Cabinda e Ambriz Santarém, Manuel Francisco de Barros e Sousa, Visconde de, 1791-1856. Lisbon : Imprensa nacional, 1855.
1855 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The Yankee enterprise : or, The two millionaires; and other thrilling tales.   Boston : Dayton and Wentworth, 1855.
1855 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Report of the proceedings and speeches at the dedication of coal estates, for the benefit of the poor; a free college, and African colonization, : at Shamokin, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, on the 22d of December, 1854..   Philadelphia. : McLaughlin Brothers, book and job printers, Bulletin Building., 1855..
1856 England London, England Lake Ngami, or, Explorations and discoveries, during four years' wanderings in the wilds of south-western Africa Andersson, Charles John, 1827-1867. London : Hurst and Blackett, Publishers, successors to Henry Colburn, 1856 [Charles Bevan and Son, Printers]
1856 New York   Lake Ngami; or, Explorations and discoveries, during four years' wanderings in wilds of southwestern Africa Andersson, Charles John, 1827-1867. New York : Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1856.
1856 England London, England Narrative of an exploring voyage up the rivers Kwóra and Bínue (commonly known as the Niger and Tsádda) in 1854 : With a map and appendices. Baikie, William Balfour, 1825-1864. London : John Murray, 1856 [Bradbury and Evans, Printers]
1856 France Paris, France Rapport a l'empereur sur la question Malgache et la colonisation de Madagascar Bonnavoy de Premot, F.-H. Paris : Imprimerie de H. Carion, 64, Rue Bonaparte, 1856.
1856 England London, England First footsteps in East Africa; or, An exploration of Härar Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890. London : Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans : Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., New-street-Square, 1856.
1856 England London, England Correspondence of Lieut.-General the Hon. Sir George Cathcart, K.C.B. : relative to his military operations in Kaffraria, until the termination of the Kafir war, and to his measures for the future maintenance of peace on that frontier, and the protection and welfare of the people of South Africa. Cathcart, George, Sir, 1794-1854. London : John Murray, Albemarle Street : Printed by Woodfall and Kinder, Angel Courrt, Skinner Street, 1856.
1856 England London, England Africa's mountain valley : or, The church in Regent's Town, West Africa Charlesworth, Maria Louisa, 1819-1880. [London] : Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, Fleet Street; and B. Seely, Hanover Street, London : Printed by G. Barclay, Castle St. Leicester Sq., 1856.
1856 England London, England Southern Africa. : A geography and natural history of the country, colonies, and inhabitants from the Cape of Good Hope to Angola. : Together with notices of their origins, manners, habits, customs ... Flemyng, Francis Patrick. London: : Arthur Hall, Virtue, and Co.; ; Norwich: : Thomas Priest., MDCCCLVI. [1856]
1856 New York   The adventures of Gerard, the lion killer, : comprising a history of his ten years' campaign among the wild animals of northern Africa. Gérard, Jules, 1817-1864. New York: : Derby & Jackson, 119 Nassau Street. ; Cincinnati: :--H.W. Derby & Co., 1856..
1856 England London, England Further correspondence relative to the recent expeditions against the Moriah chiefs in the neighbourhood of Sierra Leone. : (In continuation of papers presented August 1855.) : Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 19 June 1856.. Great Britain. Colonial Office London: : Printed by George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode, printers to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office., 1856..
1856 Germany Gotha [Germany] Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt über wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie Petermann, A. (August), 1822-1878. Gotha [Germany] : J. Perthes, 1856.
1856 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The bush-boys : or, the history and adventures of a Cape farmer and his family in the wild karoos of Southern Africa Reid, Mayne, 1818-1883. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1856.
1856 New York New York, N.Y. Mlede, the African demon woman. Scott, Anna M. New-York: : Protestant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge, 11 Bible House, Astor Place., 1856.
1856 New York   A journey to central Africa; or, Life and landscapes from Egypt to the Negro kingdoms of the White Nile. Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878. New York: : G.P. Putnam & Co., 10 Park Place., 1856.
1856 Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio Cyclopaedia of modern travel: : a record of adventure, exploration and discovery, for the past fifty years: comprising narratives of the most distinguished travelers since the beginning of this century; Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878. Cincinnati [Ohio]: : Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co. 25 West Fourth Street., 1856.
1856 New York   Western Africa : its history, condition and prospects Wilson, J. Leighton (John Leighton), 1809-1886. New York : Harper & Brothers, Publishers, Franklin Square, 1856.
1857 England London, England Dr. Livingston : his life and adventures in the interior of South Africa: comprising a description of the regions which he traversed; an account of missionary pioneers; and chapters on cotton cultivation, slavery, wild animals, etc., etc. / By H.G. Adams. Illustrated with portrait, map, and sixty engravings; the drawings by Sargent, Harvey, Thomas, Wood, &c. Adams, H. G. (Henry Gardiner), 1811 or 12-1881. London : Houlston & Wright; and all booksellers, [1857] [Printed by Adams and Gee]
1857 New York   Lake Ngami; or, Explorations and discoveries during four years' wanderings in the wilds of south western Africa Andersson, Charles John, 1827-1867. New York : Dix, Edwards & Co. ; London : Hurst & Blackett, 1857, [c1856] [Miller & Holman, Printers and Stereotypers]
1857 England London, England Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa : being a journal of an expedition undertaken under the auspices of H. B. M.'s government, in the years 1849-1855 Barth, Heinrich, 1821-1865. London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longman's, & Roberts, 1857-1858 [Printed by Spottiswoode and Co.]
1857 Germany Gotha Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Central-Afrika in den Jahren 1849 bis 1855 Barth, Heinrich, 1821-1865. Gotha : Justus Perthes, 1857-1858 [Druck der Englehard-Reyher?schen Hofbuehdreckerei in Gotha]
1857 South Carolina Charleston, South Carolina Central Africa : Adventures and missionary labors in several countries in the interior of Africa, from 1849 to 1856 Bowen, T. J. (Thomas Jefferson), 1814-1875. Charleston : Southern Baptist Publication Society, No. 229 King Street, 1857 [James and Williams, printers].
1857 England London, England The castaways or The adventures of a family in the wilds of Africa Bowman, Anne. London : George Routledge & Sons. The Broadway, Ludgate ; New York : 416 Broome Street ; [[London] : Wyman and Sons, printers, Great Queen Street, London, [1857].
1857 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Livingstone's 17 years ?explorations and adventures in the wilds of Africa. Coombs, John Hartley. Philadelphia, Pa.: : J.T. Lloyd & Co. ; Chicago, Ill.: : Bronson & Fobes. ; Philadelphia: : stereotyped by George Charles. : Printed by King & Baird., 1857.
1857 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The duty of a rising Christian state to contribute to the world's well-being and civilization, and the means by which it may perform the same. : The annual oration before the Common Council and the citizens of Monrovia, Liberia--July 26, 1855: being the day of national independence. Crummell, Alexander, 1819-1898. [Boston, Mass.] ; London: : Wertheim & Macintosh, 24 Paternoster-Row, 1856. : Reprinted by the Massachusetts Colonization Society--, 1857.
1857 Ohio Dayton, Ohio Off hand sketches of men and things in western Africa. Flickinger, D. K. (Daniel Kumler), 1824-1911. Dayton, Ohio: : Published by order of the trustees of the United Brethren Printing Establishment., 1857..
1857 Liberia Monrovia, Liberia Message of the president of the Republic of Liberia to the Legislature at the commencement of their session, December, 1857.. Liberia. President (1856-1864 : Benson) Monrovia [Liberia]: : Printed by G. Killian., 1857..
1857 England London, England Missionary travels and researches in South Africa; : including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the west coast; thence across the continent, down the river Zambesi, to the eastern ocean. Livingstone, David, 1813-1873. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1857..
1857 New York   Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. Prime, William Cowper, 1825-1905. New York: : Harper & Brothers, Franklin Square., 1857.
1857 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The young yägers : or, A narrative of hunting adventures in Southern Africa Reid, Mayne, 1818-1883. Boston : Ticknor and Fields, 1857. (Riverside, Cambridge : Stereotyped and printed by H.O. Houghton and Company)
1857 New York New York, N.Y. Glimpses of life in Africa. Scott, Anna M. [New York] : Published by the American Tract Society, 150 Nassau-Street, New York., [1857]
1857 England London, England The Kafirs of Natal and the Zulu country. Shooter, Joseph. London: : E. Stanford, 6, Charing Cross., 1857.
1857 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Four years in Liberia : a sketch of the Life of the Rev. Samuel Williams, with remarks on the missions, manners and customs of the natives of western Africa, together with an answer to Nesbit's book. Williams, Samuel, b. 1813. Philadelphia : King & Baird, 1857.
1858 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Meroke: or Missionary life in Africa Bowen, T. J. (Thomas Jefferson), 1814-1875. Philadelphia : American Sunday-School Union. No. 1122 Chestnut Street. c1858.
1858 England London, England Caffres and Caffre missions : with preliminary chapters on the Cape Colony as a field for emigration, and basis of missionary operation Calderwood, Henry, 1830-1897. London : James Nisbet and Co., 21 Berners Street ; [Edinburgh] : Ballantyne and Company, printers, Edinburgh, 1858.
1858 England London, England Three visits to Madagascar during the years 1853--1854--1856. : Including a journey to the capital. : With notices of the natural history of the country and of the present civilisation of the people. Ellis, William, 1794-1872. London : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1858.
1858 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Man upon the sea: or, A history of maritime adventure, exploration and discovery, from the earliest ages to the present time. : Comprising a detailed account of remarkable voyages, ancient as well as modern. Goodrich, Frank B. (Frank Boott), 1826-1894. Philadelphia: : J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1858..
1858 New York New York, N.Y. Remarks on the recent travels of Dr. Barth in Central Africa, or Soudan. : A paper read before the Ethnological Society of New York, November, 1858. Hodgson, William Brown, 1800-1871. [New York : s.n., 1858?]
1858 England London, England Impressions of Western Africa. : With remarks on the diseases of the climate and a report on the peculiarities of trade up the rivers in the Bight of Biafra. Hutchinson, Thomas J. (Thomas Joseph), 1820-1885. London: : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts., 1858..
1858 Liberia Monrovia, Liberia Message of the president of the Republic of Liberia to the Legislature, at the commencement of their session December 1858.. Liberia. President (1856-1864 : Benson) Monrovia [Liberia]: : G. Killian, printer--Liberia Herald Office., 1858..
1858 New York   Missionary travels and researches in South Africa; : including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the west coast; thence across the continent, down the river Zambesi, to the eastern ocean. Livingstone, David, 1813-1873. New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square., 1858..
1858 England London, England Adventures of Mrs. Colonel Somerset in Caffraria, during the war Somerset, Helen. London : J.F. Hope, 1858.
1858 Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio The palm land; or, West Africa, illustrated. : Being a history of missionary labors and travels, with descriptions of men and things in western Africa. Also, a synopsis of all the missionary work on that continent. Thompson, George, d. 1893. Cincinnati [Ohio]: : Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co., printers, 25 West Fourth Street., 1858.
1858 England London, England Fosteriana : consisting of thoughts, reflections, and criticisms, of John Foster ...   London: : Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden., 1858..
1858 England London, England Wanderings in the land of Ham   London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, 1858.
1859 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Travels and discoveries in north and central Africa : From the journal of an expedition undertaken under the auspices of H.B.M.'s government, in the years 1849-1855 Barth, Heinrich, 1821-1865. Philadelphia : J.W. Bradley, 1859 [Stereotyped by J. Fagan].
1859 England London, England Creoles and coolies; or, Five years in Mauritius Beaton, Patrick. London : James Nisbet and Co., 1859 [Edinburgh : Printed by Ballantyne and Company]
1859 Germany Hannover [Germany] Eight years in Asia and Africa from 1846 to 1855 Benjamin, I. J. (Israel Joseph), 1818-1864. Hannover [Germany] : Published by the author : Printed by Wm. Reimschneider, 1859.
1859 England London, England The gospel on the banks of the Niger. : journals and notices of the native missionaries accompanying the Niger Expedition of 1857-1859. Crowther, Samuel, 1806?-1891. London: : Church Missionary House, Salisbury Square; : Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, Fleet Street. : W.M. Watts [printer], Crown Court, Temple Bar., 1859.
1859 New York   Three visits to Madagascar during the years 1853--1854--1856. : Including a journey to the capital; : with notices of the natural history of the country and of the present civilization of the people. Ellis, William, 1794-1872. New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square., 1859..
1859 South Africa Cape Town,] Cape of Good Hope Manual of South African geography, : forming a companion to the map of South Africa to 16 °south latitude. : Intended for the use of the upper classes in government schools and candidates for the civil service. Hall, Henry, F.R.G.S. Cape Town: : Saul Solomon and Co., steam printing office., 1859..
1859 England London, England Commerce with Africa : The inefficacy of treaties for the suppression of the African slave trade, and their injurious influences on British commercial interests in Africa, with suggestions for the development of the commercial resources of western central Africa: and a short notice of the kingdom of Benin Jamieson, Robert, d. 1861. London : Effingham Wilson, 1859 [M. Brown, printer].
1859 New York New York, N.Y. Fourth annual message of Stephen A. Benson, president of Liberia : delivered to the legislature, December, 1858. Liberia. President (1856?-1865 : Stephen A. Benson) [New York? : s.n., 1859?]
1859 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Livingstone's travels and researches in South Africa; : including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the west coast, thence across the continent, down the river Zambesi, to the eastern ocean. Livingstone, David, 1813-1873. Philadelphia: : J[.]W. Bradley, publisher, 48 N. Fourth Street., 1859..
1859 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Liberia described. : A discourse embracing a description of the climate, soil, productions, animals, missionary work, improvements, &c. : with a full description of the acclimating fever. Miller, Armistead. Philadelphia: : Joseph M. Wilson, No. 111 South Tenth Street, below Chestnut Street., 1859..
1859 New York   An authentic narrative of the loss of the American brig Commerce : wrecked on the western coast of Africa in the month of August, 1815 ... Riley, James, 1777-1840. New York : Leavitt and Allen, 1859.
1859 District of Columbia Washington, D.C. African colonization unveiled. Ruffin, Edmund, 1794-1865. [Washington, D.C.] : Printed by Lemuel Towers, Washington, D.C,, [sic], at {dollar}2 50 per hundred copies., [1859?]
1859 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The land of mystery : or, Scenes and incidents in central Africa.   Philadelphia : American Sunday-School Union; New York Depository, [c1859].
1860 England London, England The sources of the Nile : being a general survey of the basin of that river, and of its head-streams; with the history of nilotic discovery Beke, Charles T. (Charles Tilstone), 1800-1874. London : James Madden, 1860.
1860 England London, England The lake regions of central Africa : a picture of exploration Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890. London : Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts : Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-Street Square, 1860.
1860 New York   The lake regions of central Africa : a picture of exploration Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890. New York : Harper and Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square, 1860.
1860 England London, England Travels, researches, and missionary labours, during an eighteen years' residence in Eastern Africa. : Together with journeys to Jagga, Usambara, Ukambani, Shoa, Abessinia, and Khartum; and a coasting voyage from Mombaz to Cape Delgado. Krapf, J. L. (Johann Ludwig), 1810-1881. London: : Trübner and Co., Paternoster Row., 1860..
1860 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Travels, researches, and missionary labors, during an eighteen years' residence in Eastern Africa; : together with journeys to Jagga, Usambara, Ukambani, Shoa, Abessinia, and Khartum; and a coasting voyage from Mombaz to Cape Delgado. Krapf, J. L. (Johann Ludwig), 1810-1881. Boston: : Ticknor and Fields., MDCCCLX. [1860]
1860 England London, England Travels in eastern Africa; : with the narrative of a residence in Mozambique. McLeod, Lyons. London: : Hurst and Blackett, publishers, successors to Henry Colburn, 13, Great Marlborough Street., 1860..
1860 New York   Adventures and observations on the west coast of Africa, and its islands : historical and descriptive sketches of Madeira, Canary, Biafra, and Cape Verd islands, their climates, inhabitants, and productions : accounts of places, peoples, customs, trade, missionary operations, etc., etc., on that part of the African coast lying between Tangier, Morocco, and Benguela Thomas, Chas. W. New York : Derby & Jackson, 1860.
1860 England London, England The great Sahara : wanderings south of the Atlas mountains Tristram, H. B. (Henry Baker), 1822-1906. London : John Murray, 1860.
1860 New York   Narratives and adventures of travellers in Africa Williams, Charles. New York : Dick & Fitzgerald, [1860?]
1860 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Recognition of Liberia.   [Philadelphia, W. F. Geddes, 1860?]
1860 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa America, or Africa?   [Philadelphia : W.F. Geddes, Printer], [1860?]
1861 England London, England The Okavango River : a narrative of travel, exploration, and adventure Andersson, Charles John, 1827-1867. London : Hurst and Blackett, publishers, successors to Henry Colburn, 1861 [printed by Spottiswoode and Co.].
1861 New York   The Okavango River : a narrative of travel, exploration, and adventure Andersson, Charles John, 1827-1867. New York : Harper & Brothers, publishers, 1861.
1861 England London, England The gorilla hunters : A tale of the wilds of Africa Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael), 1825-1894. London : T. Nelson and Sons; Edinburgh; and New York, 1861.
1861 New York New York, N.Y. A pilgrimage to my motherland : An account of a journey among the Egbas and Yorubas of Central Africa, in 1859-60 Campbell, Robert, of the Niger Valley Exploring Party New-York : Published by Thomas Hamilton, 48 Beekman St. ; Philadelphia : By the author, 661 North Thirteenth St., 1861.
1861 New York   The English language, in Liberia. : The annual address before the citizens of Maryland County, Cape Palmas, Liberia--July 26, 1860. Being the day of national independence, Crummell, Alexander, 1819-1898. New York: : Bunce & Co., printers, 321 Pearl St., (2d floor.), 1861.
1861 New York   Official report of the Niger Valley Exploring Party. Delany, Martin Robison, 1812-1885. New York: : Thomas Hamilton, No. 48 Beekman Street. ; London: : Webb, Millington & Co., Fleet Stree. ; Leeds: : --J.B. Barry, Trinity Street. ; [New York] : A.J. Brady, printer and stereotyper, 5 Tryon Row, New York., 1861.
1861 England London, England Explorations & adventures in equatorial Africa; : with accounts of the manners and customs of the people, and of the chace of the gorilla, crocodile, leopard, elephant, hippopotamus, and other animals. Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street. : printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street, and Charing Cross., 1861.
1861 England London, England Ten years' wanderings among the Ethiopians; : with sketches of the manners and customs of the civilized and uncivilized tribes, from Senegal to Gaboon. Hutchinson, Thomas J. (Thomas Joseph), 1820-1885. London: : Hurst and Blackett, publishers, successors to Henry Colburn, 13, Great Marlborough Street., 1861..
1861 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Livingstone's travels and researches in South Africa; : including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the west coast, thence across the continent, down the river Zambesi, to the eastern ocean. Livingstone, David, 1813-1873. Philadelphia: : J.W[.] Bradley, publisher, 48 N. Fourth Street., 1861..
1861 England London, England The Africans at home : being a popular account of Africa and the Africans condensed from the accounts of African travellers from the time of Mungo Park to the present day Macbrair, R. Maxwell (Robert Maxwell) London : Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1861.
1861 Scotland Edinburgh Egypt, the Soudan and Central Africa : with explorations from Khartoum on the White Nile, to the regions of the equator : being sketches from sixteen years' travel Petherick, John, 1813-1882. Edinburgh : W. Blackwood, 1861.
1861 England London, England The last travels of Ida Pfeiffer : inclusive of a visit to Madagascar : with a biographical memoir of the author Pfeiffer, Ida, 1797-1858. London : Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, 1861.
1861 New York   The last travels of Ida Pfeiffer : inclusive of a visit to Madagascar : with an autobiographical memoir of the author Pfeiffer, Ida, 1797-1858. New York : Harper, 1861.
1861 England London, England Narrative of the circumnavigation of the globe by the Austrian frigate Novara : (Commodore B. von Wullerstorf-Urbair,) : undertaken by order of the Imperial Government, in the years 1857, 1858, & 1859, under the immediate auspices of his I. and R. Highness, the Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian ... Scherzer, Karl, Ritter von, 1821-1903. London : Saunders, Otley, and Co., 1861-63.
1861 Portugal Lisboa Cultura do algodão em Angola. Welwitsch, Friedrich, 1806-1872. Lisboa : Imprensa Nacional, 1861.
1861 New York   West coast of Africa. : Facts:   New York: : John J. Zuille, printer, no. 396 Canal Street., 1861..
1862 New York   Liberia's offering : being addresses, sermons, etc. Blyden, Edward Wilmot, 1832-1912. New York : John A. Gray, printer, stereotyper, and binder, Fire-proof Buildings, corner of Frankfort and Jacob Streets, 1862.
1862 United States [United States] The recognition of the republic of Liberia by the government of the United States. Clark, B. C. (Benjamin C.) [United States : s.n.], [1862].
1862 New York   The future of Africa: : being addresses, sermons, etc., etc., delivered in the republic of Liberia. Crummell, Alexander, 1819-1898. New York: : Charles Scribner, 124 Grand Street. : John F. Trow, printer, stereotyper, and electrotyper, 48 & 50 Greene Street, New York., 1862.
1862 Massachusetts Cambridge, Mass. Vacation tourists and notes of travel in 1861 Galton, Francis, Sir, 1822-1911. Cambridge : Macmillan and Co. and 23, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden ; London, 1862.
1862 District of Columbia Washington, D.C. The recognition of Hayti and Liberia. : Speech of Hon. William D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania, delivered in the House of Representatives, June 3, 1862.. Kelley, William D. (William Darrah), 1814-1890. Washington, D.C. : Scammell & Co. printers, corner of Second Street and Indiana avenue, third floor, 1862..
1862 Germany Gotha Inner-Afrika nach dem Stande der geographischen Kenntniss in den Jahren 1861 Petermann, A. (August), 1822-1878. Gotha : J. Perthes, 1862.
1863 England London, England African hunting and adventure from Natal to the Zambesi : including Lake Ngami, the Kalahari Desert, &c. From 1852 to 1860 Baldwin, William Charles. London : Richard Bentley, 1863 [Printed by Spottiswoode and Co.]
1863 England London, England Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains : An exploration Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890. London : Tinsley Brothers, 18 Catherine Street, Strand : printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross, 1863.
1863 England London, England Wanderings in West Africa : from Liverpool to Fernando Po Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890. London : Tinsley Brothers, 18, Catherine St., Strand : Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars, 1863.
1863 England London, England The tropical world: : a popular scientific account of the natural history of the animal and vegetable kingdoms in the equatorial regions. Hartwig, G. (Georg), 1813-1880. London: : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green., 1863..
1863 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa An address before the Liberia Union Agricultural Enterprise Co. Morris, Edward S., 1830-1890. Philadelphia : Wm. S. Young, book & job printer, 1863.
1863 England Torquay On the Republic of Liberia : its products and resources Ralston, Gerard. Torquay: Henry Powlson, printer, "Chronicle" office, 1863
1863 Scotland Edinburgh Journal of the discovery of the source of the Nile Speke, John Hanning, 1827-1864. Edinburgh : William Blackwood and Sons, 1863.
1863 England London, England Twenty-nine years in the West Indies and Central Africa : a review of missionary work and adventure, 1829-1858 Waddell, Hope Masterton. London : New York : T. Nelson and Sons, 1863.
1863 England London, England Madagascar: its mission and its martyrs.   London : printed by W. Stevens, for the London Missionary Society, 1863 [William S. Vens, printer].
1863 France Paris, France L'Année géographique : revue annuelle des voyages de terre et de mer ansi que des explorations, missions, relations et publications diverses relatives aux sciences géographiques et ethnographiques.   Paris : Librairie de L. Hachette et cie, [1863-80] [Imprimerie générale de Ch. Lahure].
1864 England London, England Explorations in South-west Africa : Being an account of a journey in the years 1861 and 1862 from Walvisch Bay, on the western coast, to Lake Ngami and the Victoria Falls Baines, Thomas, 1820-1875. London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green, 1864 [printed by Spottiswoode and Co.].
1864 England London, England Reynard the fox in South Africa : or, Hottentot fables and tales Bleek, W. H. I. (Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel), 1827-1875. London : Trübner and Co., 60, Paternoster Row : William Stevens, printer, 37, Bell Yard, Temple Bar, 1864.
1864 England London, England A mission to Gelele, king of Dahome : With notices of the so called "Amazons," the grand customs, the yearly customs, the human sacrifices, the present state of the slave trade, and the Negro's place in nature Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890. London : Tinsley Brothers, 18, Catherine Street, Strand : Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars, 1864.
1864 England London, England The Nile basin : Part I. Showing Tanganyika to be Ptolemy's western lake reservoir : A memoir read before the Royal Geographical Society, November 14, 1864 : With prefatory remarks Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890. London : Tinsley Brothers, 18, Catherine St., Strand : Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars, 1864.
1864 England London, England A walk across Africa : or Domestic scenes from my Nile journal Grant, James Augustus, 1827-1892. [Edinburgh ; London] : William Blackwood and Sons Edinburgh and London, MDCCCLXIV [1864]
1864 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Zulu-Land; or, Life among the Zulu-Kafirs of Natal and Zulu-Land, South Africa. : With map, and illustrations, largely from original photographs. Grout, Lewis, 1815-1905. Philadelphia: : Presbyterian Publication Committee, 1334 Chestnut Street. ; New York: : A.D.F. Randolph, 770 Broadway., [1864]
1864 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Historical sketch of the Zulu mission, in South Africa, Ireland, William, 1821-1888. [Boston] : Published by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 33 Pemberton Square, Boston., [1864?]
1864 New York   The Negro problem solved, or, Africa as she was, as she is, and as she shall be : her curse and her cure Read, Hollis, 1802-1887. New York : A.A. Constantine, 1864.
1864 New York   Savage Africa : being the narrative of a tour in equatorial, southwestern and northwestern Africa; with notes on the habits of the gorilla; on the existence of unicorns and tailed men; on the slave-trade; on the origin, character and capabilities of the Negro, and on the future civilization of Africa Reade, William Winwood, 1838-1875. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1864.
1864 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The young yägers : or, a narrative of hunting adventures in Southern Africa Reid, Mayne, 1818-1883. Boston : Ticknor and Fields, 1864.
1864 New York   Journal of the discovery of the source of the Nile Speke, John Hanning, 1827-1864. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1864.
1864 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Capts. Speke's and Grant's travels and adventures in Africa. : A thrilling narrative of the perils and hardships experienced by Captains Speke and Grant, the celebrated African explorers. Who, after an absence of over two years, have just returned from central Africa, where, besides ascertaining the true sources of the River Nile, and the existence of highly civilized nations, have discovered vast regions abounding in gold and precious stones, drugs, fine woods, cotton, tobacco and honey, in short the real Eldorado of the earth. Speke, John Hanning, 1827-1864. Philadelphia: : Published by Barclay & Co. No. 602 Arch Street., 1864.
1864 Scotland Edinburgh What led to the discovery of the source of the Nile Speke, John Hanning, 1827-1864. Edinburgh : William Blackwood and Sons, 1864.
1864 Virginia Richmond, Va. A geography for beginners Stewart, K. J. (Kensey Johns) Richmond, Va. : J.W. Randolph, 1864.
1865 England London, England Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries : and of the discovery of the lakes Shirwa and Nyassa, 1858-1864 Livingstone, David, 1813-1873. London : John Murray, 1865.
1865 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The boy slaves Reid, Mayne, 1818-1883. Boston : Ticknor and Fields, 1865, c1864.
1866 England London, England The Albert N'Yanza : great basin of the Nile, and explorations of the Nile sources Baker, Samuel White, Sir, 1821-1893. London : Macmillan and Co., 1866 ; [R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, printers].
1866 England London, England The Albert Nyanza : great basin of the Nile and explorations of the Nile sources Baker, Samuel White, Sir, 1821-1893. London : Macmillan and Co. J. B. Lippincott and Co. Philadelphia, 1866 ; [London : R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, printers].
1866 New York   Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries : and of the discovery of the lakes Shirwa and Nyassa, 1858-1864 Livingstone, David, 1813-1873. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1866, c1865.
1866 England London, England The story of the universities' mission to central Africa : from its commencement, under Bishop Mackenzie, to its withdrawal from Zambesi Rowley, Henry. London : Saunders, Otley, 1866.
1867 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia : and the sword hunters of the Hamran Arabs Baker, Samuel White, Sir, 1821-1893. Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co. ; London : Macmillan and Co., 1867 [London : R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, printers].
1867 England London, England Far away; or, Sketches of scenery and society in Mauritius Boyle, Charles John. London : Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly : John Childs and Son, printers, 1867.
1867 England London, England A journey to Ashango-land: : and further penetration into equatorial Africa. Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street. : printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street, and Charing Cross., 1867.
1867 New York   A journey to Ashango-land: : and further penetration into equatorial Africa. Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903. New York: : D. Appleton and Company, 443 & 445 Broadway., 1867.
1867 England London, England Narrative of a journey through Abyssinia in 1862-3. : With an appendix on "The Abyssinian captives question." Dufton, Henry. London: : Chapman & Hall, 193, Piccadilly. : printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross, 1867.
1867 England London, England Madagascar revisited : describing the events of a new reign and the revolution which followed; setting forth also the persecutions endured by the Christians, and their heroic sufferings, with notices of the present state and prospects of the people. Ellis, William, 1794-1872. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1867..
1867 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The giraffe-hunters Reid, Mayne, 1818-1883. Boston : Ticknor and Fields, 1867.
1868 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia : and the sword hunters of the Hamran Arabs Baker, Samuel White, Sir, 1821-1893. Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co. ; London : Macmillan and Co., 1868 [London : R. Clay, Son, and Taylor, printers].
1868 England London, England The gorilla hunters : A tale of the wilds of Africa Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael), 1825-1894. London : T. Nelson and Sons; Edinburgh; and New York, 1868.
1868 England London, England A narrative of captivity in Abyssinia : with some account of the late Emperor Theodore, his country and people Blanc, Henry. London : Smith, Elder and Co., 1868.
1868 South Africa Natal The religious system of the Amazulu : Part I. Unkulunkulu; or, The tradition of creation as existing among the Amazulu and other tribes of South Africa, in their own words, with a translation into English, and notes Callaway, Henry, 1817-1890. Natal : John A. Blair, Springvale : Davis and Sons, Pietermaritzburg ; Capetown : J.C. Juta, Wale Street ; London : Trübner and Co., 60, Paternoster Row, 1868-1869.
1868 England London, England Travels in the interior of South Africa, comprising fifteen years' hunting and trading : with journeys across the continent from Natal to Walvisch Bay, and visits to Lake Ngami and the Victoria Falls Chapman, James, 1831-1872. London : Bell & Daldy, York Street, Covent Garden : Edward Stanford, 6, Charing Cross : Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross, 1868.
1868 New York   Stories of the gorilla country. : Narrated for young people. Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903. New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square., 1868.
1868 England London, England Elephant haunts: : being a sportsman's narrative of the search for Doctor Livingstone, with scenes of elephant, buffalo, and hippopotamus hunting. Faulkner, Henry. London: : Hurst and Blackett, publishers, 13 Great Marlborough Street., 1868..
1868 England London, England A memoir of the Rev. C. Colden Hoffman, : missionary to Cape Palmas, West Africa. Fox, George Townshend, 1810-1886. London: : Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 54 Fleet Street. ; New York: : A.D.F. Randolph, 770 Broadway., 1868..
1868 New York   A memoir of the Rev. C. Colden Hoffman, : missionary to Cape Palmas, West Africa. Fox, George Townshend, 1810-1886. New York: : A.D.F. Randolph, 770 Broadway. ; London: : Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday., 1868..
1868 Scotland Edinburgh A political survey. Grant Duff, Mountstuart E. (Mountstuart Elphinstone), Sir, 1829-1906. Edinburgh: : Edmonston and Douglas., 1868..
1868 England London, England The life of Prince Henry of Portugal, surnamed the Navigator, and its results : comprising the discovery, within one century, of half the world ... Major, Richard Henry, 1818-1891. London : A. Asher & Co., 1868.
1868 New York   Essays on the progress of nations, : in civilization, productive industry, wealth and population. Illustrated by statistics in mining, agriculture, manufactures, commerce, banking, internal improvements, emigration, and population. Seaman, Ezra C. (Ezra Champion), 1805-1880. New York: : Charles Scribner & Co., 654 Broadway., 1868.
1868 Scotland Edinburgh Lake Victoria : a narrative of explorations in search of the source of the Nile : compiled from the memoirs of Captains Speke and Grant Swayne, George C. (George Carless), 1818-1892. Edinburgh : William Blackwood and Sons, 1868.
1868 England London, England The search after Livingstone : a diary kept during the investigation of his reported murder Young, E. D. (Edward Daniel) London : Letts, Son and Co., 1868.
1869 New York   Pre-historic nations : or, Inquiries concerning some of the great peoples and civilizations of antiquity, and their probable relation to a still older civilization of the Ethiopians or Cushites of Arabia Baldwin, John D. (John Denison), 1809-1883. New York : Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1869.
1869 England London, England A comparative grammar of South African languages Bleek, W. H. I. (Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel), 1827-1875. London : Trübner & Co, 60, Paternoster Row ; Cape Town : J.C. Juta ; [Cape Town] : Saul Solomon and Co., Steam printing office, Cape Town, 1869.
1869 England London, England Recollections of Central America and the west coast of Africa. Foote, Henry Grant, Mrs. [London] : T. Cautley Newby, publisher, 30, Welbeck Street, Cavendish Square., 1869..
1869 England London, England The British expedition to Abyssinia Hozier, H. M. (Henry Montague), 1842-1907. London : Macmillan and Co., 1869.
1869 England London, England A history of the Abyssinian expedition Markham, Clements R. (Clements Robert), Sir, 1830-1916. London : Macmillan and Co., 1869.
1869 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Details of an unpaid claim on France for 24,000,000 francs, : guaranteed by the parole of Napoleon III. Parrish, Robert Austin, b. 1817. Philadelphia : [s.n.], 1869.
1869 England London, England Narrative of the British mission to Theodore, king of Abyssinia : with notices of the countries traversed from Massowah, through the Soodân, the Amhâra, and back to Annesley Bay, from Mágdala Rassam, Hormuzd. London : John Murray, 1869.
1869 District of Columbia Washington, D.C. The Republic of Liberia : an address Roberts, Joseph J. (Joseph Jenkins), 1809-1876. Washington, D.C. : The Society, 1869.
1869 New York   Five weeks in a balloon, or, Journeys and discoveries in Africa, by three Englishmen Verne, Jules, 1828-1905. New York : D. Appleton & Company, 1869.
1870 New York New York, N.Y. Narrative of a journey to Musardu : the capital of the western Mandingoes Anderson, Benjamin J. K., b. 1834. New-York : S. W. Green, printer, 1870.
1870 New York   Appendix to Benj. Anderson's Journey to Musadu : An exact fac-simile of a letter from the king of Musadu to the President of Liberia, written by a young Mandingo, at Musadu, in Arabic, in the latter part of 1868. Printed from photographic relief plates. With a translation by the Rev. Edward W. Blyden. Barta, Mohammed, fl. 1868. New York : Lithographic, Engraving & Printing Co., 1870.
1870 England London, England Observations on the geology and zoology of Abyssinia : made during the progress of the British expedition to that country 1867-68 Blanford, William Thomas, 1832-1905. London : Macmillan and Co. : R. Clay, Sons, and Taylor, printers, Bread Hill Street, 1870.
1870 New York   Lost in the jungle. : Narrated for young people. Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903. New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square., 1870.
1870 England London, England Sketches of life and sport in south-eastern Africa. Hamilton, Charles, F.A.S.L. London: : Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly., 1870..
1870 England London, England After Ophir, or, A search for the South African gold fields Lindley, Augustus F. London ; New York : Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, [187-?]
1870 England London, England Madagascar and its people : notes of a four years' residence : with a sketch of the history, position, and prospects of mission work among the Malagasy Sibree, James, 1836-1929. [London] : Religious Tract Society, [1870].
1870 England London, England Swahili tales : as told by natives of Zanzibar   London : Bell & Daldy, 1870.
1870 New York   Men who have made themselves : whence they started, how they journeyed, what they reached : with illustrations.   New York : G.P. Putnam, [187-?]



Year of Publication State/Country of Publication City Title Author Imprint
1871 New York   My Apingi kingdom: : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903. New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square., 1871, c1870.
1871 New York   Wild life under the equator. : Narrated for young people. Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903. New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square., 1871.
1871 France Tours Deux ans dans l'Afrique orientale Jonveaux, Émile, 1819-1871. Tours : Alfred Mame et fils, éditeurs, MDCCCLXXI [1871]
1871 England London, England In the wilds of Africa. : A tale for boys. Kingston, William Henry Giles, 1814-1880. London: ; Edinburgh; and New York. : T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row;, 1871..
1871 England London, England Shifts and expedients of camp life, travel, & exploration Lord, William Barry. London : Horace Cox, 1871.
1871 Scotland Edinburgh Ten years north of the Orange River : a story of everyday life and work among the South African tribes from 1859-1869 Mackenzie, John, 1835-1899. Edinburgh : Edmonston and Douglas, 1871.
1871 New York   The heroine of the White Nile, or, What a woman did and dared : a sketch of the remarkable travels and experiences of Miss Alexandrine Tinn Wells, William. New York : Carlton & Lanahan, c1871.
1872 England London, England The slave trade in Africa in 1872 : Principally carried on for the supply of Turkey, Egypt, Persia, and Zanzibar Berlioux, Etienne Félix, 1828-1910. London : Edward Marsh, 12, Bishopsgate Street Without : printed by Wertheimer, Lea and Co., Circus Place, Finsbury Circus, 1872.
1872 England London, England Zanzibar : city, island, and coast Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890. London : Tinsley Brothers, 18, Catherine St., Strand : John Childs and Son, printers, 1872.
1872 New York   The country of the dwarfs Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903. New York : Harper & Brothers, publishers, 1872, [c1871].
1872 Germany Stuttgart Lala Wolo hã Kristofoi asafo ní yo_ Gã ke_ Adã?me s?ikpo?n le_ no_ le_ : bo_ni ebo_foi ke_ ts?õlo_i eto gbe_ds?iano_ le_. Kol. 3, 16. Hymnbook for the Christian Church in the Akra and Adangme country in the Akra language Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft in Basel. Stuttgart : Printed for the Evangelical Missionary Society. J.F. Steinkopf, Printer, 1872.
1872 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Livingstone's Africa : perilous adventures and extensive discoveries in the interior of Africa : from the personal narrative of David Livingstone ... together with the remarkable success and important results of the Herald-Stanley expedition Livingstone, David, 1813-1873. Philadelphia ; Boston : Hubbard Bros. [and 7 others], [c1872].
1872 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Die Auswanderung nach Afrika. : Eine Erzählung für die Jugend Nieritz, Gustav, 1795-1876. Philadelphia: : Verlag von Schäfer & Koradi, Südwest-Ecke der Vierten und Wood Strasse.,
1872 England London, England The diamond diggings of South Africa : a personal and practical account; with a brief notice of the new gold fields Payton, Charles A. London : H. Cox, 1872.
1872 New York   How I found Livingstone : travels, adventures and discoveries in Central Africa : including an account of four months' residence with Dr. Livingstone Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Morton), 1841-1904. New York : Scribner, Armstrong & Co., 1872.
1872 New York   Travels in South Africa Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878. New York : Scribner, Armstrong, and Co., 1872.
1872 Illinois Chicago, Ill Explorations in Africa   Chicago : Union Publishing Co. ; San Francisco : A.L. Bancroft & Co., 1872.
1872 Illinois Chicago, Ill Explorations in Africa, by Dr. David Livingstone, and others : giving a full account of the Stanley-Livingstone expedition of search, under the patronage of the New York "Herald", as furnished by Dr. Livingstone and Mr. Stanley ...   Chicago : Union Publishing Co. ; San Francisco : A.L. Bancroft & Co., 1872.
1873 England London, England The lion and the elephant Andersson, Charles John, 1827-1867. London : Hurst and Blackett, publishers, 1873 [printed by A. Schulze].
1873 New York   Pre-historic nations : or, Inquiries concerning some of the great peoples and civilizations of antiquity, and their probable relation to a still older civilization of the Ethiopians or Cushites of Arabia Baldwin, John D. (John Denison), 1809-1883. New York : Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1873, c1869.
1873 Scotland Edinburgh, Scotland Fanti and Ashanti : three papers read on board the S.S. Ambriz on the voyage to the Gold Coast Brackenbury, Henry, Sir, 1837-1914. [Edinburgh and London] : William Blackwood and Sons Edinburgh and London, 1873.
1873 England London, England Life of William Ellis : missionary to the South Seas and to Madagascar Ellis, John Eimeo. London : John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1873.
1873 England London, England Half-hours with the early explorers. Frost, Thomas, 1821-1908. [London ; Paris ; New York] : Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, London, Paris, and New York., [1873]
1873 England London, England The tropical world: : aspects of man and nature in the equatorial regions of the globe. Hartwig, G. (Georg), 1813-1880. London: : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1873..
1873 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The African Crusoes: or, The adventures of Carlos and Antonio Lee, R., Mrs., 1791-1856. Boston : Lee and Shepard, publishers ; New York : Lee, Shepard & Dillingham, 1873.
1873 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The story of Madagascar Mears, John W. (John William), 1825-1881. Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication, [c1873] [Westcott & Thomson, stereotypers and electrotypers].
1873 England London, England Periodical accounts relating to the missions of the Church of the United Brethren established among the heathen. ... Periodical accounts relating to the missions of the Church of the United Brethren. V. 28, no. 300. London: : Printed by Norman and Skeen, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, for the Brethren's Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel, and sold by Messrs. Terry, Stoneman & Co., 6, Hatton Garden., [1873]
1873 England London, England Sub-tropical rambles in the land of the aphanapteryx : personal experiences, adventures, and wanderings in and around the island of Mauritius Pike, Nicholas. London : Sampson Low, Marston, Low, & Searle, 1873.
1873 England London, England The African sketch-book Reade, William Winwood, 1838-1875. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1873.
1873 England London, England The heart of Africa : tThree years' travels and adventures in the unexplored regions of Central Africa from 1868 to 1871 Schweinfurth, Georg August, 1836-1925. London : S. Low, Marston, Low, and Searle, 1873.
1873 England London, England Dhow chasing in Zanzibar waters and on the eastern coast of Africa : narrative of five years' experiences in the suppression of the slave trade Sulivan, G. L. London : Sampson Low, Marston, Low, & Searle, 1873.
1873 England London, England Criss-cross journeys Thornbury, Walter, 1828-1876. London : Hurst and Blackett, 1873.
1873 Connecticut Hartford, Conn. Livingstone lost and found, or Africa and its explorers. : A complete account of the country and its inhabitants, their customs, manners, &c., of the prominent missionary stations, of the diamond and gold fields, and of explorations made; : with a comprehensive biographical sketch of Dr. David Livingstone, his travels, adventures, experiences and disappearance, and a most interesting account of his discovery by the American expedition, in command of Henry M. Stanley. : With over one hundred illustrations and maps.   Hartford, Conn.: : Mutual Publishing Company. D. Ashmead, Philadelphia, Penn; W.E. Bliss, Toledo, Ohio.; Nettleton & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. FG. Gilman & Co., Chicago, Ill.: Francis Dewing & Co., San Francisco, Cal., 1873..
1873 England London, England The lands of Cazembe. : Lacerda's journey to Cazembe in 1798.   London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1873..
1874 England London, England Ismailïa: a narrative of the expedition to Central Africa for the suppression of the slave trade. Organized by Ismail, Khedive of Egypt Baker, Samuel White, Sir, 1821-1893. London : Macmillan and Co., 1874 [R. Clay, Sons, and Taylor, Printers].
1874 England London, England Through Fanteeland to Coomassie : A diary of the Ashantee expedition Boyle, Frederick, b. 1841. London : Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly : Printed by Taylor and Co., Little Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 1874.
1874 England London, England Eastern Africa as a field for missionary labour. : Four letters to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. Frere, Bartle, Sir, 1815-1884. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1874..
1874 England London, England Ashanti and the Gold Coast: : and what we know of it. : A sketch. Hay, John Charles Dalrymple, Sir, 1821-1912. London: : Edward Stanford, 6, 7, & 8, Charing Cross., 1874..
1874 England London, England The last journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to his death : continued by a narrative of his last moments and sufferings, obtained from his faithful servants Chuma and Susi Livingstone, David, 1813-1873. London : John Murray, 1874.
1874 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Crowned in Palm-Land : a story of African mission life ; with illustrations. Nassau, Robert Hamill, 1835-1921. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1874.
1874 England London, England The story of the Ashantee campaign Reade, William Winwood, 1838-1875. London : Smith, Elder & co., 1874.
1874 New York   The heart of Africa : three years' travels and adventures in the unexplored regions of Central Africa from 1868 to 1871 Schweinfurth, Georg August, 1836-1925. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1874.
1874 England London, England Dahomey as it is : being a narrative of eight months' residence in that country, with a full account of the notorious annaul customs, and the social and religious institutions of the Ffons; also an appendix on Ashantee, and a glossary of Dahoman words and titles Skertchly, J. Alfred. London : Chapman and Hall, 1874.
1874 England London, England Coomassie and Magdala : the story of two British campaigns in Africa Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Morton), 1841-1904. London : Sampson Low, Marston, Low, & Searle, 1874.
1874 New York   Coomassie and Magdala : the story of two British campaigns in Africa Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Morton), 1841-1904. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1874.
1875 New York   Notes of travel in south-western Africa Andersson, Charles John, 1827-1867. New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1875.
1875 New York   Ismailïa : a narrative of the expedition to Central Africa for the suppression of the slave trade. Organized by Ismail, Khedive of Egypt Baker, Samuel White, Sir, 1821-1893. New York : Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1875.
1875 England London, England Sport and war : or Recollections of fighting and hunting in South Africa from the years 1834 to 1867 with a narrative of H.R.H the Duke of Edinburgh's visit to the Cape Bisset, John Jarvis, Sir, 1819-1894. London : John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1875 [printed by Spottiswoode and Co.].
1875 England London, England A brief account of Bushman folk-lore : and other texts Bleek, W. H. I. (Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel), 1827-1875. London : Trübner & Co., 57 & 59, Ludgate Hill ; Cape Town : J.C. Juta ; Leipsic : F.A. Brockhaus ; Cape Town : Saul Solomon and Co., printers, 49 & 50, St. George's-Street, 1875.
1875 England London, England Akim-foo : the history of a failure Butler, William Francis, Sir, 1838-1910. London : Sampson Low, Marston, Low, & Searle, Crown Buildings, 188, Fleet Street : Gilbert and Rivington, printers, St. John's Square, London, 1875.
1875 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The life and labors of David Livingstone, LL.D., D.C.L., covering his entire career in southern and central Africa : carefully prepared from the most authentic sources, viz.: his own two large volumes, "South Africa," and "The Zambesi expedition," his "Last journals" (edited by Horace Waller), the Reports of the London Geographical Society, the works of his cotemporaries, and various other writings bearing upon the subject, ... The whole rendered clear and plain by a most accurate map of the whole region explored and the routes clearly indicated Chambliss, J. E. Philadelphia : Published by Hubbard Bros., [and 8 others], c1875.
1875 Scotland Edinburgh The large game and natural history of South and South-East Africa. Drummond, W. H. (William Henry), 1845-1879. Edinburgh: : Edmonston and Douglas. : Edinburgh University Press: : Thomas and Archibald Constable, printers to Her Majesty., 1875.
1875 England London, England Last letters from Egypt. : To which are added letters from the Cape. Duff Gordon, Lucie, Lady, 1821-1869. London: : MacMillan and Co., 1875.
1875 Italy A San Remo Bibliographie des ouvrages relatifs a l'Afrique et a l'Arabie : catalogue méthodique de tous les ouvrages français & des principaux en langues étrangères traitant de la géographie, de l'histoire, du commerce, des lettres & des arts de l'Afrique et de l'Arabie Gay, Jean, 1838-1883. A San Remo : Chez J. Gay & fils éditeurs ; A Paris : Chez Maisonneuve & cie quai Voltaire, 15, 1875.
1875 New York   Africa : the history of exploration and adventure as given in the leading authorities from Herodotus to Livingstone Jones, Charles Henry, 1837-1911. New York : Henry Holt and Company, 1875.
1875 New York   The last journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from eighteen hundred and sixty-five to his death : continued by a narrative of his last moments and sufferings, obtained from his faithful servants Chuma and Susi Livingstone, David, 1813-1873. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1875.
1875 England London, England England's East African policy : articles on the relations of England to the Sultan of Zanzibar and on the negotiations of 1873, with general notices concerning East African politics and the supression of the slave trade. Malcolm, W. E. London : Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1875.
1875 England London, England Angola and the river Congo Monteiro, Joachim John, d. 1878. London : Macmillan, 1875.
1875 New York   Twelve months in Madagascar Mullens, Joseph, 1820-1879. New York : R. Carter, 1875.
1875 New York   Four years in Ashantee Ramseyer, Friedrich August. New York : R. Carter & Brothers, 1875.
1875 New York   Four thousand miles of African travel : a personal record of a journey up the Nile and through the Soudan to the confines of Central Africa : embracing a discussion on the sourches of the Nile and an examination of the slave trade Southworth, Alvan S. New York : Baker, Pratt & Co. ; 1875.
1875 England London, England A handbook of the Swahili language, as spoken at Zanzibar. Steere, Edward, 1828-1882. London : George Bell and Sons, York Street, Covent Garden, 1875.
1875 New York   Travels in South Africa Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878. New York : Scribner, Armstrong, and Co., 1875, c1872.
1876 England London, England Natal : a history and description of the colony: including its natural features, productions, industrial condition and prospects Brooks, Henry, of Wartburg, Natal. London : L. Reeve & Co., 1876. (Printed by Spottiswoode & Co.)
1876 England London, England Two trips to gorilla land and the cataracts of the Congo Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890. London : Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle, Crown Buildings, Fleet Street : Chiswick Press : Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, 1876.
1876 England London, England The west coast of Africa as seen from the deck of a man-of-war. Dyer, Hugh McN. [London] ; [Portsmouth] : J. Griffin & Co. (Publishers ...) 15, Cockspur Street, Pall Mall, London. And 2, the Hard, Portsea, Portsmouth., 1876..
1876 France Tours Le pays des Nègres et la côte des esclaves Laffitte, abbé (J.) Tours : Alfred Mame et fils, éditeurs, 1876.
1876 England London, England Life of Robert Gray : bishop of Cape Town and metropolitan of Africa Lear, H. L. Sidney. [London ; Oxford ; Cambridge] : Rivingtons London, Oxford, and Cambridge, MDCCCLXXVI [1876]
1876 England London, England To the Victoria Falls of the Zambesi Mohr, Eduard, 1828-1876. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1876.
1876 New York   Angola and the river Congo Monteiro, Joachim John, d. 1878. New York : Macmillan, 1876.
1876 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Sketch of the Orange Free State of South Africa : Bloemfontein, 1875. Orange Free State. Commission at the International Exhibition, 1876. Philadelphia : Issued by the Orange Free State Commission, at the International Exhibition, 1876.
1876 New York   The bush-boys : or, the history and adventures of a Cape farmer and his family in the wild karoos of Southern Africa Reid, Mayne, 1818-1883. New York: James Miller, c1876.
1876 England London, England The pictorial edition of the life & discoveries of David Livingstone L.L.D. F.R.G.S. Ritchie, J. Ewing (James Ewing), 1820-1898. [London] : A. Fullarton & Co., [ca. 1876].
1876 England London, England Africa unveiled Rowley, Henry. London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ; New York : Pott, Young & Co., 1876.
1876 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. The American navy and Liberia : An address before the American Colonization Society, January 18, 1876 Shufeldt, Robert Wilson, 1822-1895. Washington City : Colonization Building, 1876 [M'Gill & Witherow, printers and stereotypers].
1876 New York   Melinda the caboceer : or sport in Ashanti : a tale of the gold coast Skertchly, J. Alfred. New York : D. Appleton and Co., 1876.
1876 New York   Christian adventures in South Africa Taylor, William, 1821-1902. New York: : Nelson & Phillips, 1876.
1876 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Poems of places   Boston : James R. Osgood and Company, 1876-1879.
1877 England London, England Africa and the Brussels Geographical Conference Banning, Émile Théodore Joseph Hubert, 1836-1898. London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1877 [Printed by William Clowes and Sons]
1877 England London, England A year's housekeeping in South Africa Barker, Lady (Mary Anne), 1831-1911. London : Macmillan and Co. : R. Clay, Sons, and Taylor, printers, Bread Street Hill, Queen Victoria Street, 1877.
1877 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Life in South Africa Barker, Lady (Mary Anne), 1831-1911. Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1877.
1877 England London, England The history of southern & central Africa: : its topography, geography, natural productions, &c., &c. The whole embracing the results of the travels and researches of the most celebrated and eminent African explorers.. Calvert, Charles H. [London] : C.H. Calvert, 170, Goswell Road, London, E.C., [1877?]
1877 England London, England Across Africa Cameron, Verney Lovett, 1844-1894. London : Daldy, Isbister & Co., 56 Ludgate Hill : printed by Virtue and Co., Limited, City Road, London, 1877.
1877 New York   Across Africa Cameron, Verney Lovett, 1844-1894. New York : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square, 1877.
1877 New York   Central Africa: naked truths of naked people : An account of expeditions to the Lake Victoria Nyanza and the Makraka Niam-Niam, west of the Bahr-el-Abiad (White Nile) Chaillé-Long, C. (Charles), 1842-1917. New York : Harper & Brothers, Publishers, Franklin Square, 1877, c1876.
1877 New York   Serpent and Siva worship and mythology, in Central America, Africa, and Asia : And The origin of serpent worship : Two treatises Clarke, Hyde, 1815-1895. New York : J.W. Bouton, 706 Broadway, 1877.
1877 England London, England The cradle of the Blue Nile. : A visit to the court of King John of Ethiopia. De Cosson, E. A. (Emilius Albert) London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street. : Bradbury, Agnew, & Co., printers, Whitefriars., 1877.
1877 England London, England A thousand miles up the Nile Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford, 1831-1892. London: : Longmans, Green, & Co. ; [Edinburgh] : Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh, 1877.
1877 Egypt Cairo, Egypt General report on the Province of Kordofan Egypt. Jaysh Cairo : Printing Office of the General Staff, 1877.
1877 Ohio Dayton, Ohio Ethiopia; or, Twenty years of missionary life in Western Africa. Flickinger, D. K. (Daniel Kumler), 1824-1911. Dayton, Ohio: : United Brethren Publishing House., 1877..
1877 England London, England Short studies on great subjects. Froude, James Anthony, 1818-1894. London: : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1877..
1877 England London, England The discoveries of Prince Henry the Navigator, and their results : being the narrative of the discovery by sea, within one century, of more than half the world Major, Richard Henry, 1818-1891. London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1877.
1877 England London, England South Africa, past and present : a short history of the European settlements at the Cape Noble, John, 1837-1898. London : Longmans & Co., 1877.
1877 Ireland Dublin, Ireland Recollections of twelve years' residence (as a missionary priest) : viz.: from July 1863 to June 1875, in the Western district of the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. Selected chiefly from his diary O'Haire, James. Dublin : M. H. Gill & Son, 1877.
1877 France Paris, France L'Afrique occidentale : Algérie, Mzab, Tildikelt Soleillet, Paul, 1842-1886. Paris : Challamel Ainé, 1877.
1877 New York   The cruise of Her Majesty's ship "Challenger" : Voyages over many seas, scenes in many lands Spry, W. J. J. (William James Joseph), d. 1906. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1877.
1877 England Liverpool, England Trading life in western and central Africa Whitford, John. Liverpool : The "Porcupine" Office, 1877.
1877 England London, England Nyassa : a journal of adventures whilst exploring Lake Nyassa, Central Africa, and establishing the settlement of "Livingstonia" Young, E. D. (Edward Daniel) London : John Murray, 1877.
1877 Egypt Cairo, Egypt Provinces of the Equator : summary of letters and reports of His Excellency the governor-general. : Part I.--Year 1874..   Cairo: : printing office of the general staff., 1877..
1878 Scotland Edinburgh The Transvaal of to-day : war, witchcraft, sport, and spoils in South Africa Aylward, Alfred, 1843-1889. [Edinburgh] : William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London, 1878.
1878 England London, England Heroes of South African discovery D'Anvers, N., d. 1933. London : Marcus Ward & Co., 67 & 68, Chandos Street and Royal Ulster Works, Belfast, 1878.
1878 New York   The country of the dwarfs Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903. New York : Harper & Brothers, publishers, [1878?, c1871].
1878 New York   My Apingi kingdom: : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903. New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square., [1878?], c1870.
1878 England London, England The great thirst land: : a ride through Natal, Orange Free State, Transvaal, and Kalahari Desert. Gillmore, Parker. [London] : Cassell Petter & Galpin: London, Paris & New York., [1878]
1878 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The achievements of Stanley and other African explorers. : Comprising all the late and really great achievements won in the exploration of the vast unknown region of equatorial Africa ... Headley, Joel Tyler, 1813-1897. Philadelphia: : Quaker City Publishing Company., 1878..
1878 Spain Madrid África : fragmentos de un diario de viajes de exploración en la zona de Corisco Iradier Bulfi, Manuel, 1854-1911. Madrid : Imprenta de Fortanet calle de la Libertad, núm. 29, 1878.
1878 England London, England Africa Johnston, Keith, 1844-1879. London : Edward Stanford, 55 Charing Cross, S.W., 1878.
1878 New York   Upper Egypt: : its people and its products. A descriptive account of the manners, customs, superstitions, and occupations of the people of the Nile Valley, the desert, and the Red Sea coast, with sketches of the natural history and geology. Klunzinger, C. B. New York: : Scribner, Armstrong, & Co., 1878..
1878 England London, England A memoir of lieutenant-general Sir Garnet J. Wolseley, ... Low, Charles Rathbone, 1837-1918. London : Richard Bentley & Son, 1878.
1878 England London, England Camp life and sport in South Africa : experiences of Kaffir warfare with the Cape Mounted Rifles Lucas, Thomas J. London : Chapman and Hall, 1878.
1878 Egypt Cairo, Egypt Report on the seizure by the Abyssinians of the geological and mineralogical reconnaissance expedition attached to the General Staff of the Egyptian Army : containing an account of the subsequent treatment of the prisoners and final release of the commander Mitchell, L. H. Cairo : Printing Office of the General Staff, 1878.
1878 England London, England On trek in the Transvaal : or, over berg and veldt in South Africa Roche, Harriet A. London : S. Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1878.
1878 Canada Toronto, Can., Naperville, Ill., Atlanta, Ga. Through the dark continent, or, the sources of the Nile around the great lakes of equatorial Africa and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Ocean Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Morton), 1841-1904. Toronto : John B. Magurn ; 1878.
1878 England London, England Through the dark continent, or, the sources of the Nile : around the great lakes of equatorial Africa and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Ocean Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Morton), 1841-1904. London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1878.
1878 New York   Through the dark continent : or, the sources of the Nile, around the great lakes of equatorial Africa, and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Ocean Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Morton), 1841-1904. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1878.
1878 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The voyages and adventures of Vasco da Gama Towle, George M. (George Makepeace), 1841-1893. Boston : Lee and Shepard, 1878.
1878 England London, England South Africa Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. London : Chapman and Hall, 1878.
1878 Germany Leipzig South Africa Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882. Leipzig : Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1878.
1878 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Persons, places and things : embracing a series of stories of adventure, sketches of travel and descriptions of places   Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1878.
1879 England London, England A trip to Boërland : or, A year's travel, sport, and gold-digging in the Transvaal and colony of Natal Atcherley, Rowland J. London : Richard Bentley and Son, 1879 [Beccles : Printed at the Caxton Press]
1879 Michigan Detroit, Chicago and Toronto Through the keep-it-dark continent; or, How I found Stanley Burnand, F. C. (Francis Cowley), Sir, 1836-1917. Detroit, Chicago and Toronto : Rose-Belford Publishing Co., 1879.
1879 England London, England My command in South Africa. 1874-1878. : Comprising experiences of travel in the colonies of South Africa and the independent states. Cunynghame, Arthur Augustus Thurlow, Sir, 1812-1884. London: : Macmillan and Co. : Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross., 1879.
1879 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Principia of ethnology : the origin of races and color, with an archeological compendium of Ethiopian and Egyptian civilization, from years of careful examination and enquiry Delany, Martin Robison, 1812-1885. Philadelphia : Harper & Brothers, publishers, 1879.
1879 France Paris, France Trois mois chez les zoulous : et les derniers jours du Prince impérial Deléage, Paul, d. 1888. Paris : E. Dentu, éditeur libraire de la Société des Gens de Lettres Palais-Royal, 15-17-19, Galerie d'Orléans ; Clichy. : Imp. Paul Dupont, rue du Bac-d'Asnières, 12., 1879.
1879 England London, England Christian Liberia, : the hope of the dark continent. : With special reference to the work and mission of Edward S. Morris of Philadelphia. Dyer, Alfred S. (Alfred Stace) London: : Dyer Brothers, 21, Paternoster Square., 1879..
1879 England London, England Travels and researches among the lakes and mountains of eastern & central Africa. Elton, James Frederick. London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1879..
1879 England London, England British rule in South Africa. : Illustrated in the story of Kama and his tribe, and of the war in Zululand. Holden, W. Clifford (William Clifford), 1814?-1897. London: : Published for the author at the Wesleyan Conference Office, 2, Castle-Street, City-Road; and 66, Paternoster-Row., [1879]
1879 England London, England In tents in the Transvaal. Hutchinson, Mrs. (Louisa) London:: Richard Bentley and Son, New Burlington Street., 1879..
1879 France Paris, France Voyage aux rives du Niger au Bénin et dans le Borgou / par Louis Jacolliot. Jacolliot, Louis, 1837-1890. Paris : C. Marpon et E. Flammarion libraires 1à 7, galeries de l'Odeon et rue Rotrou, 4, 1879.
1879 Massachusetts Cambridge, Mass. The proposed mission in central Africa : A paper read at the annual meeting at Syracuse, N.Y., October 8, 1879 Means, John O. (John Oliver), 1822-1883. Cambridge [Mass.] : printed at the Riverside Press, 1879.
1879 Germany Berlin, 1791 Sahara und Sudan : ergebnisse sechsjähriger reisen in Afrika Nachtigal, Gustav, 1834-1885. Berlin : Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1879.
1879 New York   Dick Sands the boy captain Verne, Jules, 1828-1905. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1879.
1879 New York   Famous travels and travelers Verne, Jules, 1828-1905. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1879.
1880 England London, England Six life studies of famous women Betham-Edwards, Matilda, 1836-1919. [London] : Griffith and Farran, successors to Newbery and Harris, West Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard, London ; [New York] : E.P. Dutton & Co., New York ; London : Gilbert and Rivington, printers, St. John's Square, 1880.
1880 England London, England The Niger and the Benueh : travels in central Africa Burdo, Adolphe, 1849-1891. London : Richard Bentley & Son, New Burlington Street ... : printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-Street Square and Parliament Street, 1880.
1880 England London, England Far out : rovings retold Butler, William Francis, Sir, 1838-1910. London : Wm. Ibister, Limited, 56, Ludgate HIll : Novello, Ewer & Co., 69 and 70, Dean Street, W., 1880.
1880 England London, England History of the Zulu war and its origin Colenso, Frances E. (Frances Ellen), 1849-1887. London : Chapman and Hall, Limited, 193, Piccadilly : Charles Dickens and Evans, Crystal Palace Press, 1880.
1880 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. African adventure and adventurers Day, George T. (George Tiffany), 1822-1875 ed. Boston : D Lothrop Company, [c1880] [Press of Rockwell and Churchill].
1880 New York   My Apingi kingdom: : with life in the great Sahara, and sketches of the chase of the ostrich, hyena, &c. Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903. New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square., [1880?], c1870.
1880 New York   Moslem Egypt and Christian Abyssinia; : or, Military service under the khedive, in his provinces and beyond their borders, as experienced by the American staff. Dye, William McEntyre, 1831-1899. New York: : Atkin & Prout, printers, 12 Barclay St. : F.A. Ringler. Electrotyper. New York., 1880..
1880 England London, England Two lectures on South Africa : delivered before the Philosophical Institute, Edinburgh, Jan. 6 & 9, 1880 Froude, James Anthony, 1818-1894. London : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1880.
1880 France Paris, France Les colonies françaises Gaffarel, Paul, 1843-1920. Paris : Librairie Germer Baillière et cie 108, boulevard Saint-Germain, 108 au coin de la rue Hautefeuille., 1880.
1880 England London, England On duty : a ride through hostile Africa. Gillmore, Parker. London: : Chapman and Hall, Limited, 193, Piccadilly., 1880..
1880 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. Liberia: its origin, rise, progress and results. : An address delivered before the American Colonization Society, January 20th, 1880, Latrobe, John H. B. (John Hazlehurst Boneval), 1803-1891. Washington City: : Colonization Building, 450 Pennsylvania Avenue., 1880..
1880 France Paris, France De Paris à Tombouctou : trajet direct en 91 heures : histoire d'une ligne de chemin de fer à travers le désert Lheureux, Paul. Paris : Léon Vanier, 1880.
1880 England London, England In Zululand with the British throughout the War of 1879 Norris-Newman, Charles L. London : W. H. Allen, 1880.
1880 England London, England Eight months in an ox-waggon : reminiscences of Boer life Sandeman, Edward F. London : Griffith and Farran, 1880.
1880 England London, England The great African island : chapters on Madagascar : a popular account of recent researches in the physical geography, geology, and exploration of the country, and its natural history and botany : and in the origin and divisions, customs and language, superstitions, folklore, and religious beliefs and practices of the different tribes : together with illustrations of scripture and early church history from native statists and missionary experience Sibree, James, 1836-1929. London : Trübner & Co., 1880.
1880 New York New York, N.Y. To the Right Reverend Frederick D. Huntington, D.D., Bishop of Central New York. My dear friend, Smith, Mary Rebecca Darby. [New York? : s.n., 1880?]
1880 New York   The great navigators of the eighteenth century Verne, Jules, 1828-1905. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1880.
1880 England London, England Cetshwayo's Dutchman : being the private journal of a white trader in Zululand during the British invasion Vijn, Cornelius, b. 1855 or 56. London : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1880.
1880 District of Columbia Washington, D.C. The duty of strengthening Liberia : an address Warren, George Washington, 1813-1883. Washington, D.C.: American Colonization Society, 1880.
1881 New York   The personal life of David Livingstone LL.D., D.C.L. : chiefly from his unpublished journals and correspondence in the possession of his family Blaikie, William Garden, 1820-1899. New York : Harper & Brothers, Franklin Square, 1881.
1881 New York   Wild life under the equator. : Narrated for young people. Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903. New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square., [1881?]
1881 New York   Lost in the jungle. : Narrated for young people. Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903. New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square., [1881?]
1881 New York   Stories of the gorilla country. : Narrated for young people. Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903. New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square., [1881?]
1881 New York   The country of the dwarfs Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903. New York : Harper & Brothers, publishers, [1881?, c1871].
1881 England London, England West African sketches. Ellis, A. B. (Alfred Burdon), 1852-1894. London: : Samuel Tinsley & Co., 31, Southampton Street, Strand., 1881..
1881 England London, England Colonel Gordon in Central Africa 1874-1879, : with a portrait; and map of the country prepared under Colonel Gordon's supervision. : From original letters and documents. Gordon, Charles George, 1833-1885. London: : Thos. De La Rue & Co., 1881.
1881 Austria Wien Sieben Jahre in Süd-Afrika. : Erlebnisse, Forschungen und Jagden auf meinen Reisen von den Diamantenfeldern zum Zambesi (1872-1879). Holub, Emil, 1847-1902. Wien, : Alfred Hölder, k.k. Hof- und Universitäts-Buchhändler. Rothenthurmstrasse 15., 1881..
1881 England London, England Seven years in South Africa: : travels, researches, and hunting adventures, between the diamond-fields and the Zambesi (1872-79). Holub, Emil, 1847-1902. London: : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, Crown Buildings, 188 Fleet Street., 1881..
1881 New York   Vestiges of the Mayas, or, Facts tending to prove that communications and intimate relations must have existed, in very remote times, between the inhabitants of Mayab and those of Asia and Africa. Le Plongeon, Augustus, 1826-1908. New York: : John Polhemus, printer and stationer, 102 Nassau Street., 1881..
1881 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. The United States government, the founder and necessary patron of the Liberian republic : an address delivered before the American Colonization Society, January 18, 1881 Samson, G. W. (George Whitefield), 1819-1896. Washington : [the Society], 1881.
1881 France Paris, France Comment j'ai traversé l'Afrique depuis l'Atlantique jusqu'à l'océan Indien à travers des régions inconnues Serpa Pinto, Alexandre Alberto da Rocha de, 1846-1900. Paris : Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1881.
1881 England London, England Blacks, Boers, & British : a three-cornered problem Statham, F. Reginald (Francis Reginald) London : Macmillan and Co., 1881.
1881 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The Liberian Republic as it is Stetson, George R. (George Rochford), b. 1833. Boston : A. Williams & Co., 1881.
1881 Ohio Oberlin, Ohio Africa in a nutshell, for the million; or, Light on the "Dark Continent." Thompson, George, d. 1893. Oberlin [Ohio]: : Published by the author., 1881.
1881 New York   The great explorers of the nineteenth century Verne, Jules, 1828-1905. New York : Charles Scribner's sons, 1881.
1881 England London, England With the Cape Mounted Rifles : four years service in South Africa   London : Richard Bentley & Son, 1881.
1882 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. The present success of Liberia; : its extent and meaning. : An address by Wm. Rankin Duryee, D.D., delivered in Washington, D.C., at the sixty-fifth annual meeting of the American Colonization Society, January 17th, 1882. : Published by request of the Society.. Duryee, Wm. Rankin (William Rankin), 1838-1897. Washington City: : Colonization Building, 450 Pennsylvania Avenue, 1882..
1882 England London, England Zululand and Cetewayo : containing an account of Zulu cystoms, manners, and habits, after a short residence in their kraals, with portrait of Cetewayo, and 28 illustrations from original drawings Ludlow, W. R. (Walter Robert), 1857-1941. London : Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 1882.
1882 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. The present crisis in the work of the American Colonization Society : Nicholson, Wm. R. (William Rufus), 1822-1901. Washington : s.n., 1882.
1882 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Africa's call to America. Nicholson, Wm. R. (William Rufus), 1822-1901. Philadelphia : Edward S. Morris, [1882]
1882 England London, England Uganda and the Egyptian Soudan Wilson, C. T. (Charles Thomas), b. 1851 or 2. London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1882.
1883 Massachusetts Cambridge, Mass. Philip and the eunuch ; or, The instruments and methods of Africa's evangelization : A discourse delivered in the Park Street Church, Boston, U.S.A., Sunday, October 22, 1882 Blyden, Edward Wilmot, 1832-1912. Cambridge [Mass.] : John Wilson and Son : University Press, 1883.
1883 Virginia Hampton, Va. The race for Africa. Coppinger, William, 1828-1892. Hampton, Va.: : Normal School Steam Press., 1883.
1883 England London, England The land of fetish Ellis, A. B. (Alfred Burdon), 1852-1894. London: : Chapman and Hall, Limited, 11, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden., 1883..
1883 England London, England The wild tribes of the Soudan : an account of travel and sport chiefly in the Basé country : being personal experiences and adventures during three winters spent in the Soudan James, F. L. (Frank Linsly), 1851-1890. London : John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1883.
1883 France Paris, France Récits de vieux marins Laporte, Albert, b. 1837. Paris : Librairie Théodore Lefèvre et cie 2, rue des Poitevins, [1883?]
1883 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. Liberia: its origin, rise, progress and results. : An address delivered before the American Colonization Society, January 20th, 1880, Latrobe, John H. B. (John Hazlehurst Boneval), 1803-1891. Washington City: : Colonization Building, 450 Pennsylvania Avenue., 1883..
1883 England London, England General Lord Wolseley (of Cairo) : a memoir Low, Charles Rathbone, 1837-1918. London : Richard Bentley and Son, 1883.
1883 England London, England Day-dawn in dark places : a story of wanderings and work in Bechwanaland Mackenzie, John, 1835-1899. [London] : Cassell & Company, Limited: London, Paris & New York, [1883] [London : Cassell & Company, Limited, Belle Sauvage Works].
1883 New York   History of the Negro race in America from 1619 to 1880 : Negroes as slaves, as soldiers, and as citizens : together with a preliminary consideration of the unity of the human family, an historical sketch of Africa, and an account of the Negro governments of Sierra Leone and Liberia Williams, George Washington, 1849-1891. New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1883, c1882.
1884 District of Columbia Washington, D.C. England and Liberia. American Colonization Society. [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1884.]
1884 Virginia Hampton, Va. Winning an empire. Coppinger, William, 1828-1892. Hampton, Va.: : Norman School Steam Press,, 1884.
1884 England London, England The river Congo : from its mouth to Bólóbó; with a general description of the natural history and anthropology of its western basin Johnston, Harry Hamilton, Sir, 1858-1927. London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1884 [printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited].
1884 England London, England Africa Johnston, Keith, 1844-1879. London : Edward Stanford, 55 Charing Cross, S.W., 1884.
1884 England London, England In the wilds of Africa. : A tale for boys. Kingston, William Henry Giles, 1814-1880. London: ; Edinburgh; and New York. : T. Nelson and Sons, Paternoster Row;, 1884..
1884 New York   A confederate soldier in Egypt Loring, William Wing, 1818-1886. New York : Dodd, Mead & Company, c1884.
1884 District of Columbia Washington, D. C. Africa for Africans : being the annual discourse delivered at the sixty-seventh anniversary of the American Colonization Society, held in Foundry Methodist E. Church, Washington, D.C., Sunday, January 13, 1884 Tiffany, Otis H. (Otis Henry), 1825-1891. Washington City : American Colonization Society, 1884.
1885 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The cruise of the Brooklyn : A journal of the principal events of a three years' cruise in the U.S. flag-ship Brooklyn, in the south Atlantic station ... Descriptions of places in South America, Africa, and Madagascar ... The cruises of the other vessels of the American squadron, from November, 1881, to November, 1884 Beehler, W. H. (William Henry), 1848-1915. [Philadelphia] : Press of J.B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, 1885,[c1884].
1885 France Paris, France Sept ans en Afrique Occidentale : la Côte des Esclaves et le Dahomey Bouche, Pierre (Pierre Bertrand) Paris : Libraire Plon, E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, imprimeurs-éditeurs, 1885.
1885 Ohio Dayton, Ohio Missions of the United Brethren in Christ. : History of the origin, development and condition of missions among the Sherbro and Mendi tribes, in Western Africa, Flickinger, D. K. (Daniel Kumler), 1824-1911. Dayton, Ohio: : United Brethren Publishing House., 1885..
1885 Ohio Dayton, Ohio Ethiopia; or, Thirty years of missionary life in Western Africa. : With an appendix embracing the period between 1877 and 1885. Flickinger, D. K. (Daniel Kumler), 1824-1911. Dayton, Ohio: : United Brethren Publishing House., 1885..
1885 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The journals of Major-Gen. C.G. Gordon, C.B. at Kartoum Gordon, Charles George, 1833-1885. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and Company New York: 11 East Seventeenth Street, 1885.
1885 New York   General Gordon: : the Christian hero. Hope, Eva. New York: : Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., no. 13 Astor Place., [1885]
1885 Maryland Baltimore, Maryland Maryland in Liberia : a history of the colony planted by the Maryland State Colonization Society under the auspices of the State of Maryland, U.S. at Cape Palmas on the south-west coast of Africa, 1833-1853 : a paper read before the Maryland Historical Society March 9th, 1885 Latrobe, John H. B. (John Hazlehurst Boneval), 1803-1891. Baltimore, : Printed by John Murphy & Co., 1885.
1885 New York   The lives of Robert & Mary Moffat Moffat, John Smith, 1835-1918. New York : A. C. Armstrong, 1885.
1885 England London, England Ten years in South Africa: : including a particular description of the wild sports of that country. Moodie, J. W. Dunbar (John Wedderburn Dunbar), 1797-1869. London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, publisher in ordinary to His Majesty., 1835..
1885 New York   The island of Madagascar : a sketch, descriptive and historical Phelps, J. W. (John Wolcott), 1813-1885. New York : J.B. Alden, 1885, c1883.
1885 England London, England Madagascar and France : with some account of the island, its people, its resources and development Shaw, George A. [London] : Religious Tract Society, 1885.
1885 France Paris, France Voyage en Abyssinie et chez les Gallas-Raias : L'Éthiopie, ses moeurs, ses traditions, le négouss Iohannès, les églises monolithes de Lalibéla Simon, Gabriel. Paris : Challamel Ainé, 1885.
1885 New York   The Congo and the founding of its free state: a story of work and exploration. Stanley, Henry M. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1885.
1885 England London, England The Congo and the founding of its Free State : a story of work and exploration Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Morton), 1841-1904. London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1885.
1885 Maryland Baltimore, Md. A doctor's experiences in three continents Warren, Edward, 1828-1893. Baltimore, Md. : Cushings & Bailey, 1885.
1885 Scotland Edinburgh The Principal navigations, voyages, traffiques, and discoveries of the English nation.   Edinburgh: : E. & G. Goldsmid., 1885-1890..
1886 Virginia Hampton, Va. A new world. Coppinger, William, 1828-1892. Hampton, Va. : Normal School Press Print, 1886.
1886 Massachusetts Reading, Mass. An illustrated handbook on Africa. : Giving an acount of its people, its climate, its resources, its discoveries, and some of its missions. Davies, E. (Edward), b. 1830. Reading, Mass. : Holiness Book Concern, [1886?]
1886 New York   Oceana : or England and her colonies Froude, James Anthony, 1818-1894. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1886.
1886 France Paris, France Relations et commerce de l'Afrique septentrionale : ou Magreb, avec les nations chrétiennes au moyen âge Mas Latrie, L. de (Louis), 1815-1897. Paris : Firmin-Didot, 1886.
1886 New York   American diplomacy and the futherance of commerce Schuyler, Eugene, 1840-1890. New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1886.
1886 New York   Liberia: the Americo-African republic. : Being some impressions of the climate, resources, and people, resulting from personal observations and experiences in West Africa. Stewart, T. McCants (Thomas McCants), 1854?-1923. New York: : Edward O. Jenkins' Sons, 20 North William Street., 1886.
1886 England London, England The autobiography of Theophilus Waldmeier, missionary : being an account of ten years' life in Abyssinia; and sixteen years in Syria. Waldmeier, Theophilus, 1832-1915. London : S.W. Partridge & Co., [1886]
1887 England London, England James Hannington D.D., F.L.S., F.R.G.S. first bishop of eastern equatorial Africa : a history of his life and work 1847-1885 Dawson, E. C. (Edwin Collas), 1849-1925. London : Seeley & Co., 46, 47, & 48, Essex Street, Strand (late of 54, Fleet Street) : Simmons & Botten, printers, Shoe Lane, E.C., 1887.
1887 England London, England The Tshi-speaking peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa. : Their religion, manners, customs, laws, language, etc. Ellis, A. B. (Alfred Burdon), 1852-1894. London: : Chapman and Hall, Limited., 1887..
1887 England London, England Richard F. Burton, K.C.M.G.: : his early, private and public life with an account of his travels and explorations. Hitchman, Francis, 1839-1890. London: : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, St. Dunstan's House, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, E.C.,, 1887..
1887 England London, England The story of an African farm : a novel Schreiner, Olive, 1855-1920. London : Chapman and Hall, 1887.
1888 England London, England The story of our colonies Bourne, H. R. Fox (Henry Richard Fox), 1837-1909. London : John Hogg, 13, Paternoster Row, 1888. [Guildford : Billing & Sons, printers].
1888 New York New York, N.Y. Wonders in the two Americas : around the ice-bound poles; over the lands of the midnight sun ... amid the flowery kingdoms of China and Japan ... through the dark continent ... and in all parts of the globe. Embracing the most thrilling adventures and wonderful discoveries of our greatest travellers, pioneers and explorers, among whom are the world-renowned Livingstone, Stanley, Baker ... Beautifully and elaborately illustrated with over 300 fine engravings Boyd, James P. (James Penny), 1836-1910. [Philadelphia, Pa.] : H.L. Warren & Co. Philadelphia, Pa., [1888].
1888 England London, England Letters of General C.G. Gordon to his sister M.A. Gordon. Gordon, Charles George, 1833-1885. London ; [New York] : Macmillan and Co. and New York, 1888.
1888 New York New York, N.Y. A memoir of Edward Steere, D.D., LL.D. : third missionary bishop in central Africa. Heanley, R. M. (Robert Marshall), 1848?-1915. London: : George Bell and Sons, York Street, Covent Garden., 1888..
1888 New York New York, N.Y. Story of the Niger : a record of travel and adventure from the days of Mungo Park to the present time Richardson, Robert, b. 1850. London : T. Nelson, 1888.
1888 New York New York, N.Y. Memoirs of an Arabian princess : an autobiography Ruete, Emilie, 1844-1924. New York : Appleton, 1888.
1888 New York New York, N.Y. Yankee girls in Zulu Land Sheldon, Louise Vescelius. New York : Worthington Co., 1888, [c1887].
1888 New York New York, N.Y. Yankee girls in Zulu land Sheldon, Louise Vescelius. New York : Worthington Co., 1888, [c1887].
1888 New York New York, N.Y. Recent travel and adventure.   London : Edinburgh : W. & R. Chambers, 1888.
1889 New Jersey Vineland, N.J. The African news. African news (Philadelphia, Pa.) [Vineland, N.J. : T.B. Welch & Son, 1889-
1889 England London, England David Livingstone : his labours and his legacy Brice, A. H. M. (Arthur Hallam Montefiore), 1859-1927. London : S.W. Partiridge & Co., 9, Paternoster Row ; London and Aylesbury: Printed by Hazell, Winston, & Viney Ltd., [1889]
1889 New York New York, N.Y. Henry M. Stanley : the African explorer Brice, A. H. M. (Arthur Hallam Montefiore), 1859-1927. [New York] : Fleming H. Revell, New York : 12 Bible House ; Chicago : 148 & 150 Madison Street, Publisher of evangelical literature, [1889].
1889 England London, England A thousand miles up the Nile Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford, 1831-1892. London : George Routledge and Sons Broadway, Ludgate Hill Glasgow, Manchester, and New York ; [Edinburgh] : Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh, 1889.
1889 Illinois Chicago, Ill Stanley in Africa : the paladin of the nineteenth century. A succinct and correct history of the travels and explorations of Henry M. Stanley, his perilous march to find Livingstone, his explorations on the Congo, his wonderful work in the Congo state, together with a concise and fascinating account of Negro savage tribes, and a complete history of his latest and most interesting expedition, the relief of Emin Bey Godbey, Allen Howard, 1864-1948. [Chicago] : [Copyrighted by Standard Publishing Co., c1889 Chicago : Donohue & Henneberry, printers and binders].
1889 France Paris, France Le Congo français du Gabon a Brazzaville Guiral, Léon. Paris : Librairie Plon : E. Plon, Nourrit et cie, imprimeurs-éditeurs rue Garancière, 10, 1889.
1889 England London, England The land of an African sultan : travels in Morocco 1887, 1888, and 1889 Harris, Walter, 1866-1933. London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington Limited St. Dunstan's House Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, E.C., 1889.
1889 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Confidential terms to agents. : The genuine new Stanley book. "Heroes of the dark continent" and how Stanley found Emin Pasha. ... Historical Publishing Company (Philadelphia, Pa.) [Philadelphia, Pa. Historical Publishing Co. 1889]
1889 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Our grand premiums : A chance for all!--This list beats everything else! ... Historical Publishing Company (Philadelphia, Pa.) [Philadelphia, Pa. Historical Publishing Co. 1889]
1889 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The new Stanley book : Please use this blank in ordering outfit. "Heroes of the dark continent." ... Historical Publishing Company (Philadelphia, Pa.) [Philadelphia, Pa. Historical Publishing Co. 1889]
1889 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa A complete story of the heroic attempts to civilize savage Africa. : Illumination of wild regions by the sunlight of wonderful explorations. Heroes of the dark continent and how Stanley found Emin Pasha. By J.W. Buel, ... Historical Publishing Company (Philadelphia, Pa.) [Philadelphia, Pa. Historical Publishing Co. 1889]
1889 England London, England David Livingstone Hughes, Thomas, 1822-1896. London and New York : Macmillan and Co., 1889.
1889 New York New York, N.Y. The history of a slave Johnston, Harry Hamilton, Sir, 1858-1927. London : Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1889 [Printed by Spottiswoode and Co.].
1889 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa Eli and Sibyl Jones : their life and work Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948. Philadelphia : Porter & Coates, [c1889].
1889 New York New York, N.Y. The slaver of Zanzibar Moore, Frank Frankfort, 1855-1931. London ; [Brighton] : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Brighton ; New York : E. & J.B. Young and Co., [ca. 1889] [London and Beccles : Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited].
1889 Undefined place of publication [S.l.] Wonders of the tropics, or, explorations and adventures of Henry M. Stanley and other world-renowned travelers : including Livingstone, Baker, Cameron, Speke, Emin Pasha, Du Chaillu, Andersson, etc., etc. containing thrilling accounts of famous expeditions ... comprising a vast treasury of all that is marvelous and wonderful in the dark continent Northrop, Henry Davenport, 1836-1909. [S.l. : s.n], 1889.
1889 New York   The bush-boys : or, the history and adventures of a Cape farmer and his family in the wild karoos of Southern Africa Reid, Mayne, 1818-1883. New York: John W. Lovell co., c[1889].
1889 New York New York, N.Y. A visit to Stanley's rear-guard : at Major Barttelot's camp on the Aruhwimi, with an account of the river-life on the Congo Werner, J. R. Edinburgh and London : William Blackwood and Sons, 1889.
1889 India Nova Goa, India Portugeza Estudos coloniaes Xavier, Alfredo Augusto Caldas, 1852-1896. Nova Goa, India Portugeza : Imprensa Nacional, 1889.
1890 Netherlands Leiden Reisebilder aus Liberia : Resultate geographischer, naturwissenschaftlicher und ethnographischer untersuchungen während der jahre 1879-1882 und 1886-1887 Büttikofer, Johann, 1850-1928. Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1890.
1890 England London, England General Gordon : The Christian hero Churchill, Seton. London : James Nisbet & Co., 21 Berners Street ; [Edinburgh and London] : Printed by Ballayntyne, Hanson and Co., Edinburgh and London, 1890.
1890 England London, England Madagascar; : or, Robert Drury's journal, during fifteen years' captivity on that island : and a further description of Madagascar by the Abbé Alexis Rochon Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. London: : T. Fisher Unwin, Paternoster Square. ; [Chilworth and London] : The Gresham Press, Unwin Brothers, Chilworth and London., 1890.
1890 England London, England Problems of Greater Britain Dilke, Charles Wentworth, Sir, 1843-1911. London ; [New York] : Macmillan and Co. and New York ; [Edinburgh] : Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh., 1890.
1890 New York   Adventures in the great forest of equatorial Africa : and the country of the dwarfs Du Chaillu, Paul B. (Paul Belloni), 1835-1903. New York : Harper & Brothers, Franklin Square ; [London] : Stereotyped by William Clowes & Sons, London., 1890, c1871, c1890.
1890 England London, England A thousand miles up the Nile Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford, 1831-1892. London : George Routledge and Sons, Limited Broadway, Ludgate Hill Glasgow, Manchester, and New York ; [Edinburgh] : Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh, 1890.
1890 England London, England Story of the rear column of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition. Jameson, James S. (James Sligo), 1856-1888. London: : R.H. Porter, 18 Princes Street, Cavendish Square., 1890..
1890 England London, England Travels in Africa during the years ... Junker, Wilhelm, 1840-1892. London: : Chapman and Hall Limited, 1890-1892.
1890 England London, England Henry M. Stanley : his life, travels and explorations Little, Henry William, 1841-1904. London : Chapman and Hall ; Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott, Company, 1890.
1890 England London, England How Stanley wrote "In darkest Africa" : a trip to Cairo and back Marston, E. (Edward), 1825-1914. London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington Limited, 1890 [printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited].
1890 France Grenoble Bas-Niger, Bénoué [et] Dahomey Mattei, Antoine. Grenoble : E. Vallier et cie, 1890.
1890 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The Ogowe band : a narrative of African travel Reading, Joseph H. (Joseph Hankinson) Philadelphia : Reading & Co., 1890.
1890 England London, England Stanley and his heroic relief of Emin Pasha Scott, E. P. London : Dean and Son, [1890?]
1890 England London, England In darkest Africa, or, the quest, rescue and retreat of Emin, Governor of Equatoria Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Morton), 1841-1904. London : Sampson Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1890.
1890 New York   In darkest Africa : or, the quest, rescue, and retreat of Emin governor of Equatoria Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Morton), 1841-1904. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons ; Toronto : Printed and bound by James Murray and Co., 1890.
1890 New York   In darkest Africa : or, the quest, rescue, and retreat of Emin governor of Equatoria Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Morton), 1841-1904. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons ; Press of J.J. Little & Co., 1890.
1890 New York   The story of Emin's rescue as told in Stanley's letters Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Morton), 1841-1904. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1890, c1889.
1890 New York   In darkest Africa : or, the quest, rescue, and retreat of Emin governor of Equatoria Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Morton), 1841-1904. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1890.
1890 England London, England Mungo Park and the Niger Thomson, Joseph, 1858-1895. London : George Philip & Son, 1890.
1890 England London, England With Stanley's rear column Troup, John Rose, d. 1919. London : Chapman and Hall, Limited, 1890.
1890 England London, England The development of Africa White, Arthur Silva, 1859-1932. London : George Philip & Son, 1890.
1891 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. From the darkness of Africa to the light of America : the story of an African prince Besolow, Thomas E. (Thomas Edward) Boston : Frank Wood, printer, 352 Washington Street, 1891.
1891 England London, England Ten years in Equatoria and the return with Emin Pasha Casati, Gaetano, 1838-1902. London and New York : Frederick Warne and Co. ; [London and Edinburgh] : Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. London and Edinburgh, 1891.
1891 England London, England Linguistic and oriental essays. : Written from the year 1847 to 1890. ; Third series. Cust, Robert Needham, 1821-1909. London: : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Limited. ; [Hertford]: : Stephen Austin and Sons, printers, Hertford., 1891.
1891 New York   Tropical Africa Drummond, Henry, 1851-1897. New York: : Charles Scribner's Sons 734 Broadway, 1891.
1891 England London, England Livingstone and the exploration of Central Africa. Johnston, Harry Hamilton, Sir, 1858-1927. London: : George Philip & Son, 32 Fleet Street; ; Liverpool: : 45 to 51 South Castle Street., 1891..
1891 England London, England The voyage of François Leguat of Bresse, to Rodriguez, Mauritius, Java, and the Cape of Good Hope. Le Guat, François, 1637-1735. London: : Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 4, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C., M.DCCC.XCI. [1891]
1891 Scotland Edinburgh The story of Stanley, the hero of Africa : from his boyhood to his marriage in Westminister Abbey Macdonald, E. A. Edinburgh : Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier, 1891.
1891 England London, England Manica : being a report addressed to the Minister of the Marine and the colonies of Portugal Paiva de Andrada, Joaquim Carlos, b. 1846. London : G. P. Philip, 1891.
1891 England London, England The Arab and the African : experiences in eastern equatorial Africa during a residence of three years Pruen, Septimus Tristram. London : Seeley and Co., Limited, 1891.
1891 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Forty years among the Zulus Tyler, Josiah, 1823-1895. Boston : Congregational Sunday-School and Publishing Society, 1891.
1891 England London, England The truth about the Portuguese in Africa Weale, J. P. Mansel (James Philip Mansel) London : Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1891.
1891 England London, England The drifting island, or, The slave-hunters of the Congo Wentworth, Walter. London ; New York : Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1891.
1891 England London, England My second journey through equatorial Africa : from the Congo to the Zambesi in the years 1886 and 1887 Wissmann, Hermann von, 1853-1905. London : Chatto & Windus, 1891.
1892 France Paris, France Les grandes compagnies de commerce : étude pour servir a l'histoire de la colonisation Bonnassieux, Louis Jean Pierre Marie, 1850-1895. Paris : Librairie Plon ; E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, Imprimeurs-ed´iteurs, 1892.
1892 England London, England Charles George Gordon Butler, William Francis, Sir, 1838-1910. London [and New York] : Macmillan and Co. and New York ; [Edinburgh] : Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh, 1892.
1892 New York   In savage Africa; : or, Six years of adventure in Congo-land. Glave, E. J. (Edward James) New York: : R.H. Russell & Son., c1892.
1892 Pennsylvania Oxford, Pa. Geography of Africa south of the Zambesi : with notes on the industries, wealth and social progress of the states and peoples Greswell, William Henry Parr, 1848-1923. Oxford : at the Clarendon Press, 1892.
1892 France Paris, France Souvenirs de la côte d'Afrique : Madagascar--Saint-Barnab Mandat-Grancey, E. (Edmond), baron de, 1842-1911. Paris : Librairie Plon, 1892.
1892 England London, England Up the Niger : narrative of Major Claude MacDonald's mission to the Niger and Benue rivers, West Africa Mockler-Ferryman, A. F. (Augustus Ferryman), 1856-1930. London : G. Philip & Son, 1892.
1892 England London, England The life and times of Sir George Grey, K.C.B. Rees, William Lee, b. 1836. London : Hutchinson & Co., 1892.
1893 New York   Morocco as it is : with an account of Sir Charles Euan Smith's recent mission to Fez Bonsal, Stephen, 1865-1951. New York : Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1893.
1893 England London, England The life of Captain Sir Richd. F. Burton ... Burton, Isabel, Lady, 1831-1896. London : Chapman & Hall, Ld. ; [London and Beccles] : Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, London and Beccles, 1893.
1893 New York   The life of Captain Sir Richd. F. Burton ... Burton, Isabel, Lady, 1831-1896. New York : D. Appleton & Company ; [London and Beccles] : Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, London and Beccles, 1893.
1893 England London, England Madagascar, past, present, and future; : the aggression of the French and the revival of the slave trade. : Being the subject matter of two lectures given before the Balloon Society of Great Britain, at St. James's Hall, London, on September 9th, 1892, and May 26th, 1893: Dawson, E. W. London: : John Haddon & Co., 120, Salisbury Square Fleet Street, E.C. : Milton Smith and Co., Ld., printers, 13-17, Devonshire Street, Bishopsgate, London., 1893.
1893 England London, England A history of the Gold Coast of West Africa Ellis, A. B. (Alfred Burdon), 1852-1894. London: : Chapman and Hall, Ld., 1893..
1893 New York   Explorers and travellers Greely, A. W. (Adolphus Washington), 1844-1935. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1893.
1893 New York   Stories told in an African forest by grown-up children of Africa. Jephson, A. J. Mounteney (Arthur Jermy Mounteney), 1858-1908. New York: : D. Appleton & Company., 1893..
1893 New York New York, N.Y. Reality versus romance in South Central Africa : being an account of a journey across the continent from Benguella on the west through Bihe, Ganguella, Barotse, the Kalahari Desert, Mashonaland, Manica, Gorongoza, Nyasa, the Shire highlands, to the mouth of the Zambesi on the east coast Johnston, James, M.D. [New York ; Chicago] : Fleming H. Revell Company New York 112 Fifth Avenue Chicago 148-150 Madison Street, c1893.
1893 England London, England The life of Augustus Henry Law, priest of the Society of Jesus Schreiber, Ellis. London : Burns and Oates, Limited, 1893.
1894 New York New York, N.Y. Matabeleland: : the war, and our position in South Africa : with a sketch map of the country Colquhoun, Archibald R. (Archibald Ross), 1848-1914. London: : The Leadenhall Press, Ltd.: 50, Leadenhall Street, E.C. : Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd:, [1894]
1894 New York New York, N.Y. Discovery of lakes Rudolf and Stefanie : a narrative of Count Samuel Teleki's exploring & hunting expedition in eastern equatorial Africa in 1887 & 1888 Höhnel, Ludwig, Ritter von, 1857-1942. London : Longmans, Green and Co., and New York, 1894 [Printed by Spottiswoode and Co.].
1894 New York New York, N.Y. Sierra Leone after a hundred years Ingham, E. G. (Ernest Graham), 1851-1926. London : Seeley and Co. Limited Essex Street, Strand, 1894.
1894 New York New York, N.Y. La maison John Bull & cie : les grandes succursales le Canada, l'Australie, la Nouvelle-Zélande[,] l'Afrique du Sud O'Rell, Max, 1848-1903. Paris : Calmann Lévy, éditeur Ancienne Maison Michel Lévy Frères 3, rue Auber, 3, 1894.
1894 New York New York, N.Y. John Bull & Co. : The great colonial branches of the firm: Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa O'Rell, Max, 1848-1903. New York : Charles L. Webster & Company, 1894 [Press of Jenkins & McCowan].
1895 New York New York, N.Y. Prince Henry the Navigator : the hero of Portugal and of modern discovery, 1394-1460 A.D. With an account of geographical progress throughout the Middle Ages as the preparation for his work Beazley, C. Raymond (Charles Raymond), 1868-1955. [New York] : G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, London ; The Knickerbocker Press, 1895, [c1894].
1895 New York New York, N.Y. Manuel du voyageur et du résident au Congo Donny, Albert, b. 1841 ed. Bruxelles : imprimerie A. Lesigne 23 rue de la Charité : Le dépot général de l'ouvrage se trouve à la Société d'etudes coloniales, 11, rue Ravenstein, à Bruxelles., 1895-1897.
1895 New York New York, N.Y. Madagascar ... Humbert, Gustave. [Paris ; Nancy] : Berger-Levrault et cie, éditeurs Paris 5, rue des Beaux-Arts Nancy 18, rue des Glacis, 1895.
1895 New York New York, N.Y. Africa Keane, A. H. (Augustus Henry), 1833-1912. London: : Edward Stanford 26 & 27 Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, S.W., 1895.
1895 New York New York, N.Y. Hunters three : sport and adventure in South Africa Knox, Thomas Wallace, 1835-1896. New York : E.P. Dutton and Company 31 West Twenty-Third Street, 1895.
1895 New York New York, N.Y. Europe in Africa in the nineteenth century Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley, 1822-1904. Chicago : A.C. McClurg and Company, 1895.
1895 New York New York, N.Y. The life and correspondence of the Right Hon. Sir Bartle Frere ... Martineau, John, 1834-1910. London : John Murray, 1895.
1895 New York New York, N.Y. Five years in Madagascar : with notes on the military situation Maude, Francis Cornwallis, 1828-1900. London : Chapman & Hall, [1895]
1895 New York New York, N.Y. Madagascar Milhaud, Albert, b. 1871. Paris : G. Baillière et cie, [1895]
1895 New York New York, N.Y. Sir Samuel Baker : a memoir Murray, T. Douglas. London ; New York : Macmillan, 1895.
1896 New York New York, N.Y. Journal of the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks bart., K.B., P.R.S. : during Captain Cook's first voyage in H.M.S. Endeavour in 1768-71 to Terra del Fuego, Otahite, New Zealand, Australia, the Dutch East Indies, etc. Banks, Joseph, Sir, 1743-1820. London : Macmillan & Co., Ltd. ; New York: : The Macmillan Co., 1896.
1896 New York   Through jungle and desert : travels in Eastern Africa Chanler, William Astor, 1867-1934. New York : MacMillan and Co. ; London : MacMillan and Co., Ltd. ; [Norwood, Mass.] : Norwood Press, J.S. Cushing & Co.-Berwick & Smith, Norwood Mass. U.S.A., 1896.
1896 Illinois Chicago, Ill Europe in Africa in the nineteenth century Latimer, Elizabeth Wormeley, 1822-1904. Chicago : A.C. McClurg and Company, 1896, [c1895].
1896 New York New York, N.Y. The history and description of Africa : and of the notable things therein contained, Leo, Africanus, ca. 1492-ca. 1550. London: : printed for the Hakluyt Society, 4, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C., M.DCCC.XCVI. [1896]
1896 France Paris, France Notes africaines Rothschild, Henri de, 1872-1947. Paris : Calmann Lévy, Michel Lévy Frères, 1896.
1896 New York   The heart of Africa : three years' travels and adventures in the unexplored regions of Central Africa from 1868 to 1871 Schweinfurth, Georg August, 1836-1925. New York : Drallop, 1874.
1896 New York New York, N.Y. The true life of Capt. Sir Richard F. Burton Stisted, Georgiana M. London : H.S. Nichols, 1896.
1896 New York New York, N.Y. The chronicle of the discovery and conquest of Guinea. Zurara, Gomes Eanes de, ca. 1410-1473 or 4. London: : Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 4, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. : Printed at the Bedford Press, 20 and 21, Bedfordbury, W.C., M.DCCC.XCVI.-M.DCCC.XCIX. [1896-1899]
1897 New York   Impressions of South Africa Bryce, James Bryce, Viscount, 1838-1922. New York : Century Co., 1897.
1897 New York   The story of an African crisis : being the truth about the Jameson raid and Johannesburg revolt of 1896 told with the assistance of the leading actors in the drama Garrett, Fydell Edmund, 1865-1907. New York : New Amsterdam Book Co, 1897.
1897 England London, England Travels in West Africa : Congo Français, Corisco and Cameroons Kingsley, Mary Henrietta, 1862-1900. London : Macmillan and Co., Limited ; New York : The Macmillan Company, 1897 [London and Bungay : Richard Clay and Sons, Limited].
1897 England London, England Cecil Rhodes : a biography and appreciation Maguire, James Rochfort, 1855-1925. London : Chapman & Hall, 1897.
1897 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland Schreiner, Olive, 1855-1920. Boston : Roberts Brothers, 1897.
1897 England London, England Through unknown African countries : the first expedition from Somaliland to Lake Lamu Smith, Arthur Donaldson, 1866-1939. London ; New York : Edward Arnold, 1897.
1897 New York   The true life of Capt. Sir Richard F. Burton, K.C.M.G., F.R.G.S., etc. Stisted, Georgiana M. New York : D. Appleton and Company, 1897.
1898 New York New York, N.Y. White man's Africa Bigelow, Poultney, b. 1855. New York and London : Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1898, c1897.
1898 England London, England In the Niger country Bindloss, Harold, 1866-1945. Edinburgh and London : William Blackwood and Sons, 1898.
1898 England London, England The Benin massacre Boisragon, Alan Maxwell. [London] : Methuen & Co. 36 Essex Street, W.C. London ; [Edinburgh] : Printed by Morrison and Gibb Limited Edinburgh, 1898.
1898 New York   The land of the pigmies Burrows, Guy. New York : Thomas Y. Crowell & Company ; Boston, [1898].
1898 England London, England Exploration and hunting in central Africa 1895-96 Gibbons, A. St. H. (Alfred St. Hill), 1858-1916. [London] : Methuen & Co. 36, Essex Street, Strand London, 1898.
1898 England London, England French enterprise in Africa : the personal narrative of Lieut. Hourst of his exploration of the Niger ; translated by Mrs. Arthur Bell (N. D'Anvers) ... With 190 illustrations and map. Hourst, b. 1864. London : Chapman & Hall, Ld., 1898 [Richard Clay & Sons, Limited].
1898 England London, England Paul Kruger and his times Statham, F. Reginald (Francis Reginald) London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1898.
1899 New York   Under the African sun : a description of native races in Uganda, sporting adventures and other experiences Ansorge, W. J. (William John), 1850-1913. New York : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1899 [Edinburgh & London : Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co.].
1899 England London, England The life of Sir George Pomeroy-Colley ... 1835-1881 : including services in Kaffraria--in China--in Ashanti--in India and in Natal Butler, William Francis, Sir, 1838-1910. London : John Murray, Albemarle Street : Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-Street Square, London, 1899.
1899 New York   Side lights on South Africa Devereux, Roy, 1877- New York : C. Scribner's sons, 1899.
1899 England London, England After big game in Central Africa : records of a sportsman from August 1894 to November 1897, when crossing the Dark Continent from the mouth of the Zambesi to the French Congo. Foà, Edouard, 1862-1901. London : Adam & Charles Black, 1899.
1899 England London, England The key to South Africa: : Delagoa Bay Jessett, Montague George. London : T. Fisher Unwin Paternoster Square, MDCCCXCIX [1899]
1899 Massachusetts Cambridge, Mass. A history of the colonization of Africa by alien races Johnston, Harry Hamilton, Sir, 1858-1927. Cambridge: : At the University Press., 1899.
1899 England London, England West African studies Kingsley, Mary Henrietta, 1862-1900. London : Macmillan and Co., Limited ; New York: : The Macmillan Company, 1899.
1899 England London, England The story of West Africa Kingsley, Mary Henrietta, 1862-1900. London : Horace Marshall & Son Temple House E.C., [1899?]
1899 England London, England The Victoria Nyanza : the land, the races and their customs, with specimens of some of the dialects Kollmann, Paul, b. 1865. London : Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Ltd. Paternoster Square, 1899.
1899 South Africa [Mafeking] The Mafeking mail special siege slip ... : No. 34 Monday, December 18th, 1899. Mafeking mail. [Mafeking] : Printed and published by Townshend & Son, Market Square, Mafeking, [1899].
1899 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The two Englands and their lessons for America Mead, Edwin D. (Edwin Doak), 1849-1937. [Boston] : New England Magazine, 1899.
1899 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The story of South Africa : an account of the historical transformation of the dark continent by the European powers and the culminating contest between Great Britain and the South African Republic in the Transvaal War Ridpath, John Clark, 1840-1900. [Philadelphia] : J.H. Moore Company Philadelphia ; [Chicago] : J.H. Moore & Company, Chicago, c1899.
1899 England London, England Natal : the land and its story : a geography and history, with maps Russell, Robert, 1843-1910. London : Dent, 1899.
1899 Illinois Chicago, Ill The South African question Schreiner, Olive, 1855-1920. Chicago : Charles H. Sergel Company, 1899.
1899 New York   In Afric's [sic] forest and jungle, or, Six years among the Yorubans Stone, R. H. (Richard Henry), b. 1837. New York : Fleming H. Revell Company, c1899.
1899 New York   The rover boys in the jungle : or, stirring adventures in Africa Winfield, Arthur M. New York : Grosset & Dunlap, c1899.
1900 England London, England Besieged by the Boers : a diary of life and events in Kimberley during the siege Ashe, E. Oliver (Evelyn Oliver) London : Hutchinson & Co., 1900 [London and Aylesbury : Printed by Hazell, Watson, and Viney, Ld.]
1900 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The relief of Ladysmith Atkins, J. B. (John Black), 1871-1954. Boston : L.C. Page and Company, 1900 [Woking and London : Unwin Brothers, The Gresham Press]
1900 England London, England Mafeking : a diary of the siege Baillie, Frederick David. Westminster [i.e. London] : Archibald Constable & Company, Ltd. ; New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1900 [G. Norman & Son, printers, Covent Garden].
1900 England London, England My diocese during the war : extracts from the diary of the Right Rev. Arthur Hamilton Baynes, D.D. Bishop of Natal Baynes, Arthur Hamilton, 1854-1942. London : George Bell and Sons, 1900 [Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co.]
1900 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa. History of South Africa and the Boer-British war : blood and gold in Africa : the matchless drama of the dark contintent from Pharoah to "Oom Paul" : the Transvaal war and the final struggle between Briton and Boer over the gold of Ophir : a story of thrilling romance and adventure among wild beasts and wilder men, in search of sport and gems and gold : profusely and superbly illustrated with photographs, sketches and maps from official sources Beck, Henry Houghton. Philadelphia, Pa. : Globe Bible Publishing Co., [1900]
1900 England London, England Why Kruger made war : or Behind the Boer scenes Buttery, John A. London : William Heinemann ; [London & Edinburgh] : Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. London & Edinburgh, 1900.
1900 England London, England The renascence of South Africa Colquhoun, Archibald R. (Archibald Ross), 1848-1914. London : Hurst and Blackett, limited, 13, Great Marlborough Street : Printed by Kelly's Directories Limited, London and Kingston, 1900.
1900 England London, England Some reminiscences of the war in South Africa De la Warr, George Gilbert Reginald Sackville, Earl, 1869-1915. London : Hurst and Blackett, 1900.
1900 New York   The settlement after the war in South Africa Farrelly, M. J. (Michael James) New York : The Macmillan Company ; London : Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1900 [Mount Pleasant Printery J. Horace McFarland Company Harrisburg, Pa.].
1900 England London, England The last Boer War Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider), 1856-1925. London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. Ltd Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, 1900.
1900 England London, England Campaign pictures of the war in South Africa (1899-1900) : letters from the front Hales, A. G. (Alfred Greenwood), 1870-1936. [London] : Cassell and Company, Limited London, Paris, New York & Melbourne, 1900.
1900 New York New York, N.Y. The Transvaal trouble : an address Hammond, John Hays, 1855-1936. [New York] : The Abbey Press publishers 114 Fifth Avenue New York., c1900.
1900 Scotland Edinburgh A history of Rhodesia : compiled from official sources Hensman, Howard, d. 1916. [Edinburgh ; London] : William Blackwood and Sons Edinburgh and London, MDCCCC [1900]
1900 Australia Sydney The growth of the empire : a handbook to the history of greater Britain Jose, Arthur W. (Arthur Wilberforce), 1863-1934. Sydney : Angus & Robertson, 1900.
1900 England London, England Life and letters of Zachary Macaulay Macaulay, Zachary, 1768-1838. London : Edward Arnold publisher to the India Office, 1900.
1900 England London, England How we kept the flag flying : the siege of Ladysmith MacDonald, Donald, 1857-1932. London ; New York and Melbourne : Ward, Lock & Co., Limited, [1900?]
1900 England London, England The siege of Ladysmith MacHugh, R. J. (Robert Joseph), d. 1925. London: : Chapman & Hall, Ld., 1900.
1900 France Paris, France Au Congo (1898) : impressions d'un touriste Mandat-Grancey, E. (Edmond), baron de, 1842-1911. Paris : Librairie Plon, 1900.
1900 England London, England The life and times of Sir John Charles Molteno, K.C.M.G., first Premier of Cape Colony, comprising a history of representative institutions and responsible government at the Cape and of Lord Carnarvon's confederation policy & of Sir Bartle Frere's High Commissionership of South Africa Molteno, Percy Alport. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1900.
1900 England London, England William Cotton Oswell, hunter and explorer : the story of his life with certain correspondance and extracts from the private journal of David Livingstone, hitherto unpublished Oswell, William Edward. London : Willam Heinemann, 1900.
1900 England London, England With seven generals in the Boer War : a personal narrative Pollock, Arthur Welham Alsazer, 1853- London : Skeffington, 1900.
1900 New York   From Capetown to Ladysmith : an unfinished record of the South African war Steevens, G. W. (George Warrington), 1869-1900. New York : Dodd, Mead & Company, 1900.
1900 England Westminster The third Salisbury administration, 1895-1900 Whates, Harry Richard, d. 1923. Westminster : Vacher [1900]
1900 New York   War and policy : essays Wilkinson, Spenser, 1853-1937. New York : Dodd, Mead and Company, 1900.
1900 New York   The story of the Boers : narrated by their own leaders, prepared under the authority of the South African republics   New York : Harper & Brothers, 1900.
1901 England London, England South Africa a century ago : letters written from the Cape of Good Hope (1797-1801) Barnard, Anne Lindsay, Lady, 1750-1825. London : Smith, Elder, & Co., 15 Waterloo Place, 1901.
1901 England London, England The strange adventures of Andrew Battell of Leigh : in Angola and the adjoining regions Battell, Andrew. London : printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1901 [printed at the Bedford Press].
1901 England London, England The relief of Kumasi Biss, Harold C. J. [London] : Methuen & Co. 36 Essex Street W.C. London, 1901 [Woking and London : The Gresham Press, Unwin Brothers].
1901 France Paris, France Rapport de M. A. Bonnel de Mézières : chargé de mission sur le Haut-Oubangui, le M'Bomou et le Bahr-el-Ghazal. Bonnel de Mézières, A., b. 1870. Paris : Imprimerie Vve Albouy, 75, Avenue d'Italie, 75, 1901.
1901 Scotland Edinburgh Cecil Rhodes : a study of a career Hensman, Howard, d. 1916. [Edinburgh ; London] : William Blackwood and Sons Edinburgh and London, MCMI [1901]
1901 England Bristol, England A diary of the Unionist parliament, 1895-1900 Lucy, Henry W. (Henry William), Sir, 1845-1924. Bristol : J.W. Arrowsmith, 1901.
1901 Scotland Edinburgh David Livingstone Maclachlan, T. Banks. Edinburgh : Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, [1901?]
1901 England London, England My experiences of the Boer War Sternberg, Adalbert, Graf London ; New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1901.
1901 England London, England Naval brigades in the South African War 1899-1900   London : Sampson Low, Marston & Company (Limited) St. Dunstan's House Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, E.C., 1901.
1902 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa The American revolution and the Boer war : an open letter to Mr. Charles Francis Adams on his pamphlet "The confederacy and the Transvaal" Fisher, Sydney George, 1856-1927. [Philadelphia] : Made by George H Buchanan and Company at the Sign of the Ivy Leaf in Library Street Philadelphia, [1902]
1902 England London, England The brunt of the war and where it fell Hobhouse, Emily, 1860-1926. London : Methuen & Co. 36 Essex Street W.C., 1902.
1902 England London, England The memoirs of Paul Kruger : four times president of the South African Republic Kruger, Paul, 1825-1904. London : T. Fisher Unwin Paternoster Square, 1902.
1902 New York   The memoirs of Paul Kruger : four times president of the South African Republic Kruger, Paul, 1825-1904. New York : The Century Co., 1902.
1902 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The fruits of imperialism : address delivered before the Massachusetts Reform Club, June 6, 1902 Patterson, Thomas McDonald, 1840-1916. Boston : Geo H. Ellis Co., 1902.
1902 Canada Toronto, Can., Naperville, Ill., Atlanta, Ga. Progress of South Africa in the century Theal, George McCall, 1837-1919. Toronto ; Philadelphia : Linscott, 1902, c1901.
1902 England London, England The beginning of South African history Theal, George McCall, 1837-1919. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1902.
1903 Ireland Dublin, Ireland A history of the colony of Sierra Leone Western Africa : with maps and appendices Crooks, J. J. (John Joseph), b. 1842. Dublin ; Cork ; Belfast : Browne and Nolan, Limited ; London: : Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co., Ltd. Stationers' Hall Court, E.C : Printed by Browne and Nolan, Limited, Dublin., 1903.
1903 France Paris, France Compagnies et sociétés coloniales allemandes Decharme, Pierre, b. 1876. Paris : Masson et cie, éditeurs libraires de l'Académie de Médecine ... ; Coulommiers : Imprimerie Paul Brodard, 1903.
1903 England London, England Through shot and flame : the adventures and experiences of J.D. Kestell chaplain to President Steyn and General Christian de Wet. Kestell, J. D. (John Daniel), 1854-1941. [London] : Methuen & Co. 36 Essex Street W.C. London, 1903.
1903 England London, England Impressions of a war correspondent Lynch, George, 1868-1928. London: : George Newnes, Limited Southampton Street, Strand, W.C., MCMIII [1903]
1903 Scotland Edinburgh Our regiments in South Africa, 1899-1902 : their record, based on dispatches Stirling, John. Edinburgh : W. Blackwood, 1903.
1903 England Westminster The story of a soldier's life Wolseley, Garnet Wolseley, Viscount, 1833-1913. Westminster : Archibald Constable & Co, Ltd., 1903.
1903 New York   The story of a soldier's life /, Wolseley, Garnet Wolseley, Viscount, 1833-1913. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1903.
1903 Scotland Glasgow The Principal navigations voyages traffiques & discoveries of the English nation : made by sea or over-land to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1600 yeeres   Glasgow : James MacLehose and Sons publishers to the University, MCMIII-MCMV [1903-1905]
1904 New York New York, N.Y. The Congo news letter. Congo news letter (Congo Reform Association) [Boston : Issued by the Congo Reform Association, office, 710 Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass., 1904-19--.]
1904 New York New York, N.Y. France et Angleterre : cent années de rivalité coloniale Darcy, Jean, b. 1868. Paris : Libririe Académiqu Didier : Perrin et Cie, libraires-éditeurs ... : Imprimerie J. Dumoulin ... , 1904.
1904 New York New York, N.Y. The treatment of women and children in the Congo state, 1895-1904 : An appeal to the women of the United States of America Morel, E. D. (Edmund Dene), 1873-1924. Boston : [s.n.], 1904.
1904 New York New York, N.Y. The life and times of Sir Richard Southey K.C.M.G., etc. : formerly colonial secretary of the Cape Colony and lieut.-governor of Griqualand West Wilmot, Alexander, 1836-1924. London : Sampson Low, Marston & Company, 1904.
1904 New York New York, N.Y. Memorial to Congress : conditions in the independent state of the Kongo.   [Boston, Mass.] : Issued by the Congo Reform Association 710 Tremont Temple Boston, Mass., [1904].
1904 New York New York, N.Y. Conditions in the Congo State : grounds for action by the United States government : synopsis of case with citations from state papers and other sources.   Washington, D.C. : Judd & Detweiler, printers, 1904.
1904 New York New York, N.Y. Memorial concerning conditions in the independent state of the Kongo.   [Washington, D.C. : Gov't Print. Off., 1904]
1905 Germany Berlin, 1791 Tippu Tip : Lebensbild eines zentralafrikanischen Despoten : nach seinen eigenen Ungaben dargestellt Brode, Heinrich, b. 1874. Berlin : Druck und Verlag von Wilhelm Baensch, Aktien-Gesellschaft, 1905.
1905 New York New York, N.Y. Bulletin officiel de l'état indépendant du Congo : nos 9 & 10 : rapport au roi-souverain. Congo Free State. [Bruxelles? : s.n., 1905.]
1905 France Paris, France La France en Afrique Ferry, Edmond, b. 1861. [Paris] : Librairie Armand Colin Paris, 5, rue de Mézières, 1905.
1905 England London, England King Leopold II : his rule in Belgium and the Congo MacDonnell, John de Courcy, 1869-1915. London ; New York : Cassell and Company, 1905.
1905 New York   King Leopold's rule in Africa Morel, E. D. (Edmund Dene), 1873-1924. New York : Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1905 [London and Beccles : Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited].
1905 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. King Leopold's soliloquy : a defense of his Congo rule Twain, Mark, 1835-1910. [Boston, Mass.] : The P.R. Warren Co., Boston, Mass., 1905.
1905 England Liverpool, England Evidence laid before the Congo commission of inquiry at Bwembu, Bolobo, Lulanga, Baringa, Bongandanga, Ikau, Bonginda, and Monsembe. : Together with a summary of events (and documents connected therewith) on the A.B.I.R. concession since the commission visited that territory.   Liverpool: : John Richardson & Sons, printers, 14-18, Pall Mall., 1905.
1905 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. The indictment against the Congo government : report of the King's commission of inquiry and the testimony which compelled it.   [Boston] : Issued by the Congo Reform Association no. 710 Tremont Temple, Boston, [1905?].
1905 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. Conditions in the Congo state : testimony from many witnesses.   [Boston] : The Congo Reform Association, 710 Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass, [1905].
1905 Undefined place of publication [S.l.] Conditions in the Congo state : report of King Leopold's commission : the report summarized from Dublin, Ireland, Daily Press, November 23, 1905.   [S.l. : s.n., 1905.]
1905 Undefined place of publication [S.l.] The Congo crime. : From the West African Mail, December 8, 1905.   [S.l. : s.n., 1905?]
1906 England Liverpool, England The state of affairs on the Congo to-day Morel, E. D. (Edmund Dene), 1873-1924. Liverpool : J. Richardson & Sons, 1906.
1906 England London, England A modern slavery Nevinson, Henry Woodd, 1856-1941. London; New York : Harper & Brothers, 1906.
1906 Massachusetts Boston, Mass. From second edition of King Leopold's soliloquy by Mark Twain : Supplementary. Twain, Mark, 1835-1910. [Boston, Mass. : P.R. Warren Company, 1906].
1912 Liberia Monrovia, Liberia Narrative of the expedition despatched to Musahdu by the Liberian government under Benjamin J. K. Anderson, sr. esquire in 1874 Anderson, Benjamin J. K., b. 1834. Monrovia [Liberia] : College of West Africa Press, 1912.
1912 England London, England John Boyes, king of the Wa-Kikuyu : a true story of travel and adventure in Africa Boyes, John, 1874- London : Methuen & Co., 1912.
1915 Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa A camera actress in the wilds of Togoland : the adventures, observations & experiences of a cinematograph actress in West African forests whilst collecting films depicting native life and when posing as the white woman in Anglo-African cinematograph dramas Gehrts, Meg, 1891-1966. Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Company ; London : Seeley, Service & Co. Ltd., 1915 [Edinburgh : Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co.].
1921 New York   A social history of the American Negro : being a history of the Negro problem in the United States : including a history and study of the republic of Liberia Brawley, Benjamin Griffith, 1882-1939. New York : The Macmillan Company : Press of J.J. Little & Ives Company, New York, U.S.A., 1921.
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1623 England The golden trade: or, A discouery of the Riuer Gambra, and the golden trade of the Aethiopians. : Also, the commerce with a great blacke merchant, called Buckor Sano, and his report of the houses couered with gold, and other strange obseruations for the good of our owne countrey; set downe as they were collected in trauelling, part of the yeares, 1620. and 1621. Jobson, Richard, fl. 1620-1623.
1670 England A relation of the coasts of Africk called Guinee; : with a description of the countreys, manners and customs of the inhabitants; of the productions of the earth, and the merchandise and commodities it affords; with some historical observations upon the coasts. Being collected in a voyage made by the Sieur Villault, Escuyer, Sieur de Bellefond, in the years 1666, and 1667. Villault, Nicolas, sieur de Bellefond, 17th cent.
1695 England The present state of the empire of Morocco. : With a faithful account of the manners, religion, and government of that people. Pidou de Saint-Olon, Monsieur (François), 1646-1720.
1738 England Travels into the inland parts of Africa: : containing a description of the several nations for the space of six hundred miles up the River Gambia; their trade, habits, customs, language, manners, religion and government; the power, disposition and characters of some Negro princes; with a particular account of Job Ben Solomon, a Pholey, who was in England in the year 1733, and known by the name of the African. ... Moore, Francis, fl. 1744.
1750 England A compleat history of the piratical states of Barbary : viz. Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, and Morocco. Containing the origin, revolutions, and present state of these kingdoms, their forces, revenues, policy, and commerce. Illustrated with a plan of Algiers, and a map of Barbary  
1762 Pennsylvania A short account of that part of Africa, inhabited by the Negroes : With respect to the fertility of the country; the good disposition of many of the natives, and the manner by which the slave trade is carried on. Benezet, Anthony, 1713-1784.
1768 France Considerations philosophiques de la gradation naturelle des formes de l'etre, ou Les essais de la nature qui apprend a faire l'homme. Robinet, J. B. (Jean Baptiste), 1735-1820.
1789 England Memoirs of the reign of Bossa Ahádee : King of Dahomy, an inland country of Guiney. To which are added, the author's journey to Abomey, the capital; and A short account of the African slave trade Norris, Robert, d. 1791.
1798 Massachusetts A journal, of the captivity and sufferings of John Foss; : several years a prisoner at Algiers: together with some account of the treatment of Christian slaves when sick:-- and observations of the manners and customs of the Algerines. Foss, John, d. 1800.
1802 England Life, trial, and particulars of the execution of Governor Wall, : who was executed on Thursday morning last, fronting Newgate, for the murder of Benjamin Armstrong, nearly 20 years ago, at Goree, in Africa. By causing him to receive, without trial, 800 lashes, which were inflicted by black slaves, changed at every 25 lashes. Wall, Joseph, 1737-1802.
1823 Massachusetts A narrative of the expedition to Dongola and Sennaar, under the command of His Excellence Ismael Pasha, : undertaken by order of His Highness Mehemmed Ali Pasha, Viceroy of Egypt. English, George Bethune, 1787-1828.
1825 Pennsylvania The life of Africaner, a Namacqua chief, of South Africa Campbell, John, 1766-1840.
1826 District of Columbia History of the American colony in Liberia, from December 1821 to 1823 Ashmun, J. (Jehudi), 1794-1828.
1834 New York Examination of Mr. Thomas C. Brown, a free colored citizen of S. Carolina, as to the actual state of things in Liberia in the years 1833 and 1834 : at the Chatham Street Chapel, May 9th & 10th, 1834. Brown, Thomas C. (Thomas Cilavan), b. 1800.
1837 England Visit to the great oasis of the Libyan Desert; : with an account, ancient and modern, of the oasis of Amun, and the other oases now under the dominion of the pasha of Egypt. Hoskins, G. A. (George Alexander), d. 1864.
1844 Massachusetts Colonization and missions. : A historical examination of the state of society in Western Africa, as formed by paganism and Muhammedanism, slavery, the slave trade and piracy, and of the remedial influence of colonization and missions. Tracy, Joseph, 1793?-1874.
1854 New York The looking-glass : being a true report and narrative of the life, travels and labors of the Rev. Daniel H. Peterson, a colored clergyman; embracing a period of time from the year 1812 to 1854, and including his visit to western Africa : with engravings. Peterson, Daniel H.
1859 England Commerce with Africa : The inefficacy of treaties for the suppression of the African slave trade, and their injurious influences on British commercial interests in Africa, with suggestions for the development of the commercial resources of western central Africa: and a short notice of the kingdom of Benin Jamieson, Robert, d. 1861.
1861 New York A pilgrimage to my motherland : An account of a journey among the Egbas and Yorubas of Central Africa, in 1859-60 Campbell, Robert, of the Niger Valley Exploring Party
1863 Scotland Journal of the discovery of the source of the Nile Speke, John Hanning, 1827-1864.
1872 England The diamond diggings of South Africa : a personal and practical account; with a brief notice of the new gold fields Payton, Charles A.
1872 New York How I found Livingstone : travels, adventures and discoveries in Central Africa : including an account of four months' residence with Dr. Livingstone Stanley, Henry M. (Henry Morton), 1841-1904.
1877 New York Serpent and Siva worship and mythology, in Central America, Africa, and Asia : And The origin of serpent worship : Two treatises Clarke, Hyde, 1815-1895.
1879 England British rule in South Africa. : Illustrated in the story of Kama and his tribe, and of the war in Zululand. Holden, W. Clifford (William Clifford), 1814?-1897.
1880 England Eight months in an ox-waggon : reminiscences of Boer life Sandeman, Edward F.
1888 New York Yankee girls in Zulu land Sheldon, Louise Vescelius.
1890 England Madagascar; : or, Robert Drury's journal, during fifteen years' captivity on that island : and a further description of Madagascar by the Abbé Alexis Rochon Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731.
1899 Massachusetts A history of the colonization of Africa by alien races Johnston, Harry Hamilton, Sir, 1858-1927.
1900 England Besieged by the Boers : a diary of life and events in Kimberley during the siege Ashe, E. Oliver (Evelyn Oliver)
1902 England The memoirs of Paul Kruger : four times president of the South African Republic Kruger, Paul, 1825-1904.
1915 Pennsylvania A camera actress in the wilds of Togoland : the adventures, observations & experiences of a cinematograph actress in West African forests whilst collecting films depicting native life and when posing as the white woman in Anglo-African cinematograph dramas Gehrts, Meg, 1891-1966.
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