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Early American Imprints, Series I

Supplement from the American Antiquarian Society, 1652-1800

A major enrichment of Early American Imprints: Evans
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  • A major expansion of the definitive resource on pre-19th century America
  • More than 750 early books, pamphlets, broadsides, maps and scores
  • Newly available items not found in Evans or its first supplement

Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans—the definitive online resource for researching every aspect of 17th- and 18th-century America—has been expanded. From the renowned holdings of the American Antiquarian Society, this new collection offers digital editions of more than 750 additional books, pamphlets, broadsides, maps and scores, many of which were not included in either Charles Evans’ monumental work, or Roger Bristol’s supplemental bibliography. Printed over the course of the American Colonial Era and the formation of the United States, these rare and unique items represent a second major enrichment of the Readex digital edition of Early American Imprints.

Rare and valuable printed items
This extensive collection is comprised entirely of works that fall into the scope of the original Evans and Bristol bibliographies (which formed the basis of Early American Imprints, Series 1: Evans, 1639-1800) but were either missed by Evans and Bristol, or were listed by Evans and Bristol but could not be found until now. For today’s students and scholars of early America, no other collection offers the opportunity to view previously unknown publications from the first 150 years of American history. Broad subject areas covered by these works include the Atlantic World, Cartography, Colonial History, Ethnic Studies, Gender Studies, Literature, Music, Revolutionary War and Sociology. The materials cover a wide range of important document types: histories, personal narratives, military records, government acts, expedition logs, treaties, maps, almanacs, children’s primers, criminal confessions, recipe books, poems, songs and speeches.

Extensive indexing, easy browsing, full integration
Every item in Early American Imprints, Series I: Supplement from the American Antiquarian Society, 1652-1800, is catalogued, and MARC records are available. A companion collection, Early American Imprints, Series II: Supplement from the American Antiquarian Society, 1801-1819, is also offered as an important complement to Early American Imprints, Series II: Shaw-Shoemaker. Both Supplements are essential complements to previous Supplements from the Library Company of Philadelphia, and all are fully integrated into America’s Historical Imprints for easy browsing and cross-searching.

In partnership with the American Antiquarian Society
The American Antiquarian Society (AAS) is both a learned society and a major independent research library. The AAS library houses the largest and most accessible collection of books, pamphlets, broadsides, newspapers, periodicals, sheet music, and graphic arts material printed from first contact through 1876 in what is now the United States, Canada, and the West Indies. The library contains more than two-thirds of all known imprints created in America before 1821, making it the single greatest repository of such materials in the world.

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Title List
Title Imprint/Publisher Place of Publication Date of Publication
Samuel Phillips May 31. 1652. [Cambridge, Mass. : Printed by Samuel Green, 1652] Massachusetts 1652
The psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of the Old and New-Testament, / faithfully translated into English metre. ; For the use, edification and comfort of the saints in publick and private, especially in New-England. ; [Seven lines of Scripture references and texts] Cambridge [England], : Printed for Hezekiah Usher, of Boston., [ca. 1658] England 1658
Christs famous titles; and A believers golden-chain; : handled in divers sermons. : Together with his Cabinet of jewels or A glimpse of Sions glory. / By William Dyer, preacher of the Gospel. ; [Four lines from Ephesians] Cambridge [Mass.]: : Printed by M.J. [i.e., Marmaduke Johnson] for Edmund Ranger book-binder near the dock, and Joseph Farnham near the Red Lyon in Boston., 1672. Massachusetts 1672
The general laws and liberties of the Massachusets colony in New-England, : revised and reprinted, by order of the General Court holden at Boston, May 15th, 1672. Edward Rawson, secr. : [Two lines from Romans] Cambridge in New-England, : Printed by Samuel Green, for John Usher of Boston, and to be sold by Richard Chiswel, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, London,, 1675. Massachusetts 1675
A funeral elegy, dedicated to the memory of his worthy friend, the learned & religious Mr. John Foster; : who deceased in Dorchester, the 9th. of September. 1681. [Cambridge, Mass. : Printed by Samuel Green, 1681] Massachusetts 1681
The psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of the Old and New Testament, / faithfully translated into English metre. ; For the use, edification and comfort of the saints in publick and private, especially in New-England. ; [Seven lines of Scripture references and texts] Cambridge [England?], : Printed for Hezekiah Usher, of Boston., [ca. 1682] England 1682
The Shorter catechism agreed upon by the Reverend Assembly of Divines at Westminster. [Boston?] : Printed for John Usher, anno 1690. Massachusetts 1690
[An Epitome of English orthography; or, The art of writing true and right English words, &c.] [Boston : Printed by Bartholomew Green, 1697] Massachusetts 1697
Acts and laws, passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her Majesties province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England: : begun and held at Boston upon Wednesday the twenty-seventh of May, 1702. And continued by several prorogations unto Thursday, the fifteenth of October following and then sat at Cambridge. [Boston : Printed by Bartholomew Green and John Allen?, 1702?] Massachusetts 1702
The duty and power of grand-jurors, constables, tything-men, &c. / Collected out of several acts and laws of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, for the better information of the said officers respectively: : with references to the several pages in the law-book. Boston, New-England. : Reprinted by Bartholomew Green, printer to His Excellency, the Governour and Council:, August the 10th. 1706. Massachusetts 1706
A prospect of eternity: : wherein is clearly proved, I. That there is an eternity into which all men must enter, when they go out of time. II. That we should eye eternity, and look at eternal things. III. That this looking ought to have an influence upon us in all that we do. / By Tho. Doolittle. ; [Three lines from Matthew] [Boston] : Printed [by Bartholomew Green] at Boston, in N.E. Sold by Thomas Short, in New-London., 1709. Massachusetts 1709
A prospect of eternity: : wherein is clearly proved, I. That there is an eternity into which all men must enter, when they go out of time. II. That we should eye eternity, and look at eternal things. III. That this looking ought to have an influence upon us in all that we do. / By Tho. Doolittle. ; [Three lines from Matthew] Boston, N.E. : Printed and sold by Barth. Green in Newbury-Street., 1709. Massachusetts 1709
A prospect of eternity. : Wherein is clearly proved, I. That there is an eternity into which all men must enter, when they go out of time. II. That we should eye eternity, and look at eternal things. III. That this looking ought to have an influence upon us in all that we do. / By Tho. Doolittle. ; [Three lines from Matthew] Boston, N.E. : Printed by John Allen, for Eleazer Phillips under the south-side of the Exchange in Kings-Street., 1709. Massachusetts 1709
The map of man's misery. Or, The poor man's pocket-book: : Being a perpetual almanack of spiritual meditations: or compleat directory for one endless week. ... Containing many useful instructions, exhortations and prayers, with precious remedies against Satan's devices; plainly shewing every Christian so to walk, that he may please God. Boston, : Printed by T.G. [Timothy Green] for [B.] Eliot., [ca. 1710?] Massachusetts 1710
Meditations on the sanctification of the Lord's Day: and on the judgments which attend the profanation of it. : To which is added, Seasonable meditations both for winter and summer. / By I. Mather, D.D. ; [Seven lines of quotations] Boston, : Printed and sold by Timothy Green, in Middle Street,, 1712. Massachusetts 1712
Meditations on the sanctification of the Lord's Day: and on the judgments which attend the profanation of it. : To which is added, Seasonable meditations both for winter and summer. / By I. Mather, D.D. ; [Seven lines of quotations] Boston, : Printed by T. Green, for and sold by Daniel Henchman, in King Street., 1712. Massachusetts 1712
Practical religion exemplify'd : in the lives of Mrs. Mary Terry, who died Decemb. 8th. 1708. In the eighteenth year of her age. And Mrs. Clissould. Who departed this life the 12th of Decemb. 1711. In the twenty ninth year of her age. / By Thomas Reynolds. ; Recommended by Increase Mather, D.D. [Boston] : London, printed 1712. Reprinted at Boston in N.E. by John Allen, for Timothy Green, at his shop in Middle-Street., 1713. Massachusetts 1713
Five sermons: : viz. The first on Septemb. 30. 1711. From Psal. 73. 1. Being the last deliver'd in the Old Meeting-House, which was burnt, October 2d. 1711. : The second from Lam. 3. 51. At the South Meeting-House in Boston, on Octob. 7. 1711. Being the first Lords-Day after the fire. : The third on Decemb. 18. 1711. From Psal. 26. 8. Being on a fast, kept by the Old Church: occasion'd by the burning of their meeting-house. : The fourth on May 3. 1713. From Hag. 2. 9. Being the first in the Brick Meeting-House, where the former was burnt. : The fifth on Nov. 12. 1713. From Zech. 4. 7. A thanksgiving sermon, for God's goodness in providing a new meeting-house for the Old Church. : With a preface, giving some account of the fire, Octob. 2. 1711. / By Benjamin Wadsworth, A.M. Pastor of a church in Boston, N.E. ; [One line from Psalms] Boston, N.E. : Printed by J. Allen for Benj. Eliot, at the north-side of the Town-House., 1714. Massachusetts 1714
Acts and laws passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of Her Majesties province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New England, : begun and held at Boston upon Wednesday the twenty-sixth day of May, 1714. [Boston : Printed by Bartholomew Green, 1714] Massachusetts 1714
Sacramental exercises or, The Christian's employment, before, at, and after the Lords Supper. / By Jabez Earle. Boston: : Re-printed by T. Fleet, for Samuel Gerrish, on the north-side of the Town-House,, 1715. Massachusetts 1715
Meat out of the eater: or, Meditations concerning the necessity, end, and usefulness of afflictions unto God's children. : All tending to prepare them for, and comfort them under the cross. / By Michael Wigglesworth. ; Corrected and amended by the author, in the year 1703. Boston, : Printed by J. Allen, for D. Henchmam [sic], at his shop over against the Brick Church., 1717. Massachusetts 1717
Shipped by the grace of God in good order and well conditioned, by [blank] in and upon the good ship called the [blank] whereof is master under God for this present voyage [blank]... [Boston? : s.n., 1719?] Massachusetts 1719
Grand jurors duty considered. Boston: : Printed for John Eliot, and sold at his shop, the south end of the town., 1724. Massachusetts 1724
A confession of faith, : owned and consented unto by the elders and messengers of the churches assembled at Boston in New-England, May 12. 1680. Being the second session of that Synod. : [Three lines of Scripture texts] Boston: : Printed for B. Eliot and D. Henchman,, 1725. Massachusetts 1725
An alarm to unconverted sinners: : in a serious treatise. Shewing I. What conversion is not, and correcting some mistakes about it. II. What conversion is, and wherein it consisteth. III. The necessity of conversion. IV. The marks of the unconverted. V. The miseries of the unconverted. VI. Directions for conversion. VII. Motives to conversion. : Whereunto is annex'd, Divers practical cases of conscience judiciously resolv'd. / By Joseph Alleine, late Minister of the Gospel at Taunton in Somersetshire. Boston in New England: : Re-printed by J. Draper for Daniel Henchman, at his shop over against the Brick Meeting House in Cornhill., 1727. Massachusetts 1727
An Appendix to the confession of faith of the Christians, called, Mennonists. : Giving a short and full account of them; because of the immagination [sic] of the newness of our religion, the weapon and revengeless Christendom, and its being. / Published formerly in the Low-Dutch, and translated out of the same into High-Dutch, and out of that into the English language, 1725. Philadelphia: : Printed by Andrew Bradford,, in the year, 1727. Pennsylvania 1727
Indian converts: or, Some account of the lives and dying speeches of a considerable number of the Christianized Indians of Martha's Vineyard, in New-England. : Viz. I. Of godly ministers. II. Of other good men. III. Of religious women. IV. Of pious young persons. / By Experience Maynew, M.A. Preacher of the Gospel to the Indians of that island. ; To which is added, some account of those English ministers who have successively presided over the Indian work in that and the adjacent lands. By Mr. Prince. ; [Seven lines of Scripture texts] London, : Printed for Samuel Gerrish, bookseller in Boston in New-England; and sold by J. Osborn and T. Longman in Pater-noster Row,, M.DCC.XXVII. [1727] England 1727
The precious blood of the son of God, : shed without the gates of Jerusalem, for the redemption of lost and undone sinners: : whereby his great love to mankind, is undeniably manifested, in these following particulars; his agony in the garden; being betray'd by Judas; being falsly accused before Annas, Caiaphas, Herod, and Pilate; his being scourged, scorned, and spitefully used; his condemnation and going to execution; how he was crucified; of his being reviled, and pardoning the thief upon the cross; of his giving up the ghost. : All which is practically applyed and improved, for the bringing of sinners out of the way of sin and Hell, into wisdom's ways, whose ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. / By that eminent divine, Mr. John Hayward. Boston: : Printed for B. Gray, at the head of the town dock., 1728. Massachusetts 1728
Seven sermons: : viz. I. Of the unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost: or, The sin unto death. II. The saint's duty & exercise: in two parts: being an exhortation to, & direction for prayer. III. The accepted time and day of salvation. IV. The end of time, and beginning of eternity. V. Joshua's resolution to serve the Lord. VI. The way to Heaven made plain. VII. The future state of man: or, A treatise of the resurrection. / By Robert Russel, at Wadhurst, in Sussex. Boston: : Reprinted for Nicholas Boone, at the sign of the Bible, in Cornhill., 1728. Massachusetts 1728
A philosophical discourse concerning the mutability and changes of the material world; : read to the students of Harvard-College, April 7, 1731. Upon the news of the death of Thomas Hollis, Esq; of London, the most bountiful benefactor to that society. / By Isaac Greenwood, A.M. Hollisian professor of philosophy and mathematicks. Made public, at the desire of the Reverend the president and fellows of that society. Boston in New-England: : Printed for S. Gerrish, at the lower end of Cornhil., MDCCXXXI. [1731] Massachusetts 1731
These presents witness: : that we who have hereunto subscribed, do promise as neighbours and friends to each other, that in case it should please Almighty God to permit the breaking out of fire in Boston (where we live) that then we will help each other ... and ... we agree to the following articles, viz. [Boston : s.n., 1734] Massachusetts 1734
The danger of perverting the Gospel of Christ, : represented in a sermon preach'd before the Commission of the Synod at Philadelphia. April 20th, 1735. / By R. Cross. A.M. Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Jamaica. New-York. : Printed by John Peter Zenger,, 1735. New York (State) 1735
A relation of some remarkable deaths among the children at Haverhil under the late distemper in the throat. : With the address to the bereaved. / By John Brown, M.A. Minister of the Gospel there. ; [Five lines from Matthew] Boston: : Printed by S Kneeland and T. Green, for D. Henchman in Cornhill., 1737. Massachusetts 1737
Divine songs attempted in easy language for the use of children. / By I. Watts. ; [Two lines from Matthew] Boston: N.E. : Re-printed by J. Draper, for T. Hancock in Ann-Street., 1738. Massachusetts 1738
Ein schön geistlich Lied. [Germantown, Pa. : Gedruckt bey Christoph Saur?, between 1739 and 1758] Pennsylvania 1739
Evangelical and saving repentance, flowing from a sense of the dying love of Christ distinguished from a legal sorrow. : In a sermon from Zech. XII. 10. Preach'd at Newton, August 9th, 1741. / By Nathanael Appleton, A.M. Pastor of the Church of Christ in Cambridge. ; [Seven lines of Scripture texts] Boston: : Printed and sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green in Queenstreet, and S Eliot in Cornhill., 1741. Massachusetts 1741
The beauty of the covenant of grace unvailed [sic]. : A sermon deliver'd at Thompson in Kellingley, Nov. 30. 1740. Soon after the death of three of his children. / By Marston Cabot. ; [Nine lines of quotation] Boston: : Printed by S. Kneeland and T. Green, for J. Eliot, in Orange-Street,, 1741. Massachusetts 1741
Samuel Güldins gewesenen Predigers in der Haupt-Kirchen zu Bern in der Schweitz sein unpartheyisches Zeugnüss ueber die neue Vereinigung aller Religions-Partheyen in Pen-Sylvanien. : Wie auch von andern nöthigen Puncten wie die Vorrede und Register ausweisen. : [Two lines from 1 Corinthians] [Germany?] : Gedruckt bey Christoph Saur in Germantown., 1744. Germany 1744
A collection of sermons on several subjects. / Preach'd, some by the Rev. Ebenezer Erskine, M.A. Minister of the Gospel at Stirling; and others by the Rev. Ralph Erskine, M.A. Minister of the Gospel at Dumfermline, and author of the Gospel-sonnets. ; With a preface by the Rev. Mr. Thomas Bradbury. Boston: : Printed by Rogers and Fowle for J. Blanchard at the Bible and Crown in Dock-Square., 1744. Massachusetts 1744
A chart of Canada River [cartographic material] : from ye island of Anticosty as far up as Quebeck, ye islands, locks, shoals, & soundings as they appear at low water. [Boston] : Engraven, printed and sold by Thos. Johnston Boston New England., 1746. Massachusetts 1746
A summary, historical and political, of the first planting, progressive improvements, and present state of the British settlements in North-America: : with some transient accounts of the bordering French and Spanish settlements. / By W.D. M.D. ; [Vol. 1] No. 1[-36; Vol. 2, No. 1-26]. ; To be continued. Boston: : Printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle in Queen-Street, next to the prison., 1747[-1752]. Massachusetts 1747
Some select cases resolved. : Specially, tending to the right ordering of the heart, that we may comfortably walk with God in our general and particular callings: &c. : In a letter to a pious friend in England. / By Thomas Shepard, M.A. formerly of Emmanuel College in Cambridge in England: afterward Minister of Cambridge in New-England. ; Corrected by four several editions. Boston: : Printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle in Queen-Street., 1747. Massachusetts 1747
Map no. II [cartographic material] : laid down by a scale of five miles to an inch. / Engrav'd by James Turner near the Town House Boston NE. Where all sorts of engraving are done after the best manner and at the most reasonable rates. [Boston : s.n., 1747] Massachusetts 1747
[Poor Will's almanack, for the year of Christian account, 1749 / by William Birkett] [Philadelphia : Printed by William Bradford, 1748] Pennsylvania 1748
Die Schule der Weisheit I.ter Theil in Poësie, : als das hoch-teutsche A.B.C. vor Schüler und Meister in Israel. [Ephrata, Pa.? : Druck der Brüderschaft?], Gedruckt im Jahr 1748. Pennsylvania 1748
Aristotle's compleat masterpiece. : In three parts: displaying the secrets of nature in the generation of man. Regularly digested into chapters and sections, rendering it far more useful and easy than any yet extant. : To which is added, A treasure of health; or, The family physician; being choice and approved remedies for all the several distempers incident to human bodies. [United States?] : Printed for, and sold by the booksellers,, 1748. United States 1748
A short history of a long travel, from Babylon, to Bethel. / Written the 9th month, 1691. [Philadelphia] : London: printed and sold by F. Sowle and re-printed by Cornelia Bradford in Philadelphia,, 1749. Pennsylvania 1749
A speech on the occasion of Col. Lothrop's death, : delivered at the opening of the Court of Common-Pleas at Plymouth, on the 15th of May 1750. / By Nicholas Sever, Esq; chief justice of said court. ; And made publick at the request of the gentlemen at the bar. Boston: : Printed by D. Fowle,, 1750. Massachusetts 1750
To His Excellency Edwd. Cornwallis Esq. governour &c of His Majesty's province of Nova Scotia in American &c. [cartographic material] / this map of the province of Nova Scotia and parts adjacent is humbly presented by Yor. Excellency's most obedient and humble servant James Turner. [Boston] : Engraved printed & sold  by James Turner near the Town House Boston New England., [ca. 1750] Massachusetts 1750
Pennsylvania ss. By the Proprietaries. : Whereas [blank] of the county of [blank] hath requested that we would grant [blank] to take up [blank] acres of land more or less, adjoining [blank] in the said county of [blank] for which [blank] agrees to pay to our use at the rate of fifteen pounds ten shillings, current money of this province, for one hundred acres, [blank] and the yearly quit-rent of one half-penny sterling for every acre thereof [blank] These are therefore to authorise and require you to survey or cause to be surveyed unto the said [blank] at the place aforesaid, according to the method of townships appointed, the said quantity of [blank] acres, if not already surveyed or appropriated, and make return thereof into the secretary's office, in order for further confirmation; for which this shall be your sufficient warrant: which survey, in case the said [blank] fulfil the above agreement within six months from date hereof, shall be valid, otherwise void. Given under my hand and seal of the Land-Office, by virtue of certain powers from the said Proprietaries at Philadelphia, this [blank] day of [blank] anno Dom. 175[blank] To Nicholas Scull, surveyor general. To [blank] deputy surveyor. Execute the above warrant, and make return thereof into my office. [Philadelphia : s.n., between 1750 and 1755] Pennsylvania 1750
A token for children, : being an exact account of the conversion, holy and exemplary lives and joyful deaths of several young children. / By James Janeway, Minister of the Gospel. ; To which is added, A token for the children of New-England. Or, Some examples of children, in whom the fear of God was remarkably budding before they died; in several parts of New-England. Preserved and published for the encouragement of piety in other children. ; With new additions. Boston, in New-England: : Printed and sold by S. Kneeland in Queenstreet., 1752. Massachusetts 1752
[Blank] County in South-Carolina. ss. By [blank] Esq; one of His Majesty's justices of the peace for the county aforesaid. : To any lawful constable of the said county. These are, in His Majesty's name, to command you, that of the goods and chattels of [blank] you cause to be levied the sum of current money ... to be rendered to the said [blank] for h[blank] debt, costs and charges aforesaid, and have there this warrant. Given under my hand and seal, the [blank] day of [blank] anno Domini 17[blank] and it the [blank] year of His Majesty's reign. [Charleston, S.C.] : Printed by Robert Wells., [between 1753 and 1774] South Carolina 1753
A short history of a long travel; from Babylon to Bethel. : Written in the ninth month, 1691. [Philadelphia] : London: printed. Philadelphia: reprinted and sold by James Chattin, in Church-Alley., 1754. Pennsylvania 1754
An astronomical diary: or, An almanack for the year of our Lord Christ, 1755. : ... Calculated for the meridian of New-London, New England, lat. of 41 deg. north. / By James Davis. ; [Ten lines of verse] New-London [Conn.], : Printed & sold by T. and J. Green,, 1755. Connecticut 1754
The Life and death of Riches and Poverty: or, The ready way to true content. : A pleasant discourse, shewing how inconsistent Riches is with Piety usually, and how opposite Poverty is often. : With the happy agreement of Honest Labour, Real Godliness, and Soul-Content. : [Four lines of verse] Philadelphia, : Printed and sold by W. Bradford, at the Sign of the Bible, in Second-Street., MDCCLIV. [1754] Pennsylvania 1754
Das Kinder-Büchlein in den Brüder-Gemeinen. Gedruckt zu Germanton : bey Christoph Saur., 1755. Pennsylvania 1755
To learn to sing, observe these rules. [Boston] : Engrav'd printed & sold by Thomas Johnston Brattle Street Boston, 1755. Massachusetts 1755
To learn to sing, observe these rules. [Boston] : Engrav'd printed & sold by Thomas Johnston Brattle Street Boston, 1755. Massachusetts 1755
To learn to sing, observe these rules. [Boston] : Engrav'd printed & sold by Thos. Johnston Boston N.E. ..., [ca. 1755?] Massachusetts 1755
A new version of the Psalms of David: : fitted to the tunes used in churches. / By N. Brady, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq. Poet-Laureate to His Majesty. Boston; New England: : Re-printed by Green and Russell, in Queen-Street, for J. Edwards, in Cornhill., M.DCC.LVII [i.e., 1758]. Massachusetts 1758
Hutchins's almanack, or ephemeris, for the year of Christian account, 1759. : ... Calculated for the vertex of the province of New-York ... / By John Nathan Hutchins, teacher of the mathematicks in New-York. New-York: : Printed and sold by Hugh Gaine, at the Bible and Crown, in Hanover-Square, near the Meal-Market., [1758] New York (State) 1758
A genuine account of the late grand expedition to the coast of France, : under the conduct of the Admirals Hawke, Knowles, and Broderick, General Mordaunt, &c. To which is added, several humorous songs, epigrams, &c. wrote on the mock-expedition, French-fright, &c. / By a volunteer in the said expedition. ; [Four lines of quotations] [New York] : London, printed: New-York: re-printed and sold by Parker and Weyman, at the New-Printing-Office, in Beaver-Street. (Price six-pence), [1758] New York (State) 1758
Acts and laws, passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England: : begun and held at Boston, upon Wednesday the thirty-first day of May 1758. [Boston : Printed by S. Kneeland, 1758] Massachusetts 1758
I [blank] do acknowledge to have voluntarily enlisted myself as a private soldier to serve His Majesty King George the Second, in a company of foot to be raised for a general invasion of Canada. : As witness my hand this [blank] day of [blank] in the year of our Lord 1758. ... [Boston? : s.n., 1758] Massachusetts 1758
The religious remembrancer: : being a serious address to the Christian world, on the great subjects of real and practical religion. / By the Reverend Mr. Jones. ; [Eight lines from Titus] ; Courteous reader, If these weighty considerations do not seem (to you) to be worth the small price put on them, for your soul's good, pray keep them clean, and return them when called for. [Boston] : Re-printed [by Benjamin Mecom?] at Boston in New-England, from the London edition. 1759. Price four-pence single, three shillings per dozen, and twenty-four shillings by the hundred, to those who buy them to give away., [1759] Massachusetts 1759
Neu-eingerichteter americanischer Geschichts und Haus-Calender, auf das Jahr nach der gnadenreichen Geburt unsers Herrn und Heylandes Jesu Christi 1760. : ... Eingerichtet auf den 40sten Grad Norder-Breite, sonderlich vor Pennsylvanien, doch auch in den angräntzenden Landen ohne sonderlichen Unterscheid [sic] zu gebrauchen. : Zum Siebentenmahl ans Licht gegeben. Philadelphia, : Gedruckt und zu finden in der Teutschen Buchdruckerey in der Räs-Strasse daselbst, imgleichen bey Peter Müller, wie auch bey den auswärtigen Krämern., [1759] Pennsylvania 1759
The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament, and apply'd to the Christian state and worship. / By I. Watts, D.D. [Boston] : London, printed 1755. Boston, N.E. Printed and sold by S. Kneeland, in Queen-Street., 1759. Massachusetts 1759
An astronomical diary, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord Christ, 1760. : ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston, in New-England, latitude 42 degrees 25 minutes north. / By Roger Sherman. ; [Ten lines of verse] Boston: : Printed for D. Henchman, J. Edwards, M. Dennis, J. Winter, T. Leverett, and S. Webb., 1760 [i.e., 1759?]. Massachusetts 1759
To His Excellency Edwd. Cornwallis Esq. governour &c of His Majesty's province of Nova Scotia in American &c. [cartographic material] / this map of the province of Nova Scotia and parts adjacent is humbly presented by Yor. Excellency's most obedient and humble servant James Turner. [Philadelphia] : Engraved printed & sold by James Turner in Arch Street Philadelphia, [1759] Pennsylvania 1759
Col. Choate's reasons of dissent from the judgment of a council, in a controversy respecting some doctrines advanced by the Revd Mr. Bacheller of Haverhill. [Portsmouth, N.H.] : Printed and sold by D. Fowle at Portsmouth., 1760. New Hampshire 1760
The history of North-America, from the first discovery thereof: : vol. I. : Published piece-meal in the New American magazine, from January 1758, to March 1760; and designed to be continued in several volumes down to the present time in the same manner; but for want of suitable encouragement, the remaining volumes are suspended, together with the said magazine. / By Sylvanus Americanus. Woodbridge, in New-Jersey: : Printed by James Parker, where complete sets of the above mentioned magazines may be had., MDCCLX. [1760] New Jersey 1760
A new version of the Psalms of David: : fitted to the tunes used in churches. / By N. Brady, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq; Poet-Laureat to His Majesty. Boston; New-England: : Re-printed by D. and J. Kneeland, in Queen-Street, for Samuel Webb, in Ann-Street., M.DCC.LX. [1760] Massachusetts 1760
Heaven upon earth; or, The best friend in the worst times. : Being an earnest exhortation to get acquainted with God, as the only way to real good and blessedness. / By James Janeway. [Boston] : Sold by Benjamin Mecom, at the new-printing office, near the Town-House, in Boston,, [1760] Massachusetts 1760
New-York, November 25, 1760. Advertisement. : To be let, the island called Hoobock, in New-Jersey, directly opposite the city of New-York, lying on Hudson's River, containing between seven and eight hundred acres ... Any person inclining to hire the same, may apply to William Bayard, living in New-York, and if they agree, enter into it this fall. ... [New York : s.n., 1760] New York (State) 1760
A Full relation of the wonderful appearance of an angel, in the Parish-Church of Gainsbury, in Lincolnshire, on Christmas-Day last, in the morning.-- : From whom was obtain'd a prophecy of things that should come to pass in Europe; but more especially in England and France: the first of which kingdoms is threatned [sic] with several judgments, on account of their great misimprovement of peculiar privileges:-- whilst the latter, notwithstanding their endeavours to become great, will be totally destroyed by discord among themselves, &c. &c. : The whole being a loud call to repentance. : Printed at the request of the parishoners. [Boston] : Printed and sold [by Fowle & Draper] at the printing-office in Marlborough-Street, Boston. (Price 4 coppers single.), [1761] Massachusetts 1761
Neu-eingerichteter americanischer Geschichts und Haus-Calender, auf das Jahr nach der gnadenreichen Geburt unsers Herrn und Heylandes Jesu Christi 1762. : ... Eingerichtet auf den 40sten Grad Norder-Breite, sonderlich vor Pennsylvanien, doch auch in den angränzenden Landen ohne sonderlichen Unterscheid [sic] zu gebrauchen. : Zum Neuntenmahl ans Licht gegeben. Philadelphia, : Gedruckt und zu finden in der Teutschen Buchdruckerey in der Räs-Strasse, daselbst, imgleichen bey P. Müller, wie auch bey den auswärtigen Krämern., [1761] Pennsylvania 1761
The polite philosopher: or, An essay on that art, which makes a man happy in himself, and agreeable to others. [Boston] : London: printed. Boston; New-England: re-printed by Z. Fowle and S. Draper, for A. Butler, near the conduit, in Anne-Street., M.DCC.LXII. [1762] Massachusetts 1762
The death of Abel. : In five books. / Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner. [Philadelphia] : London, printed, Philadelphia, re-printed, by W. Bradford,, MDCCLXII. [1762] Pennsylvania 1762
Catechismus, oder Kurtzer Unterricht christlicher Lehre, : wie derselbe in denen Reformirten Kirchen und Schulen der Chur-fürstlichen Pfaltz, auch anderwerts, getrieben wird. : Mit Zeugnissen der heiligen Schrift erklärt und bestätigt. : Nach vorhergegangener Collation mit den alten Exemplarien. Philadelphia. : Gedruckt bey Peter Miller und Comp., M,D,CC,LXII. [1762] Pennsylvania 1762
A new version of the Psalms of David : fitted to the tunes used in churches. / By N. Brady, D.D Chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq; Poet-Laureat to His Majesty. Boston: : Printed by D. and J. Kneeland, for Thomas Leverett, in Corn-hill., MDCCLXIII. [1763] Massachusetts 1763
The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament, and apply'd to the Christian state and worship. / By I. Watts, D.D. Boston, N.E. : Printed by D. & J. Kneeland, in Queen-Street, for Thomas Leverett, in Corn-Hill., MDCCLXIII. [1763] Massachusetts 1763
Appendix, containing a number of hymns, / taken chiefly from Dr. Watts's scriptural collection. ; [One line from Revelation] Boston: : Printed [by D. and J. Kneeland?] for the Company of Stationers, 1763. Massachusetts 1763
The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament, and apply'd to the Christian state and worship. / By I. Watts, D.D. Boston: : Printed and sold by Daniel and John Kneeland, opposite to the Probate Office, in Queen-Street., MDCCLXIII. [1763] Massachusetts 1763
De Americaanse Almanak, voor het Jaar na Christi geboorte 1765. : ... Volgens Kunst uytgerekent, en gepast Voor, de Provintie van Niew-York, Dog kan zonder merkelyk verschil voor de naburige Provintien dienin. / Door Roger More, philadespot. [Three lines of verse] Nieuw-York: : Gedruckt et te koop by J. Parker, en J. Holt, in de Nieuwe Druckery, by te Exchange., [1764] New York (State) 1764
A new version of the Psalms of David : fitted to the tunes used in churches. / By N. Brady, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq. Poet-Laureate, to His Majesty. Boston: N.E. : Printed by J. Kneeland, and S. Adams, in Milk-Street, for John Perkins, in Union-Street, near the Market., 1765. Massachusetts 1765
The trial of spirits, both in teachers and hearers. : Wherein is set forth the clear discovery, and certain downfal, of the carnal and anti-Christian clergy of these nations. Testified from the word of God, to the university congregation in Cambridge. / By William Dell, Minister of the Gospel, and master of Gonvil and Caius College in Cambridge. [Hartford] : London: first printed in the year 1666. Hartford: re-printed by T. Green., 1766. Connecticut 1766
Strange account of the rising and breaking of a great bubble. [Boston? : s.n.] Printed and sold at my office, at the sign of the Tree of Liberty, on Sagadohock-River,, 1766. Massachusetts 1766
A new version of the Psalms of David : fitted to the tunes used in churches. / By N. Brady, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Esq; Poet-Laureat to His Majesty. Boston: N.E. : Printed and sold by J. Kneeland, and S. Adams, in Milk-Street., MDCCLXVI. [1766] Massachusetts 1766
[A new version of the Psalms of David: : fitted to the tunes used in churches. / By N. Brady, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary, and N. Tate, Poet-Laureate to His Majesty] [Boston? : Printed by Daniel Kneeland?, 1766?] Massachusetts 1766
An astronomical diary; or almanack for the year of Christian aera, 1767. : ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston, New-England, lat. 42. deg. 25 min. north: but may indifferently serve any part of New-England. / By Nathanael Low. A student in physick and astronomy. ; [Eleven lines of verse] Boston: : Printed [by D. Kneeland and Kneeland & Adams] for, and sold by John Perkins in Union-Street., 1767 [i.e., 1766]. Massachusetts 1766
A discourse on the greatness, and praise of the Lord, / composed and delivered, by Gerrit Lydekker, A.B. New-York, : Printed by Samuel Brown, at the foot of Potbaker's-Hill, between the New-Dutch Church, and Fly-Market., 1766. New York (State) 1766
Thursday, January 9, 1766. Numb. 1201. The New-York gazette; or, The weekly post-boy. : With the freshest advices, foreign and domestic. The united voice of all His Majesty's free and loyal subjects in America,--Liberty and property, and no stamps. [New York : Printed by John Holt, 1766] New York (State) 1766
[The Wilmington almanack, or ephemeries, for the year of our Lord, 1768 ... / By Thomas Fox, philom.] [Wilmington, Del. : Printed and sold by James Adams, 1767] Delaware 1767
Acts and laws, passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England: : January 1766 [i.e., 1767]. Boston: : Printed by Richard Draper, and Green and Russell, printers to the government., 1767. Massachusetts 1767
The royal melody complete: or The new harmony of Zion. : Containing I. A new and correct introduction to the grounds of musick, rudimental, practical and technical. II. A new and complete body of church-musick, adapted to the most select portions of the Book of Psalms, of either versions; with many fuging chorus's, and Gloria Patri's to the whole. III. A new and select number of hymns, anthems, and canons, suited to several occasions; and many of them never before printed; set by the greatest masters in the world. : The whole are composed in two, three, four, and five musical parts, according to the nicest rules; consisting of solo's, fuges, and chorus's, correctly set in score for voices or organ; and fitted for all teachers, learners, and musical societies, &c. with a preface on church-musick, shewing the beauty and excellency thereof. / By William Tans'ur, Senior, musico theorico. ; [Two lines from Psalms] Boston: : Printed and sold by W. M'Alpine, almost mid-way betwixt the governor's and Dr. Gardener's, Marlborough-Street; also, sold by D. Bayley at Newbury-Port; and M. Williams at Salem., MDCCLXVII. [1767 or 1768] Massachusetts 1767
A letter to the unconverted. : [Five lines of Scripture texts] New-York: : Printed and sold by James Parker, at the new-printing-office, in Beaver-Street., M,DCC,LXVIII. [1768] New York (State) 1768
An account of the endeavours used by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, to instruct the Negroe slaves in New York. : Together with two of Bp. Gibson's letters on that subject. : Being an extract from Dr. Humphreys's Historical account of the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, from its foundation to the year 1728. Printed at London in 1730. [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1768?] Pennsylvania 1768
The royal melody compleat: or The new harmony of Sion. : Containing I. A new and correct, introduction to the grounds of musick, rudimental, practical, and technical. II. A new and compleat body of church-musick, adapted to the most select portions of the Book of Psalms, of either version; with many fuging chorus's, &c. III. A new and select, number of hymns, anthems, and canons, suited to several occasions; and many of them never before printed: set by the greatest masters in the world. : The whole being composed in two, three, four, five, six, and seven musical parts, according to the nicest rules; consisting of solo's, fuges, and chorus's, correctly set in score, for voices, or organs: and fitted for all teachers, learners, and musical societies, &c. / By William Tans'ur, Senior; musico theorico.-- ; To which is added, a variety of favourite psalm and hymn tunes, and one new anthem, from Williams's Psalmody. ; [Two lines from Psalms] [Newburyport, Mass.] : Printed for, and sold by Daniel Bayley, at his house next door to St. Paul's-Church, Newbury-Port., 1768. Massachusetts 1768
A plan of the west line or Parallel of latitude. [cartographic material] : Which is the boundary between the provinces of Maryland and Pensylvania. / J. Smither sculps.t. [Philadelphia : Robert Kennedy, 1768] Pennsylvania 1768
A plan of the boundary lines between the province of Maryland and the three lower counties on Delaware [cartographic material] : with part of the parallel of latitude which is the boundary between the provinces of Maryland and Pennsylvania. [Philadelphia : Robert Kennedy, 1768] Pennsylvania 1768
A serious poem on various subjects, written for the perusal of children. / By Ebenezer Dayton, school-master in Newport, Rhode-Island. [Newport, R.I.?] : Printed [by Solomon Southwick?] for the author., 1769. Rhode Island 1769
The American harmony, or, Universal psalmodist. : Containing a choice and valuable collection of psalm and hymn-tunes; canons and anthems; with words adapted to each tune. The whole composed in a new and easy taste, for two, three and four voices; in the most familier [sic] keys and cliffs:--calculated to promote and improve this most excellent part of social worship; and render it both useful and delightful; in quires, as well as in congregations in the country. / By A. Williams, teacher of psalmody, in London. ; To which is added, a variety of favourite hymn tunes and anthems; collected from the latest, and most celebrated authors; carefully set in score, and neatly engraved. [Newburyport, Mass.] : Printed and sold by Daniel Bayley, at his house, next door St. Paul's Church, Newbury-Port:-- Sold also by the booksellers in Boston., 1769. Massachusetts 1769
The Baptist confession of faith: : first put forth in 1643 ; afterwards enlarged, collected and published by an assembly of delegates (from the churches in Great Britain) met in London July 3, 1689; adopted by the association at Philadelphia September 22, 1742; and now received by churches of the same denomination in most of the american colonies. : Two which is added, a short treatise of discipline. Philadelphia, : printed by A[ ]t Armbruster in Race-street,, 1769. Pennsylvania 1769
A Warning to youth, : from a fellow youth, who died when he was near 23 years old, yet now speaketh with an earnest call, as in Colossians iii. 1.--"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things that are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affections on things above, on things on the earth." [Providence? : s.n., 1769?] Rhode Island 1769
The New-England psalter: or, Psalms of David: : with the Proverbs of Solomon, and Christ's Sermon on the mount. : Being an introduction for the training up children in the reading of the Holy Scriptures. Boston: : Printed and sold by William M'Alpine, about mid-way between the governor's and Dr. Gardiner's, Marlborough Street., 1770. Massachusetts 1770
Poor Will's pocket almanack, for the year 1771; : fitted to the use of Pennsylvania, and the neighbouring provinces. Containing, a great variety of useful lists and tables. Philadelphia: : Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank, in Third-Street. Also sold wholesale and retail, by Isaac Collins, printer, in Burlington, N. Jersey., [1770] Pennsylvania 1770
[The New England primer.] [Boston? : Printed by T. and J. Fleet?, 177-?] Massachusetts 1770
A Wonderful dream / by Dr. Watts. [United States : s.n., ca. 1770?] United States 1770
Mathematical tables, for the instruction of children. [New York? : Printed by Hugh Gaine?, 177-?] New York (State) 1770
Auszug eines evangelischen Gesang-Büchleins : als ein Neu-Jahrs Present für die Kinder zum Eintrit des Gnaden-Jahrs unsers Herrn und Heylandes Jesu Christi, 1771. [Ephrata, Pa.? : Druck der Brüderschaft?, 1770] Pennsylvania 1770
A new version of the Psalms of David, : fitted to the tunes used in churches. / By N. Brady, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary. And N. Tate, Esq; Poet-Laureat to His Majesty. Boston: : Printed and sold by John Boyles, in Marlborough-Street., 1771. Massachusetts 1771
Divine songs, attempted in easy language, for the use of children. / By I. Watts, D.D. ; [Two lines from Matthew] Boston: : Printed for and sold by John Perkins in Union Street., MDCCLXXI. [1771] Massachusetts 1771
Hymns and spiritual songs. : In three books; I. Collected from the Scriptures. II. Compos'd on divine subjects. III. Prepar'd for the Lord's Supper. / By I. Watts, D.D. Boston: : Printed by Daniel Kneeland, for John Perkins in Union-Street, near the conduit., M,DCC,LXXI. [1771] Massachusetts 1771
The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament, and apply'd to the Christian state and worship. / By I. Watts, D.D. Philadelphia: : Printed by William & Thomas Bradford, at the London Coffee-House., M.DCC.LXXI. [1771] Pennsylvania 1771
To Friends at their several quarterly-meetings. : Dear Friends and brethren, Tho' the following minute of our last yearly-meeting, has already, we apprehend, been communicated to you ... [Philadelphia? : Printed by Joseph Crukshank?, 1771] Pennsylvania 1771
Hymns and spiritual songs, : in three books: I. Collected from the Scriptures. II. Compos'd on divine subjects. III. Prepar'd for the Lord's Supper. / By Isaac Watts, D.D. Boston : Printed and Sold by William M'Alpine in Marlborough-Street,, M,DCC,LXXII. [1772] Massachusetts 1771
Thomas Hutchinson, Esquire; captain-general and governor in chief, in and over His Majesty's province of Massachusetts-Bay ... : To [blank] greeting. By virtue of the power and authority in and by His Majesty's royal commission to me granted ... I do by these presents ... constitute and appoint you the said [blank] ... Given under my hand and seal at arms at Boston, the [blank] day of [blank] in the [blank] year of the reign  of His Majesty King George the Third, annoque Domini, 177[blank]. [Boston : s.n., 1771?] Massachusetts 1771
Scripture songs: : being a translation and paraphrase of several passages in Sacred Scripture. / Collected and prepared by a committee appointed by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland: and by acts of different assemblies transmitted to presbyteries for their considerations. Boston: : Printed and sold by W. M'Alpine, in Marlborough-Street., M'DCC,LXXII. [1772] Massachusetts 1772
The law of crimes and misdemeanors. : With the means of their prevention and punishment. Exhibiting, the pleas of the state against the offenders of society, under the following heads. I. The general nature of crimes and punishments. II. The persons capable of committing crimes. III. Their several degrees of guilt, as principals or accessories. IV. The several species of crimes, with the punishment annexed to each by the law. V. The means of preventing the perpetration of crimes. VI. The method of inflicting those punishments, which the law has annexed to each several crime and misdemeanor. : Containing a valuable code of criminal law; being the complete book, of the celebrated Judge Blackstone's commentaries on public wrongs. Philadelphia: : Printed and sold by Robert Bell, in Third-Street., MDCCLXXII. [1772] Pennsylvania 1772
Hoch-deutsches lutherisches A B C und Namen Büchlein, : für Kinder, welche anfangen zu lernen. Germantown [Pa.]. : Gedruckt und zu finden bey Christoph Saur., 1772. Pennsylvania 1772
The substance of a few expressions delivered by Samuel Fothergill : to some of his relations, when they took leave of him, previous to their setting out for the Yearly Meeting in London, viz. [United States? : s.n., 1772] Pennsylvania 1772
The Albany almanack and ephemeris of the motions of the sun and moon; the true places and aspects of the planets; the rising and setting of the sun, and the rising, setting and southing of the moon, for the year of our Lord 1773. ... / By Thomas More, philom. Albany: : Printed and sold by Alexander and James Robertson, at their printing-office in Pearl-Street: where may be had, the Albany pocket almanack., [1772] New York (State) 1772
A Collection of religious tracts. : [Twelve lines from Swedenborg] Philadelphia: : Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Third-Street, opposite the work-house., M,DCC,LXXIII. [1773] Pennsylvania 1773
Horsemanship, by Mr. Bates, : the original, who has had the honor of performing before the Emperor of Germany ... On Tuesday next the 28th. of September instant, if good weather, if not, on the Friday following, at the bottom of the Mall, in Boston, he will perform on one, two, three, and four horses, a variety of manly exercises never seen here ... [Boston : s.n., 1773] Massachusetts 1773
A sermon, preached at the execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, : who was executed at New-Haven, on the 2d of September, 1772, for the murder of Mr. Moses Cook, late of Waterbury, on the 7th of December, 1771. : Preached at the desire of said Paul. / By Samson Occom, Minister of the Gospel, and missionary to the Indians. Boston: : Printed and sold by John Boyles, in Marlborough-Street., 1773. Massachusetts 1773
Copy of letters sent to Great-Britain, : by His Excellency Thomas Hutchinson, the Honorable Andrew Oliver, and several other persons, born and educated among us. : Which original letters have been returned to America, and laid before the Honourable House of Representatives of this province. : In which (notwithstanding His Excellency's declaration to the House, that the tendency and design of them was not to subvert the Constitution, but rather to preserve it entire) the judicious reader will discover the fatal source of the confusion and bloodshed in which this province especially has been involved, and which threatned [i.e., threatened] total destruction to the liberties of all America. Boston: : Printed by Edes and Gill, in Queen-Street;, 1773. Massachusetts 1773
A vision of hell, and a discovery of some of the consultations and devices there, in the year 1767. / By Theodorus Van Shemain. [Boston : Printed by John Boyle, 1773?] Massachusetts 1773
The declaration & confession of Ruth Blay, : who was tried at His Majesty's Superior Court in Portsmouth, New-Hampshire, September 21st, 1768, for concealing the birth of her infant, which was found dead; and was executed on Friday the thirtieth day of December, 1768. Boston: : Printed and sold [by Joseph Greenleaf?] at the printing-office, near Concert-Hall, in [Hanover-Street]., [1773?] Massachusetts 1773
The New-England psalter; or Psalms of David: : with the Proverbs of Solomon, and Christ's Sermon on the mount. : Being an introduction for the training up children in the reading of the Holy Scriptures. Boston, N.E. : Printed [by Joseph Greenleaf] for, and sold by John Perkins, at his shop in Union-Street., M,DCC,LXXIV. [1774] Massachusetts 1774
The New-England psalter; or Psalms of David: : with the Proverbs of Solomon, and Christ's Sermon on the mount. : Being an introduction for the training up children in the reading of the Holy Scriptures. Boston, N.E. : Printed [by Joseph Greenleaf] for, and sold by John Boyle, in Marlborough-Street., M,DCC,LXXIV. [1774] Massachusetts 1774
A Collection of religious tracts. : [Twelve lines from Swedenborg] Philadelphia: : Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Third-Street, opposite the work-house., M,DCC,LXXIII [i.e., 1774?]. Pennsylvania 1774
A Melancholy narrative of the late unhappy Samuel Brand, : who was executed at Lancaster, in the province of Pennsylvania, on the 18th day of December, 1773. For the barbarous and inhuman murder, of his only brother. : Containing a succinct account of his person, parentage, principles and temper:--Interspersed with some interesting reflections, moral and religious. : [Seven lines of Scripture texts] / Translated from the German. Lancaster [Pa.]: : Printed by Francis Bailey., [1774] Pennsylvania 1774
New-York, Wednesday, May 18, 1774. To the public. : The mechanicks of this city are earnestly requested to meet this afternoon, being Wednesday, at 6 o'clock, at the house of Mr. Edward Bardin, (now known by the name of Mechanick-Hall) on business of the utmost importance to themselves and their country. [New York : Printed by John Holt, 1774] New York (State) 1774
The justice and policy of the late act of Parliament for making more effectual provision for the government of the province of Quebec, asserted and proved: : and the conduct of administration respecting that province stated and vindicated. London: : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1774. England 1774
Neu-vermehrt und vollständiges Gesang-Buch, : zur Uebung der Gottseligkeit, in 750 Psalmen und Gesängen, Hrn. D. Martin Luthers. und anderer gottseliger Lehrer, : ordentlich in XII. Theile verfasset, und mit nöthigen Registern, auch einer Verzeichniss versehen, unter welche Titul die im Anhang befindlichen Lieder gehörig, welche anjetzo sämmtlich in denen evangelischen Kirchen in Pennsylvanien und mehrern andern angränzenden Landen zu singen gebräuchlich, in nützlicher Ordnung eingetheilet, : nebst dem evangelischen Catechismo, und zur Beförderung des so Kirchen- und Privat-Gottesdienstes. Mit erbaulichen Morgen- Abend- Buss- Beicht- und Communion-Gebätlein vermehrt, : Evangelia und Episteln auf alle Sonntage und hohe Feste ... : Nebst der Historia, von der Zerstöhrung der Stadt Jerusalem. Philadelphia, : Zu finden by Ernst Ludwig Baisch, in der Zweyten Strasse, nahe bey der Rees-Strasse., 1774. Pennsylvania 1774
The New-England primer improved. : For the more easy attaining the true reading of English. : To which is added, the Assembly of Divines, and Mr. Cotton's catechism. Boston: : Printed by Mills and Hicks, next Cromwell's Head, School-Street,, 1774. Massachusetts 1774
An astronomical diary; or, An almanack for the year of our Lord, 1774. : ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston, New-England, lat. 42 deg. 25 min. north. ... / By Nathaniel Ames. Hartford: : Reprinted and sold by Ebenezer Watson., 1774. Connecticut 1774
Extracts from the votes and proceedings of the American Continental Congress, : held at Philadelphia, on the 5th of September, 1774. : Containing the bill of rights, a list of grievances, occasional resolves, the Association, an address to the people of Great-Britain, a memorial to the inhabitants of the British American colonies, and an address to the inhabitants of the province of Quebec. : Published by order of the Congress. [Hartford] : Philadelphia: printed. Hartford: re-printed by Eben. Watson, near the Great-Bridge., [1774] Connecticut 1774
New-Year's verses, addressed to the customers of the Pennsylvania evening post, : by the printer's lads who carry it. Monday, January 1, 1776. [Philadelphia : Printed by Benjamin Towne, 1775] Pennsylvania 1775
An address of the twelve united colonies of North America. By their representatives in Congress to the people of Ireland. Philadelphia: : Printed by W. and T. Bradford,, 1775. Pennsylvania 1775
Exact plan of General Gage's lines on Boston Neck in America. [cartographic material] / Aitken sculp. [Philadelphia : R. Aitken, 1775] Pennsylvania 1775
To all unto whom these presents shall come, greeting. : Know ye, that we have assigned and constituted, and do by these presents assign, constitute and appoint our trusty and well-beloved [blank] to be one of our justices to keep our peace ... In testimony whereof, we have caused the public seal of our province of the Massachusetts-Bay aforesaid, to be hereunto affixed: witness [blank] [Massachusetts : s.n., not after 1775] Massachusetts 1775
A copy of a letter written by our Blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. : And found under a great stone sixty-five years after his crucifiction. : With Christ's cures and miracles. : To which is added, King Agbarus's letter to our Saviour, with the answer. [Salem, Mass.] : London, printed: Salem, re-printed and sold by E. Russell, at his printing-office, upper end of Main-Street, 1776. Sold also by S. Richardson, travelling-trader, in Woburn., [1776] Massachusetts 1776
A Dialogue between the ghost of General Montgomery just arrived from the Elysian Fields; and an American delegate, in a wood near Philadelphia. [Philadelphia] : Printed, and sold by R. Bell, in Third-Street., MDCCLXXVI. [1776] Pennsylvania 1776
At a General Assembly of the governor and Company of the English colony of Connecticut, in New-England, in America: : holden at New-Haven, in said colony (by special order of the governor) on the fourteenth day of December, anno Dom. 1775. New-London [Conn.]: : Printed by T. Green, printer to the governor and Company., [1776] Connecticut 1776
The strange and remarkable Swansey vision: or A dream that was dreamed above forty years ago, which exactly prophecies and foretells the dreadful judgment and calamities that are now come to pass in North-America, in this melancholly [sic] and distressing day. : Now published from an ancient manuscript, at the earnest request of many. [Salem, Mass.] : Printed and sold at E. Russell's printing-office, upper end of Main-Street, Salem., [1776?] Massachusetts 1776
In committee, for York County, May 31st, 1776. : Present, fifty-four members ... The resolve of the honourable Continental Congress, of the 15th instant, being read ... Resolved that a delegation from this body of nine members, be ordered to attend the conference of committees at Philadelphia, on the 18th day of June next ... [Pennsylvania : s.n., 1776] Pennsylvania 1776
At a special Court of General Sessions of the Peace begun and held at Worcester, within and for the county of Worcester, on the fifteenth day of August ... one thousand seven hundred and sixty six. : It is ordered by the said court (as the Court of Sessions to be holden on the first Tuesday of September next, is the term appointed by law, for granting licences to innholders, retailors [sic], or common victualers) that the select men of each town in the county of Worcester, transmit to the last mentioned court, a list of names of those persons in their several towns, whom they approbate for the above purposes ... [Worcester, Mass. : s.n., 1776] Massachusetts 1776
The Golden bull. [Boston] : Sold at the Bible and Heart, in Cornhill, Boston., [between 1776 and 1805] Massachusetts 1776
A map of the middle British colonies in North America. [cartographic material] : First published by Mr. Lewis Evans, of Philadelphia, in 1755; and since corrected, and improved, and also extended, with the addition of New England, and bordering parts of Canada; / by T. Pownall MP. with a topographical description of such parts of North America as are contained in this map. ; Engraved by Jas. Turner in Philadelphia. [London] : Printed & published according to Act of Parliament for J. Almon in Picadilly, London., March 25th, 1776. England 1776
The Gosport tragedy, or The perjured ship-carpenter. : Tune, Peggy's gone over sea. [Boston] : Sold at the Bible and Heart in Cornhill, Boston., [between 1776 and 1805] Massachusetts 1776
Ein Gespräch zwischen einem Pilger und Bürger, auf ihrer Reise nach- und in der Ewigkeit. : Welchem noch hinzugefügt ist, ein Gespräch das der Tod mit Beyden gehalten. [Ten lines of Scripture texts] Germantown [Pa.] : Gedruckt bey Christoph Saur, Jun. und Peter Saur, 1777. Pennsylvania 1777
State of Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of Representatives, February 1, 1777. : Whereas our ancestors the venerable and virtuous settlers of this country ... did in the early ages of this state, enact sundry laws for the encouragement of piety and virtue ... And whereas it is represented, that the justices of the peace in the counties of Berkshire and Hampshire, have neglected to hold Courts of General Sessions for the Peace, as the law directs ... It is therefore ordered, that the justices of the said counties be, and they hereby are directed to hold their Courts of General Sessions of the Peace ... and it is also recommended to the good people in those counties, to consider how much the happiness and weal of society depends upon the orderly and regular execution of the laws, and to do all within their power to aid and support the civil magistrates in the execution of their offices. [Boston : Printed by John Gill, 1777] Massachusetts 1777
Nachrichten von einer unglücklichen Königin, : nebst ihren Briefen, an verschiedne ihrer vornehmen Verwandten und Freundinnen. : Aus dem Englischen. Boston, : bey Joh. Jac. Simon. [i.e., Celle : für Schulze], 1777. Germany 1777
A Collection of religious tracts. : [Twelve lines from Swedenborg] Philadelphia: : Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Third-Street, opposite the work-house., M,DCC,LXXIII [i.e., 1778?]. Pennsylvania 1778
The New-England primer, improved: : for the more easy attaining the true reading of English. : To which are added, the Assembly of Divines, and Mr. Cotton's catechism[.] Newbury-Port [Mass.] : Printed & sold by J. Mycall, [between 1778 and 1785] Massachusetts 1778
[Poem on the murder of Joshua Spooner] on the evening of [March 1, 1778]. [Worcester, Mass.] : Printed and sold at the printing-office, in Worcester., [1778] Massachusetts 1778
State of New-Hampshire. : The committee of both houses appointed to consider of a method for making a new proportion to be a guide for paying taxes in this state; recommend that an order for taking and returning an inventory be issued to all the towns, parishes and places in this state, in the following form, namely ... [Exeter, N.H. : Printed by Zechariah Fowle, 1779] New Hampshire 1779
New Year's verses, for the lad who carries the Evening post. [Philadelphia : Printed by Benjamin Towne, 1779] Pennsylvania 1779
De l'état et du sort des colonies, des anciens peuples. : Ouvrage dans lequel on traite du gouvernement des anciennes republiques, de leur droit public, &c. avec des observations sur les colonies des nations modernes, & la conduite des Anglois en Amérique. Philadelphie [i.e., Paris]. : [s.n.], M.DCC.LXXIX. [1779] France 1779
By the Honourable Major General Baron de Steuben, commanding the troops in the state of Virginia. : The Honourable the Congress of the United States having directed that the officers of the state of Virginia, on Continental establishment, should assemble together, that their line may be arranged under the new regulations of the 21st of November last: I do therefore hereby direct all Continental officers ... to repair to Chesterfield court-house ... Given under my hand, at Richmond, this 20th day of December ... one thousand seven hundred and eighty ... [Richmond : Printed by John Dixon and Thomas Nicolson, 1780] Virginia 1780
The Gentleman and lady's pocket memorandum-book and almanack for the year 1781. Philadelphia, : Printed [by James Humphreys, Jun.?] for William Mentz., [1780] Pennsylvania 1780
Select harmony. : Containing in a plain and concise manner, the rules of singing. : Together with a collection of psalm tunes, hymns and anthems. / By Andrew Law, A.B. [Cheshire, Conn. : Printed by William Law, 1780 or 1781?] Connecticut 1780
Satire di Salvator Rosa : con le note ed alcune notizie appartenenti alla vita dell' autore : Tome I[-II]. Filadelfia [i.e., Italy? : s.n., ca. 1780?] Italy 1780
Dello stato e della sorte delle colonie degli antichi popoli : opera nella quale si tratta del governo delle antiche repubbliche ec. : Con delle osservazione su le colonie delle nazioni moderne e la condotta degli Inglesi in America. Filadelfia [i.e., Paris?] : A spese della Societa' Stecchi e Del-Vivo., MDCCLXXX. [1780] France 1780
State of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations. : In conformity to an act of the General Assembly of the state aforesaid, made and passed at the session held in Newport ... on the second Monday of June, A.D. 1776, intituled, "An act regulating trade within this state, and establishing proper offices for entering and clearing vessels and merchandize, and granting registers, shewing the property of the vessels," &c. [Rhode Island : s.n., 178-] Rhode Island 1780
Ein Schön geistlich Lied. Lancaster [Pa.]: : Gedrnckt [i.e., Gedruckt] bey Francis Bailey, vor Sing-Frau., [1780?] Pennsylvania 1780
Return of the [blank] Company in the [blank] Regiment of Militia, in General Goodwin's Brigade. June [blank] 178[blank]. [Boston? : s.n., 178-] Massachusetts 1780
A new guide to the English tongue: : In five parts. ... The whole being well known as the most useful performance for the instruction of youth, is designed for the use of schools in the United States of America. / By Thomas Dilworth. Philadelphia: : Printed and sold by F. Bailey, in Marketstreet., M DCC LXXX. [1780] Pennsylvania 1780
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the House of Representatives, June 23, 1781. : Whereas a number of soldiers, inlisted to serve in the Continental Army ... were rejected by the continental muster master as unfit ... Resolved, that the soldiers ... be held and obliged to do such duty as soldiers, as they are respectively able to perform ... [Boston : Printed by Benjamin Edes and Sons, 1781] Massachusetts 1781
The singing master's assistant, or Key to practical musick. : Being an abridgement from The New-England psalm-singer; together with several other tunes, never before published. / Composed by William Billings, author of The New-England psalm-singer. ; [Six lines of quotations] [Boston] : E. Russell, pr. next Lib. Pole., [between 1781 and 1792] Massachusetts 1781
A Select number of plain tunes adapted to congregational worship / by Andrew Law A.B. [Cheshire, Conn. : Printed by William Law, 1781] Connecticut 1781
Directions for ploughing, harrowing, sowing, pulling, watering, grassing, and full management of white flax, till brought to the hackle. / Taken from a treatise on agriculture, entitled The Yorkshire farmer ; to which is added, a table of expence and profit of an acre of white flax, were it raised in Ireland according to the English method. Hartford: : Printed by Hudson and Goodwin, M.DCC.LXXXI. [1781] Connecticut 1781
Part the first of a war song. [Boston? : s.n., between 1781 and 1805] Massachusetts 1781
Friendship in death: : in twenty letters from the dead to the living. : To which are added, Letters moral and entertaining; in prose and verse. : In three parts. / By Mrs. Elisabeth Rowe. Boston: : Printed by John D. M'Dougall and Company., M.DCC.LXXXI. [1781] Massachusetts 1781
To the General Assembly of Pennsylvania. : An addres [sic] and memorial on behalf of the people called Quakers. [Philadelphia : Printed by Joseph Crukshank, 1782] Pennsylvania 1782
Mémoires sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. Turgot, ministre d'état. : Premiere[-Seconde] partie. ... Philadelphie [i.e., Paris]. : Barrois l'aîné], 1782. France 1782
Ein Neues Lied. [Pennsylvania? : s.n., 1782?] Pennsylvania 1782
A Present to children. : Consisting of several new divine hymns, and moral songs. Norwich [Conn.]: : Printed by J. Trumbull., M.DCC.LXXXII. [1782] Connecticut 1782
The orators. : A poem. Boston: : Sold at Edes Printing-Office in Cornhill., [1782] Massachusetts 1782
The House that Jack built. : Also, The history of Mrs. Williams, and her plumb cake, which she mathematically divided among her pupils, according to their merit. : The story of Little Red Riding Hood. Boston: : Printed and sold by Nath'l Coverly near the Sign of the White-Horse., [1783?] Massachusetts 1783
Notes on the slave trade, &c. [Philadelphia : Printed by Enoch Story?, 1783] Pennsylvania 1783
Principles of politeness, and of knowing the world; / by the late Lord Chesterfield. ; Methodised and digested under distinct heads, with additions, by the Rev. Dr. John Trusler: ; containing: every instruction necessary to complete the gentleman and man of fashion, to teach him a knowledge of life, and make him well received in all companies. ; For the improvement of youth; yet not beneath the attention of any. London: : Printed by J. Hoof and Sons, at the Sign of the Turtle, in Pedling Street, (Price, 1s4) [i.e., Norwich,  Conn.: Printed by John Trumbull], [1783?] Connecticut 1783
A specimen of Divine truths, : for the instruction of youth who prepare themselves for a confession of their faith. / By the Rev. A. Hellenbroek, late Minister of the Gospel at Rotterdam. ; Translated from the Dutch. Philadelphia: : Printed by Robert Aitken, at Pope's Head, in Market Street., M.DCC.LXXXIII. [1783] Pennsylvania 1783
Index to the resolves from May 30, 1781, to May 29, 1782. Boston: : Printed by Adams and Nourse., M,DCC,LXXXIII. [1783] Massachusetts 1783
The universal kalendar, and the North-American's almanack, for the year of our Lord Christ, 1784: : ... Calculated for the latitude and longitude of the city of New-York. / By Samuel Stearns, professor of mathematicks and physic. [New York : Printed by Hugh Gaine?, 1783] New York (State) 1783
Der kleine Catechismus des sel. D. Martin Luthers, : nebst den gewöhnlichen Morgen- Tisch- und Abend-Gebëtern. Wobey die Ordnung des Heils, in einem Liede, in kurzen Sätzen, in Frag und Antwort, und in einer Tabelle, wie auch der Inhalt der heiligen Schrift in Versen, hizugefüget. : Zum Gebrauch der Jugend. : Nebst einem Anhang der sieben Buss-Psalmen, einem geistlichen Lied, und das Einmal Eins. Philadelphia: : Gedruckt und zu haben bey Klein und Reynolds, in Carter's-Alley, in der Zweyten-Strasse, zwischen der Chesnuss und Walnuss-Strasse., 1784. Pennsylvania 1784
Verbesserter hoch-deutsche americanische Land und Staats-Calender auf das 1785ste Jahr Christi : ... Vornemlich nach dem Marylandischen Horizont berechnet; jedoch in den angrenzenden Landschaften ohne merklichen Underscheid [sic] zu gebrauchen. Friedrich-Stadt [Md.], : Gedruckt und zu finden bey Matthias Bärtgis. Und auch zu haben bey Michael Bärtgis in Lancaster, in der Königin Strasse nahe bey dem Court-Haus. Auch können die auswärdige Krämer solche bekommen, in Philadelphia, Casper Seng Maryland 1784
Evangelium Nicodemi, oder Historischer Bericht von dem Leben Jesu Christi, : welches Nicodemus, ein Rabbi und Oberster der Juden beschrieben, wie er solches selbst gesehen und erfahren, weil er ein Nachfolger und heimlicher Jünger Jesu Christi gewesen. : Diesem sind beygefügt: viel schöne Stücke und Geschichten, welche die Evangelisten nicht beschrieben haben; nebst einer Historie von einem Rabbi und Obersten der Juden, welcher öffentlich bekannt: dass Christus Gottes Sohn sey. Aus des Herrn Philippi Kegelii Anhang zum Geistlichen Wegweiser nach dem himmlischen Vaterland, u. genommen. Wie dann auch die erschrecklichen Strafen und Plagen der zwölf jüdischen Stämme. [Pennsylvania? : s.n.], Gedruckt im Jahr Christi 1784. Pennsylvania 1784
The New-England primer enlarged: or, An easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading, : adorn'd with cuts : to which is added the Assembly of Divines, catechism, &c. Boston: : Printed and sold by J. Norman., [between 1784 and 1800] Massachusetts 1784
Publick concert. : At Concert-Hall, on Wednesday next, the 7th instant, will be performed, a concert of instrumental musick, with a number of new songs. ... [Salem, Mass. : Printed by Samuel Hall?, 1784] Massachusetts 1784
Thoughts upon slavery. / By John Wesley, A.M. ; [Three lines from Genesis] Philadelphia: : Re-printed by Enoch Story, living in Strawberry-Alley., M.DCC.LXXXIV. [1784] Pennsylvania 1784
State of Pennsylvania. In General Assembly, Thursday, December 23, 1784. : The bill entitled "An act for erecting and opening a loan-office, for the sum of fifty thousand pounds," was read the second time and debated by paragraphs. Ordered, that it be transcribed, and in the mean time printed for public consideration. [Philadelphia] : Printed by Thomas Bradford, [1784] Pennsylvania 1784
An astronomical diary, or almanack, for the year of our Lord Christ, 1785. being the first after bissextile or leap-year  : Calculated for the meridian of Boston, latitude 41 deg. 56 min. north. ... / By Isaac Bickerstaff. ; [Fourteen lines of verse] Boston: : Printed for, and sold by John Norman, at his shop near the Boston Stone., [1784] Massachusetts 1784
The United States according to the definitive treaty of peace signed at Paris, Septr. 3d, 1783 ... [cartographic material] / By W. McMurray, late asst. geogr. to the U.S. ; R. Scot sculp. [United States : s.n., 1784] United States 1784
An accurate map of the state and province of New Hampshire in New England, [cartographic material] : taken from actual surveys of all the inhabited part, and from the best information of what it uninhabited, together with the adjacent countries, which exhibits the theatre of this war in that part of the world. / By Col. Blanchard, and the Revd. Mr. Langdon. ; Engraved by Thomas Jefferys, geographer to His Majesty. [Boston : s.n., 1784] Massachusetts 1784
Americanischer Stadt und Land Calender auf das 1785ste Jahr Christi ... Philadelphia: : Gedruckt und zu haben bey Carl Cist, in der Zweyten-Strasse., [1784] Pennsylvania 1784
The New-England primer enlarged and improved: or, An easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. : Adorn'd with cuts. : To which is added, the Assembly of Divines catechism. Boston: : Printed by T. and J. Fleet, at the Bible & Heart in Cornhill., [between 1785 and 1795?] Massachusetts 1785
Hertzliche Bitte an die Kinder, / von einem Kinder-Freund. ; Mel: Vom Himmel hoch da kam ich her. Friederich-Stadt [Md.]: : Gedruckt bey Matthias Bartgis,, im Jahr 1785[.] Maryland 1785
Bickerstaff's Boston almanack, for the year of our redemption, 1786. : ... Fitted for the meridian of Boston, lat. 42' 25° [sic] n. Boston: : Printed and sold by E. Russell, next door to Liberty-Pole, by wholesale or retail, cheap. Price 7 coppers single., [1785] Massachusetts 1785
An Accurate map of the four New England states [cartographic material] : shewing in a distinct manner all the mountains, forts, rivers, swamps, marshes, bays, creeks, & harbours, with the public roads as well as the boundary or state lines, the several townships and other divisions of the land in their four states; / the whole from actual surveys by Holland, Evans and others. Boston : Published and sold by Norman & Coles at the Map office in Marshalls Lane near the Boston stone, April 6, 1785. Massachusetts 1785
A Sketch of the operations before Charleston the capitol of South Carolina 1780. [cartographic material] / Abernathie sculpt. Charleston. [United States? : s.n., 1785] United States 1785
Minutes of the Charleston Association. : Charleston, October 30th, 1786. [Charleston, S.C. : s.n., 1786] South Carolina 1786
In parts superior what advantage lies: Tell (for you can) what is it to be wise? ... : The House of Delegates, on a report of a committee, determined to ascertain the average value, by the acre, of the lands in the several counties of this state, for the purpose of laying the public assessment, as follows, to wit ... [Annapolis, Md. : Printed by Frederick Green, 1786] Maryland 1786
The renowned history of Giles Gingerbread, : a little boy who lived upon learning. Worcester, (Massachusetts). : Printed by Isaiah Thomas and sold at his bookstore., [1786] Massachusetts 1786
The Holy Bible abridged: or, The history of the Old and New Testament. : Illustrated with notes, and adorned with cuts. : For the use of children. : [Two lines from Luke] Worcester, (Massachusetts) : Printed by Isaiah Thomas, and sold at his book store., MDCCLXXXVI. [1786] Massachusetts 1786
The House that Jack built. [Philadelphia : Printed by William Spotswood, 1786] Pennsylvania 1786
The Worcester collection of sacred harmony. : In three parts. Containing, I. An introduction to the grounds of musick: or, Rules for learners. II. A large number of celebrated psalm and hymn tunes, from the most approved ancient and modern authors; together with several new ones, never before published: the whole suited to all metres, usually sung in churches. III. Select anthems, fughes, and favourites pieces of musick, with an additional number of psalm and hymn tunes. : The whole compiled for the use of schools, and singing societies. And recommended by many approved teachers of psalmody. : [One line from Psalms] Printed, typographically, at Worcester, Massachusetts, : by Isaiah Thomas, and sold at his book-store. Sold also by the booksellers in town and country., MDCCLXXXVI. [1786] Massachusetts 1786
Thomas's Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode-Island, New-Hampshire & Vermont almanack, with an ephemeris, for the year of our Lord 1787: : ... Fitted to the latitude and longitude of the town of Boston, but will serve without essential variation for the adjacent states. ... Printed at Worcester [Mass.], : by Isaiah Thomas. (Price 40 s. per gross. 4 s. per dozen. Six-pence single.), [1786?] Massachusetts 1786
Catechismus, oder Kurzer Unterricht christlicher Lehre, : für die angehende Jugend in der Churfürstlichen Pfalz und andern reformirten Orten zu gebrauchen: : samt der Haus-Tafel, mit und ohne biblischen Sprüch-Büchlein, : alles zur Ehre und Lob Gottes. Germantaun [Pa.] : Gedruckt und zu finden by Leibert und Billmeyer,, 1786. Pennsylvania 1786
Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Boston: : Printed by Adams and Nourse, printers to the Honorable General Court., M,DCC,LXXXVI. [1786] Massachusetts 1786
A New set of geographical cards, : for the agreeable improvement of gentlemen and ladies, in the necessary and pleasing study of geography, taken from the latest and best authorities. [Philadelphia : Printed by Thomas Dobson, 1786] Pennsylvania 1786
The Southern states ephemeris: or, The North and South-Carolina, and Georgia almanac, for the year of our Lord, 1787 ... Charleston, South-Carolina: : Printed for Bowen and Co. [i.e., Bowen, Vandle, and Andrews] and Burd and Co., [1786] South Carolina 1786
State of Connecticut, in America. To [blank] constable of [blank] and collector of the state tax for said town, for the year 17[blank] greeting. : Whereas the General Assembly of this state, in November 1780, and in May 1783, granted a rate or tax of six pence on the pound, to be paid the first day of December, annually; and by a resolve of the Assembly in October 1786, said six pence shall in future be payable on the first day of February, annually ... These are therefore by authority of the state of Connecticut to require and command you, to collect of the inhabitants of said town, six pence on the pound, amounting to the sum of [blank] ... And you must make up and settle your accounts with the treasurer of this state, by the first day of February next. ... [Hartford : s.n., 1786?] Connecticut 1786
A Faithful narrative of Elizabeth Wilson; : who was executed at Chester, January 3d, 1786. Charged with the murder of her twin infants. : Containing some account of her dying sayings; with some serious reflections. : Drawn up at the request of a friend unconnected with the deceased. Philadelphia: : Printed for William Glendinning, preacher of the Gospel., [1786?] Pennsylvania 1786
The History of little King Pippin, : with an account of the melancholy death of four naughty boys, who were devoured by wild beasts. : Likewise, the wonderful delivery of Master Harry Harmless, by a little white horse. Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts. : By Isaiah Thomas, and sold, wholesale and retail, at his bookstore., MDCCLXXXVII. [1787] Massachusetts 1787
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the House of Representatives, March 10, 1787. : Ordered, that the governour's objections, made this day to the bill for establishing a salary of a fixed and permanent value for the governour ... be published ... Attest. Geo. R. Minot, clerk. [Boston : Printed by Edward Eveleth Powars, 1787] Massachusetts 1787
The New-England primer enlarged: or, An easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. : Adorn'd with cuts. : To which are added, the Assembly of Divines catechism, &c. Boston: : Printed by E. Draper, and sold by the book-sellers., [1787?] Massachusetts 1787
Serious thoughts on sudden death. : A poem, occasioned by the drowning of six men by the overseting [sic] of a boat in Lake Champlain, near Split Rock, about twenty miles below Crown-Point. There were eight persons in the boat when it overset, but two saved their lives by keeping to the boat. [Bennington, Vt. : Printed by Haswell & Russell, 1787] Vermont 1787
Rosina, : a comic opera, in two acts: as performed at the theatre, New-York. / By Mrs. Brooke, author of Julia Mandeville, Emily Montague, &c. New-York: : Printed for Berry and Rogers, no. 35, Hanover-Square., [1787] New York (State) 1787
The Lilliputian masquerade. : Occasioned by the conclusion of peace between those potent nations, the Lilliputians and Tommythumbians. : [Two lines of verse] Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts. : By Isaiah Thomas, and sold, wholesale and retail, at his bookstore., MDCCLXXXVII. [1787] Massachusetts 1787
The New-England primer (enlarged and much improved) : for the more easy attaining the true reading of English. : To which is added, the Assembly's catechism. Philadelphia: : Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-Street., MDCCLXXXVII. [1787] Pennsylvania 1787
The New-Jersey almanack for the year of our Lord 1788. : ... Fitted to the latitude of forty degrees, and a meridian of near five hours west from London. ... : The astronomical calculations by Wm. Waring. Trenton: : Printed and sold by Isaac Collins., [1787] New Jersey 1787
The poor soldier, : a comic opera, in two acts, with the words, songs, duets, &c. as performed with universal applause at the theatre, New-York. / Written by John O'Keefe, Esquire, author of The agreeaable surprise, &c. &c. New-York: : Printed [by W. Morton?] for Berry and Rogers, booksellers and stationers, no. 35, Hanover-Square., [1787?] New York (State) 1787
Der Gantz neue verbesserte nord-americanische Calender auf das 1788ste Jahr Christi ... : Berechnet vornemlich nach der pennsylvanischen Himmels-Gegend; jedoch in den angrenzenden Landschaften ohne merklichen Unterscheid [sic] zu gebrauchen. / Zum Vierzehntenmal herausgegeben und verfertiget von Anthony Sharp, Philom. Lancaster [Pa.], : Gedruckt und zu finden bey Jacob Bailey in der Königs-Strasse.  Auch können die auswärtigen Krämer damit bedient werden bey den Herren Joseph Hiester und Arthur Grear, in Reading; James Woods, in Lebanon; Georg Steg und Henrich Walt Pennsylvania 1787
Disquisitions on several subjects. / By Soame Jenyns, Esquire. Richmond: : Printed by Dixon and Holt, printers to this commonwealth., M,DCC,LXXXVII. [1787] Virginia 1787
Mit Erlaubniss des Königlichen Collegii der Physici Edinburg, Doctor Andersons berühmte Schottische Pillen, : werden aufrichtig verfertiget von Patrick Mac Naughton, von Edinburg, gegenwärtig zu Dundarawa, an dem Zummenfluss der Susquehanna und der Juniata, in Pennsylvanien. [Lancaster,Pa. : Stiemer, Albrecht und Lahn, 1787 or 1788] Pennsylvania 1787
A Concise history of the Holy Bible. [Philadelphia] : Printed [by D. Humphreys] for H. Stead, Philadelphia, 1787. Pennsylvania 1787
A map of the federal territory from the western boundary of Pennsylvania to the Scioto River [cartographic material] : laid down from the latest informations and divided into townships and fractional parts of townships agreaably to the ordinance of the Honble. Congress passed in May 1785. [Salem, Mass. : s.n., 1787] Massachusetts 1787
Divine songs attempted in easy language for the use of children. / By Isaac Watts, D.D. author of the Lyric poems. ; [Two lines from Matthew] Philadelphia: : Printed by Young and M'Culloch, the corner of Chesnut and Second-Streets., 1787. Pennsylvania 1787
A poem, descriptive of the terrible fire, which made such shocking devastation in Boston, on Friday evening, the twentieth of April, 1787, : in which were consumed one house of worship, of which the Reverend Ebenezer Wight was pastor, and upwards of one hundred dwelling-houses and other buildings.--The loss of property by this sorrowful disaster is supposed to amount to near seventy thousand pounds.-- / Composed by H----h W----n. [Boston] : Sold [by Ezekiel Russell] next Lib. Pole: Where may be also had, the particulars of the late fire, and a poem composed by Miss J---y F--o, a sufferer., [1787] Massachusetts 1787
Manual exercise and evolutions of the cavalry. : As practised in the late American army. Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, : by Isaiah Thomas, and sold at his bookstore., MDCCLXXXVIII. [1788] Massachusetts 1788
The Miscellany. : Containing, among other matters of entertainment, some extraordinary stories of great men; in which are displayed the various capacities, virtues and vices of the human mind. Boston: : Printed by B. Edes & Son, no. 49, Marlboro'-Street., MDCCLXXXVIII. [1788] Massachusetts 1788
The New-England primer, improved, : for the more easy attaining the true reading of English. : To which is added, the Assembly of divines catechism. Hartford: : Printed by Hudson & Goodwin,, M,DCC,LXXXVIII. [1788] Connecticut 1788
Psalms, carefully suited to the Christian worship in the United States of America: : being an improvement of the old versions of the Psalms of David. Allowed by the Reverend Synod of New-York and Philadelphia, to be used in churches and private families. : [Three lines of quotation] New-York: : Printed and sold by Hugh Gaine, at his bookstore and printing-office, at the Bible, in Hanover-Square,, 1788. New York (State) 1788
The New-England primer improved, : for the more easy attaining the true reading of English. : To which is added, the Assembly's Shorter catechism; also, some short and easy questions for children. New-York: : Printed for John Reid, at his book and stationary store, no 17, Water-Street., M.DCC,LXXX.III. [1788] New York (State) 1788
An astronomical diary, kalender, or almanack, for the year of our Lord 1789: : ... Precisely adapted to the horizon and meridian of Hartford, lat. 41 deg. 56 min. north: longit. 72 deg. 56 min. west: but may serve indifferently for all the towns in Connecticut, and the adjacent states. / By N. Strong, late professor of mathematicks, and natural philosophy in Yale-College. ... Hartford: : Printed by Nathaniel Patten., [1788?] Connecticut 1788
Divine songs, attempted in easy language for the use of children. / By Isaac Watts, D.D. Author of the Lyrick poems. ; [Two lines from Matthew] Trenton: : Printed and sold by Isaac Collins., M.DCC.LXXXVIII. [1788] New Jersey 1788
Funeral poem, : on the death of Thomas Witter, son of Samuel Witter, of Horton, in the province of Nova-Soctia; who died January the 20th 1784, aged two years, six months and ten days--was taken sick of a Friday, and died the Tuesday following, at 25 minutes after 10 o'clock at night.--It was supposed that his disorder was occasioned by [w]orms, which threw him into the most dreadful fits. Norwich: [Conn. : s.n.], Printed, 1788. Connecticut 1788
Mercantile laws of the state of New-York. : Collected and arranged for the convenience of merchants and others concerned in trade. New-York: : Printed by Francis Childs., M,DCC,LXXXVIII. [1788] New York (State) 1788
Map of the world drawn from the latest discoveries and best authorities. [cartographic material] / E. Ruggles junr. sculpt. [Pomfret, Conn.] : Printed and sold at Pomfret, in the state of Connecticut, by the author., 1788. Connecticut 1788
The last words & dying speeches of John Bly & Charles Rose; : who were executed at Lenox, in the county of Berkshire, and commonwealth of Massachusetts, on Thursday, the sixth day of December ... one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, for burglary. : To the good people of Massachusetts, more especially to Daniel Shays, and other officers of the militia, and the selectmen of towns who have been instrumental in raising the opposition to the government of this commonwealth ... [Boston? : Printed by Ezekiel Russell?, 1788] Massachusetts 1788
A lecture; containing a short history of mechanics, and of useful arts and manufactures. : Reverently dedicated to the respectable supporters of liberty and property, the mechanics of Philadelphia, / by their faithful servant, and fellow labourer, Absalom Aimwell, Esquire. ; By these we support our families, and enrich our country. Philadelphia, : Printed by J. M'Culloch, in Third-Street, near the market., --Jan. 1, 1789. Pennsylvania 1789
The Holy Bible, : containing the Old and New Testaments: / translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Philadelphia: : Printed by William Young, bookseller, no. 52, Second-Street, the corner of Chesnut-Street., M,DCC,XC [i.e., 1789]. Pennsylvania 1789
An elegiac poem, on the death of Mrs. Sarah Branch; : who died suddenly, August 2, 1784: leaving an infant of eleven days old. / By Amaziah Branch. [One line of quotation] Printed in Bennington, (Vermont) : by Haswell & Russell., --MDCCLXXXIX. [1789] Vermont 1789
Samuel Campbell's catalogue of books, for 1789. : Comprehending above twenty thousand volumes, in arts, sciences and miscellaneous literature, forming a general assortment of the principal authors ancient and modern ... country merchants and teachers will particularly find it their interest in applying for books and stationary, at Samuel Campbell's book and stationary store, no. 44, Hanover-Square, corner of the Old-Slip, New-York, where catalogues are delivered (gratis) to gentlemen who please to call or send for them. [New York : Published by Samuel Campbell, 1789?] New York (State) 1789
The Connecticut, Massachusetts, New-York and Vermont, almanack, for the year of our Lord, 1790; : ... calculated for the meridian of Litchfield, lat. 41 deg. 45 min. north. / By Eben W. Judd. Litchfield [Conn.]: : Printed by T. Collier., [1789] Connecticut 1789
The New-England, primer improved: : for the more easy attaining the true reading of English. : To which is added, the Assembly's Shorter catechism. Also some short and easy questions for children. New-Haven: : Printed and sold by A. Morse., M.DCC.LXXXIX. [1789] Connecticut 1789
Hymns and spiritual songs. : In three books. I. Collected from the Scriptures. II. Composed on divine subjects. III. Prepared for the Lord's Supper. / By Isaac Watts, D.D. ; [Four lines of quotations] New-York: : Printed by Hugh Gaine, at his book-store and printing-office, at the Bible, in Hanover-Square,, 1789. New York (State) 1789
The American spelling book: : containing, an easy standard of pronunciation. : Being the first part of A grammatical institute of the English language. In three parts. / By Noah Webster, Jun'r. Esqurie [sic]. Hartford: : Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. (With the privilege of copy-right.), [1789] Connecticut 1789
Wheeler's North-American calendar, or An almanack, for the year of our Lord 1790 ... Providence: : Printed and sold by Bennett Wheeler., [1789] Rhode Island 1789
A Wonderful dream, / by Dr. Watts. [Albany] : Printed by Charles R. and George Webster, no. 36, State-Street, Albany,, 1789. New York (State) 1789
Oeconomy of human life, complete. : In two parts; / translated from an Indian manuscript, written by an ancient Bramin. ; To which is prefixed, an account of the manner in which the said manuscript was discovered; in a letter from an English gentleman residing in China, to the Earl of ... Wilmington [Del.] : Printed by James Adams, 1789. Delaware 1789
Essai sur l'histoire des comices de Rome, des Etats-Generaux de la France, et du Parlement d'Angleterre. : Tome premier[-troisieme]. / Par M.*** ; [One line from Tancrede] A Philadelphie, : et se trouve à Paris, chez Maradan, libraire, rue des Noyers, no. 33., 1789. Pennsylvania 1789
Index. [Boston : Printed by Adams and Nourse, 1789] Massachusetts 1789
The following articles is just opened, and now selling by Nathaniel Patten, as cheap for cash, or grain in hand, as at any store in the thirteen United States. [Hartford : Nathaniel Patten, 1789?] Connecticut 1789
This volume belongs to Dabney's Circulating Library, (daily increasing) in Salem. : Containing, a valuable and entertaining collection where ladies and gentlemen, of taste and sentiment, in town and country, may receive, at the smallest expense, a rich variety of intellectual refreshment and literary treasure ... All new books, on every useful and entertaining subject, are purchased, as soon as published, for sale or circulation, on the most favourable terms. ... [Massachusetts : s.n., between 1789 and 1801] Massachusetts 1789
Proposals for publishing by subscription, The Congressional register; or, History of the proceedings and debates of the first House of Representatives of the United States of America; : Containing the most interesting speeches and motions; and accurate copies of remarkable papers laid before and offered to the House. Taken in short hand, by Thomas Lloyd. [New York? : s.n., 1789] New York (State) 1789
The Solar system displayed. [cartographic material] / B. Burges del. Boston Jany. 1 1789. J. Norman sc. [Boston : s.n., 1789] Massachusetts 1789
Directions for the managemeent [sic] of bees. : [Four lines of instructions for making honey] [United States : s.n., between 1790 and 1810?] United States 1790
Extracts from the minutes of the acts, and proceedings of the Associate Reformed Synod, : met at Philadelphia, May 19th, 1790. : Published by order of the Synod. Philadelphia: : Printed by R. Aitken & Son, in Market Street., M.DCC.XC. [1790] Pennsylvania 1790
To the public. : When I first ventured to solicit the patronage of my fellow citizens, I experienced all the anxiety, and anticipated all the difficulties, to which the editor of a daily publication is naturally exposed ... [Philadelphia : Printed by Andrew Brown, 1790] Pennsylvania 1790
A discourse on the sovereignty and unchangeableness of the Deity: : in which those adoreable atributes [sic] are shewn to be the foundation of the saints security. / By Henry Holcombe, V.D.M. ; [One line from Psalms] Charleston [S.C.]: : Printed by Markland & M'Iver, no. 47, Bay., MDCCXC. [1790] South Carolina 1790
The New-England primer, or, An easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. : Adorn'd with cutts. : To which are added, the Assembly of Divines' catechism. Boston: : --Printed and sold by J. White and C. Cambridge near Charles-River Bridge., [ca. 1790] Massachusetts 1790
An introduction to psalmody; or, The child's instructor in vocal music. : Containing, a series of familiar dialogues, under the following heads, viz. Psalmody in general--Stave, musical letters and cliffs--An exercise for the bass--An exercise for the tenor or treble--An exercise for the counter--Tones, semitones, flats, sharps and naturals--Solfaing, transpotion [sic], &c.--The several notes and rests, and their proportion--The several moods of time--Several other characters used in music--Key notes, &c.--Pitching tunes, &c.--Graces.-- : (Illustrated with copper-plates.) / By D. Read. ; [Two lines of verse from Watts] Printed at New-Haven, : by T. and S. Green, for the author., [1790?] Connecticut 1790
By the President of the United States of America, a proclamation. : Whereas a treaty of peace and friendship between the United States and the Creek Nation, was made and concluded on the seventh day of the present month of August ... I have ordered the said treaty to be herewith published; and do hereby enjoin and require all officers of the United States, civil and military, and all other citizens and inhabitants thereof, faithfully to observe and fulfil the same. Given under my hand and the seal of the United States, in the city of New-York, the fourteenth day of August ... one thousand seven hundred and ninety ... [New York : Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine, 1790] New York (State) 1790
Doctor Watts's imitation of the Psalms of David / corrected and enlarged, by Joel Barlow. ; Adapted to the state of the Christian church in general. ; [Two lines from Luke] New-York, : Printed by W. Durrell at his book store, & printing office, no. 198 Queen Street,, M,DCC,XC. [1790] New York (State) 1790
Sermons on the religious education of children; : preached at Northampton. / By Philip Doddridge, D.D. [Portsmouth, N.H.] : London, printed: Portsmouth, (N.H.) re-printed, and to be sold by George Jerry Osborne, Jun'r., M,DCC,XC. [1790] New Hampshire 1790
An essay on the life of the Honorable Major-General Israel Putnam: : addressed to the State Society of the Cincinnati in Connecticut. / By Col. David Humphreys. ; Published by their order. [New York : Printed by Hodge, Allen, and Campbell, 1790] New York (State) 1790
Lilliputian riddle-book. [United States? : s.n., 179-?] United States 1790
A Short introduction to English grammar. Philadelphia: : Printed by Joseph Crukshank, no. 91, High-Street., MDCCXC. [1790] Pennsylvania 1790
Der Neueste und verbesserte nord-americanische Calender, auf das 1791ste Jahr Christi : : ... Berechnet vornemlich nach der pennsylvanischen Himmels-Gegend; jedoch in Maryland, Virginien und denen angrenzenden Staaten ohne merklichen Unterschied zu gebrauchen. : Zum Sechszehntenmal herausgegeben. Lancaster [Pa.], : Gedruckt und zu finden bey Jacob Bailey in der Königs-Strasse. Auch können die auswärtigen Krämer damit bedient werden bey den Herren Joseph Hiester, in Reading; James Woods, in Lebanon; Henrich Walter und John Grear, in York-Taun; Pennsylvania 1790
The New-England primer enlarged: or, An easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. : Adorn'd with cuts. : To which are added, the Assembly of Divines catechism, &c. Boston: : Printed by E. Draper, and sold by the book sellers., [1790?] Massachusetts 1790
Congress of the United States: at the second session, begun and held at the city of New-York, on Monday the fourth of January, one thousand seven hundred and ninety. : An act to provide for mitigating or remitting the forfeitures and penalties, accruing under the revenue-laws, in certain cases therein mentioned. [New York] : Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine., [1790] New York (State) 1790
Treasury Department, March 4, 1790. : In obedience to the order of the House of Representatives, of the second instant, the secretary of the Treasury, respectfully reports, that in his opinion, the funds in the first instance requisite towards the payment of interest on the debts of the individual states, according to the modifications proposed by him in his report of the ninth of January past, may be obtained from the following objects ... [New York : s.n., 1790] New York (State) 1790
By the President of the United States of America, a proclamation. : Whereas it hath, at this time, become peculiarly necessary to warn the citizens of the United States against a violation of the treaties made at Hopewell, on the Keowee ... [New York : Printed by Childs and Swaine?, 1790] New York (State) 1790
Brothers of the clergy, or Priest and deacon. [United States : s.n., 179-?] United States 1790
A word to the world in general, and to the North-Americans in particular, being the experience of Mary Nichols, / prefaced and published by, Nicholas Manners. ; [Two lines from Jeremiah] [Boston? : s.n., ca. 1790?] Massachusetts 1790
The advantages and disadvantages of the married state; : as entered into with religious or irreligious persons. Represented in the similitude of a dream. / By the Rev. John Johnson, A[.]M. author of A mathematical question, propounded by the vicegerent of the world--answered by the King of Glory. [Concord, N.H.] : Printed at London. Reprinted at Concord, by George Hough, and sold at his office, wholesale and retail., M.DCC.XC. [1790] ; Price--sixpence--single. New Hampshire 1790
A New story-book; : containing fables consisting of words of one syllable. [United States? : s.n., 179-?] United States 1790
The Columbian almanac: or, The North-American calendar, for the year of our Lord, 1791. Being the third after leap-year. Philadelphia: : Printed and sold by Robert Campbell corner of Second and Chesnut-Streets, [1790] Pennsylvania 1790
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Head-quarters, Boston, May [blank] 179[blank] : The governor and commander in chief, has accepted the resignation of [blank] of the [blank] in the [blank] brigade and [blank] division of the Militia of this commonwealth; and he is hereby honorable discharged ... [Boston : s.n., between 1790 and 1795] Massachusetts 1790
[The advantages and disadvantages of the marriage state, : as entered into with religious and irreligious persons: represented under the similitude of a dream. / By the Reverend Mr. John Johnson] [Philadelphia? : s.n., 179-?] Pennsylvania 1790
The schoolmasters assistant: : being a compendium of arithmetic, both practical and theoretical. : In five parts. ... The whole being delivered in the most familiar way of question and answer ... / By Thomas Dilworth, author of the New-guide to the English tongue; Young book-keeper's assistant; &c. &c. and schoolmaster in Wapping. Hartford: : Printed and sold by Nathaniel Patten., [179-?] Connecticut 1790
Weatherwise's town and country almanack, for the year of our Lord 1791. : ... Calculated for the meridian and latitude of Boston, and will serve without essential error for all the New-England states. : [Four lines of verse] Boston: : Printed [by Joseph Bumstead] for and sold by the booksellers., [1790?] Massachusetts 1790
The Favorite rondo basque. [Baltimore] : Printed and sold at Carrs music store Baltimore., [between 1790 and 1800] Maryland 1790
[Sacred harmony or A collection of Psalm tunes, ancient and modern] [United States : s.n., 179-?] United States 1790
The Holy Bible, : containing the Old and New Testaments: together with the Apocrypha: / translated out of the original tongues, with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by the special command of King James I, of England. ; With marginal notes and references. ; To which are added, an index, and an alphabetical table of all the names in the Old and New Testaments, with their significations. United States of America. Printed at the press in Worcester, Massachusetts, : by Isaiah Thomas. sold by him in Worcester; and by him and Company [i.e., Thomas & Andrews], at Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury Street, Boston., MDCCXCI. [1791] Massachusetts 1791
The Holy Bible, : containing the Old and New Testaments: / translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Trenton: : Printed and sold by Isaac Collins., M.DCC.XCI. [1791] New Jersey 1791
The Holy Bible, : containing the Old and New Testaments: together with the Apocrypha: / translated out of the original tongues, with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by the special command of King James I, of England. ; With marginal notes and references. ; To which are added, an index, and an alphabetical table of all the names in the Old and New Testaments, with their significations. United States of America. Printed at the press in Worcester, Massachusetts, : by Isaiah Thomas. sold by him in Worcester; and by him and Company [i.e., Thomas & Andrews], at Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury Street, Boston., MDCCXCI. [1791] Massachusetts 1791
The elements of medicine; or, A translation of the Elementa medicinae Brunonis. : With large notes, illustrations, and comments. By the author of the original work. : In two volumes. Vol. I[-II]. Philadelphia: : Printed by William Spotswood., MDCCXCI. [1791] Pennsylvania 1791
[The life and most surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner. : Containing a full and particular account how he lived twenty-eight years in an unihabited island on the coast of America: how his ship was lost in a storm, and all his companions drowned; and how he was cast upon the shore by the wreck: with a true relation how he was at last miraculously preserved by pirates. / Faithfully epitomized from the three volumes.] [Philadelphia : Printed by William Woodhouse, 1791] Pennsylvania 1791
A new guide to the English tongue: : in five parts. ... The whole, being recommended by several clergymen and eminent schoolmasters, as the most useful performance for the instruction of youth, is designed for the use of schools in Great-Britain, Ireland, and in the several English colonies and plantations abroad. / By Thomas Dilworth, author of The schoolmaster's assistant; Young book-keeper's assistant, &c. &c. Hartford: : Printed and sold, by Nathaniel Patten., M,DCC,XCI. [1791] Connecticut 1791
Juvenile correspondence; or, Letters suited to children from four to above ten years of age. : In three sets. New-Haven: : Printed by Abel Morse., M.DCC.XCI. [1791] Connecticut 1791
A census of the electors and inhabitants in the state of New-York, taken in the year 1790, in pursuance of a law of the said state. [New York] : Printed by Childs and Swaine, printers to the state., [1791] New York (State) 1791
The Sister's gift: or, The naughty boy reformed. : Published for the advantage of the rising generation. : [Four lines of verse] Boston: : Printed and sold by Samuel Hall, no. 53, cornhill., 1791. Massachusetts 1791
An explanation of the Assembly's Shorter catechism. : Humbly offered as an help for instructing the young and ignorant in the principles and duties of the Christian religion. : With a preface, briefly demonstrating the truth of divine revelation. / By the Rev. Mr. John Willison, late Minister of the Gospel at Dundee. ; [One line from II Timothy] Philadelphia: : Printed for William Young, bookseller, no. 52, Second Street, the corner of Chesnut-Street., M.DCC.XCI. [1791] Pennsylvania 1791
Psalms, carefully suited to the Christian worship in the United States of America. Being an improvement ... Philadelphia : Printed by James & Johnson, and sold by them, J. Crukshank, and others, 1791. Pennsylvania 1791
Lord Chesterfield's advice to his son, on men and manners: or, A new system of education. : In which the principles of politeness, the art of acquiring a knowledge of the world, are laid down in a plain, easy and familiar manner. : To which are annexed, The polite philosopher: or An essay on the art which makes a man happy in himself, and agreeable to others. : Also, Lord Burghley's Ten precepts to his second son, Robert Cecil, afterwards Earl of Salisbury. Philadelphia: : Printed for Benjamin Johnson., 1791. Pennsylvania 1791
An extract of the Christian's pattern; or, A treatise of the imitation of Christ. / Written in Latin by Thomas à Kempis. ; Published by John Wesley, M.A. Philadelphia: : Printed by Prichard & Hall, and sold by John Dickins, in Fourth-Street, between Race and Arch Streets., 1791. Pennsylvania 1791
The epistle from the Yearly-Meeting held in London, by adjournments, from the 16th to the 24th of the fifth month, 1791, inclusive, : to the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1791] Pennsylvania 1791
The New-England primer, improved, : for the more easy attaining the true reading of English. : To which is added, the Assembly of Divines catechism. New-London [Conn.]: : Printed by T. Green and Son., M,DCC,XCI. [1791] Connecticut 1791
A Pocket-hymn book, : designed as a constant companion for the pious. / Collected from various authors. Philadelphia: : Printed by Peter Stewart, no. 34, South, Second-Street., M,DCC,XCI. [1791] Pennsylvania 1791
A bill, more effectually to provide for the national defence, by establishing a uniform militia throughout the United States. [Philadelphia : s.n., 1791?] Pennsylvania 1791
Hymns and spiritual songs. : In three books. I. Collected from the Scriptures. II. Composed on divine subjects. III. Prepared for the Lord's Supper. / By I. Watts, D.D. Boston : Printed and sold by John Norman, no. 75 Newbury-Street., 1791. Massachusetts 1791
The American spelling book: : containing an easy standard of pronunciation. : Being the first part of A grammatical institute of the English language. : In three parts. / By Noah Webster, Junior, Esquire. [Bennington, Vt.] : Printed at Bennington, by Anthony Haswell. (With the privilege of copyright.), [1791?] Vermont 1791
Proposa[ls] of Isaiah Thomas, of Worcester, for printing by subscription, in five large royal octavo volumes, page for page with the last British editions, and from the most correct English copies, A new abridgment of the law. By Matthew Bacon, Esq. ... [Worcester, Mass. : s.n.., 1791?] Massachusetts 1791
Seven sermons, on different important subjects; : viz. I. Of the unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost: or, The sin unto death. II. The saint's duty and exercise: in two parts. Being an exhortation to, and directions for prayer. III. The accepted time, and day of salvation. IV. The end of time, and beginning of eternity. V. Joshua's resolution to serve the Lord. VI. The way to heaven made plain. VII. The future state of man: or, A treatise of the resurrection. / By Robert Russel, at Wardhurst [i.e., Wadhurst] in Sussex. Philadelphia: : Printed and sold by Peter Stewart, no. 34, South Second-Street., M,DCC,XCI. [1791] Pennsylvania 1791
Congress of the United States: at the third session, : begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the sixth of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety. : An act repealing, after the last day of June next, the duties heretofore laid upon distilled spirits imported from abroad, and laying others in their stead; and also upon spirits distilled within the United States, and for appropriating the same. [Philadelphia] : Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine., [1791] Pennsylvania 1791
Scale of heat. [United States : s.n., between 1791 and 1830] United States 1791
Congress of the United States: At the third session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the sixth of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety. : An act for the admission of the state of Vermont into this Union. [Philadelphia : Printed by Childs and Swaine, 1791] Pennsylvania 1791
Printing-Office, Market-Street, Portsmouth, August 1791. : The revised laws of the state of New-Hampshire, are now in the press, and will be published and ready for delivery in November next; by John Melcher. [Portsmouth, N.H. : John Melcher, 1791] New Hampshire 1791
A short account of the life & death of Nath. Othen, who was shot in Dover-Castle, October 26, 1757. Baltimore: : Printed by Samuel and John Adams. MDCCXCI. [1791] Maryland 1791
The United States of America [cartographic material] : laid down from the best authorities agreeable to the peace of 1783. : This map and chart is neither a plain, Mercators, nor globular projection ... / Osgood Carleton, teacher of mathematics. Boston : Published & sold by J. Norman no. 75 Newbury Street., [1791] Massachusetts 1791
The Bible in miniature, or A concise history of the Old & New Testaments. Philada. : Printed by J. Babcock. No. 79 N. Third Str., [1792] Pennsylvania 1792
Evelina; or A young lady's entrance into the world. : In two volumes. : Vol. I[-II]. Philadelphia: : Printed by Bejamin [sic] Johnson., M,DCC,XCII. [1792] Pennsylvania 1792
The History of a schoolboy. : With other pieces. New-York: : Printed and sold by W. Durell, at his book-store and printing-office, no. 19, Queen-Street., M,DCC,XCII. [1792] New York (State) 1792
Merkwürdige Prophezeyung eines Einsiedlers, : welcher XV. Jahre in der Wüsten gewohnet hat, und letzteres Frühjahr ausgefunden worden, von Doctor Peter Schneider, da er ihm dann diese Prophezeyung mittheilete. [Ephrata, Pa.?] : Gedruckt für den Verfasser, im Jahr 1792. Pennsylvania 1792
Second Congress of the United States: At the first session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, on Monday the twenty-fourth of October, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one. : An act supplementary to the act for the establishment and support of light-houses, beacons, buoys, and public piers. [Philadelphia : Printed by Childs and Swaine, 1792] Pennsylvania 1792
Divine songs, attempted in easy language, for the use of children. / By I. Watts, D.D. Boston, : Printed and sold by Samuel Hall,, 1792. Massachusetts 1792
An approved collection of entertaining stories. : Calculated for the instruction and amusement of all little masters and misses. / By Solomon Winlove, Esq. Boston: : Printed and sold by Samuel Hall, no. 53, Cornhill., 1792. Massachusetts 1792
Acts of Virginia, Maryland, and of the United States, respecting the District of Columbia. / Printed by order of the Senate of the United States. [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1792?] Pennsylvania 1792
The self-interpreting Bible: : containing, the sacred text of the Old and New Testaments. / Translated from the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. ; To which are annexed, marginal references and illustrations; an exact summary of the several books; a paraphrase on the most obscure or important parts; an analysis of the contents of each chapter; explanatory notes, and evangelical reflections. By the late Reverend John Brown, Minister of the Gospel at Haddington. ; [Four lines of Scripture texts] New-York: : Printed [by Hodge and Campbell] for T. Allen, and sold at his book and stationary store, no. 12, Queen-Street--, M,DCC,XCII. [1792] New York (State) 1792
The Psalms of David. Imitated in the language of the New Testament, and applied to the Christian state and worship. / By I. Watts, D.D. ; [Six lines of Scripture texts] Boston: : Printed and sold by John West Folsom, no. 30 Union-Street., M,DCC,XCII. [1792] Massachusetts 1792
A plain and serious address to the master of a family, on the important subject of family religion. / By Philip Doddridge, D.D. Sagg-Harbour [N.Y.]: : Printed and sold by David Frothingham., M.DCC.XCII. [1792] New York (State) 1792
No song no supper: : an opera, in two acts; as performed with great applause by the Old American Company at the theatre in Southwark. Philadelphia: : From the press of Mathew Carey., Dec. 5,--M.DCC.XCII. [1792] Pennsylvania 1792
The epistle from the Yearly-Meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 21st to the 29th of the fifth month, 1792, inclusive, : to the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1792] Pennsylvania 1792
Olney hymns, : in three books: Book I. On select texts of Scripture. Book II. On occasional subjects. Book III. On the progress and changes of the spiritual life. / By the Rev. John Newton, London. ; [Seven lines of quotations] Philadelphia: : Printed by William Young, bookseller, no. 52, Second-Street, the corner of Chesnut-Street., M,DCC,XCII. [1792] Pennsylvania 1792
A Selection of hymns from the best authors, : intended to be an appendix to Dr. Watts's Psalms and hymns. / By John Rippon, A.M. New-York: : Printed for Thomas Allen, M,DCC,XCII. [1792] New York (State) 1792
A bill more effectually to provide for the national defence, by establishing an uniform militia throughout the United States. [Philadelphia] : Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine., [1792] Pennsylvania 1792
Divine breathings: or, A pious soul thirsting after Christ. : In a hundred pathetical meditations. New-York: : Printed and sold by W. Durell, at his book store & printing office: no. 19, Queen Street., MDCCXCII. [1792] New York (State) 1792
Cynthia, : with the tragical account of the unfortunate loves of Almerin and Desdemona: : being, a novel. : Illustrated with a variety of the chances of fortune; moralized with many useful observations, whereby the reader may reap both pleasure and profit. New-York: : Printed for Benjamin Gomez, no. 32, Maiden-Lane., M,DCC,XCII. [1792] New York (State) 1792
July 26, 1792. Proposals for printing by subscription, The annual register of the Baptist denomination in North-America, for November, 1791. / By John Asplund. ; This book will be printed ... in large octavo, containing 320 pages, (more or less) stitched in blue paper; the price to subscribers will be 2d. New-England currency, for every sheet the book contains. ... The Register for November 1792 will also be delivered at the same time about the same price. [Boston? : s.n., 1792] Massachusetts 1792
Just published, by Thomas Dobson, bookseller at the stone-house, in Second-Street, Philadelphia, volume VII. of Encyclopaedia: or, A dictionary of arts, sciences, and miscellaneous literature, on a plan entirely new: by which the different sciences and arts are digested into the form of distinct treatises or systems ... [Philadelphia : Thomas Dobson, 1792] Pennsylvania 1792
Thoughts on Christian holiness. : Being a suppliment [sic] to Five letters on justification, &c. : In a series of letters to a friend. / By the Rev. Mr. Devereux Jarratt, Rector of Bath in the state of Virginia,[.] Philadelphia: : Printed by Johnston & Justice, at Franklin's Head, no. 41, Chesnut-Street. MDCCXCII. For William Glendinning, preacher of the Gospel., [1792] Pennsylvania 1792
Second Congress of the United States: At the first session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia on Monday the twenty-fourth of October one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one. : An act for regulating processes in the courts of the United States, and providing compensations for the officers of the said courts, and for jurors and witnesses. [Philadelphia : Printed by Childs and Swaine, 1792] Pennsylvania 1792
An elegy on the death of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley, : who departed this life March 2, 1791, in the eighty-eighth year of his age. : [One line of quotation] / By Elhanan Winchester. Philadelphia: : Printed by Johnston & Justice, at Franklin's Head, no. 41, Chesnut-Street., for William Glendinning, preacher of the Gospel. [ca. 1792?] Pennsylvania 1792
The Adventures and death of William M'Ilheney. : Of the District of Ninety-Six in South-Carolina, who after a very profligate life, was executed at Prince-Edward Court-House, in Virginia, on the 15th of October, 1789, with Frederic Briggs, and died a penitent. Philadelphia: : Printed by Johnston & Justice, at Franklin's Head, no. 41, Chesnut-Street. MDCCXCII. For William Glendinning, preacher of the Gospel., [1792] Pennsylvania 1792
[An extraordinary account of Tobias Smith, : a gipsy, who was executed at Bedford, April 3d, 1792. : Published at the earnest request of himself, and many others who visited him in consinement. / By Thomas Tattersall.] [United States? : s.n., 1792?] United States 1792
Grammatical institutes: or, An easy introduction to Dr. Lowth's English grammar. : Designed for the use of schools. : With an appendix, containing, I. The declension of irregular and defective verbs. II. The application of the grammatical institutes. III. Some useful observations on the ellipsis. IV. Exercises of bad English. V. Lessons on the English language. VI. Select lessons, tending to instil just sentiments of virtue into youth. / By John Ash, L.L.D. ; To this edition is added, an essay on punctuation. Philadelphia, : Printed and sold by John M'Culloch, no. 1, North Third-Street., M,DCC,XCII. [1792] Pennsylvania 1792
The United States of America, [cartographic material] : according to the treaty of peace of 1784. / Russell del. et sculpt. [United States? : s.n., 1792] United States 1792
Money of England, reduced into money of Portugal, and the money of Portugal, reduced into English money, : at the exchange of sixty-seven pence halfpenny per mill rea, which is the par of exchange between these kingdoms. : Also the coins, measures, and weights of both kingdoms, compared. Philadelphia, : Printed by Mathew Carey., M,DCC,XCII. [1792] Pennsylvania 1792
When first this humble roof I knew. New York : Published by I. Young & Co., [ca. 1792] New York (State) 1792
When first this humble roof I knew. [United States : s.n., ca. 1795] New York (State) 1792
The Holy Bible, : containing the Old and New Testaments: / translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by the special command of King James I, of England. United States of America. Printed in Worcester, Massachusetts, : by Isaiah Thomas. Sold by him in Worcester. Sold also by said Thomas, and Andrews, at Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury Street, Boston; and by said Thomas, and Co. [i.e., I. Thomas and D. Carl Massachusetts 1793
Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boon, one of the original settlers of Kentucky; : containing the wars with the Indians on the Ohio, from 1769 to the present time, and the first establishment and progress of the settlements on that river. / Written by the colonel himself. Printed at Windsor [Vt.], : by Alden Spooner., M,DCC,XCIII. [1793] Vermont 1793
[The vision and wonderful experience of Jane Cish] [Newburyport, Mass. : Printed by George J. Osborne, 1793] Massachusetts 1793
A plan for encouraging agriculture, and increasing the value of farms in the midland and more western counties of Pennsylvania, : applicable to several other parts of that state, and to many parts of the United States. [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1793?] Pennsylvania 1793
[A very remarkable account of the vision of Nathan Culver ...] Windsor [Vt.]: : Re-printed by Alden Spooner, (M,DCC,XCIII.) [1793] Vermont 1793
The history of Sandford and Merton. : A work intended for the use of children. : [Two lines of quotation] : In three volumes. Vol. I[-III]. Philadelphia: : Printed by William Young, bookseller, no. 52, Second-Street the corner of Chesnut-Street., M,DCC,XCIII. [1793] Pennsylvania 1793
Gospel sonnets: or, Spiritual songs. : In six parts. I. The believer's espousals. II. The believer's jointure. III. The believer's riddle. IV. The believer's lodging. V. The believer's soliloquy. VI. The believer's principles, concerning creation and redemption. Law and Gospel. Justification and sanctification. Faith and sense. Heaven and earth. / By the late Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the Gospel at Dunfermline. Philadelphia, : Printed and sold by John M'Culloch, no. 1, North Third-Street.--, 1793. Pennsylvania 1793
Prophecies of the Reverend Christopher Love: : and his last words on the scaffold: : who was beheaded at Tower-Hill, London, on the 22d day of August, 1651. Exeter [N.H.]: : Printed and sold by H. Ranlet, at his office in Main-Street, --1793. New Hampshire 1793
New-Year's verses, addressed to the patrons of the Baltimore daily intelligencer, by their obedient servants, the news-carriers. : January 1, 1794. [Baltimore : Printed by Yundt and Patton, 1793] Maryland 1793
The road-act: that is to say, an act for the better laying out, regulating and keeping in repair public highways. : Enacted into a law, by the people of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, the fourth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four, being the eighth year of American independence. : To which are added, two laws, amenditory of the same. Lansingburgh [N.Y.]: : Printed by William W. Wands, by whom printing in general is performed on moderate terms., --MDCCXCIII. [1793] New York (State) 1793
A Pocket hymn-book, : designed as a constant companion for the pious. / Collected from various authors. Philadelphia: : Printed by Parry Hall, no. 149. Chesnut Street; and sold by John Dickins, no. 182. Race Street, near Sixth Street., M.DCC.XCIII. [1793] Pennsylvania 1793
A dialogue between a blind-man and Death. / By Richard Standfast, late Minister of the Gospel in Bristol. [Boston] : London; printed: Boston; re-printed, (at the earnest request of a number of well-disposed Christians) by E. Russell, next Liberty-Stump, for T. Grant, of Chelmsford;, 1793. (Price six pence.) Massachusetts 1793
An astronomical diary, calendar, or, almanack, for the year of our Lord, 1794. : ... Adapted to the horizon and meridian of Hartford, lat. 41 deg. 54 min. north: longit. 72 deg. 56 min. to the westward of the Royal, or Flamsteadian Observatory at Greenwich;--but may serve without any essential variation, for all the towns in New-England. / By N. Strong, late professor of mathematicks, and natural phylosophy in Yale-College. ... Springfield [Mass.], : Printed by Edward Gray, [1793] Massachusetts 1793
The lost and undone son of perdition: or, The birth, life, and character of Judas Iscariot. : Faithfully collected from several ancient authors of undoubted credit. / By J. Thompson. [Danbury, Conn.] : Printed by E. Ely, in Danbury., [between 1793 and 1795] Connecticut 1793
Hymns and spiritual songs. : In three books: I. Collected from the Scriptures. II. Composed on divine subjects. III. Prepared for the Lord's Supper. / By I. Watts, D.D. ; [Five lines of quotations] Philadelphia: : Printed and sold by W. Spotswood, Market-Street., 1793. Pennsylvania 1793
The American spelling book: : containing, an easy standard of pronunciation. : Being the first part of A grammatical institute of the English language. In three parts. / By Noah Webster. Jun'r. Esquire. Hartford: : Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. (With the privilege of copy-right.), [1793] Connecticut 1793
Psalms, carefully suited to the Christian worship in the United States of America: : being an improvement of the old versions of the Psalms of David. : Allowed by the Reverend Synod of New York and Philadelphia, to be used in churches and private families. : [Three lines of Scripture text] New-York: : Printed and sold by Samuel Campbell, no. 37, Hanover-Square., M,DCC,XCIII. [1793] New York (State) 1793
Der Durch Europa und America aufmerksame Reisende, : in Absicht zu suchen wahre Kinder Gottes, der aber nirgends selbige gefunden als nur dem Namen nach und im Schein, aber nicht im Wesen. : Allen wahrheitsbegierigen Seelen zum Licht und Aufschluss in manchen noch zweifelhaften Sachen und Entdeckungen, viele unter gutem Schein (in dieser letzten finsternissvollen Zeit) schleichenden Verführungen und Verführern, zum Druck befördert. Durch Johann Leonhard Friedrich Richter, Buchbinder in Altona, 1777. Und nun zum drittenmale gedruckt, auf Kosten der Liebhaber. Reading [Pa.]: : Gedruckt [bey Barton und Jungmann], im Jahr 1793. Pennsylvania 1793
A plain account of the ordinance of baptism; : in which all the texts of the New Testament, relating to it, are produced, and the whole doctrine concerning it drawn from them alone: : in a course of letters to the Right Reverend Doctor Benjamin Hoadly, late Lord Bishop of Winchester. Author of A plain account of the Lord's Supper. : [Two lines of Scripture] [Norwich, Conn.] : London: printed. Norwich re-printed by John Trumbull,, M,DCC,XCIII. [1793] Connecticut 1793
Round text copies for the use of schools. / Written by J. Weedon, w.m. Brentford. ; Engraved by S. Hill. [Boston] : Printed for, & sold by Thomas & Andrews, at Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury-Street, & David West, no. 36, Marlboro'-Street. Boston., 1793. Massachusetts 1793
Minutes of the Woodstock Association, held at Lebanon, September 25-26, 1793. [Windsor Vt.? : Printed by A. Spooner?, 1793] Vermont 1793
Weihnachts-Lieder, Gebäter, &c. für die Kinder, in der Stadt und auf dem Lande überhaupt. : [Four lines of verse] Reading [Pa.]: : Gedruckt bey Jungmann und Gruber., 1793. Pennsylvania 1793
Be in known, that [blank] of [blank] in the county of [blank] in the state of [blank] is the proprietor of share number [blank] in the Piscataqua Bridge, which share is transferable by making as assignment on the back of this certificate ... In testimony whereof, the seal of the corporation is hereunto affixed, the [blank] day of [blank] one thousand seven hundred and ninety [blank] [Portsmouth, N.H. : s.n., 1793] New Hampshire 1793
The citizen & farmer's almanac, for the year of our Lord 1794 ... : Containing: besides the usual astronomical calculations, &c. &c. necessary in an almanac ... / Carefully calculated for the latitude and meridian of Philadelphia. By Abraham Shoemaker. Philadelphia: : Printed by Benjamin Johnson, no. 147, Market-Street., [1793] Pennsylvania 1793
Second Congress of the United States: At the second session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the fifth of November, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two. : An act regulating foreign coins, and for other purposes. [Philadelphia : Printed by Childs and Swaine, 1793] Pennsylvania 1793
Lessons in elocution: or, A selection of pieces, in prose and verse, : for the improvement of youth in reading and speaking. / By William Scott. Philadelphia: : Printed by William Young, bookseller, no. 52, Second-Street, the corner of Chesnut-Street., M,DCC,XCIII. [1793] Pennsylvania 1793
Papers relative to Great-Britain. [Philadelphia : Printed by Childs and Swaine, 1793] Pennsylvania 1793
The cherry girl / a favorite ballad composed by T. Costellow. [Philadelphia] : Printed for G. Willig Market Street where may be had a great variety of new vocal and instrumental music &c., [ca. 1795] Pennsylvania 1793
The village spire. / A celebrated song by Giordani. [Philadelphia : s.n., between 1793 and 1795] Pennsylvania 1793
Hush ev'ry breeze. / From Hook's Hours of love. Price 25 cents. Philadelphia : Printed at Carr & Cos. musical repository., [1793 or 4] Pennsylvania 1793
The jealous don : a favorite dialogue and duett in the opera of the Pirates. Philadelphia. : Printed for Carr & Co. at their musical repository no. 136 High Street. Where may be had, all the newest music, reprinted from European publications; likewise an elegant assortment of guittars, piano fortes, flutes, violins and other music Pennsylvania 1793
Pity the sorrows of a poor old man. : A favorite canzonett taken from Dr. Goldsmiths celebrated poem of the Beggars petition. / Set to music by T.A. Geary of Dublin. Price one quarter dollar. Philadelphia : Printed & sold at Carr & Cos. musical repository., [ca. 1793] Pennsylvania 1793
Plan de la ville du Cap Français [cartographic material] : ou est marque en feu ce qui et incendie pour copie conforme a l'original. : Plan of Cape Français those buildings that appear in smoke are burnt down the blank squairs are such buildings as still remain. / Renault delin. Gravé par C. Tiebout. New York : Published by I. Harrison no. 38 Maiden Lane., [1793?] New York (State) 1793
Travels to the westward, or the unknown parts of America: in the years 1786 and 1787. : Containing an account of the country to the westward of the river Missisippi [sic], together with its productions, animals, inhabitants, vegitables [sic], curiosities, &c. &c. / By Alonso Decavles [sic]. [Windsor, Vt.] : Printed by Alden Spooner, at Windsor, (Vermont), M,DCC,XCIV. [1794] Vermont 1794
[The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church, : according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America: : together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David.] [Philadelphia : Printed by Hall & Sellers, 1794] Pennsylvania 1794
The advantages and disadvantages of the married state; : as entered into with religious and irreligious persons. Represented in the similitude of a dream. / By the Reverend John Johnson, A.M. author of A mathematical question, propounded by the vicegerent of the world.--Answered by the King of Glory. Springfield [Mass.]: : Printed by Edward Gray., M,DCC,XCIV. [1794] Massachusetts 1794
With joyful hearts, &c. : A dedicatory poem. / (Written by Mr. Lovett, and set to music by Oliver Holden, of Charlestown, Massachusetts) for performance at the dedication of the new brick meeting house in the city of Lansingburg and suitable for other public occasions. ; (Price 12 cents.) ; (Published according to act of Congress.) [Charlestown, Mass. : Sold by Oliver Holden, 1794] Massachusetts 1794
An astronomical diary: or almanack, for the year of Christian aera 1795. : ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston in America. Latitude 42 deg. 25 min. north. / By Nathanael Low. ; [Six lines of verse] [Boston] : Printed and sold by T. & J. Fleet, in Boston. (The only proprietors of Dr. Low's copy right.) Where may be had their Pocket almanack and Register, for 1795., [1794] Massachusetts 1794
The seven voyages of Sinbad the sailor. : And The story of Aladdin; or, The wonderful lamp. Philadelphia: : Printed and sold by H. and P. Rice, no. 50 High-Street., 1794. Pennsylvania 1794
Strong's almanack, for the year of our Lord 1795 ... Springfield [Mass.], : Printed by Edward Gray., [1794] Massachusetts 1794
The history of the mother and child. : A new primer, attempting an easy, entertaining, and effectual method of teaching young children the alphabet, so as to lay a foundation for making them good readers; --who have need of milk, and not of strong meat. : To which is annexed, the young child's catechism. [Boston] : Printed by S. Hall, in Cornhill, Boston., [1794?] Massachusetts 1794
Amendments proposed in the committee of the whole House, to the Bill to amend the act, intituled, "An act to establish an uniform rule of naturalization." [Philadelphia : s.n., 1794 or 1795] Pennsylvania 1794
A bill to amend and explain the twenty second section of the act establishing the judicial courts of the United States. [Philadelphia : Printed by John Fenno, 1794] Pennsylvania 1794
Minutes of the Vermont Association: : at their annual convention, holden at Salem (New-York) 1793. Bennington [Vt.]: : Printed by Anthony Haswell., M,DCC,XCIV. [1794] Vermont 1794
The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament, and applied to the Christian state and worship. / By Isaac Watts, D.D. ; [Six lines of Scripture texts] Boston: : Printed by Joseph Bumstead for James White, Court-Street., 1794. Massachusetts 1794
A Complete edition of the poets of Great Britain. : Volume the first[-fifth]. ... London: : Printed for James Evans Pater Noster Row. North America: Boston, for Messrs. Thomas & Andrews E. Larkin Jun. & David West: Worcester, for Mr. Isaiah Thomas: Providence, Rhode Island, for Messrs. Carter & Wilkinson., [1794] England 1794
The spirit of laws. / Translated from the French of M. de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu. ; In two volumes. Vol. I[-II]. ; [One line of quotation] London: : Printed for James Evans, Paternoster Row. North America: Sold by Messrs. Thomas and Andrews; Ebenezer Larkin, David West, Mr. J. Thomas, and Messrs. Carter and Wilkinson., 1794. England 1794
The New-England primer, improved : for the more easy attaining the true reading of English. : To which is added, the Assembly of Divines catechism. New-London [Conn.], : Printed by Thomas C. Green., 1794. Connecticut 1794
The town and country builder's assistant: : absolutely necessary to be understood, by builders and workmen in general. Explaining short and easy rules. Made familiar to the meanest capacity, for drawing and working ... the whole illustrated by upwards of 200 examples, engraved on 60 folio copper-plates. / By a lover of architect. Boston: N:E : Engraved printed and sold by J. Norman, architect engraver at his shop near the Boston-Stone., [Published March 15. 1794] Massachusetts 1794
A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. / By the abbé Raynal. ; To which is added, The revolution of America, by the same author. ; A new translation. With notes, large additions and improvements, and a copious index. ; In six volumes. Vol. I[-VI]. London: : Printed for James Evans, Paternoster Row. North America: Sold by Messrs. Thomas and Andrews; Ebenezer Larkin, David West, Mr. J. Thomas, and Messrs. Carter and Wilkinson., 1794. England 1794
A letter and instructions from Sir William Scott and Doctor John Nicholl, prepared at the instance of Mr. Jay. [Philadelphia : Printed by Childs & Swaine?, 1794] Pennsylvania 1794
A political discourse, to the people of Alfred, at the opening of their first district meeting after incorporation. : Delivered on Monday March 3d, 1794. / By Moses Sweat, A.M. Pastor of the Church of Christ in Sanford. Printed at Portland [Me.], : by Thomas B. Wait.--, Sept. 1794. Maine 1794
[The Post-Office law] [Philadelphia? : Printed by Charles Cist?, 1794?] Pennsylvania 1794
Divine songs: in easy language, for the use of children. / By the late Reverend and pious Doctor Watts. ; [Two lines from Matthew] New-York: : Printed by William Durell., [1794?] New York (State) 1794
An epitome of history; or, A concise view of the most important revolutions, and events, which are recorded in the histories of the principal empires, kingdoms, states, and republics, now subsisting in the world: : also their forms of government. : Accompanied with short accounts of the different religions which prevail; their peculiar doctrines, ceremonies, worship, institutions, and ecclesiastical government. / by John Payne, author of the System of geography, and of the Naval, commercial, and general history of Great Britain. : Designed for the youth of both sexes. London: : Printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Churchyard; Scatcherd and Whitaker, Ave-Maria Lane; and Berry, Rogers, and Berry, Hanover Square, New York., 1794. England 1794
The Flowers of literature, or Treasury of wit and genius. : Containing the essence of the beauties of Johnson, Swift, Fielding, Pope, Goldsmith, Hervery, Sterne, Watts, &c. : To which is added, a selection of the most striking passages extracted from the works of other celebrated modern writers. : [Three lines of quotations] New-York: : Printed by Tiebout & O'Brien, for the editor., M.DCC.XC.IV. [1794] New York (State) 1794
The Beauties of the English drama; : digested alphabetically according to the date of their performances. : Consisting of the most celebrated passages, soliloques, similes, descriptions, and other poetical beauties, contained in the works of Shaekspeare Johnson Dryden ... : With a copious index to the subjects, and a list of the plays made use of in the work. New-York: : Printed by Tiebout & O'Brien, for the editor., M.DCC.XC.IV. [1794] New York (State) 1794
Liar's monitor, : containing singular travels, campaigns, voyages, and adventures in Russia, Iceland, Turkey, Egypt, Gibralter [sic], up the Mediterranean, and on the Atlantic Ocean: : also an account of a voyage into the moon, with many extraordinary particulars relating to the cooking animal, in that planet, which is here called the human species. : An excellent burlesque on the writers of voyages and travels. [Leominster, Mass.?] : Printed for Chapman Whitcomb., [between 1794 and 1812?] Massachusetts 1794
The Psalms of David, in metre. : According to the version used in the Church of Scotland. Philadelphia, : Printed by John M'Culloch, no. 1, North Third-Street., 1794. Pennsylvania 1794
Divine hymns, or Spiritual songs, : for the use of religious assemblies, and private Christians: / being a collection by Joshua Smith, and Samuel Sleeper. ; The latest and largest edition. Portsmouth--New-Hampshire: : Printed and sold, wholesale and retail, by John Melcher, at his office, corner of Market-Street--, 1794. New Hampshire 1794
The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original Greek: : And with the former translations diligently compared and revised. : Appointed to be read in churches. [Boston] : Printed at Boston, by Alexander Young and Thomas Minns, for B. Larkin, J. White, Thomas and Andrews, D. West, E. Larkin, W.P. Blake, and J. West. Sold by them at their respective book-stores., MDCCXCIV [1794] Massachusetts 1794
Notes on farming, collected from Young's Farmer's tour through England, : with additions and observations by American farmers on various subjects, more particularly adapted to their own soil. Printed in Catskill [N.Y.], : by M. Crosswell & Co., M,DCC,XCIV. [1794] New York (State) 1794
The pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come: : delivered under the similitude of a dream, in three parts. Wherein are set forth the manner of his setting out; the several dangers and difficulties he met with in his journey; and the many victories he obtained over the world, the flesh, and the devil, together with his happy arrival at the celestial city. / By John Bunyan. ; To which is added: the life and death of the author. ; [One line from Hosea] New-York: : Printed by H. Gaine, at the Bible in Hanover Square., M,DCC,XCIII [ i.e. 1794?]. New York (State) 1794
Third Congress of the United States: At the first session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the second of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three. : An act to provide for the defence of certain ports and harbors in the United States. [Philadelphia : Printed by Childs and Swaine, 1794] Pennsylvania 1794
A short account of the death of Mrs. Hannah Richardson. / Published by Charles Wesley, A.M. late student of Christ Church, Oxford. ; From the ninth British edition. Philadelphia: : Printed by William W. Woodward, Franklin's Head, no. 41, Chesnut-Street., 1794. Pennsylvania 1794
A sermon on the Trinity. : [Twelve lines of quotations] / By the Reverend J. Phillips, late master of the C----te-H----se Academy, on Black-Heath, Kent. [New York] : Sold by Mr. Mitchel, book-binder, Maiden-Lane, New-York; Mr. Pike, store-keeper, John-Street, do. and Mrs. Mary Davis, store-keeper, New-Brunswick., [1794] New York (State) 1794
This volume belongs to Dabney's Circulating Library, at the Salem Bookstore; : (consisting of several thousand volumes.) Uniting every subject of art, science, information, and amusement ... Where ladies and gentlemen, of sentiment and taste, in town and country, may enjoy, at a small expense, a rich variety of intellectual refreshment and literary treasure. ... Every new, curious, and entertaining work, in Europe, or in any part of the Union ... for sale or loan. An extensive and elegant supply of books and stationary, constantly for sale. ... [Boston] : (Printed by Weld & Greenough, Boston., [1794 or 1795] Massachusetts 1794
Our Lord is risen from the dead : a favorite hymn / composed by Dr. Arnold. New York : Printed for G. Gilfert & Co. no. 191 Broadway., [1794?] New York (State) 1794
The federal overture : as performed at the theatres in Philadelphia and New York / selected and composed by B. Carr. Price half dollar. [Philadelphia] : Printed and sold at B. Carrs musical repositorys Philadelphia and New York and I. Carrs Baltimore., [1794] Pennsylvania 1794
Tell me where is fancy bred, / from Shakespeare's Measure for measure, composed by B. Carr. Philadelphia : Printed & sold by Carr & Co., [ca. 1794] Pennsylvania 1794
La Carmagnole. New York : Printed for James Hewitt., [ca. 1794] New York (State) 1794
Poor Jack / by Dibdin. Price 25 cents. Philadelphia : Printed at Carr's musical repository., [ca. 1794] Pennsylvania 1794
Fresh and strong the breeze is blowing : a favorite song. [New York : Benjamin Carr, between 1794 and 1797] New York (State) 1794
Hark Eliza's tuneful voice. [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1794 or 5] Pennsylvania 1794
How sweet in the woodlands. [Philadelphia] : Printed for Carr & sold at his repository's Philaa. and N. York & by I. Carr Baltimore., [between 1794 and 1797?] Pennsylvania 1794
The Highland laddie : introduced by Mrs. Warrell in the Highland reel (price 20 cents) [Philadelphia] : Sold by Carr & Co. at their musical repositary [sic] no. 122 High St. and by H. & P. Rice no. 50 Market Street., [ca. 1794] Pennsylvania 1794
Sweet lillies of the valley / composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert & Co., [between 1794 and 1796] New York (State) 1794
T'is no fault of mine / a favorite song composed by Mr. Hook pr. one quarter dollar. N York : Print'd & solt [sic] at G. Gilfert & Cos. musical magazine no. 191 Broadway where may be had the new favorite songs Ma belle coquette, Lavender girl & Market lass., [1794 or 5] New York (State) 1794
When I was a chit / composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed for G. Gilfert & Co. no. 191 Broadway., [ca. 1794] New York (State) 1794
Within a mile of Edinbourgh : introduced & sung by Miss Broadhurst in the musical farce called My grandmother. : Price 12 cents. [Philadelphia : s.n., 1794-6] Pennsylvania 1794
Canzonet. / Jackson. [New York : s.n., 1794] New York (State) 1794
A Son Altesse Royale Madame Elisabeth de France : saeur [sic] du Roi. Philadelphia : Sold by H. & P. Rice no. 50 Market Street price 20 cents., [1794?] Pennsylvania 1794
Ronde chantee a la rein par Monseigneur le Dauphin. Philadelphia : Sold by H&P Rice no. 50 Market Street price twenty cents., [1794-1796] Pennsylvania 1794
The village holyday : a favorite new air. [Philadelphia] : Publish'd by G. Willig, at his musical magazin, no. 163 North Third Street., [ca. 1794] Pennsylvania 1794
The lavender girl / composed by Mr. Reeve. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert & Co. at their musical magazine Broadway no. 191., [1794 or 5] New York (State) 1794
The market las's / composed by Mr. Reeve. New York : Printed, and sold by G. Gilfert & Co. at their musical magazine no. 191 Broadway., [1794 or 5] New York (State) 1794
To the citizens of Philadelphia [cartographic material] : this plan of the city and its environs is respectfully dedicated by the editor. / P.C. Varle geographer & enginr. Del. Scott sculp. Philada. [Philadelphia : s.n., 1794] Pennsylvania 1794
Jemmy of the glen. / Words and music by Mrs. Pownall. [United States : s.n., ca. 1794] United States 1794
When icicles hang by the wall, from Shakespeare's Love's labour lost. / Composed by B. Carr. Philadelphia, : Printed & sold by Carr & Co., [1794] Pennsylvania 1794
Elelment of liquid beauty. / Composed by Mr. Shield. ; Price 20 cents. Philadelphia : Printed at Carr's musical repository., [1794] Pennsylvania 1794
La Carmagnole. : Price 25 cents. Philadelphia : Printed at Carr & Cos. musical repository., [ca. 1794] Pennsylvania 1794
Sir, The following plan and conditions of the Philadelphia gazette, and universal daily advertiser, are laid before you, at the same time that the proprietor solicits your patronage. ... [Philadelphia : Printed by Andrew Brown, 1794] Pennsylvania 1794
Almanack for 1796. New-London [Conn.]: : Printed by Samuel Green., [1795] Connecticut 1795
The Balloon almanac, for the year of our Lord, 1796. : ... Adapted to the horizon and meridian of Philadelphia. Lancaster [Pa.], : Printed by William & Robert Dickson, for John Wyeth, Harrisburg., [1795] Pennsylvania 1795
The looking-glass for the mind; or Intellectual mirror. : Being an elegant collection of the most delightful little stories, and interesting tales, / chiefly translated from that much admired work, L'Ami des enfans. New-York: : Printed by W. Durell, for Robert M'Gill, book-seller, no. 105 Maiden-Lane., M,DCC,XCV. [1795] New York (State) 1795
The Psalms of David in metre. / Translated, and diligently compared with the original text, and former translations. More plain, smooth and agreeable to the text, than any heretofore. ; Allowed by the authority of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, and appointed to be sung in congregations and families. ; With an exposition, or, brief view of the contents of each psalm, by Mr. Matthew Henry, author of the Commentary on the Bible. Albany: : Printed by Charles R. and George Webster, in the white house, corner of State & Pearl Streets. Sold by Webster and Steel, T. Spencer and A. Ellison, Albany--W.W. Wands, Lansingburgh--A. Stoddard, Hudson--J. Shurtleff, Schenectady--D. Rogers, Bal New York (State) 1795
The porcupine, alias the hedge-hog: or, The fox turned preacher. : Written after the manner of Ignatius Irony, Bartholomew Burlesque, and Samuel Satire. / By L.S. living in Fox Island. ; [Two lines of Scripture texts] Canaan [N.Y.] : Printed and sold by E. Phinney, and by the author, at his house opposite subtilty and a ton of stimulators; and enclosed by worth, and a shelter for rabbits., January, 1795. New York (State) 1795
God glorified in his works of providence and grace: : a remarkable instance of it, in the various and signal deliverances wrought for Miss Mercy Wheeler, of Plainfield, in Connecticut; lately restored from extreme impotence and long confinement. : Published at the desire of many. / By Benjamin Lord, A.M. Pastor of the First Church in Norwich. New-London, Connecticut; : Printed by Timothy Green,, 1795[-1798]. Connecticut 1795
Manual exercise and evolutions of the cavalry. : As practised in the late American army. / Materially corrected and amended, from the Hartford and Worcester editions, by an able and experienced officer, for the use of the cavalry of this and other states. Printed at Lichfield [i.e., Litchfield, Conn.], : by Collier & Buel., [1795] Connecticut 1795
New-York, Feb. 10, 1795. : Proposals for printing by subscription, a magazine, entitled, The United States Christian magazine. [New York : Printed by T. & J. Swords, 1795] New York (State) 1795
Devout exercises of the heart, / by the late pious & ingenious Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. ; Abridged for the use of the pious. New-York: : Printed by Tiebout & O'Brien for E. Mitchell, book-seller no. 9 Maiden-Lane., [1795?] New York (State) 1795
Divine meditations and holy contemplations. / By R. Sibbes, D.D. Master of Catharine-Hall, Cambridge, and preacher of Gray's Inn, London. ; Inscribed (by permission) to the Right Honorable the Countess of Huntingdon. And recommended by the Honorable and Rev. Mr. Walter Shirley. [Philadelphia] : Printers--Lang & Ustick, no 79, North Third Street, Philadelphia,, 1795. Pennsylvania 1795
Tom Thumb's folio: or, A new threepenny plaything for little giants. : To which is prefixed, an abstract of the life of Mr. Thumb, and an historical account of the wonderful deeds he performed. : Together with some anecdotes respecting Grumbo, the great giant. Boston: : Printed and sold by S. Hall, no. 53, Cornhill., [1795?] Massachusetts 1795
Treaties between the United States & Great-Britain (with the accompanying documents) and the United States & France. : To which is added, a copy of the United States' Federal Constitution. [West Springfield, Mass.] : Printed by Richard Davison, West-Springfield, and to be had at his office, and of the distributors of the American intelligencer. Price ten cents (half-pistareen)., [1795] Massachusetts 1795
Circular to the collectors and naval officers. : Treasury Department, March [blank], 1795. Sir, you will receive herewith an act entitled "An act making further provision in cases of drawbacks," accompanied with certain forms for carrying the same into execution. ... [Philadelphia : s.n., 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
The children's friend. / Translated from the French of M. Berquin. ; Vol. IV. Printed at Boston, : by Thomas Hall, State Street, for William P. Blake at the Boston Bookstore, no. 59, Cornhill, --1795. Massachusetts 1795
No. III. of Dr. Wright's New and complete life of Christ to be fully completed in thirty-six numbers, in folio. ... : (To be continued weekly, price only one shilling) : Proposals by Birdsall and Menut, for printing this work. ... [New York : Printed by Birdsall and Menut, 1795] New York (State) 1795
The poor man's help, and young man's guide. : ... Unto which are added, principles of religion, useful to be known, believed, and practiced, by such as desire to receive the Holy Communion with benefit and comfort. : With forms of prayer for families and single persons. : ---Also--- divine hymns on several occasions, / by William Burkitt, M.A. of Pembroke Hall in Cambridge, late Vicar of Dedham, in Essex. New-York: : Printed by George Forman, no. 156, Front-Street, for Evert Duyckinck & Co. book-sellers and stationers, no. 110, Pearl-Street--, 1795. New York (State) 1795
Features of Mr. Jay's treaty. : To which is annexed, a view of the commerce of the United States, as it stands at present, and as it is fixed by Mr. Jay's treaty. Philadelphia: : Printed for Mathew Carey, by Lang and Ustick., Oct. 20, 1795. Pennsylvania 1795
Julia; or, The penitent daughter: : an affecting history. Philadelphia : Printed and sold by Stewart & Cochran, no. 34, South Second-Street., M,DCC,XCV. [1795] Pennsylvania 1795
The epistle from the Yearly Meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 18th to the 27th of the fifth month, 1795, inclusive, : to the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends, in Great Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
New-England primer, enlarged and improved: or, An easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. : Adorned with cuts. : Also, the catechism. Newburyport [Mass.] : Printed by Samuel S. Parker., [between 1795 and 1799] Massachusetts 1795
The New-England primer, enlarged and improved: or, An easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. : Adorned with cuts. : Also, the catechism. Newburyport [Mass.] : Printed by Samuel S. Parker., [between 1795 and 1799] Massachusetts 1795
The New-England primer, enlarged and improved: or, An easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. : Adorned with cuts. : Also the catechism. Printed at Boston, : by Thomas Hall: sold by him, and at the several bookstores in town., --1795. Massachusetts 1795
The New-England primer improved, : for the more easy attaining the true reading of English, : to which is added, the Assembly of Divines' catechism. Baltimore: : Printed for Thomas, Andrews & Butler, by Pechin & Co., 1795. Maryland 1795
Letters, originally published under the signatures of Omicron and Vigil. / By the Rev. Mr. John Newton, Minister of the Gospel in London. ; To which is prefixed, an authentic narrative of some remarkable and interesting particulars in the life of Mr. Newton. Communicated in a series of letters to the Rev. Mr. Haweis, Rector of Aldwinckle, Northamptonshire. Philadelphia: : Printed by William Young, bookseller, no. 52, Second-Street, corner of Chesnut-Street., M.DCC.XCV. [1795] Pennsylvania 1795
Poesien und Anecdoten, zum Zeitvertrieb, : für die lieben Landleute, am Sonn und Wercktage ohne Nachtheil zu gebrauchen. / Geschrieben von einem das Land-Leben-Liebenden. ; Erstes Bändgen. ; Prüfet alles, behaltet das Gute. Germantaun [Pa.]: : Gedruckt bey Peter Leibert,, 1795. Pennsylvania 1795
Third Congress of the United States: At the second session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the third of November, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. : An act relative to the compensations of certain officers employed in the collection of the duties of impost and tonnage. [Philadelphia : Printed by Francis Childs, 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
Third Congress of the United States: At the second session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the third of November, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. : An act to provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions; and to repeal the act now in force for those purposes. [Philadelphia : Printed by Francis Childs, 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
Third Congress of the United States: At the second session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the third of November, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. : An act to establish an uniform rule of naturalization; and to repeal the act heretofore passed on that subject. [Philadelphia : Printed by Francis Childs, 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
Third Congress of the United States: : at the second session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the third of November, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. : An act for continuing and regulating the military establishment of the United States, and for repealing sundry acts heretofore passed on that subject. [Philadelphia : Printed by Francis Childs, 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
Third Congress of the United States: at the second session, : begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the third of November, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. : An act making further provision for the support of public credit, and for the redemption of the public debt. [Philadelphia : Printed by John Fenno, 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
Wonder of wonders! or The remarkable discovery of an American hermit, who lived upwards of 220 years. Printed at Newburyport [Mass.]. : [s.n.], 1795. Massachusetts 1795
Minutes of the Woodstock Association, held at New-London, in the state of New-Hampshire, September 30th, and October 1st, M,DCC,XCV. Printed at Windsor, [Vt.] : by Alden Spooner,, (--1795--) Vermont 1795
The laws and regulations of Dover Fire Society. Dover [N.H.]: : Printed by Samuel Bragg, Jun. for the Society., M,DCC,XCV. [1795] New Hampshire 1795
The Sister's gift; or, The naughty boy reformed. : Published for the advantage of the rising generation. : [Four lines of verse]. New-York: : Printed by William Durell, no. 208, Pearl-Street,, M,D,CC,XCV, [1795] New York (State) 1795
Circular to collectors, naval officers, and surveyors of certain districts and ports. Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, May 18th, 1795. : Sir, I transmit herewith an act entitled "An act to alter and amend the act intutled An act laying certain duties upon snuff and refined sugar," accompanied with certain forms for carrying into execution that part of the act which relates to the granting of debentures for drawbacks to be allowed on the exportation of American manufactured snuff. ... [Philadelphia : Printed by Francis Childs, 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
A Discourse on Daniel vii. 27. : Under the following heads: I. That God the Father hath appointed a time when Christ Jesus shall remove his throne of glory from heaven to this lower world, and reign here on this earth a certain space with his saints, universal King over all nations. II. That this time is nigh at hand, even at the very door. III. That it is very probable this glorious day will begin or commence in America. IV. Shewing some of the blessed fruits and effects of Christ's second coming to the righteous, and likewise the dreadful consequence of that day to the wicked and those that continue his enemies. : Also a short improvement of the subject. [Norwich, Conn.? : s.n.,] Printed in the year 1795. Connecticut 1795
[Act to incorporate the President, Managers and Company of the Wissahickon Toll Road] [Philadelphia : s.n., 1795 ] Pennsylvania 1795
The Singers pocket companion : being an abridgment from Arnold : containing concisely, the rules of psalmody: : to which are added a number of pages with blank lines that music may be written by any who wish to select from the various collections now published. Southwick [Mass.]: : Printed and published by J. Langton. Southwick., 1795. Massachusetts 1795
Third Congress of the United States: At the second session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the third of November, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four. : An act for reviving certain suits and process which have been discontinued in the district court of Pennsylvania. [Philadelphia : Printed by Francis Childs, 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
The New-England primer enlarged and improved: or, An easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. : Adorn'd with cuts. : To which is added, the Assembly of Divines catechism. Boston: : Printed by Thomas Fleet, Junior,, MDCCXCV. [1795] Massachusetts 1795
A new map of the District of Maine [cartographic material] : taken from the original map compiled by Osgood Carleton Esqr. : From the actual surveys that were made by an act of the General Court with additions corrections & improvements. Boston : Published & sold by I. Norman engraver., [ca. 1795] Massachusetts 1795
China, divided into its great provinces according to the best authorities. [cartographic material] / R. Tanner sc. N. York. [Philadelphia : M. Carey, 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
A Map of Ireland according to the best authorities. [cartographic material] [United States : s.n., ca. 1795] United States 1795
Map of the commonwealth of Massachusetts exclusive of the district of Maine [cartographic material] : compiled pursuant to an act of the General Court from actual surveys of the several towns, &c. Taken by their order ... / By Osgood Carleton. Boston : Published and sold by O. Carleton and I. Norman sold also by W. Norman no. 75 Newbury Street., [1795?] Maine 1795
Ah will no chance of clime : a favorite song. [Philadelphia] : Publish'd by G. Willig 165 Market St. Philadelphia., [between 1795 and 1797] New York (State) 1795
The waxen doll / sung by Miss Solomons in the Children in the wood. [Philadelphia] : Printed and sold at G. Willig's musical magazin no. 165 Market Street Philadelphia. Price 12 cents., [between 1795 and 1797] Pennsylvania 1795
Around the brim of the inspiring goblet : a favorite new song / the words by P. Derrick. [New York] : Publish'd by G. Willig 165 Market St., [between 1795 and 1797] New York (State) 1795
The lass of Humberside. : A favorite ballad. Price 20 cents. [Philadelphia] : Printed by B. Carr., [ca. 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
An Egyptian air : arranged as a rondo for the piano forte / by T.H. Butler. Philadelphia : Published and sold by G. Willig., [ca. 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
An Egyptian air : arranged as a rondo / by T.H. Butler. Philadelphia : Published by G. Willig., [ca. 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
Sweet rosy sleep / sung by Mrs. Hodgkinson in The school for greybeard's, composed by B. Carr. Price 25 cents. [New York : s.n., ca. 1795] New York (State) 1795
Cupid benighted / sung by Mrs. Jordan in the new comedy of the Wedding day. New York : Printed for G. Gilfert & Co. no. 209 Broadway near St. Pauls., [1795] New York (State) 1795
Tom Tackle / a favorite song by Dibdin. ; Price 25 cents. [New York] : Printed & sold by B. Carr at his musical repositorys in New York & Philadelphia & J. Carr Baltimore., [1795 or 6] New York (State) 1795
Tom Trueloves knell. / A favorite song written and composed by Mr. Dibdin. ; Price 20 cents. [New York] : Printed at Carrs musical repositories in New York & Philadelphia & J. Carrs Baltimore., [1795 or 6] New York (State) 1795
Ella and Edwin. [Philadelphia] : Publish'd by G. Willig 165 Market Street., [between 1795 and 1797] Pennsylvania 1795
O lovely peace / a favorite duet from Handel's oratorio of Judas MacCabeus. Philadelphia. : Publish'd and sold at G. Willig's music store., [ca. 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
How sweet the love that meets return. : A favorite song. Sung by Mrs. Kennedy. / Composed by Mr. Hook. [United States : s.n., ca. 1795] United States 1795
I've lost my heart to Teddy / composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert & Co. at their musical magazine no. 209 Broadway and to be had at no. 165 Market Street Philadelpha [i.e., Philadelphia] likewise an assortment of fine toned piano fortes., [1795?] New York (State) 1795
The lass of Richmond Hill. / Sung by Mr. Incledon. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert & Co. no. 209 Broadway near St. Pauls., [1795?] New York (State) 1795
Noon. : Sonnet II. / I. Burger Jnr. sct. N.Y. [Philadelphia] : Sold by G. Willig Philadelphia., [ca. 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
Sweet Nan of Hampton Green. / An admired song composed by Mr. Hook. [New York? : s.n., ca. 1795] New York (State) 1795
The thrifty wife : a favorite song sung by Mr. Dignum. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert at their musical magazine no. 209 Broadway near St. Pauls where may be had a great variety of single songs lessons and al [sic] kinds of musical instruments strings &c., [1795] New York (State) 1795
The thrifty wife or Little waste / a favorite song composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed and sold by W. Howe organ builder & importer of all kinds of musical instruments no. 320 Pearl Street., [1798] New York (State) 1795
The wedding day. : A favourite song. [Philadelphia] : Publish'd by G. Willig 165 Market Street., [ca. 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
Alone by the light of the moon / a favorite song composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed for G. Gilfert & Co. no. 209 Broadway near St. Pauls where may be had a great variety of single songs lessons all kinds of musical instruments strings &c., [1795] New York (State) 1795
Ellen and I. / An admired new song composed by Mr. Hook. [Philadelphia] : Published by G. Willig. Market St. no. 165., [between 1795 and 1797] Pennsylvania 1795
Jem of Aberdeen. [Philadelphia] : Printed by G. Willig Philadelphia., [ca. 1795?] Pennsylvania 1795
Mary's dream or Sandy's ghost. Philadelphia : by G. Willig., [ca. 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
Mary's dream or Sandy's ghost. [United States : s.n., ca. 1795] United States 1795
Primroses : a favorite song sung by Mrs. Pownal. / With additions and alterations by a lady. New-York : Printed by James Harrison, at his music warehouse in Maiden Lane where may be had the greatest variety of new songs, and music, of all kinds. New York (State) 1795
Stern's Maria. [Philadelphia] : Printet [sic] for G. Willig 165 Market Street Philadelphia., [1795] Pennsylvania 1795
Away with melancholy. Philadelphia : Published and sold at G. Willig's music store., [ca. 1795?] Pennsylvania 1795
O dearly I love somebody. / Sung by Mrs. Mountain. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert & Co. no. 209 Broadway near St. Pauls., [1795] New York (State) 1795
Hope thou source of ev'ry blessing / composed by the celebrated Pleyel. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert & Co. no. 209 near St. Pauls., [1795] New York (State) 1795
Finale in the pantomime of Oscar and Malvina. [United States : s.n., ca. 1795] United States 1795
The market lass / composed by Mr. Reeve. [New York] : Printed & sold by B. Carr at his musical repositories New York & Philadelphia, price 20 cts., [ca. 1795] New York (State) 1795
Come Holy Ghost. : A hymn for Whit Sunday. / The words from no. 202 United Brethren hymn book, & music by Fr. Rausch. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert & Co. no. 209 Broadway near St. Paul's and at no. 165 Market Street Philadelphia., [1795] New York (State) 1795
The Marseilles hymn. Philadelphia : Printd for G. Willig at his musical magazin no. 165 Market Street., [between 1795 and 1797] Pennsylvania 1795
Somebody. [Philadelphia] : Published by G. Willig at his musical magazin 165 Market Street Phila., [between 1795 and 1797] Pennsylvania 1795
Are ye fair as op'ning roses, : a favorite song, as sung by Sigra. Storace, in the musical entertainment of My grandmother / composed by Stephen Storace. Philadelphia, : Published by G. Willig, no. 165 Market Street., [between 1795 and 1797] Pennsylvania 1795
The little bird : from the opera of the Cherokee. [United States : s.n., ca. 1795] United States 1795
Lucy Gray of Allendale. [United States : s.n., ca. 1795] United States 1795
Sung by Miss Harding in the new musical drama cal'd The Purse or Benevolent tar. [Philadelphia] : Printed for & sold at Carr's repositary's [sic] Philadelphia New York and by I. Carr Baltimore., [ca. 1795] New York (State) 1795
Sung by Mrs. Oldmixon in the musical farce called My grandmother. [Philadelphia] : Sold at Carr's repository's Philadelphia, N. York & Baltimore. (Price 12 cents), [ca. 1795] Pennsylvania 1795
The Young Irish captain's the husband for me : a favorite song; sung by Mr. Franklin. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert & Co. no. 209 Broadway near St. Pauls., [ca. 1795] New York (State) 1795
Anno regni Georgii II. Regis. : At a General Assembly begun at New-Castle, in the government of the counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex, upon Delaware, the twentieth day of October, ... 1759, the following law was passed by the Honourable William Denny, Esquire, governor; that is to say, An act to redress the misemployment of lands, and stocks of money, heretofore given and purchased, for the use of the minister of the Swedes Lutheran Church, called Trinity-Church, in the borough of Wimington ... [Delaware? : s.n., 1795?] Delaware 1795
Meddley with the most favorite airs and variations, / composed by I.C. Moller. [Philadelphia] : Printed and sold at G. Willig's musical magazin no. 165 Market Street Philad., [between 1795 and 1797] Pennsylvania 1795
Ma belle coquette : a favorite song / composed by Mr. Hook. [Philadelphia] : Printed for G. Willig no. 165 Market Street. Where may be had a great variety of the newest vocal and instrumental music, &c., [between 1795 and 1797] Pennsylvania 1795
The American academy of compliments; or, The complete American secretary : ... With a collection of the newest songs. Wilmington [Del.]: : Printed and sold by Peter Brynberg., 1796. Delaware 1796
Bickerstaff's New-England almanack, for the year of our Lord, 1797 ... : Adapted to the horizon and meridian of Hartford, lat. 41 deg. 56 min. north: long. 72 deg. 54 min. west, from the Royal Observatory (or Flamsteedian House) at Greenwich; according to the latest observations; but may serve indifferently for all the towns in Connecticut, and the adjacent states. : [Eight lines of verse] West Springfield [Mass.]: : Printed by Edward Gray., [1796] Massachusetts 1796
Haswell's almanack, and register, for the state of Vermont: for the year of our Lord 1797: : being the first after the bissextile, or leap year, and the 21st and 22d of American independence. : Calculated for the latitude of Bennington, 43d. north, and longitude 4d. east of the city of Washington, in the Federal District. / By Adam Astrologist. Bennington, Vermont, : Printed by Anthony Haswell., [1796] Vermont 1796
The history of Pamela; or, Virtue rewarded. / Abridged from the works of Samuel Richardson, Esq. New-York: : Printed and sold, by Tiebout & O'Brien, no. 358, Pearl-Street, and all booksellers in town and country., --1796.-- New York (State) 1796
A Series of letters on courtship and marriage. : To which are added, Witherspoon's letters on marriage.-- Mrs. Piozzi's letter to a gentleman newly married.-- Swift's letter to a newly married lady.-- Marriage, a vision, by Cotton.-- Nugent's epistle to a lady. Elizabeth-town [N.J.]: : Printed by Shepard Kollock, for Cornelius Davis, bookseller, New-York., M,DCC,XCVI. [1796] New Jersey 1796
Almanack for 1797. [Hartford : Printed by Elisha Babcock, 1796] Connecticut 1796
Fourth Congress of the United States: : at the first session, begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the seventh of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five. [Philadelphia : Printed by Francis Childs?, 1796] Pennsylvania 1796
Extract from An act, for the relief and protection of American seamen. [Newport, R.I. : Printed by Henry Barber or for Ann Barber, between 1796 and 1809] Rhode Island 1796
Extract from An act, for the relief and protection of American seamen. [Newport, R.I. : Printed by Henry Barber or for Ann Barber, between 1796 and 1809] Rhode Island 1796
The United States, and New-Hampshire register. : For the year 1797. Being the 21st--22d, of national independence. Printed at Dover [N.H.], : For the citizens of the United States, by Samuel Bragg, Jr., [1796] New Hampshire 1796
Woods' town and country almanac, with an ephemeris of the motions of the sun and moon--the true places and aspects of the planets--the rising, setting and southing of the moon, for the year of our Lord 1797 ... / By J.N. Hutchings, philom. Newark, (New-Jersey) : Printed by John Woods., [1796] New Jersey 1796
Intimations; on agriculture and manufactures; and on new sources of trade, which will interfere with the produce of America in foreign markets. [Philadelphia : s.n., 1796?] Pennsylvania 1796
Expository notes, with practical observations, on the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. : Wherein the sacred text is at large recited, the sense explained, and the instructive example of the blessed Jesus, and his holy apostles, to our imitation recommended. : The whole designed to encourage the reading of the Scriptures in private families, and to render the daily perusal of them profitable and delightful. / By William Burkitt, M.A. late Vicar and lecturer of Dedham, in Essex. ; From the twentieth European edition, carefully corrected. Philadelphia: : Printed by William W. Woodward, Chesnut Street, no. 16, Franklin's Head., 1796. Pennsylvania 1796
Armine and Elvira. : A legendary tale. Re-printed at Stockbridge. : [By Loring Andrews], 1796. Massachusetts 1796
The works of Peter Porcupine, D.D. Philadelphia: : Published by Thomas Bradford, printer, bookseller, and stationer. No. 8, South Front-Street., 1796. Pennsylvania 1796
Captain Cook's third and last voyage to the Pacific Ocean. : In the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779 & 1780. / Faithfully abridged from the quarto edition. New York: : Printed [by William Durell] for, and sold by B. Gomez, no. 97, Maiden Lane, M.DCC.CXVI [i.e., 1796]. New York (State) 1796
A voyage to the Pacific Ocean; : for making discoveries in the northern hemisphere: performed under the direction of Captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore, in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780. / By Captain James Cook, F.R.S. and Captain James King, LL.D. and F.R.S. ; Illustrated with elegant plates, and a large chart. In four volumes. Vol. I[-IV]. New York: : Printed by Tiebout and O'Brien: for Benjamin & Jacob Johnson, no. 147, High Street, Philadelphia., --1796. New York (State) 1796
The task; : a poem, in six books. / By William Cowper, of the Inner Temple, Esq. New-York: : Printed by William Durell, for Thomas Allen, no. 186, Pearl-Street., MDCCXCVI. [1796] New York (State) 1796
Cynthia, : with the account of the unfortunate loves of Almerin and Desdemona. : Illustrated with a variety of the chances of fortune; moralized with many useful observations, drawn from thence, whereby the reader may reap both pleasure and profit. Boston. : Printed by J. White, near Charles-River Bridge,, 1796. Massachusetts 1796
The Heidelbergh catechism, or method of instruction in the Christian religion. : As the same is taught to the Reformed churches and schools in Holland. : Together with the articles of faith, and liturgy of said church. / Translated for the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of the City of New-York. New-York: : Printed and sold by George Forman, directly opposite the post-office., --1796.-- New York (State) 1796
An abstract of the first principles of English grammar. / Compiled for the use of his own school; by Joseph Hutchins, D.D. Philadelphia : Printed by Bioren & Madan, M,DCC,XCVI. [1796] Pennsylvania 1796
The looker-on, : a periodical paper, / by the Rev. Simon Olive-Branch, A.M. ; [Seven lines from Shakespeare's Measure for measure] ; Four volumes in two. Volume I[-II]. Philadelphia: : Printed for John Ormrod, no. 41, Chesnut-Street., 1796. Pennsylvania 1796
Devout exercises of the heart, : in meditation and soliloquy, prayer and praise. / By the late pious and ingenious Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe. ; Reviewed and published at her request, by I. Watts, D.D. New-York: : Printed by Samuel Campbell, no. 124 Pearl-Street., M,DCC,XCVI. [1796] New York (State) 1796
Select plays: : viz. 1. The road to ruin. (By Thomas Holcroft.) 2. Love's frailties. (By Thomas Holcroft.) 3. The world in a village. (By John O'Keefe.) 4. Slaves in Algiers. (By Mrs. Susannah Rowson.) Philadelphia: : Published by Mathew Carey, no. 118, Market-Street., September, 28, 1796. Pennsylvania 1796
An astronomical diary or almanack, for the year of Christian aera, 1797. : ... Calculated for the meridian of Portsmouth, lat. 43 deg. 5 min. north. But will serve for any of the adjacent states. / By Abraham Weatherwise. [Nine lines of verse] [Dover, N.H.] : Printed [by Samuel Bragg Jr.] at Dover, and for sale by the gross dozen or single, at the Sun Office., [1796] New Hampshire 1796
Department of State, April 16, 1796 : The Secretary of State requests the [blank] to permit any persons interested, and enquiring for the statement below, to see the same. : A statement of the claims of the citizens of the United States upon the French Republic, presented by Mr. Skipwith, consul-general of the United States, at Paris; and also of his proceedings and remarks upon them, viz. ... [United States s.n., 1796] United States 1796
Letter from the attorney general, : accompanying his report on the resolution of the eighth ultimo, relative to the contract entered into between the United States and John Cleves Symmes. 5th May, 1796. Committed to a committee of the whole House, to-morrow. : Published by order of the House of Representatives. [Philadelphia : Printed by Francis Childs?, 1796] Pennsylvania 1796
Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, August [blank], 1796. : Sir, You will herewith receive a copy of an act of Congress passed last session, entitled, "An act providing passports for the ships and vessels of the United States." This act contains a provision that it shall go into operation, after the first day of September next: before which time the passports will be prepared at, and transmitted from the office of the secretary of state. ... [Philadelphia : Printed by William Ross?, 1796] Pennsylvania 1796
A bill making provision for the payment, in part, of the debt due to the Bank of the United States. [Philadelphia : s.n., 1796] Pennsylvania 1796
A bill to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes, and to preserve peace on the frontiers. [Philadelphia : s.n., 1796] Pennsylvania 1796
The Young gentleman and lady's monitor, and English teacher's assistant: : being a collection of select pieces from our best modern writers: calculated to eradicate vulgr prejudices and rusticity of manners; improve the understanding; rectify the will; purify the passions; direct the minds of youth to the pursuit of proper objects; and to facilitate their reading, writing, and speaking the English language, with elegance and propriety. : Particularly adapted for the use of our eminent schools and academies, as well as private persons, who have not an opportunity of perusing the works of those celebrated authors, from whence this collection is made. : Divided into small portions for the ease of reading in classes. / By J. Hamilton Moore, author of the Practical navigation and Seaman's new assistant. [New York] : London: Printed: New-York: Re-printed by Hugh Gaine, at the Bible, in Pearl-Street, (formerly Hanover-Square.), M,DCC,XCVI. [1796] New York (State) 1796
Philadelphia, March 12, 1796. Buchan's celebrated family physician, adapted to the climate and diseases of the United States of America, by Isaac Cathrall, of Philadelphia. : Proposals, by Richard Folwell, for publishing by subscription, Domestic medicine; or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases, by regimen and simple medicines ... [Philadelphia : Printed by Richard Folwell, 1796] Pennsylvania 1796
Pious fraud detected, or A sermon to preachers,* : containing candid strictures on the inspiration of the Scriptures, and certain doctrines which they are supposed to contain. : Also, on Dr. Huntington's posthumous work; and Mr. Strong's answer to it. : Likewise, the reception of Dr. Priestley by the American clergy; and its probably effects, as to the ultimate dissemination of his sentiments. : To which is added, a short prophecy, without inspiration. : Recommended to the perusal of all persons whomsoever, but especially to persons of education. / By a layman. [Hartford?] : Printed for the author., [1796?] Connecticut 1796
The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. : Intermixed with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary. : Likewise including the history of an Italian captive, and the life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. : Describing various and amazing turns of fortune. New-York: : Printed by William A. Davis, for Naphtali Judah, bookseller, no. 47, Water-Street. near Coenties Slip., 1796. New York (State) 1796
The New-England primer (enlarged and much improved) : for the more easy attaining the true reading of English. : To which is added, the Assembly's catechism. Philadelphia: : Printed for James Crukshank, no. 87, Market Street., [between 1796 and 1800] Pennsylvania 1796
The president's address, to the people of the United States, intimating the resolution he has formed to decline being considered among the number of those out of whom a choice is to be made, at the ensuing election of a pres.ident of the United States. George-Town [D.C.]: : Fron [sic] the press of Green, English, & Co., [1796] District of Columbia 1796
[World atlas] [Boston : Spotswood & Nancrede, 1796 or 1797?] Massachusetts 1796
A map of the north east part of the town of Mexico [cartographic material] : the property of George Scriba situated on the Lake Ontario about 13 miles east from Oswego & 20 from Rotterdam, Oneida Lake. / As surveyed & laid out by Benjamin Wright, A.D. 1796. ; Engraved by P.R. Maverick 65 Liberty Street. [New York : s.n., 1796] New York (State) 1796
Short sermons, : designed for the use of those who have little time to read longer discourses. : [Four lines from Hebrews] [New London, Conn.] : Samuel Green, printer, New London., [between 1796 and 1806?] Connecticut 1796
Fresh and strong the breeze is blowing. : In Inkle and Yarico. [United States : s.n., 1796] United States 1796
Happy tawny moor : a favorite duett from the Mountaineers. [United States : s.n., ca. 1796] United States 1796
Oh say simple maid : a favorite dialogue in Inkle and Yarico to which is annex'd the original song of Oh say bonny lass. New York : Printed and sold at B. Carrs musical repository., [ca. 1796] New York (State) 1796
Since then I'm doom'd. [Baltimore : s.n., ca. 1796] Maryland 1796
Oh nanny. [Philadelphia] : Printed & sold at B. Carrs musical repositories in New York & Philadelphia & by J. Carr Baltimore price 25 cts., [1796] Pennsylvania 1796
Oh nanny wilt thoug gang with me. : A favorite song. New York : Printed for G. Gilfert & Co. at their musical magazine no. 177 Broadway., [ca. 1796] New York (State) 1796
Dear Whitelands adieu. / By a young lady only fourteen years of age leaving Whitelands School. New York : Printed for G. Gilfert & Co. at their musical magazine no. 177 Broadway., [1796] New York (State) 1796
The Favorite carol : sung in the Adopted child, a musical drama. New York : Printed for G. Gilfert & Co. at their musical magazine no. 177 Broadway., [ca. 1796] New York (State) 1796
A Funeral hymn / translated by the Reverend C.G. Peter Minister of the United Brethrens Church in New York. Sung by the choir of said church at the funeral of Miss Sally Ten Brook. New York : Printed for G. Gilfert & Co. at their musical magazine no. 177 Broadway., [1796] New York (State) 1796
The season of love is no more. / A favorite song composed by Mr. Hindle. New York : Printed for G. Gilfert & Co. at their musical magazine n. 177 Broadway where may be had a great variety of musical instruments & musick &c., [ca. 1796] New York (State) 1796
How gaily roll'd the moments on, : a favorite new song sung by Mrs. Franklin. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert & Co. no. 177 Broadway. Where may be had a general assortment of fine tuned piano fortes and other musical articles of superior quality., [1796?] New York (State) 1796
Henry's cottage maid / by Pleyel. Philadelphia : Printed at Carr & Cos. musical repository., [1794] New York (State) 1796
Jemmy of the glen. / Words and musik [sic] by Mrs. Pownall. New-York : Printed and sold at I.C. Moller's music store., [ca. 1796] New York (State) 1796
The galley slave : a song in the opera of the Purse. [United States : s.n., ca. 1796] United States 1796
The Ramble : a favorite duett. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert & Co. no. 177 Broadway., [1796] New York (State) 1796
The Marseilles hymn in French & English. New York : Printed for G. Gilfert & Co. no. 191 Broadway., [ca. 1795] New York (State) 1796
Ere around the huge oak. [Philadelphia : s.n., ca. 1796] Pennsylvania 1796
How can I forget : sung by Miss Broadhurst. [New York] : Printed at B. Carr's musical repositorys in New York & Philadelphia., [1796] New York (State) 1796
Waving willow. : Sung by Miss Broadhurst. [New York] : Published at B. Carrs musical repositories New York & Philadelphia & J. Carrs Baltimore (12 cts.), [ca. 1796] New York (State) 1796
On the lightly sportive wing : a favorite song sung by Mrs. Hodgkinson in the opera "My grandmother" composed by Mr. Storace. New York : Printed for G. Gilfert & Co. at their musical magazine no. 177 Broadway., [1796] New York (State) 1796
Say how can words a passion feign : sung by Mrs. Hodgkinson in the opera "My grandmother". New York : Printed for G. Gilfert & Co. at their musical magazine no. 177 Broadway., [1796] New York (State) 1796
Dear little cottage maiden : sung with great applause at Vauxhall Gardens. [Philadelphia] : Sold at Carrs musical repository's Philadelphia & N. York, and by I. Carr Baltimore. Price 20 cts., [1796] Pennsylvania 1796
I blush in the dark. : A favorite song / composed by Giordani. [Philadelphia] : Printed & sold at B. Carr's musical repositories in New York & Philadelphia & J. Carrs Baltimore. Price 12 cents., [1796] Pennsylvania 1796
Pauvre Jacque in French and English. [Philadelphia] : Printed & sold at B. Carr's musical repositories in New York & Philadelphia & J. Carr's Baltimore. Pr. 20 cts., [1796] Pennsylvania 1796
The Veil : a favorite song sung in the new entertainment of Fashionable rallery. New York : Printed for G. Gilfert & Co. at their musical magazine no. Broadway where may be had a great variety of musical instruments & musick &c., [ca. 1796] New York (State) 1796
The tear. : A favorite song. New York : Printed for G. Gilfert & Co. at their musical magazine no. 177 Broadway where may be had a great variety of musical instruments and musick &c., [1796] New York (State) 1796
The tear. Boston : Printed & sold by P.A. von Hagen Junior & Cos. musical magazine no. 62 Newbury Street., [ca. 1798] New York (State) 1796
Le réveil du peuple. : In French and English. [Philadelphia] : Printed & sold at B. Carr's musical repositories in New York & Philadelphia & J. Carr's Baltimore., [1796] Pennsylvania 1796
Two short catechisms, mutually connected; : the questions of the former being generally supposed and omitted in the latter. The former contains the most of what is absolutely necessary to be known in order to salvation; and may be taught children before they can read. The latter contains the most of what is necessary to be known in order to admission to the Lord's table; and being a brief explication of the Assembly's Shorter Catechism, frequently in almost the express words thereof, may be learned along with, or immediately after it. / By John Brown, Minister of the Gospel [at Haddington.] Chambersburg [Pa.], : Printed for [ ... ] student of divinity, by Dover [& Harper.], MDCCXCVI. [1796] Pennsylvania 1796
Gulliver revived. : Containing singular travels, campaigns, voyages and adventures, in Russia, Iceland, Turkey, Egypt, Gibraltar, up the Mediterranean, and on the Atlantic Ocean: : also, an account of a voyage into the moon, with many extraordinary particulars relative to the cooking animal, in that planet, which are here called the human species. / By Baron Munchausen. New-York: : Printed by Jacob S. Mott, for Everett Duyckinck, & Co. and Peter A. Mesier, Pearl-Street.--, 1797.-- New York (State) 1797
Camilla: or, A picture of youth. / By the author of Evelina and Cecilia. ; In five volumes. New-York; : Printed for Samuel Campbell, no. 124, Pearl-Street., 1797. New York (State) 1797
The promised seed. : A sermon preached to God's ancient Israel, the Jews, at Sion-Chapel, White-Chapel, London, on Sunday afternoon, August 28. / By William Cooper. ; To which are added, the hymns that were sung, and the prayers that were offered up, before and after the sermon. Portsmouth, New-Hampshire: : Printed by Charles Peirce, Daniel-Street, August, 12, 1797. New Hampshire 1797
The oeconomy of human life. / Translated from an Indian manuscript, written by an ancient Bramin. ; To which is prefixed, an account of the manner in which the said manuscript was discovered; in a letter from an English gentleman residing in China, to the Earl of *******. Wilmington [Del.]: : Printed & sold by Peter Brynberg., 1797. Delaware 1797
The Evidence and import of Christ's resurrection, versified, some years ago, for the help of the memory. : The force of divine truth which appears in the plain short poem, may well strike a total damp to every favourable thought of deism or deistical Christianity. Providence (R.I.) : Printed by B. Wheeler, for D. Brewer, of Taunton, and sold at their respective bookstores., MDCCXCVII. [1797] Rhode Island 1797
The Golden balls. [Rutland, Vt.? : Printed by Josiah Fay?, 1797?] Vermont 1797
Cap. XCVII. An act for carrying into execution the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation, concluded between His Majesty and the United States of America. (4th July, 1797.) [Philadelphia] : (Duane, printer.), [1797 or 1798] Pennsylvania 1797
The man of real sensibility: or, The history of Sir George Ellison. : Founded on fact. : [Six lines from Sterne] Philadelphia: : Printed by John Johnson., M,DCC,XCVII. [1797] Pennsylvania 1797
Reports of the Secretary of State, and of the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the present situation of affairs with the Dey and Regency of Algiers. : Accompanying a confidential message, from the President of the United States, received the 19th of January, 1797. [Philadelphia : Printed by William Ross?, 1797] Pennsylvania 1797
A Wonderful visit from the dead, or, A conference with an old deceased friend, soon after his departure from this life. : [Three lines from Luke] [Windsor, Vt. : Printed by Alden Spooner, 1797] Vermont 1797
Lessons for children, from two to four years old. Part I-[III]. Albany: : Printed by C.R. and G. Webster, at their bookstore, corner of State and Pearl-streets., 1797. New York (State) 1797
Domestic medicine: or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases, by regimen and simple medicines: : with an appendix, containing a dispensatory for the use of private practitioners. / By William Buchan, M.D. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. ; Adapted to the climate and diseases of America, by Isaac Cathrall. Philadelphia: : Printed by Richard Folwell, for William Young, corner of Second and Chesnut-Streets., 1797. Pennsylvania 1797
Expository notes, with practical observations, on the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. : Wherein the sacred text is at large recited, the sense explained, and the instructive example of the blessed Jesus, and his holy apostles, to our imitation recommended. : The whole designed to encourage the reading of the Scriptures in private families, and to render the daily perusal of them profitable and delightful. / By William Burkitt, M.A. late Vicar and lecturer of Dedham, in Essex. ; From the twentieth European edition, carefully corrected. Philadelphia: : Printed for the Reverend Mason L. Weems., MDCCXCVII. [1797] Pennsylvania 1797
Porcupine's political censor, for April, 1797 [i.e., 1796]. ... [Philadelphia : s.n., 1797] Pennsylvania 1797
The adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. / By the Archbishop of Cambray. ; In French and English. The original carefully compared with the best French editions, and revised and corrected by Joseph Nancrede, French instructor in the University of Cambridge. ; Vol. I[-II]. Boston: : Printed for J. Nancrede, no. 49, Marlbro' Street., 1797. Massachusetts 1797
The epistle from the Yearly Meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 22d to the 31st of the fifth month, 1797. : To the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. [Philadelphia : s.n., 1797] Pennsylvania 1797
Notes of a few decisions in the superior courts of the state of North-Carolina, and in the Circuit Court of the U. States, for North-Carolina District. : To which is added a translation of Latch's cases. Newbern [N.C.]: : Francois-Xavier Martin., 1797. North Carolina 1797
Olney hymns, : in three books: Book I. On select texts of Scripture. Book II. On occasional subjects. Book III. On the progress and changes of the spiritual life. / By the Rev. John Newton, London. ; [Eight lines of quotations] Philadelphia: : Printed by William Young, boolseller [sic], no 52, Second-Street, the corner of Chesnut-Street., M,DCC,XCVII. [1797] Pennsylvania 1797
A vindication of Divine Providence; : derived from a philosophic and moral survey of nature and of man. / By James Henry Bernardin de Saint Pierre. Author of The studies of nature. ; [One line of quotation in Latin] ; Translated by Henry Hunter, D.D. Minister of the Scots Church, London Wall. Worcester [Mass]: : Printed for J. Nancrede, no. 49, Marlborough Street, Boston., 1797. Massachusetts 1797
Acts passed at the first[-third] session of the Fifth Congress of the United States of America: : begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday the fifteenth of May, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, and of the independence of the United States, the twenty-first. : Published by authority. Philadelphia: : Printed by William Ross, near Congress Hall,, 1797[-1799]. Pennsylvania 1797
The Assembly's catechism with notes: or, The shorter catechism composed by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster: : with a brief explination [sic] of the more difficult words and phraises [sic] contained in it, for the instruction of youth. / By I. Watts, D.D. ; [Two lines of verse] Chambersburg [Pa.]: : Printed by Dover & Harper, for Riddle & Lane,, M,DCC,XCVII. [1797] Pennsylvania 1797
Minutes of the Meredith, Baptist Association, held at Sandwich, state of New-Hampshire, September 14th and 15th, 1796. Haverhill: (New-Hampshire) : Printed by N. Coverly, for the association., M.DCC.XCVII. [1797] New Hampshire 1797
A Touch upon the times. : Being a dialogue between Parson Goodly, Mr. Clinchfist, and his son Jonathan. Boston: : Printed and sold by J. White, near Charles-River Bridge.--, 1797. Massachusetts 1797
Second lesson of love. [United States? : s.n., not after 1797?] United States 1797
Babes in the woods. : The girl I left behind me. : Old Adam the father of us all. Hudson [N.Y.] : Printed & sold at Stoddard's Printing-Office., [ca. 1797?] New York (State) 1797
Fair Lucretia's garland. [Hudson, N.Y.] : Printed and sold [by Ashbel Stoddard] in Hudson,, 1797. New York (State) 1797
Evelina: or, A young lady's entrance into the world. : In two volumes. Volume I[-II]. New-York: : Printed by Jacob S. Mott, no. 70, Vesey-Street, for E. Duyckinck., 1797. New York (State) 1797
(Circular.) Treasury Department, August 28th, 1797. : Sir, It is understood that applications have been made to some of the collectors, for their certificates to a species of documents stiled role de equipage, which are said to have been represented by the French consuls as necessary to the protection of American vessels. ... [Philadelphia : s.n., 1797] Pennsylvania 1797
Der geschwinde Rechner, oder: Sichere Beystand des Händlers; : im Kaufen und Verkaufen unterschiedener Artickel sowohl beym Grossen als auch Kleinen. Worinnen auf einmal zu sehen ist: Werth oder Belauf einiger Anzahl oder Quantität, Artickel oder Kaufmanns-Waaren, von 1 zu 10,000 hinauf, nach den unterschiedenen Preisen von 1 Farthing zu 1 Pfund. : Welchem auch sind beygefügt: I. Tabellen der Interessen zu 6 pro Cent. II. Eine Tabelle, die das Gewicht und den Werth des Goldes und Silbers anzeigt ... III. Eine Tabelle, welch den Belauf der Cente, u. anziegt. York [Pa.]: : Gedruckt und zu finden bey Salomon Mäyer., [1797?] Pennsylvania 1797
The Holy war. [Suffield, Conn.?] : Printed: by H. & O. Farnsworth., [between 1797 and 1799] Connecticut 1797
[Response to Joseph Huntington's Calvinism improved and Nathan Strong's Doctrine of eternal misery] [Hartford? : s.n., not before 1797] Connecticut 1797
Constitution and regulations of the Middletown Library. Middletown [Conn.]: : Printed by T. Dunning., 1797. Connecticut 1797
An accurate plan of the town of Boston and its vicinity [cartographic material] : exhibiting a ground plan of all the streets, lanes, alleys, wharves, and public buildings in Boston, with the names and description thereof, likewise all the flats and channels between Boston and Charlestown, Cambridge, Roxbury & Dorchester with the two bridges and causeway, and the boundary lines beween Boston and the above mentioned towns, from the actual surveys of the publisher: : also part of Charlestown and Cambridge, from the surveys of Samuel Thompson, Esqr. and part of Roxbury and Dorchester, from those of Mr. Whitherington, (all which surveys were taken by order of the General Court.) / By Osgood Carleton teacher of mathematics in Boston. ; I. Norman sc. [Boston] : Published & sold by O. Carleton sold also by Wm. Norman no. 75 Newbury Street., [1797] Massachusetts 1797
A Chart of George's Bank including Cape Cod, Nantucket and the shoals lying on their coast, [cartographic material] : with directions for sailing over the same &c. / Surveyed by Capt. Paul Pinkham. ; Engraved by Amos Doolittle New Haven 1797. [New Haven] : Engraved & printed for Edmund M. Blunt proprietor of American Coast Pilot., [1797] Connecticut 1797
Happy tawny moor : a favorite duett. New York : Printed by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broad Way., [ca. 1797] New York (State) 1797
O say bonny lass. ; A favorite Scotch song. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broad Way., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
The boatman : a favorite Scotch song / composed by Mr. Barthelemon. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
De'il tak' the wars : a favorite Scotch song. Newyork : Printed & sold by G .Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
The Cottagers daughter. [Philadelphia] : Printed & sold at B. Carr's musical repository Philadelphia, J. Carr's Baltimore & J. Hewitt's New York., [between 1797 and 1799] Pennsylvania 1797
The labourer's welcome home, / a favorite song composed by Mr. Dibdin. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert. no. 177 Broadway., [1797] New York (State) 1797
Duncan Gray. / A favorite Scotch song written by Burns. The bass accompanyment by R. Taylor. ; To which is added a short glossary of the Scotch words that occur in the song. [Philadelphia] : Printed and sold at B. Carr's musical repository Philadelphia J. Carr's Baltimore and J. Hewitt's New York., [between 1797 and 1799] Pennsylvania 1797
Ellen the Richmond primrose girl. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert. no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
The gipsy a new ballad / the words by Peter Pindar, composed by J. Fisin,[.] New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
May a favorite ballad. / Composed by J. Fisin. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert. no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
The Request. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
Shepherd Marry. : A favorite ballad. / Composed by James Fisin. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
The wampum belt, / composed by James Hewitt. [New York] : Printed for Hewitt & Rausch., [1797?] New York (State) 1797
How d'ye do. An echo song. : Sung at Vauxhall Gardens. / Composed by Mr. Hook. New York. : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert. no. 177 Broadway., [1797] New York (State) 1797
The murm'ring stream : a favorite new song sung in the opera of Dimondcut Dimond / composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed & sold by G .Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
The nightingale : a favorite canata / by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed for G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [1797] New York (State) 1797
Ripe cherries : a favorite song sung at Vauxhall Gardens / composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
Robin a bobbin a bilberry hen : from the Christmas box / composed by Mr. Hook. ; Price 12 1/2 cents. New York : Printed & sold at J. Hewitt's musical repository no. 131 William Street. Sold also by B. Carr Philadelphia & J. Carr Baltimore., [between 1797 and 1799?] New York (State) 1797
Strew the rude crosses of life o'er with flowers : a favorite song sung at Vauxhall Gardens / composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [1797?] New York (State) 1797
Tell me is it love. : A new song. / Composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
Tho' wealth is alluring. / A new song composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert. No. 177 Broadway, and to be had at P.A. von Hagen's, music store Boston., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
The black-bird / a favorite new song composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed & sold by, G. Gilfert, no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
The black bird / composed by Mr. Hook. [New York] : Printed for Hewitt & Rausch., [1797] New York (State) 1797
Dear is my little native vale. / A favorite song composed by Hook. [Philadelphia] : Printed & sold at B. Carr's musical repository Philadelphia. J. Carr's Baltimore & J. Hewitt's New York (32 cts), [between 1797 and 1799?] Pennsylvania 1797
Far o'er the swelling waves / a new song composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert. No. 177 Broadway, and to be had at P.A. von Hagens music store Boston., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
Can I my comely Turk forget. : A favorite song. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert, no. 177 Broadway,, [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
The celebrated overture to Ladoiska / composed by Kreutzer. [New York] : Printed for Hewitt & Rausch., [1797?] New York (State) 1797
The favorite march in Ramah Droog. / Composed by Mazzinghi & Reeve. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert, at his musical magazine no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
The multiplication table adapted for juvenile improvement as a lesson for the piano forte. New York : Printed & sold at G. Gilferts musical magazine no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
The favorite German song Freut euch des lebens, in German and English. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
Owen or Tho far beyond the mountains : a favorite Welch air. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
The soldier's epitaph / a favorite song composed by Ignace Pleyel. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
The heart that has ne'er tasted sorrow. : A favorite song sung in the new opera of Abroad and at home. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [ca. 1797] New York (State) 1797
Heaving the lead. New York : Printed for G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
Not mine the narrow soul assur'd : a favorite song sung in the new opera of Abroad and at home. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
A rose tree : a favorite song. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
Tell me my love : a favorite song. Sung in the new opera of Abroad and at home. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
Since then I'm doom'd. : A favorite song sung in the Spoil'd child. New York : Printed by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
Epitaphs, odes, &c. : Consisting of epitaphs, on Thomas Paine and on Henry Moore. Expostulary odes and epistles, to Timothy Sullivan, to J--R--,  and to the Devil, respecting the shade of the infidel Paine: : with numerous other miscellaneous articles. / By Timothy Sullivan. [Lancaster, Penn.] : Printed by William Hamilton, Lancaster., [1797?] Pennsylvania 1797
Waving willow. : Sung in the Midnight wanderers. New York : Printed for James Hewitt., [ca. 1797] New York (State) 1797
Where Liffey rolls its silver streams : a favorite song in the opera of Jack of Newberry. / Composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed and sold at I. Hewitt's musical repository no. 131 William Street and at B. Carr's Philadelphia and at J. Carr's Baltimore., [ca. 1797] New York (State) 1797
Young Willy for me : sung with great applause by Mrs. Seymour at the ladies concert. : Price 25 cents. New York : Printed and sold at J. Hewitt's musical repository no. 131 William Street sold also by B. Carr Philadelphia & J. Carr Baltimore., [ca. 1797] New York (State) 1797
The Hare hunt. New York : Printed & sold at J. Hewitt's musical repository no. 131 William Street. Sold also by B. Carr Philadelphia & J. Carr Baltimore., [ca. 1797] New York (State) 1797
Sweet transports : sung in the opera of Rosina. New York : Printed & sold at J. Hewitt's musical repository no. 131 William Street. Price 12 1/2 cts., [ca. 1797] New York (State) 1797
La chasse : a new lesson for the piano forte / composed in an early familiar stile, by A. Reinagle. ; Price 20 cents. Philadelphia : Printed at Carr & Cos. musical repository., [ca. 1794] New York (State) 1797
May day morn : a favorite sonnett / composed by Mr. Hook. [New York] : Printed for James Hewitt & sold at his musical repository no. 131 William Street & by B. Carr Philadelphia & J. Carr Baltimore., [ca. 1797] New York (State) 1797
The Tobacco box or Soldier's pledge love. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
While the morn is inviting to love : a favorite song. [Philadelphia] : Printed & sold at B. Carr's musical repository Philadelphia J. Carr's Baltimore & J. Hewitt's New York (Price 25 cents.), [ca. 1797] Pennsylvania 1797
The woodman's fair daughter. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert, no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
Our country is our ship. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1797 and 1801] New York (State) 1797
The Art of cheese-making, : taught from actual experiments; by which more butter and cheese may be made from the same quantity of milk. [Litchfield, Conn.] : Printed by T. Collier., [1798?] Connecticut 1798
Die lezten [sic] Worte und sterbende Bekäntnus von dem verurtheilten Charles M'Manus, : mit einigen Anmerckungen an John Hauer, welche beyde hingerichtet worden sind den 14ten Julius 1798; wegen einer verübeten Mordthat begangen an Francis Schütz, niedergeschrieben und von seinem eigenen Bekäntnüss eine kurze Zeit vor seinem Tode verfasset, in Gegenwart des ehrwürdigen Heinrich Moeller. [Harrisburg, Pa.] : Gedruckt bey John Wyeth in Harrisburg., [1798] Pennsylvania 1798
The friendly monitor. : Being two sermons, from II Peter, III chapt. 3 verse. There shall come in the last days, scoffers walking after their own lusts. : Considered as a prophecy: shewing the time when this description of persons were to appear in the world--and the prophecy fulfilled under the Gospel dispensation--the last period, or division of time, in the appearing of those who deny the divine origin of revelation. / By Nathaniel Porter. [Fryeburg, Me.] : Printed by E. Russel, Fryeburg,, 1798. Maine 1798
The history of Pamela; or, Virtue rewarded, / abridged from the works of S. Richardson, Esq. New-York, : Printed by T. Kirk, no. 112, Chatham-Street, for Stephen Stephens, no. 165, Pearl-Street., --1798.-- New York (State) 1798
Articles of agreement, &c. for raising a sum of money, to purchase a lot of ground, and erecting thereon a church, (since known by the name of St. Paul's Church.) in the city of Philadelphia, and for vesting the same, with the lot on which it is constructed, in certain trustees. : To which is added, the act for incorporating St. Paul's Church in the city of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: : Printed by John Ormrod, no. 41, Chesnut-Street., 1798. Pennsylvania 1798
The Virginia, and North Carolina almanack; for the year of our Lord, 1799: : being the third after leap year, and the twenty-third of American independence. : Containing among a variety of other truly useful & interesting articles a correct list of the stamp duties. Norfolk [Va.]: : Printed by Willett & O'Connor, [1798] Virginia 1798
The epistle from the Yearly Meeting held in London, by adjournments, from the 21st to the 29th of the fifth month, 1798, inclusive; : to the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1798] Pennsylvania 1798
The epistle from the Yearly Meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 21st to the 29th of the fifth month, 1798, inclusive; : to the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere. [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1798] Pennsylvania 1798
An act to provide for the valuation of lands and dwelling-houses, and the enumeration of slaves within the United States. [United States : s.n., 1798] United States 1798
Journals of Congress: : containing the proceedings from September 5, 1774, to January 1, 1776. : Volume I. Philadelphia: : Printed by Richard Folwell, no. 33, Carter's-Alley, for John Parker and Richard Folwell., 1798. Pennsylvania 1798
Verbessert hoch-deutsch-americanischer Land und Staats Calender, aufs 1799ste Jahr Christi ... York [Pa.]: : Gedruckt und zu finden bey Salomon Mäyer., [1798] Pennsylvania 1798
Minutes of the Meredith Baptist Association, held at Bradford, state of Vermont, September 13th and 14th, 1797. Newbury (Vermont.) : Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, for the association., 1798. Vermont 1798
The Spanish rogues: : being the history of Donna Rosina, and her companions, thieves, sharpers, and pickpockets. / Translated from the Spanish. Philadelphia: : Printed by Hogan & McElroy, no. 1, North Third Street; for Alexander Brodie, no. 412, South Front-Street., 1798. Pennsylvania 1798
Treasury Department. March 1, 1798. : Public notice is hereby given, in pursuance of the act of Congress, passed on the sixth day of July, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, entitled, "An act laying duties on stamped vellum, parchment and paper," and the act passed on the fifteenth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, entitled, "An act to postpone for a limited time the commencement of the duties imposed by the act entitled, "An act laying duties on stamped vellum, parchment and paper," that from and after the first day of July ensuing, the stamped duties hereafter enumerated, will be levied and collected throughout the United States. [Philadelphia : s.n., 1798] Pennsylvania 1798
An American spelling book, : designed for the use of our common schools; and as an easy introduction tot the art of spelling and reading the English language with propriety. : In two parts ... / Compiled by Asa Rhoads. New-York, : Printed for Daniel S. Dean and Joseph Talcott, 1798. New York (State) 1798
At a public numerous meeting of citizens from the different parts of the county of Essex, holden at Elizabeth-Town, this day, pursuant to a general notification, the committee, specially appointed for the purpose, reported the following address ... : To the electors of the counties of Bergen, Essex, and Middlesex, composing the eastern district, for the election of representatives to Congress for the state of New-Jersey. [Elizabeth, N.J. : Shepard Kollock, 1798] New Jersey 1798
(Circular to collectors.) Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, July 19, 1798. : Sir, Herewith you will receive an act of Congress passed on the 16th instant ... [Philadelphia : s.n., 1798] Pennsylvania 1798
Treasury Department, July 14, 1798. Circular, : Sir, Herewith you will receive an act of Congress passed at the present session, entituled "An act to continue in force the act entituled 'An act prohibiting for a limited time, the exportation of arms and ammunition; and for encouraging the importation thereof." ... [Philadelphia : s.n., 1798] Pennsylvania 1798
Jachin and Boaz; or, An authentic key to the door of Free-Masonry. : Calculated not only for the instruction of every new-made Mason; but also for the information of all who intend to become brethren. : Illustrated with an accurate plan of the drawing on the floor of a lodge. : And interspersed with a variety of notes and remarks, necessary to explain and render the whole clear to the meanest capacity.  / By a gentleman belonging to the Jerusalem Lodge; a frequent visitor at the Queen's Arms, St. Paul's Church-yard; the Horn, in Fleet-Street; Crown and Anchor, Strand; and the Salutation Newgate-Street. ; Try me; prove me. [West Springfield, Mass.] : London: Printed. West-Springfield: Re-printed, and sold by Edward Gray., M,DCC,XCVIII. [1798] Massachusetts 1798
Auf die Einweihung der Deutschen Evangelisch-Lutherischen Salems-Kirche in Libanon. Den dritten Juny, 1798. Germantaun [Pa.]: : Gedruckt bey Michael Billmeyer,, 1798. Pennsylvania 1798
The New-England primer, or, An easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. : Adorned with cuts. : To which is added, the Catechism. Brookfield [Mass.]: : Printed by E. Merriam & Co. Sold by them in Brookfield, and by G. Merriam in Worcester., [between 1798 and 1802] Massachusetts 1798
An extract of the Christian's pattern; or, A treatise of the imitation of Christ. / Written in Latin by Thomas à Kempis. ; Published by John Wesley, M.A. Philadelphia: : Printed by Henry Tuckniss: for John Dickins, no. 41, Market Street., 1798. Pennsylvania 1798
(Circular to collectors, naval officers and surveyors.) Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, October 26th, 1798. : Sir, A recent communication to this office, renders it probable that the last proviso of the XXXIInd section of the Collection Law, passed on the fourth of August, one thousand seven hundred and ninety, has not only been differently understood, but that is some districts a construction obtains, which besides being manifestly incorrect, exposes the revenue to risque and injury. ... [Philadelphia : s.n., 1798] Pennsylvania 1798
Pleasing amusements for little boys and girls : Containing a variety of adventures moral and diverting, wherein the good may be entertained, and the bad be made better. : [Two lines of text] Whitehall [Pa.]: : Printed for William Young, b[ookseller] and stationer, no. 52 South-Second-Street, Philadelphia., 1798. Pennsylvania 1798
Arabella. Boston : Printed & sold by P.A. von Hagen junior & Cos. no. 62 Newbury Street., [1798 or 9] Massachusetts 1798
The Italian monk trio. / Sung by Mrs. Oldmixon Mrs. Warrel and Mr. Marshall. [Philadelphia] : Printed and sold by G. Willig Philadelphia Mark Street n. 185, [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
Delia. : A new song. / By H. Capron. [Philadelphia] : Printed & sold by G. Willig no. 185 Market St. Philadelphia., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
Adieu sweet girl : taken from the Children of the Abbey / by Maria Regina Roche the music by R. Chateaudun. Philadelphia : Printed & sold by G. Willig no. 185 Market St., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
As late by love / by Corri. Philadelphia : Printed by G. Willig Mark. St. no. 185., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
Ouverture de Blais et Babet. / Arrangée pour le clavecin ou le forté piano par C. Fodor. Philadelphia : Printed and sold by G. Willig. Market Street no. 185., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
The soldier's adieu. Philadelphia : by G. Willig no. 185 Market St., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
The Duke of Yorks march. New York : Sold at J. Paff's music store Broad Way., [1798?] New York (State) 1798
A Turkish rondo / composed by J.L. Dussek. Philadelphia : Printed & sold by G. Willig no. 185 Market Street., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
The Flower girl. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [1798?] New York (State) 1798
Gaily lads. : A favorite sea song / the words by Colonel Humphreys. Set to music by a gentleman of this city. Philadelphia : Published by G. Willig no. 185 Market Street., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
I have a silent sorrow here : a favorite song sung by Mrs. Bland in the play of the Stranger / the words by R.B. Sheridan Esqr. the air by her Grace the Duchess of Devonshire. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert. no. 177 Broadway, and to be had of P.A. von Hagen's Boston., [between 1798 and 1801] New York (State) 1798
Did not tyrant custom guide me. / Composed by Giordani and published by G. Willig Philadelphia. [Philadelphia : George Willig, ca. 1798?] Pennsylvania 1798
A prey to tender anguish : a favorite song / composed by Dr. Haydn. Philadelphia : Printed & sold by G. Willig no. 185 Market Street., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
In my pleasant native plains, : the favourite roundelay sung by Miss Sully at the Pantheon Philadelphia. [Philadelphia] : Printed and sold by G. Willig Market Street no. 185., [ca. 1798] Pennsylvania 1798
Ah Delia! : See the fatal hour: / composed by F. Kotzwara. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert. No. 177 Broadway., [1798?] New York (State) 1798
Still toss'd tempestuous, on the sea of life / the music by Mr. Labarte. [Philadelphia] : Printed by G. Willig no. 185 Market Street Philadelphia., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
The rose. [Philadelphia] : Printed by G. Willig Market St. no. 185., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
Love from the heart : sung by Signr. Storace. Philadelphia : Printed and sold by G. Willig Market Street no. 185., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
The resolution / a new song composed by Mozart. [Philadelphia] : Published & sold by G. Willig no. 185 Market Street, Philadelphia., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
Life let us cherish. / A favorite new song the words by Mr. Derrick. [Philadelphia] : Published by G. Willig no. 185 Market Street Philadelphia., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
Hail! Columbia death or liberty. : A favorite new federal song, adapted to the president's march. Boston : Printed & sold at P.A. von Hagen jun. & Cos. musical magazine, no. 62, Newbury Street., [1798] Massachusetts 1798
Hail Columbia : a patriotic song sung by Mr. Williamson with universal applause at the New York Theatre. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [ca. 1798] New York (State) 1798
Presidents march. Boston : Printed & sold by P.A. von Hagen Junior & Cos. at their musical magazine no. 62 Newbury Street., [ca. 1798] Massachusetts 1798
Maria Antoinette's complaint : in the temple after the execution of Louis the 16th. / Sung by Miss Pool at the Oratorios Mr. Walsh and Miss Broadhurst at the Ladies private subscription concert. The music by Mr. Percy. [Philadelphia] : To be had [by George Willig] at no. 185 Market Street Philadelphia., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
The galley slave. New York : Printed & sold by J. Hewitt at his musical repository no. 131 William Street. Sold also by B. Carr Philadelphia & J. Carr Baltimore., [ca. 1798] New York (State) 1798
Roslin Castle : a favorit [sic] death march. Philadelphia : Published & sold by G. Willig no. 185 Market Street Philadelphia., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
The Marseilles hymn. Boston : Printed & sold by P.A. von Hagen Junior & Cos. at their imported piano forte & music ware-house no. 62 Newbury Street., [ca. 1798] Massachusetts 1798
Hail patriots all! : A favorite patriotic song. / Composed by Mr. $$$. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway where may be had Hail Columbia, Adams & liberty, Washington & independence and the Ladies patriotic song., [ca. 1798] New York (State) 1798
The cottage on the moor. : A favorite song in the pantomime of Niobe. / Composed by Sanderson. Written by Mr. Cross. Philadelphia : Printed & sold by G. Willig no. 185 Market St., [between 1798 and 1804] New York (State) 1798
Come smiling hope : a favorite song sung in the new opera of Abroad and at home. New York : Printed and sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [ca. 1798] New York (State) 1798
The Green Mountain farmer : a new patriotic song. / Written by Thomas Paine, A.M. the music by Shield. New York : Printed & sold at J. Hewitt's musical repository no. 121 William Street. Sold also by B. Carr Philadelphia & J. Carr Baltimore., [ca. 1798] New York (State) 1798
Whilst with village maids I stray. : A favorite song in Rosina. Philadelphia : Printed & sold by G. Willig no. 158 [i.e., 185?] Market St., [ca. 1798] Pennsylvania 1798
The smart cockade. Philadelphia : By G. Willig no. 185 Market St., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
Three duetts for two performers on one harpsichord or piano forte / composed by Theodore Smith Philadelphia. [Philadelphia] : Printed for G. Willig no. 185 Market Street between 4th and 5th street. Where may be had a great variety of the newest vocal and instrumental music. &c. &c. &c. Pennsylvania 1798
The mermaids song / a canzonett by Haydn. [Philadelphia] : Published & sold by G. Willig no. 185 Market Street Philadelphia., [between 1798 and 1804] New York (State) 1798
The Favorite new federal song adapted to the Presidents march. / Sung by Mr. Fox. Written by J. Hopkinson Esq. [United States : s.n., 1798] United States 1798
Columbia and liberty : a new patriotic song / written by Mr. Davenport. The music by Dr. Arne. New York : Printed & sold at J. Hewitt's musical repository no. 131 William Street. Sold also by B. Carr Philadelphia & J. Carr Baltimore., [1798] New York (State) 1798
Adams and liberty : The Boston patriotic song / written by Thomas Paine A.M. ; Price 25 cents. New York : Printed & sold by W. Howe organ builder & importer of all kinds of musical instruments no. 320 Pearl Street., [1798] New York (State) 1798
Lucy or Selim's complaint. / A favorite song composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed & sold at J. Hewitts musical repository no. 131 William Street. Sold also by B. Carr Philadelphia & J. Carr Baltimore. Price 25 cents., [1798] New York (State) 1798
Freedom triumphant : a new song. [Philadelphia] : Printed by B. Carr & sold at his musical repositories New York & Philadelphia and by I. Carr Baltimore., [ca. 1798] Pennsylvania 1798
He loves his winsome Kate. : A favorite Scotch song / composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed & sold at J. Hewitt's musical repository no. 131 William Street. Sold also by B. Carr, Philadelphia & J. Carr, Baltimore., [ca. 1798] New York (State) 1798
Ah! Once when I was a very little maid. : A favorite air. : Sung in the farce of Fast asleep. / Composed by Mr. Attwood. ; Price 25 cents. New York : Printed & sold at J. Hewitt's musical repository no. 131 William Street., [ca. 1798] New York (State) 1798
Sweet babes in the wood : a ballad. Founded on the well known legend. : Price 25 cents. [Philadelphia] : Printed and sold at B. Carrs musical repository Philadelphia, J. Hewitts New York and J. Carrs Baltimore., [ca. 1798] Pennsylvania 1798
The Ladies patriotic song : sung by Mrs. Hodgkinson with universal applause at the Columbia Gardens. New York : Printed & sold at G. Gilfert's musical magazine no. 177 Broadway., [1798] New York (State) 1798
A prey to tender anguish, / a favorite song, composed by Dr. Haydn. [Philadelphia] : Published by G.F. Weizsaecker, and sold at G. Willig's musical magazine, no. 185 Market-Street, Philadelphia, and G. Gilfert's musical magazine, New-York. (Printed by Charles Cist, Philadelphia.), [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
The aviary, : a collection of three elegant sonnets, entitled The linnets, The goldfish and The nightingale. / Composed by Mr. Hook. ; Price 62 cents. [Philadelphia] : Printed & sold at B. Carrs musical repository Philadelphia J. Carrs Baltimore and J. Hewitts New York., [1798] Pennsylvania 1798
Owen a favorite Welch air. [Philadelphia] : Printed and sold Philadelphia by G. Willig Market Street no. 185., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
The Happy dreamer. : A ballad. Philadelphia : Printed and sold by G. Willig Mark. Street no. 185., [betweem 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
Hail liberty the sweetest bliss : a quick step to the new presidents march. For one or two voices. Philadelphia : Printed & sold by G. Willig no. 185 Market St., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
From whence Louisa comes the fire. / Words by a Gentleman of the city. Music by Pleyel. Philadelphia : Printed and sold by G. Willig no. 185 Market Street., [between 1798 and 1804] Pennsylvania 1798
The Columbian spelling-book; : being an easy introduction to spelling and reading, containing a selection of words, in common use, properly arranged and divided in such a manner as to lead the learner to the right pronunciation: : interspersed with a variety of easy lessons, entertaining fables, and moral sentences. For the use of schools throughout the United States. / By Benjamin Heaton, A.M. Printed at Wrentham, (Mass.) : by N. Heaton, Jun. and sold by David Heaton, Providence, Manning & Loring, E. & S. Larkin, Boston, and various other booksellers in the United States., [1799] Massachusetts 1799
Remarks on a second publication of B. Henry Latrobe, engineer, said to be printed by order of the committee of the Councils; (of the city) and distributed among the members of the legislature. [Philadelphia : s.n., 1799] Pennsylvania 1799
The Constitution of the United States of America, with all the amendments; : and, Gen. Washington's paternal address to the people of the United States, on his resigning the presidency. : [Eight lines from Washington] --Baltimore: : --Printed for Thomas Herty, by Warner and Hanna., M.DCC.XCIX. [1799] Maryland 1799
The Companion: : being a selection of the beauties of the most celebrated authors, in the English language. : In prose and verse. : [Two lines from Akenside] [Wrentham, Mass.] : Printed by Nathaniel and Benjamin Heaton, for Joseph J. Todd, Providence, at the Sign of the Bible and Anchor., M,DCC,XCIX. [1799] Massachusetts 1799
The History of Constantius & Pulchera, or Constancy rewarded. : [Eight lines of verse] Springfield [Mass.]: : Printed by T. Ashley., [between 1799 and 1804] Massachusetts 1799
Kurzgefasstes Weiber-Büchlein. : Enthält Aristotels und A. Magni Hebammen-Kunst, mit den darzu gehörigen Recepten. [Harrisburg, Pa.?] : [Gedruckt bey Benjamin Mayer?], Im Jahr 1799. Pennsylvania 1799
Infernal conference: or, Dialogues of devils. / By the listener. ; In two volumes. Vol. I[-II]. Philadelphia: : Printed and sold by Peter Stewart, no. 34, South Second Street., 1799[-1800]. Pennsylvania 1799
The New-England primer improved. : For the more easy attaining the true reading of English. : To which is added, the Assembly's Shorter catechism; also, some short and easy questions for children. Philadelphia: : Printed for H. and P. Rice, booksellers, no. 16, So. Second-Street., 1799. Pennsylvania 1799
Law of the United States. By authority. Fifth Congress of the United States, at the third 8ession [sic], begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the third of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight. : An act, further to suspend the commercial intercourse between the United States and France, and the dependencies thereof. [United States : s.n., 1799] United States 1799
A mournful word, to the merry-hearted in Zion; with a word of comfort, to her bowed down mourners. Printed at Concord, N.H. : by Moses Davis, for John Gove, of Weare., 1799. New Hampshire 1799
Water-Vliet, April 16th, 1799. : Sir, As I feel myself engaged in the success of the whole of the inclosed ticket, I wish you would be so obliging as to give it your warmest support. ... [Albany : s.n., 1799] New York (State) 1799
A race for eternal life: : being an extract from The heavenly footman. A sermon on I Corinthians ix. 24. / Written by the author of the Pilgrim's Progress. ; By the Rev. Mr. Fletcher. New-York: : Printed by T. Kirk, No. 112, Chatham-Street., 1799. New York (State) 1799
The following New-Year's gift, was written a few years ago by a young woman in England, and presented to her nephews. : And is now re-published, with desires that it may prove a blessing to the young and rising generation of both sexes, unto whom it is at this time affectionately addressed, wherever it may come. : Also, a few lines on procrastination. [Hudson, N.Y.] : Printed and sold [by Ashbel Stoddard] in Hudson,, 1799. New York (State) 1799
Circular to the collectors of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New-York. : Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, 28th January, 1799. : Sir, In consequence of a doubt which has been suggested to this office, relative to the operation of the additional allowance of 33 1/3 per centum granted to fishing vessels ... [Philadelphia : s.n., 1799] Pennsylvania 1799
(Circular to collectors.) Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, March 27, 1799. : Sir, From communications made to this office, it is apprehended that a difference in practice, obtains at some of the customs houses, in relation to salted provisions of the United States, entitled to bounty on exportation. ... [Philadelphia : s.n., 1799] Pennsylvania 1799
Circular to the collectors of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, Connecticut, and New-York. : Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, May 10th, 1799. [Philadelphia : s.n., 1799] Pennsylvania 1799
The jockey. : A play. : Being a new edition of "What it is to be a jockey." / By John W. Smith. ; [Two lines of verse] Hudson [N.Y.]: : Printed by Ashbel Stoddard, M,DCC,XCIX. [1799] New York (State) 1799
The New-England primer, improved, : for the more easy attaining the true reading of English. : To which is added the Assembly of Divines & Episcopal catechisms. New-York: : Printed for Evert Duyckinck., 1799. New York (State) 1799
Minutes of the Vermont Association, : holden at Elder Herrington's meeting house, in Clarendon, October, 2d and 3d, 1799. Rutland [Vt.], : Printed, by William Fay, for the Association., [1799] Vermont 1799
Equal to Hutchins. An almanack and ephemeris, for the year of our Lord, 1800. : ... Calculated for Dutches and Ulster counties. ... State of New-York: Kingston (Ulster County) : Printed and sold by Samuel Freer and Son. Wholesale and retail., [1799] New York (State) 1799
The Brother's gift: or, The naughty girl reformed. : [Four lines of verse] Boston: : Printed and sold by S. Hall, no. 53, Cornhill., 1799. Massachusetts 1799
Map of the District of Maine Massachusetts [cartographic material] : compiled from actual surveys made by order of the General Court, and under the inspection of agents of their appointment. / By Osgood Carleton. ; Engraved by J. Callender & S. Hill Boston. [Boston : s.n., ca. 1799] Massachusetts 1799
President, a first rate English stud horse, : will stand for covering mares this season in the towns of Berlin and Meriden ... Hartford: : Printed by Hudson & Goodwin., [1799] Connecticut 1799
Plano de la ciudad de Nueva Orleans [cartographic material] / Formado en con[illegible] del Decreto de la Intendencia General. En fecha, 6 Agosto 1799. Carlos Trudeau. [New Orleans? : s.n., 1799] Louisiana 1799
The dispute between Elder Elias Lee and the Rev. Ammi Rogers, A.M. which originated on the subject of Christmas. Ballston [N.Y.]: : --Printed by I. & W. Child, nearly opposite the court-house., 1799. New York (State) 1799
Answer to the favorite song, in the Stranger. Boston : Printed & sold at P.A. von Hagen & Co's. musical magazine, no. 3, Cornhill, & by G. Gilfert Newyork., [1799] Massachusetts 1799
When the hollow drum : sund in the Mountaineers, arranged as a rondo for the piano forte / by T. Haigh. Boston : Printed & sold at P.A. von Hagen's imported piano forte warehouse no. 3 Cornhill., [ca. 1799] Massachusetts 1799
With a heart light and gay. / Sung by Mrs. Seymour in the Shipwreck. Newyork : Printed & sold by George Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [1799?] New York (State) 1799
When the world first began / sung by Mr. Townshend in the musical entertainment the Mouth of the Nile. Newyork : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert. no. 177 Broadway., [ca. 1799] New York (State) 1799
The orphan boys tale / written by a gentleman composed by I. Blewitt. ; For the piano forte or harp. New York : Printed and sold by I. and M. Paffs music warehouse no. 127 Broadway., [bewteen 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
Boston's march. Boston : Printed & sold at P.A. von Hagen & Cos. imported piano forte warehouse no. 3 Cornhill. And to be had at G. Gilfert. New York., [ca. 1799] Massachusetts 1799
The Celebrated Cadiz march. : Arranged for the piano forte. Violin or flute. [New York] : Sold by I. and M. Paff Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The new somebody. / Written by Mr. Bernard of the New Theatre. Composed by B. Carr. [Philadelphia] : Printed & sold at B. Carrs musical repository Philadelphia J. Carrs Baltimore & J. Hewitts New York. (25 cents[)], [1799] Pennsylvania 1799
Romance avec accompagnement de harpe ou de piano forte. / Musique de M.R. Chateaudun. [Philadelphia : Carr, 1799] Pennsylvania 1799
A progressive sonata, for the piano forte / composed by I.A.K. Colizzi. Boston : Printed & sold at P.A. von Hagen & Cos. piano forte ware house no. 3 Cornhill., [between 1799 and 1802] Massachusetts 1799
Come buy my wooden ware. : A favorite song. Boston. : Printed & sold at P.A. von Hagen Junr. & Cos. musical magazine no. 55 Marlboro Street, also by G. Gilfert Newyork. Where may be had ..., [1799] Massachusetts 1799
Dear is my little native vale. : A favorite new song for the piano forte--flute--or violin. New York : Sold by I and M. Paff, no. 127, Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The Cuckoo. : Selected from the Aviary. A collection of sonnets. New York. : Sold by I. and M. Paff. no. 121 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The soldier's adieu. Boston : Printed & sold at P.A. von Hagen & Cos. imported piano forte & music ware-house no. 3 Cornhill. Also by G. Gilfert New York., [ca. 1799] Massachusetts 1799
Crazy Jane : the original ballad, / the words by G.M. Lewis Esqr. the music by John Davy. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway also by P.A. von Hagen & Co. no. 3 Cornhill, Boston., [1799 or 1800] New York (State) 1799
Fair Rosale : a favorite song. New York : Printed and sold by I. and M. Paffs no. 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The emigrant. New York : Printed & sold at J. & M. Paff's music store no. 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
Loisa / composed by J. Fisin. New York : Printed & sold at J.&M. Paff's music store no. 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
Far far at sea : a favorite ballad sung by Mr. Incledon. / Composed by C.H. Florio. New York : Published by J. & M. Paff Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
Folly of the Spaniards : a favourite lesson with variations. New York : Printed & sold at J. & M. Paff's musical store no. 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The favorite song in the Stranger. Boston : Printed & sold at P.A. von Hagen & Co. musical magazine no. 3 Cornhill, also by G. Gilfert, N. York, where also may be had the answer of this song, and the greatest variety of warranted imported piano fortes of superior quality., [ca. 1799] Massachusetts 1799
Bonny Charly : a favorite Scotch song. New York. : Publis'd by I. and M. Paff at their music warehouse no. 127 Broadway, where may be had. London made piano forte's grand and small, also every article in the musical line for sale, upon reasonable terms., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The Bleeding hero : a favorite song / composed by Sigr. Giordani. New York : Printed & sold at J&M Paff's musical store no. 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
How tedious alas! are the hours. : A favorite song. Boston, : Printed & sold at P.A. Von Hagen & Cos. musical magazine, no. 3, Cornhill; also by G. Gilfert Newyork where also may be had the new patriotic song To arms Columbia written by Thomas Paine. The music composed by P.A. Von Hagen Jun., [1799?] Massachusetts 1799
My mother bids me bind my hair. / A canzonett by Haydn. [Philadelphia] : Printed & sold at B. Carr's musical repository Philadelphia J. Carr's Baltimore & J. Hewitts N. York. (25 cents), [ca. 1799] Pennsylvania 1799
Lucy or Selim's complaint. Boston : Printed & sold by P.A. Von hagen & Co. at their imported piano forte ware-house no. 3 Cornhill. Also by G. Gilfert New York., [ca. 1799] Massachusetts 1799
The robin redbreast. : Selected from the Aviary. A collection of sonnets. / Hook. [New York] : Sold by I. and M. Paff no. 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
Tell me is it love. Boston : Printed & sold at P.A. von Hagen Junior & Cos. musical magazine no. 55 Marlboro Street., [1799] Massachusetts 1799
The turtle dove coos round my cot / composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed & sold at J. & M. Paff's music store no. 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
When Edward left his native plain. / A new song composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed & sold at J. & M. Paff's music store no. 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
As forth I rang'd the banks of Tweed. / Composed by Mr. Hook. Boston : Printed & sold at P.A. von Hagen Junr. & Cos. musical magazine no. 3 Cornhill, also by G. Gilfert Newyork, where may also be had, the new song, of Young Jemmy is a pleasing youth ..., [1799] Massachusetts 1799
The thrush. [New York] : Published by I. and M. Paff. of whom may be had ..., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The linnetts. [New York] : Published by I. and M. Paff. no. 127 Broadway. Where may be had ..., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The goldfinch. [New York] : Published by I. and M. Paff. no. 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The lark. / Hook. [New York] : Sold by I. and M. Paff., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The blackbird. New York : Sold by I. and M. Paff. No. 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The cuckoo. New York : Sold by I. and M. Paff. No. 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The contented shepherd / composed by Hook. New York : Printed & sold by J. & M. Paff no. 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The cottage in the grove. : a favorite song. Boston : Printed & sold by P.A. von Hagen & Co. at their warranted piano forte warehouse no. 3 Cornhill and G. Gilfert New York where also may be had the much admired songs of Come buy my daffodillies, and No not yet., [ca. 1799] Massachusetts 1799
Hymn on death. [New York] : Sold by I. and M. Paff., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
I'll be married to thee. : A new song. Sung by Mrs. Franklin. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert no. 177 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1801?] New York (State) 1799
One kind kiss. Boston : Printed & sold by P.A. von Hagen & Cos. at their imported piano forte ware-house no. 3 Cornhill. And to be had of G. Gilfert New York. Where may be had ..., [ca. 1799] Massachusetts 1799
Buonaparte's march / composed by C. Kalckbrenner. Boston : Printed & sold by P.A. von Hagen & Co. at their musical magazine no. 3 Cornhill., [ca. 1799] Massachusetts 1799
When pensive. : Sung by Mrs. Marshall in Blue Beard. [Philadelphia] : Printed & sold at B. Carr's musical repository Philadelphia J. Carr's Baltimore & J. Hewitts New York (Price 25 cents), [1799?] New York (State) 1799
Calm the winds : sung in the opera of the Turnpike gate. / Composed by J. Mazzinghi. New York : Printed & sold at J. & M. Paff's musical store no. 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
Mary's bower. Boston : Printed & sold at P.A. von Hagen & Cos. imported piano forte ware house no. 3 Cornhill. And to be had at G. Gilfert. New York. Also where may be had Alone beside a stream & Adams march., [1799] Massachusetts 1799
Megen oh! Oh Megen ee! : The much admired song in the Castle Sprectre. : For the piano forte, German flute or violin. Boston : Printed, & sold at P.A. von Hagen Junr. & Cos. musical magazine, no. 55 Marlboro Street. Where also may be had the favorite song of Mounseer Nongtong paw, & the latest published songs just received from London., [1799] Massachusetts 1799
A favorite new German waltz. : Arranged for the piano forte. Flute. Or violin. / By I.C.M. [New York] : Sold by I. and M. Paff 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
Life let us cherish. / A favorite ballad. Composed by Mozart. ; Arranged also with variations by the same author. New York : Printed & sold by J. & M. Paff Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The Nightingale arranged for the piano forte : with a flute accompaniment ad libitum. : And as a dueet [sic] for two performers. On the piano forte. New York : Sold by J. & M. Paff Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
Now's the time to sing and play. Boston : Printed & sold at P.A. von Hagen & Cos. imported piano forte ware-house no. 3 Cornhill. And to be had at G. Gilfert New York. Where may be had Mary's bower & Adams march., [ca. 1799] New York (State) 1799
Owen a favorite Welch air. [Philadelphia] : Printed and sold at B. Carr musical repository Philadelphia J. Carr Baltimore and J. Hewitt New York., [ca. 1799] Pennsylvania 1799
I ask not thy pity : a favorite canzonet with an accompaniment for the piano forte or harp / composed by John Ross. New York : Sold by I. and M. Paff no. 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The Sailor's orphan boy. : A favorite new song. New York : Printed and sold by I. and M. Paffs no. 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The faithful tar / a much admired song written by F. Offley. Composed by W.R. Sale. New York : Printed & sold at J. & M. Paff's music store no. 127 Broadway., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
Everybody's march : for the harp & piano forte. / Composed by Schroder [i.e., Schroeder] ; Dedicated to James K. Paulding Esqr. New York : Printed & sold at J. & M. Paff's musical store no. 127 Broadway. [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
O come sweet Mary come to me : sung by Mr. Hardinge of the New Theatre with universal applause, in the opera of the Rival soldiers. Philadelphia : Published by G. Willig no. 185 Market St., [ca. 1799] Pennsylvania 1799
O come sweet Mary come to me : sung by Mr. Hardinge of the New Theatre with universal applause, in the opera of the Rival soldiers. New York : Printed & sold at J. Hewitt's musical repository no. Maiden Lane., [ca. 1799] New York (State) 1799
The Post captain. : A favorite song. New York, : Published by G. Gilfert, opposite St. Paul's Church., [ca. 1799] New York (State) 1799
Snatch fleeting pleasures. Boston : Printed & sold at P.A. von Hagen Junior & Cos. musical magazine no. 55 Marlboro Street., [1799] Massachusetts 1799
Whither my love. : A favorite song in the Haunted tower. Boston : Printed & sold by P.A. von Hagen & Cos. at their piano forte and music ware house no. 3 Cornhill and also by G. Gilfert New York., [ca. 1799] Massachusetts 1799
Ye streams that round my prison creep. Boston : Printed & sold by P.A. von Hagen at his imported piano forte & music ware-house no. 3 Cornhill. Also by G. Gilfert N. York., [1799] Massachusetts 1799
When on a clear and cloudless night. / Composed by Joseph Willson organist of Trinity Church. New York : Printed & sold at J. Hewitt's musical repository no. Maiden Lane., [ca. 1799] New York (State) 1799
The peerless maid of Buttermere / written and composed by J.D. Winter. New York : Printed & sold at J. Hewitt's musical repository no. 59 Maiden Lane., [between 1799 and 1803] New York (State) 1799
The yellow hair'd laddie. New York : Printed and sold by I. and M. Paffs no. 127 Broadway., [ca. 1799] New York (State) 1799
The yellow hair'd laddie. New York : Printed and sold by I. and M. Paffs no. 127 Broadway., [ca. 1799] New York (State) 1799
Aristotle's masterpiece, compleated : in two parts. Part first contains, the secrets of generation, in all the parts thereof: treating, of the benefit of marriage, and the prejudice of unequal matches: --signs of insufficiency in men or women: --of the infusion of the soul: --of the likeness of children to parents: --of monstrous births: --the cause and cure of the monthly-courses: --of virginity: --directions and cautions for midwives: --of the organs of generation in women, and the fabric of the womb: --the use and action of the genitals: --signs of conception, and whether a male or female; with a word of advice to both sexes, in the act of copulation. And the pictures of several monstrous births, &c. The second part being A private looking-glass for the female sex. Treating of the various maladies of the womb, and all other distempers incident to women of all ages; with proper remedies for the cure of each. : The whole being more correct than any thing of this kind hitherto published. [United States? : s.n.], Printed in the year 1799. United States 1799
The Holy Bible, : containing the Old and New Testaments: / translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. ; And the Apocrypha: ; with marginal references. Philadelphia: : Printed for Berriman & Co. by Jacob R. Berriman., [ca. 1800?] Pennsylvania 1800
Dr. Watts's imitation of the Psalms of David, suited to the Christian worship in the United States. : And allowed by the Synod of New-York and New-Jersey, to be used in all the churches. : [Three lines of quotation] New-York: : Printed by William Durell, no. 106, Maiden-Lane., 1800. New York (State) 1800
An eulogy, on General George Washington, who died on the 14th of Dec. 1799. : Pronounced at Dorchester, Feb. 22, 1800. It being the day recommended by Congress, for the national lamentation of his death. / By Oliver Everett, Esq. A.M. A.A.S. ; Published at the request of the town. Charlestown [Mass.]: : Printed by Samuel Etheridge., M,DCCC. [1800] Massachusetts 1800
An oration, delivered to the citizens of Burlington, : on the 22d of February, 1800, in commemoration of Gen. George Washington, who died at Mount Vernon, Dec. 14, 1799, in the 68th year of his age. / By William Griffith, Esq. ; To which is added, a prayer on the same occasion. By Charles H. Wharton, D.D. And Rector of St. Mary's Church in that city. Trenton: : Printed by G. Craft., MDCCC. [1800] New Jersey 1800
The History of little King Pippin, : with an account of the melancholy death of four naughty boys, who were devoured by wild beasts. : And the wonderful delivery of Master Harry Harmless, by a little white horse. New-York: : Printed by Wm. Durell, for Cornelius Davis., 1800. New York (State) 1800
A new history of Blue Beard, / written by Gaffer Black Beard, for the amusement of Little Lack Beard, and his pretty sisters. ; Adorned with cuts. Hartford: : Printed by John Babcock., 1800. Connecticut 1800
A narrative of the captivity, sufferings, and removes, of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, : who was taken prisoner by the Indians, with several others; and treated in the most barbarous and cruel manner by those vile savages: with many other remarkable events during her travels. / Written by her own hand, for her private use, and since made public at the earnest desire of some friends, and for the benefit of the afflicted. Boston: : Re-printed and sold by John and Thomas Fleet, at the Bible and Heart, Cornhill,, 1800. Massachusetts 1800
For sale, by James White, at Franklin's Head, opposite the prison, Court-Street, Boston. : A large collection of books, consisting of the most celebrated authors in divinity, law, physick, surgery ... &c. A variety of English, Latin, French and Dutch dictionaries ... gazetteers and school-books, of all kinds. ... A very extensive assortment of stationary, with a variety of other articles ... [Boston : Published by James White, ca. 1800?] Massachusetts 1800
The puzzling cap: : a choice collection of riddles, in familiar verse. / By Master Billy Wiseman. ; In this pretty book my young friends you will find, a pleasing repast for the diligent mind. ; Adorned with cuts. --New-York-- : Printed by William Durell for Thomas B. Jansen & Co., --1800.-- New York (State) 1800
A Treatise concerning the duty of persons' owning the covenant, and joining the church in full communion. [United States : s.n., ca. 1800?] United States 1800
A guide to prayer: or, A free and rational account of the gift, grace, and spirit of prayer; : with plain directions how every Christian may attain them. / By I. Watts, D.D. ; [One line from Luke] Philadelphia: : Printed by Thomas and William Bradford, booksellers and stationers, no. 8, South Front Street., [ca. 1800?] Pennsylvania 1800
Anweisung zum Gebrauch der folgenden Gekräuter. [Lancaster, Pa.] : Albrecht, Drucker--Lancaster., [ca. 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
Bickerstaff's almanack, for the year of our Lord 1801. : ... Calculated for the latitude and longitude of the town of Boston, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, but will serve the adjacent states, without any sensible error. / By Isaac Bickerstaff. Boston, : Printed and sold by Benjamin Edes, in Temple-Street, near West-Boston bridge., [1800] Massachusetts 1800
A Collection of new & favorite songs : Price [blank]. [Philadelphia] : Printed and sold by B: Carr Philadelphia I: Hewitt New York & J: Carr Baltimore where may be had all the newest musical productions., [ca. 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
The schoolmasters assistant: : being a compendium of arithmetic, both practical and theoretical. In five parts. ... The whole being delivered in the most familiar way of question and answer ... / By Thomas Dilworth, author of the New-guide to the English tongue; Young book-keeper's assistant, &c. &c. and schoolmaster in Wapping. ; [Four lines of quotations] Wilmington [Del.]: : Printed and sold by Peter Brynberg., [1800?] Delaware 1800
A plain and serious address, to the master of a family. / By Philip Doddridge, D.D. [Portland, Me.? : s.n., 180-?] Maine 1800
A Form of prayer, &c. [Massachusetts? : s.n., ca. 1800?] Massachusetts 1800
The way to wealth, : as clearly shewn in the preface of an old Pennsylvania almanack, intitled, Poor Richard improved. / By Dr. Benjamin Franklin. ; Extracted from the doctor's political works. Salem [Mass.], : Printed by T.C. Cushing., [1800?] Massachusetts 1800
Sacred dirges, hymns, and anthems, commemorative of the death of General George Washington, the guardian of his country and the friend to man. : [Six lines of verse] : An original composition. / By a citizen of Massachusetts. Printed at Boston, : by I. Thomas and E.T. Andrews, no. 45, Newbury-Street., [1800] Massachusetts 1800
Lady Washington's lamentation. : To which is added, American taxation. Hudson [N.Y.]; : printed to sell., [ca. 1800?] New York (State) 1800
The gospel of justification by the righteousness of God. / By Cotton Mather. Wilmington [Del.]: : Printed by Bonsal & Niles, for Molleston Correy., [1800] Delaware 1800
Proceedings of the town of Charlestown, in the county of Middlesex, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts; in respectful testimony of the distinguished talents and preeminent virtues of the late George Washington. [Charlestown, Mass. : Printed by Samuel Etheridge], January. M,DCCC. [1800] Massachusetts 1800
The New-England primer, or An easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. : Adorned with cuts. : To which is added, the catechism. New-England, : Printed for the purchaser., [between 1800 and 1812] United States 1800
The New-England primer, or An easy and pleasant guide to the art of reading. : Adorned with cuts. : To which is added, the catechism. New-England, : Printed for the purchaser., [between 1800 and 1812] United States 1800
The New-England primmer improved, : for the more easy attaining the true reading of English. : To which is added, the Assembly of Divines catechism. [United States] : Printed for and sold by the booksellers., [ca. 1800] United States 1800
The Town and country almanack for ... 1801 / By Abraham Weatherwise. Boston : Printed for the booksellers, [1800] Massachusetts 1800
The general list of the state of Vermont, for the year 1800. [Bennington, Vt.? : Printed by Anthony Haswell?, 1800?] Vermont 1800
The American spelling book: : containing an easy standard of pronunciation. : Being the first part of A grammatical institute of the English language. : To which is added, an appendix, containing a moral catechism and a federal catechism. / By Noah Webster, Jun. Esquire, author of "Dissertations on the English language," "Collection of essays and fugitive writings," &c. Printed at Boston, : by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, Faust's Statue, no. 45, Newbury Street, sold, wholesale and retail, at their bookstore; by said Thomas, in Worcester; by Thomas, Andrews & Penniman, in Albany; and by Thomas, Andrews & Butler, Massachusetts 1800
Cora: or, The virgin of the sun: : a play, in five acts. / From the German of Augustus von Kotzebue. By Benjamin Thompson, Junior, translator of The stranger. Charleston [S.C.]: : Printed by T.C. Cox, no. 137 Tradd Street, one door from the bay: where may be had, the very popular play of Pizarro, the second part of Cora., 1800. South Carolina 1800
Copy of a letter, written by our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ. : Found under a great stone, sixty five years after his crucifixion. : From the twenty-second edition. Printed at Boston, : [s.n.], in the year of our Lord, 1800. Massachusetts 1800
A Wonderful dream. / By Dr. Watts. [United States? : s.n., ca. 1800?] United States 1800
Charts published and sold by William Norman. : Sold also by Messrs. E. & S. Larkin, booksellers, no. 47, Cornhill; by Joseph Newell, ship-chandler, opposite the east end of the market; by Clap, Grey & Co. no. 3, Long-Wharf; by Samuel Thaxter, mathematical instrument-maker, no. 49, State-Street, Boston; and by most of the booksellers and ship-chandlers in the other seaports. [Boston : William Norman, between 1800 and 1802] Massachusetts 1800
[An oration delivered at] Warren July 4th, 1800; : at the request of the "Friendly Society," and in commemoration of American independence. / By Samuel Thatcher. Wiscasset [Me.] : Printed by Henry Hoskins., 1800. Maine 1800
The Golden bull. [United States : s.n., ca. 1800?] United States 1800
Jamie Reily's courtship to Cooleen Bawn, : to which are added Reily's trial for running away with Cooleen Bawn. Reily's releasement and marriage with Cooleen Bawn. Hudson [N.Y.]: : Printed [by Ashbel Stoddard?] for the hawkers., [ca. 1800?] New York (State) 1800
Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, March 14th, 1800. Circular to collectors, naval officers and surveyors. : Sir, By the 3d section of the registering act ... it is required that every ship or vessel ... shall have her name, as well as that of the port to which she belongs, painted on her stern. ... [Philadelphia : s.n., 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
A letter to General Hamilton, occasioned by his letter to President Adams. / By a Federalist. [New York? : s.n, 1800?] New York (State) 1800
The Holy Bible, : containing the Old and New Testaments: / translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New-York : Printed and sold by Hugh Gaine, at his book-store and printing-office, at the Bible, in Hanover-Square., M,DCCC. [1800] New York (State) 1800
Lessons for children, from two to three years old. Boston: : Printed and sold by S. Hall, no. 53, Cornhill., 1800. Massachusetts 1800
Proposals for printing a periodical work, to be called the Connecticut evangelical magazine ... [Hartford : Printed by Hudson & Goodwin, 1800] Connecticut 1800
A smile and a tear, : a favorite song / the words by M.P. Andrew's, Esqr. Composed by Miss Abrams. Philadelphia : Publish'd and sold at G. Willig's musical magazine., [ca. 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
Almighty God whose Heav'nly pow'r. [New York] : Sold at I and M Paffs, [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
Fair Aurora. : Duett from Artaxerxes. / Dr. Arne. [United States : s.n., ca. 1800?] United States 1800
Overture. / Mr. Abel. [United States : s.n., ca. 1800?] United States 1800
A favorit song / by Mr. Bach. [United States : s.n., ca. 1800] United States 1800
Since then I'm doom'd : a favourite air with variations for the piano forte. [United States : s.n., ca. 1800] United States 1800
A negro song. : They lightend their labour by songs ... : Verified by the Dutchess of Devonshire / Composed by Benjamin Carr. Philadelphia : Published by Carr & Schetky and sold at the following music stores. J. Carr's Baltimore. G. Blake's Philada. J. Hewitt's New York, T. Mallet's Boston, E. Morford's fancy store Charleston, G. Willig's Philada. & W. Blagrove Union Circulating Pennsylvania 1800
Poor Mary. / Sung by Miss Broadhurst in the Italian Monk. Composed by B. Carr. [Baltimore : J. Carr, ca. 1800] Maryland 1800
The Queen of France to her children just before her execution. / The words bty P. Pindar. The music by M.R. Chateaudun. [Philadelphia? : s.n., ca. 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
Crazy Jane : sung with great applause by Mrs. Hodgkinson at Mr. Weldon's concert. New York ; Printed for P. Weldon no. 76 Chamber Street. Price 25 cents., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
The Cottager's daughter. Boston : Printed & sold by P.A. von Hagen Junr. & Co. no. 3 Cornhill. Also by G. Gilfert New York., [ca. 1800] Massachusetts 1800
The inviation. / The words by Shakspear. Music by Geo. Emrick. Philadelphia : Published by G. Willig., [ca. 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
Duke of York's march. Philadelphia. : Published and sold at G. Willigs' musical magazine., [ca. 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
The morning / composed by J. Fisin. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert at his music store Broadway., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
The Favorite serenading German waltz. : Arranged for the piano forte, violin, or flute. [United States : s.n., ca. 1800] United States 1800
Queen Mary's lamentation. New York : Printed & sold at J. Hewitt's musical repository no. 23 Maiden Lane., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
Funeral dirge on the death of General Washington, / as sung at the Stone Chapel, the music composed by P.A. Von Hagen organist of said church. Boston : Printed & sold at P.A. Von Hagen & Cos. musical magazine, no. 3, Cornhill, and to be had of G. Gilfert Newyork., [ca. 1800] Massachusetts 1800
Hush ev'ry breeze / selected from the Hours of love composed by Mr. Hook. [United States : s.n., ca. 1800] United States 1800
The little singing girl : sung by Mrs. Mountain at Vauxhall Gardens / composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed & sold by S. Howe no. 320 Pearl Street. -- Price 25 cents., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
Overture to the Lady of the manor. / Hook. [United States : s.n., ca. 1800] United States 1800
Rise Cynthia rise. [United States : s.n., ca. 1800] United States 1800
Rise Cynthia rise. [Philadelphia] : Printed & sold by G. Willig Philadelphia., [ca. 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
The silver moon / composed by Mr. Hook. ; Price 25 cents. New York : Printed and sold at I.C. Moller's musical store., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
'Tis all a jest. / A favorite song composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed & sold by J. Hewitt no. 131 William Street. Sold also by B. Carr Philadelphia & J. Carr Baltimore., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
When Sandy told his tale of love. : A favorite song. / Composed by Mr. Hook. ; Price 25 cts. New York : Printed and sold at I.C. Mollers musical store., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
When the stars can be told : a favorite new song sund in the new opera of Dimond cut dimond / composed by Mr. Hook. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert. No. 177 Broadway. And to be had at P.A. von Hagens music store Boston., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
The Caledonian laddy. / A Scotch song composed by Hook. [Philadelphia] : Printed by G. Willig Philadelphia., [ca. 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
Ah! Delia. : Sung by Mrs. Hodgkinson with applause. / Composed by Dr. G.K. Jackson. [United States?] : Printed for the author., [ca. 1800] United States 1800
American serenade / the words by Mrs. Jackson composed by Dr. G.K. Jackson. [United States?] : Printed for the author., [ca. 1800] United States 1800
Cancherizante. : A song to be sung forwards & then backwards beginning at the last note & ending with the first. / Composed by Dr. G.K. Jackson. [United States?] : Printed for the author., [ca. 1800] United States 1800
Jockey of the green. : A favorite Scotch song. Boston : Printed & sold by P.A. von Hagen no. 3 Cornhill., [ca. 1800] Massachusetts 1800
The Blue bell of Scotland. : A favorite Scotch ballad. Boston : Printed & sold at P.A. von Hagen's piano forte ware house no. 3 Cornhill., [ca. 1800] Massachusetts 1800
Naval march / composed by Mr. Kelly. New York : Printed & sold by G. Gilfert, no. 177 Broadway and to be had at P.A. von Hagen's, music store Boston., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
A winter piece / composed by S. Kleyser dedicated to J. Moses. New York : Printed & sold ay J. & M. Paff's musical store no. 127 Broadway., [ca. 1799] New York (State) 1800
The favorite overture to Lodoiska. : As performed at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane. / Composed by Mr. Krietzer [i.e., Kreutzer]. ; Price 6 sh. New York : Printed for and sold at I.C. Moller's music store., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
The rose. [United States : s.n., ca. 1800] United States 1800
Life let us cherish. [Boston] : Published at P.A. von Hagen & Co. imported piano forte ware house no. 3 Cornhill Boston. Also by G. Gilfert New York. Where may be had the original song of Crazy Jane & the latest European publications. Also the best toned warrented piano forte Massachusetts 1800
The New York senerading [i.e., serenading] waltz. : Arranged for the piano forte, violin, or flute. [New York? : s.n., ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
The beggar girl. : A favorite song or duett / by H. Piercy. [United States : s.n., ca. 1800] United States 1800
Rosina's heart. : Sung in the new opera the Castle of Sorrento. New York : Printed & sold at G. Gilfert's music store no. 177 Broadway., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
Rosa and Henry. [United States? : s.n., ca. 1800] United States 1800
Rosa and Henry : the much admired song in the new comedy of the Secret sung by Mrs. Merry. [Philadelphia] : Printed & sold by G. Willig no. 185 Market St. Philadelphia., [1800] Pennsylvania 1800
The Sailor's orphan boy. : A new song. New York : Printed & sold at G. Gilfert's piano forte warehouse no. 177 Broadway. And to be had of P.A. von Hagen no. 3 Cornhill Boston., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
The cottage on the moor : a favorite new song. New York : Published for P. Weldon., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
The midshipman : sung by Miss Arnold of the New Theatre with universal applause, in the opera of the Rival soldiers. Philadelphia : Published by G. Willig no. 185 Market Street., [ca. 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
Since then I'm doom'd : a favorite song sung in the Spoil'd child. New York : Printed and sold by I.C. Mollers musical store., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
The Request. Newyork : Printed and sold by I.C. Moller., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
The smart cockade. [United States : s.n., ca. 1800] United States 1800
The wood robin / composed by R. Spofforth. New York : Printed & sold by J. & M. Paff at their music store no. 127 Broadway., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
The wood robin : a favorite song, / composed by R. Spofforth. Philada. : Published by John Aitken, and sold at his musical repository, [ca. 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
Plan of the city of Washington. [cartographic material] [United States? : s.n., ca. 1800] United States 1800
The morning is up : a favorite hunting song sung by Mr. Williamson. Price 25 cents. New York : Printed and sold at J. Hewitt's musical repository no. 131 William Street., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
A rural life. / Composed by J. Hewitt. [New York : James Hewitt, ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
The straw bonnet. / Composed by Mrs. Pownall. [United States : s.n., ca. 1800] United States 1800
The sea boys pillow : a favorite ballad in the new opera of the Mariners. : Price 25 cents. Philadelphia : Printed at Carr & Cos. musical repository., [ca. 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
Meg of Wapping / Written & composed by Mr. Dibdin & sung by him in his new entertainment called ye General election. New York : Printed and sold at J. Hewitt's musical repository no. 131 William Street. Sold also by B. Carr Philadelphia & J. Carr Baltimore., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
Vanhall's favorite minuet. [United States : s.n., ca. 1800] United States 1800
[Coast of Nova Scotia] [cartographic material] [United States : s.n., ca. 1800] United States 1800
Sweet girl by the light of the moon : a favorite new song. [United States : s.n., ca. 1800] United States 1800
Now at moonlights fairy hour. : A duett for two voices / composed by Thomas Thompson. [New York? : s.n., ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
The request / composed by L'Abe Vogler. Boston : Printed & sold at P.A. Von Hagen's imported piano forte warehouse no. 3 Cornhill., [ca. 1800] Massachusetts 1800
Washington guards march / composed by a member of the Washington Association. Philadelphia : Published and sold at G. Willig's musical magazine., [ca. 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
[One half of a map of Bermuda] [cartographic material] [United States? : s.n., ca. 1800] United States 1800
The River Patowmac : an epicedium on the death of the august and venerable General Washington late commander in chief of the armies of the United States. / Written by Mr. Derrick the music composed by Mr. Weizsaecker. Philadelphia : Printed by G. Willig no. 185 Market St., [ca. 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
Oh no my love no, : a new song in the opera of Of age to morrow / composed by Michael Kelly the words by G.M. Lewis Esqr. Philadelphia : Printed & sold by G. Willig no. 185 Market St., [ca. 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
A bonny soldier's bride I'll be. / A favorite song composed by Mr. Sanderson. New York : Printed & sold by J.&M. Paff Maiden Lane., [ca. 1800] New York (State) 1800
Ballad sung by Mr. Jefferson in the Tale of terror. / Composed by A. Reinagle. [Philadelphia] : Printed for the author and sold at Blake's musical repository Philada. and I. Carr's Baltimore., [ca. 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
The moment was sad Erin go Bragh and Ellen O'Moore. Philadelphia. : Published by G.E. Blake., [ca. 1800] Pennsylvania 1800
To the freemen of the state of Rhode-Island. : Fellow-citizens, Your patience has been too long abused ... Since the year 1790, Governor Fenner has been uniformly supported ... [Newport, R.I. : Printed by Oliver Farnsworth, 1802] Rhode Island 1802
The rise and progress of religion in the soul. : Illustrated in a course of serious and practical addresses, suited to persons of every character & circumstance. : With a devout meditation and prayer, added to each chapter. : To all which is subjoined, a funeral sermon, on the one thing needful. / By Philip Doddridge, D.D. ; [Five lines of Scripture texts] Philadelphia: : Printed by Thomas & William Bradford, booksellers and stationers, no. 8, South Front Street., [after 1804] Pennsylvania 1804
A sermon on the introduction to the Gospel of St John. / By Samuel Gilman. Boston, : Bowles and Dearborn, 72 Washington Street., 1828. Massachusetts 1828
Reviews & Accolades
Notable Titles

Books & Pamphlets:

Crisp, Stephen, 1628-1692. A short history of a long travel; from Babylon to Bethel. Written in the ninth month, 1691. 10th ed. Philadelphia, 1754.

Volunteer in the said expedition. A genuine account of the late grand expedition to the coast of France, under the conduct of the Admirals Hawke, Knowles, and Broderick, General Mordaunt, &c. To which is added, several humorous songs, epigrams, &c. wrote on the mock-expedition, French-fright, &c. 5th ed. New York, 1758.

Forrester, James, -1765. The polite philosopher: or, An essay on that art, which makes a man happy in himself, and agreeable to others. Boston, 1762.

Dayton, Ebenezer. A serious poem on various subjects, written for the perusal of children. 2nd ed. [Newport, RI?], 1769.

Occom, Samson, 1723-1792. A sermon, preached at the execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, who was executed at New-Haven, on the 2d of September, 1772, for the murder of Mr. Moses Cook, late of Waterbury, on the 7th of December, 1771. Preached at the desire of said Paul. Boston, 1773. Variant ed. “printed and sold by John Boyles in Marlborough-Street.”

A Melancholy narrative of the late unhappy Samuel Brand, who was executed at Lancaster, in the province of Pennsylvania, on the 18th day of December, 1773. For the barbarous and inhuman murder, of his only brother. Containing a succinct account of his person, parentage, principles and temper:--Interspersed with some interesting reflections, moral and religious. Translated from the German. Lancaster, 1774. [AAS copy lacks p. 7-10, but is the only recorded copy of the only English language edition of this title.]

Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Thoughts upon slavery. Philadelphia, 1784.

O'Keeffe, John, 1747-1833. The poor soldier, a comic opera, in two acts, with the words, songs, duets, &c. as performed with universal applause at the theatre, New-York. New York, [1787?].

The Miscellany. Containing, among other matters of entertainment, some extraordinary stories of great men; in which are displayed the various capacities, virtues and vices of the human mind. Boston, 1788. [AAS copy lacks all after p. 24, but is the only recorded copy of this title.]

Brown, John, 1735-1788. The elements of medicine; or, A translation of the Elementa medicinae Brunonis. : With large notes, illustrations, and comments. Vol. I[-II]. Philadelphia, 1791. Imprint variant: “Printed by William Spotswood.”

Boone, Daniel, 1734-1820. Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boon, one of the original settlers of Kentucky; containing the wars with the Indians on the Ohio, from 1769 to the present time, and the first establishment and progress of the settlements on that river. Windsor, Vt., 1793.

United States. Treaties between the United States & Great-Britain (with the accompanying documents) and the United States & France. To which is added, a copy of the United States' Federal Constitution. West Springfield, Mass., 1795.

Chetwood, W. R. (William Rufus), -1766. The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermixed with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English lady, with whom he made his surprising escape from Barbary. Likewise including the history of an Italian captive, and the life of Don Pedro Aquilio, &c. Describing various and amazing turns of fortune. New York, 1796. [A few pages mutilated and AAS copy lacks all after p. 254.]


The Gosport tragedy, or The perjured ship-carpenter: Tune, Peggy's gone over sea, 1776-1805.

A poem, descriptive of the terrible fire, which made such shocking devastation in Boston, on Friday evening…, Boston, 1787. 

The last words & dying speeches of John Bly & Charles Rose who were executed at Lenox, in the county of Berkshire, 1788 (Shay’s Rebellion).


W. McMurray. The United States according to the definitive treaty of peace signed at Paris1784.

E. Ruggles, Map of the world drawn from the latest discoveries and best authorities, 1788.

Sheet Music:

The Ladies patriotic song, 1798.

The moment was sad Erin go Bragh and Ellen O'Moore, 1800.

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