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Early American Newspapers: Series 4, 1756-1922

The Rise of Industry

Popular Press Coverage of the Nation's Economic Boom
Learn what makes this product unique
  • Early American Newspapers, Series 4 presents more than 150 historical American newspapers
  • Expanded coverage from every region of the United States
  • Newspapers of special historical significance, regional weeklies and big-city dailies

Series 4 delivers more than 150 valuable 18th-, 19th- and 20th-century newspapers from every region of the United States. From the acclaimed newspaper collections of the American Antiquarian Society, the Library of Congress, Wisconsin Historical Society and more than 90 other institutions, Series 4 offers newspapers of unique historical significance, regional weeklies and big-city dailies.

Newspapers of special significance
Many of the titles in Series 4 are of special historical significance, including The Liberator, William Lloyd Garrison’s powerful anti-slavery newspaper. Others include the New Orleans Daily Creole, the first African-American daily newspaper in America; the Springfield Republican, known for its high literary quality; and the Indianapolis Sentinel, which covers the dramatic changes that took place in the Midwest after the Civil War.

Regional weeklies and metropolitan newspapers
In addition to many titles that highlight important themes and eras in American history, Series 4 includes the New York Herald, Boston Evening Transcript, Charleston Courier, Albuquerque Journal, Salt Lake Telegram, the Philadelphia North American and many others.

Superior bibliographic control
Like other Early American Newspaper series, Series 4 offers many significant titles listed in Clarence S. Brigham’s “History and Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820” and other authoritative bibliographies. Bibliographic control for post-1820 titles in Series 4 comes from Winifred Gregory’s “American Newspapers 1821-1936: A Union List of Files Available in the United States and Canada.” A distinguished academic advisory board guided the title selection process.

An Archive of Americana® collection
As part of America’s Historical Newspapers, Early American Newspapers, Series 4 shares a common interface with all other Readex newspaper series, including American Ethnic Newspapers. Additionally, all America’s Historical Newspapers series are cross-searchable with all other Archive of Americana® collections.

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The Early American Newspapers series is available within America’s Historical Newspapers.

“...excellent breadth and depth…”
“…an unparalleled resource for all who pursue historical research in a great range of academic disciplines…”
Choice (Dec. 2015)
Areas of Study
This product supports the following subjects
American Studies
British & European Studies
Business History
Childhood Studies
Environmental Studies
Ethnic Studies
Immigration Studies
Literature & Theater
Native American Studies
Religion & Theology
STEM History
US History
War & Conflict
Women's Studies
Title List
Reviews & Accolades
Notable Titles

Featuring more than 140 significant 18th-, 19th- and 20th-century newspapers from all regions of the United States, Early American Newspapers, Series 4, offers small-town weeklies, big-city dailies and many titles of particular historical importance. Key titles include:

Albuquerque Journal (New Mexico)

  • The Journal offers wide-ranging coverage of daily life and culture on the southwestern frontier, both before and after New Mexico and Arizona gained statehood.
  • Includes 6,194 issues published between 1906 and 1922.

Anaconda Standard (Montana)

  • Owned by famed copper tycoon Marcus Daily, the Standard was known as one of the best-edited papers in the country.
  • Includes 8,918 issues published between 1898 and 1922.

Argus and Patriot (Montpelier, Vermont)

  • One of the largest newspapers in New England outside of the major cities, the Argus was edited by the hard-hitting Hiram Atkins, the “War-Horse of the Democratic Party.”
  • Includes 1,781 issues published between 1863 and 1908.

Boston Evening Transcript (Massachusetts)

  • This influential newspaper was managed by Cornelia W. Walter, one of the few woman editors of the 1800s.
  • Includes 4,470 issues published between 1842 and 1856. 

Charleston Courier (South Carolina)

  • The earliest predecessor of the Charleston Post and Courier—the oldest daily in the South—the Courier’s founder is said to have rowed out to meet ships from London so he could get international news earlier than his competitors. 
  • Includes 3,546 issues published between 1803 and 1820. 

Daily Record-Miner (Juneau, Alaska)

  • The Record-Miner offers a glimpse into the lives of men and women who sought their fortunes during the Yukon Gold Rush.
  • Includes 1,618 issues published between 1903 and 1911.

Indianapolis Sentinel (Indiana)

  • The Sentinel covers the dramatic changes that took place in the Midwest after the Civil War, including the beginnings of the “Rust Belt.”
  • Includes 3,339 issues published between 1872 and 1882.

Irish World (New York City)

  • The largest-selling Irish-American newspaper in America during the Gilded Age; controversial owner/editor Patrick Ford focused on women’s suffrage and the labor movement. 
  • Includes 688 issues published between 1890 and 1905.

The Liberator (Boston, Massachusetts)

  • Founded by William Lloyd Garrison, this powerful anti-slavery newspaper became the pre-eminent abolitionist organ of 19th-century America.
  • Includes 1,828 issues published between 1831 and 1865.

National Era (Washington, D.C.)

  • This powerful abolitionist paper generated national attention with its serialized publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
  • Includes 651 issues published between 1847 and 1859.

New-Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth) 

  • The first newspaper in the state of New Hampshire, the Gazette is also one the nation’s oldest existing papers. 
  • Includes 772 issues published between 1836 and 1851. 

New York Herald (New York City)

  • This pre-eminent 19th-century newspaper pioneered the creation of war correspondents, foreign bureaus and special sections on style, sports, business and the arts. 
  • Includes 8,104 issues published between 1874 and 1898. 

North American (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) 

  • The North American covers the rise of industry and finance in mid-19th-century Philadelphia. 
  • Includes 12,670 issues published between 1839 and 1879.

Salt Lake Telegram (Utah) 

  • This influential title was known as “Utah’s independent newspaper.” 
  • Includes 6,744 issues published between 1902 and 1922.

Springfield Republican (Massachusetts) 

  • Known for its cultural leadership, national opinion-making and high literary quality, the Republican circulated widely throughout the U.S. in the 19th century. Horace Greeley called it "the best and ablest country journal ever published on the continent." 
  • Includes 11,742 issues published between 1877 and 1910. 

Yidishes Tageblatt or Jewish Daily News (New York City)

  • The first Yiddish daily in New York City, the socialist-leaning Tageblatt chronicled the experiences of Jewish immigrants. 
  • Includes 2,107 issues published between 1916 and 1922.
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