Year of Publication | State/Country of Publication | Title | Author | Imprint |
1850 | Alabama | Speech of Hon. Arthur F. Hopkins, before a public meeting of the friends, both of the South and of the Union. : Held in the city of Mobile, October 8, 1850.. | Hopkins, Arthur F. (Arthur Francis), 1794-1865. | Mobile: : Printed at the Office of the Daily Advertiser., 1850. |
1850 | Connecticut | How the action of the churches towards the anti-slavery cause. promotes infidelity.. | Patton, William W. (William Weston), 1821-1889. | [Hartford? : s.n., ca. 1850?] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of William H. Seward, on the admission of California. : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 11, 1850. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed and for sale by Buell & Blanchard, Sixth street, south of Pennsylvania avenue., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Report of the debates in the Convention of California, on the formation of the state constitution, in September and October, 1849 | California. Constitutional Convention (1849) | Washington [D.C.] : Printed by John T. Towers, 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Willard P. Hall, of Missouri, on the admission of California. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, March 5, 1850.. | Hall, Willard P. (Willard Preble), 1820-1882. | Washinton: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1850.. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. I.E. Holmes, of S. Carolina, on the Texas boundary. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, September 3, 1850.. | Holmes, Isaac E. (Isaac Edward), 1796-1867. | Washington: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1850.. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Mason, of Virginia, : on the bill reported by Mr. Clay from the Committee of Thirteen to admit California as a state into the Union, to establish territorial governments for Utah and New Mexico, and making proposals to Texas for the establishment of her western and northern boundaries. : delivered in the Senate of the United States, May 27, 1850.. | Mason, J. M. (James Murray), 1798-1871. | Washington: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. J.R. Chandler, of Penn., on the admission of California : delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, March 28, 1850. | Chandler, Joseph R. (Joseph Ripley), 1792-1880. | Washington : Gideon & Co., printers, 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | The slave question | Cabell, E. C. (Edward Carrington), 1816-1896. | [Washington : Printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Andrew P. Butler of South Carolina, in the Senate, Jan. 25, 1850 : Surrender of fugitive slaves. | Butler, A. P. (Andrew Pickens), 1796-1857. | [Washington [D.C.], 1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Miller, of New Jersey, on the propositions to compromise the slavery question, and the admission of California into the Union. : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 21, 1850.. | Miller, Jacob Welsh, 1800-1862. | Washington: : Printed by Jno. T. Towers., 1850.. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Smith, of Conn., on the bill "to admit California into the Union--to establish territorial governments for Utah and New Mexico, making proposals to Texas for the establishment of the western and northern boundaries;" ... : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, July 8, 1850. | Smith, Truman, 1791-1884. | Washington [D.C.]: : Gideon & Co., printers., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Remarks of Mr. Clay, of Kentucky, on introducing his propositions to compromise, on the slavery question : In the Senate of the United States, January 29, 1850. | Clay, Henry, 1777-1852. | Washington : printed by Jno. T. Towers, 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Californien, Union und Freiheit!!! : Rede des Hrn. William S. Seward, von New York, ueber die Zulassung von Californien. Gehalten in der Senatssitzung vom 11ten März 1850. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | Waschington [D.C.]: : Gedruckt bei Gustavus A. Sage., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. J.X. McLanahan, of Pennsylvania, on the slave question. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, February 19, 1850.. | McLanahan, J. X. (James Xavier), 1809-1861. | Washington: : Printed by Jno. T. Towers., 1850.. |
1850 | District of Columbia | California, union, and freedom. : Speech of William H. Seward, on the admission of California. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 11, 1850. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed and for sale by Buell & Blanchard, Sixth Street, south Pennsylvania Avenue., [1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Horace Mann's letters on the extension of slavery into California and New Mexico; : and on the duty of Congress to provide the trial by jury for alleged fugitive slaves.. | Mann, Horace, 1796-1859. | [Washington, D.C.] : Buell & Blanchard, printers., [1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Report of the Secretary of State, communicating the report of the Rev. R.R. Gurley, who was recently sent out by the government to obtain information in respect to Liberia : September 14, 1850, read; September 16, 1850, ordered to be printed. | United States. Dept. of State | [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | The Union, past and future : how it works, and how to save it | Garnett, Muscoe R. H. (Muscoe Russell Hunter), 1821-1864. | Washington : Jno. T. Towers, 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Remarks of Messrs. Clemens, Butler, and Jefferson Davis, on the Vermont resolutions relating to slavery : Delivered in Senate of the United States, January 10, 1850. | Clemens, Jeremiah, 1814-1865. | Washington : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Mr. Clemens, of Alabama : at Huntsville, Alabama, Monday, Nov. 4, 1850. | Clemens, Jeremiah, 1814-1865. | [Washington] : Printed at the Congressional Globe office, Washington, [1850]. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. H.W. Hilliard, of Alabama, on the president's message, in relation to the government of the territory acquired from Mexico by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. : Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, February 14, 1850.. | Hilliard, Henry W. (Henry Washington), 1808-1892. | Washington: : Gideon & Co., printers., 1850.. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Douglas, of Illinois, on the territorial question. : Delivered in Senate of the United States, March 13 and 14, 1850. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | Washington: : printed by John T. Towers., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech on the slavery resolutions, : delivered in the general assembly which met in Detroit in May last, | Stiles, Joseph C. (Joseph Clay), 1795-1875. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed by Jno. T. Towers., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Report of the Naval Committee to the House of Representatives, July, 1850 : in favor of the establishment of a line of mail steamships to the western coast of Africa, and thence via the Mediterranean to London; designed to promote the emigration of free persons of color from the United States to Liberia : also to increase the steam navy, and to extend the commerce of the United States : with an appendix added by the American Colonization Society. | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs | Washington : Gideon and Co., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Thirty-third annual report of the American Colonization Society : with the proceedings of the board of directors, and of the society at its annual meeting, January 15, 1850. | American Colonization Society. | Washington : C. Alexander, printer, 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of the Honorable Daniel Webster, on the Compromise Bill : delivered in the Senate of the United States, on the 17th day of July, 1850. | Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. | Washington [D.C.] : Gideon & Co., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Admission of California : | Winthrop, Robert C. (Robert Charles), 1809-1894. | Washington : Gideon & Co., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | The power of Congress over the territories : Speech of Hon. Lewis Cass, of Michigan, in Senate of the United States, March 13 and 14, 1850, on the compromise resolutions of Mr. Bell, of Tennessee, and the proposition to refer them to a select committee. | Cass, Lewis, 1782-1866. | [Washington, D.C.] : [Printed at the Congressional Globe Office], [1850]. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Horace Mann, of Mass., on the subject of slavery in the territories, and the consequences of the threatened dissolution of the Union. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, February 15, 1850.. | Mann, Horace, 1796-1859. | Washington: : Gideon and Co., printers., 1850.. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. L.D. Campbell, of Ohio, on southern aggression : the purposes of the Union, and the comparative effects of slavery and freedom : with a fac-simile of the signatures to the Articles of Association of the Continental Congress : In the House of Representatives, February 19, 1850. | Campbell, Lewis D. (Lewis Davis), 1811-1882. | Washington : printed and for sale by Buell & Blanchard, Sixth Street, south of Pennsylvania Avenue, 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Daniel Wallace, of South Carolina, on the slavery question : delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, April 8, 1850. | Wallace, Daniel, d. 1859. | Washington : Gideon and Co., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of the Hon. R.C. Winthrop, of Mass., on the President's message : delivered in committee of the whole in the House of Representatives of the United States, February 21, 1850. | Winthrop, Robert C. (Robert Charles), 1809-1894. | Washington : Gideon & Co., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Daniel Webster, on Mr. Clay's resolutions : in the Senate of the United States, March 7, 1850. | Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. | Washington : Gideon and Co., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Dayton, of New Jersey, on the territorial question. : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 22, 1850. | Dayton, William L. (William Lewis), 1807-1864. | Washington : Printed by John T. Towers., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. John Van Dyke, of New Jersey : delivered in the House of Representatives of the U. States, March 4, 1850, on the subject of slavery, and in vindication of the North from the charges brought against it by the South. | Van Dyke, John, 1807-1878. | Washington : Gideon and Co., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Proceedings of the United States Senate on the Fugitive Slave Bill, the abolition of the slave-trade in the District of Columbia, and the imprisonment of free colored seamen in the southern ports : with the speeches of Messrs. Davis, Winthrop, and others. | United States. Congress (31st, 1st session : 1849-1850). Senate. | [Washington : T.R. Marvin, 1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of William H. Seward, on the Compromise bill: : delivered in the Senate of the United States, July 2, 1850. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | [Washington, D.C.] : Gideon & Co., printers., [1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Daniel Webster, on Mr. Clay's resolutions : in the Senate of the United States, March 7, 1850. | Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. | Washington : Gideon and Co., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Union and freedom, without compromise : Speech of Mr. Chase, of Ohio, on Mr. Clay's compromise resolutions. | Chase, Salmon P. (Salmon Portland), 1808-1873. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed and for sale by Buell & Blanchard, Sixth Street, south of Pennsylvania Avenue, [1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Downs, of Louisiana, on the compromise resolutions of Mr. Clay. : In Senate, February 18 and 19, 1850. | Downs, Solomon W. (Solomon Weathersbee), 1801-1854. | [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Clay, of Kentucky, on the measures of compromise : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, July 22, 1850. | Clay, Henry, 1777-1852. | Washington : printed by Jno. T. Towers, 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. L.D. Campbell, of Ohio, on southern aggression : the purposes of the Union--and the comparative effects of slavery and freedom : Delivered in the House of Representatives, February 19, 1850. | Campbell, Lewis D. (Lewis Davis), 1811-1882. | Washington : printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Slavery in the territories : | Wilmot, David, 1814-1868. | Washington, D.C. : Congressional Globe Office, 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. P. Soulé, of Louisiana, in reply to Hon. Henry Clay, of Kentucky, on the measures of compromise. : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, May 23, 1850. | Soulé, Pierre, 1801-1870. | [Washington, D.C.] : Towers, printer., [1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Thaddeus Stevens, of Pennsylvania, : in the House of Representatives, on the reference of the president's annual message. Made in committee of the whole, February 20, 1850. | Stevens, Thaddeus, 1792-1868. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed and for sale by Buell & Blanchard, Sixth Street, near Penn. Avenue., [1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Correspondence between Mr. Webster and his New Hampshire neighbors. | Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. | Washington : Gideon and Co., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of the Hon. Wm. H. Seward, in the Senate of the United States, on the admission of California. (Delivered March 8, 1850.) | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Rev. Theobald Mathew : Remarks of Hon. H.S. Foote, of Mississippi, in the Senate, December 10, 1849, on the resolution to permit the Rev. Theobald Mathew to sit within the bar of the Senate. | Foote, Henry S. (Henry Stuart), 1804-1880. | [Washington] : [Printed at the Congressional Globe office], [1850]. |
1850 | District of Columbia | The territorial question. : Speech of Hon. Wm. L. Dayton, of New Jersey, in Senate of the United States, March 22, 1850. | Dayton, William L. (William Lewis), 1807-1864. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., [1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Clay, of Kentucky, in support of his propositions to compromise on the slavery question : In the Senate of the United States, February 5, 1850. | Clay, Henry, 1777-1852. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed by Towers, [1850]. |
1850 | District of Columbia | The black law illustrated. | Free Soil Party (U.S.) | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1850?] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Schenck, of Ohio, in reply to Mr. Giddings, : in the House of Representatives, December 27, 1849, in debate upon a resolution to appoint the standing committees. | Schenck, Robert Cumming, 1809-1890. | Washington, [D.C.]: : Printed by Gideon & Co.,, 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Mr. Benton's anti-compromise speech : Speech of Mr. Benton, of Missouri, in the Senate of the United States, June 10, 1850. On his motion to postpone until the 4th day of March, 1851, the bill reported from the committee of thirteen,--the compromise bill. | Benton, Thomas Hart, 1782-1858. | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1850]. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Letter from citizens of Newburyport, Mass., to Mr. Webster : in relation to his speech delivered in the Senate of the United States on the 7th March, 1850, and Mr. Webster's reply. | Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. | Washington : Gideon & Co., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Report of the secretary of state, communicating the report of the Rev. R.R. Gurley, who was recently sent out by the government to obtain information in respect to Liberia. September 14, 1850. Read. September 16, 1850. Ordered to be printed. | United States. Dept. of State | [Washington: s.n., 1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Thaddeus Stevens, of Pennsylvania, on the California question. : Made in the House of Representatives, night session, June 10, 1850. | Stevens, Thaddeus, 1792-1868. | [Washington, D.C.] : Buell & Blanchard, printers., [1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Shall slavery be extended? : Speech of Hon. W.A. Sackett, of New York, in the House of Representatives, March 4, 1850, in Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, on the president's message communicating the constitution of California. | Sackett, William A. (William Augustus), 1811-1895. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., [1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Webster on Mr. Clay's resolutions : delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 7, 1850. | Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. | [Washington, D.C.] : Gideon & Co., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Admission of California | Bocock, Thomas S., 1815-1891. | [Washington, D.C., 1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Webster on Mr. Clay's resolutions : delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 7, 1850. | Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. | [Washington, D.C.] : Gideon and Co., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Dayton, of N.J., on the compromise bill: : delivered in the Senate of the United States, June 11 and 12, 1850. | Dayton, William L. (William Lewis), 1807-1864. | [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. John McQueen, of S. Carolina, on the admission of California : Delivered in the House of Representatives, June 6, 1850. | McQueen, John, 1808-1867. | Washington : printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Calhoun, of South Carolina, on the slavery question : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 4, 1850. | Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 1782-1850. | [Washington : Towers, printer, 1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. A.G. Brown, of Mississippi : delivered at Elwood Springs, near Port Gibson, Miss., November 2, 1850. Published by order of the Committee. | Brown, Albert Gallatin, 1813-1880. | [Washington, D.C. : Printed at the Globe Office, 1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of the Honorable Daniel Webster, on the Compromise Bill : delivered in the Senate of the United States, on the 17th day of July, 1850. | Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. | [Washington, D.C.] : Gideon & Co., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. M.P. Gentry, of Tennessee, on the admission of California. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, Monday, June 10, 1850.. | Gentry, M. P. (Meredith Poindexter), 1809-1866. | [Washington, D.C.] : Gideon & Co., printers., [1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Sketches of Liberia: : compromising a brief account of the geography, climate, productions, and diseases, of the republic of Liberia. | Lugenbeel, J. W. (James Washington), 1819?-1857. | Washington: : C. Alexander, printer., 1850.. |
1850 | District of Columbia | The Randolph epistles. | Barton, Seth, 1795-1850. | [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Calhoun, of South Carolina, on the slavery question : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 4, 1850. | Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 1782-1850. | [Washington, D.C.] : Towers, printer, corner of Sixth Street and Louisiana Avenue, [1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Casey, of Pennsylvania : on the President's message, communicating the constitution of California. Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, March 18, 1850. | Casey, Joseph, 1814-1879. | [Washington, D.C.] : Gideon & Co., printers, [1850]. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Sam Houston, of Texas, on the subject of compromise. : In the Senate of the United States, February 8, 1850.. | Houston, Sam, 1793-1863. | [Washington, D.C.] : Towers, printer., [1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of John Bell, of Tennessee, on slavery in the United States : and the causes of the present dissensions between the North and the South. Delivered in the Senate of the United States on the 5th and 6th of July, 1850. | Bell, John, 1797-1869. | Washington [D.C.] : Gideon and Co., printers, 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | The slave question | Brown, Albert Gallatin, 1813-1880. | [Washington : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1850]. |
1850 | District of Columbia | The slave question. : Speech of Hon. Graham N. Fitch, of Indiana, in the House of Representatives, February 14, 1850, in committee of the whole on the state of the union, on the resolution referring the president's message to the various standing committees.. | Fitch, Graham N. (Graham Newell), 1809-1892. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe office., [1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of J.W. Howe, of Pennsylvania, on the California question. : Made in the House of Representatives, night session, June 5, 1850.. | Howe, J. W. (John W.), 1801-1873. | [Washington, D.C.] : Buell & Blanchard, printers., [1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, on the measures of compromise. : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, June 28, 1850. | Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889. | [Washington, D.C.] : Towers, print., [1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Soulé, of Louisiana, on the pending measures of compromise. : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, May 21, 1850. | Soulé, Pierre, 1801-1870. | [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1850] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Berrien, of Georgia, on the subject of slavery in the territories : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 11 & 12, 1850. | Berrien, John MacPherson, 1781-1856. | [Washington, D.C.] : Towers, printer, [1850]. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Col. John H. Savage, of Tennessee, on the slavery question. : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 13, 1850. | Savage, John H. (John Houston), 1815-1904. | Washington: : Printed by Jno. T. Towers., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Our domestic policy. : Speech of Hon. J.R. Giddings, on the reference of the President's message. Made, December 9, 1850, in committee of the whole on the state of the Union.. | Giddings, Joshua R. (Joshua Reed), 1795-1864. | [Washington] : Buell & Blanchard, printers., [1850?] |
1850 | District of Columbia | The right of petition. : Remarks of Messrs. Seward, Hale, and Chase, with a sketch of the debate in the Senate on various petitions and other matters connected with the subject of slavery. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed by Buell & Blanchard, Sixth street, South of Pennsylvania avenue. Price (16 pages) {dollar}1 per hundred., 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Morehead, of Kentucky, on the admission of California, and the question of slavery. : Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, April 23, 1850. | Morehead, C. S. (Charles Slaughter), 1802-1868. | Washington: : Printed by Gideon & Co.,, 1850.. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. R.K. Meade, of Virginia, on the admission of California as a state. | Meade, R. K. (Richard Kidder), 1803-1862. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1850.. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Slavery in California and New Mexico : Speech of Mr. Orin Fowler, of Massachusetts, in the House of Representatives, March 11, 1850, in committee of the whole on the state of the Union, on the president's message communicating the constitution of California. | Fowler, Orin, 1791-1852. | [Washington] : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1850. |
1850 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Cooper, of Penn. on the compromise bill. | Cooper, James, 1810-1863. | [Washington, D.C.] : Gideon & Co., printers., [1850]. |
1850 | District of Columbia | The Fugitive slave law, : its character fairly stated--its constitutionality and reasonableness vindicated--and the duty of maintaining and enforcing it established against the misrepresentations, sophistry, and seditious agitations of demagogues and abolitionists.. | [Washington] : Gideon & Co., printers., [1850?] |
1850 | District of Columbia | Interesting correspondence. : The mail steamer service. | [Washington, D.C.] : Gideon & Co., printers., [1850] |
1850 | England | The natural history of the varieties of man. | Latham, R. G. (Robert Gordon), 1812-1888. | London: : John Van Voorst, Paternoster Row., M.D.CCCL. [1850] |
1850 | England | Five years of a hunter's life in the far interior of South Africa. : With notices of the native tribes, and anecdotes of the chase of the lion, elephant, hippopotamus, giraffe, rhinoceros, etc. | Gordon-Cumming, Roualeyn, 1820-1866. | London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1850.. |
1850 | England | Seven years' service on the slave coast of Western Africa. | Huntley, H. V. (Henry Vere), Sir, 1795-1864. | London: : Thomas Cautley Newby, publisher, Welbeck Street, Cavendish Square., MDCCCL. [1850] |
1850 | England | The fugitive blacksmith; or, Events in the history of James W.C. Pennington : pastor of a Presbyterian church, New York, formerly a slave in the state of Maryland, United States. | Pennington, James W. C. | London: : Charles Gilpin, 5, Bishopsgate Without., 1850.. |
1850 | England | Jan Cladpole's trip to 'Merricur : giving an account of the white, black, and yellor folks, wot he met wud in his travels in search for dollar trees; and how he got rich enough to beg his way home! | Lower, Richard, 1782-1865. | Lewes : printed and published for the author by Joseph Farncombe ; Brighton : Embling & Beal; and C. Hindley ; London : Marlborough and Co. And all booksellers, [1850?] [Lewes : Joseph Farncombe, printer]. |
1850 | England | Life, scenery, and customs in Sierra Leone and the Gambia. | Poole, Thomas Eyre. | London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street., 1850.. |
1850 | England | A career in the Commons: or Letters to a young member of Parliament, : on the conduct and principles necessary to constitute him an enlightened and efficient representative. | Harle, William Lockey. | London: : Printed for Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, Paternoster Row., 1850.. |
1850 | England | Claims and resources of the West Indian colonies. : A letter to the Rt. Hon. W.E. Gladstone, M.P. late Secretary of State for the colonies. | Derby, Edward Henry Stanley, Earl of, 1826-1893. | London: : T. & W. Boone, 29 New Bond Street., 1850. |
1850 | England | Narrative of the life of William W. Brown, an American slave | Brown, William Wells, 1814?-1884. | London : Charles Gilpin, 5, Bishopsgate Street Without, 1850. |
1850 | England | Claims and resources of the West Indian colonies. : A letter to the Rt. Hon. W.E. Gladstone, M.P. late Secretary of State for the colonies. | Derby, Edward Henry Stanley, Earl of, 1826-1893. | London: : T. & W. Boone, 29, New Bond Street., 1850. |
1850 | England | Notes on the slave-trade, with remarks on the measures adopted for its suppression. : To which are added: a few general observations on slavery, and the prejudices of race and colour as affecting the slave-trade; and some suggestions on the means by which it may be checked. | Ouseley, William Gore, Sir, 1797-1866. | London: : Published by John Rodwell, 46 New Bond Street., 1850.. |
1850 | England | The African wanderers: or, The adventures of Carlos and Antonio. : Embracing interesting descriptions of the manners and customs of the western tribes, and the natural productions of the country. | Lee, R., Mrs., 1791-1856. | London: : Grant and Griffith, successors to J. Harris, corner of St. Paul's Churchyard., M.DCCC.L. [1850]. |
1850 | England | The races of men: : a fragment. | Knox, Robert, 1791-1862. | London: : Henry Renshaw, 356, Strand., MDCCCL. [1850] |
1850 | England | Eight years in British Guiana; : being the journal of a residence in that province, from 1840 to 1848, inclusive. With anecdotes and incidents illustrating the social condition of its inhabitants; and the opinions of the writer on the state and prospects of our sugar colonies generally. | Premium, Barton. | London: : Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans., ; Liverpool: : Wareing Webb. ; Dublin: L J. M'Glashan.-- ; Edinburgh: : Oliver & Boyd. ; [Glasgow] : and Thomas Murray & Son, Glasgow., MDCCCL. [1850]. |
1850 | England | Hesperos: or, Travels in the West. | Houstoun, Mrs. (Matilda Charlotte), 1815?-1892. | London: : John W. Parker, West Strand., MDCCCL. [1850] |
1850 | England | The Wesleyan-Methodist missions, in Jamaica and Honduras, delineated: : containing a description of the principle stations. Together with a consecutive account of the rise and progress of the work of God at each. Illustrated by a map and thirty-three lithographic views, executed from drawings taken on the spot. | Samuel, Peter, d. 1874. | London: : Partridge & Oakey, 34, Paternoster Row; sold by J. Mason, 66, Paternoster Row., 1850. |
1850 | England | The races of man; and their geographical distribution. | Pickering, Charles, 1805-1878. | London: : H.G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden., MDCCCL. [1850]. |
1850 | England | Essays on his own times : forming a second series of the Friend | Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834. | London : William Pickering : Printed by C. Whittingham, Chiswick., 1850. |
1850 | England | Analysis of the evidence given before the select committees upon the slave trade. | Barrister. | London: : Partridge and Oakey, 34, Paternoster-Row., 1850. |
1850 | England | The speech of the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, in the House of Commons, Feb. 8, 1850, on colonial policy, : with a view to promote the general wealth and population of the colonies and their capacity for self-government.. | Russell, John Russell, Earl, 1792-1878. | London: : James Ridgway, Piccadilly., 1850.. |
1850 | England | The Jamaica movement, for promoting the enforcement of the slave-trade treaties, and the suppression of the slave-trade; : with statements of fact, convention, and law: | London: : Charles Gilpin, 5, Bishopsgate Without. Printed for gratuitous distribution., 1850.. |
1850 | France | Soulouque et sa cour | Cham, 1819-1879. | Paris : Au bureau du journal Le Charivari, 16, Rue du Croissant. Imprimerie Lange Lévy et Comp., 16, Rue du Croissant., [1850] |
1850 | France | Toussaint Louverture : poëme dramatique | Lamartine, Alphonse de, 1790-1869. | Paris : Michel Lévy frères, libraires-éditeurs rue Vivienne, 2 bis., 1850. |
1850 | Gabon | The Gospel of Matthew in the Mpongwe language. | Bible. N.T. Matthew. Mpongwe. | [Gaboon, West Africa] : Press of the A.B.C.F.M. Gaboon, West Africa, 1850. |
1850 | Georgia | Remarks of Stephen F. Miller, Esq., at a meeting of the citizens of Macon County, Ga., at the Courthouse in Lanier, August 8th, 1850, on the Southern Question. | Miller, Stephen F. | [Georgia? : s.n., 1850?] |
1850 | Ireland | The converted Negress in a storm. | Dublin: : 10 D'Olier Street. ; London: : 9 Paternoster Row., [ca. 1850]. |
1850 | Maine | American cottage life : A series of poems illustrative of American scenery, and of the associations, feelings, and employments of the American cottager and farmer | Upham, Thomas Cogswell, 1799-1872. | Brunswick [Me.] : Published by Joseph Griffin, 1850-51, [c1850]. |
1850 | Maryland | Report of the Board of Managers of the Maryland State Colonization Society, to the members and the public. : Containing a history of the proceedings of the Society from its organization to the 1st January, 1850.. | Maryland State Colonization Society. | Baltimore: : printed by John D. Toy, corner of Market and St. Paul Streets., 1850.. |
1850 | Maryland | The olographic will of John McDonogh, of Louisiana, formerly a citizen of Baltimore.. | McDonogh, John, 1779-1850. | Baltimore: : Printed by James Lucas., 1850.. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Eighteenth annual report, presented to the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, by its Board of Managers, January 23, 1850. : With an appendix.. | Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. | Boston: : Printed by Andrews & Prentiss, No. 11 Devonshire Street., 1850.. |
1850 | Massachusetts | The Ethiopian accordeon instructor, : containing new and complete instruction for the French accordeon, with all the popular Ethiopian melodies, together with many other popular pieces of music, arranged expressly for this instrument. | Howe, Elias, 1820-1895. | Boston: : Published by Oliver Ditson, 115 Washington St., C.C. Clapp & Co., 67 Court Street. ; New York: : J.E. Gould & Co., [1850] |
1850 | Massachusetts | Resolves relating to California, and the Territories of the United States. | Massachusetts. General Court. House of Representatives | [Boston : The House, 1850] |
1850 | Massachusetts | The Joint Special Committee, to whom was referred so much of the Governor's address as relates to the exclusion of Negro slavery from the newly acquired territory of the United States .... | Massachusetts. General Court. Joint Special Committee. | [Boston : The House, 1850] |
1850 | Massachusetts | Speech of the Hon. W.H. Seward, on the admission of California, and the subject of slavery; : delivered in the United States Senate, on Monday, March 11, 1850. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | Boston: : Redding & Company., 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | A defence for fugitive slaves, against the acts of Congress of February 12, 1793, and September 18, 1850. | Spooner, Lysander, 1808-1887. | Boston: : Bela Marsh, 25 Cornhill., 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Review of Webster's speech on slavery. | Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884. | Boston: : Published by American A.S. Society, 21 Cornhill., 1850.. |
1850 | Massachusetts | The function and place of conscience, in relation to the laws of men : a sermon for the times; preached at the Melodeon, on Sunday, September 22, 1850 | Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. | Boston : Crosby & Nichols, 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | An address delivered before the colored citizens of Boston : in opposition to the abolition of colored schools, on Monday evening, Dec. 24, 1849. | Smith, Thomas P. | Boston: : For sale by Bela Marsh, No. 25 Cornhill., 1850.. |
1850 | Massachusetts | A geographical sketch of St. Domingo, Cuba, and Nicaragua : with remarks on the past and present policy of Great Britain, affecting those countries ... | Clark, B. C. (Benjamin C.) | Boston : Eastburn's press, 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Thanksgiving sermon preached Nov. 28, 1850 at Newbury, first parish | Withington, Leonard, 1789-1885. | Newburyport : Charles Whipple, 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Speech of Horace Mann, of Massachusetts, on the subject of slavery in the territories, and the consequences of a dissolution of the Union. : Delivered in the United States House of Representatives, February 15, 1850.. | Mann, Horace, 1796-1859. | Boston: : Redding and Company,, 1850.. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Conscience and the Constitution : with remarks on the recent speech of the Hon. Daniel Webster in the Senate of the United States on the subject of slavery. | Stuart, Moses, 1780-1852. | Boston: : Published by Crocker & Brewster., 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Reality versus fiction. A review of a pamphlet published at Charleston, S.C. entitled, "The Union, past and future, how it works and how to save it." | Derby, E. H. | Boston : Redding & Co., 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Speech of the Hon. Daniel Webster, on the subject of slavery : delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 7, 1850. | Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. | Boston : Redding and Company, 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | The anti-slavery reform : its principle and method | Bowditch, William I. (William Ingersoll), 1819-1909. | Boston : Robert F. Wallcut, 21, Cornhill, 1850 [printed by John Wilson]. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Poems | Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882. | Boston: : Ticknor, Reed, and Fields., MDCCCL. [1850] |
1850 | Massachusetts | Theodore Parker's review of Webster : speech of Theodore Parker, delivered in the old Cradle of liberty, March 25, 1850. | Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. | Boston : R. F. Wallcut, 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Orations and speeches. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | Boston: : Ticknor, Reed, and Fields., 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Creola: or The slave & minstrel. : a poetical romance, in five parts. | Pike, Marshall S. (Marshall Spring) | Boston: : [s.n.], 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | The Fugitive slave bill; or, God's laws paramount to the laws of men. : A sermon, preached on Sunday, October 20, 1850, /by Rev. Nathaniel Colver, pastor of the Tremont Street Church. ; Published by request of the church. | Colver, Nathaniel, 1794-1870. | Boston: : J.M. Hewes & Co., 81 Cornhill. (Successors to John Putnam.), 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Speech of Hon. Charles Allen, at the city hall, in Worcester, Oct. 5, 1850. | Allen, Charles, 1797-1869. | [Worcester, Mass.] : Printed and for sale at the Spy Office., [1850] |
1850 | Massachusetts | Our duty to the fugitive slave: : a discourse delivered on Sunday, Oct. 6, in West Boylston, Ms., and in Worcester, Dec. 15. | Arvine, Kazlitt, 1819-1851. | Boston: : John P. Jewett & Co., 17 & 19 Cornhill., 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Report of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, : presented at the forty-first annual meeting, held in Oswego, New York, Sept. 10--13, 1850.. | American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. | Boston: : press of T.R. Marvin, 24 Congress Street., 1850.. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Warren : a tragedy in five acts, designed to illustrate the protection which the Federal Union extends to the citizens of Massachusetts. | Whitney, Daniel S. | Boston : Bela Marsh, 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | A sermon on Moses' fugitive slave bill, preached at Ashland, Mass. November 3, 1850. | Thayer, William Makepeace, 1820-1898. | Boston [Mass.]: : Printed by Charles C.P. Moody, Old Dickinson Office 52 Washington Street., 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Speech of Hon. Daniel Webster, on Mr. Clay's resolutions : in the Senate of the United States, March 7, 1850. | Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. | Boston : Redding and Company, 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | New dangers to freedom, and new duties for its defenders: : a letter by the Hon. Horace Mann to his constituents, May 3, 1850.. | Mann, Horace, 1796-1859. | Boston: : Redding and Company,, 1850.. |
1850 | Massachusetts | The war with Mexico reviewed | Livermore, Abiel Abbot, 1811-1892. | Boston : Wm. Crosby and H.P. Nichols, 1850 [Andover : J.D. Flagg and W.H. Wardwell, stereotypers and printers]. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Reality versus fiction. : A review of a pamphlet published at Charleston, S.C. entitled, "The Union, past and future, how it works and how to save it." | Derby, E. H. (Elias Hasket), 1803-1880. | Boston, : Redding & Co., October, 1850.. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Letter to the Hon. Daniel Webster, on the compromises of the constitution | Graham, Sylvester, 1794-1851. | Northampton, Mass. : Hopkins, Bridgeman & Co., 1850 [N.Y. : John A. Gray, printer]. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Elihu Burritt's miscellaneous writings. 2nd ed. | Burritt, Elihu. | Worcester, Mass.: Thomas Drew, Jr., 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | History of a zoological temperance convention : Held in Central Africa in 1847 | Hitchcock, Edward, 1793-1864. | Northampton [Mass.] : published by Butler & Bridgman, 1850, [c1849] [E.B. Mears, stereotyper ; C. Sherman, printer]. |
1850 | Massachusetts | A review of the Rev. Moses Stuart's pamphlet on slavery, entitled Conscience and the Constitution | Clark, Rufus W. (Rufus Wheelwright), 1813-1886. | Boston : published by C.C.P. Moody, Old Dickinson office, 52 Washington Street, 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Elihu Burritt's miscellaneous writings.. | Burritt, Elihu, 1810-1879. | Worcester, Mass.: Published by Thomas Drew, Jr., 1850.. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Narrative of Henry Watson, a fugitive slave. | Watson, Henry, b. 1813? | Boston : Bela Marsh, 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Orations and speeches on various occasions. | Everett, Edward, 1794-1865. | Boston: : Charles C. Little and James Brown., 1850-1868. |
1850 | Massachusetts | An address delivered before the colored citizens of Boston in opposition to the abolition of colored schools, on Monday evening, Dec. 24, 1849. | Smith, Thomas P. | Boston : For sale by Bela Marsh, 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Narrative of Sojourner Truth, : a northern slave, emancipated from bodily servitude by the State of New York, in 1828. With a portrait. | Gilbert, Olive. | Boston: : Printed for the author., 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | The new republic. | Massachusetts Sabbath School Society. | Boston: : Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, Depository, No. 13 Cornhill., 1850.. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Gift of love. | Tappan, William B. (William Bingham), 1794-1849. | Boston: : Published by J. Buffum., [ca. 1850?] |
1850 | Massachusetts | Address of his excellency George N. Briggs to the two branches of the legislature of Massachusetts, January 8, 1850. | Briggs, George N. (George Nixon), 1796-1861. | Boston : Dutton and Wentworth, state printers, No.37, Congress Street, 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | The experience of Thomas Jones, : who was a slave for forty-three years. | Jones, Thomas H. | Boston: : Printed by Daniel Laing, Jr., 1850.. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Proceedings of the Constitutional Meeting at Faneuil Hall, November 26th, 1850.. | Constitutional Meeting (1850 : Boston, Mass.) | Boston: : Printed at no. 21 Water Street by Beals & Greene., 1850.. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Slavery among the Puritans. : A letter to the Rev. Moses Stuart. | Boston: : Charles C. Little and James Brown., 1850. |
1850 | Massachusetts | Perforations in the "Latter-day pamphlets," by one of the "eighteen millions of bores" | Boston : Phillips, Sampson, and Company, 1850. |
1850 | Mississippi | Address of the Committee of the Mississippi Convention to the Southern states. | Mississippi. Convention (1849 : Jackson) | [Jackson, Miss.? : Fall & Marshall?, 1850?] |
1850 | Mississippi | Proceedings of a meeting of citizens of central Mississippi, in relation to the slavery question: : also, the proceedings of the state convention, on the same subject, held at the city of Jackson, October, 1849. | Meeting of Citizens of Central Mississippi on Slavery (1849 May 7 : Jackson, Miss.) | Jackson, Miss: : Fall & Marshall----state printers., 1850.. |
1850 | Missouri | An appeal to the Methodists of Missouri: | Holliday, F. C. (Fernandez C.), 1814-1888. | St. Louis, Mo. : T.W. Ustick, printer, corner of Second and Locust Streets., 1850.. |
1850 | Missouri | The reply to the "Appeal of a Missouri Methodist to the Methodists of Missouri." | Mitchell, James. | St. Louis: : Printed at the Republican Office., 1850.. |
1850 | New York | Hints toward reforms, : in lectures, addresses, and other writings: | Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872. | New-York: : Harper & Brothers, 82 Cliff-Street., 1850.. |
1850 | New York | Intellect, justice & benevolence. : Liberation of the colored people. | T. C. C. | New-York: : [s.n.], 1850.. |
1850 | New York | Facts for Baptist churches | Foss, A. T. (Andrew Twombly), 1803-1875. | Utica : Published by the American Baptist Free Mission Society. Roberts & Sherman, printers, 1850. |
1850 | New York | The slavery question in New-York : In Assembly, January 23, 1850. | Raymond, Henry J. (Henry Jarvis), 1820-1869. | [Albany? : s.n.], [1850]. |
1850 | New York | First annual report of the Governors of the Alms House, New-York, for the year 1849.. | New York (N.Y.). Board of Governors of the Alms House. | New-York: : George F. Nesbitt, stationer and printer, corner of Wall and Water Streets., 1850. |
1850 | New York | The late contemplated insurrection in Charleston, S.C. : with the execution of thirty-six of the patriots: the death of William Irving, the provoked husband: and Joe Devaul, for refusing to be the slave of Mr. Roach: with the capture of the American slaver trading between the seat of government and New Orleans: together with an account of the capture of the Spanish schooner Amistad.. | Colored American. | New-York: : Printed for the publisher., 1850.. |
1850 | New York | Slavery and marriage. : A dialogue. | Noyes, John Humphrey, 1811-1886. | [Oneida, N.Y. : Leonard & Company, printers, Oneida Reserve], 1850. |
1850 | New York | Speech on the slavery resolutions, : delivered in the general assembly which met in Detroit in May last, | Stiles, Joseph C. (Joseph Clay), 1795-1875. | New-York: : Mark H. Newman & Co., 199 Broadway., 1850. |
1850 | New York | Duty to our own generation. : A Thanksgiving sermon, preached in St. George's Church, New-York, December 12, 1850, | Tyng, Stephen H. (Stephen Higginson), 1800-1885. | [New York] : Published by the vestry of St. George's Church. New-York., 1850. |
1850 | New York | History of the African mission of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, : with memoirs of deceased missionaries, and notices of native customs. | Hening, E. F., d. 1853. | New-York: : Stanford and Swords, 137, Broadway., 1850.. |
1850 | New York | The blasphemy of abolitionism exposed : servitude, and the rights of the South, vindicated. A Bible argument. Together with reflections drawn from the premises ... and the evil consequences that must result to the northern states in case of division: the legitimate fruits of their unhallowed meddling, in violation of all principle and good faith--and above all, God's holy word! ... | Amor patriae. | New-York : [s.n.], 1850. |
1850 | New York | The life of John Caldwell Calhoun. | Jenkins, John S. (John Stilwell), 1818-1852. | Auburn and Buffalo [N.Y.]: : John E. Beardsley., [1850] |
1850 | New York | The king of rivers, : with a chart of our slave and free soil territory. | Montgomery, Cora, 1807-1878. | New-York: : Charles Wood, 117 John Street. Wm. Adam, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C., 1850. |
1850 | New York | Letter to Hon. William Nelson, M.C., on Mr. Webster's speech, | Jay, William, 1789-1858. | New-York: : William Harned, 61 John Street., 1850.. |
1850 | New York | The unity of the human races : proved to be the doctrine of Scripture, reason, and science. With a review of the present position and theory of Professor Agassiz. | Smyth, Thomas, 1808-1873. | New-York: : George P. Putnam, 155 Broadway., 1850. |
1850 | New York | Substance of the speech made by Gerrit Smith, in the capitol of the state of New York, March 11th and 12th, 1850. | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | Albany [N.Y.]: : Jacob T. Hazen, printer., 1850. |
1850 | New York | The perils and the security of our country : a sermon, delivered in the Ref. Prot. Dutch Church, of Williamsburgh, L. I., on Thanksgiving Day, Dec. 12, 1850. | Porter, Elbert Stothoff, 1820-1888. | Williamsburgh, L.I.: : Published by Joseph C. Gandar, 89 Grand Street., 1850.. |
1850 | New York | Reminiscences of Congress. | March, Charles W. (Charles Wainwright), 1815-1864. | New York: : Baker and Scribner, 145 Nassau Street and 36 Park Row., 1850.. |
1850 | New York | Anti-slavery wafers. | American Anti-Slavery Society. | New York : American Anti-Slavery Society, [1850?] |
1850 | New York | Letters of a traveller; or, Notes of things seen in Europe and America | Bryant, William Cullen, 1794-1878. | New York : George P. Putnam, 155 Broadway ; London : Richard Bentley ; [New York] : Stereotyped by Billin & Bros., 10 N. William St. : F.C. Gutierrez, printer, John st., corner of Dutch, 1850. |
1850 | New York | Objections to the act of Congress, commonly called the Fugitive slave law answered, : in a letter to Hon. Washington Hunt, governor elect of the state of New York. | Dorr, James A. (James Augustus), d. 1869. | New York: : [s.n.], 1850. |
1850 | New York | Journal of three years' residence in Abyssinia. | Gobat, Samuel, 1799-1879. | New York: : published by M.W. Dodd, Brick Church Chapel, City Hall Square, (opposite the city hall.), 1850.. |
1850 | New York | Speech of the Hon. Henry Clay, of Kentucky, on taking up his compromise resolutions on the subject of slavery : Delivered in Senate, Feb. 5th & 6th, 1850. : (As reported by the National Intelligencer) | Clay, Henry, 1777-1852. | New York : Stringer & Townsend, 222 Broadway, 1850. |
1850 | New York | Nelly Bly | Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. cmp | New York : Published by Firth, Pond & Co. 1 Franklin Sq. ; Cincinnati : Colburn & Field ; St. Louis : Balmer & Weber ; Pittsburg : H. Kleber, c1850. |
1850 | New York | Always happy! or, Anecdotes of Felix and his sister Serena. | Budden, Maria Elizabeth, 1780?-1832. | New York: : Stanford and Swords, 137, Broadway., 1850. |
1850 | New York | Fugitive slave law. : The religious duty of obedience to law: a sermon, preached in the Second Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn, Nov. 24, 1850. | Spencer, Ichabod S. (Ichabod Smith), 1798-1854. | New York: : Published by M.W. Dodd, Brick Church Chapel, City Hall Square, opposite the City Hall., 1850. |
1850 | New York | Speech of the Hon. Henry Clay, of Kentucky, on presenting his resolutions on the subject of slavery : Delivered in Senate, Feb. 5th & 6th, 1850 | Clay, Henry, 1777-1852. | New York : Stringer & Townsend, 222 Broadway 1850. |
1850 | New York | Speeches of Hon. John C. Calhoun, and Hon. Daniel Webster, on the subject of slavery : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March, 1850. | Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 1782-1850. | New York : Stringer & Townsend, 222 Broadway, 1850. |
1850 | New York | Speeches of Hon. William H. Seward, and Hon. Lewis Cass, on the subject of slavery. : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March, 1850. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | New York: : Stringer & Townsend, 222 Broadway., 1850. |
1850 | New York | The thirteenth annual report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented to the General Assembly in May, 1850 | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (Old School). Board of Foreign Missions | New York: : Published for the board: at the Mission House, 23 Centre Street., 1850. |
1850 | New York | Letter of Commodore Stockton on the slavery question. | Stockton, Robert Field, 1795-1866. | New York: : S.W. Benedict, printer, 16 Spruce Street., 1850. |
1850 | New York | Cuba, and the Cubans; : comprising a history of the island of Cuba, its present social, political, and domestic condition; also, its relation to England and the United States. | Kimball, Richard B. (Richard Burleigh), 1816-1892. | New York: : Samuel Hueston, 139 Nassau Street. : George P. Putnam, 155 Broadway., 1850.. |
1850 | New York | Biographical sketches and interesting anecdotes of persons of color : To which is added a selection of pieces in poetry | Mott, Abigail, 1766-1851. | New York : stereotyped for and printed by order of the trustees of the residuary estate of Lindley Murray. D. Fanshaw, printer, 1850. |
1850 | New York | Five years of a hunter's life in the far interior of South Africa. : With notices of the native tribes, and anecdotes of the chase of the lion, elephant, hippopotamus, giraffe, rhinoceros, etc. | Gordon-Cumming, Roualeyn, 1820-1866. | New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, 82 Cliff Street., 1850.. |
1850 | New York | Christy's panorama songster : containing the songs as sung by the Christy, Campbell, Pierce's Minstrels, and Sable Brothers. | New York : published by William H. Murphy, 384 Pearl Street, [ca. 1850]. |
1850 | New York | Christy's Katy Dean : a celebrated Ethiopian melody | New York : Published by Wm. Hall & Son, 239 Broadway, c1850. |
1850 | New York | Remarks on the colonization of the western coast of Africa, by the free negroes of the United States : and the consequent civilization of Africa and suppression of the slave trade. | New York : W.L. Burroughs' Steam Power Press, 1850. |
1850 | New York | The Liberty almanac for 1851. | New York : Published by the Am. and For. Anti-Slavery Society: William Harned, agent, [1850]. |
1850 | New York | Abolitionism unveiled! Hypocrisy unmasked! and knavery scourged! : Luminously portraying the formal hocusses, whining philanthropists, moral coquets, practical atheists, and the hollow-hearted swindlers of labor, 'yclept the "northern abolitionists." | New York : T.V. Paterson, printer and publisher, 1850. |
1850 | New York | Narrative of Phebe Ann Jacobs | Upham, T. C., Mrs. | [New York] : Published by the American Tract Society., [185-?] |
1850 | New York | Christy's nigga songster : containing songs as sung by Christy's, Wood's, Pierce's, Whites, and Dumbleton's band of minstrels. | New-York : Richard Marsh, 324 Pearl-street, [ca. 1850]. |
1850 | New York | White's new Ethiopian song book. : Containing a collection of all the new and most popular songs, glees, chorusses, parodies, duetts, trios, burlesque lectures, jokes, conundrums, &c., as sung by White's Band of Serenaders, Christy's, New-Orleans, &c. : Illustrated with numerous engravings.. | New-York: : H. Long & Brother, no. 43 Ann-Street., 1850.. |
1850 | New York | The Fugitive slave bill: its history and unconstitutionality; : with an account of the seizure and enslavement of James Hamlet, and his subsequent restoration to liberty. | New-York: : William Harned, 61 John Street. Price {dollar}2 a hundred; single copies, 5 cents., 1850. |
1850 | New York | The Fugitive slave bill: its history and unconstitutionality; : with an account of the seizure and enslavement of James Hamlet, and his subsequent restoration to liberty. | New-York: : William Harned, 61 John Street. Price only {dollar}2 a hundred; single copies, 5 cents., 1850. |
1850 | New York | Punch's comic songster, : being a complete melange of side breaking, heart rending, jaw cracking, fun provoking melodies: as sung at all the theatres and concerts in Christendom. | New-York: : Cornish, Lamport & Co. 267 Pearl-Street., [ca. 1850?] |
1850 | New York | The crisis, or, A few thoughts on the subject of slavery. | [New York] : H. Parks, Printer, 210 Chatham Square, corner of Doyer Street, [1850?]. |
1850 | New York | Old Aunt Dinah's policy dream book. : Comprising a brief collection of dreams, which have been interpreted and played with wonderful success to the dreamer.. | [New York : Phoenix Book Store, ca. 1850?] |
1850 | New York | Elegant narratives.. | [New York] : Published by the American Tract Society, New York., [1850?] |
1850 | Ohio | Sinfulness of American slavery : proved from its evil sources; its injustice; its wrongs; its contrariety to many scriptural commands, prohibitions, and principles, and to the Christian spirit; and from its evil effects; together with observations on emancipation, and the duties of American citizens in regard to slavery | Elliott, Charles, 1792-1869. | Cincinnati : Published by L. Swormstedt & J.H. Power, for the Methodist Episcopal Church. R.P. Thompson, printer, 1850. |
1850 | Ohio | The grave in the wilderness: : a poem.. | Pelton, Thirza S. (Thirza Skinner), d. 1853. | [Oberlin, Ohio] : Printed by J.M. Fitch., 1850.. |
1850 | Ohio | A lecture on African civilization : Including a brief outline of the social and moral condition of Africa; and the relations of American slavery to African civilization : Delivered in the hall of the House of Representatives of the state of Ohio, January 19, 1850 | Christy, David, b. 1802. | Cincinnati : printed by J.A. & U.P. James. Walnut Street, above Fourth : James & Co., stereotypers, 1850. |
1850 | Ohio | Anthropology; or, The science of man: in its bearing on war and slavery, and on arguments from the Bible, marriage, God, death, retribution, atonement and government, in support of these, and other social wrongs. In a series of letters to a friend in England. | Wright, Henry Clarke, 1797-1870. | Cincinnati : Published by E. Shepard; Boston : Bela Marsh, 1850. (Printed by E. Shepard) |
1850 | Ohio | Minutes of the Ohio Annual Conference of the African Methodist E. Church.. | African Methodist Episcopal Church. Ohio Conference (20th : 1850 : Columbus, Ohio) | [Columbus, Ohio? : s.n., 1850] |
1850 | Ohio | A book for the married and single, the grave and the gay: and especially designed for steamboat passengers. | Archbold, Ann. | East Plainfield, Ohio, Printed at the Office of the "Practical Preacher," N.A. Baker, Printer. 1850. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Sketches of Virginia historical and biographical. | Foote, William Henry, 1794-1869. | Philadelphia: : William S. Martien, 142 Chestnut Street., 1850.. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | A discourse on the true nature of freedom and slavery. : Delivered before the Washington Society of the New Jerusalem, in view of the one hundred and eighteenth anniversary of Washington's birth. | De Charms, Richard, 1796-1864. | Philadelphia: : J.H. Jones, printer, 34 Carter's Alley., 1850. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Notice of Com. Stockton's letter on the slavery question; : or, A plea for toleration. | Philadelphian. | Philadelphia: : [s.n.], 1850.. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | The twenty-first annual report of the inspectors of the Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. : Transmitted to the Senate and House of Representatives, March, 1850.. | Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: : Printed by Edmond Barrington and George D. Haswell., 1850.. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | The abundance of the sea: : a sermon, preached on the 13th of November, 1850, at the ordination of the Rev. Thomas H. Newton ... ; and Our national union: a sermon preached on Thanksgiving Day, December 12th, 1850 | Green, William Henry, 1825-1900. | Philadelphia: : William S. Martien., 1850.. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | The races of men: : a fragment. | Knox, Robert, 1791-1862. | Philadelphia: : Lea & Blanchard., 1850.. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | The life and correspondence of Andrew Combe ... | Combe, George, 1788-1858. | Philadelphia: : A. Hart, late Carey and Hart. : printed by T.K. & P.G. Collins., 1850. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Appendix. Notes on hybridity, : designed as a supplement to the memoir on that subject in the last number of this journal. | Morton, Samuel George, 1799-1851. | [Philadelphia, Pa.? : s.n., 1850?] |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Sixteenth annual report of the Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society. | Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society. | Philadelphia: : Merrihew and Thompson, printers, no. 7 Carter's Alley., 1850.. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Our national union: : a sermon preached on Thanksgiving Day, December 12th, 1850. | Green, William Henry, 1825-1900. | Philadelphia: : William S. Martien., 1850.. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Thirteenth annual report, presented to the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society, by its Executive Committee, October 15, 1850. : With the Proceedings of the annual meeting.. | Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society. | Philadelphia: : Anti-Slavery Office, 31 N. Fifth Street, Merrihew & Thompson, printers,, 1850.. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | The fourteenth annual report of the Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans. | Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans (Cheyney, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : Printed by Joseph Rakestraw, no. 50 N. Fourth Street., 1850.. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Speech of Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, of Pennsylvania. : In the U.S. House of Representatives, Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1850, in the committee of the whole on the state of the Union, on the reference of the president's annual message. | Stevens, Thaddeus, 1792-1868. | [Philadelphia] : Published and for sale at the Anti-Slavery Office, 31 N. Fifth St., Philadelphia., [1850] |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Letters to the people of Pennsylvania on the political principles of the Free Soil Party | Bradford, Vincent L. (Vincent Loockerman), 1808-1884. | Philadelphia : [s.n.], 1850. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Address delivered at the Colored Department of the House of Refuge. | Kelley, William D. (William Darrah), 1814-1890. | Philadelphia: : T.K. and P.G. Collins, printers., 1850.. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Speech of Hon. John M. Read, at the democratic town meeting in favor of the union and California, : held in the hall of the Chinese museum, on Wednesday the 13th March, 1850. | Read, John M. (John Meredith), 1797-1874. | [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1850] |
1850 | Pennsylvania | The great union meeting in Philadelphia, on the 21st of November, 1850. | Dallas, George Mifflin, 1792-1864. | [Philadelphia : s.n., 1850.] |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Linda; or, The young pilot of the Belle Creole. : A tale of Southern life. | Hentz, Caroline Lee, 1800-1856. | Philadelphia: : A. Hart, late Carey and Hart, 126 Chestnut Street., 1850.. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | The life of the Rev. Dandridge F. Davis, of the African M.E. Church : with a brief account of his conversion and ministerial labors, from August 1834, till March 1847. Also, a brief sketch of the life of the Rev. David Conyou, of the A.M.E.C. and his ministerial labors. To which is annexed the funeral discourse delivered at the Ohio conference, in Zanesville, on the decease of the Rev. D.F. Davis, by the author. Published by order of the Ohio conference | Green, A. R. (Augustus R.) | Pittsburgh, Pa. : printed at the Herald office, Benjamin F. Peterson, printer, 1850. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Literary remains of John Leadbeater, Jr.. | Leadbeater, John. | Philadelphia: : Printed for private circulation., 1850.. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Impressions and experiences of the West Indies and North America in 1849 | Baird, Robert, 1798-1863. | Philadelphia : Lea & Blanchard, 1850. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Proceedings of the Great Union Meeting : held in the large saloon of the Chinese Museum, Philadelphia, on the 21st of November, 1850. Under a call signed by upwards of five thousand citizens, whose names are appended to the proceeedings.. | Union Meeting (1850 : Philadelphia, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : B. Mifflin, printer, no. 74 Walnut Street., 1850.. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Slavery and the Constitution : Both sides of the Question | Brewster, Francis E. (Francis Enoch), 1790 or 91-1854. | Philadelphia : [s.n.], February 15, 1850. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | New Orleans Serenaders Opera House : late Masonic Hall, Chestnut St., between 7th and 8th, manager, Dr. Brown Musical director, Mr. N. Kneass Open every evening. Unprecedented success and crowded houses nightly to witness the opera of The Virginian girl! A burlesque on the grand opera of The Bohemian girl. On Friday evening, February 15th, 1850. Programme. ... To conclude with the burlesque opera, in 2 acts, of The Virginian girl: or De bite ob de wild coon. ... The grand fairy opera of Cinderella, with gorgeous dresses, scenery, &c., in active preparation, and will be produced immediately. Tickets 25 cents. Doors open at 6 1/2. concert to commence at 7 1/2 o'clock. Concert every Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. | New Orleans Serenaders' Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.) | [Philadelphia, Pa.] : United States Job Printing Office, Ledger building, Philad'a., [1850] |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Message of the Governor of Pennsylvania, transmitting resolutions relative to slavery, passed by the legislatures of Virginia and Georgia. | Pennsylvania. Governor (1852-1855 : Bigler) | Harrisburg: : J.M.G. Lescure, printer to the state., 1850. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | An address delivered before a meeting of the members and friends of the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society : during the annual fair December 19, 1849. | Furness, William Henry, 1802-1896. | Philadelphia: : Merrihew & Thompson, printers, No. 7 Carter's Alley., 1850.. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Address of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society to the people of color, in relation to the fugitive slave bill passed by the Congress of the United States in 1850.. | Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery. | [Philadelphia : s.n., 1850] |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Message of the Governor of Pennsylvania, transmitting resolutions relative to slavery, passed by the legislatures of Virginia and Georgia. | Pennsylvania. Governor (1852-1855 : Bigler) | Harrisburg: : J.M.G. Lescure, printer to the state., 1850. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | The fugitive slave law : From the New York Independent of Oct. 31. | Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887. | [Philadelphia] : [Merrihew & Thompson, Prs.], [1850?]. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | The North--The South--and slavery. : Commodore Stockton's letter on the slavery question. | Philadelphian. | [Philadelphia : s.n., 1850] |
1850 | Pennsylvania | National Circus and Theatre Chesnut St. below Ninth. : Dress circle & parquet, 50 cts. Family circle, 25 cts Private boxes, 75 cents. Gallery for colored persons, 25 cents. Children under nine years of age, accompanied by parents or guardians, half-price to dress circle and parquet. Doors open at 6 1/2 o'clock. To commence at 7 1/2 o'clock. A prompt and efficient police will be secured, to preserve order and decorum. Rufus Welch proprietor E. Derious equestrian director Dan Gardner clown J.A. DeCamp master of the ring This (Wednesday) afternoon November 27th, 1850, the performances will open with an elegant Turkish gallopade. ... Performance every Wednesday & Saturday afternoon commencing at 2 1/2 o'clock. | National Circus. | [Philadelphia, Pa.] : United States Steam Job Printing Establishment, Ledger Building, Phila., [1850] |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Chinese Museum! Grand Saloon. Saturday evening, Jan. 26th, '50 : Who's who? Attention Joint benefit of Jim Sanford & W.P. Lo[?] on which occasion will be awarded a silver goblet for the best conundrum that can be produced on that evening, decided by a committee of five persons chosen from the audience. ... To conclude with the inimitable burlesque of the Menagerie in an uproar. ... Tickets of admission, 25 cents. Children, accompanied by their parents, half-price. Doors to be opened at six o'clock. Concert to commence at half past seven o'clock. | Chinese Museum (Philadelphia, Pa.) | [Philadelphia, Pa.] : U.S. Job Printing Office, Ledger Building, Phila., [1850] |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Uncle True songster. | Philadelphia : Fisher & Brother, No. 8 South Street, [1857 or 1858] |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Old plantation songster. | [Philadelphia] : Fisher and Brother. Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Baltimore, [ca. 1850]. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Life and adventures of Charles Anderson Chester : the notorious leader of the Philadelphia "killers." Who was murdered, while engaged in the destruction of the California House, on election night, October 11, 1849. | Philadelphia : printed for the publishers, 1850, c1849. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Hark! Baby, hark! | [Philadelphia? : s.n., between 1850 and 1899]. |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia, July 4, 1850 : Dear Sir -- there are two diseases raging in the Union -- anti-slavery and pro-slavery ... | [Philadelphia? : s.l., 1850?] |
1850 | Pennsylvania | Correspondence between George Esher, John S. Nicholas, Samuel Ogden, James Waggonseller, and Anthony Felton, of Penn District, Philadelphia County, on behalf of themselves and others; and Richard Rush.. | Philadelphia: : L.R. Bailey, printer., 1850.. |
1850 | Scotland | Narrative of discovery and adventure in Africa : from the earliest ages to the present time: with illustrations of the geology, mineralogy, and zoology | Jameson, Robert, 1774-1854. | Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd; and Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., London, [ca. 1850]. |
1850 | Scotland | The life and travels of Mungo Park : Also, an account of the progress of African discovery. | Park, Mungo, 1771-1806. | Edinburgh : Published by William and Robert Chambers, 1850. |
1850 | Scotland | Impressions and experiences of the West Indies and North America in 1849 | Baird, Robert, 1798-1863. | [Edinburgh] : William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London, 1850. |
1850 | South Carolina | Additional observations on hybridity in animals, and on some collateral subjects; : being a reply to the objections of the Rev. John Bachman, D.D. | Morton, Samuel George, 1799-1851. | Charleston [S.C.]: : Steam-power press of Walker & James., 1850. |
1850 | South Carolina | The rights and the duties of masters. : A sermon preached at the dedication of a church, erected in Charleston, S.C., for the benefit and instruction of the coloured population. | Thornwell, James Henley, 1812-1862. | Charleston, S.C. : Steam-power press of Walker & James., 1850. |
1850 | South Carolina | Chronology ancient and scriptural; : Being a reply to an article contained in the Southern Presbyterian review, reviewing Nott's lectures on the connection between the Biblical and physical history of man. | Nott, Josiah Clark, 1804-1873. | Charleston, S.C. : Steam-Power press of Walker and James., 1850.. |
1850 | South Carolina | A defence of the South against the reproaches and incroachments [sic] of the North : in which slavery is shown to be an institution of God intended to form the basis of the best social state and the only safeguard to the permanence of a republican goverment | Brookes, Iveson L., 1793-1865. | Hamburg, S.C. : Republican Office, 1850. |
1850 | South Carolina | Letter to the Rev. John Bachman, D.D., : on the question of hybridity in animals, considered in reference to the unity of the human species. | Morton, Samuel George, 1799-1851. | Charleston, S.C.: : Steam-power press of Walker & James, No. 101 East-Bay,, 1850. |
1850 | South Carolina | God, the refuge of his people. : A sermon, delivered before the General Assembly of South Carolina, on Friday, December 6, 1850; being a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer. | Smith, Whitefoord. | Columbia, S.C. : Printed by A.S. Johnston., 1850.. |
1850 | South Carolina | The Union, past and future : how it works and how to save it | Garnett, Muscoe R. H. (Muscoe Russell Hunter), 1821-1864. | Charleston : Walker and James, 1850. |
1850 | South Carolina | The Union, past and future : how it works, and how to save it | Garnett, Muscoe R. H. (Muscoe Russell Hunter), 1821-1864. | Charleston : Walker & James, 1850. |
1850 | South Carolina | An oration on the life, character and services of John Caldwell Calhoun: : delivered on the 21st Nov., 1850, in Charleston, S.C., at the request of the city council. | Hammond, James Henry, 1807-1864. | Charleston, S.C.: : steam power-press of Walker & James. Nos. 101 and 103 East-Bay:, 1850. |
1850 | South Carolina | The doctrine of the unity of the human race examined on the principles of science | Bachman, John, 1790-1874. | Charleston, S.C. : C. Canning, 1850. |
1850 | South Carolina | The position and course of the South. | Trescot, William Henry, 1822-1898. | Charleston [S.C.]: : Steam power-press of Walker & James., 1850. |
1850 | Tennessee | Resolutions and address, adopted by the Southern Convention. : Held at Nashville, Tennessee, June 3d to 12th, inclusive, in the year 1850. Published by order of the convention. | Southern Convention (1850 : Nashville, Tenn.) | Nashville, Tenn., : Harvey M. Watterson, printer., 1850. |
1850 | Tennessee | Address on the history, authority and influence of slavery, | Ferguson, J. B. (Jesse Babcock), 1819-1870. | Nashville, Tenn. : John T.S. Fall, book and job pr--Ben Franklin Office, College St., 1850.. |
1850 | Tennessee | Speech of Hon. Langdon Cheves, in the Southern Convention, at Nashville, Tennessee, November 14, 1850. | Cheves, Langdon, 1776-1857. | [Nashville, Tenn.] : Published by the Sourthern Rights Association, 1850. |
1850 | Undefined place of publication | Diversity of the human race | Nott, Josiah Clark, 1804-1873. | [S.l. : s.n., between 1850 and 1865] |
1850 | United States | The fingers of Christianity | Burritt, Elihu, 1810-1879. | [United States : s.n., ca. 1850] |
1850 | United States | The rights of the slave states | Campbell, John Archibald, 1811-1889. | [U.S.] : Published by the Southern Rights Association, 1850. |
1850 | United States | Camera obscura! : There will be an exhibition of paintings! Given this [blank] even'g, at 7 o'clock, [blank] 185[blank] in the [blank] at [blank] at which Prof. W.F. Johnson, a colored gentleman of the N.Y. Institute for the Blind, will introduce ... fifteen scenes, illustrative of some of the features of the American institution of slavery ... to conclude with ten interesting changing views, magnified, active, and as large as life ... | [U.S. : s.n., 185-] |
1850 | Virginia | Eulogy, upon the life and character of General Zachary Taylor : delivered at the African Church, on the 10th of August, 1850 | Gentleman of Richmond. | Richmond : Printed by Peter D. Bernard, 1850. |
1850 | Virginia | Speech of John Minor Botts, at a dinner at Powhatan Court-House, Va., June 15, 1850. : (From the Richmond Times.) | Botts, John Minor, 1802-1869. | [Richmond, Va.? : s.n., 1850.] |
1850 | Virginia | Annual report of the Board of Directors of the Penitentiary Institution. | Virginia Penitentiary. | [Richmond : s.n., 1850] |
1850 | Virginia | A statement of the white, slave and free coloured population of Virginia, and of the federal population, as exhibited in the census of 1830 and 1840; : also of the land and property tax, for the years 1830, 1840 and 1848; also of the white titheables for 1830, 1840 and 1848, and of the black titheables for 1848, | Virginia. Auditor of Public Accounts | [Richmond, Va.? : s.n., 1850] |
1850 | Virginia | President's report and documents.. | James River and Kanawha Company (Richmond, Va.) | [Richmond, Va.? : s.n., 1850] |
1851 | Alabama | No just cause for a dissolution of the Union in any thing which has hitherto happened : but the Union the only security for southern rights. An oration, delivered before the citizens of Tuscaloosa, Ala., July 4th, 1851 | Barnard, Frederick A. P. (Frederick Augustus Porter), 1809-1889. | Tuscaloosa : printed by J.W. & J.F. Warren, "Observer" office, 1851. |
1851 | Connecticut | An oration, delivered on the public square at New Haven, at the request of its citizens, July 4, 1851, | Ketchum, Hiram. | New Haven: : Thomas J. Stafford, printer., 1851.. |
1851 | Connecticut | Jamie Parker, the fugitive | Pierson, Emily Catharine. | Hartford : Brockett, Fuller, & Co., 1851. |
1851 | District of Columbia | Remarks of Hon. J.M. Mason, of Virginia, on the compromise measures. : Delivered in the Senate, December 17, 1851.. | Mason, J. M. (James Murray), 1798-1871. | Washington: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1851.. |
1851 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Alex. W. Buel, in defence of the Constitution and the Union : Delivered at a public dinner given to him by his fellow-citizens, at Detroit, November 19, 1850. | Buel, Alexander Woodruff, 1813-1868. | Washington : Thomas Ritchie, printer, 1851. |
1851 | District of Columbia | To the Congress of the United States | Weightman, Richard Hanson, 1818-1861. | Washington : Gideon and Co., 1851. |
1851 | District of Columbia | Remarks of Mr. Douglas, of Illinois, upon the resolution declaring the compromise measures to be a definitive adjustment of all questions growing out of domestic slavery. : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, December 23, 1851. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | Washington: : printed by Jno. T. Towers., 1851. |
1851 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Butler, of South Carolina : in the Senate, Monday, December 15, 1851, on the resolution offered by Mr. Foote, reaffirming the compromise measures. | Butler, A. P. (Andrew Pickens), 1796-1857. | [Washington] : Printed at the Congressional Globe office, Washington, [1851]. |
1851 | District of Columbia | The compromise measures : Speech of Mr. Clemens, of Alabama, in the Senate of the United States, Dec'r 24, 1851, on the resolution reaffirming the compromise measures. | Clemens, Jeremiah, 1814-1865. | [Washington] : Printed at the Globe office, Washington, [1851]. |
1851 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, on the "measures of adjustment," : delivered in the City Hall, Chicago, October 23, 1850. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | Washington: : Gideon & Co., printers,, 1851. |
1851 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Daniel Webster to the young men of Albany : Wednesday, May 28, 1851. | Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. | [Washington, D.C.] : Gideon and Co., 1851. |
1851 | District of Columbia | The compromise measures. : Speech of Hon. H.S. Foote, of Mississippi, in the Senate of the United States, Dec. 18 and 19, 1851, on the resolution reaffirming the compromise measures.. | Foote, Henry S. (Henry Stuart), 1804-1880. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., [1851] |
1851 | District of Columbia | The fugitive slave law : Speech of Mr. Horace Mann, of Mass., delivered in the House of Representatives, in committee of the whole on the state of the Union, Friday, February 28, 1851, on the fugitive slave law. | Mann, Horace, 1796-1859. | [Washington, D.C. : Printed at the Congressional Globe office], [1851]. |
1851 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. J. W. Miller, of N. Jersey, on presenting resolutions of instruction from the legislature of New Jersey, relative to the Compromise measures. : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 12, 1852. | Miller, Jacob Welsh, 1800-1862. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1851 [i.e. 1852].. |
1851 | District of Columbia | Thirty-fourth annual report of the American Colonization Society : with the proceedings of the board of directors and of the society; and the addresses delivered at the annual meeting, January 21, 1851. To which is added an appendix, containing sentiments of the press; memorials to Congress in favor of steamships to Africa; commerce of Africa; a table exhibiting the cost of colonization; and a table of emigrants. | American Colonization Society. | Washington : C. Alexander, printer, 1851. |
1851 | District of Columbia | Speech of R. Barnwell Rhett, on the resolution submitted by Mr. Foot, of Mississippi, in relation to the compromise measures | Rhett, Robert Barnwell, 1800-1876. | Washington : Gideon & Co., Printers, 1851. |
1851 | England | Trade and travels in the Gulph of Guinea, Western Africa, : with an account of the manners, habits, customs, and religion of the inhabitants. | Smith, John, surgeon and trading-captain. | London: : Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Stationers' Hall Court; and Thomas Gill, Easingwold., 1851. |
1851 | England | Farther facts connected with the West Indies. : A second letter to the Rt. Hon. W.E. Gladstone, M.P. late Secretary of State for the colonies. | Derby, Edward Henry Stanley, Earl of, 1826-1893. | London: : T. & W. Boone, 29, New Bond Street., 1851. |
1851 | England | Correspondence with the British commissioners at Sierra Leone, Havana, the Cape of Good Hope, Jamaica, Loanda, and the Cape Verd Islands : and reports from British vice-admiralty courts, and from British naval officers, relating to the slave trade. From April 1, 1850, to March 31, 1851 | Great Britain. Foreign Office | London : printed by Harrison and Son, [1851]. |
1851 | England | A naturalist's sojourn in Jamaica. | Gosse, Philip Henry, 1810-1888. | London: : Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans., 1851.. |
1851 | England | A brief history of the Wesleyan missions on the western coast of Africa: : including biographical sketches of all the missionaries who have died in that important field of labour. : With some account of the European settlements, and of the slave-trade. : Illustrated with a map and six engravings. | Fox, William. | London: : printed for the author. : Published by Aylott and Jones, 8, Paternoster-Row: sold also by John Mason, 66, Paternoster-Row., MDCCCLI. [1851] |
1851 | England | Dahomey and the Dahomans: : being the journals of two missions to the king of Dahomey, and residence at his capital, in the years 1849 and 1850. | Forbes, Frederick E. (Frederick Edwyn) | London: : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans., 1851.. |
1851 | England | Jamaica in 1850 : or, The effects of sixteen years of freedom on a slave colony | Bigelow, John, 1817-1911. | New York & London : George P. Putnam, 1851, [c1850] [Wm. C. Bryant & Co., printers]. |
1851 | England | Address of the Royal Geographical Society of London; : delivered at the anniversary meeting on the 26th May, 1851. Preceded by brief addresses on presenting the awards of the council of the society. | Smyth, W. H. (William Henry), 1788-1865. | London: : Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street., 1851. |
1851 | England | A tour in South Africa, : with notices of Natal, Mauritius, Madagascar, Ceylon, Egypt, and Palestine. | Freeman, J. J. (Joseph John), 1794-1851. | London: : John Snow, 35, Paternoster Row., 1851.. |
1851 | England | The progress and prospects of Christianity in the United States of America : with remarks on the subject of slavery in America; and on the intercourse between British and American churches | Baird, Robert, 1798-1863. | London : Partidrge and Oakey, R. Theobald. Edinburgh--Johnson and Hunter; Dublin--P. Dixon, Hardy, and Sons, [1851] [Woolwich : James Black, Printer] |
1851 | England | Two lectures, on the poetry of Pope, and on his own travels in America, | Carlisle, George William Frederick Howard, Earl of, 1802-1864. | London: : Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.; ; Leeds [Eng.]: : Baines and Newsome., 1851.. |
1851 | England | Travels in the United States, etc. during 1849 and 1850. | Stuart-Wortley, Emmeline, Lady, 1806-1855. | London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, publisher in ordinary to Her Majesty., 1851. |
1851 | England | The ethnology of the British colonies and dependencies. | Latham, R. G. (Robert Gordon), 1812-1888. | London: : John Van Voorst, Paternoster Row., M.DCCC.LI. [1851] |
1851 | England | The United States and Cuba: : eight years of change and travel. | Taylor, John Glanville, 1823-1851. | London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, publisher in ordinary to Her Majesty., 1851. |
1851 | England | Man and his migrations. | Latham, R. G. (Robert Gordon), 1812-1888. | London: : John Van Voorst, Paternoster Row., MDCCCLI. [1851] |
1851 | England | Transatlantic rambles; : or, A record of twelve months' travel in the United States, Cuba, & the Brazils. | Rugbæan. | London: : George Bell, 186, Fleet-Street; and G. and T. Brooke, Doncaster. ; [Doncaster] : Brooke, White, and Hatfield, printers, Doncaster., 1851. |
1851 | England | The Cape and the Kaffirs : a diary of five years' residence in Kaffirland : with a chapter of advice to emigrants, based on the latest official returns, and the most recent information regarding the colony | Ward, Harriet. | London : Henry G. Bohn, 1851. |
1851 | England | A transport voyage to the Mauritius and back : touching at the Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena | Blenkinsop, Adam. | London : John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1851 [Printed by W. Clowes and Sons.] |
1851 | England | Recollections of a ramble from Sydney to Southampton viâ South America, Panama, the West Indies, the United States, and Niagara. | London : R. Bentley, 1851. |
1851 | Maryland | The memoranda of instructions of John McDonogh, late of MacDonoghville, state of Louisiana, to his executors, relative to the management of his estate.. | McDonogh, John, 1779-1850. | Baltimore: : Printed by James Lucas, corner of Calvert-St. and Lovely Lane., 1851.. |
1851 | Maryland | Our duty to the African race. : An address delivered at Washington, D.C. January 21, 1851, | Fuller, Richard, 1804-1876. | Baltimore: : printed by W.M. Innes, Adams Express building., 1851.. |
1851 | Maryland | Colonization. : A notice of Victor Hugo's views of slavery in the United States, in a letter from John H.B. Latrobe, of Baltimore, to Thomas Suffern, of New York.. | Latrobe, John H. B. (John Hazlehurst Boneval), 1803-1891. | Baltimore: : Printed by John D. Toy., 1851.. |
1851 | Maryland | Matchett's Baltimore director for 1851, : containing the names, dwellings and occupations of householders, an engraved map of the city, designating the wards, with references to public buildings; an appendix, containing the boundaries of the 20 wards, list of streets, lanes, alleys, squares, wharves, &c. city government, banks and directors, insurance companies, medical and literary institutions, churches and ministers, public conveyances, and other useful information. With a variety of business cards. | Matchett's Baltimore director. 1851. | Baltimore [Md.]: : Printed and published by Richard J. Matchett, No. 81 Exchange Place,--corner South Street., 1851. |
1851 | Maryland | Wait for the wagon : Ethiopian song for the piano forte | Knauff, George P. cmp | Baltimore : F.D. Benteen ; New Orleans : W.T. Mayo, c1851. |
1851 | Maryland | Wait for the wagon : Ethiopian song for the piano forte | Knauff, George P. cmp | [Baltimore] : Published by Miller & Beacham, Baltimore, sucessors to F.D. Benteen., c1851. |
1851 | Maryland | Report of the Committee on the Fugitive Slave Case. | Maryland. Constitutional Convention (1850-1851). Committee on the Fugitive Slave Case. | [Annapolis : the Convention, 1851] |
1851 | Massachusetts | Tenth annual report of the Board of Managers of the Massachusetts Colonization Society : presented at the annual meeting, May 28, 1851. | Massachusetts Colonization Society. | Boston : Press of T.R. Marvin, 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | The works of Daniel Webster. | Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. | Boston : Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | The natural history of the human species: : its typical forms, primeval distribution, filiations, and migrations. Illustrated by numerous engravings | Smith, Charles Hamilton. | Boston: : Gould and Lincoln, 59 Washington Street., 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | Nineteenth annual report, presented to the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, by its Board of Managers, January 22, 1851. : With an appendix.. | Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. | Boston: : Printed by Prentiss & Sawyer, No. 11 Devonshire Street., 1851.. |
1851 | Massachusetts | Speech of the Hon. Horace Mann, on the fugitive slave law : Delivered at Lancaster, Mass., May 19th, 1851. | Mann, Horace, 1796-1859. | Boston : Office of the Commonwealth, 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | First annual report of the Trustees of Donations for Education in Liberia : Presented at the annual meeting, January 15, 1851. | Trustees of Donations for Education in Liberia. | Boston : press of T.R. Marvin, 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | The moral responsibility of the citizen and nation in respect to the fugitive slave bill. : A discourse delivered April 10, 1851, on occasion of the public fast, in the Orthodox Congregational Church, Townsend, Mass. | Sheldon, L. H. (Luther Harris), 1815-1894. | Andover [Mass.]: : Printed and published by John D. Flagg., 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | The Christian martyrs; or, The conditions of obedience to the civil government : a discourse | Forman, J. G. (Jacob Gilbert), 1820-1885. | Boston : Wm. Crosby and H.P. Nichols, 1851 [Printed by John Wilson and Son]. |
1851 | Massachusetts | Public spirit and mobs : Two sermons delivered at Springfield, Mass., on Sunday, February 23, 1851, after the Thompson riot | Simmons, George F. (George Frederick), 1814-1855. | Springfield : Merriam, Chapin, & Co. ; Boston : Wm. Crosby and H. P. Nichols, 1851 [Cambridge : Metcalf and Company, Printers to the University]. |
1851 | Massachusetts | Trial of Thomas Sims, : on an issue of personal liberty, on the claim of James Potter, of Georgia, against him, as an alleged fugitive from service. Arguments of Robert Rantoul, Jr., and Charles G. Loring, with the decision of George T. Curtis. Boston, April 7-11, 1851. | Sims, Thomas, fugitive slave respondent. | Boston: : Wm. S. Damrell & Co., Commonwealth Building, no. 60 Washington St., 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | The state of the nation : considered in a sermon for Thanksgiving Day, preached at the Melodeon, Nov. 28, 1850 | Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. | Boston : Crosby and Nichols, 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | The three chief safeguards of society : considered in a sermon at the Melodeon, on Sunday, July 6, 1851 | Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. | Boston : Wm. Crosby and H. P. Nichols, 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | Maps of the missions of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. September, 1851. | American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. | [Boston : s.n.], [1851]. |
1851 | Massachusetts | The gospel applied to the Fugitive slave law: : a sermon preached to the Third Congregational Society of Hingham, on Sunday, March 2, 1851. | Stearns, Oliver, 1807-1885. | Boston: : Wm. Crosby and H.P. Nichols, 111, Washington Street., 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | A letter to the Hon. Samuel A. Eliot, representative in Congress from the city of Boston, : in reply to his apology for voting for the fugitive slave bill. | Hancock. | Boston: : Wm. Crosby & H.P. Nichols, 111 Washington Street. ; Cambridge: : Metcalf and Company ... , 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | Slavery: : letters and speeches, | Mann, Horace, 1796-1859. | Boston: : Published by B.B. Mussey & Co., 1851.. |
1851 | Massachusetts | Notes on North America : agricultural, economical, and social /Two volumes. | Johnston, Jas. F. W. (James Finlay Weir), 1796-1855. | Boston : Charles C. Little and James Brown ; Edinburgh ; London : William Blackwood and Sons, 1851, [c1850]. |
1851 | Massachusetts | Slavery in the United States: its evils, alleviations and remedies. | Peabody, Ephraim, 1807-1856. | Boston : C. C. Little and J. Brown, 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | Report of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, : presented at the forty-second annual meeting, held in Portland, Maine, Sept. 9--12, 1851.. | American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. | Boston: : press of T.R. Marvin, 24 Congress St., 1851.. |
1851 | Massachusetts | United States vs. Charles G. Davis : Report of the proceedings at the examination of Charles G. Davis, Esq., on a charge of aiding and abetting in the rescue of a fugitive slave. Held in Boston, in February, 1851. | Davis, Charles G. (Charles Gideon), 1820-1903. | Boston : White & Potter, printers, 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | The great controversy of states and people : Being two discourses, preached on Thanksgiving and Forefathers' Day, 1850, in the Union Street Brick Church, Bangor | Allen, Joseph Henry, 1820-1898. | Boston : Wm. Crosby and H.P. Nichols, 1851 [Cambridge : Metcalf and Company, Printers to the University] |
1851 | Massachusetts | Mr. Webster's speeches at Buffalo, Syracuse, and Albany, May, 1851. | Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. | Boston : Eastburn's Press, 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | A discourse delivered in the Twelfth Congregational Church, Boston, on Fast Day, April 10, 1851, | Barrett, Samuel, 1795-1866. | Boston: : 1851. Eastburn's Press., [1851] |
1851 | Massachusetts | Memoir of William Ellery Channing : with extracts from his correspondence and manuscripts ; In three volumes. | Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842. | Boston : Wm. Crosby and H.P. Nichols, 111 Washington Street ; London : John Chapman ; Cambridge : Stereotyped and printed by Metcalf and Company ... , 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | A system of phrenology. | Combe, George, 1788-1858. | Boston: : Benjamin B. Mussey and Company, 29 Cornhill., 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | The limits of civil obedience. : A sermon preached in the First Church, Dorchester, January 12, 1851. | Hall, Nathaniel, 1805-1875. | Boston: : Wm. Crosby and H.P. Nichols, 111, Washington Street., MDCCCLI. [1851] |
1851 | Massachusetts | Life and letters of Joseph Story, : associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and Dane Professor of Law at Harvard University. | Story, William Wetmore, 1819-1895. | Boston: : Charles C. Little and James Brown., 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | Poor old slave. | Griffin, G. W. H. (George W. H.), 1829-1879. cmp | Boston : Published by G.P. Reed & Co. 17 Tremont Row, 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | Conscience and law : A discourse preached in the North Church, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on fast day, April 3, 1851 | Clark, Rufus W. (Rufus Wheelwright), 1813-1886. | Boston : Tappan & Whittemore. Portsmouth: Samuel A. Badger, 1851 ; [T. J. Whittem, printer]. |
1851 | Massachusetts | Merchants: a Sunday evening lecture, | Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911. | Newburyport [Mass.]: : A.A. Call, publisher, Huse and Bragdon, printers., 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | The grand issue : an ethico-political tract | Willard, Samuel, 1775-1859. | Boston : John P. Jewett & Co., 1851. |
1851 | Massachusetts | The Liberty bell | Boston : National Anti-Slavery Bazaar, 1851 ; [Prentiss and Sawyer, printers]. |
1851 | Mauritius | Bolton's Mauritius almanac, and official directory, for 1851 | Bolton, W. Draper. | [Port Louis], Mauritius : Printed at the printing establishment of A.J. Tennant, Place d'Armes, 1851 [Printed by J.W. Jeffreys] |
1851 | New Jersey | Address of Hon. R.F. Stockton, : delivered at Elizabethtown, New Jersey, July 4th, 1851. | Stockton, Robert Field, 1795-1866. | Trenton, N.J. : Printed at the "True American" Office., 1851. |
1851 | New Jersey | Opinion of Chief Justice Hornblower, on the fugitive slave law.. | Hornblower, Joseph C. (Joseph Coerten), 1777-1864. | [Trenton, N.J.? : s.n., 1851?] |
1851 | New Jersey | Civil government : Reprinted from the Princeton review, for January, 1851. | Princeton, N.J. : Printed by John T. Robinson, 1851. |
1851 | New York | Swallow barn, or A sojourn in the Old Dominion. | Kennedy, John Pendleton, 1795-1870. | New-York: : George P. Putnam., 1851.. |
1851 | New York | Slavery: its religious sanction, its political dangers, and the best mode of doing it away. : A lecture delivered before the Young Mens' Associations of the city of Buffalo, and Lockport, on Friday, January 10, and Monday, January 13, 1851. | Hopkins, John Henry, 1792-1868. | Buffalo: : Published by Phinney & Co., 1851.. |
1851 | New York | An anti-slavery manual: : or, The wrongs of American slavery exposed by the light of the Bible and of facts; with a remedy for the evil. | Fee, John Gregg, 1816-1901. | New-York: : William Harned, 48 Beekman Street. : Printed by John A. Gray, 79 Fulton St., 1851.. |
1851 | New York | The duty of disobedience to wicked laws : A sermon on the fugitive slave law | Beecher, Charles, 1815-1900. | New-York : John A. Gray, printer, 1851. |
1851 | New York | Speech of Gerrit Smith, made in the National Liberty Party Convention at Buffalo, September 17th, 1851, : when the following resolutions were under discussion: ... | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Peterboro, N.Y.? : s.n., 1851] |
1851 | New York | The sinfulness of slaveholding : shown by appeals to reason and scripture | Fee, John Gregg, 1816-1901. | New-York : printed by John A. Gray, 79 Fulton, cor. Gold Street, 1851. |
1851 | New York | Sketches of the history, character, and dying testimony of beneficiaries of the Colored Home, in the city of New-York. | Thompson, Mary W. | New-York: : John F. Trow, printer, 49, 51 & 53 Ann-st., 1851.. |
1851 | New York | Essay on slavery; : as connected with the moral and providential government of God; and as an element of church organization. With miscellaneous reflections on the subject of slavery. | Taylor, Thomas J. | New-York: : Published for the author, 200 Mulberry-street. Joseph Longking, printer., 1851. |
1851 | New York | Wild scenes in a hunter's life. : Including Cumming's adventures among the lions, and other wild animals of Africa, etc. With three hundred illustrations. | Frost, John, 1800-1859. | Auburn [N.Y.]: : Derby & Miller., 1851.. |
1851 | New York | A bouquet of flowers, from the garden of paradise, | Cruickshanks, James, b. 1828. | [New York, N.Y.] : Harper & Brothers, 82 Cliff St., New York. : J. Wiley & Co., 64, Paternoster Row, London, 1851. |
1851 | New York | Mr. Webster's speeches at Buffalo, Syracuse, and Albany, May, 1851.. | Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. | New-York. : Mirror Office,, [1851] |
1851 | New York | Lectures on American slavery | Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895. | Buffalo : Geo. Reese & Co.'s Power Press, 1851. |
1851 | New York | The fourteenth annual report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented to the General Assembly in May, 1851. | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (Old School). Board of Foreign Missions | New-York: : Published for the board: at the Mission House, 23 Centre Street., 1851. |
1851 | New York | The higher law, in its application to the Fugitive Slave Bill : A sermon on the duties men owe to God and to governments. Delivered at the Central Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, on Thanksgiving-Day | Lord, John C. (John Chase), 1805-1877. | New-York : Published by order of the "Union Safety Committee," 1851 [John F. Trow, printer]. |
1851 | New York | Characteristics of the age : a discourse delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Troy, N.Y. on Thanksgiving day, December 12, 1850 | Beman, Nathan S. S. (Nathan Sidney Smith), 1785-1871. | Troy, N.Y. : Young and Hartt, 1851 [Troy Daily Whig Print.] |
1851 | New York | Fi hi hi : the black shakers song & polka | Horn, Even. | New York (1 Franklin Square, New York) : Firth, Pond & Co., c1851. |
1851 | New York | The works of John C. Calhoun. | Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 1782-1850. | New-York : D. Appleton and Company, [1851]-1856. |
1851 | New York | [Le Bananier, chanson négre.] | Gottschalk, Louis Moreau, 1829-1869. cmp | [New York : Published in a selection by Schuberth & Co., 1851?] |
1851 | New York | The American citizen. : A discourse on the nature and extent of our religious subjection to the government under which we live: including an inquiry into the Scriptural authority of that provision of the Constitution of the United States, which requires the surrender of fugitive slaves. Delivered in the Rutgers Street Presbyterian Church, in the city of New York, on Thanksgiving day, December 12, 1850. And afterwards at their request, as a lecture before the Young Men's Associations of Albany and Waterford, N.Y., on January 14th and 15th, 1851. | Krebs, John M. (John Michael), 1804-1867. | New York: : Charles Scribner, 145 Nassau Street and 36 Park Row., 1851.. |
1851 | New York | Second annual report of the governors of the Alms House, New York, for the year 1850. | New York (N.Y.). Board of Governors of the Alms-House. | New York: : Wm. C. Bryant & Co., printers, 41 Nassau Street, corner Liberty., 1851. |
1851 | New York | Louisiana; : its colonial history and romance. | Gayarré, Charles, 1805-1895. | New York: : Harper & Brothers., 1851.. |
1851 | New York | The Negro conspiracy in the city of New York, in 1741: : containing a full account of the burning of the fort, government house, chapel, hall of records, and the firing of many other buildings in the city of New York: with an account of the arrest, indictment, trial and execution of thirty-three of the conspirators, thirteen of whom were burned at the stake. | Horsmanden, Daniel, 1694-1778. | New York: : George W. Schott, 177 Washington Street., 1851.. |
1851 | New York | Farewell my Lilly dear : a plantation melody | Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. cmp | New York : Published by Firth, Pond & Co. No. 1 Franklin Sq. ; Pittsburgh : H. Kleber, c1851. |
1851 | New York | Oh boys, carry me long : a plantation melody | Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. cmp | New York : Published by Firth, Pond & Co. 1 Franklin Square ; Pittsburg : H. Kleber ; Cleveland : Holbrook & Long, c1851. |
1851 | New York | Old folks at home, : Ethiopian melody, as sung by Christy's Minstrels. | Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. cmp | New York: : Published by Firth, Pond & Co., no. 1 Franklin Square. ; Pittsburgh, : H. Kleber., 1851. |
1851 | New York | A treatise on political economy | Opdyke, George, 1805-1880. | New York : published for the proprietor, by G.P. Putnam, Broadway, 1851. |
1851 | New York | Cuba in 1851; : containing authentic statistics of the population, agriculture and commerce of the island for a series of years, with official and other documents in relation to the revolutionary movements of 1850 and 1851. | Jones, Alexander, 1802-1863. | New York: : Stringer & Townsend, 222 Broadway, corner of Ann Street., 1851.. |
1851 | New York | Oh boys, carry me long : a plantation melody | Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. cmp | New York : Published by Firth, Pond & Co. 1 Franklin Square ; Pittsburg : H. Kleber ; Cleveland : Holbrook & Long, c1851 [i.e. 1853] |
1851 | New York | Six years in a Georgia prison : narrative of Lewis W. Paine, who suffered imprisonment six years in Georgia, for the crime of aiding the escape of a fellow-man from that state, after he had fled from slavery | Paine, Lewis W., b. 1819. | New York : Printed for the author, 1851. |
1851 | New York | Colonization of the western coast of Africa, by means of a line of mail steam ships : report of the Naval Committee -- extracts from the press -- letters -- speeches -- &c. | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs | New York : W.L. Burroughs, 1851. |
1851 | New York | The higher law tried by reason and authority. | Spofford, Ainsworth Rand, 1825-1908. | New York: : S.W. Benedict, 16 Spruce Street., 1851. |
1851 | New York | Thirty second annual report of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church.. | Methodist Episcopal Church. Missionary Society | New York: : Printed at the Conference Office. Joseph Longking, printer., 1851.. |
1851 | New York | Travels in the United States, etc. during 1849 and 1850. | Stuart-Wortley, Emmeline, Lady, 1806-1855. | New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, 82 Cliff Street., 1851. |
1851 | New York | Variations on Foster's Ethiopian melodies Nelly Bly and Dolcy Jones | Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. | New York: : Firth, Pond & Co., 1 Franklin Square. ; Pittsburgh, : H. Kleber., 1851. |
1851 | New York | Nancy Till : the favorite Ethiopian melody | New York : Published by Firth, Pond & Co., no.1 Franklin Sq. ; Buffalo [N.Y.] : John Sage & Son ; Albany [N.Y.] : Boardman & Gray ; Detroit : A. Couse, c1851. |
1851 | New York | Nancy Till : the favorite Ethiopian melody | New York : Published by Firth, Pond & Co., no.1 Franklin Sq. ; Buffalo [N.Y.] : John Sage & Son ; Albany [N.Y.] : Boardman & Gray ; Detroit : A. Couse, c1851. |
1851 | New York | The South Bend fugitive slave case, : involving the right to a writ of habeas corpus. | New York: : For sale at the Anti-Slavery Office, 48 Beekman Street., 1851. |
1851 | New York | Politics and the pulpit : a series of articles which appeared in the Journal of commerce and in the Independent, during the year 1850 : to which was added an article from the Independent of Feb. 21, 1850, entitled "Shall we compromise?" | New York : W. Harned, 1851. |
1851 | New York | Selections from the speeches and writings of prominent men in the United States, on the subject of abolition and agitation, : and in favor of the compromise measures of the last session of Congress, addressed to the people of the state of New-York | New-York: : Printed by J.P. Wright, 74 Fulton Street., 1851.. |
1851 | New York | Spermaceti for inward bruises : with prescriptions from the saddle-bags of Drs. Franklin and Jefferson, revised and amended for the use of modern politico, theologico, valetudinarians. | Syracuse : Printed at the Journal office, 1851. |
1851 | New York | Anti-fugitive slave law meeting. : At a large meeting of persons from various parts of the state of New York, held in the city of Syracuse January 9th 1851, and of which Frederick Douglass was president, the following resolutions and address were unaminously adopted. The address is the same ... which were reported by Gerrit Smith to the state convention ... | [Syracuse, N.Y.? : s.n., 1851] |
1851 | New York | Nigger melodies : being the only entire and complete work of Ethiopian songs extant. | New-York : Cornish, Lamport & Co., 1851. |
1851 | New York | Politics and the pulpit: : a series of articles which appeared in the Journal of commerce and in the Independent, during the year 1850. To which is added an article from the Independent of Feb. 21, 1850, entitled "Shall we compromise?" | New York [N.Y.]: : Published by William Harned, 48 Beekman Street, 1851. |
1851 | Ohio | Address, on education and human progress, | Guthrie, A. A. | Putnam, Ohio: : "Western Recorder" Office, 1851.. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | Negro-mania: being an examination of the falsely assumed equality of the various races of men; : demonstrated by the investigations of Champollion, Wilkinson, Rosellini, Van-Amringe, Gliddon, Young, Morton, Knox, Lawrence, Gen. J. H. Hammond, Murray, Smith, W. Gilmore Simms, English, Conrad, Elder, Prichard, Blumenbach, Cuvier, Brown, Le Vaillant, Carlyle, Cardinal Wiseman, Burckhardt, and Jefferson. Together with a concluding chapter, presenting a comparative statement of the condition of the Negroes in the West Indies before and since emancipation. | Campbell, John, 1810-1874. | Philadelphia: : Campbell & Power: No. 20 South Fifth Street., 1851.. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | An exposition of the African slave trade, : from the year 1840, to 1850, inclusive. | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955). Representative Meeting | Philadelphia: : for sale at Friends' Book Store, no. 84 Mulberry Street. : J. Rakestraw, printer., 1851.. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | The American union : a discourse delivered on Thursday, December 12, 1850, the day of the annual Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania, and repeated on Thursday, December 19, in the Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia | Boardman, Henry A. (Henry Augustus), 1808-1880. | Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo and Co., Successors to Grigg, Elliot & Co. : T.K. and P.G. Collins, printers, 1851. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | The moving power. : A discourse delivered in the First Congregational Unitarian Church in Philadelphia, Sunday morning, Feb. 9, 1851, after the occurrence of a fugitive slave case. | Furness, William Henry, 1802-1896. | Philadelphia: : Merrihew and Thompson, printers, No. 7 Carter's Alley., 1851.. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | Annual report of the Association of Friends for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery and Improving the Condition of the Free People of Color. : For the year 1851. | Association of Friends for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, and Improving the Condition of the Free People of Color. | Philadelphia: : T. Ellwood Chapman, No. 1 South Fifth Street., 1851.. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | Third parties. : (From the National Era.) | Elder, William, 1806-1885. | Philadelphia: : Merrihew and Thompson, printers, no. 7 Carter's Alley., 1851.. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | Seventeenth annual report of the Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society.. | Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society. | Philadelphia: : Merrihew and Thompson, printers, no. 7 Carter's Alley., 1851.. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | The city merchant; or, The mysterious failure. | Jones, J. B. (John Beauchamp), 1810-1866. | Philadelphia: : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., successors to Grigg, Elliot & Co., 1851. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | The American union : a discourse delivered on Thursday, December 12, 1850, the day of the annual Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania, and repeated on Thursday, December 19, in the Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia | Boardman, Henry A. (Henry Augustus), 1808-1880. | Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo and Co., Successors to Grigg, Elliot & Co. : T.K. and P.G. Collins, printers, 1851. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | Fourteenth annual report, prelented [i.e. presented] to the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society, by its Executive Committee, October 7, 1851. : With the Proceedings of the annual meeting.. | Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society. | Philadelphia: : Anti-Slavery Office, 31 North Fifth Street. ; Merrihew & Thompson, printers., 1851.. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | Second letter. Notes on hybridity, : designed as a further supplement to a memoir on that subject in a former number of this journal. | Morton, Samuel George, 1799-1851. | [Philadelphia, Pa.? : s.n., 1851] |
1851 | Pennsylvania | At a meeting of the Representative Committee, or Meeting for Sufferings, held 1st mo. 31, 1851-- : The Committee on the Subject of Slavery produced an address to our members, which was deliberately read ... this meeting concludes to direct a sufficient number thereof to be printed ... John J. White, clerk. | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955). Representative Meeting. | [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1851] |
1851 | Pennsylvania | Negro-mania: being an examination of the falsely assumed equality of the various races of men. | Campbell, John. | Philadelphia: Campbell & Power, 1851. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | Thanksgiving sermon on the perpetuity of the union of the United States | Wilson, James P. (James Patriot), 1809-1889. | Philadelphia : Hughes & Taylor, printers, No. 84 North Third Street, 1851. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | Mississippi scenes : or, Sketches of southern and western life and adventure, humorous, satirical, and descriptive, including The legend of Black Creek | Cobb, Joseph B. (Joseph Beckham), 1819-1858. | Philadelphia : A. Hart, late Carey & Hart : T.K. and P.G. Collins, printers, 1851. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | The twenty-third annual report of the Board of Managers of the House of Refuge. : With an appendix.. | House of Refuge (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : Published by order of the contributors. T.K. and P.G. Collins, printers., 1851.. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | Historical sketches of North Carolina, from 1584 to 1851 : compiled from original records, official documents, and traditional statements : with biographical sketches of her distingushed statesmen, jurists, lawyers, soldiers, divines, etc. | Wheeler, John H. (John Hill), 1806-1882. | Philadephia : Lippincott, Grambo and Co., 1851. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | The man-hunt. : An American ballad. | Howard, Hope. | [Philadelphia?] : Journeymen Printers' Association, no. 5 Harmony Court., [1851?] |
1851 | Pennsylvania | Historical sketches of North Carolina, from 1584 to 1851 : compiled from original records, official documents, and traditional statements : with biographical sketches of her distingushed statesmen, jurists, lawyers, soldiers, divines, etc. | Wheeler, John H. (John Hill), 1806-1882. | Philadephia : Lippincott, Grambo and Co., 1851. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | The design and advantages of the House of Refuge.. | House of Refuge (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : [s.n.], 1851.. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | A lecture, by the late Hon. James M'Dowell, of Lexington, Va., : and an address by the late Rev. A. Alexander, D.D.. | McDowell, James, 1795-1851. | Philadelphia: : For sale by Joseph M. Wilson, no. 228 Chestnut Street., 1851.. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | A discourse, delivered, January 5th, 1851, in the First Congregational Unitarian Church, in Philadelphia, | Furness, William Henry, 1802-1896. | [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1851] |
1851 | Pennsylvania | Annual report of the Board of Missions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented, May 1851. | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Missions | Philadelphia: : Published by the board., 1851. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | The philosophy of human nature | Brewster, Francis E. (Francis Enoch), 1790 or 91-1854. | Philadelphia : Getz & Buck, No. 3 Hart's Building : T.K. and P.G. Collins, printers, 1851. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | Address of the carriers of the Pennsylvania freeman and Anti-slavery standard, January, 1851. : (Instead of offering to our patrons a poetical address, as is usual, we prefer to present them on this occasion, with the following eloquent extract, from a speech delivered by Wm. I. Bowditch, Esq., at the late West Chester Convention. It will be found to contain an admirable statement of the principles advocated by the Freeman and Standard, as well as the true philosophy of the anti-slavery reform. Carriers.) What is our method? ... | Bowditch, William I. (William Ingersoll), 1819-1909. | [Philadelphia, Pa. : s.n., 1851] |
1851 | Pennsylvania | The American union : a discourse delivered on Thursday, December 12, 1850, the day of the annual Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania, and repeated on Thursday, December 19, in the Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia | Boardman, Henry A. (Henry Augustus), 1808-1880. | Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo and Co., Successors to Grigg, Elliot & Co. : T.K. and P.G. Collins, printers, 1851. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | The twenty-second annual report of the inspectors of the Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. : Transmitted to the Senate and House of Representatives, March, 1851.. | Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: : Printed by Kite & Walton, no. 50, North Fourth Street., 1851.. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | Memorial of the Board of Managers of the House of Refuge, : to the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met.. | House of Refuge (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : T.K. and P.G. Collins, printers., 1851.. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | The family and ship medicine chest companion : being a compendium of domestic medicine, surgery, and materia medica; with directions for the diet and management of the sick-room; particularly adapted for heads of families, captains of ships, travellers, and overseers of plantations ... | Philadelphia : Lindsay and Blakiston, 1851,[c1850]. (C. Sherman, Printer) |
1851 | Pennsylvania | A Full and correct report of the Christiana tragedy, : in the county of Lancaster, state of Penna, Sept. 11, 1851, as repo[r]ted verbatim et literatim, on the hearing and examination, as the same was presented in evidence, before Alderman Reigart, September 25th.. | Lancaster, Pa: : Printed and published by John H. Pearsol., 1851. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | Bone Squash's black joke al-ma-nig. For de year arter last, 1852.... | [Philadelphia] : Fisher and Brother, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Baltimore, [1851]. |
1851 | Pennsylvania | A word to the Whigs of Pennsylvania.. | [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1851] |
1851 | Rhode Island | The errors of ultraism, in morals and religion : A sermon preached before the convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the diocese of Rhode Island. In Grace Church, Providence, June 10, 1851. And in Trinity Church, Newport, R.I., on Sunday, July 20, 1851 | Brewer, D. R. (Darius Richmond), 1819-1881. | Newport [R.I.] : Mason & Pratt, 123 Thames Street, 1851. |
1851 | Scotland | Notes on North America : agricultural, economical, and social | Johnston, Jas. F. W. (James Finlay Weir), 1796-1855. | Edinburgh and London : William Blackwood and Sons, MDCCCLI [1851] |
1851 | South Carolina | History of Alabama, and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, from the earliest period | Pickett, Albert James, 1810-1858. | Charleston : Walker and James, 1851. |
1851 | South Carolina | Duties of masters to servants: : three premium essays. | McTyeire, Holland Nimmons, 1824-1889. | Charleston, S.C.: : Southern Baptist Publication Society, no. 41 Broad-Street., 1851.. |
1851 | South Carolina | The address of the Southern Rights Association of the South Carolina College to the students of the colleges, universities, and young men, throughout the southern states. : To which are prefixed the constitution of the association, lists of members, etc. | Southern Rights Association of the South Carolina College. | Columbia, S.C. : Printed by A.S. Johnston, 1851. |
1851 | South Carolina | A defence of southern slavery. Against the attacks of Henry Clay and Alex'r. Campbell : In which much of the false philanthropy and mawkish sentimentalism of the abolitionists is met and refuted. In which it is moreover shown that the association of the white and black races in the relation of master and slave is the appointed order of God ... and the only true principle of republicanism | Brookes, Iveson L., 1793-1865. | Hamburg, S.C. : printed by Robinson and Carlisle, 1851. |
1851 | United States | A review of the trial, conviction and sentence, of George F. Alberti, for kidnapping. | Browne, Peter A. (Peter Arrell), 1782-1860. | [United States : s.n., 1851.] |
1851 | Virginia | Documents, containing statistics of Virginia : ordered to be printed by the State Convention sitting in the city of Richmond, 1850-51. | Virginia. Auditor of Public Accounts | Richmond, William Culley, 1851. |
1851 | Virginia | Annual report of the Board of Directors of the Penitentiary Institution. | Virginia Penitentiary. | [Richmond : s.n., 1851] |
1851 | Virginia | The proceedings and address of the Central Southern Rights Association of Virginia, to the citizens of Virginia : adopted January 10, 1851. | Central Southern Rights Association of Virginia. | Richmond, Va. : Printed by Ritchies & Dunnavant, 1851. |
1851 | West Virginia | An address delivered before the Phrena-Kosmian Society of the Romney Classical Institute, April 3, 1851, | Kercheval, A. W. | Romney [W. Va.]: : Printed at the "Argus" Office. Main Street., 1851.. |
1852 | Connecticut | Land of hope : Reminiscences of Liberia and Cape Palmas, with incidents of the voyage | Hoyt, Wm. B. (William B.) | Hartford : published by Henry J. Fox & Wm. B. Hoyt, 1852 [Press of Case, Tiffany & Co.]. |
1852 | Connecticut | Report of the Joint Select Committee to Whom Was Referred the Subject of African Colonization. : May session, 1852. | Connecticut. General Assembly. Joint Select Committee on African Colonization. | New Haven: : Osborn and Baldwin, state printers., 1852. |
1852 | Connecticut | Fox and Hoyt's quadrennial register of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and universal church gazetteer. : 1852-6. | Fox, Henry J., 1821-1891. | Hartford: : Case, Tiffany & Co.---Wm. Jas. Hamersley. : On sale at Methodist book concerns, New York, Cincinnati, Boston, &c. : May be obtained also of Methodist ministers, generally., 1852.. |
1852 | Connecticut | Mexico Aztec, Spanish and republican: : a historical, geographical, political, statistical and social account of that country from the period of the invasion by the Spaniards to the present time; : with a view of the ancient Aztec empire and civilization; : a historical sketch of the late war; : and notices of New Mexico and California. | Mayer, Brantz, 1809-1879. | Hartford: : S. Drake and Company., MDCCCLII [1852].. |
1852 | District of Columbia | Proceedings of the Democratic National Convention, : held at Baltimore, June 1-5, 1852, for the nomination of candidates for president and vice president of the United States. | Democratic National Convention (1852 : Baltimore, Md.) | Washington: : printed by Robert Armstrong., 1852. |
1852 | District of Columbia | Remarks of Hon. G.A. Grow, of Pennsylvania, on the finality of the compromise : Delivered in the House of Representatives, May 27, 1852. | Grow, Galusha A. (Galusha Aaron), 1823-1907. | Washington : printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1852. |
1852 | District of Columbia | Letter of General Sam Houston to General Santa Anna. | Houston, Sam, 1793-1863. | Washington [D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1852. |
1852 | District of Columbia | Speech of the Hon. Solomon W. Downs, of Louisiana, on the resolution submitted by Mr. Foote, of Mississippi, : declaring the compromise measures a definitive adjustment of the agitating questions growing out of the institution of domestic slavery. Delivered in the Senate of the United States January 10, 1852. | Downs, Solomon W. (Solomon Weathersbee), 1801-1854. | Washington: : Printed by Donelson and Armstrong., 1852. |
1852 | District of Columbia | Substance of an address delivered by the Hon. Edmund Burke to the Democratic citizens of Croydon, N.H. : March 1, 1852. | Burke, Edmund, 1809-1882. | Washington [D.C.] : Printed by Gideon & Co., 1852. |
1852 | District of Columbia | Remarks of Mr. Douglas, of Illinois, on the compromise measures, : delivered in the Senate of the United States, December 23, 1851, and his speech on the "measures of adjustment," delivered in the City Hall, Chicago, Illinois, October 23, 1850. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | Washington: : printed by Jno. T. Towers., 1852. |
1852 | District of Columbia | National politics. : Speech of Hon. Chas. Jas. Faulkner, of Virginia, at Reading, Pennsylvania, September 4, 1852.. | Faulkner, Charles James, 1806-1884. | Washington: : A.O.P. Nicholson, printer., [1852] |
1852 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. J.J. McRae, of Mississippi, on the compromise question. : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 29, and February 2, 1852.. | McRae, John J., 1815-1868. | Washington: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1852.. |
1852 | District of Columbia | Remarks of Hon. R.F. Stockton, of New Jersey, on the presentation of the resolutions of the legislature of New Jersey, upon the compromise measures. : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 12, 1852. | Stockton, Robert Field, 1795-1866. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed by Jno. T. Towers., 1852. |
1852 | District of Columbia | Thirty-fifth annual report of the American Colonization Society : with the proceedings of the board of directors and of the society; and the addresses delivered at the annual meeting, January 20, 1852. To which is added an appendix, containing Information about going to Liberia; Things which every emigrant ought to know; Messrs. Fuller and Janifer's report; and a table of emigrants. | American Colonization Society. | Washington : C. Alexander, printer, 1852. |
1852 | District of Columbia | Freedom national; slavery sectional. : Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, on his motion to repeal the Fugitive slave bill, in the Senate of the United States, August 26, 1852. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | Washington [D.C.]: : Buell & Blanchard., 1852. |
1852 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Thomas H. Bayly, of Virginia, on the finality of the fugitive slave law : In the House of Representatives, May 25, 1852. | Bayly, Thomas Henry, 1810-1856. | [Washington : Printed at the Globe Office], [1852]. |
1852 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Horace Mann, of Mass., on the institution of slavery. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, August 17, 1852.. | Mann, Horace, 1796-1859. | Washington: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1852.. |
1852 | District of Columbia | Remarks of Hon. Mr. Weller, of California, on the Mexican Boundary Commission - the river and harbor bill - the fugitive slave law, and California land titles : delivered in the Senate of the United States. | Weller, John B., 1812-1875. | [Washington, D.C. : Congressional Globe Office, 1852] |
1852 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Jeremiah Clemens, of Ala., in the Senate, February 26 and 27, 1852, in reply to certain remarks of Mr. Rhett, of South Carolina. | Clemens, Jeremiah, 1814-1865. | [Washington, D.C. : Globe Office, 1852] |
1852 | District of Columbia | Proceedings of the grand mass meeting of the democracy : held at Washington, June 9, 1852. | Jackson Democratic Association (Washington, D.C.) | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1852] |
1852 | District of Columbia | The radical democracy of New York and the independent democracy : letter from Senator Chase, of Ohio, to Hon. B.F. Butler, of New York. | Chase, Salmon P. (Salmon Portland), 1808-1873. | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1852?] |
1852 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Robert Toombs, of Georgia, touching the approaching presidential election. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, July 3, 1852. | Toombs, Robert Augustus, 1810-1885. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., [1852] |
1852 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Rantoul, of Massachusetts, on the constitutionality of the fugitive slave law. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, June 11, 1852.. | Rantoul, Robert, 1805-1852. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1852] |
1852 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Robert Toombs, of Georgia, touching the approaching presidential election. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, July 3, 1852. | Toombs, Robert Augustus, 1810-1885. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office. [1852] |
1852 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. H. Marshall, of Kentucky, on the compromise measures--Whig Congressional caucus--principles. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, May 26, 1852.. | Marshall, Humphrey, 1812-1872. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Globe Office, Washington., [1852] |
1852 | District of Columbia | Speeches of Senator Rhett and Senator Clemens in controversy, : delivered in the Senate of the United States, on the 27th and 28th of February, 1852.. | Rhett, Robert Barnwell, 1800-1876. | [Washington, D.C.] : Gideon & Co., [1852] |
1852 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Wm. H. Polk, of Tennessee, in the House of Representatives, April 8, 1852 : on the Presidency-compromise measures. | Polk, William Hawkins, 1815-1862. | [Washington, D.C. : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1852?] |
1852 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. M.P. Gentry, of Tennessee, : delivered in the House of Representatives, June 14, 1852.. | Gentry, M. P. (Meredith Poindexter), 1809-1866. | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1852]. |
1852 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. M.P. Gentry, of Tennessee. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, June 14, 1852.. | Gentry, M. P. (Meredith Poindexter), 1809-1866. | [Washington, D.C.] : Gideon & Co., printers., [1852] |
1852 | District of Columbia | Speech of General Cass, of Michigan, in reply to Governor Jones, of Tennessee : also letter from Jefferson Davis, and explanation of Gen. Cass. | Cass, Lewis, 1782-1866. | [Washington, D.C.] : Towers, printer, [1852]. |
1852 | District of Columbia | The compromise measures. : Speech of Hon. Sam Houston, of Texas, in the Senate of the United States, Dec. 22, 1851, on the resolution reaffirming the compromise measures.. | Houston, Sam, 1793-1863. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Globe Office, Washington., [1852?] |
1852 | District of Columbia | Information about going to Liberia : with Things which every emigrant ought to know: Report of Messrs. Fuller and Janifer: Sketch of the history of Liberia: and the constitution of the republic of Liberia | American Colonization Society. | Washington : C. Alexander, printer, 1852. |
1852 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. David K. Cartter, of Ohio, on the finality of the compromise : Delivered in the House of Representatives, May 25, 1852. | Cartter, David K. (David Kellogg), 1812-1887. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1852. |
1852 | District of Columbia | Proceedings of the Democratic National Convention, : held at Baltimore, June, 1852. | Democratic National Convention (1852 : Baltimore, Md.) | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1852. |
1852 | District of Columbia | A document for all thinking men! : The political letters and writings of General Scott, reviewed, discussed, and compared. His native Americanism proved by his own words! His support of the bankrupt law proved by his own words ... His ignorance of the Constitution proved by his own words! His hostility to Catholics proved by his own words! And, finally, his incompetency, his aristocracy, and his persevering efforts against the naturalization laws, proved by his own words! | [Washington? : s.n., 1852.] |
1852 | District of Columbia | Frank. Pierce and his abolition allies.. | [Washington, D.C.] : Daily American Telegraph., [1852] |
1852 | District of Columbia | Whig testimony against the election of General Scott to the Presidency of the U.S. : opinions of Henry Clay, Thos. G. Pratt, Geo. E. Badger, and other distinguished Whigs, and the Whig press. | [Washington, D.C.] : C. Alexander, [1852] |
1852 | District of Columbia | Gen. Scott denounced! : The anniversary of the "Battle of Chippewa" has been celebrated to-day by the publication, in the National intelligencer, of the following bulletin against the patriot who has fought for the Union, the Constitution, the laws, the rights and liberties of the people, for half a century! ... because he does not make the support of their sectional institution the most prominent feature of his platform, and because he will not pledge himself to proscribe all the Whigs who do not approve of all the details of the present Fugitive slave law! ... Washington City, July 5, 1852.. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard,printers,, [1852] |
1852 | District of Columbia | Judge Douglas : from the Washington Union of April 11, 1852. | [Washington, D.C. : Towers, printer, 1852?] |
1852 | District of Columbia | A brief chapter in the life of General Franklin Pierce : From the National Era of June 17 : Mr. Pierce and the anti-slavery movement. | [Washington, D.C.] : Buell & Blanchard, printers, Washington, D.C., [1852?]. |
1852 | England | Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of America, : during the years 1799-1804. | Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859. | London: : Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden., 1852-1853.. |
1852 | England | The dorp and the veld; or, Six months in Natal | Barter, Charles, d. 1859. | London : William S. Orr and Co., 1852. |
1852 | England | Sketches of Brazil; : including new views on tropical and European fever, with remarks on a premature decay of the system incident to Europeans on their return from hot climates. | Dundas, Robert. | London: : John Churchill, Princes Street, Soho. : C. Richards, 100 St. Martin's Lane., MDCCCLII. [1852]. |
1852 | England | Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; : delivered at the anniversary meeting on the 24th May, 1852. Preceded by observations on presenting the royal medals of the year. | Murchison, Roderick Impey, Sir, 1792-1871. | London: : Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street., 1852.. |
1852 | England | Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of America, : during the years 1799-1804. | Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859. | London: : Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden., 1852-1853.. |
1852 | England | Rambles and scrambles in North and South America. | Sullivan, Edward Robert, Sir, 1826-1899. | London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, publisher in ordinary to Her Majesty., 1852. |
1852 | England | The white slave: or, Memoirs of a fugitive. : A story of slave life in Virginia, etc. | Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. | London: : Ingram, Cooke, & Co., 227, Strand., MDCCCLII. [1852] |
1852 | England | Narrative of an exploratory tour to the north-east of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope | Arbousset, Thomas, 1810-1877. | London : John C. Bishop; George & Robert King, Aberdeen, 1852 [Aberdeen : Geo. Cornwall, printer]. |
1852 | England | Some account of the last yellow fever epidemic of British Guiana | Blair, Daniel. | London : Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1852. (Spottiswoodes and Shaw) |
1852 | England | Inner Africa laid open, : in an attempt to trace the chief lines of communication across that continent south of the equator: : with the routes to the Muropue and the Cazembe, Moenemoezi and Lake Nyassa; the journeys of the Rev. Dr. Krapf and the Rev. J. Rebmann on the eastern coast, and the discoveries of Messrs. Oswell and Livingstone in the heart of the continent. | Cooley, William Desborough, d. 1883. | London: : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans : Spottiswoode and Shaw, New-street-Square, 1852. |
1852 | England | The wild sports of southern Africa; : being the narrative of a hunting expedition from the Cape of Good Hope, through the territories of the chief Moselekatse, to the Tropic of Capricorn. | Harris, William Cornwallis, Sir, 1807-1848. | London: : Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden., 1852.. |
1852 | England | Three years in Europe; or, Places I have seen and people I have met | Brown, William Wells, 1814?-1884. | London : Charles Gilpin, 5, Bishopsgate Street, Without ; Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd ; Ayr : printed at the Advertiser office, 1852. |
1852 | England | An examination of the charges of Mr. John Scoble & Mr. Lewis Tappan against the American Anti-Slavery Society | Quincy, Edmund, 1808-1877. | London : Whitfield, 1852. |
1852 | England | Uncle Tom's cabin. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | London: : John Cassell, Ludgate Hill., 1852. |
1852 | England | Uncle Tom's cabin or Life among the lowly. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | London: : Thomas Bosworth, 215 Regent Street., 1852. |
1852 | England | Special report of the Bristol and Clifton Ladies' Anti-slavery Society : during eighteen months, from January 1851 to June, 1852 : with a statement of the reasons of its separation from the British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society. | Bristol and Clifton Ladies' Anti-slavery Society. | London : John Snow, Paternoster-Row ; Bristol : W. Whereat, Corn-St., 1852. |
1852 | England | Memoirs of the lives of Robert Haldane of Airthrey, and of his brother, James Alexander Haldane. | Haldane, Alexander, 1800-1882. | London: : Hamilton, Adams, and Co., Paternoster-Row; and W. Whyte and Co., Edinburgh., 1852.. |
1852 | England | The cabin book, or, national characteristics | Sealsfield, Charles, 1793-1864. | London : Ingram, Cooke, 1852. |
1852 | England | Uncle Tom's companions: : or, Facts stranger than fiction. : A supplement to Uncle Tom's cabin: being startling incidents in the lives of celebrated fugitive slaves. | Edwards, J. Passmore. | London: : Edwards and Co., 2, Horseshoe Court Ludgate-Hill : T.C. Johns, printer, Wine Office Court, Fleet Street., MDCCCLII. [1852] |
1852 | England | A young traveller's journal of a tour in North and South America during the year 1850 | Welby, Victoria, Lady, 1837-1912. | London : T. Bosworth, 1852. |
1852 | England | America as I found it. | Duncan, Mary Grey Lundie. | London: : James Nisbet and Co., 21 Berners Street. ; [Edinburgh] : Ballantyne, printer, Edinburgh., MDCCCLII. [1852]. |
1852 | England | Opinions and policy of the Right Honourable Viscount Palmerston, G.C.B., M.P., &c. : as minister, diplomatist, and statesman, during more than forty years of public life. | Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Viscount, 1784-1865. | London: : Colburn and Co., publishers, Great Marlborough Street., 1852. |
1852 | England | The Isthmus of Darien ship canal. | Cullen, Dr. | London: : Effingham Wilson, Publisher, 11, Royal Exchange., 1852. |
1852 | England | African wanderings, or, An expedition from Sennaar to Taka, Basa, and Beni-Amer, : with a particular glance at the races of Bellad Sudan. | Werne, Ferdinand. | London: : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans., 1852.. |
1852 | England | The Cape and the Kafirs, or, Notes of five years' residence in South Africa | Cole, Alfred W. (Alfred Whaley) | London : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street : Printed by Samuel Bentley & Co., Bangor House, Shoe Lane, 1852. |
1852 | England | Five years' residence in the West Indies. | Day, Charles William. | London: : Colburn and Co., publishers, Great Marlborough Street., 1852. |
1852 | England | Topsy, or The Slave girl's appeal : to the visitors and patrons of the Anti-slavery Bazaar, held in Boston, U.S., in December, 1852. | [Bolton, England] : Kenyon and Abbatt, printers, Bolton., [1852] |
1852 | England | Uncle Tom in England; or, A proof that black's white. : An echo to the American "Uncle Tom.". | London: : Houlston and Stoneman, Paternoster-Row J. Bennett, 69, Fleet-Street., 1852.. |
1852 | England | Things to come : a prophetic ode. | London: : Thomas Bosworth, Regent Street., 1852. |
1852 | Germany | Kritische Untersuchungen über die historische Entwickelung der geographischen Kenntnisse von der Neuen Welt : und die Fortschritte der nautischen Astronomie in dem 15ten und 16ten Jahrhundert | Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859. | Berlin. : Verlag der Nicolai'schen Buchhhandlung., 1852.. |
1852 | Germany | Uncle Tom's cabin : with a new preface expressly written for this edition, authorized for the continent of Europe. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Leipzig : Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1852. |
1852 | Germany | Uncle Tom's cabin : with a new preface expressly written for this edition, authorized for the continent of Europe. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Leipzig : Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1852. |
1852 | India | Rough notes of a trip to Reunion, the Mauritius and Ceylon; : with remarks on their eligibility as sanitaria for Indian invalids. | Mouat, Frederic J. (Frederic John), 1816-1897. | Calcutta: : Thacker, Spink and Co. ; London: : W. Thacker and Co.- ; Bombay: : Thacker and Co., 1852.. |
1852 | Ireland | The national anti-slavery societies in England and the United States, or, Strictures on "A reply to certain charges brought against the American and Foreign Anti-slavery Society, by Lewis Tappan of New York, with a preface, by John Scoble of London | Webb, Richard Davis, 1805-1872. | Dublin : Charles Hedgelong, 1852. |
1852 | Louisiana | The consolidation and revision of the statutes of the state, of a general nature | Louisiana. | New Orleans. : Printed at the Bee Office., 1852.. |
1852 | Louisiana | The industrial resources, etc., of the Southern and Western states : embracing a view of their commerce, agriculture, manufactures, internal improvements; slave and free labor, slavery institutions, products, etc., of the South, together with historical and statistical sketches of the different states and cities of the Union ... with an appendix. In three volumes | De Bow, J. D. B. (James Dunwoody Brownson), 1820-1867. | New Orleans ; New York ; Charleston : Published at the office of De Bow's Review, 1852-53. [Pudney & Russell, Printers] |
1852 | Maine | Proceedings of the Maine Convention of Universalists : held at Belfast, June 22d, 23d and 24th, 1852 : including the Sabbath School Secretary's report, together with the Transactions of the Missionary, Educational and Tract Societies, for the year ending June, 1852. | Maine Universalist Convention. | Augusta [Me.] : Homan & Manley, 1852. |
1852 | Maryland | Colonization and abolition. : An address delivered by John H.B. Latrobe, of Maryland, at the anniversary meeting of the New York State Colonization Society, held in Metropolitan Hall, May 13th, 1852.. | Latrobe, John H. B. (John Hazlehurst Boneval), 1803-1891. | Baltimore: : Printed by John D. Toy., 1852.. |
1852 | Maryland | Report of the select committee appointed to consider so much of the Governor's message as relates to the murder of Edward Gorsuch, and the trial of the treason case in Philadelphia.. | Maryland. General Assembly. House of Delegates | [Annapolis? : s.n., 1852] |
1852 | Maryland | Report of Attorney General Brent, to His Excellency, Gov. Lowe, in relation to the Christiana treason trials : in the Circuit Court of the United States, held at Philadelphia. | Maryland. Attorney General's Office | Annapolis [Md.] : Thomas E. Martin, printer, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Journal of a voyage from Boston to the west coast of Africa : with a full description of the manner of trading with the natives on the coast | Carnes, J. A. (Joshua A.) | Boston : Published by John P. Jewett & Co. ; Cleveland, Ohio : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington ; Concord, N.H. : Tripp and Osgood, printers, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Letter to Louis Kossuth, concerning freedom and slavery in the United States.... | American Anti-Slavery Society. | Boston : Published by R. F. Wallcut for the American Anti-slavery Society, 1852. (George C. Rand, Printer) |
1852 | Massachusetts | The history and topography of the United States of North America, : brought down from the earliest period; comprising political and biographical history; geography, geology, mineralogy, zoology, and botany; agriculture, manufactures, and commerce; laws, manners, customs, and religion; with a topographical description of the cities, towns, sea-ports, public edifices, canals, &c. &c. | Hinton, John Howard, 1791-1873. | Boston: : Printed and published by Samuel Walker., 1852.. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Selections from the writings and speeches of William Lloyd Garrison. : With an appendix.. | Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879. | Boston: : R.F. Wallcut, 21 Cornhill., 1852.. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Speeches before the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, January, 1852 | Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884. | Boston : R. F. Wallcut, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | The institution of slavery. : Speech of Hon. Horace Mann, of Massachusetts, on the institution of slavery, delivered in the U.S. House of Representatives, August 17, 1852.. | Mann, Horace, 1796-1859. | Boston: : Charles List & Co., Commonwealth Office, 60 Washington Street, corner of State Street., 1852.. |
1852 | Massachusetts | The district school as it was, Scenery showing, and other writings | Burton, Warren, 1800-1866. | Boston : Press of T. R. Marvin, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Twentieth annual report, presented to the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, by its Board of Managers, January 28, 1852. : With an appendix.. | Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. | Boston: : Printed by Prentiss & Sawyer, No. 11 Devonshire Street., 1852.. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Uncle Tom's cabin; or, Life among the lowly. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Boston, John P. Jewett & company; Cleveland, Jewett, Proctor & Worthington, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | An address before the Salem Female Anti-Slavery Society, at its annual meeting, December 7, 1851. | Stone, Thomas T. (Thomas Treadwell), 1801-1895. | Salem [Mass.]: : William Ives and Co., printers....Observer Office., 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | The white slave; or, Memoirs of a fugitive.. | Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. | Boston: : Tappan and Whittemore, 114 Washington Street., 1852.. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Second annual report of the Trustees of Donations for Education in Liberia : Presented at the annual meeting, January 14, 1852. | Trustees of Donations for Education in Liberia. | Boston : press of T.R. Marvin, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | A pilgrimage to Egypt, : embracing a diary of explorations on the Nile; with observations illustrative of the manners, customs, and institutions of the people, and of the present condition of the antiquities and ruins. With numerous engravings. | Smith, Jerome Van Crowninshield, 1800-1879. | Boston: : Gould and Lincoln, 59 Washington Street., 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Life of Franklin Pierce. | Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864. | Boston: : Ticknor, Reed, and Fields., MDCCCLII. [1852] |
1852 | Massachusetts | Slavery in the southern states | Pringle, Edward J. | Cambridge [Mass.] : John Bartlett, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Freedom national; slavery sectional. : Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, on his motion to repeal the Fugitive slave bill, in the Senate of the United States, August 26, 1852. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | Boston: : Ticknor, Reed, and Fields., 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | A Chapter of American history : Five years' progress of the slave power; a series of papers first published in the Boston "Commonwealth," in July, August, and September, 1851. | Palfrey, John Gorham, 1796-1881. | Boston : Benjamin B. Mussey and Company, 1852 [Cambridge : Metcalf and Company, Printers to the university] |
1852 | Massachusetts | Services of colored Americans, in the wars of 1776 and 1812. | Nell, William C. (William Cooper), 1816-1874. | Boston: : Published by Robert F. Wallcut, No. 21 Cornhill., 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Uncle Tom's cabin: or, Life among the lowly | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Boston : John P. Jewett and Company ; Cleveland, Ohio : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington, 1852, [c1851] [Boston : Stereotyped by Hobart & Robbins, New England Stereotype Foundry. Printed by Geo. C. Rand] |
1852 | Massachusetts | Addresses and speeches on various occasions | Winthrop, Robert C. (Robert Charles), 1809-1894. | Boston : Little, Brown, and Company, 1852-86. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Address to the Democratic electors of Massachusetts, from the State Committee appointed by the Democratic state convention at Fitchburg, opposed to a coalition with Free Soilers. | Democratic Party (Mass.). State Committee | [Boston] : J.N. Bang, pr., 61 Cornhill., [1852] |
1852 | Massachusetts | Little Eva : Uncle Tom's guardian angel | Emilio, Manuel. cmp | Boston : Published by John P. Jewett & Company ; Cleveland, Ohio : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Speeches of Messrs. Hayne and Webster in the United States Senate, on the resolution of Mr. Foot, January, 1830. | Hayne, Robert Young, 1791-1839. | Boston: : Redding and Company., 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Report of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, presented at the forty-third annual meeting : held in Troy, New York, Sept. 7-10, 1852. | American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. | Boston : Press of T.R. Marvin, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Uncle Tom's cabin; or, Life among the lowly. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Boston: : John P. Jewett & Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington., 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Six years in a Georgia prison : narrative of Lewis W. Paine, who suffered imprisonment six years in Georgia, for the crime of aiding the escape of a fellow-man from that state, after he had fled from slavery | Paine, Lewis W., b. 1819. | Boston : Bela Marsh, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Uncle Tom's cabin; or, Life among the lowly. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Boston: : John P. Jewett & Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington., 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Uncle Tom's cabin; or, Life among the lowly. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Boston: : John P. Jewett & Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington., 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | The Liberty bell | Boston : National Anti-Slavery Bazaar, 1852 ; [Prentiss and Sawyer, printers]. |
1852 | Mississippi | Studies on slavery, in easy lessons. | Fletcher, John, 1791-1862. | Natchez [Miss.]: : Published by Jackson Warner. ; Charleston: : McCarter & Allen. ; New Orleans: : John Ball. ; Philadelphia: : Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1852.. |
1852 | Mississippi | Studies on slavery, in easy lessons. | Fletcher, John, 1791-1862. | Natchez [Miss.]: : published by Jackson Warner., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Oration delivered in Corinthian Hall, Rochester | Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895. | Rochester : printed by Lee, Mann & Co., 1852. |
1852 | New York | The laws of human progress and modern reforms. : A lecture delivered before the Mercantile Library Association of the City of New-York. | Dewey, Orville, 1794-1882. | New-York: : C.S. Francis & Company, 252 Broadway. ; Boston: : Crosby & Nichols. ; [New York] : John F. Trow, printer, 49 Ann-St., New-York., 1852. |
1852 | New York | Episcopal Methodism, as it was, and is; : or, An account of the origin, progress, doctrines, church polity, usages, institutions, and statistics, of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. : Embracing also a sketch of the rise of Methodism in Europe, and of its origin and progress in Canada. | Gorrie, P. Douglass (Peter Douglass), 1813-1884. | Auburn [N.Y.]: : Derby and Miller., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Essays from the London Times. : Second series.. | Phillips, Samuel, 1814-1854. | New-York: : D. Appleton & Company, 200 Broadway., M.DCCC.LII. [1852] |
1852 | New York | To the Liberty Party of the county of Madison. : Pittsburg, August 13, 1852. I have obeyed your wishes, and attended the Pittsburg Convention. It closed its labors, last evening. ... | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Peterboro, N.Y.? : s.n., 1852] |
1852 | New York | Kossuth. Peterboro, May 25, 1852. Frederick Douglass, : My dear friend, You call, in your newspaper, for my opinions of Kossuth and his mission. ... | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Peterboro, N.Y.? : s.n., 1852] |
1852 | New York | The higher law, in its relations to civil government: : with particular reference to slavery, and the fugitive slave law. | Hosmer, William. | Auburn [N.Y.]: : Derby & Miller., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | The life, labors, and travels of Elder Charles Bowles, of the Free Will Baptist denomination, | Lewis, John W., Eld. | Watertown [N.Y.]: : Ingalls & Stowell's Steam Press., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Freedom national: slavery sectional. : Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, on his motion to repeal the Fugitive slave bill, in the Senate of the United States. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | [New York : New York Evening Post, 1852] |
1852 | New York | Episcopal Methodism, as it was, and is; : or, An account of the origin, progress, doctrines, church polity, usages, institutions, and statistics, of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. : Embracing also a sketch of the rise of Methodism in Europe, and of its origin and progress in Canada. | Gorrie, P. Douglass (Peter Douglass), 1813-1884. | Auburn [N.Y.]: : Derby and Miller., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Trial of Henry W. Allen, U.S. Deputy Marshal, for kidnapping : with arguments of counsel & charge of Justice Marvin, on the constitutionality of the fugitive slave law, in the Supreme Court of New York. | Allen, Henry W. | Syracuse : Power Press of the Daily Journal Office, 1852. |
1852 | New York | A discourse delivered before the New England Society in the City of New-York, December 22, 1851. | Hillard, George Stillman, 1808-1879. | New-York: : George F. Nesbitt and Co., printers., 1852. |
1852 | New York | Argument of George F. Comstock, Esq. in the kidnapping case at Syracuse, : upon the constitutionality of the fugitive slave law. | Comstock, George F. (George Franklin), 1811-1892. | Syracuse: : printed at the Daily Star office., 1852. |
1852 | New York | Letter on Kossuth and his mission: : addressed to Gerrit Smith, | Crandal, William L. (William Lusk) | [Syracuse, N.Y.] : Steam Power Press print, Journal office, Syracuse., [1852]. |
1852 | New York | Uncle Tom's Cabin contrasted with Buckingham Hall, the planter's home, : or, A fair view of both sides of the slavery question. | Criswell, Robert. | New-York: : Printed and published by D. Fanshaw, No. 108 Nassau-street., 1852. |
1852 | New York | Slavery and anti-slavery; : a history of the great struggle in both hemispheres; : with a view of the slavery question in the United States. | Goodell, William, 1792-1878. | New-York: : William Harned, 48 Beekman-Street., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Life at the South: or "Uncle Tom's cabin" as it is. : Being narratives, scenes, and incidents in the real "life of the lowly." | Smith, W. L. G. (William L. G.), 1814-1878. | Buffalo [N.Y.]: : Geo. H. Derby and Co., 1852. |
1852 | New York | Professor Julius Caesar Hannibal's scientific discourses. : Originally published in the New-York Picayune. | Hannibal, Julius Caesar, 1822-1857. | New-York: : Stringer and Townsend, 222 Broadway., 1852. |
1852 | New York | Africa's redemption : the salvation of our country. | Freeman, Frederick, 1799-1883. | New-York: : Printed for the author by D. Fanshaw, No. 108 Nassau-Street., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | A historical account of St. Thomas, W.I. : with its rise and progress in commerce; missions and churches; climate and its adaptation to invalids; geological structure; natural history, and botany; and incidental notices of St. Croix and St. Johns; slave insurrections in these islands; emancipation and present condition of laboring classes. | Knox, John P. | New York: : Charles Scribner, 145 Nassau Street., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | The future wealth of America : being a glance at the resources of the United States and the commercial and agricultural advantages of cultivating tea, coffee, and indigo, the date, mango, jack, leechee, guava, and orange trees, etc. With a review of the China trade | Bonynge, Francis. | New York : Published by the Author, 1852. |
1852 | New York | The fifteenth annual report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented to the General Assembly in May, 1852. | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (Old School). Board of Foreign Missions | New York: : Published for the board: at the Mission House, 23 Centre Street, 1852. |
1852 | New York | Third annual report of the governors of the Alms House, New York, for the year 1851. | New York (N.Y.). Board of Governors of the Alms-House. | New York: : Wm. C. Bryant & Co., printers, 18 Nassau Street., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Dinahs serenade : new Ethiopian melody | Corrister, W. D. cmp | New York : Firth, Pond & Co. 1 Franklin Sq. ; Buffalo : J. Sage & Son ; Springfield, Mass. : Serles & Adey, c1852. |
1852 | New York | Off for Baltimore : Ethiopian melody | Donaldson, William B., 1822-1873. cmp | New York : Published by Firth, Pond & Co. 1 Franklin Sq. ; Springfield [Mass.] : Sarles & Adey ; Buffalo [N.Y.] : Sage & Son, c1852. |
1852 | New York | Recollections of a New England bride and of a southern matron. | Gilman, Caroline Howard, 1794-1888. | New York: : G.P. Putnam & Co., 10 Park Place., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | The discussion between Rev. Joel Parker, and Rev. A. Rood, on the question "What are the evils inseparable from slavery," : which was referred to by Mrs. Stowe, in "Uncle Tom's cabin." | Parker, Joel, 1799-1873. | New York: : S. W. Benedict, 16 Spruce St. ; Philadelphia: : H. Hooker., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Man and his migrations. | Latham, R. G. (Robert Gordon), 1812-1888. | New York: : Charles B. Norton, 71 Chambers Street, Irving House., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Northwood; or, Life north and south: : showing the true character of both. | Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell, 1788-1879. | New York: : H. Long & Brother, 43 Ann-Street., [1852]. |
1852 | New York | Louisiana: : its history as a French colony. : Third series of lectures. | Gayarré, Charles, 1805-1895. | New York: : John Wiley, 167 Broadway., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Address of the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, : held in the city of New York, in the sixth month, 1852, to the professors of Christianity in the United States.. | New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. | New York: : R. Craighead, printer, 52 Vesey Street., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Our position : A sermon, preached before the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, in the Fourth Presbyterian Church in the city of Washington, May 20, 1852 | Barnes, Albert, 1798-1870. | New York : Newman & Ivison, 1852 [S.W. Benedict, print.]. |
1852 | New York | 1.--Letter from B.F. Butler to Senator Chase ... 2.--Letter from Martin Van Buren ... approving of the nominations of the Baltimore convention. 3.--Extract from a more recent letter of Mr. Van Buren ... | Butler, Benjamin F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1818-1893. | New York : Evening Post office, 1852. |
1852 | New York | Massa's in de cold ground : as sung by Christy's Minstrels | Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. | New York : Published by Firth, Pond & Co. no. 1 Franklin Sq. ; Baltimore : F.D. Benteen & Co. ; Pittsburgh : H. Kleber, c1852. |
1852 | New York | A lady's voyage round the world : a selected translation from the German of Ida Pfeiffer | Pfeiffer, Ida, 1797-1858. | New York : Harper & Brothers, 1852. |
1852 | New York | Speeches of Augustus Schell, Horatio Seymour, John A. Dix, John Van Buren, Stephen A. Douglas, John Cochrane, delivered at Washington's head quarters, Newburgh, July 6, 1852 : also, political circular of General Winfield Scott. | New York : Wm. C. Bryant & Co., [1852] |
1852 | New York | Liberté. Indépendance. Empire d'Haïti. | New York : Print. of Th. Lacombe, [1852]. |
1852 | New York | Papers for the people : To be issued weekly during the campaign, under the patronage of the entire Democratic delegation in Congress ... Saturday, July 3, 1852. | New York : Jefferson Union, 1852. |
1852 | New York | Katy Darling | New York : Published by Wm. Vanderbeek, 429 Broadway ; Philadelphia : A. Fiot ; Columbus : R. Reed ; Charleston : G. Oates ; New Orleans : H.D. Hewitt ; San Francisco : Atwill & Co. ; Oregon City : Benedict & Co., c1852. |
1852 | New York | Uncle Tom in England, or, A proof that black's white : an echo to the American "Uncle Tom." | New York : A.D. Failing, [1852] |
1852 | New York | Dinah's wedding day : the celebrated song and chorus | New York : Published by William Vanderbeek, 479 Broadway, ; Philadelphia : A. Fiot Lee & Walker ; Baltimore : F.D. Benteen & Co. ; Boston : O. Ditson Geo P. Reed, c1852. |
1852 | New York | Papers for the people : To be issued weekly during the campaign, under the patronage of the entire Democratic delegation in Congress ... Saturday, October 23, 1852. | New York : Jefferson Union, 1852. |
1852 | New York | Papers for the people. : To be issued weekly during the campaign.. | New York: : Published at the Office of the Jefferson Union, No. 115 Chambers Street., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Hush a by baby | New York : Published by Firth, Pond & Co. 1 Franklin Sq. ; Buffalo [N.Y.] : J. Sage & Son ; Cleveland : Holbrook & Long ; Chicago : B.K. Mould, c1852. |
1852 | New York | Uncle Tom in England : The London Times on Uncle Tom's Cabin : a review from the London Times of Friday, September 3d, 1852 : evils of slavery--method of its removal--danger of agitation--colonization, &c. | New York : Bunce & Brother, Publishers, 1852. |
1852 | New York | Songs for the little ones at home. | New York : American Tract Society, [1852?] |
1852 | New York | An address to the anti-slavery Christians of the United States. | New-York : Printed by John A. Gray, 1852. |
1852 | Ohio | The slave-catcher caught in the meshes of eternal law | Rand, Asa, 1783-1871. | Cleveland : Steam-press of Smead and Cowles, 1852. |
1852 | Ohio | The testimony and practice of the Presbyterian Church in reference to American slavery : with an appendix containing the position of the General Assembly (New School), Free Presbyterian Church, Reformed Presbyterian, Associate, Associate Reformed, Baptist, Protestant Episcopal, and Methodist Episcopal Churches | Robinson, John, 1814-1888. | Cincinnati : John D. Thorpe, 1852. |
1852 | Ohio | Narrative of James Williams, an American slave. | Williams, James, b. 1805. | Columbus [Ohio]: : Printed by Scott & Bascom., 1852. |
1852 | Ohio | Thompson in Africa, or An account of the missionary labors, sufferings, travels, observations, &c. of George Thompson, in Western Africa, at the Mendi Mission. | Thompson, George, d. 1893. | Cleveland [Ohio], : Printed by D.M. Ide., 1852. |
1852 | Ohio | Thoughts on the original unity of the human race ... | Caldwell, Charles, 1772-1853. | Cincinnati : published by J.A. & U.P. James, 167 Walnut Street : A.C. James, stereotyper, 167 Walnut St, Cincinnati, 1852, c1851. |
1852 | Ohio | An inquiry into scriptural and ancient servitude, : in which it is shown that neither was chattel slavery; with the remedy for American slavery. | Smith, E. (Edward) | Mansfield, Ohio: : Published by the author at the Western Branch Book Concern of the Weslyan Methodist Connection of America., 1852. |
1852 | Ohio | Examination of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, in the case of Strader, Gorman and Armstrong vs. Christopher Graham : delivered at its December term, 1850: concluding with an address to the free colored people, advising them to remove to Liberia | Birney, James Gillespie, 1792-1857. | Cincinnati : Truman & Spofford, publishers, 111 Main Street. Ben Franklin office print, Walnut St., 1852. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | The North and South : or, slavery and its contrasts : a tale of real life | Rush, Caroline E. | Philadelphia : Published for the author by Crissy & Markley, 1852. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Letters on the condition of the African race in the United States | Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, Mrs. | Philadelphia : T.K. and P.G. Collins, printers, 1852. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Marcus Warland; or, The long moss spring. : A tale of the South. | Hentz, Caroline Lee, 1800-1856. | Philadelphia: : T.B. Peterson and Brothers, 306 Chestnut Street., [not before 1858] |
1852 | Pennsylvania | The classification of mankind, by the hair and wool of their heads : with the nomenclature of human hybrids | Browne, Peter A. (Peter Arrell), 1782-1860. | Philadelphia : J.H. Jones, printer, No. 34 Carter's Alley, 1852. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Eighteenth annual report of the Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society.. | Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society. | Philadelphia: : Merrihew & Thompson, printers, no. 7 Carter's Alley., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Addresses delivered in the hall of the House of Representatives, Harrisburg, Pa. on Tuesday evening, April 6, 1852 | Pettit, William V. | Philadelphia : Printed by W. E. Geddes, 1852. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | The cabin and parlor : or, Slaves and masters /By J. Thornton Randolph. Embellished with magnificent illustrations. From original designs by Stephens, engraved by Beeler. | Peterson, Charles J. (Charles Jacobs), 1819-1887. | Philadelphia : T. B. Peterson, [c1852] [Stereotyped by George Charles. Printed by King & Baird] |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Report of the trial of Castner Hanway for treason, in the resistance of the execution of the fugitive slave law of September, 1850. : Before Judges Grier and Kane, in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Held at Philadelphia in November and December, 1851 : To which is added an appendix, containing the laws of the United States on the subject of fugitives from labor, the charges of Judge Kane to the grand juries in relation thereto, and a statement of the points of law decided by the court during the trial. | Hanway, Castner, 1821-1893 defendant. | Philadelphia: : King & Baird no. 9 Sansom Street., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Aunt Phillis's cabin; or, Southern life as it is. | Eastman, Mary H. (Mary Henderson), 1818-1887. | Philadelphia: : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Fifteenth annual report, presented to the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society, by its Executive Committee, October 25, 1852. : With the Proceedings of the annual meeting.. | Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society. | Philadelphia: : Anti Slavery Office, 31 North Fifth Street. ; Merrihew & Thompson, printers., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | A history of the trial of Castner Hanway and others, for treason, : at Philadelphia in November, 1851. With an introduction upon the history of the slave question. | Member of the Philadelphia bar. | Philadelphia: : Uriah Hunt & Sons, no. 44 North Fourth Streets., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | The milliner and the millionaire. | Hicks, Rebecca. | Philadelphia: : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1852. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | The history of Virginia, from its earliest settlement to the present time | Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885. | Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1852 [Stereotyped by L. Johnson and Co.; Printed by T.K. and P.G. Collins] |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Africa's redemption : a discourse on African colonization in its missionary aspects, and in its relation to slavery and abolition : preached on Sabbath morning, July 4th, 1852, in the Seventh Presbyterian Church, Penn Square, Philadelphia | Ruffner, William Henry, 1824-1908. | Philadelphia : William S. Martien, 1852. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | An address to the members of the Yearly Meeting of Philadelphia.. | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Meeting for Sufferings | Philadelphia: : Merrihew & Thompson, printers, no. 7 Carter's Alley., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | The sixteenth annual report of the Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans. | Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans (Cheyney, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : Joseph Rakestraw, printer., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Minutes of the Ohio Annual Conference, of the African M.E. Church : held in Cincinnatti [sic], Ohio, from August 6, to the 18, 1852. | African Methodist Episcopal Church. Ohio Conference (22nd : 1852 : Cincinnati, Ohio) | [Pittsburgh, Pa.] : A.R. Green, publisher. Pittsburgh: printed at the "Christian Herald" office, 1852. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Twenty-third annual report of the inspectors of the Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. : Transmitted to the Senate and House of Representatives, February, 1852.. | Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: : B. Mifflin, printer, no. 63 Walnut Street., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Speech of the Hon. James Cooper, in the case of the United States v. Castner Hanway, for treason. : Reported by the official reporters appointed by the court.. | Cooper, James, 1810-1863. | Philadelphia: : King & Baird, no. 9 Sansom Street., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | A manual of religious instruction, specially intended for the oral teaching of colored persons, but adapted to general use in families and schools. | Hoff, John F. (John Francis), 1814-1881. | Philadelphia: : King & Baird, printers, no. 9 Sansom Street., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | The cabin and parlor : or, Slaves and masters /By J. Thornton Randolph. Embellished with magnificent illustrations. From original designs by Stephens, engraved by Beeler. | Randolph, J. Thornton, 1819-1887. | Philadelphia : T. B. Peterson, [c1852] [Stereotyped by George Charles. Printed by King & Baird] |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Life in the South. : A companion to Uncle Tom's cabin. | Wiley, Calvin Henderson, 1819-1887. | Philadelphia: : T. B. Peterson no. 98 Chestnut Street., [1852] |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Brudder Bones' trip to the world's fair. : As sung by W. Chambers, the great bone player. | [Philadelphia] : Harris, printer, Fourth & Vine, [between 1852 and 1862?] |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Free soil, free speech, free labor, and free men.. | [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1852] |
1852 | Pennsylvania | The Democratic text-book, : containing the lives of Pierce and King, with illustrations of the Whig and Democratic principles and candidates. | Philadelphia: : Printed by James Fullerton, 51 S. Third Street, and sold at the offices of the Pennsylvanian ... and Evening Argus ... , [1852?] |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Friendship's offering: : a Christmas, New Year, and birthday present, for MDCCCLII. | Philadelphia: : Published by E.H. Butler & Co., 1852 [i.e. 1851]. |
1852 | Scotland | Scenes and adventures in Central America | Sealsfield, Charles, 1793-1864. | [Edinburgh] : William Blackwood and Sons Edinburgh and London, MDCCCLII [1852]. |
1852 | Scotland | Case of the British West Indies stated. | West India Association (Glasgow, Scotland) | Glasgow: : printed by the Glasgow Courier Company., 1852.. |
1852 | South Africa | The Kat River Settlement in 1851 : described in a series of letters published in "The South African Commercial Advertiser" | Read, James, Jr. | Cape Town : A.S. Robertson, 1852 |
1852 | South Carolina | The pro-slavery argument; : as maintained by the most distinguished writers of the Southern States, containing the several essays, on the subject, of Chancellor Harper, Governor Hammond, Dr. Simms, and Professor Dew.. | Charleston: : Walker, Richards & Co., l852.. |
1852 | United States | Sketches of the lives of Franklin Pierce and Wm. R. King, : candidates of the Democratic Republican Party for the presidency and vice presidency of the United States. | Democratic National Committee (U.S.) | [United States : s.n., 1852.] |
1852 | United States | Speech of Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois, : delivered in Richmond, Virginia, July 9, 1852. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | [United States : s.n., 1852?] |
1852 | United States | Commercial conventions, direct trade : --a chance for the South. | Maury, Matthew Fontaine, 1806-1873. | [United States : s.n., 1852?] |
1852 | United States | Southern opinions of Scott and Pierce. | [United States : s.n., 1852?] |
1852 | United States | The Contrast; : The Whig and Democratic platforms-the Whig and Democratic candidates for the Presidency. | [United States : s.n., 1852] |
1852 | Virginia | Acts of the General Assembly of the state of Virginia, passed in 1852, in the seventy-sixth year of the Commonwealth. | Virginia. | Richmond : William F. Ritchie, 1852. |
1852 | Virginia | Thomas Ritchie's letter : containing reminiscences of Henry Clay and the compromise. | Ritchie, Thomas, 1778-1854. | [Richmond? : s.n., 1852] |
1852 | Virginia | The Richmond directory and business advertiser, for 1852. : Containing the names, residences, occupations and places of business of the inhabitants of Richmond: also, a variety of other information, necessary and useful: | Montague's Richmond directory and business advertiser. 1852. | Richmond [Va.]: : For sale at the bookstores of A. Morris, Nash & Woodhouse, J.W. Randolph, Harrold & Murray, Thos. H. Gresham Geo. M. West & Bro. and R.D. Sanxay. J.W. Woods, printer, Balt., [1852] |
1852 | Virginia | The southern view of "Uncle Tom's cabin." : From the Southern literary messenger. | Thompson, John Reuben, 1823-1873. | [Richmond, Va.? : s.n., 1852?] |
1853 | Alabama | Montgomery, [blank]. [Blank] bought of Coster & Coxe, chemists and druggists, and dealers in paints, oils, and window glass, instruments, perfumery, and patent medicines, wines, teas, spices, vinegar, garden seeds, &c. Chemicals, such as calomel, blue pill, &c.; powders, such as ipecac, rhubarb, &c.; as well as extracts, and all the nicer and more delicate preparations are procured from first hands, who are responsible to us for purity and strength, or are prepared by ourselves.. | Coster & Coxe. | [Montgomery, Ala.? : s.n., 1853?] |
1853 | Connecticut | Mexico Aztec, Spanish and republican: : a historical, geographical, political, statistical and social account of that country from the period of the invasion by the Spaniards to the present time; : with a view of the ancient Aztec empire and civilization; : a historical sketch of the late war; : and notices of New Mexico and California. | Mayer, Brantz, 1809-1879. | Hartford: : S. Drake and Company., MDCCCLIII [1853].. |
1853 | District of Columbia | Freedom national; slavery sectional. : Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, on his motion to repeal the Fugitive slave bill, in the Senate of the United States, August 26, 1852. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | Washington [D.C.]: : Buell & Blanchard., 1853. |
1853 | District of Columbia | Selections from the private correspondence of James Madison, from 1813 to 1836.. | Madison, James, 1751-1836. | Washington: : Published by J.C. McGuire, exclusively for private distribution., MDCCCLIII. [1853] |
1853 | District of Columbia | Speech of Gerrit Smith, in Congress, on the reference of the President's message. : December 20, 1853. | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1853. |
1853 | District of Columbia | The Clayton Bulwer Treaty. : Speeches of Senator Douglas, in reply to Senators Clayton and Butler, on the Central American treaty. : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 10 & 17, 1853. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | Washington: : printed by Lemuel Towers., 1853. |
1853 | District of Columbia | Negroes and negro slavery. | Van Evrie, John H., 1814-1896. | [Washington, D.C.] : C. Alexander, printer, Washington, D.C.--, 1853.. |
1853 | District of Columbia | Facts for the people. | Facts for the people (Washington, D.C.) | Washington, D.C. : G. Bailey, 1853-1856. |
1853 | District of Columbia | Manuel Pereira : or, The sovereign rule of South Carolina. With views of southern laws, life, and hospitality | Adams, F. Colburn (Francis Colburn) | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, 1853. |
1853 | District of Columbia | Address of the Hon. Edward Everett, secretary of state : at the anniversary of the Am. Col. Society, 18th Jan., 1853. | Everett, Edward, 1794-1865. | [Washington? : s.n.], [1853] |
1853 | District of Columbia | Thirty-sixth annual report of the American Colonization Society : with the proceedings of the board of directors and of the society; and the addresses delivered at the annual meeting, January 18, 1853. | American Colonization Society. | Washington : C. Alexander, printer, 1853. |
1853 | District of Columbia | The Past and present--freedom national, slavery sectional : A document for the people. Contents. 1.--Declaration of Independence, and the names of the signers. 2.--Constitution of the United States, and the amendments. 3.--The Fugitive slave law of 1850. 4.--Democratic platform, adopted at Baltimore, June, 1852. 5.--Whig platform, adopted at Baltimore, June, 1852. 6.--Independent Democratic platform, adopted at Pittsburgh, Aug., 1852. And 7.--Speech of Honorable Charles Sumner, on his motion to repeal the Fugitive slave bill. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1853. |
1853 | England | Narrative of the life of James Watkins, formerly a slave in Maryland, U.S. : containing an account of his escape from slavery, with notices of the fugitive slave law, the sentiments of American divines on the subject of slavery, and the labours of the fugitive in England, etc., etc. | Watkins, James, b. 1821? | Birmingham : W. Watton, and Co., 1853. |
1853 | England | Narrative of a recent visit to Brazil | Candler, John, 1787-1869. | London : Edward Marsh, Friends' Book and Tract Depository, 84, Houndsditch, : E. Newman, printer, 9, Devonshire Street, Bishopsgate, 1853. |
1853 | England | The forty-ninth report of the British and Foreign Bible Society; M.DCCC.LIII. : with an appendix and a list of subscribers and benefactors. | British and Foreign Bible Society. | London : printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill : sold at the society's house, Earl Street, Blackfriars; and by all booksellers in the United Kingdom, 1853. |
1853 | England | The life of Toussaint L'Ouverture, the Negro patriot of Hayti : comprising an account of the struggle for liberty in the island, and a sketch of its history to the present period | Beard, J. R. (John Relly), 1800-1876. | London : Ingram, Cooke, and Co.; and sold by all booksellers, 1853 [Savill and Edwards, Printers] |
1853 | England | The homes of the new world : impressions of America | Bremer, Fredrika, 1801-1865. | London : Arthur Hall, Virtue, & Co. 25, Paternoster Row ; London : Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars, 1853. |
1853 | England | The colonial policy of Lord John Russell's administration. | Grey, Henry George Grey, Earl, 1802-1894. | London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street ... , 1853.. |
1853 | England | The American prejudice against color. : An authentic narrative, showing how easily the nation got into an uproar. | Allen, William G., fl. 1849-1853. | London: : W. and F.G. Cash, 5, Bishopsgate-Street-Without. ; Edinburgh: : John Menzies. ; Dublin: : James Mc.Glashan and J.B. Gilpin., 1853.. |
1853 | England | Travels in South and North America. | Marjoribanks, Alexander. | London: : Simpkin, Marshall, and Company. ; [New York] : D. Appleton and Co., 200 Broadway, New York., 1853.. |
1853 | England | An Englishwoman's experience in America. | Finch, Marianne. | London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street. Publisher in ordinary to her Majesty., 1853.. |
1853 | England | The British West India colonies in connection with slavery, emancipation, etc. | Campbell, Mrs. | London : Thomas Bosworth, 215, Regent Street : G.J. Palmer, Savoy Street, Strand, 1853. |
1853 | England | Uncle Tom's cabin, Bleak house, Slavery and slave trade. : Seven articles | Denman, Thomas Denman, Baron, 1779-1854. | London: : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. : Spottiswoodes and Shaw, New-Street-Square., 1853. |
1853 | England | Narrative of a mission to Central Africa : performed in the years 1850-51 : under the orders and at the expense of her majesty's government | Richardson, James, 1806-1851. | London : Chapman and Hall, 1853. |
1853 | England | The key to Uncle Tom's cabin; : presenting the original facts and documents upon which the story is founded. Together with corroborative statements verifying the truth of the work. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | London: : Clarke, Beeton, and Co., 148 Fleet Street; and Thomas Bosworth, Regent Street., [1853?] |
1853 | England | Five hundred thousand strokes for freedom : A series of anti-slavery tracts, of which half a million | Armistead, Wilson, 1819?-1868 ed. | London : W. & F. Cash, William Tweedie, and may be had of all booksellers, 1853. |
1853 | England | The isthmus of Darien in 1852. : Journal of the expedition of inquiry for the junction of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. | Gisborne, Lionel. | London: : Saunders and Stanford, 6, Charing Cross., 1853.. |
1853 | England | Free blacks and slaves : Would immediate abolition be a blessing? A letter to the editor of the Anti-slavery advocate | Bright, Henry Arthur, 1830-1884. | London : Arthur Hall Virtue & Co. ; Liverpool : Deighton & Laughton, 1853. [George M'Corquodale & Co., Printers] |
1853 | England | The garland of freedom : a collection of poems, chiefly anti-slavery | Armistead, Wilson, 1819?-1868 ed. | London : W. and F.G. Cash; William Tweedie, 1853 [Glasgow : W.G. Blackie and Co., printers]. |
1853 | England | British Guiana : Demerara after fifteen years of freedom | Landowner. | London : T. Bosworth, 1853. (Mary S. Rickerby, Printer) |
1853 | England | A reproof of the American church on the subject of slavery | Wilberforce, Samuel, 1805-1873. | London : William Tweedle, 1853. |
1853 | England | Forty-eighth report of the British and Foreign School Society. | British and Foreign School Society. | London : printed by J. & W. Rider, 14, Bartholomew Close, 1853. |
1853 | England | Eighteen years on the Gold Coast of Africa, : including an account of the native tribes, and their intercourse with Europeans. | Cruickshank, Brodie. | London: : Hurst and Blackett, publishers, successors to Henry Colburn, 13, Great Marlborough Street. : Printed by Schulze and Co., 13, Poland Street., 1853. |
1853 | England | Sugar-trade & slave-trade. : The West-India question considered. | Lendrick, William Edmonstone. | London : Saunders and Otley, Conduit Street., 1853.. |
1853 | England | A ?Cloud of witnesses? against slavery and oppression : Containing the acts, opinions, and sentiments of individuals and societies in all ages. Selected from various sources, and for the most part chronologically arranged | Armistead, Wilson, 1819?-1868. | London : William Tweedie; W. and F.G. Cash, 1853 [Glasgow : W.G. Blackie and Co., printers]. |
1853 | England | Kaffraria, and its inhabitants. | Flemyng, Francis Patrick. | London: : Smith, Elder, and Co., 65 Cornhill. ; Norwich: : T. Priest. ; Bombay: : Smith, Taylor, and Co., MDCCCLIII. [1853] |
1853 | England | Abbeokuta; or, Sunrise within the tropics: : an outline of the origin and progress of the Yoruba mission. | Tucker, S. (Sarah), d. ca. 1859. | London: : James Nisbet and Co., Berners Street., 1853. |
1853 | England | The narrative of an explorer in tropical South Africa. | Galton, Francis, Sir, 1822-1911. | London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1853.. |
1853 | England | Occasional discourse on the Nigger question | Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. | London : Thomas Bosworth, 215 Regent Street : G.J. Palmer, Savoy Street, Strand, 1853. |
1853 | England | Campaigning in Kaffirland or Scenes and adventures in the Kaffir war of 1851-2. | King, William Ross, 1822-1890. | London : Saunders and Otley, Conduit Street., 1853.. |
1853 | England | Life in Abyssinia : being notes collected during three years' residence and travels in that country | Parkyns, Mansfield, 1823-1894. | London : J. Murray, 1853. |
1853 | England | A brief notice of American slavery, and the abolition movement. | Estlin, J. B. (John Bishop), 1785-1855. | London: : William Tweedie, 337, Strand; W. and F.G. Cash, 5, Bishopsgate Street, Without ; Bristol: : H.C. Evans, 29, Clare Street; ; Dublin: : Richard D. Webb., [1853] |
1853 | England | The history of Uncle Tom's countrymen; : with a description of their sufferings in the capture, the voyage, and the field. | Humanity. | Manchester: : printed and published by J,J. Sale. J, Spring Gardens, and sold by all booksellers, 1853.. |
1852 | England | Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of America, : during the years 1799-1804. | Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859. | London: : Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden., 1852-1853.. |
1852 | England | The dorp and the veld; or, Six months in Natal | Barter, Charles, d. 1859. | London : William S. Orr and Co., 1852. |
1852 | England | Sketches of Brazil; : including new views on tropical and European fever, with remarks on a premature decay of the system incident to Europeans on their return from hot climates. | Dundas, Robert. | London: : John Churchill, Princes Street, Soho. : C. Richards, 100 St. Martin's Lane., MDCCCLII. [1852]. |
1852 | England | Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; : delivered at the anniversary meeting on the 24th May, 1852. Preceded by observations on presenting the royal medals of the year. | Murchison, Roderick Impey, Sir, 1792-1871. | London: : Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street., 1852.. |
1852 | England | Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of America, : during the years 1799-1804. | Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859. | London: : Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden., 1852-1853.. |
1852 | England | Rambles and scrambles in North and South America. | Sullivan, Edward Robert, Sir, 1826-1899. | London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, publisher in ordinary to Her Majesty., 1852. |
1852 | England | The white slave: or, Memoirs of a fugitive. : A story of slave life in Virginia, etc. | Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. | London: : Ingram, Cooke, & Co., 227, Strand., MDCCCLII. [1852] |
1852 | England | Narrative of an exploratory tour to the north-east of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope | Arbousset, Thomas, 1810-1877. | London : John C. Bishop; George & Robert King, Aberdeen, 1852 [Aberdeen : Geo. Cornwall, printer]. |
1852 | England | Some account of the last yellow fever epidemic of British Guiana | Blair, Daniel. | London : Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1852. (Spottiswoodes and Shaw) |
1852 | England | Inner Africa laid open, : in an attempt to trace the chief lines of communication across that continent south of the equator: : with the routes to the Muropue and the Cazembe, Moenemoezi and Lake Nyassa; the journeys of the Rev. Dr. Krapf and the Rev. J. Rebmann on the eastern coast, and the discoveries of Messrs. Oswell and Livingstone in the heart of the continent. | Cooley, William Desborough, d. 1883. | London: : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans : Spottiswoode and Shaw, New-street-Square, 1852. |
1852 | England | The wild sports of southern Africa; : being the narrative of a hunting expedition from the Cape of Good Hope, through the territories of the chief Moselekatse, to the Tropic of Capricorn. | Harris, William Cornwallis, Sir, 1807-1848. | London: : Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden., 1852.. |
1852 | England | Three years in Europe; or, Places I have seen and people I have met | Brown, William Wells, 1814?-1884. | London : Charles Gilpin, 5, Bishopsgate Street, Without ; Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd ; Ayr : printed at the Advertiser office, 1852. |
1852 | England | An examination of the charges of Mr. John Scoble & Mr. Lewis Tappan against the American Anti-Slavery Society | Quincy, Edmund, 1808-1877. | London : Whitfield, 1852. |
1852 | England | Uncle Tom's cabin. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | London: : John Cassell, Ludgate Hill., 1852. |
1852 | England | Uncle Tom's cabin or Life among the lowly. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | London: : Thomas Bosworth, 215 Regent Street., 1852. |
1852 | England | Special report of the Bristol and Clifton Ladies' Anti-slavery Society : during eighteen months, from January 1851 to June, 1852 : with a statement of the reasons of its separation from the British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society. | Bristol and Clifton Ladies' Anti-slavery Society. | London : John Snow, Paternoster-Row ; Bristol : W. Whereat, Corn-St., 1852. |
1852 | England | Memoirs of the lives of Robert Haldane of Airthrey, and of his brother, James Alexander Haldane. | Haldane, Alexander, 1800-1882. | London: : Hamilton, Adams, and Co., Paternoster-Row; and W. Whyte and Co., Edinburgh., 1852.. |
1852 | England | The cabin book, or, national characteristics | Sealsfield, Charles, 1793-1864. | London : Ingram, Cooke, 1852. |
1852 | England | Uncle Tom's companions: : or, Facts stranger than fiction. : A supplement to Uncle Tom's cabin: being startling incidents in the lives of celebrated fugitive slaves. | Edwards, J. Passmore. | London: : Edwards and Co., 2, Horseshoe Court Ludgate-Hill : T.C. Johns, printer, Wine Office Court, Fleet Street., MDCCCLII. [1852] |
1852 | England | A young traveller's journal of a tour in North and South America during the year 1850 | Welby, Victoria, Lady, 1837-1912. | London : T. Bosworth, 1852. |
1852 | England | America as I found it. | Duncan, Mary Grey Lundie. | London: : James Nisbet and Co., 21 Berners Street. ; [Edinburgh] : Ballantyne, printer, Edinburgh., MDCCCLII. [1852]. |
1852 | England | Opinions and policy of the Right Honourable Viscount Palmerston, G.C.B., M.P., &c. : as minister, diplomatist, and statesman, during more than forty years of public life. | Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Viscount, 1784-1865. | London: : Colburn and Co., publishers, Great Marlborough Street., 1852. |
1852 | England | The Isthmus of Darien ship canal. | Cullen, Dr. | London: : Effingham Wilson, Publisher, 11, Royal Exchange., 1852. |
1852 | England | African wanderings, or, An expedition from Sennaar to Taka, Basa, and Beni-Amer, : with a particular glance at the races of Bellad Sudan. | Werne, Ferdinand. | London: : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans., 1852.. |
1852 | England | The Cape and the Kafirs, or, Notes of five years' residence in South Africa | Cole, Alfred W. (Alfred Whaley) | London : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street : Printed by Samuel Bentley & Co., Bangor House, Shoe Lane, 1852. |
1852 | England | Five years' residence in the West Indies. | Day, Charles William. | London: : Colburn and Co., publishers, Great Marlborough Street., 1852. |
1852 | England | Topsy, or The Slave girl's appeal : to the visitors and patrons of the Anti-slavery Bazaar, held in Boston, U.S., in December, 1852. | [Bolton, England] : Kenyon and Abbatt, printers, Bolton., [1852] |
1852 | England | Uncle Tom in England; or, A proof that black's white. : An echo to the American "Uncle Tom.". | London: : Houlston and Stoneman, Paternoster-Row J. Bennett, 69, Fleet-Street., 1852.. |
1852 | England | Things to come : a prophetic ode. | London: : Thomas Bosworth, Regent Street., 1852. |
1852 | Germany | Kritische Untersuchungen über die historische Entwickelung der geographischen Kenntnisse von der Neuen Welt : und die Fortschritte der nautischen Astronomie in dem 15ten und 16ten Jahrhundert | Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859. | Berlin. : Verlag der Nicolai'schen Buchhhandlung., 1852.. |
1852 | Germany | Uncle Tom's cabin : with a new preface expressly written for this edition, authorized for the continent of Europe. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Leipzig : Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1852. |
1852 | Germany | Uncle Tom's cabin : with a new preface expressly written for this edition, authorized for the continent of Europe. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Leipzig : Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1852. |
1852 | India | Rough notes of a trip to Reunion, the Mauritius and Ceylon; : with remarks on their eligibility as sanitaria for Indian invalids. | Mouat, Frederic J. (Frederic John), 1816-1897. | Calcutta: : Thacker, Spink and Co. ; London: : W. Thacker and Co.- ; Bombay: : Thacker and Co., 1852.. |
1852 | Ireland | The national anti-slavery societies in England and the United States, or, Strictures on "A reply to certain charges brought against the American and Foreign Anti-slavery Society, by Lewis Tappan of New York, with a preface, by John Scoble of London | Webb, Richard Davis, 1805-1872. | Dublin : Charles Hedgelong, 1852. |
1852 | Louisiana | The consolidation and revision of the statutes of the state, of a general nature | Louisiana. | New Orleans. : Printed at the Bee Office., 1852.. |
1852 | Louisiana | The industrial resources, etc., of the Southern and Western states : embracing a view of their commerce, agriculture, manufactures, internal improvements; slave and free labor, slavery institutions, products, etc., of the South, together with historical and statistical sketches of the different states and cities of the Union ... with an appendix. In three volumes | De Bow, J. D. B. (James Dunwoody Brownson), 1820-1867. | New Orleans ; New York ; Charleston : Published at the office of De Bow's Review, 1852-53. [Pudney & Russell, Printers] |
1852 | Maine | Proceedings of the Maine Convention of Universalists : held at Belfast, June 22d, 23d and 24th, 1852 : including the Sabbath School Secretary's report, together with the Transactions of the Missionary, Educational and Tract Societies, for the year ending June, 1852. | Maine Universalist Convention. | Augusta [Me.] : Homan & Manley, 1852. |
1852 | Maryland | Colonization and abolition. : An address delivered by John H.B. Latrobe, of Maryland, at the anniversary meeting of the New York State Colonization Society, held in Metropolitan Hall, May 13th, 1852.. | Latrobe, John H. B. (John Hazlehurst Boneval), 1803-1891. | Baltimore: : Printed by John D. Toy., 1852.. |
1852 | Maryland | Report of the select committee appointed to consider so much of the Governor's message as relates to the murder of Edward Gorsuch, and the trial of the treason case in Philadelphia.. | Maryland. General Assembly. House of Delegates | [Annapolis? : s.n., 1852] |
1852 | Maryland | Report of Attorney General Brent, to His Excellency, Gov. Lowe, in relation to the Christiana treason trials : in the Circuit Court of the United States, held at Philadelphia. | Maryland. Attorney General's Office | Annapolis [Md.] : Thomas E. Martin, printer, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Journal of a voyage from Boston to the west coast of Africa : with a full description of the manner of trading with the natives on the coast | Carnes, J. A. (Joshua A.) | Boston : Published by John P. Jewett & Co. ; Cleveland, Ohio : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington ; Concord, N.H. : Tripp and Osgood, printers, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Letter to Louis Kossuth, concerning freedom and slavery in the United States.... | American Anti-Slavery Society. | Boston : Published by R. F. Wallcut for the American Anti-slavery Society, 1852. (George C. Rand, Printer) |
1852 | Massachusetts | The history and topography of the United States of North America, : brought down from the earliest period; comprising political and biographical history; geography, geology, mineralogy, zoology, and botany; agriculture, manufactures, and commerce; laws, manners, customs, and religion; with a topographical description of the cities, towns, sea-ports, public edifices, canals, &c. &c. | Hinton, John Howard, 1791-1873. | Boston: : Printed and published by Samuel Walker., 1852.. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Selections from the writings and speeches of William Lloyd Garrison. : With an appendix.. | Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879. | Boston: : R.F. Wallcut, 21 Cornhill., 1852.. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Speeches before the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, January, 1852 | Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884. | Boston : R. F. Wallcut, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | The institution of slavery. : Speech of Hon. Horace Mann, of Massachusetts, on the institution of slavery, delivered in the U.S. House of Representatives, August 17, 1852.. | Mann, Horace, 1796-1859. | Boston: : Charles List & Co., Commonwealth Office, 60 Washington Street, corner of State Street., 1852.. |
1852 | Massachusetts | The district school as it was, Scenery showing, and other writings | Burton, Warren, 1800-1866. | Boston : Press of T. R. Marvin, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Twentieth annual report, presented to the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, by its Board of Managers, January 28, 1852. : With an appendix.. | Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. | Boston: : Printed by Prentiss & Sawyer, No. 11 Devonshire Street., 1852.. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Uncle Tom's cabin; or, Life among the lowly. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Boston, John P. Jewett & company; Cleveland, Jewett, Proctor & Worthington, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | An address before the Salem Female Anti-Slavery Society, at its annual meeting, December 7, 1851. | Stone, Thomas T. (Thomas Treadwell), 1801-1895. | Salem [Mass.]: : William Ives and Co., printers....Observer Office., 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | The white slave; or, Memoirs of a fugitive.. | Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. | Boston: : Tappan and Whittemore, 114 Washington Street., 1852.. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Second annual report of the Trustees of Donations for Education in Liberia : Presented at the annual meeting, January 14, 1852. | Trustees of Donations for Education in Liberia. | Boston : press of T.R. Marvin, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | A pilgrimage to Egypt, : embracing a diary of explorations on the Nile; with observations illustrative of the manners, customs, and institutions of the people, and of the present condition of the antiquities and ruins. With numerous engravings. | Smith, Jerome Van Crowninshield, 1800-1879. | Boston: : Gould and Lincoln, 59 Washington Street., 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Life of Franklin Pierce. | Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864. | Boston: : Ticknor, Reed, and Fields., MDCCCLII. [1852] |
1852 | Massachusetts | Slavery in the southern states | Pringle, Edward J. | Cambridge [Mass.] : John Bartlett, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Freedom national; slavery sectional. : Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, on his motion to repeal the Fugitive slave bill, in the Senate of the United States, August 26, 1852. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | Boston: : Ticknor, Reed, and Fields., 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | A Chapter of American history : Five years' progress of the slave power; a series of papers first published in the Boston "Commonwealth," in July, August, and September, 1851. | Palfrey, John Gorham, 1796-1881. | Boston : Benjamin B. Mussey and Company, 1852 [Cambridge : Metcalf and Company, Printers to the university] |
1852 | Massachusetts | Services of colored Americans, in the wars of 1776 and 1812. | Nell, William C. (William Cooper), 1816-1874. | Boston: : Published by Robert F. Wallcut, No. 21 Cornhill., 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Uncle Tom's cabin: or, Life among the lowly | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Boston : John P. Jewett and Company ; Cleveland, Ohio : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington, 1852, [c1851] [Boston : Stereotyped by Hobart & Robbins, New England Stereotype Foundry. Printed by Geo. C. Rand] |
1852 | Massachusetts | Addresses and speeches on various occasions | Winthrop, Robert C. (Robert Charles), 1809-1894. | Boston : Little, Brown, and Company, 1852-86. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Address to the Democratic electors of Massachusetts, from the State Committee appointed by the Democratic state convention at Fitchburg, opposed to a coalition with Free Soilers. | Democratic Party (Mass.). State Committee | [Boston] : J.N. Bang, pr., 61 Cornhill., [1852] |
1852 | Massachusetts | Little Eva : Uncle Tom's guardian angel | Emilio, Manuel. cmp | Boston : Published by John P. Jewett & Company ; Cleveland, Ohio : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Speeches of Messrs. Hayne and Webster in the United States Senate, on the resolution of Mr. Foot, January, 1830. | Hayne, Robert Young, 1791-1839. | Boston: : Redding and Company., 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Report of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, presented at the forty-third annual meeting : held in Troy, New York, Sept. 7-10, 1852. | American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. | Boston : Press of T.R. Marvin, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Uncle Tom's cabin; or, Life among the lowly. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Boston: : John P. Jewett & Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington., 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Six years in a Georgia prison : narrative of Lewis W. Paine, who suffered imprisonment six years in Georgia, for the crime of aiding the escape of a fellow-man from that state, after he had fled from slavery | Paine, Lewis W., b. 1819. | Boston : Bela Marsh, 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Uncle Tom's cabin; or, Life among the lowly. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Boston: : John P. Jewett & Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington., 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | Uncle Tom's cabin; or, Life among the lowly. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Boston: : John P. Jewett & Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington., 1852. |
1852 | Massachusetts | The Liberty bell | Boston : National Anti-Slavery Bazaar, 1852 ; [Prentiss and Sawyer, printers]. |
1852 | Mississippi | Studies on slavery, in easy lessons. | Fletcher, John, 1791-1862. | Natchez [Miss.]: : Published by Jackson Warner. ; Charleston: : McCarter & Allen. ; New Orleans: : John Ball. ; Philadelphia: : Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co., 1852.. |
1852 | Mississippi | Studies on slavery, in easy lessons. | Fletcher, John, 1791-1862. | Natchez [Miss.]: : published by Jackson Warner., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Oration delivered in Corinthian Hall, Rochester | Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895. | Rochester : printed by Lee, Mann & Co., 1852. |
1852 | New York | The laws of human progress and modern reforms. : A lecture delivered before the Mercantile Library Association of the City of New-York. | Dewey, Orville, 1794-1882. | New-York: : C.S. Francis & Company, 252 Broadway. ; Boston: : Crosby & Nichols. ; [New York] : John F. Trow, printer, 49 Ann-St., New-York., 1852. |
1852 | New York | Episcopal Methodism, as it was, and is; : or, An account of the origin, progress, doctrines, church polity, usages, institutions, and statistics, of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. : Embracing also a sketch of the rise of Methodism in Europe, and of its origin and progress in Canada. | Gorrie, P. Douglass (Peter Douglass), 1813-1884. | Auburn [N.Y.]: : Derby and Miller., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Essays from the London Times. : Second series.. | Phillips, Samuel, 1814-1854. | New-York: : D. Appleton & Company, 200 Broadway., M.DCCC.LII. [1852] |
1852 | New York | To the Liberty Party of the county of Madison. : Pittsburg, August 13, 1852. I have obeyed your wishes, and attended the Pittsburg Convention. It closed its labors, last evening. ... | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Peterboro, N.Y.? : s.n., 1852] |
1852 | New York | Kossuth. Peterboro, May 25, 1852. Frederick Douglass, : My dear friend, You call, in your newspaper, for my opinions of Kossuth and his mission. ... | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Peterboro, N.Y.? : s.n., 1852] |
1852 | New York | The higher law, in its relations to civil government: : with particular reference to slavery, and the fugitive slave law. | Hosmer, William. | Auburn [N.Y.]: : Derby & Miller., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | The life, labors, and travels of Elder Charles Bowles, of the Free Will Baptist denomination, | Lewis, John W., Eld. | Watertown [N.Y.]: : Ingalls & Stowell's Steam Press., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Freedom national: slavery sectional. : Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, on his motion to repeal the Fugitive slave bill, in the Senate of the United States. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | [New York : New York Evening Post, 1852] |
1852 | New York | Episcopal Methodism, as it was, and is; : or, An account of the origin, progress, doctrines, church polity, usages, institutions, and statistics, of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. : Embracing also a sketch of the rise of Methodism in Europe, and of its origin and progress in Canada. | Gorrie, P. Douglass (Peter Douglass), 1813-1884. | Auburn [N.Y.]: : Derby and Miller., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Trial of Henry W. Allen, U.S. Deputy Marshal, for kidnapping : with arguments of counsel & charge of Justice Marvin, on the constitutionality of the fugitive slave law, in the Supreme Court of New York. | Allen, Henry W. | Syracuse : Power Press of the Daily Journal Office, 1852. |
1852 | New York | A discourse delivered before the New England Society in the City of New-York, December 22, 1851. | Hillard, George Stillman, 1808-1879. | New-York: : George F. Nesbitt and Co., printers., 1852. |
1852 | New York | Argument of George F. Comstock, Esq. in the kidnapping case at Syracuse, : upon the constitutionality of the fugitive slave law. | Comstock, George F. (George Franklin), 1811-1892. | Syracuse: : printed at the Daily Star office., 1852. |
1852 | New York | Letter on Kossuth and his mission: : addressed to Gerrit Smith, | Crandal, William L. (William Lusk) | [Syracuse, N.Y.] : Steam Power Press print, Journal office, Syracuse., [1852]. |
1852 | New York | Uncle Tom's Cabin contrasted with Buckingham Hall, the planter's home, : or, A fair view of both sides of the slavery question. | Criswell, Robert. | New-York: : Printed and published by D. Fanshaw, No. 108 Nassau-street., 1852. |
1852 | New York | Slavery and anti-slavery; : a history of the great struggle in both hemispheres; : with a view of the slavery question in the United States. | Goodell, William, 1792-1878. | New-York: : William Harned, 48 Beekman-Street., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Life at the South: or "Uncle Tom's cabin" as it is. : Being narratives, scenes, and incidents in the real "life of the lowly." | Smith, W. L. G. (William L. G.), 1814-1878. | Buffalo [N.Y.]: : Geo. H. Derby and Co., 1852. |
1852 | New York | Professor Julius Caesar Hannibal's scientific discourses. : Originally published in the New-York Picayune. | Hannibal, Julius Caesar, 1822-1857. | New-York: : Stringer and Townsend, 222 Broadway., 1852. |
1852 | New York | Africa's redemption : the salvation of our country. | Freeman, Frederick, 1799-1883. | New-York: : Printed for the author by D. Fanshaw, No. 108 Nassau-Street., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | A historical account of St. Thomas, W.I. : with its rise and progress in commerce; missions and churches; climate and its adaptation to invalids; geological structure; natural history, and botany; and incidental notices of St. Croix and St. Johns; slave insurrections in these islands; emancipation and present condition of laboring classes. | Knox, John P. | New York: : Charles Scribner, 145 Nassau Street., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | The future wealth of America : being a glance at the resources of the United States and the commercial and agricultural advantages of cultivating tea, coffee, and indigo, the date, mango, jack, leechee, guava, and orange trees, etc. With a review of the China trade | Bonynge, Francis. | New York : Published by the Author, 1852. |
1852 | New York | The fifteenth annual report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented to the General Assembly in May, 1852. | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (Old School). Board of Foreign Missions | New York: : Published for the board: at the Mission House, 23 Centre Street, 1852. |
1852 | New York | Third annual report of the governors of the Alms House, New York, for the year 1851. | New York (N.Y.). Board of Governors of the Alms-House. | New York: : Wm. C. Bryant & Co., printers, 18 Nassau Street., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Dinahs serenade : new Ethiopian melody | Corrister, W. D. cmp | New York : Firth, Pond & Co. 1 Franklin Sq. ; Buffalo : J. Sage & Son ; Springfield, Mass. : Serles & Adey, c1852. |
1852 | New York | Off for Baltimore : Ethiopian melody | Donaldson, William B., 1822-1873. cmp | New York : Published by Firth, Pond & Co. 1 Franklin Sq. ; Springfield [Mass.] : Sarles & Adey ; Buffalo [N.Y.] : Sage & Son, c1852. |
1852 | New York | Recollections of a New England bride and of a southern matron. | Gilman, Caroline Howard, 1794-1888. | New York: : G.P. Putnam & Co., 10 Park Place., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | The discussion between Rev. Joel Parker, and Rev. A. Rood, on the question "What are the evils inseparable from slavery," : which was referred to by Mrs. Stowe, in "Uncle Tom's cabin." | Parker, Joel, 1799-1873. | New York: : S. W. Benedict, 16 Spruce St. ; Philadelphia: : H. Hooker., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Man and his migrations. | Latham, R. G. (Robert Gordon), 1812-1888. | New York: : Charles B. Norton, 71 Chambers Street, Irving House., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Northwood; or, Life north and south: : showing the true character of both. | Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell, 1788-1879. | New York: : H. Long & Brother, 43 Ann-Street., [1852]. |
1852 | New York | Louisiana: : its history as a French colony. : Third series of lectures. | Gayarré, Charles, 1805-1895. | New York: : John Wiley, 167 Broadway., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Address of the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, : held in the city of New York, in the sixth month, 1852, to the professors of Christianity in the United States.. | New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. | New York: : R. Craighead, printer, 52 Vesey Street., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Our position : A sermon, preached before the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, in the Fourth Presbyterian Church in the city of Washington, May 20, 1852 | Barnes, Albert, 1798-1870. | New York : Newman & Ivison, 1852 [S.W. Benedict, print.]. |
1852 | New York | 1.--Letter from B.F. Butler to Senator Chase ... 2.--Letter from Martin Van Buren ... approving of the nominations of the Baltimore convention. 3.--Extract from a more recent letter of Mr. Van Buren ... | Butler, Benjamin F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1818-1893. | New York : Evening Post office, 1852. |
1852 | New York | Massa's in de cold ground : as sung by Christy's Minstrels | Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. | New York : Published by Firth, Pond & Co. no. 1 Franklin Sq. ; Baltimore : F.D. Benteen & Co. ; Pittsburgh : H. Kleber, c1852. |
1852 | New York | A lady's voyage round the world : a selected translation from the German of Ida Pfeiffer | Pfeiffer, Ida, 1797-1858. | New York : Harper & Brothers, 1852. |
1852 | New York | Speeches of Augustus Schell, Horatio Seymour, John A. Dix, John Van Buren, Stephen A. Douglas, John Cochrane, delivered at Washington's head quarters, Newburgh, July 6, 1852 : also, political circular of General Winfield Scott. | New York : Wm. C. Bryant & Co., [1852] |
1852 | New York | Liberté. Indépendance. Empire d'Haïti. | New York : Print. of Th. Lacombe, [1852]. |
1852 | New York | Papers for the people : To be issued weekly during the campaign, under the patronage of the entire Democratic delegation in Congress ... Saturday, July 3, 1852. | New York : Jefferson Union, 1852. |
1852 | New York | Katy Darling | New York : Published by Wm. Vanderbeek, 429 Broadway ; Philadelphia : A. Fiot ; Columbus : R. Reed ; Charleston : G. Oates ; New Orleans : H.D. Hewitt ; San Francisco : Atwill & Co. ; Oregon City : Benedict & Co., c1852. |
1852 | New York | Uncle Tom in England, or, A proof that black's white : an echo to the American "Uncle Tom." | New York : A.D. Failing, [1852] |
1852 | New York | Dinah's wedding day : the celebrated song and chorus | New York : Published by William Vanderbeek, 479 Broadway, ; Philadelphia : A. Fiot Lee & Walker ; Baltimore : F.D. Benteen & Co. ; Boston : O. Ditson Geo P. Reed, c1852. |
1852 | New York | Papers for the people : To be issued weekly during the campaign, under the patronage of the entire Democratic delegation in Congress ... Saturday, October 23, 1852. | New York : Jefferson Union, 1852. |
1852 | New York | Papers for the people. : To be issued weekly during the campaign.. | New York: : Published at the Office of the Jefferson Union, No. 115 Chambers Street., 1852.. |
1852 | New York | Hush a by baby | New York : Published by Firth, Pond & Co. 1 Franklin Sq. ; Buffalo [N.Y.] : J. Sage & Son ; Cleveland : Holbrook & Long ; Chicago : B.K. Mould, c1852. |
1852 | New York | Uncle Tom in England : The London Times on Uncle Tom's Cabin : a review from the London Times of Friday, September 3d, 1852 : evils of slavery--method of its removal--danger of agitation--colonization, &c. | New York : Bunce & Brother, Publishers, 1852. |
1852 | New York | Songs for the little ones at home. | New York : American Tract Society, [1852?] |
1852 | New York | An address to the anti-slavery Christians of the United States. | New-York : Printed by John A. Gray, 1852. |
1852 | Ohio | The slave-catcher caught in the meshes of eternal law | Rand, Asa, 1783-1871. | Cleveland : Steam-press of Smead and Cowles, 1852. |
1852 | Ohio | The testimony and practice of the Presbyterian Church in reference to American slavery : with an appendix containing the position of the General Assembly (New School), Free Presbyterian Church, Reformed Presbyterian, Associate, Associate Reformed, Baptist, Protestant Episcopal, and Methodist Episcopal Churches | Robinson, John, 1814-1888. | Cincinnati : John D. Thorpe, 1852. |
1852 | Ohio | Narrative of James Williams, an American slave. | Williams, James, b. 1805. | Columbus [Ohio]: : Printed by Scott & Bascom., 1852. |
1852 | Ohio | Thompson in Africa, or An account of the missionary labors, sufferings, travels, observations, &c. of George Thompson, in Western Africa, at the Mendi Mission. | Thompson, George, d. 1893. | Cleveland [Ohio], : Printed by D.M. Ide., 1852. |
1852 | Ohio | Thoughts on the original unity of the human race ... | Caldwell, Charles, 1772-1853. | Cincinnati : published by J.A. & U.P. James, 167 Walnut Street : A.C. James, stereotyper, 167 Walnut St, Cincinnati, 1852, c1851. |
1852 | Ohio | An inquiry into scriptural and ancient servitude, : in which it is shown that neither was chattel slavery; with the remedy for American slavery. | Smith, E. (Edward) | Mansfield, Ohio: : Published by the author at the Western Branch Book Concern of the Weslyan Methodist Connection of America., 1852. |
1852 | Ohio | Examination of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, in the case of Strader, Gorman and Armstrong vs. Christopher Graham : delivered at its December term, 1850: concluding with an address to the free colored people, advising them to remove to Liberia | Birney, James Gillespie, 1792-1857. | Cincinnati : Truman & Spofford, publishers, 111 Main Street. Ben Franklin office print, Walnut St., 1852. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | The North and South : or, slavery and its contrasts : a tale of real life | Rush, Caroline E. | Philadelphia : Published for the author by Crissy & Markley, 1852. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Letters on the condition of the African race in the United States | Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, Mrs. | Philadelphia : T.K. and P.G. Collins, printers, 1852. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Marcus Warland; or, The long moss spring. : A tale of the South. | Hentz, Caroline Lee, 1800-1856. | Philadelphia: : T.B. Peterson and Brothers, 306 Chestnut Street., [not before 1858] |
1852 | Pennsylvania | The classification of mankind, by the hair and wool of their heads : with the nomenclature of human hybrids | Browne, Peter A. (Peter Arrell), 1782-1860. | Philadelphia : J.H. Jones, printer, No. 34 Carter's Alley, 1852. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Eighteenth annual report of the Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society.. | Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society. | Philadelphia: : Merrihew & Thompson, printers, no. 7 Carter's Alley., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Addresses delivered in the hall of the House of Representatives, Harrisburg, Pa. on Tuesday evening, April 6, 1852 | Pettit, William V. | Philadelphia : Printed by W. E. Geddes, 1852. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | The cabin and parlor : or, Slaves and masters /By J. Thornton Randolph. Embellished with magnificent illustrations. From original designs by Stephens, engraved by Beeler. | Peterson, Charles J. (Charles Jacobs), 1819-1887. | Philadelphia : T. B. Peterson, [c1852] [Stereotyped by George Charles. Printed by King & Baird] |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Report of the trial of Castner Hanway for treason, in the resistance of the execution of the fugitive slave law of September, 1850. : Before Judges Grier and Kane, in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Held at Philadelphia in November and December, 1851 : To which is added an appendix, containing the laws of the United States on the subject of fugitives from labor, the charges of Judge Kane to the grand juries in relation thereto, and a statement of the points of law decided by the court during the trial. | Hanway, Castner, 1821-1893 defendant. | Philadelphia: : King & Baird no. 9 Sansom Street., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Aunt Phillis's cabin; or, Southern life as it is. | Eastman, Mary H. (Mary Henderson), 1818-1887. | Philadelphia: : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Fifteenth annual report, presented to the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society, by its Executive Committee, October 25, 1852. : With the Proceedings of the annual meeting.. | Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society. | Philadelphia: : Anti Slavery Office, 31 North Fifth Street. ; Merrihew & Thompson, printers., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | A history of the trial of Castner Hanway and others, for treason, : at Philadelphia in November, 1851. With an introduction upon the history of the slave question. | Member of the Philadelphia bar. | Philadelphia: : Uriah Hunt & Sons, no. 44 North Fourth Streets., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | The milliner and the millionaire. | Hicks, Rebecca. | Philadelphia: : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1852. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | The history of Virginia, from its earliest settlement to the present time | Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885. | Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1852 [Stereotyped by L. Johnson and Co.; Printed by T.K. and P.G. Collins] |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Africa's redemption : a discourse on African colonization in its missionary aspects, and in its relation to slavery and abolition : preached on Sabbath morning, July 4th, 1852, in the Seventh Presbyterian Church, Penn Square, Philadelphia | Ruffner, William Henry, 1824-1908. | Philadelphia : William S. Martien, 1852. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | An address to the members of the Yearly Meeting of Philadelphia.. | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Meeting for Sufferings | Philadelphia: : Merrihew & Thompson, printers, no. 7 Carter's Alley., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | The sixteenth annual report of the Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans. | Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans (Cheyney, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : Joseph Rakestraw, printer., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Minutes of the Ohio Annual Conference, of the African M.E. Church : held in Cincinnatti [sic], Ohio, from August 6, to the 18, 1852. | African Methodist Episcopal Church. Ohio Conference (22nd : 1852 : Cincinnati, Ohio) | [Pittsburgh, Pa.] : A.R. Green, publisher. Pittsburgh: printed at the "Christian Herald" office, 1852. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Twenty-third annual report of the inspectors of the Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. : Transmitted to the Senate and House of Representatives, February, 1852.. | Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: : B. Mifflin, printer, no. 63 Walnut Street., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Speech of the Hon. James Cooper, in the case of the United States v. Castner Hanway, for treason. : Reported by the official reporters appointed by the court.. | Cooper, James, 1810-1863. | Philadelphia: : King & Baird, no. 9 Sansom Street., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | A manual of religious instruction, specially intended for the oral teaching of colored persons, but adapted to general use in families and schools. | Hoff, John F. (John Francis), 1814-1881. | Philadelphia: : King & Baird, printers, no. 9 Sansom Street., 1852.. |
1852 | Pennsylvania | The cabin and parlor : or, Slaves and masters /By J. Thornton Randolph. Embellished with magnificent illustrations. From original designs by Stephens, engraved by Beeler. | Randolph, J. Thornton, 1819-1887. | Philadelphia : T. B. Peterson, [c1852] [Stereotyped by George Charles. Printed by King & Baird] |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Life in the South. : A companion to Uncle Tom's cabin. | Wiley, Calvin Henderson, 1819-1887. | Philadelphia: : T. B. Peterson no. 98 Chestnut Street., [1852] |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Brudder Bones' trip to the world's fair. : As sung by W. Chambers, the great bone player. | [Philadelphia] : Harris, printer, Fourth & Vine, [between 1852 and 1862?] |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Free soil, free speech, free labor, and free men.. | [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1852] |
1852 | Pennsylvania | The Democratic text-book, : containing the lives of Pierce and King, with illustrations of the Whig and Democratic principles and candidates. | Philadelphia: : Printed by James Fullerton, 51 S. Third Street, and sold at the offices of the Pennsylvanian ... and Evening Argus ... , [1852?] |
1852 | Pennsylvania | Friendship's offering: : a Christmas, New Year, and birthday present, for MDCCCLII. | Philadelphia: : Published by E.H. Butler & Co., 1852 [i.e. 1851]. |
1852 | Scotland | Scenes and adventures in Central America | Sealsfield, Charles, 1793-1864. | [Edinburgh] : William Blackwood and Sons Edinburgh and London, MDCCCLII [1852]. |
1852 | Scotland | Case of the British West Indies stated. | West India Association (Glasgow, Scotland) | Glasgow: : printed by the Glasgow Courier Company., 1852.. |
1852 | South Africa | The Kat River Settlement in 1851 : described in a series of letters published in "The South African Commercial Advertiser" | Read, James, Jr. | Cape Town : A.S. Robertson, 1852 |
1852 | South Carolina | The pro-slavery argument; : as maintained by the most distinguished writers of the Southern States, containing the several essays, on the subject, of Chancellor Harper, Governor Hammond, Dr. Simms, and Professor Dew.. | Charleston: : Walker, Richards & Co., l852.. |
1852 | United States | Sketches of the lives of Franklin Pierce and Wm. R. King, : candidates of the Democratic Republican Party for the presidency and vice presidency of the United States. | Democratic National Committee (U.S.) | [United States : s.n., 1852.] |
1852 | United States | Speech of Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois, : delivered in Richmond, Virginia, July 9, 1852. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | [United States : s.n., 1852?] |
1852 | United States | Commercial conventions, direct trade : --a chance for the South. | Maury, Matthew Fontaine, 1806-1873. | [United States : s.n., 1852?] |
1852 | United States | Southern opinions of Scott and Pierce. | [United States : s.n., 1852?] |
1852 | United States | The Contrast; : The Whig and Democratic platforms-the Whig and Democratic candidates for the Presidency. | [United States : s.n., 1852] |
1852 | Virginia | Acts of the General Assembly of the state of Virginia, passed in 1852, in the seventy-sixth year of the Commonwealth. | Virginia. | Richmond : William F. Ritchie, 1852. |
1852 | Virginia | Thomas Ritchie's letter : containing reminiscences of Henry Clay and the compromise. | Ritchie, Thomas, 1778-1854. | [Richmond? : s.n., 1852] |
1852 | Virginia | The Richmond directory and business advertiser, for 1852. : Containing the names, residences, occupations and places of business of the inhabitants of Richmond: also, a variety of other information, necessary and useful: | Montague's Richmond directory and business advertiser. 1852. | Richmond [Va.]: : For sale at the bookstores of A. Morris, Nash & Woodhouse, J.W. Randolph, Harrold & Murray, Thos. H. Gresham Geo. M. West & Bro. and R.D. Sanxay. J.W. Woods, printer, Balt., [1852] |
1852 | Virginia | The southern view of "Uncle Tom's cabin." : From the Southern literary messenger. | Thompson, John Reuben, 1823-1873. | [Richmond, Va.? : s.n., 1852?] |
1853 | Alabama | Montgomery, [blank]. [Blank] bought of Coster & Coxe, chemists and druggists, and dealers in paints, oils, and window glass, instruments, perfumery, and patent medicines, wines, teas, spices, vinegar, garden seeds, &c. Chemicals, such as calomel, blue pill, &c.; powders, such as ipecac, rhubarb, &c.; as well as extracts, and all the nicer and more delicate preparations are procured from first hands, who are responsible to us for purity and strength, or are prepared by ourselves.. | Coster & Coxe. | [Montgomery, Ala.? : s.n., 1853?] |
1853 | Connecticut | Mexico Aztec, Spanish and republican: : a historical, geographical, political, statistical and social account of that country from the period of the invasion by the Spaniards to the present time; : with a view of the ancient Aztec empire and civilization; : a historical sketch of the late war; : and notices of New Mexico and California. | Mayer, Brantz, 1809-1879. | Hartford: : S. Drake and Company., MDCCCLIII [1853].. |
1853 | District of Columbia | Freedom national; slavery sectional. : Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts, on his motion to repeal the Fugitive slave bill, in the Senate of the United States, August 26, 1852. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | Washington [D.C.]: : Buell & Blanchard., 1853. |
1853 | District of Columbia | Selections from the private correspondence of James Madison, from 1813 to 1836.. | Madison, James, 1751-1836. | Washington: : Published by J.C. McGuire, exclusively for private distribution., MDCCCLIII. [1853] |
1853 | District of Columbia | Speech of Gerrit Smith, in Congress, on the reference of the President's message. : December 20, 1853. | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1853. |
1853 | District of Columbia | The Clayton Bulwer Treaty. : Speeches of Senator Douglas, in reply to Senators Clayton and Butler, on the Central American treaty. : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 10 & 17, 1853. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | Washington: : printed by Lemuel Towers., 1853. |
1853 | District of Columbia | Negroes and negro slavery. | Van Evrie, John H., 1814-1896. | [Washington, D.C.] : C. Alexander, printer, Washington, D.C.--, 1853.. |
1853 | District of Columbia | Facts for the people. | Facts for the people (Washington, D.C.) | Washington, D.C. : G. Bailey, 1853-1856. |
1853 | District of Columbia | Manuel Pereira : or, The sovereign rule of South Carolina. With views of southern laws, life, and hospitality | Adams, F. Colburn (Francis Colburn) | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, 1853. |
1853 | District of Columbia | Address of the Hon. Edward Everett, secretary of state : at the anniversary of the Am. Col. Society, 18th Jan., 1853. | Everett, Edward, 1794-1865. | [Washington? : s.n.], [1853] |
1853 | District of Columbia | Thirty-sixth annual report of the American Colonization Society : with the proceedings of the board of directors and of the society; and the addresses delivered at the annual meeting, January 18, 1853. | American Colonization Society. | Washington : C. Alexander, printer, 1853. |
1853 | District of Columbia | The Past and present--freedom national, slavery sectional : A document for the people. Contents. 1.--Declaration of Independence, and the names of the signers. 2.--Constitution of the United States, and the amendments. 3.--The Fugitive slave law of 1850. 4.--Democratic platform, adopted at Baltimore, June, 1852. 5.--Whig platform, adopted at Baltimore, June, 1852. 6.--Independent Democratic platform, adopted at Pittsburgh, Aug., 1852. And 7.--Speech of Honorable Charles Sumner, on his motion to repeal the Fugitive slave bill. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1853. |
1853 | England | Narrative of the life of James Watkins, formerly a slave in Maryland, U.S. : containing an account of his escape from slavery, with notices of the fugitive slave law, the sentiments of American divines on the subject of slavery, and the labours of the fugitive in England, etc., etc. | Watkins, James, b. 1821? | Birmingham : W. Watton, and Co., 1853. |
1853 | England | Narrative of a recent visit to Brazil | Candler, John, 1787-1869. | London : Edward Marsh, Friends' Book and Tract Depository, 84, Houndsditch, : E. Newman, printer, 9, Devonshire Street, Bishopsgate, 1853. |
1853 | England | The forty-ninth report of the British and Foreign Bible Society; M.DCCC.LIII. : with an appendix and a list of subscribers and benefactors. | British and Foreign Bible Society. | London : printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill : sold at the society's house, Earl Street, Blackfriars; and by all booksellers in the United Kingdom, 1853. |
1853 | England | The life of Toussaint L'Ouverture, the Negro patriot of Hayti : comprising an account of the struggle for liberty in the island, and a sketch of its history to the present period | Beard, J. R. (John Relly), 1800-1876. | London : Ingram, Cooke, and Co.; and sold by all booksellers, 1853 [Savill and Edwards, Printers] |
1853 | England | The homes of the new world : impressions of America | Bremer, Fredrika, 1801-1865. | London : Arthur Hall, Virtue, & Co. 25, Paternoster Row ; London : Bradbury and Evans, printers, Whitefriars, 1853. |
1853 | England | The colonial policy of Lord John Russell's administration. | Grey, Henry George Grey, Earl, 1802-1894. | London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street ... , 1853.. |
1853 | England | The American prejudice against color. : An authentic narrative, showing how easily the nation got into an uproar. | Allen, William G., fl. 1849-1853. | London: : W. and F.G. Cash, 5, Bishopsgate-Street-Without. ; Edinburgh: : John Menzies. ; Dublin: : James Mc.Glashan and J.B. Gilpin., 1853.. |
1853 | England | Travels in South and North America. | Marjoribanks, Alexander. | London: : Simpkin, Marshall, and Company. ; [New York] : D. Appleton and Co., 200 Broadway, New York., 1853.. |
1853 | England | An Englishwoman's experience in America. | Finch, Marianne. | London: : Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street. Publisher in ordinary to her Majesty., 1853.. |
1853 | England | The British West India colonies in connection with slavery, emancipation, etc. | Campbell, Mrs. | London : Thomas Bosworth, 215, Regent Street : G.J. Palmer, Savoy Street, Strand, 1853. |
1853 | England | Uncle Tom's cabin, Bleak house, Slavery and slave trade. : Seven articles | Denman, Thomas Denman, Baron, 1779-1854. | London: : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. : Spottiswoodes and Shaw, New-Street-Square., 1853. |
1853 | England | Narrative of a mission to Central Africa : performed in the years 1850-51 : under the orders and at the expense of her majesty's government | Richardson, James, 1806-1851. | London : Chapman and Hall, 1853. |
1853 | England | The key to Uncle Tom's cabin; : presenting the original facts and documents upon which the story is founded. Together with corroborative statements verifying the truth of the work. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | London: : Clarke, Beeton, and Co., 148 Fleet Street; and Thomas Bosworth, Regent Street., [1853?] |
1853 | England | Five hundred thousand strokes for freedom : A series of anti-slavery tracts, of which half a million | Armistead, Wilson, 1819?-1868 ed. | London : W. & F. Cash, William Tweedie, and may be had of all booksellers, 1853. |
1853 | England | The isthmus of Darien in 1852. : Journal of the expedition of inquiry for the junction of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. | Gisborne, Lionel. | London: : Saunders and Stanford, 6, Charing Cross., 1853.. |
1853 | England | Free blacks and slaves : Would immediate abolition be a blessing? A letter to the editor of the Anti-slavery advocate | Bright, Henry Arthur, 1830-1884. | London : Arthur Hall Virtue & Co. ; Liverpool : Deighton & Laughton, 1853. [George M'Corquodale & Co., Printers] |
1853 | England | The garland of freedom : a collection of poems, chiefly anti-slavery | Armistead, Wilson, 1819?-1868 ed. | London : W. and F.G. Cash; William Tweedie, 1853 [Glasgow : W.G. Blackie and Co., printers]. |
1853 | England | British Guiana : Demerara after fifteen years of freedom | Landowner. | London : T. Bosworth, 1853. (Mary S. Rickerby, Printer) |
1853 | England | A reproof of the American church on the subject of slavery | Wilberforce, Samuel, 1805-1873. | London : William Tweedle, 1853. |
1853 | England | Forty-eighth report of the British and Foreign School Society. | British and Foreign School Society. | London : printed by J. & W. Rider, 14, Bartholomew Close, 1853. |
1853 | England | Eighteen years on the Gold Coast of Africa, : including an account of the native tribes, and their intercourse with Europeans. | Cruickshank, Brodie. | London: : Hurst and Blackett, publishers, successors to Henry Colburn, 13, Great Marlborough Street. : Printed by Schulze and Co., 13, Poland Street., 1853. |
1853 | England | Sugar-trade & slave-trade. : The West-India question considered. | Lendrick, William Edmonstone. | London : Saunders and Otley, Conduit Street., 1853.. |
1853 | England | A ?Cloud of witnesses? against slavery and oppression : Containing the acts, opinions, and sentiments of individuals and societies in all ages. Selected from various sources, and for the most part chronologically arranged | Armistead, Wilson, 1819?-1868. | London : William Tweedie; W. and F.G. Cash, 1853 [Glasgow : W.G. Blackie and Co., printers]. |
1853 | England | Kaffraria, and its inhabitants. | Flemyng, Francis Patrick. | London: : Smith, Elder, and Co., 65 Cornhill. ; Norwich: : T. Priest. ; Bombay: : Smith, Taylor, and Co., MDCCCLIII. [1853] |
1853 | England | Abbeokuta; or, Sunrise within the tropics: : an outline of the origin and progress of the Yoruba mission. | Tucker, S. (Sarah), d. ca. 1859. | London: : James Nisbet and Co., Berners Street., 1853. |
1853 | England | The narrative of an explorer in tropical South Africa. | Galton, Francis, Sir, 1822-1911. | London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1853.. |
1853 | England | Occasional discourse on the Nigger question | Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881. | London : Thomas Bosworth, 215 Regent Street : G.J. Palmer, Savoy Street, Strand, 1853. |
1853 | England | Campaigning in Kaffirland or Scenes and adventures in the Kaffir war of 1851-2. | King, William Ross, 1822-1890. | London : Saunders and Otley, Conduit Street., 1853.. |
1853 | England | Life in Abyssinia : being notes collected during three years' residence and travels in that country | Parkyns, Mansfield, 1823-1894. | London : J. Murray, 1853. |
1853 | England | A brief notice of American slavery, and the abolition movement. | Estlin, J. B. (John Bishop), 1785-1855. | London: : William Tweedie, 337, Strand; W. and F.G. Cash, 5, Bishopsgate Street, Without ; Bristol: : H.C. Evans, 29, Clare Street; ; Dublin: : Richard D. Webb., [1853] |
1853 | England | The history of Uncle Tom's countrymen; : with a description of their sufferings in the capture, the voyage, and the field. | Humanity. | Manchester: : printed and published by J,J. Sale. J, Spring Gardens, and sold by all booksellers, 1853.. |
1853 | France | Cuba and Africa : Cuban question considered in relation to the African race. | Iznaga y Borrell, José Aniceto de, 1791-1860. | Paris : Typ. Blondeau rue de Petit carreau, n. 32., marzo de 1853. |
1853 | France | Mémoires du Général Toussaint-L'Ouverture | Toussaint Louverture, 1743?-1803. | Paris : Pagnerre, libraire-éditeur, Rue de Seine, 18 ; Saint-Denis : Typographie de Prevot et Drouard, 1853. |
1853 | France | La clef de la case de l'Oncle Tom : contenant les faits et les documents originaux sur lesquels le roman est fondé, avec les pièces justificatives; | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Paris. : Aux Bureaux du Magasin Pittoresque, rue Jacob, 30., 1853. |
1853 | France | Les émigrés français dans la Louisiane (1800-1804). | Sealsfield, Charles, 1793-1864. | Paris : Librairie de L. Hachette et Cie rue Pierre-Sarrazin, No 14, 1853. |
1853 | France | Essai sur l'inégalité des races humaines, | Gobineau, Arthur, comte de, 1816-1882. | Paris, : Librairie de Firmin Didot frères, rue Jacob, 56. ; Hanovre. : --Rumpler, libraire-éditeur., 1853-1855.. |
1853 | France | Almanach pour 1854 : La case de l'Oncle Tom | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Paris : J. Bry ainé, libraire-éditeur, 27, rue Guénégaud, [1853] |
1853 | France | Le désert et le Soudan | Escayrac de Lauture, Pierre-Henri-Stanislas d', 1826-1868. | Paris. : Librairie de J. Dumaine, rue et passage Dauphine, 30. : Librairie de Friedrich Klincksieck, 11, rue de Lille, à Paris., Novembre 1853.. |
1853 | Germany | Onkel Tom's Hütte, oder Negerleben in den Sklavenstaaten von Amerika. /cVon Harriet Stowe, geb. Beecher. Mit der Biographie der Verfasserin und einer Vorrede von Elihu Burritt. Vollständige und wohlfeilste Stereotyp-Ausgabe. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Leipzig, : 1853. G.H. Friedlein., [1853] |
1853 | Germany | Weber's Volks-Kalender. | Leipzig : Verlag von J.J. Weber, [1853] |
1853 | Germany | Leben und künstler-laufbahn des negers Ira Aldridge. | Berlin : Allgemeine Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1853 [Druck von J.F. Starcke in Berlin]. |
1853 | Illinois | Heroes and martyrs of the modern missionary enterprise: : a record of their lives and labors. Including an historical review of earlier missions. | Smith, Lucius E. (Lucius Edwin), 1822-1900. | Chicago, Illinois: : Published by D.B. Cooke & Co., 1853. |
1853 | Louisiana | Emigration of free and emancipated negroes to Africa. : An address delivered at the annual meeting of the Louisiana State Colonization Society, in the Presbyterian church on Lafayette Square, March the 7th, 1850, and repeated at the request of the same society in Lyceum Hall, Sunday evening, the 19th Dec., 1852, | Scott, W. A. (William Anderson), 1813-1885. | New Orleans: : Printed at the Office of the Picayune., 1853. |
1853 | Maryland | Matchett's Baltimore director for 1853-4, : containing a new map of the entire city, designating the wards, with reference to streets, etc. the names, dwellings and occupations of householders; a short sketch of Baltimore; an appendix, containing the boundaries of the twenty wards; list of streets, lanes, alleys, squares, wharves, &c. city government, banks and directors, insurance companies, churches and ministers, public conveyances, and other useeul [sic] information. With a variety of business cards. | Matchett's Baltimore director. 1853. | Baltimore [Md.]: : Printed and published by Richard J. Matchett, No. 73 Lombard street, Exchange Place., 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Uncle Tom's cabin in ruins! : Triumphant defence of slavery! In a series of letters to Harriet Beecher Stowe. | Brimblecomb, Nicholas. | Boston: : Charles Waite., MDCCCLIII [1853]. |
1853 | Massachusetts | A plea for Hayti : with a glance at her relations with France, England and the United States, for the last sixty years | Clark, B. C. (Benjamin C.) | Boston : Eastburn's press, 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Speech of Benjamin Barstow, of Salem, on the abolition propensities of Caleb Cushing : Delivered at the Massachusetts National Democratic Convention, held at Boston, Sept. 22, 1853 ... | Barstow, Benjamin. | Boston : Published at the office of the National Democrat, 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | A narrative of the life and travels of Mrs. Nancy Prince | Prince, Nancy, b. 1799. | Boston : Published by the author, 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Isaac T. Hopper : a true life | Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880. | Boston : Published by John P. Jewett & Co. ; Cleveland, Ohio : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington; London : Sampson Low, Son and Co., 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Remarks upon United States intervention in Hayti : with comments upon the correspondence connected with it | Clark, B. C. (Benjamin C.) | Boston : Eastburn's press, 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Speeches in Congress. | Giddings, Joshua R. (Joshua Reed), 1795-1864. | Boston: : published by John P. Jewett and Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor and Worthington. ; London: : Sampson Low, Son & Co., 1853.. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Cousin Franck's household, or, Scenes in the old dominion | Pearson, Emily C. (Emily Clemens) | Boston : Upham, Ford and Olmstead, 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Essay on the treatment and management of slaves. : Written for the seventh annual fair of the Southern Central Agricultural Society. | Collins, Robert, of Macon, Ga. | Boston: : Eastburn's Press, 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Twenty-first annual report presented to the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society by its Board of Managers, January 26, 1853. : With an appendix.. | Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. | Boston: : Printed by Prentiss & Sawyer, No. 11 Devonshire Street., 1853.. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Address of the Hon. Edward Everett : at the anniversary of the American Colonization Society, January 18, 1853. | Everett, Edward, 1794-1865. | [Boston] : [Printed for the Massachusetts Colonization Society, by T.R. Marvin, 42 Congress Street], [1853]. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Two sermons preached before the 28th Congregational Society in Boston : on the 14th and 21st of November, 1852 : on leaving their old and entering a new place of worship | Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. | Boston : B. B. Mussey, 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Twelfth annual report of the Board of Managers of the Massachusetts Colonization Society : presented at the annual meeting, May 25, 1853. | Massachusetts Colonization Society. | Boston : Press of T.R. Marvin, 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Cousin Franck's household, or, Scenes in the Old Dominion | Pearson, Emily C. (Emily Clemens) | Boston : Upham, Ford and Olmstead, 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Discourse occasioned by the death of Daniel Webster : preached at the Melodeon on Sunday, October 31, 1852 | Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. | Boston : Benjamin B. Mussey, 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | A review of "A discourse occasioned by the death of Daniel Webster, preached at the Melodeon on Sunday, October 31, 1852, by Theodore Parker, minister of the Twenty-Eighth Congregational Society in Boston." | Americanus, Junius. | Boston and Cambridge [Mass.]: : James Munroe and Company., 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Third annual report of the Trustees of Donations for Education in Liberia : Presented at the annual meeting, January 12, 1853. | Trustees of Donations for Education in Liberia. | Boston : press of T.R. Marvin, 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | White slavery in the Barbary States. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | Boston: : Published by John P. Jewett and Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor, and Worthington. ; London: : Low and Company., 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Facts and opinions touching the real origin, character, and influence of the American Colonization Society: : views of Wilberforce, Clarkson, and others, and opinions of the free people of color of the United States. | Stebbins, Giles Badger, 1817-1900. | Boston: : John P. Jewett and Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor, and Worthington., 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Speeches of Hayne and Webster in the United States Senate, on the resolution of Mr. Foot, January, 1830. : Also, Mr. Webster's celebrated speech on the slavery compromise bill, March 7, 1850. | Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. | Boston: : A.T. Hotchkiss & W.P. Fetridge., 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | A key to Uncle Tom's cabin; : presenting the original facts and documents upon which the story is founded. Together with corroborative statements verifying the truth of the work. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Boston: : Published by John P. Jewett & Co. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington. ; London: : Low and Company., 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | A key to Uncle Tom's cabin; : presenting the original facts and documents upon which the story is founded. Together with corroborative statements verifying the truth of the work. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Boston: : Published by John P. Jewett & Co. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington. ; London: : Low and Company., 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Personal memoir of Daniel Drayton, : for four years and four months a prisoner (for charity's sake) in Washington jail. : Including a narrative of the voyage and capture of the schooner Pearl. | Drayton, Daniel, b. 1802. | Boston: : published by Bela Marsh, 25 Cornhill. ; New York: : American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society ; [Boston] : Stereotyped by Hobart & Robbins, New England Type and Stereotype Foundery, Boston., 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Oheim Tom's Hütte oder Das Leben bei den Niedrigen. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Boston: : Verlag von John P. Jewett und Compagnie ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor, and Worthington., 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Miscellaneous writings on slavery. | Jay, William, 1789-1858. | Boston: : Published by John P. Jewett & Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor, and Worthington. ; London: : Sampson Low, Son and Co., 1853.. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Report of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, presented at the forty-fourth annual meeting : held in Cincinnati, Ohio, October 4-7, 1853. | American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. | Boston : Press of T.R. Marvin, 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Slavery in America. : An essay for the times. | Mason, Richard R. | Boston: : Press of Crocker and Brewster, 47, Washington Street., 1853.. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Uncle Tom's cabin; or, Life among the lowly. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Boston: : John P. Jewett and Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor, and Worthington., 1853. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Hatchie, the guardian slave; or, The heiress of Bellevue : A tale of the Mississippi and the South-west | Optic, Oliver, 1822-1897. | Boston : B.B. Mussey and Company, and R.B. Fitts and Company, 1853, [c1852] [Stereotyped by Hobart & Robbins] |
1853 | Massachusetts | Autographs for freedom. | Griffiths, Julia, d. 1895 ed. | Boston : John P. Jewett and Company ; Cleveland, Ohio : Jewett, Proctor, and Worthington ; London : Low and Company, 1853 [Cambridge : Allen and Farnham, printers]. |
1853 | Massachusetts | The history of the buccaneers of America; : containing detailed accounts of those bold and daring freebooters; chiefly along the Spanish Main, in the West Indies, and in the great South Sea, succeeding the civil wars in England. | Exquemelin, A. O. (Alexandre Olivier) | Boston: : Benjamin B. Mussey & Co., 29 Cornhill., 1853.. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Twelfth annual report of the board of managers of the Massachusetts Colonization Society, : presented at the annual meeting, May 25, 1853.. | Massachusetts Colonization Society. | Boston: : Press of T.R. Marvin, 42 Congress Street., 1853.. |
1853 | Massachusetts | The Liberty bell | Boston : National Anti-Slavery Bazaar, 1853 ; [Prentiss and Sawyer, printers]. |
1853 | Massachusetts | Pictures and stories from Uncle Tom's cabin. | [Boston, Mass.] : Published by John P. Jewett & Co., Boston., [1853] |
1853 | Missouri | Slavery consistent with Christianity, : with an introduction, embracing a notice of the "Uncle Tom's cabin" movement in England, | Ker, Leander. | Weston, Mo[.]: : Printed by Finch & O'Gormon, Reporter office., 1853.. |
1853 | New Jersey | A brief miscellaneous narrative of the more early part of the life of L. Tilmon, : pastor of a colored Methodist Congregational Church in the City of New York. | Tilmon, Levin, 1807-1863. | Jersey City [N.J.]: : W.W. & L.A. Pratt, printers, Sentinel Buildings., 1853. |
1853 | New York | Fourth annual report of the governors of the Alms-House, New-York, for the year 1852.. | New York (N.Y.). Board of Governors of the Alms-House. | New-York: : Charles Shields, printer, no. 23 Platt-street., 1853.. |
1853 | New York | Report of the board of managers of the Free Produce Association of Friends, of New-York Yearly Meeting. : 1853.. | Free Produce Association of Friends, of New-York Yearly Meeting. | New-York: : Collins, Bowne & Co. printers, Stationer's Hall, nos. 174 and 176 Pearl Street., [1853] |
1853 | New York | Twelve years a slave : Narrative of Solomon Northup, a citizen of New-York, kidnapped in Washington City in 1841, and rescued in 1853, from a cotton plantation near the Red River, in Louisiana. | Northup, Solomon, b. 1808. | Auburn [N.Y.] : Derby and Miller ; Buffalo : Derby, Orton and Mulligan ; Cincinnati : Henry W. Derby, 1853. |
1853 | New York | The Australian captive; or, An authentic narrative of fifteen years in the life of William Jackman. : In which, among various other adventures, is included a forced residence of a year and a half among the cannibals of Nuyts' Land, on the coast of the great Australian bight. : Also including, with other appendices, Australia and its gold, from the latest and best authorities. : With various illustrations. | Jackman, William, b. 1821. | Auburn [N.Y.]: : Derby & Miller. ; Buffalo [N.Y.]: :Derby, Orton & Mulligan., 1853.. |
1853 | New York | The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi : A series of sketches | Baldwin, Joseph G. (Joseph Glover), 1815-1864. | New-York : D. Appleton and Company ; London, 1853. |
1853 | New York | Speeches | Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859. | [New York], : Redfield, 110 & 112 Nassau Street, New York., 1853.. |
1853 | New York | Slavery and anti-slavery : a history of the great struggle in both hemispheres; with a view of the slavery question in the United States | Goodell, William, 1792-1878. | New-York : William Goodell, 1853, [c1852] [C.A. Alvord, printer; J.P. Jones & Co., stereotypers]. |
1853 | New York | Letters for the people, on the present crisis. : 1. Slavery in Missouri---Rapidly declining. 2. Nebraska Territory---Where is it? and What is it? 3. The American Indians---How shall the government treat them? 4. The Pacific Railroad---Where shall it run? and Reasons why. 5. Compromises---How kept, and what their effects. 6. The True patriot's duties---To be performed without delay. | Starr, Frederick, 1826-1867. | [New York : s.n., 1853] |
1853 | New York | Twelve years a slave : Narrative of Solomon Northup, a citizen of New-York, kidnapped in Washington City in 1841, and rescued in 1853, from a cotton plantation near the Red River, in Louisiana. | Northup, Solomon, b. 1808. | Auburn [N.Y.] : Derby and Miller ; Buffalo : Derby, Orton and Mulligan ; London : Sampson Low, Son & Company, 1853. |
1853 | New York | Frank Freeman's barber shop; : a tale. | Hall, Baynard Rush, 1798-1863. | Auburn [N.Y.]: : Alden, Beardsley & Co. ; Rochester [N.Y.]: : Wanzer, Beardsley & Co., 1853.. |
1853 | New York | The lofty and the lowly; or, Good in all and none all-good. | McIntosh, Maria J. (Maria Jane), 1803-1878. | New-York: : D. Appleton & Company, 200 Broadway., M.DCCC.LIII. [1853] |
1853 | New York | Twelve years a slave : Narrative of Solomon Northup, a citizen of New-York, kidnapped in Washington City in 1841, and rescued in 1853, from a cotton plantation near the Red River, in Louisiana. | Northup, Solomon, b. 1808. | Auburn [N.Y.] : Derby and Miller ; Buffalo : Derby, Orton and Mulligan ; London : Sampson Low, Son & Company, 1853. |
1853 | New York | Address and proceedings of the Democratic State Convention, : held at Syracuse, September 13, 1853.. | Democratic Party (N.Y.). State Convention (1853 : Syracuse, N.Y.) | Albany: : [s.n.], 1853.. |
1853 | New York | Freedom's offering, : a collection of poems. | Holly, Joseph C. (Joseph Cephas), 1825-1854. | Rochester [N.Y.]: : Chas. H. McDonnell, book & job printer, cor. Front & Buff. Sts. : T. Benford, binder., 1853.. |
1853 | New York | Southern life; or, Inside views of slavery. : Being the original facts and documents upon which the story of "Uncle Tom's cabin" was founded, together with corroborative statements verifying the truth of the work. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | New York: :bMartin, Harrison & Co., [1853?] |
1853 | New York | Slavery and the church. | Hosmer, William. | Auburn [N.Y.]: : William J. Moses., 1853.. |
1853 | New York | Life and memorials of Daniel Webster. From the New-York Daily Times. 2 vol. | Lyman, S. P. | New-York: D. Appleton & Company, 1853. |
1853 | New York | White, red, black : sketches of American society in the United States during the visit of their guests. | Pulszky, Ferencz Aurelius, 1814-1897. | [New York] : Redfield, 110 & 112 Nassau Street, New York., 1853. |
1853 | New York | Circular. The second report of the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Sewing Society. | Rochester Ladies' Anti-slavery Sewing Society. | [Rochester, N.Y. : s.n., 1853] |
1853 | New York | Speech of William H. Seward, at the dedication of Capital University, : Columbus, Ohio, September 14, 1853. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | Auburn, N.Y.: : Knapp and Peck, printers., 1853. |
1853 | New York | Life and memorials of Daniel Webster. : From the New-York daily times.. | Lyman, S. P. (Samuel P.), 1804-1869. | New-York: : D. Appleton & Company, 200 Broadway., 1853.. |
1853 | New York | Occasional missionary paper, Foreign Committee Board of Missions Protestant Episcopal Church. : The Female Orphan Asylum, Cape Palmas, Africa.. | Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. Foreign Committee | [New York : The Committee, 1853] |
1853 | New York | The works of William H. Seward | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | [New York] : Redfield; New York, 1853-1884 [Stereotyped by C.C. Savage. C.A. Alvord, Printer]. |
1853 | New York | Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends : held at Old Kennett, Chester County, fifth month, 1853. | Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends (1853-1940) | New York: John F. Trow, 1853. |
1853 | New York | Narrative of Sojourner Truth, : a northern slave, emancipated from bodily servitude by the State of New York, in 1828. With a portrait. | Gilbert, Olive. | New York: : Published for the author., 1853. |
1853 | New York | The thirteenth annual report | American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. | New York : Published by the Am. & For. Anti-Slavery Society, 1853. (John A. Gray, printer) |
1853 | New York | The writings of Thomas Jefferson: : being his autobiography, correspondence, reports, messages, addresses, and other writings, official and private. : Published by the order of the Joint Committee of Congress on the Library, from the original manuscripts, deposited in the Department of State. : With explanatory notes, table of contents, and a copious index to each volume, as well as a general index to the whole, | Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826. | New York: : Published by John C. Riker, 129 Fulton Street. ; [Washington, D.C.] : Taylor & Maury, Washington, D.C., 1853-1854.. |
1853 | New York | The sixteenth annual report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented to the General Assembly in May, 1853. | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (Old School). Board of Foreign Missions | New York: : Published for the board: at the Mission House, 23 Centre Street., 1853. |
1853 | New York | History of the state of New York | Brodhead, John Romeyn, 1814-1873. | New York : Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 329 & 331 Pearl Street, Franklin Square, 1853-71. |
1853 | New York | Letters respecting the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, and the American Tract Society, | Jay, William, 1789-1858. | New York: : Lewis J. Bates, publisher, 48 Beekman Street. : John A. Gray, printer, 95 & 97 Cliff Street., 1853.. |
1853 | New York | My old Kentucky home, good night | Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-1864. cmp | New York : Published by Firth, Pond & Co. no. 1 Franklin Square ; Pittsburgh : H. Kleber ; Cleveland : Holbrook & Long ; St. Louis : Balmer & Weber., c1853. |
1853 | New York | Liberia; or, Mr. Peyton's experiments. | Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell, 1788-1879. | New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, 329 & 331 Pearl Street. Franklin Square., 1853.. |
1853 | New York | The black man : The comparative anatomy and psychology of the African Negro | Burmeister, Hermann, 1807-1892. | New York : William C. Bryant & Co., printers, 41 Nassau St., cor. Liberty, 1853. |
1853 | New York | Platform of the American Anti-Slavery Society and its auxiliaries. | American Anti-Slavery Society. | New York : sold ... at the office of the American Anti-Slavery Society, 1853. |
1853 | New York | The homes of the New world : impressions of America | Bremer, Fredrika, 1801-1865. | New York : Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 329 & 331 Pearl Street, Franklin Square, 1853. |
1853 | New York | American missionary memorial. : Including biographical and historical sketches. | New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, 329 & 331 Pearl Street, Franklin Square., 1853.. |
1853 | New York | Uncle Tom's gone to rest | New York : Published by Firth, Pond & Co. 1 Franklin Square., c1853. |
1853 | Ohio | The travels and adventures of celebrated travelers in the principal countries of the globe : with brilliantly illuminated illustrations in oil colors, mezzotint engravings, and wood-cuts | Howe, Henry, 1816-1893. | Cincinnati : Published by Henry Howe, 1853. [C.A. Morgan & Co., Stereotypers; Morgan & Overend, Printers]. |
1853 | Ohio | Uncle Tom's kindred, or The wrongs of the lowly; : exhibited in a series of sketches and narratives. : In ten volumes. Volume I. | Mansfield, O., : published by E. Smith, for the Wesleyan Methodist Connection of America., 1853.. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Antifanaticism: : a tale of the South. | Butt, Martha Haines, b. 1834. | Philadelphia: : Lippincott, Grambo, and Co., 1853.. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | On civil liberty and self-government. | Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872. | Philadelphia, : Lippincott, Grambo and Co., MDCCCLIII. [1853] |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Thirty-fourth annual report of the Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented to the General Assembly, May, 1853. | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Education | Philadelphia: : Published by the board., 1853. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | The planter: or, Thirteen years in the south | Brown, David, 1786-1875. | Philadelphia : H. Hooker, corner of Chestnut and Eighth Sts., 1853. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Colored school statistics. : To the Board of Education of The Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, etc. | Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery. Board of Education | [Philadelphia] : Moran, Sickels & Co., prs., N.E. cor. 3rd & Chestnut, Philada., [1853?] |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Tales of the southern border | Webber, Charles W. (Charles Wilkins), 1819-1856. | Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1853. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Horticultural Hall. West Chester, Pa. First night of the Philadelphia Star Company : ... Prices of admission 25 cts. Secured seats 37 1-2 cts. Gallery for colored persons 25 cts. Front seats reserved for ladies. Doors open at 7 1/2 o'cl'k. Performance to commence at 8. A card.--To the ladies and gentlemen of West Chester:--You are hereby informed that all the plays, &c., as represented by the Philadelphia Star Company, are strictly moral in their tendency, being the productions of the most popular authors of both ancient and modern times, thereby avoiding to offend the most fastidious taste. You are therefore most respectfully solicited to attend these entertainments, as they are both chaste and edifying. Monday evening, August 1st, 1853. When will be presented Kotzebue's beautiful play of The stranger. ... The whole to conclude with the very laughable farce of The secret. ... Tuesday evening an attractive bill of performance will be offered. | Star Company. | [West Chester, Pa.] : Register & Examiner Steam Press, West Chester, Pa., [1853] |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Nineteenth annual report of the Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society.. | Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society. | Philadelphia: : Merrihew & Thompson, printers, nos. 2 and 4 Merchant St., 1853.. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Liberia as it is. | Johnson, R. M. | Philadelphia: : Brown's Steam Power Book and Job Printing Office, Ledger Buildings., 1853.. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | John Randolph, of Roanoke, and other sketches of character, including William Wirt. : Together with tales of real life. | Thomas, Frederick W. (Frederick William), 1806-1866. | Philadelphia: : A. Hart, late Carey and Hart., 1853. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Notes on Uncle Tom's cabin: : being a logical answer to its allegations and inferences against slavery as an institution. With a supplementary note on the key, and an appendix of authorities. | Stearns, Edward J. (Edward Josiah), 1810-1890. | Philadelphia: : Lippincott, Grambo & Co. No. 14 North Fourth Street., 1853. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Louise Elton: or, Things seen and heard. : A novel. | Herndon, Mary E. (Mary Eliza), b. 1820. | Philadelphia: : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1853.. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | The first annual report of the Cape Palmas Female Orphan Asylum Society : read in St. Andrew's Church, Philadelphia, Tuesday evening, Nov. 8th, 1853. | Cape Palmas Female Orphan Asylum Society. | Philadelphia : printed by Stavely & McCalla, No. 12 Pear Street, 1853. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | To the friends of the African race. : --An appeal in behalf of the Pennsylvania Colonization Society. The Pennsylvania Colonization Society, established in 1826, and incorporated in 1830, have since their institution been quietly and unobtrusively prosecuting, as far as their limited means permitted, the grand object of their organization. ... | Pennsylvania Colonization Society. | [Philadephia : the Society, 1853] |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Twenty-fourth annual report of the inspectors of the Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. : Transmitted to the Senate and House of Representatives, February, 1853.. | Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: : B. Mifflin, printer, 63 Walnut Street,, 1853.. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | The twenty-fifth annual report of the Board of Managers of the House of Refuge. : With an appendix, containing the annual statement of the Treasurer, the annual report of the Ladies' Committee, and those of the Superintendents and Principal Teachers.. | House of Refuge (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : Published by order of the contributors. T.K. and P.G. Collins, printers., 1853.. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Mr. Frank, the underground mail-agent. | Vidi. | Philadelphia: : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1853.. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Horticultural Hall. West Chester, Pa. Positively the last night of the Philadelphia Star Company : First night of Shakespeare's tragedy of Othello Prices of admission 25 cts. Secured seats 37 1-2 cts. Gallery for colored persons 25 cts. Front seats reserved for ladies. Doors open at 7 1/2 o'clock. Performance to commence at 8. A card.--To the ladies and gentlemen of West Chester:--You are hereby informed that all the plays, &c., as represented by the Philadelphia Star Company, are strictly moral in their tendency, being the productions of the most popular authors of both ancient and modern times, thereby avoiding to offend the most fastidious taste. You are therefore most respectfully solicited to attend these entertainments, as they are both chaste and edifying. Thursday evening, August 4th, 1853. When will be presented Shakspeare's great tragedy, in five acts, of Othello. ... The whole to conclude with the very laughable farce of The pleasant neighbor. ... | Star Company. | [West Chester, Pa.] : Register & Examiner Steam Press, West Chester, Pa., [1853] |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Horticultural Hall. West Chester, Pa. Third night of the Philadelphia Star Company. : ... Prices of admission 25 cts. Secured seats 37 1-2 cts. Gallery for colored persons 25 cts. Front seats reserved for ladies. Doors open at 7 1/2 o'clock. Performance to commence at 8. A card.--To the ladies and gentlemen of West Chester:--You are hereby informed that all the plays, &c., as represented by the Philadelphia Star Company, are strictly moral in their tendency, being the productions of the most popular authors of both ancient and modern times, thereby avoiding to offend the most fastidious taste. You are therefore most respectfully solicited to attend these entertainments, as they are both chaste and edifying. Wednesday evening, August 3d, 1853. All that glitters is not gold, or The factory girl's diary ... The whole to conclude with the popular farce of The dumb belle; or The queen's own. ... To-morrow evening, Shakspeare's great tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. | Star Company. | [West Chester, Pa.] : Register & Examiner Steam Press, West Chester, Pa., [1853] |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Horticultural Hall. West Chester, Pa. Second night of the Philadelphia Star Company : ... Prices of admission 25 cts. Secured seats 37 1-2 cts. Gallery for colored persons 25 cts. Front seats reserved for ladies. Doors open at 7 1/2 o'clock. Performance to commence at 8. A card.--To the ladies and gentlemen of West Chester:--You are hereby informed that all the plays, &c., as represented by the Philadelphia Star Company, are strictly moral in their tendency, being the productions of the most popular authors of both ancient and modern times, thereby avoiding to offend the most fastidious taste. You are therefore most respectfully solicited to attend these entertainments, as they are both chaste and edifying. Tuesday evening, August 2d, 1853. When will be presented Bulwer's magnificent play of The lady of Lyons. ... The whole to conclude with the popular farce of The dead shot. ... | Star Company. | [West Chester, Pa.] : Register & Examiner Steam Press, West Chester, Pa., [1853] |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Uncle Tom at home : A review of the reviewers and repudiators of Uncle Tom's cabin by Mrs. Stowe | Adams, F. Colburn (Francis Colburn) | [Philadelphia] : Willis P. Hazard, Philadelphia, 1853 [Stereotyped by Slote & Mooney] |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Historical and descriptive sketches of Norfolk and vicinity, : including Portsmouth and the adjacent counties, during a period of two hundred years. Also, sketches of Williamsburg, Hampton, Suffolk, Smithfield, and other places, with descriptions of some of the principal objects of interest in eastern Virginia. | Forrest, William S. | Philadelphia: : Lindsay and Blakiston., 1853.. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | The seventeenth annual report of the Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans. | Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans (Cheyney, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : Printed by Joseph Rakestraw, printer, Apple-tree Alley., 1853.. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Louise Elton: or, Things seen and heard. A novel. | Herndon, Mary E. | Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo, & Co., 1853. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | The slave trade, domestic and foreign : why it exists, and how it may be extinguished | Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879. | Philadelphia : A.Hart, late Carey & Hart, No. 126 Chestnut Street : Stereotyped by L. Johnson and Co. Philadelphia : Printed by T.K. & P.G. Collins, 1853. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Uncle Sam's emancipation; Earthly care, a heavenly discipline, and other sketches. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | [Philadelphia] : Willis P. Hazard, 178 Chestnut St., Philadelphia., 1853. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | The life and adventures of Arthur Spring; : the murderer of Mrs. Ellen Lynch and her sister, Mrs. Shaw. With the complete trials, speeches, and conviction of the murderer.... | Spring, Arthur, 1814-1853. | Philadelphia: : T.B. Peterson, No. 98 Chesnut Street., [1853?] |
1853 | Pennsylvania | Gas! Gas! Gas! : Masonic Hall Chesnut Street, above Seventh. Extraordinary attractions! Two performances a day for three days only, commencing Thursday, March 3d--afternoon at 3 o'clock, and evening at 7 1/2 o'clock. The Philadelphia infant drummer! only four years of age, and who beats over one hundred popular airs on the drum. In connection with the above, Prof'r Greenwood will exhibit his nitrous oxide gas ... B.S. Bowen the celebrated banjoist and southern Ethiopian delineator, from New Orleans, ... Master George, the infant drummer, accompanied by Prof. Moran on the fife. ... Admission, 12 1/2 cents Front seats reserved for the ladies. | Masonic Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.) | [Philadelphia, Pa.] : Brown's Steam-Power Job Printing Establishment, Ledger Buildings, Philadelphia., [1853?] |
1853 | Pennsylvania | American Baptist register, for 1852 | Philadelphia : American Baptist Publication Society, 118 Arch Street : Stereotyped by George Charles : Printed by King & Baird, 1853. |
1853 | Pennsylvania | The Wheat-sheaf; or, Gleanings for the wayside and fireside.. | Philadelphia: : Willis P. Hazard, 1778 Chestnut Street., 1853.. |
1853 | Virginia | Address to the Virginia State Agricultural Society : on the effects of domestic slavery on the manners, habits and welfare of the agricultural population of the Southern States; and the slavery of class to class in the Northern States | Ruffin, Edmund, 1794-1865. | Richmond : P.D. Bernard, Printer, South Twelfth Street, 1853. |
1853 | Virginia | Uncle Robin, in his cabin in Virginia, and Tom without one in Boston | Page, John W. | [Richmond, Va.] : J. W. Randolph, Richmond, Va., 1853. |
1853 | Virginia | Notes on the state of Virginia, | Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826. | [Richmond, Va.] : J.W. Randolph, 121 Main Street, Richmond, Va., 1853.. |
1854 | Alabama | Autographs for freedom | Griffiths, Julia, d. 1895 ed. | Auburn : Alden, Beardsley & Co. ; Rochester : Wanzer, Beardsley & Co., 1854 [N.Y. : Stereotyped by Thomas B. Smith]. |
1854 | Brazil | Falla recitada na abertura da assembléa legislativa da Bahia : pelo presidente da provincia odoutor João Mauricio Wanderley : No. 1.° de março de 1854. | Bahia (Brazil : State). Assembléia Legislativa | Bahia [Brazil] : typographia de Antonio Olavo da França guerra e comp. rua do tira-chapéo casa n. 3, 1854. |
1854 | Connecticut | The new song book, : containing a choice collection of the most popular songs, glees, choruses, extravaganzas, &c. Many of which have never before been published.. | Hartford: : S Andrus and Son, 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. S.A. Douglas, of Illinois, in the Senate, January 30, 1854, on the Nebraska Territory. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Sentinel office., 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. J.R. Franklin, of Maryland, on the Nebraska and Kansas territorial bill. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 28, 1854.. | Franklin, John Rankin, 1820-1878. | Washington: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1854.. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Brodhead, of Penn'a, on the Nebraska and Kansas bill : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, Feb. 28, 1854. | Brodhead, Richard, 1811-1863. | Washington [D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of the Hon. George E. Badger, of North Carolina : in the United States Senate, February 16, 1854, on the Nebraska bill. | Badger, George Edmund, 1795-1866. | Washington [D.C.] : Printed at the Sentinel Office, 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Letter of Senator Douglas, in reply to the editor of the State Capitol Reporter, Concord, N.H. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Sentinel office., 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of the Hon. A.H. Stephens, of Georgia, in the House of Representatives. February 17, 1854. On Nebraska and Kansas. | Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 1812-1883. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Sentinel Office., 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. S.A. Douglas, of Illinois, in the Senate, January 30, 1854. On the Nebraska Territory. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | Washington: : printed at the Sentinel office., 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Freedom and public faith. : Speech of William H. Seward, on the abrogation of the Missouri compromise, in the Kansas and Nebraska bills. Senate of the United States, February 17, 1854. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Insane and Homestead bills--Clayton amendment. : Views of Richard Brodhead, expressed in the Senate of the United States, July 5, 1854. | Brodhead, Richard, 1811-1863. | [Washington [D.C.] ] : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, [1854]. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of Senator Douglas, at a public dinner given him by his personal and political friends at Chicago, November 9, 1854. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | Washington [D.C.] : Printed at the Sentinel office, 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. John J. Taylor, of New York, on the Nebraska and Kansas bill. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, May 9, 1854. | Taylor, John James, 1808-1892. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Nebraska and Kansas : speech of Hon. William H. Witte, of Pennsylvania : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 20, 1854. | Witte, William H. (William Henry), 1817-1876. | Washington : Printed at the Sentinel Office, 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. S.H. Walley, of Massachusetts : on the Nebraska & Kansas territorial bill, delivered in the House of Representatives, May 9, 1854. | Walley, Samuel Hurd, 1805-1877. | Washington : John T. & Lem. Towers, 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of John M. Clayton, of Delaware, on the bill to organize territorial governments in Nebraska and Kansas : discussing the Missouri Compromise and the doctrine of non-intervention. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 1 and 2, 1854. | Clayton, John M. (John Middleton), 1796-1856. | Washington [D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of the Hon. Robert Toombs, of Georgia, in the United States Senate, February 23, 1854. On Nebraska and Kansas. | Toombs, Robert Augustus, 1810-1885. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Sentinel Office., 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. G.A. Simmons, of New York, delivered in the House of Representatives, May 10, 1854, on the Nebraska and Kansas bill. | Simmons, George Abel, 1791-1857. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Maintain plighted faith : Speech of Hon. S.P. Chase, of Ohio, in the Senate, February 3, 1854, against the repeal of the Missouri prohibition of slavery north of 36 °30. | Chase, Salmon P. (Salmon Portland), 1808-1873. | Washington : printed by John T. and Lem. Towers, 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Nebraska and Kansas : Speech of Mr. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, in the House of Representatives, March 23, 1854, delivered in the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union. | Breckinridge, John C. (John Cabell), 1821-1875. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Hendrick B. Wright, of Penn., on the Nebraska and Kansas territorial bill : delivered in the House of Representatives, April 4, 1854. | Wright, Hendrick B. (Hendrick Bradley), 1808-1881. | Washington [D.C.] : Congressional Globe Office, 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Everett, of Massachusetts, : delivered in the Senate of the United States, Feb 8, 1854, on the Nebraska and Kansas territorial bill.. | Everett, Edward, 1794-1865. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Congressional Globe office., 1854.. |
1854 | District of Columbia | The landmark of freedom. : Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, against the repeal of the Missouri prohibition of slavery north of 36° 30'. In the Senate, February 21, 1854. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | [Washington, D.C.] : Buell & Blanchard, printers, Washington, D.C., [1854] |
1854 | District of Columbia | Civil and religious toleration : Speech of Hon. William S. Barry, of Miss., delivered in the House of Representatives, December 18, 1854. | Barry, William T. S. (William Taylor Sullivan), 1821-1868. | [Washington, D.C.] : [Printed at the office of the Congressional Globe], [1854]. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Defence of Massachusetts. : Speeches of Hon. Charles Sumner, on the Boston memorial for the repeal of the Fugitive slave bill, and in reply to Messrs. Jones of Tennessee, Butler of South Carolina, and Mason of Virginia. In Senate of United States, June 26 and 28, 1854. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. I. Washburn, Jr., of Maine, on the bill to organize territorial governments in Nebraska and Kansas, and against the abrogation of the Missouri compromise : House of Representatives, April 7, 1854. | Washburn, Israel, 1813-1883. | Washington : Congressional Globe Office, 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Maintain plighted faith : Speech of Hon. S.P. Chase, of Ohio, in the Senate, February 3, 1854, against the repeal of the Missouri prohibition of slavery north of 36 °30'. | Chase, Salmon P. (Salmon Portland), 1808-1873. | Washington [D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Nebraska and Kansas : Speech of Hon. James Knox, of Illinois, in the House of Representatives, May 19, 1854. | Knox, James, 1807-1876. | [Washington, D.C. : Printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1854]. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Nebraska and Kansas. : Speech of Hon. Harry Hibbard, of N.H., in the House of Representatives, May 8, 1854.. | Hibbard, Harry, 1816-1872. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., [1854] |
1854 | District of Columbia | Justice to all. : Speech of Hon. William M. Tweed, of N.Y., in the House of Representatives, May 10, 1854. | Tweed, William Marcy, 1823-1878. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., [1854] |
1854 | District of Columbia | A bill to organize the territories of Nebraska and Kansas, and the report of the Committee on Territories. : In the Senate of the United States. January 4, 1854. Mr. Douglas made the following report. (To accompany Bill S.22.) | United States. Congress. Senate | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1854?]. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Nebraska and Kansas : Speech of Hon. Willis Allen, of Illinois, in the House of Representatives, May 20, 1854. | Allen, Willis, 1806-1859. | [Washington, D.C. : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1854] |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of William H. Seward, on the Kansas and Nebraska bill. : Senate of the United States, May 26, 1854. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | [Washington, D.C.] : Buell & Blanchard, printers, Washington, D.C., [1854] |
1854 | District of Columbia | No slavery in Nebraska: no slavery in the nation: slavery an outlaw. : Speech of Gerrit Smith, on the Nebraska bill. In Congress, April 6, 1854. | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Washington, D.C.] : Buell & Blanchard, printers, Washington, D.C., [1854] |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of W.P. Fessenden, of Maine, against the repeal of the Missouri prohibition, north of 363°0.´ : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 3, 1854, on the bill to establish territorial governments in Nebraska and Kansas.. | Fessenden, William Pitt, 1806-1869. | [Washington, D.C.] : Buell & Blanchard, printers., [1854] |
1854 | District of Columbia | Letter of Senator Douglas, vindicating his character and his position on the Nebraska bill against the assaults contained in the proceedings of a public meeting composed of twenty-five clergymen of Chicago. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | Washington [D.C.]: : printed at the Sentinel office., 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | The landmark of freedom. : Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, against the repeal of the Missouri prohibition of slavery north of 36° 30'. In the Senate, February 21, 1854. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., [1854] |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Bridges, of Penn'a, on the Nebraska and Kansas bill : Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 15, 1854. | Bridges, Samuel A. (Samuel Augustus), 1802-1884. | Washington : printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. A. Dixon, of Kentucky, on the Nebraska territorial bill, : delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 4, 1854. | Dixon, A. (Archibald), 1802-1876. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Congressional Globe office., 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Peckham, of New York, on the Kansas and Nebraska question : Delivered in the House of Representatives, May 18, 1854. | Peckham, Rufus W., 1809-1873. | Washington : printed by John T. & Lem. Towers, 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. S.A. Douglas, of Illinois, in the United States Senate, March 3, 1854. On Nebraska and Kansas. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | Washington [D.C.] : printed at the Sentinel office, 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Nebraska and Kansas. : Speech of Hon. Jas. Cooper, of Pennsylvania, in the Senate of the United States, Feb. 27, 1854. | Cooper, James, 1810-1863. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe office., [1854]. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Banks, of Massachusetts, on the Nebraska and Kansas bill. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, May 23, 1854.. | Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, 1816-1894. | [Washington, D.C. : Towers, printers., 1854?] |
1854 | District of Columbia | Slavery compromises. : Speech of Hon. S.H. Walley, of Mass., on the Nebraska and Kansas territorial bill. Delivered in the House of Representatives, May 9, 1854.. | Walley, Samuel Hurd, 1805-1877. | [Washington, D.C. : Congressional Globe Office, 1854?] |
1854 | District of Columbia | Right of petition. New England clergymen : Remarks of Messrs. Everett, Mason, Pettit, Messrs. Douglas, Butler, Seward, Messrs. Houston, Adams, Badger. On the memorial from some 3,050 clergymen of all denominations and sects in the different states in New England, remonstrating against the passage of the Nebraska bill : Senate of the United States, March 14, 1854. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1854. |
1854 | District of Columbia | Appeal of the independent Democrats in Congress, to the people of the United States : Shall slavery be permitted in Nebraska? | [Washington, D.C.] : Towers', printers, [1854]. |
1854 | England | The West Indies, before and since slave emancipation, : comprising the Windward and Leeward Islands' military command; : founded on notes and observations collected during a three years' residence. | Davy, John, 1790-1868. | London: : W. & F.G. Cash, 5, Bishopsgate without. ; Dublin: : J. M'Glashan and J.B. Gilpin. ; Barbados: : J. Bowen. ; [Faringdon, England] : Printed by T. Knapp, Faringdon., 1854. |
1854 | England | African native literature, or Proverbs, tales, fables, & historical fragments in the Kanuri or Bornu language. : To which are added a translation of the above and a Kanuri-English vocabulary. | Koelle, S. W. (Sigismund Wilhelm) | London: : Church Missionary House, Salisbury Square., 1854.. |
1854 | England | Antislavery recollections: : in a series of letters, addressed to Mrs. Beecher Stowe, | Stephen, George, Sir, 1794-1879. | London: : Thomas Hatchard, 187, Piccadilly., 1854. |
1854 | England | An account of the progress of the expedition to Central Africa : performed by order of her Majesty's Foreign Office, under Messrs. Richardson, Barth, Overweg & Vogel, in the years 1850, 1851, 1852, and 1853 | Petermann, A. (August), 1822-1878. | London : Published for the author by E. Stanford, 1854. |
1854 | England | God's image in ebony : being a series of biographical sketches, facts, anecdotes, etc., demonstrative of the mental powers and intellectual capacities of the Negro race | Adams, H. G. (Henry Gardiner), 1811 or 12-1881. | London : Partridge and Oakey, 1854. |
1854 | England | The life and correspondence of Charles, Lord Metcalfe; : late governor-general of India, governor of Jamaica, and governor-general of Canada; from unpublished letters and journals preserved by himself, his family, and his friends. | Kaye, John William, Sir, 1814-1876. | London: : Richard Bentley, publisher in ordinary to Her Majesty., MDCCCLIV. [1854] |
1854 | England | Opinion in case of the barque Jones | Commission of Claims Under the Convention of February 8, 1853, between the United States and Great Britain. | London : C. Whittingham, 1854. |
1854 | England | On the influence of social degradation in producing pauperism and crime, as exemplified in the free coloured citizens and foreigners in the United States. | Everest, Robert. | [London : the Society, 1854] |
1854 | England | Romance of travel : from Brest to the Isle of Bourbon, Brazil, &c. | Yvan, Melchior, 1803-1873. | London : James Blackwood, 1854. |
1854 | England | Forty-ninth report of the British and Foreign School Society. | British and Foreign School Society. | London : printed by J. & W. Rider, 14, Bartholomew Close, 1854. |
1854 | England | Polyglotta Africana; or A comparative vocabulary of nearly three hundred words and phrases in more than one hundred distinct African languages. | Koelle, S. W. (Sigismund Wilhelm) | London: : Church Missionary House, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street., MDCCCLIV. [1854] |
1854 | England | Algeria: : the topography and history, political, social, and natural, of French Africa. | Morell, John Reynell. | London: : Nathaniel Cooke, Milford House, Strand., MDCCCLIV [1854].. |
1854 | England | Scenery, science and art; : being extracts from the note-book of a geologist and mining engineer. | Ansted, D. T. (David Thomas), 1814-1880. | London: : John Van Voorst, Paternoster Row., M.DCCC.LIV. [1854] |
1854 | England | Fiftieth report of the British and Foreign Bible Society; M.DCCC.LIV. : with an appendix and a list of subscribers and benefactors. | British and Foreign Bible Society. | London : printed by Richard Clay, Bread Street Hill : sold at the society's house, Earl Street, Blackfriars; and by all booksellers in the United Kingdom, 1854. |
1854 | England | The Kafir, the Hottentot, and the frontier farmer. : Passages of missionary life from the journals of the venerable Archdeacon Merriman. : Third thousand. | Merriman, Nathaniel James, 1809-1881. | London: : George Bell, 186, Fleet Street., 1854.. |
1854 | Germany | Wanderungen zwischen Hudson und Mississippi 1851 und 1852 | Busch, Moritz, 1821-1899. | Stuttgart und Tübingen : J.G. Cotta'scher Verlag, 1854. |
1854 | Kentucky | The doctrine of Divine Providence; as taught by reason and revelation. : A sermon, preached in the Presbyterian Church, Maysville, Ky., on Sabbath morning, August 20th, 1854. | Grundy, R. C. (Robert Caldwell), 1807-1865. | Maysville [Ky.]: : printed at the Maysville Eagle office., 1854.. |
1854 | Maryland | African slave trade in Jamaica : and comparative treatment of slaves. Read before the Maryland Historical Society, October, 1854. | Sheppard, Moses. | [Baltimore, Md.] : Printed for the Maryland Historical Society, by John D. Toy, [1854]. |
1854 | Maryland | A sketch of the life of Benjamin Banneker : from notes taken in 1836. Read by J. Saurin Norris, before the Maryland Historical Society, October 5th, 1854. | Tyson, Martha Ellicott, 1795-1873. | [Baltimore, Md.] : Printed for the Maryland Historical Society, by John D. Toy, [1854]. |
1854 | Massachusetts | The Defensive League of Freedom. | Defensive League of Freedom. | [Boston : s.n., 1854?] |
1854 | Massachusetts | Poems on miscellaneous subjects, | Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 1825-1911. | Boston: : J.B. Yerrinton & Son, printers., 1854.. |
1854 | Massachusetts | The Nebraska question : some thoughts on the new assault upon freedom in America, and the general state of the country in relation thereunto, set forth in a discourse preached at the Music Hall, in Boston, on Monday, Feb. 12, 1854 | Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. | Boston : B.B. Mussey & Co., 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | The Missouri Compromise : an address delivered before the citizens of Pittsfield | Humphrey, Heman, 1779-1861. | Pittsfield [Mass.] : Reed, Hull & Peirson,--printers, 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Assaults upon freedom! or, Kidnapping an outrage upon humanity and abhorrent to God. : A discourse, occasioned by the rendition of Anthony Burns. | Gray, E. H. (Edgar Harkness), 1815-1894. | Shelburne Falls [Mass.], : published by D.B. Gunn., 1854.. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Slavery, in its present aspects and relations. : A sermon preached on Fast day, April 6, 1854, at Cambridge, Mass. | Stearns, William A. (William Augustus), 1805-1876. | Boston and Cambridge [Mass.]: : James Munroe and Company., 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Gan-Eden: or, Pictures of Cuba.. | Hurlbert, William Henry, 1827-1895. | Boston: : published by John P. Jewett and Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor and Worthington. ; New York: : Sheldon, Lamport and Blakeman., 1854.. |
1854 | Massachusetts | A South-side view of slavery : or, Three months at the South, in 1854 | Adams, Nehemiah, 1806-1878. | Boston : Published by T.R. Marvin, and B.B. Mussey & Co., 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | A discourse on the sin of American slavery : delivered in the Baptist Church, E. Dedham, on Sabbath evening, May 21st, 1854 | Paterson, William C. | Boston : J. Howe, 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | An address made to the people, on the Constitution of the United States, the Fugitive Slave Law, the Nebraska and Kansas Territorial Bill, &c. By the way of an explanation | Bassett, Samuel. | [Taunton, Mass.? : s.n., 1854?] |
1854 | Massachusetts | Kanzas and Nebraska: : the history, geographical and physical characteristics, and political position of those territories; an account of the emigrant aid companies, and directions to emigrants. | Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909. | Boston: : Phillips, Sampson and Company. ; New York: : J.C. Derby. ; [Boston] : Stereotyped by Hobart & Robbins, New England Type and Stereotype Foundry, Boston., 1854.. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Memoirs speeches and writings of Robert Rantoul, Jr. | Rantoul, Robert, 1805-1852. | Boston: : John P. Jewett and Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor, and Worthington. ; London: : Low and Company., 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Educational laws of Virginia. : The personal narrative of Mrs. Margaret Douglass, a southern woman, who was imprisoned for one month in the common jail of Norfolk, under the laws of Virginia, for the crime of teaching free colored children to read. | Douglass, Margaret. | Boston: : Published by John P. Jewett & Co. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington., 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Relation of the North to slavery. : A discourse preached in the Federal Street Meetinghouse, in Boston, on Sunday, June 11, 1854. | Gannett, Ezra S. (Ezra Stiles), 1801-1871. | Boston: : Crosby, Nichols & Company., MDCCCLIV. [1854] |
1854 | Massachusetts | Reform and repeal : a sermon preached of Fast-Day, April 6, 1854, and Legal anarchy, a sermon preached on June 4, 1854, after the rendition of Anthony Burns | Weiss, John, 1818-1879. | Boston : Crosby, Nichols, and Company, 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Nebraska and Kansas. : Report of the committee of the Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Co. with the act of incorporation, and other documents.. | Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Company. | Boston: : Published for the Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Co., 1854.. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Speech delivered by Hon. Josiah Quincy, Senior, before the Whig State Convention, assembled at the Music Hall, Boston. : Aug. 16, 1854.. | Quincy, Josiah, 1772-1864. | Boston: : Printed by John Wilson & Son, 22, School Street., 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | A sermon preached in the First Congregational Church, Milton, June 4, 1854 | Morison, John Hopkins, 1808-1896. | Boston : Benjamin H. Greene, 1854 [printed by John Wilson and Son]. |
1854 | Massachusetts | The works of William E. Channing, D.D. | Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842. | Boston : Crosby, Nichols and Company ; New York : C.S. Francis and Company, 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Thoughts and things at home and abroad | Burritt, Elihu, 1810-1879. | Boston : Phillips, Sampson, and Company ; New York : J.C. Derby ; Andover : J.D Flagg, stereotyper and printer, 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | An oration delivered before the municipal authorities of the city of Boston, : at the celebration of the seventy-eighth anniversary of American independence, July 4, 1854. | Stone, A. L. (Andrew Leete), 1815-1892. | Boston: : 1854. J.H. Eastburn, city printer., [1854] |
1854 | Massachusetts | A history of the early settlement of Newton, county of Middlesex, Massachusetts, from 1639 to 1800. : With a genealogical register of its inhabitants, prior to 1800. | Jackson, Francis, 1789-1861. | Boston: : Printed by Stacy and Richardson., 1854.. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Stockbridge, past and present; or, Records of an old mission station. | Jones, Electa F. (Electa Fidelia), b. 1806. | Springfield [Mass.] : Samuel Bowles & Company., 1854.. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Literary recreations and miscellanies. | Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892. | Boston: : Ticknor and Fields., M DCCC LIV. [1854] |
1854 | Massachusetts | Observations on the Rev. Dr. Gannett's sermon, entitled "Relation of the North to slavery." : Republished from the editorial columns of the Boston courier, of June 28th and 30th, and July 6th, 1854. | Curtis, George Ticknor, 1812-1894. | Boston: : Redding and Company, 8 State Street. : J.S Potter & Co., printers, 2 Spring Lane and 130 Washington Street, Boston., 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | The bad Friday : a sermon preached in the First Church, West Roxbury, June 4, 1854; it being the Sunday after the return of Anthony Burns to slavery | Willson, E. B. (Edmund Burke), 1820-1895. | Boston : J. Wilson & Son, 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Sunshine in the palace and cottage; or, Bright extremes in human life. | Urbino, L. B. (Levina Buoncuore), d. 1888. | Boston: : Heath and Graves, 79 Cornhill., 1854.. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Massachusetts in mourning : A sermon, preached in Worcester, on Sunday, June 4, 1854 | Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911. | Boston : James Munroe and Company, 1854 [press of Prentiss and Sawyer]. |
1854 | Massachusetts | A sabbath scene | Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892. | Boston : John P. Jewett and Company, 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Memoir of Pierre Toussaint, born a slave in St. Domingo. | Lee, Hannah Farnham Sawyer, 1780-1865. | Boston: : Crosby, Nichols, and Company, 111 Washington Street., 1854.. |
1854 | Massachusetts | The Defensive League of Freedom. | Defensive League of Freedom. | [Boston : s.n., 1854?] |
1854 | Massachusetts | Memoir of Pierre Toussaint, born a slave in St. Domingo. | Lee, Hannah Farnham Sawyer, 1780-1865. | Boston: : Crosby, Nichols, and Company, 111 Washington Street., 1854.. |
1854 | Massachusetts | History of Cuba; or, Notes of a traveller in the tropics : Being a political, historical, and statistical account of the island, from its first discovery to the present time | Ballou, Maturin Murray, 1820-1895. | Boston : Phillips, Sampson and Company. New York : J.C. Derby. Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Company, 1854 [Boston : Stereotyped by Hobart & Robins, New England Type and Stereotype Foundery] |
1854 | Massachusetts | The new crime against humanity : a sermon, preached at the Music Hall, in Boston, on Sunday, June 4, 1854 | Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. | Boston : B.B. Mussey, 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | A letter of inquiry to ministers of the gospel of all denominations, on slavery. | Lord, Nathan, 1792-1870. | Boston: : Fetridge and Company., 1854.. |
1854 | Massachusetts | A discourse on the proposed repeal of the Missouri compromise; : delivered on the fast day, April 6, 1854, in the First Congregational Church, in Leicester, Mass., | Nelson, John, 1786-1871. | [Worcester, Mass.] : Printed by Edward R. Fiske Worcester Mass., [1854] |
1854 | Massachusetts | The crisis of freedom. : A sermon, preached at the Free Church, in Lynn, on Sunday, June 11, 1854. | Johnson, Samuel, 1822-1882. | Boston: : Crosby, Nichols & Co., 111 Washington Street., 1854.. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Ida May : a story of things actual and possible | Langdon, Mary, 1824-1908. | Boston : Phillips, Sampson, 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Sunny memories of foreign lands. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Boston: : Phillips, Sampson, and Company. ; New York: : J.C. Derby., 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | A letter of inquiry to ministers of the gospel of all denominations, on slavery. | Lord, Nathan, 1792-1870. | Boston: : Little, Brown, and Company., 1854.. |
1854 | Massachusetts | The rendition of Anthony Burns : Its causes and consequences : A discourse on Christian politics, delivered in Williams Hall, Boston, on Whitsunday, June 4, 1854 | Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888. | Boston : Crosby, Nichols, & Co., and Prentiss & Sawyer : printed by Prentiss and Sawyer, 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | The rendition of Anthony Burns | Bowditch, William I. (William Ingersoll), 1819-1909. | Boston : Published by Robert F. Wallcut, 1854. (Press of Prentiss and Sawyer) |
1854 | Massachusetts | Report of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, presented at the forty-fifth annual meeting : held in Hartford, Connecticut, September 12-15, 1854. | American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. | Boston : Press of T.R. Marvin, 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Nebraska : a poem, personal and political. | Phillips, Samuel R., 1824-1880. | Boston : Published by John P. Jewett and Company ; Cleveland, Ohio : Jewett, Proctor, and Worthington, 1854. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Noah and his times: : embracing the consideration of various inquiries relative to the antediluvian and earlier postdiluvian periods, with discussions of several of the leading questions of the present day. | Olmstead, J. M. (James Munson), 1794-1870. | Boston: : Gould and Lincoln, 59 Washington Street., 1854.. |
1854 | Massachusetts | The American almanac and repository of useful knowledge, for the year 1855. | Boston : Phillips, Sampson, and Company. London: Sampson Low, Son, and Company. Paris: Hector Bossange, 1855, [c1854] [Cambridge : Metcalf and Company, Printers to the university] |
1854 | Massachusetts | The fugitive slave bill. : Enacted by the United States Congress, and approved by the President, Millard Fillmore, September 18, 1850.. | Boston: : Printed and for sale at 145 Hanover Street., 1854.. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Sir:-- We take the liberty of sending you a copy of a speech, delivered before a Whig Convention ... by Hon. Josiah Quincy .... | [Boston : s.n., 1854]. |
1854 | Massachusetts | Boston slave riot, and trial of Anthony Burns : Containing the report of the Faneuil Hall meeting; the murder of Batchelder; Theodore Parker's lesson for the day; speeches of counsel on both sides, corrected by themselves; a verbatim report of Judge Loring's decision; and detailed account of the embarkation. | Boston : Fetridge and Company, 1854. |
1854 | New York | Peterboro, Nov. 1, 1854. William Goodell, : Dear Friend, I see, in the "American Jubilee", that you, too, are unsparing in your criticisms upon my unlucky career in Congress. ... | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Peterboro, N.Y.? : s.n., 1854] |
1854 | New York | Cases of personal identity. | Munsell, Joel, 1808-1880. | Albany [N.Y.]: : J. Munsell, 78 State Street., 1854. |
1854 | New York | History of Louisiana. : The Spanish domination. | Gayarré, Charles, 1805-1895. | [New York] : Redfield: 110 and 112 Nassau Street, New York., 1854.. |
1854 | New York | Negroes and Negro "slavery;" : the first an inferior race--the latter its normal condition. | Van Evrie, John H., 1814-1896. | [New York] : Day Book Office, 19 Ann Street, N.Y. Stereotyped by Vincent L. Dill, 128 Fulton Street, New York., [1854?] |
1854 | New York | Southern Aid Society: : its constitution, and address to the Christian public. Together with some notice of the convention which resulted in its formation, and extracts from its correspondence. 1854. | Southern Aid Society. | New York; : Printed at the Day Book Female Type-Setting Establishment, 75 Nassau Street., [1854] |
1854 | New York | Southward ho! : A spell of sunshine | Simms, William Gilmore, 1806-1870. | [New York] : Redfield 110 and 112 Nassau Street, New York., 1854. |
1854 | New York | The first report of the Southern Aid Society, : presented by the executive committee at the anniversary meeting, October 25th, 1854, with an appendix. | Southern Aid Society. | New-York: : D. Fanshaw, printer, 35 Ann-street, corner of Nassau., 1854. |
1854 | New York | A sermon on the Nebraska bill | Beecher, Charles, 1815-1900. | New-York : Oliver & Brother, printers, 1854. |
1854 | New York | La belle Zoa; or The insurrection of Hayti. | Pratt, Frances Hammond. | Albany: : Weed, Parsons and Company., 1854.. |
1854 | New York | Nebraska and Kansas : a complete historical account of the proposed territories Nebraska and Kansas, containing the history of the country embraced in these territories ... | Colby, Charles Galusha, 1830-1866. | New-York : Printed by Pudney & Russell, No. 79 John-Street ... , 1854. |
1854 | New York | Peterboro, Oct. 18, 1854. Greene C. Bronson, Esq., : My Dear Sir, So notoriously bad am I--so low have I sunk in the public esteem--that when a man is to be most effectually stigmatized, he is likened to myself. ... | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Peterboro, N.Y.? : s.n., 1854] |
1854 | New York | The life of John Newton, once a sailor, afterwards captain of a slave ship, and subsequently rector of St. Mary Woolnoth, London : "An authentic narrative," | Newton, John, 1725-1807. | New-York : [s.n.], 1854. |
1854 | New York | Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends : held at Old Kennett, Chester County, fifth month, 1854. | Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends (1853-1940) | New York: John F. Trow, 1854. |
1854 | New York | No. 3. Occasional missionary paper, Foreign Committee Protestant Episcopal Church.. | Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. Foreign Committee | [New York : The Committee, 1854] |
1854 | New York | The mission: or, Scenes in Africa. : Written for young people. | Marryat, Frederick, 1792-1848. | New-York: : D. Appleton & Co., 346 & 348 Broadway., M.DCCC.LIVII. [i.e. between 1854 and 1859] |
1854 | New York | Twelve years a slave : Narrative of Solomon Northup, a citizen of New-York, kidnapped in Washington City in 1841, and rescued in 1853, from a cotton plantation near the Red River, in Louisiana. | Northup, Solomon, b. 1808. | Auburn and Buffalo [N.Y.] : Miller, Orton & Mulligan ; London : Sampson Low, Son & Company, 1854 [Auburn : Miller, Orton & Mulligan, stereotypers and printers]. |
1854 | New York | Webster and his master-pieces. | Tefft, B. F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1813-1885. | Auburn [N.Y.] and Buffalo [N.Y.]: : Miller, Orton & Mulligan., 1854. |
1854 | New York | Epiphany appeal, Foreign Committee Protestant Episcopal Church.. | Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. Foreign Committee | [New York : The Committee, 1854] |
1854 | New York | Fifth annual report of the governors of the Alms House, New-York, for the year 1853.. | New York (N.Y.). Board of Governors of the Alms-House. | New-York: : Joseph W. Harrison, printer, no 197 Centre Street., 1854.. |
1854 | New York | The claims of the Negro, ethnologically considered. : An address, before the literary societies of Western Reserve College, at commencement, July 12, 1854. | Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895. | Rochester: : printed by Lee, Mann & Co., Daily American office, Rochester., 1854. |
1854 | New York | No. 4. Occasional missionary paper, Foreign Committee Protestant Episcopal Church.. | Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. Foreign Committee | [New York : The Committee, 1854] |
1854 | New York | No. 5. Occasional missionary paper. Foreign Committee Protestant Episcopal Church.. | Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. Foreign Committee | [New York : The Committee, 1854] |
1854 | New York | The looking-glass : being a true report and narrative of the life, travels and labors of the Rev. Daniel H. Peterson, a colored clergyman; embracing a period of time from the year 1812 to 1854, and including his visit to western Africa : with engravings. | Peterson, Daniel H. | New York : Wright, printer, 1854. |
1854 | New York | First annual report presented to the New York Anti-Slavery Society, May 12th, 1854. | New York State Anti-Slavery Society. | New York: : Anti-Slavery Office, 142 Nassau Street,, 1854.. |
1854 | New York | Notes of travel and life. | Mendell, Sarah. | New York: : Published for the authors., M.DCCC.LIV. [1854]. |
1854 | New York | A journey to Central Africa; or, Life and landscapes from Egypt to the Negro kingdoms of the White Nile. | Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878. | New York: : G.P. Putnam & Co., 10 Park Place., 1854. |
1854 | New York | An examination of the Mosaic laws of servitude | Jay, William, 1789-1858. | New York : published by M.W. Dodd, 1854. |
1854 | New York | No slavery in Nebraska. : The voice of God against national crime. | Thompson, Joseph Parrish, 1819-1879. | New York: : Ivison & Phinney, 178, Fulton Street., 1854. |
1854 | New York | Life in Abyssinia : being notes collected during three years' residence and travels in that country | Parkyns, Mansfield, 1823-1894. | New York : D. Appleton, 1854. |
1854 | New York | Review of the administration of General Pierce. : Anti-Nebraska, anti-administration and anti-rum platform : Speech of Hon. James E. Cooley, at a meeting of the democracy, assembled on Saturday, Nov. 4th, 1854, at the village of Patchogue, in Suffolk Co., L.I. | Cooley, James Ewing, 1802-1882. | New York: : John F. Trow, printer, 49 Ann Street., 1854. |
1854 | New York | The church and slavery : or, the relations of the churches to slavery under the Constitution : considered with special reference to the constitutionality of the action of the General Assembly at Buffalo, A. D., 1853 | Rowland, Henry A. (Henry Augustus), 1804-1859. | New York : M. W. Dodd, 1854. |
1854 | New York | The North and the South : Reprinted from the New York Tribune. | Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879. | New York : published at the office of the Tribune, 1854. |
1854 | New York | The seventeenth annual report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented to the General Assembly in May, 1854. | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (Old School). Board of Foreign Missions | New York: : Published for the board: at the Mission House, 23 Centre Street., 1854. |
1854 | New York | The North and the South : Reprinted from the New York Tribune. | Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879. | New York : published at the office of the Tribune, 1854. |
1854 | New York | Captain Canot; or, Twenty years of an African slaver; : being an account of his career and adventures on the coast, in the interior, on shipboard, and in the West Indies. | Canot, Theodore, 1804-1860. | New York: : D. Appleton and Company, 346 & 348 Broadway. ; London: 16 Little Britain., M.DCCC.LIV [1854].. |
1854 | New York | Africa and the American flag | Foote, Andrew H. (Andrew Hull), 1806-1863. | New York: : D. Appleton & Co., 346 & 348 Broadway, and 16 Little Briain, London., MDCCCLIV.. [1854] |
1854 | New York | A journey to central Africa; or, Life and landscapes from Egypt to the Negro kingdoms of the White Nile. | Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878. | New York: : G.P. Putnam & Co., 10 Park Place., [1854] |
1854 | New York | The Percy anecdotes, : revised edition. To which is added, a valuable collection of American anecdotes. Original and select. Illustrated with fourteen fine portraits. In two volumes. Vol. I [-II].. | New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers., 1854.. |
1854 | New York | El Mulato : periódico politico, literario y de costumbres. | New York : [s.n.], 1854. |
1854 | New York | The Whig almanac and United States register for 1855. | New York : Greeley & McElrath, [1854] |
1854 | Ohio | A plea for humanity : A sermon preached in the Euclid Street Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, Ohio | Bittinger, J. B. (Joseph Baugher), 1823-1885. | Cleveland : Medill, Cowles & Co.'s Press--Morning Leader office, 1854. |
1854 | Ohio | Journal of that faithful servant of Christ, Charles Osborn : containing an account of many of his travels and labors in the work of the ministry, and his trials and exercises in the service of the Lord, and in defense of the truth, as it is in Jesus. | Osborn, Charles, 1775-1850. | Cincinnati : Printed by Achilles Pugh, 1854. |
1854 | Ohio | The Edmondson family, and the capture of the Schooner Pearl. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Cincinnati: : American Reform Tract and Book Society. No. 180 Walnut Street., 1854. |
1854 | Ohio | A short memoir of Samuel Donnell, Esq. | Rankin, John, 1793-1886. | Cincinnati : American Reform Tract and Book Society, 1854. |
1854 | Ohio | The slavery question. | Lawrence, John, 1824-1889. | Dayton, O., : Published by order of the trustees of the Conference Printing Establishment of the United Brethren in Christ. : Vonnieda & Kumler, agents., 1854.. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | Proceedings of the National Emigration Convention of Colored People; : held at Cleveland, Ohio, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 24th, 25th and 26th of August 1854. ; With a reference page of contents.. | National Emigration Convention of Colored People (1854 : Cleveland, Ohio) | Pittsburgh: : Printed by A.A. Anderson., 1854.. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | Thirty-fifth annual report of the Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented to the General Assembly, May, 1854. | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Education | Philadelphia: : Published by the board., 1854. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | Sermons preached in the African Protestant Episcopal Church, of St. Thomas', Philadelphia | Douglass, William, of Philadelphia | Philadelphia : King & Baird, prs., 1854. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | Christian duty. : Three discourses delivered in the First Congregational Unitarian Church of Philadelphia May 28th, June 4th and June 11th, 1854 | Furness, William Henry, 1802-1896. | Philadelphia: : Merrihew & Thompson's Steam Power Press, Merchant Street above Fourth,, 1854.. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | The great future of America and Africa; : an essay showing our whole duty to the Black man, consistent with our own safety and glory. | Dewees, Jacob. | Philadelphia. : Printed for the author by H. Orr, no. 100 Chestnut St., 1854. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | Memoirs of Joseph John Gurney : with selections from his journal and correspondence | Braithwaite, J. Bevan (Joseph Bevan), 1818-1905 ed. | Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1854. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | Twenty-fifth annual report of the inspectors of the Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. : Transmitted to the Senate and House of Representatives, February, 1854.. | Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: : B. F. Mifflin, printer, 63 Walnut Street,, 1854.. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | The twenty-sixth annual report of the Board of Managers of the House of Refuge. : With an appendix, containing the annual statement of the Treasurer, the annual report of the Ladies' Committee, and those of the Superintendents and Principal Teachers, &c.. | House of Refuge (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : Published by order of the contributors. T.K. and P.G. Collins, printers., 1854.. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | Twentieth annual report of the Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society.. | Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society. | Philadelphia: : Merrihew & Thompson's Steam Power Press, nos. 2 and 4 Merchant St., 1854.. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | The design and advantages of the House of Refuge.. | House of Refuge (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : [s.n.], 1854.. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | Treatise on sociology, theoretical and practical. | Hughes, Henry, d. 1862. | Philadelphia: : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1854.. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | Types of mankind: or, Ethnological researches, : based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, sculptures, and crania of races, and upon their natural, geographical, philological and Biblical history: illustrated by selections from the inedited papers of Samuel George Morton, M.D. (late president of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia,) and by additional contributions from L. Agassiz, LL.D; W. Usher, M.D.; and Prof. H. S. Patterson, M.D.: | Nott, Josiah Clark, 1804-1873. | Philadelphia: : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1854.. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | Stories of Africa. | Winner, Septimus, 1827-1902. | Philadelphia: : Charles H. Davis, 62 North Eighth St., 1854.. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | The history of Virginia, from its earliest settlement to the present time | Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885. | Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1854, [c1852] [Stereotyped by L. Johnson and Co.] |
1854 | Pennsylvania | Speech of C.R. Buckalew, of Columbia County : delivered in the senate of Pennsylvania, March 20, 1854, upon resolutions pending against the Nebraska-Kansas bill. | Buckalew, Charles Rollin, 1821-1899. | [Harrisburg, Pa.? : s.n., 1854.] |
1854 | Pennsylvania | The planter's northern bride. : A novel. | Hentz, Caroline Lee, 1800-1856. | Philadelphia: : A. Hart, late Carey & Hart, 126 Chestnut Street., 1854.. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | Know Nothing platform: : containing an account of the Roman Catholic hierarchy, on the civil and religious liberties of the people in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, showing the necessity of the Order of Know Nothings. With a valuable and interesting appendix. Dedicated to the "Order" | Know Nothing. | Philadelphia: : Published for the author. For sale by booksellers and periodical dealers generanly [sic]., [1854?] |
1854 | Pennsylvania | An act for the regulation and continuation of the common school system, in Pennsylvania. ... | Pennsylvania. | Harrisburg: : A. Boyd Hamilton, state printer., 1854.. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | Things as they are in America | Chambers, William, 1800-1883. | Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Co. ; Edinburgh : Printed by W. and R. Chambers, 1854. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | Report on the agriculture and geology of Mississippi : embracing a sketch of the social and natural history of the state | Mississippi. State Geologist | [Philadelphia] : Lippincott, Grambo, and Co., for E. Barksdale, State Printer, 1854. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | The Scripture doctrine with regard to slavery. : | Pottsville [Pa.]: : Benjamin Bannan, printer., 1854. |
1854 | Pennsylvania | Christy's plantation melodies | [Philadelphia] : Fisher & Brother, No. 15 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia ; [New York] : No. 74 Chatham Street, New York ; [Boston] : No. 71 Court Street, Boston ; [Baltimore] : 62 Baltimore St., Balt., c1854. |
1854 | Rhode Island | Proceedings of a public meeting of the citizens of Providence : held in the Beneficent Congregational Church, March 7, 1854, to protest against slavery in Nebraska : with the addresses of the speakers. | Providence. Citizens. | Providence : Knowles, Anthony, & Co., 1854. |
1854 | Scotland | Tales of the desert and the bush. | Gerstäcker, Friedrich, 1816-1872. | Edinburgh: : Thomas Constable and Co. ; [London] : Hamilton, Adams, and Co., London. ; [Dublin] : James M'Glashan, Dublin., MDCCCLIV. [1854] |
1854 | South Carolina | A notice of the "Types of mankind" with an examination of the charges contained in the biography of Dr. Morton, published by Nott and Gliddon | Bachman, John, 1790-1874. | Charleston, [S.C.] James, Williams and Gitsinger, 1854. |
1854 | Undefined place of publication | Official report of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Dred Scott versus John F.A. Sandford [sic]. | United States. Supreme Court | [S.l. : s.n., 185-?] |
1854 | Undefined place of publication | The ethnology of Europe. | [S.l. ; s.n., 1854.] |
1854 | United States | Africans at home. : (From the "Southern quarterly review," July, 1854.). | McCord, David James, 1797-1855. | [U.S. : s.n., 1854] |
1854 | United States | Speech. Nebraska, and the rights of the people in territorial government. : Speech of the Hon. B.F. Hallett, of Boston, delivered at Nashua, New Hampshire, March 3, 1854, by invitation of democratic citizens of the county of Hillsboro'. ; (Phonographic report by J.W. Yerrington.). | Hallett, Benjamin Franklin, 1797-1862. | [United States : s.n., 1854] |
1854 | Vermont | A bake-pan for the dough-faces | Marsh, Leonard, 1800-1870. | Burlington, VT : C. Goodrich, 1854. |
1854 | Virginia | The letter on know-nothingism. | Wise, Henry A. (Henry Alexander), 1806-1876. | [Virginia? : s.n., 1854]. |
1854 | Virginia | Address of John Randolph Tucker, Esq. : delivered before the Phoenix and Philomathean Societies, of William and Mary College, on the 3d day of July, 1854. Published at the request of the two societies. | Tucker, John Randolph, 1823-1897. | Richmond [Va.]: : Chas. H. Wynne, printer., 1854. |
1854 | Virginia | Notes and commentaries during a voyage to Brazil and China, in the year 1848. | Ruschenberger, W. S. W. (William Samuel Waithman), 1807-1895. | Richmond: : MacFarlane & Fergusson., 1854.. |
1854 | Virginia | Sociology for the South, or The failure of free society. | Fitzhugh, George, 1806-1881. | Richmond, Va. : A. Morris, publisher., 1854.. |
1854 | Virginia | Twentieth annual report of the president to the stockholders of the James River and Kanawha Company, : together with the proceedings of the stockholders at their twentieth annual meeting in October 1854, and at their called meeting in January 1854.. | James River and Kanawha Company (Richmond, Va.) | Richmond: : Printed by Colin and Nowlan., 1854.. |
1854 | Wisconsin | Unconstitutionality of the fugitive act : argument of Byron Paine, Esq. and opinion of Hon. A.D. Smith, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the state of Wisconsin. | Paine, Byron, 1827-1871. | [Milwaukee, Wis. : s.n., 1854?] |
1855 | Brazil | Relatorio da repartição dos negocios da justiça : apresentado á assembléa geral legislativa na segunda sessão da nova legislatura : pelo respectivo ministro e secretario de estado | Nabuco de Araújo, José Thomaz, 1813-1878. | Rio de Janeiro : Empreza Typ.--dous de Dezembro--de Paula Brito impressor da casa imperial., 1855.. |
1855 | Brazil | Relatorio da repartição dos negocios estrangeiros : apresentado á assembléa geral legislativa na terceira sessão da nona legislatura : pelo respectivo ministro e secretario de estado | Brazil. Ministério da Fazenda | Rio de Janeiro : typographia universal de laemmert rua dos invalidos, 61 B, 1855. |
1855 | Brazil | Falla recitada na abertura da assembléa legislativa da Bahia : pelo presidente da provincia odoutor João Mauricio Wanderley : no 1. °de março de 1855. | Bahia (Brazil : State). Assembléia Legislativa | Bahia [Brazil] : typographia de A. Olavo de França guerra e comp. rua do pão-de-ló, 1855. |
1855 | Brazil | Orçamento da receita e despeza do imperio no exercito de 1856-1857. | Rio de Janeiro. : Na Typographia Nacional., 1855. |
1855 | Connecticut | Memoirs of Joseph John Gurney : with selections from his journal and correspondence | Braithwaite, J. Bevan (Joseph Bevan), 1818-1905 ed. | Norwich : Fletcher and Alexander ; London : W. & F.G. Cash, Bishopsgate Without ; Edinburgh : J. Menzies ; Dublin : J. M'Glashan, 1855. |
1855 | Connecticut | The unanimous remonstrance of the Fourth Congregational Church, Hartford, Conn., against the policy of the American Tract Society on the subject of slavery. | Fourth Congregational Church (Hartford, Conn.) | Hartford: : Foundry of Silas Andrus & Son., 1855. |
1855 | Connecticut | Prison life and reflections; or, A narrative of the arrest, trial, conviction, imprisonment, treatment, observations, reflections, and deliverance of Work, Burr, and Thompson, : who suffered an unjust and cruel imprisonment in Missouri Penitentiary, for attempting to aid some slaves to liberty. Three parts in one volume. | Thompson, George, d. 1893. | Hartford [Conn.]: : Published by A. Work., 1855. |
1855 | Connecticut | The unanimous remonstrance of the Fourth Congregational Church, Hartford, Conn., against the policy of the American Tract Society on the subject of slavery. | Fourth Congregational Church (Hartford, Conn.) | Hartford : Foundry of Silas Andrus & Son, 1855. |
1855 | District of Columbia | Speech of Senator Douglas, at a public dinner given him by his personal and political friends, at Chicago, November 9, 1854. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | Washington : printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1855. |
1855 | District of Columbia | Incidents in the life of Jacob Barker, of New Orleans, Louisiana : with historical facts, his financial transactions with the government, and his course on important political questions, from 1800 to 1855. | Barker, Jacob, 1779-1871. | Washington [D.C.] : [s.n.], 1855. |
1855 | District of Columbia | The Ostend Conference, &c. : message from the President of the United States, transmitting correspondence touching matters disturbing the friendly relations between this government and the government of Spain, also, a report as to the objects of the meeting of the American ministers at Ostend. | United States. President (1853-1857 : Pierce) | [Washington : s.n., 1855] |
1855 | District of Columbia | Letter of Francis P. Blair, Esq. to the Republican Association of Washington, D.C. | Blair, Francis Preston, 1791-1876. | [Washington, D.C.] : [Buell & Blanchard, printers, 496 Sixth Street], [1855?]. |
1855 | District of Columbia | The annexation of Cuba : Speech of Hon. W.W. Boyce, of S. Carolina, delivered in the House of Representatives, January 15, 1855. | Boyce, William Waters, 1818-1890. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe office, [1855]. |
1855 | District of Columbia | Forget-me-nots from Dew Drop Dale. | Orme, Cornelia J. | Washington [D.C.]: : Taylor and Maury., 1855. |
1855 | District of Columbia | Brief des Herrn Francis P. Blair an den Republikanischen Verein von Washington, D.C. | Blair, Francis Preston, 1791-1876. | [Washington, D.C.] : [Buell & Blanchard, drucker, 496 Sechste Strasse], [1855?]. |
1855 | District of Columbia | Abstract of the laws of the District of Columbia. | Thompson, M. (Michael) | Washington City, D.C.: : W.M. Morrison & Co., 1855. |
1855 | District of Columbia | The usurpations of slavery. : Speech of William H. Seward, in the Senate of the United States, on the bill to protect officers of the United States. February 23, 1855. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | [Washington, D.C.] : Buell & Blanchard, printers, Washington, D.C., [1855] |
1855 | District of Columbia | Facts for the people of the South : Abolition intolerance and religious intolerance united. Know-Nothingism exposed. | Washington [D.C.] : Printed at the Union oefice [sic], 1855. |
1855 | District of Columbia | The State of the Union: : being a complete documentary history of the public affairs of the United States, foreign and domestic, for the year 1854. | Washington [D.C.]: : Published by Taylor & Maury., 1855. |
1855 | England | Pictures of Cuba. | Hurlbert, William Henry, 1827-1895. | London: : Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans., 1855.. |
1855 | England | Lands of the slave and the free: or, Cuba, the United States, and Canada. | Murray, Henry A. (Henry Anthony), 1810-1865. | London: : John W. Parker and Son, West Strand., 1855.. |
1855 | England | A journey through the United States and part of Canada. | Everest, Robert. | London: : John Chapman, King William Street, Strand., M.DCCC.LV. [1855] |
1855 | England | America and the Americans. | Baxter, W. E. (William Edward), 1825-1890. | London: : Geo. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. ; New York: 18, Beekman Street., 1855.. |
1855 | England | The Spanish conquest in America : and its relation to the history of slavery and to the government of colonies | Helps, Arthur, Sir, 1813-1875. | London : John W. Parker and Son West Strand, 1855-1861. |
1855 | England | Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London : delivered at the anniversary meeting on the 28th May, 1855. Preceded by observations on presenting the royal awards of the year | Ellesmere, Francis Egerton, Earl of, 1800-1857. | London : printed by W. Clowes and Sons, 1855. |
1855 | England | Journal of an expedition up the Niger and Tshadda Rivers, : undertaken by MacGregor Laird, Esq. in connection with the British government, in 1854. | Crowther, Samuel, 1806?-1891. | London: : Church Missionary House, Salisbury Square; Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, Fleet Street. : T.C. Johns, printer, Wine Office-court, Fleet-street., 1855. |
1855 | England | Transatlantic wanderings: or, A last look at the United States. | Oldmixon, John W. | London: : Geo. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. New York: 18, Beekman Street., 1855.. |
1855 | England | The Wabash: or, Adventures of an English gentleman's family in the interior of America | Beste, J. Richard (John Richard), 1806-1885. | London : Hurst and Blackett, successors to Henry Colburn, 13 Great Marlborough Street : T. Richards, 37 Great Queen Street, 1855. |
1855 | England | The lion hunter in South Africa. : Five years of a hunter's life in the far interior of South Africa. With anecdotes of the chase and notices of the native tribes. | Gordon-Cumming, Roualeyn, 1820-1866. | London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1855.. |
1855 | England | Slave life in Georgia : a narrative of the life, sufferings, and escape of John Brown, a fugitive slave, now in England | Brown, John, fl. 1854. | London : may be had on application to the editor, at No. 27, New Broad Street, and of all booksellers : W.M. Watts, Crown Court, Temple Bar, 1855. |
1855 | England | A few months in America : containing remarks on some of its industrial and commercial interests | Robertson, James, of Manchester. | London : Longman & Co., [1855] |
1855 | England | A lady's second journey round the world: from London to the Cape of Good Hope, Borneo, Java, Sumatra, Celebes, Ceram, the Moluccas, etc., California, Panama, Peru, Ecuador, and the United States | Pfeiffer, Ida, 1797-1858. | London : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1855. |
1855 | England | Ten weeks in Natal. : A journal of a first tour of visitation among the colonists and Zulu Kafirs of Natal. | Colenso, John William, 1814-1883. | Cambridge [Eng.]: : Macmillan & Co. : R. Clay, printer, Bread Street Hill, 1855. |
1855 | England | Narrative of the Niger, Tshadda & Binuë exploration: : including a report on the position and prospects of trade up those rivers, with remarks on the malaria and fevers of western Africa. | Hutchinson, Thomas J. (Thomas Joseph), 1820-1885. | London: : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans., 1855.. |
1855 | England | A vacation tour in the United States and Canada. | Weld, Charles Richard, 1813-1869. | London: : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans., 1855. |
1855 | England | The history of British Guiana. : Comprising a general description of the colony; a narrative of some of the principal events from the earliest period of its discovery to the present time; together with an account of its climate, geology, staple products, and natural history. | Dalton, Henry G. | London: : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. : C. Whiting, Beaufort House, Strand., 1855. |
1855 | England | Captain Canot; or, Twenty years of an African slaver. | Canot, Theodore, 1804-1860. | Halifax [England]: : Milner and Sowerby., 1855.. |
1855 | England | Blackwood's comic Zadkiel : an almanac at once prophetical and profitable, logical and astrological, quizzical and physical ... for the year 1855: a work devoted to all the "ologies" except tautology, and containing full prophecies upon everything which nobody wishes to know ... | London : James Blackwood, Paternoster row, 1855 [Printed by Stewart and Murray] |
1855 | England | Little Eva's first book for good children.. | Exeter [England]: : Published by Drayton & Sons, High-Street., [ca. 1855] |
1855 | France | Voyage sur la cote et dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique occidentale | Hecquard, Hyacinthe, 1814-1866. | Paris : Imprimerie de Bénard et compagnie rue Damiette, no 2., 1855. |
1855 | France | Promenade en Amérique : États-Unis--Cuba--Mexique | Ampère, J.-J. (Jean Jacques), 1800-1864. | Paris : Michel L'evy Frères, Libraires-'editeurs, 1855 [Typographie Simon Baçon et Comp.] |
1855 | France | Le Nil blanc et le Soudan : études sur l'Afrique centrale : moeurs et coutumes des sauvages | Brun-Rollet, Antoine. | Paris : Librairie de L. Maison 17, rue de Tournon : Imp. de Pillet fils aîné, rue des Grands-Augustins, 5, 1855. |
1855 | France | Le négrier | Corbière, Edouard, 1793-1875. | Havre : chez MM. H. Brindeau et Compe, bureau du Journal du Havre, rue St-Julien, 16, et chez les principaux libraires., 1855. |
1855 | Georgia | Minutes of the Fowltown Baptist Association : convened with Spring Creek Baptist Church, Leary, Calhoun County, Ga. from October 22nd, to 25th 1885. | Fowltown Baptist Association (Ga.) | Augusta, Ga. : Georgia Baptist Book Print, 1885. |
1855 | Germany | Sklavenleben in Amerika, oder, Wunderbare Lebensschicksale eines auf britisches Gebiet entkommenen, ehemaligen Negersklaven, Namens John Brown : nach dessen eigenen Worten deutsch wiedererzählt, sowie mit einer Einleitung über den dermaligen Stand der Sklaven-Frage versehen | Brown, John, fl. 1854. | Stuttgart : C. Belser, 1855. |
1855 | Indiana | Speech of R.W. Thompson, upon the political aspects of the slavery question, : made at a public meeting of the people, in Terre-Haute, Indiana, on the 11th Day of August, 1855. | Thompson, Richard W. (Richard Wigginton), 1809-1900. | Terre-Haute, Ind. : Express Power-Press Print., 1855. |
1855 | Kansas | The statutes of the territory of Kansas; : passed at the first session of the Legislative Assembly, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five. To which are affixed the Declaration of Independence, and the Constituton of the U. States, and the act of Congress organizing said territory, and other acts of Congress having immediate relation thereto. Printed in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided.. | Kansas. | Shawnee M.L. School [Kan.]: : John T. Brady, public printer., 1855.. |
1855 | Kansas | Journal of the Council of the territory of Kansas, at their first session.. | Kansas. Legislative Assembly. Council. | Shawnee M.L.S. [Kan.] : John T. Brady, public printer., 1855.. |
1855 | Kentucky | African colonization. | Cowan, Alexander M. | [Frankfort, Ky.? : s.n., 1855.] |
1855 | Maine | Dramatic and miscellaneous readings by Mrs. Webb, the black Siddons. : Programme. ... Tickets 25 cents. To be had at the book stores. ... | Webb, Mary, 1828-1859. | [Bangor, Me.] : Printed at the Office of the Daily Mercury, Bangor., [1855?] |
1855 | Maine | Proceedings of the Maine Convention of Universalists : for the years 1854 and 1855 : including the Sabbath School Secretary's report, the Report of the Corresponding Secretary, and the Transactions of the Missionary, Educational and Tract Societies. | Maine Universalist Convention. | Augusta [Me.] : J.A. Homan & Co., 1855. |
1855 | Maine | Dramatic and miscellaneous readings by Mrs. Webb The black Siddons. | Bangor : Daily Mercury, [ca. 1855?] |
1855 | Maryland | Slavery indispensable to the civilization of Africa. | McKenney, Samuel. | Baltimore: : Printed by John D. Toy., 1855. |
1855 | Maryland | Report and documents, relative to the McDonogh estate, | Baltimore (Md.). McDonogh Estate Agents. | Baltimore: : Printed by Joseph Robinson., 1855.. |
1855 | Maryland | Letters for the times : designed to excite a more general and earnest attention to matters of great individual and public interest, from love money to mammon, from Johnny Raw to Rev. John Orthodox, from Aunt Charity to Rev. Mr. Intolerant. | Baltimore : published by Henry Taylor. Printed by John W. Woods, 1855, [c1856]. |
1855 | Maryland | Articles from the Maryland Republican on the subject of the Know Nothing Platform | Annapolis : Riley & Ridgely, Printers, 1855. |
1855 | Massachusetts | Speech of T.K. DeWolf, M.D., of Chester, : delivered at Huntington, Mass., October 24, 1855. : Published by request. | DeWolf, T. K. | Springfield: : G.W. Wilson's Steam Power Presses., 1855. |
1855 | Massachusetts | Report of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions : presented at the forty-sixth annual meeting, held in Utica, New York, September 11-14, 1855. | American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. | Boston : press of T.R. Marvin, 1855. |
1855 | Massachusetts | The American fugitive in Europe : Sketches of places and people abroad | Brown, William Wells, 1814?-1884. | Boston : published by John P. Jewett and Company ; Cleveland, Ohio : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington ; New York : Sheldon, Lamport & Blakeman ; [Boston] : Stereotyped by Hobart & Robbins, New England Type and Stereotype Foundry, Boston, 1855. |
1855 | Massachusetts | Charter : an act to incorporate the New England Emigrant Aid Company. | New England Emigrant Aid Company. | [Boston : s.n., 1855] |
1855 | Massachusetts | Personal memoir of Daniel Drayton, : for four years and four months a prisoner (for charity's sake) in Washington jail. : Including a narrative of the voyage and capture of the schooner Pearl. | Drayton, Daniel, b. 1802. | Boston: : published by Bela Marsh, 15 Franklin St. ; New York: : American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society ; [Boston] : Stereotyped by Hobart & Robbins, New England Type and Stereotype Foundery, Boston., 1855. |
1855 | Massachusetts | A south-side view of slavery; or, Three months at the South, in 1854 | Adams, Nehemiah, 1806-1878. | Boston : Published by T.R. Marvin, and Sanborn, Carter and Bazin ; New York : J.C. Derby, 1855, [c1854]. |
1855 | Massachusetts | Inside view of slavery : or, a tour among the planters | Parsons, Charles Grandison, 1807-1864. | Boston : J.P. Jewett and Co., 1855. |
1855 | Massachusetts | Letter addressed to the President of the United States on slavery, : considered in relation to the constitutional principles of government in Great Britain and in the United States. | Chickering, Jesse, 1797-1855. | Boston: : Redding and Company, 8 State Street., 1855.. |
1855 | Massachusetts | Reports of the Prison Discipline Society, Boston : 1826-1835 [i.e. 1854]. | Prison Discipline Society (Boston, Mass.) | Boston : Press of T.R. Marvin, 1855. |
1855 | Massachusetts | Righteousness and the pulpit : a discourse preached in the First Church, Dorchester, on Sunday, Sept. 30, 1855 | Hall, Nathaniel, 1805-1875. | Boston : Crosby, Nichols, and Company, 1855 [printed by John Wilson and Son]. |
1855 | Massachusetts | Experience and personal narrative of Uncle Tom Jones; : who was for forty years a slave. Also the surprising adventures of Wild Tom, of the island retreat, a fugitive negro from South Carolina. | Jones, Thomas H. | Boston; : Published by H.B. Skinner, No. 15 Friend Street. [between 1855 and 1859?] |
1855 | Massachusetts | The Boston mob of "gentlemen of property and standing" : Proceedings of the Anti-slavery Meeting held in Stacy Hall, Boston, on the twentieth anniversary of the mob of October 21, 1835 | Anti-slavery Meeting (1855 : Boston, Mass.) | Boston : Published by R.F. Wallcut, 1855 [J.B. Yerrinton and Son, printers] |
1855 | Massachusetts | A discourse on the function of a teacher of religion in these times : preached at the ordination of Moses G. Kimball, as minister of the Free Church at Barre, Worcester County, Mass., on Wednesday, June 13, 1855 | Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. | Boston : B.H. Greene, 1855. |
1855 | Massachusetts | Elements of international law | Wheaton, Henry, 1785-1848. | Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1855. |
1855 | Massachusetts | A northern presbyter's second letter to ministers of the gospel of all denominations on slavery. | Lord, Nathan, 1792-1870. | Boston: : Little, Brown and Company. ; New York: : D. Appleton and Company., 1855.. |
1855 | Massachusetts | The trial of Theodore Parker : for the "misdemeanour" of a speech in Faneuil Hall against kidnapping, before the Circuit Court of the United States, at Boston, April 3, 1855, with the defence | Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. | Boston : Published for the author, 1855. |
1855 | Massachusetts | The colored patriots of the American revolution, with sketches of several distinguished colored persons: : to which is added a brief survey of the condition and prospects of colored Americans. | Nell, William C. (William Cooper), 1816-1874. | Boston: : Published by Robert F. Wallcut., 1855.. |
1855 | Massachusetts | What makes slavery a question of national concern? : A lecture, delivered, by invitation, at New York, January 30, and at Syracuse, February 1, 1855 | Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-1886. | Boston : Little, Brown, and Co., 1855 [Printed by John Wilson and Son] |
1855 | Massachusetts | Poems, | Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882. | Boston: : Ticknor and Fields., MDCCCLV. [1855] |
1855 | Massachusetts | The anti-slavery enterprise: : its necessity, practicability, and dignity, with glimpses at the special duties of the North. An address before the people of New York, at the Metropolitan Theatre, May 9, 1855. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | Boston: : Ticknor and Fields., 1855. |
1855 | Massachusetts | St. Domingo: its revolutions and its patriots : A lecture, delivered before the Metropolitan Athenæum, London, May 16, and at St. Thomas' Church, Philadelphia, December 20, 1854 | Brown, William Wells, 1814?-1884. | Boston : Bela Marsh, 15 Franklin Street : Stereotyped by Hobart & Robbins, New England Type and Stereotype Foundry, Boston, 1855. |
1855 | Massachusetts | The earth and man: : lectures on comparative physical geography, in its relation to the history of mankind. | Guyot, A. (Arnold), 1807-1884. | Boston: : Gould and Lincoln. ; New York: : Sheldon, Lamport, and Blakeman., 1855.. |
1855 | Massachusetts | The Tables turned. : A letter to the Congregational Association of New York, reviewing the report of their committee on "The relation of the American Tract Society to the subject of slavery." | Boston: : Crocker & Brewster, 47 Washington-Street. ; New York: : Edward P. Rudd, 18 Ann-Street., [1855?] |
1855 | Massachusetts | The Yankee enterprise : or, The two millionaires; and other thrilling tales. | Boston : Dayton and Wentworth, 1855. |
1855 | Massachusetts | Echoes from the cabinet; : comprising the Constitution of the United States; Declaration of Independence; Fugitive slave bills of 1793 & 1850; Missouri compromise; the Kansas and Nebraska bill of 1854. Also, the fac-simile autograph names of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.. | Boston: : A. Wentworth and Company, 86 Washington Street., 1855.. |
1855 | Massachusetts | Boston, August 9th, 1855 : Sir:--At a meeting of gentlemen recently assembled ... invite yourself and many other gentlemen ... to meet in Chapman Hall ... Boston, on Thursday, the 16th day of August ... for the purpose ... of devising the best mode ... and giving expression to the almost universal opposition of Massachusetts to the repeal of the "Great Ordinance of Freedom" ... [the] invasion of Kanzas, and the overthrow of the rights of the free settlers of that territory ... | [Boston, Mass. : s.n., 1855.] |
1855 | Missouri | An address delivered before the Pro-Slavery Convention of the State of Missouri, : held in Lexington, July 13, 1855, on domestic slavery, as examined in the light of Scripture, of natural rights, of civil government, and the constitutional power of Congress. Published by order of the convention. | Shannon, James, 1799-1859. | St. Louis, Mo. : Printed at the Republican Book and Job Office., 1855. |
1855 | Missouri | A common-sense, matter-of-fact examination and discussion of Negro slavery in the United States of America : in connection with the questions of emancipation and abolition | Camden, Peter G. | St. Louis, Mo. : [s.n.], 1855. |
1855 | New York | Slavery and the North | Burleigh, Charles C. (Charles Calistus), 1810-1878. | [New York] : Published for gratuitous distribution, at the office of the American Anti-Slavery Society, No. 138 Nassau Street, New York : Also to be had at the Anti-slavery offices, No. 21 Cornhill, Boston, and No. 31 North Fifth Street, Phila., [1855]. |
1855 | New York | Slavery and the North. | Burleigh, Charles C. (Charles Calistus), 1810-1878. | [New York? : s.n., 1855?] |
1855 | New York | Slavery and the North. | Burleigh, Charles C. (Charles Calistus), 1810-1878. | [New York? : s.n., 1855?] |
1855 | New York | The two altars; or, Two pictures in one. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | [New York] : Published for gratuitous distribution, at the office of the American Anti-Slavery Society, no. 138 Nassau Street, New York. Also to be had at the Anti-Slavery Offices, no. 21 Cornhill, Boston, and no. 31 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia; and at the Anti-Slavery Depository, Salem, Columbiana Co., Ohio., [1855?] |
1855 | New York | United States senatorial question. : Speeches delivered in the Assembly of the state of New-York, | New York (State). Legislature. Assembly | Albany: : Weed, Parsons & Company, printers., 1855.. |
1855 | New York | The unanimous remonstrance of the Fourth Congregational Church, Hartford, Conn., against the policy of the American Tract Society on the subject of slavery.. | Fourth Congregational Church (Hartford, Conn.) | [New York : American Anti-slavery Society, 1855] |
1855 | New York | My bondage and my freedom. | Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895. | New York and Auburn: : Miller, Orton & Mulligan. New York: 25 Park Row.--Auburn: 107 Genesee-St., 1855. |
1855 | New York | Second annual report of the Southern Aid Society, : presented by the executive committee, at the anniversary meeting of the society, October 31st, 1855.. | Southern Aid Society. | New-York, : D. Fanshaw, printer, 35 Ann-Street, corner of Nassau., 1855.. |
1855 | New York | How can I help to abolish slavery? : or, Counsels to the newly converted | Chapman, Maria Weston, 1806-1885. | [New York] : Published .... at the Office of the American Anti-Slavery Society, No. 138 Nassau Street, New York, [1855]. |
1855 | New York | Peterboro, February 20th, 1855. Wendell Phillips, Boston. : My Dear Friend, I have just been reading again a portion of your speech, delivered in New York, 9th last month. ... | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Peterboro, N.Y.? : s.n., 1855] |
1855 | New York | Peterboro, August 22d, 1855. Edward C. Delavan, Esquire. : My Dear Friend, I will write you a few pages on subjects, which have interested us, in some of our conversations with each other. ... | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Peterboro, N.Y.? : s.n., 1855] |
1855 | New York | Archy Moore, the white slave; or, Memoirs of a fugitive. : With a new introduction, prepared for this edition. | Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. | New York and Auburn: : Miller, Orton & Mulligan. New York: 25 Park Row.--Auburn: 107 Genesee-St., 1855.. |
1855 | New York | To mothers in the free states. | Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot, 1787-1860. | [New York] : Published, for gratuitous distribution, at the office of the American Anti-Slavery Society, no. 138 Nassau Street, New York. Also, to be had at the Anti-Slavery offices, no. 21 Cornhill, Boston, and no. 31 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia., [1855] |
1855 | New York | White slavery in the United States. | Bowditch, William I. (William Ingersoll), 1819-1909. | [New York] : Published for gratuitous distribution, and the office of the American Anti-Slavery Society, No. 138 Nassau Street, New York. Also to be had at the Anti-slavery offices, No. 21 Cornhill, Boston, and No. 31 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia, [1855]. |
1855 | New York | Speeches of Gerrit Smith in Congress. | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | New-York: : Mason Brothers., 1855. |
1855 | New York | Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends : held at Longwood, near Kennett Square, Chester County, fifth month, 1855. | Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends (1853-1940) | New York: John F. Trow, 1855. |
1855 | New York | Second letter of Gerrit Smith to the New-York tribune. | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Peterboro, N.Y.? : s.n., 1855] |
1855 | New York | What have we, as individuals, to do with slavery? | Cabot, Susan C. | [New York : Published for gratuitous distribution, at the office of the American Anti-slavery Society. Also to be had at the Anti-slavery offices, Boston, and Philadelphia; and at the Anti-slavery Depository, Salem, Ohio], [1855] |
1855 | New York | Peterboro, March 13, 1855. Hon. William H. Seward, : My Dear Sir, For nearly a quarter of a century, I have followed you with deep interest. ... | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Peterboro, N.Y.? : s.n., 1855?] |
1855 | New York | The United States Constitution. | Bowditch, William I. (William Ingersoll), 1819-1909. | [New York] : Published for gratuitous distribution at the office of the American Anti-Slavery Society, No. 138 Nassau Street, New York. Also to be had at the Anti-Slavery offices, No. 21 Cornhill, Boston, and No. 31 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia, [1855]. |
1855 | New York | Peterboro, July 17, 1855. To the New York tribune: : I have just read what you say of me in your yesterday's number. | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Peterboro?, N.Y. : s.n., 1855] |
1855 | New York | The inter-state slave trade | Palfrey, John Gorham, 1796-1881. | [New York : American Anti-Slavery Society, 1855] |
1855 | New York | Speech of Charles C. Leigh, of New-York, on the election of United States senator, : delivered in the Assembly, February 1, 1855; also a reply to instructions sent him by certain secret societies in the city of New-York.. | Leigh, Charles C. | Albany [N.Y.]: : Weed, Parsons and Company, printers., 1855.. |
1855 | New York | No. 6. Occasional missionary paper, Foreign Committee Protestant Episcopal Church. : Epiphany appeal.. | Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. Foreign Committee | [New York : The Committee, 1855] |
1855 | New York | Our world : or, The slaveholder's daughter. | Adams, F. Colburn (Francis Colburn) | New York and Auburn : Miller, Orton & Mulligan, 1855. |
1855 | New York | Statement and appeal. Foreign Committee Protestant Episcopal Church. : Extract from the minutes of the Foreign Committee, March 13th, 1855.. | Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. Foreign Committee | [New York : The Committee, 1855] |
1855 | New York | Disunion our wisdom and our duty. | Hodges, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1824-1870. | [New York] : Published for gratuitous distribution, at the Office of the American Anti-Slavery Society, no. 138 Nassau Street, New York. Also to be had at the Anti-Slavery Offices, no. 21 Cornhill, Boston, and no. 31 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia., [1855?] |
1855 | New York | Fifteenth annual report of the Colored Home. 1854-'55. | Colored Home (New York, N.Y.) | New-York : Wm. C. Martin, printer, 1855. |
1855 | New York | Two letters to Governor Hunt, in reply to his letter of August 8, 1855. | Wright, D. | [Albany, N.Y.? : [s.n.], [1855] |
1855 | New York | Proceedings of the Convention of Radical Political Abolitionists, held at Syracuse, N.Y., June 26th, 27th, and 28th, 1855. : Slavery is an outlaw--and forbidden by the Constitution, which provides for its abolition. | Radical Political Abolitionists. Convention (1855 : Syracuse, N.Y.) | New-York: : Published by the Central Abolition Board, 48 Beekman Street., 1855 |
1855 | New York | Speech of Hon. Erastus Brooks, in the Senate, Feb. 7th, 8th, and 13th, 1855 ... | Brooks, Erastus, 1815-1886. | [Albany, N.Y.? : s.n.], [1855]. |
1855 | New York | Controversy between New-York Tribune and Gerrit Smith. | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | New-York: : Printed by John A. Gray, 95 & 97 Cliff St., cor. Frankfort., 1855. |
1855 | New York | The "ruin" of Jamaica. | Hildreth, Richard, 1807-1865. | [New York] : Published for gratuitous distribution, at the Office of the American Anti-Slavery Society, no. 138 Nassau Street, New York. Also to be had at the Anti-Slavery Offices, no. 21 Cornhill, Boston, and no. 31 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia., [1855?] |
1855 | New York | The master's house; or, Scenes descriptive of southern life. | Thorpe, Thomas Bangs, 1815-1878. | New-York: : J.C. Derby, 119 Nassau Street, 1855.. |
1855 | New York | Does slavery Christianize the Negro? | Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911. | [New York] : Published for gratuitous distribution, at the Office of the American Anti-Slavery Society, no. 138 Nassau Street, New York. ; [Boston ; Philadelphia] : Also to be had at the Anti-Slavery Offices, no. 21 Cornhill, Boston, and no. 31 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia., [1855] |
1855 | New York | Le peuple primitif, sa religion, son histoire et sa civilisation | Rougemont, Frédéric de, 1808-1876. | Geneva : J. Cherbuliez, 1855. |
1855 | New York | The private correspondence of Henry Clay | Clay, Henry, 1777-1852. | New York : A.S. Barnes & Co., 51 & 53 John Street : Stereotyped by Thomas B. Smith, 82 & 84 Beekman St. : Printed by George W. Wood, 51 John St., 1855. |
1855 | New York | Progress of the United States in population and wealth in fifty years, : as exhibited by the decennial census from 1790 to 1840. | Tucker, George, 1775-1861. | New York: : Press of Hunt's Merchant's Magazine., 1855. |
1855 | New York | Panama in 1855. : An account of the Panama Rail-Road, of the cities of Panama and Aspinwall, with sketches of life and character on the isthmus. | Tomes, Robert, 1817-1882. | New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square., 1855.. |
1855 | New York | The eighteenth annual report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented to the General Assembly in May, 1855. | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (Old School). Board of Foreign Missions | New York: : Published for the board: at the Mission House, 23 Centre Street., 1855. |
1855 | New York | Catalogue of books in the Astor library relating to the languages and literature of Asia, Africa and the Oceanic Islands. | Astor Library. | New York : Astor Library Autographic Press, 1854 [i.e. 1855]. |
1855 | New York | The life of Horace Greeley, editor of the New York tribune. | Parton, James, 1822-1891. | New York: : Published by Mason Brothers., 1855.. |
1855 | New York | Memoir of the Rev. Josiah Pratt : late vicar of St. Stephens's ... | Pratt, Josiah. | New York : Protestant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge, 1855. |
1855 | New York | Memoir of Alexander McLeod, D. D., New York | Wylie, Samuel B. (Samuel Brown), 1773-1852. | New York : Charles Scribner, 1855. |
1855 | New York | The most eminent orators and statesmen of ancient and modern times; : containing sketches of their lives, specimens of their eloquence, and an estimate of their genius. | Harsha, D. A. (David Addison), 1827-1895. | New York: : Charles Scribner, 145 Nassau Street., MDCCCLV. [1855] |
1855 | New York | Waikna; or, Adventures on the Mosquito shore. | Squier, E. G. (Ephraim George), 1821-1888. | New York: : Harper & Brothers, 329 & 331 Pearl Street., 1855. |
1855 | New York | Timboo and Fanny; or, The art of self-instruction.. | Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879. | New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers., c1855. |
1855 | New York | Memoir of the Rev. Josiah Pratt : late vicar of St. Stephens's ... | Pratt, Josiah. | New York : Robert Carter & Brothers, 1855. |
1855 | New York | Annual report, presented to the American Anti-Slavery Society, by the executive committee : at the annual meeting, held in New York, May 9, 1855. With an appendix. | American Anti-Slavery Society. | New York : American Anti-Slavery Society, 1855 [Boston : printed by Prentiss and Sawyer]. |
1855 | New York | Bible Society manual : or Brief view of the history and operations of the American Bible Society, and of the Bible cause in general. | American Bible Society. | New York : American Bible Society Press, 1855. |
1855 | New York | The sea-witch: or, The African quadroon : a story of the slave coast | Ballou, Maturin Murray, 1820-1895. | New York : Published by Samuel French, [1855]. |
1855 | New York | A grammar of the Benga language. | Mackey, James L. (James Love), 1820-1867. | New York: : Mission House, 23 Centre Street., 1855.. |
1855 | New York | Speeches and addresses. | Hilliard, Henry W. (Henry Washington), 1808-1892. | New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square., 1855.. |
1855 | New York | The life of William H. Seward with selections from his works | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | New York : Redfield, 1855, c1854. (Stereotyped by C.C. Savage) |
1855 | New York | Influence of slavery upon the white population | Barker, L. J., Mrs. | New York : American Anti-Slavery Society, [1855]. |
1855 | New York | Modern agitators : or Pen portraits of living American reformers | Bartlett, D. W. (David W.), 1828-1912. | New York : Miller, Orton & Mulligan ; Auburn, 1855, [c1854]. |
1855 | New York | Black diamonds; or, Humor, satire, and sentiment, treated scientifically | Hannibal, Julius Caesar, 1822-1857. | New York : published by A. Ranney ; Chicago : Rufus Blanchard ; Cincinnati : H.M. Rulison, 1855 [W.H. Tinson, stereotyper. Ezra N. Grossman, printer]. |
1855 | New York | Sixth annual report of the governors of the Alms House New York, for the year 1854. | New York (N.Y.). Board of Governors of the Alms-House. | New York: : Wm. C. Bryant & Co., printers, 41 Nassau Street, corner Liberty., 1855.. |
1855 | New York | Leslie's illustrated weekly newspaper. | New York : Frank Leslie, 1855- |
1855 | New York | The friendly remonstrance of the people of Scotland, on the subject of slavery.. | New York: : American Anti-Slavery Society, 138 Nassau Street., 1855.. |
1855 | New York | Echoes from the cabinet; : comprising the Constitution of the United States; Declaration of Independence; Fugitive Slave Bills of 1793 & 1850; Missouri Compromise; the Kansas and Nebraska Bill of 1854. Also, the fac-simile autograph names of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.. | New York: : Dayton and Wentworth, 27 Beekman Street., 1855. |
1855 | New York | Revolution the only remedy for slavery. | New York : American Anti-Slavery Society, [1855] |
1855 | New York | United States exploring expeditions. : Voyage of the U.S. exploring squadron, commanded by Captain Charles Wilkes, of the United States Navy, in 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, and 1842: together with explorations and discoveries made by Admiral D'Urville, Captain Ross, and other navigators and travellers; and an account of the expedition to the Dead Sea, under Lieutenant Lynch. | Jenkins, John S. (John Stilwell), 1818-1852. | Auburn and Rochester : Alden and Beardsley. ; New York: : J.C. Derby, 119 Nassau Street., 1855.. |
1855 | New York | Where is thy brother?. | [New York] : Published, for gratuitous distribution, at the office of the American Anti-Slavery Society, no. 138 Nassau Street, New York. Also to be had at the Anti-Slavery Offices, no. 21 Cornhill, Boston, and no. 31 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia., [1855] |
1855 | Ohio | An abstract of the evidence delivered before a select committee of the House of Commons, in the years 1790 and 1791, on the part of the petitioners for the abolition of the slave trade. | Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Select Committee Appointed to Take the Examination of Witnesses Respecting the African Slave Trade | Cincinnati [Ohio] : Published by the American Reform Tract and Book Society, 1855 [C.F. Driscoll & Co., stereotypers] |
1855 | Ohio | Cotton is king: or The culture of cotton, and its relation to agriculture, manufactures and commerce : to the free colored people; and to those who hold that slavery is in itself sinful | Christy, David, b. 1802. | Cincinnati : Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co., 1855 [Wm. Overend & Co., printers]. |
1855 | Ohio | Zoë; or The quadroon's triumph. : A tale for the times. | Livermore, Elizabeth D. | Cincinnati: : Truman and Spofford., 1855.. |
1855 | Ohio | Ellen; or, The chained mother and pictures of Kentucky slavery. : Drawn from real life. | Harlan, Mary B. | Cincinnati. : Published for the author, by Applegate & Co., 1855.. |
1855 | Ohio | A journey through Kansas : with sketches of Nebraska: describing the country, climate, soil, mineral, manufacturing, and other resources. The results of a tour made in the autumn of 1854 | Boynton, Charles Brandon, 1806-1883. | Cincinnati : Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co., No. 25 West Fourth Street : Stereotyped by Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Overend, Cincinnati, 1855, c1854. |
1855 | Ohio | Memoir of Frances Wright, : the pioneer woman in the cause of human rights. | Gilbert, Amos. | Cincinnati: : published for the author. : Longley Brothers, printers, 168l/ Vine St., 1855.. |
1855 | Ohio | Our constitutional obligations. | [Salem, Ohio? : s.n.], [1855?]. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | Thirty-sixth annual report of the Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented to the General Assembly, May, 1855. | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Education | Philadelphia: : Published by the board., 1855. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | Analytical introduction to Count Gobineau's Moral and intellectual diversity of races. | Hotz, H. | [Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1855] |
1855 | Pennsylvania | A statement and appeal : in behalf of the redemption from slavery of the wife and seven children of the Rev. Hardy Mobley, and their settlement in Western Africa as a missionary family. | Pease, J. Morris. | [Philadelphia : s.n., 1855] |
1855 | Pennsylvania | Memoirs of Joseph John Gurney : with selections from his journal and correspondence | Braithwaite, J. Bevan (Joseph Bevan), 1818-1905. | Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1855, c1854. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania: : United States of America, ex relatione Wheeler, vs. Williamson. Opinion of Judge Kane on the suggestion of Jane Johnson. October 12, 1855.. | Kane, John K. (John Kintzing), 1795-1858. | Philadelphia: : Crissy & Markley, printers, Goldsmiths Hall, Library Street., 1855.. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | The nineteenth annual report of the Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans. | Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans (Cheyney, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : Printed by Joseph Rakestraw., 1855.. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | Courtenay Hall; or, The hospitality and life in a planter's family. : A true tale of Virginia life. | Randolph, J. Thornton, 1819-1887. | [Philadelphia] : T.B. Peterson, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia., [ca. 1855?] |
1855 | Pennsylvania | The twenty-seventh annual report of the Board of Managers of the House of Refuge. : With an appendix, containing the annual statement of the Treasurer, the annual report of the Ladies' Committee, and those of the Superintendents and Principal Teachers, &c.. | House of Refuge (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : Published by order of the contributors. T.K. and P.G. Collins, printers., 1855.. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | A popular selection of Ethiopian melodies : as sung at Sanford's American Opera House (Eleventh Street, above Chestnut,) by his unrivaled troupe. | Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Philadelphia : McLaughlin Brothers, Book and Job Printers, Bulletin Building, 1855. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | Twenty-first annual report of the Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society.. | Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society. | Philadelphia: : Merrihew & Thompson's Steam Power Printing Office, nos. 2 and 4 Merchant St., 1855.. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | Robert Graham. : A sequel to "Linda." | Hentz, Caroline Lee, 1800-1856. | Philadelphia: : T.B. Peterson, no. 102 Chestnut Street., 1855. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | Four months in Liberia, or, African colonization exposed | Nesbit, William. | Pittsburgh [Pa.] (No. 84 Fifth Street) : Printed by J.T. Shryock, 1855. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | The African squadron : Ashburton treaty: consular sea letters. Reviewed, in an address | Foote, Andrew H. (Andrew Hull), 1806-1863. | Philadelphia: : William F. Geddes, printer, Franklin Place., [1855]. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | Sketches of Virginia, historical and biographical. | Foote, William Henry, 1794-1869. | Philadelphia: : J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1855.. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | Aunt Judy's story : a tale from real life | Thompson, Matilda G. | Philadelphia : [s.n.] No. 31 N. Fifth Street, 1855 [Merrihew & Thompson, printers, No. 2 and 4 Merchant St.]. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | Twenty-sixth annual report of the inspectors of the Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. : Transmitted to the Senate and House of Representatives, February, 1855.. | Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia. : B. F. Mifflin, printer, 63 Walnut Street., 1855.. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | District Native American circular. : Fellow citizens:--The period is again at hand which summons you to the discharge of the responsible duties of American freemen--on Tuesday next your suffrages will determine whether the destructive doctrines of locofocoism shall triumph in the county of Philadelphia, misrepresent you in the state and national legislatures, and whether the municipal districts shall be again cursed by men, whom you have hurled from power, because of their repeated plunder of the public treasuries, their abuse of power for the basest of party purposes, their encouragement of vice, of riot and disorder, and because of their ignorant and reckless legislation. ... We appeal to the patriotism of the native born Americans, and call upon them to vote for men, to whose management will be committed the state administration and district government, who shall be free to perform their high duties untrammeled by foreign dictation, and thus secure the triumph of the doctrine that "Americans shall rule America." Let us act in this political fight as wise men, ... let your suffrages be cast for the ticket, from the governor down, that will best aid in securing the final triumph of our principles, restriction of an extension of the slave territory and the most ample protection to American labor and the American laborer. District commissioners. John Fry, ... For the unexpired term of John F. Gross. | Native American Party (Philadelphia, Pa.) | [Philadelphia, Pa. : s.n., ca. 1855] |
1855 | Pennsylvania | Slavery and the North | Burleigh, Charles C. (Charles Calistus), 1810-1878. | [Philadelphia] : Published by the Eastern Pennsylvania A.S. Society, No. 31 N. Fifth St., Philadelphia, [1855]. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | The planter's victim; or, Incidents of American slavery. : With illustrations.. | Smucker, Samuel M. (Samuel Mosheim), 1823-1863. | Philadelphia: : Wm. White Smith, 195 Chestnut Street., 1855.. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | Narrative of facts in the case of Passmore Williamson. | Philadelphia: : Published by the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society, No. 31 North Fifth Street. Merrihew & Thompson, prs., Merchant St., above Fourth., 1855.. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | A new child: : a biography of Lydia Ann Nixon. | [Philadelphia] : Published by the Tract Association of Friends, at their depository, no. 304 Arch Street, Philadelphia., [185-?] |
1855 | Pennsylvania | Report of the proceedings and speeches at the dedication of coal estates, for the benefit of the poor; a free college, and African colonization, : at Shamokin, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, on the 22d of December, 1854.. | Philadelphia. : McLaughlin Brothers, book and job printers, Bulletin Building., 1855.. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | The Benga primer : containing lessons for beginners ; a series of phrases, and a catechism. | New London, Pa. : Printed by Orvis & Berry, 1855. |
1855 | Pennsylvania | Colored baby show! : Perham on hand! As baby shows are acknowledged to be the most quaint and attractive exhibitions of the present day, and as their inventor, Barnum, cannot deny that colored babies are quite as curious and funny as white ones, Josiah Perham respectfully announces a grand colored baby show! At Concert Hall Philadelphia, commencing Tuesday, October 9th, 1855, to continue five days .... | [Philadelphia] : Brown's Steam-Power Book and Job Printing Establishment, Ledger Buildings, Phila., [1855] |
1855 | Pennsylvania | The Black Swan at home and abroad : or, A biographical sketch of Miss Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield, the American vocalist. | Philadelphia : Wm. S. Young, printer, rear of 50 North Sixth Street, 1855. |
1855 | Portugal | Demonstração dos direitos que tem a coroa de Portugal sobre os territorios situados na costa occidental d'Africa entre o 5° grau e 12 minutos e o 8° de latitude meridional e por conseguinte aos territorios de Molembo, Cabinda e Ambriz | Santarém, Manuel Francisco de Barros e Sousa, Visconde de, 1791-1856. | Lisbon : Imprensa nacional, 1855. |
1855 | Portugal | Factos e considerações relativas aos direitos de Portugal : sobre os territorios de Molembo, Cabinda e Ambriz e mais logares da costa occidental d'Africa situada entre o 5° grau 12 minutos e o 8° grau de latitude austral, | Sá da Bandeira, Bernardo de Sá Nogueira de Figueiredo, marquês de, 1795-1876. | Lisboa : Imprensa Nacional, 1855. |
1855 | Rhode Island | National platform of the Know Somethings. : Adopted at Cleveland, June 14, 1855. As servility to the slave power characterizes the national organizations of the existing political parties, and as this servility is perilous both to the manhood of the North and the liberty of the republic .... | Know Somethings. | [Providence, R.I.] : A. Crawford Greene, printer, 24 Westminster st., Providence., [1855] |
1855 | South Carolina | Reply to Dr. Bachman's review of Agassiz's Natural provinces. | Nott, Josiah Clark, 1804-1873. | Charleston, S.C. : Charleston medical journal and review, 1855. |
1855 | South Carolina | Continuation of the review of "Nott and Gliddon's Types of mankind." | Bachman, John, 1790-1874. | Charleston [S.C.] : James, Williams and Gitsinger, 1855. |
1855 | Undefined place of publication | First ship in the new line to Africa. | Maine Colonization Society. | [S.l. : s.n.], [ca. 1855]. |
1855 | United States | Reasons for joining the Republican Party. : Reasons of Samuel A. Foot ... for accepting a Republican nomination.. | Foot, Samuel A. (Samuel Alfred), 1790-1878. | [United States : s.n.], [1855] |
1855 | Vermont | The enfranchisement of labor. : An address delivered before the Vermont State Agricultural Society, at Brattleboro', Vermont, September 14, 1854, | Russell, Charles Theodore, 1815-1896. | Middlebury [Vt.]: : Printed at the Register Book and Job Office., 1855. |
1855 | Virginia | An address delivered at the third annual fair of the Virginia State Agricultural Society | Minor, Franklin, 1812-1867. | Richmond : Printed by T. Bailie, 1855. |
1856 | Alabama | Journal of the proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Alabama : held in Trinity Church, Mobile on the 1st, 2d, and 3d of May, A.D. 1856. | Episcopal Church. Diocese of Alabama. Convention (1856 : Mobile, Ala.) | Mobile : Farrow, Stokes & Dennett, Book and Job Printers, 1856. |
1856 | California | Speech of Col. Jas. C. Zabriskie, on the subject of slavery : and in reply to the address of the Pittsburgh Convention, and Geo. C. Bates :delivered at Sacramento, Cal., on the 10th day of May, A.D. 1856. | Zabriskie, James C. | Sacramento : Democratic State Journal Office, 1856. |
1856 | Connecticut | The prologue and constitution of the Sisterhood of the Good Angels; and the by-laws of St. Luke's Society, of said Sisterhood. | Sisterhood of the Good Angels. St. Luke's Society. | New Haven: : Printed by William H. Stanley., 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speeches of ex-governor Bigler, of Pennsylvania : delivered at Stamford and Hartford, Conn. | Bigler, William, 1814-1880. | Washington : printed at the Union Office, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, on the report of the Kansas investigating committee, in the case of Reeder against Whitfield. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, July 31, 1856. | Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 1812-1883. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Slavery in the territories. : Debate on the power of Congress to establish or prohibit slavery in the territories of the United States; in the House of Representatives, January 17, 1856. | United States. Congress (34th, 1st session : 1855-1856). House. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. John Letcher, of Virginia, on the political issues now before the country. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, August 2, 1856.. | Letcher, John, 1813-1884. | Washington: : Printed at the Union Office., 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | The issue fairly presented. : The Senate bill for the admission of Kansas as a state. Democracy, law, order, and the will of the majority of the whole people of the territory, against black republicanism, usurpation, revolution, anarchy, and the will of a meagre minority. : Published by order of the Democratic National Committee. | Democratic National Committee (U.S.) | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Union Office., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Address of the Republican Convention, at Pittsburgh, February 22, 1856. | Republican National Convention (1st : 1856 : Pittsburgh, Pa.) | Washington : Published by the Republican Association, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | The spurious Kansas memorial. : Debate in the Senate of the United States, on the memorial of James H. Lane, praying that the Senate receive and grant the prayer of the memorial presented by General Cass, and afterwards withdrawn; embracing the speeches of Senators Douglas, Pugh, Butler, Toucey, Rusk, &c. | United States. Congress (34th, 1st session : 1855-1856). Senate. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Union Office., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Who is John C. Fremont? : "I have acquaintance with the Colonel, and I am so favorably impressed as to him, that I would as readily trust him as any other individual. ... | Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Samuel A. Purviance, of Pennsylvania, on the slavery and presidential questions : Delivered in the House of Representatives, August 4, 1856. | Purviance, Samuel A., 1809-1882. | Washington : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Mr. Henry M. Fuller, of Pennsylvania, : delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, May 10, 1856.. | Fuller, Henry M. (Henry Mills), 1820-1860. | [Washington] : American Organ, print., [1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | The Massachusetts resolutions on the Sumner assault, and the slavery issue. : Speeches of Senators Butler, Evans, and Hunter, delivered in the Senate of the United States. | Butler, A. P. (Andrew Pickens), 1796-1857. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Office of the Congressional Globe., [1856]. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. William H. Seward, for the immediate admission of Kansas into the Union; : delivered in the Senate of the United States, April 9, 1856.. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. J.F. Dowdell, of Alabama, on the power of Congress over the territories, : and the relative position of political parties in reference to the same. Delivered in the House of Representatives, July 28, 1856. | Dowdell, James F. (James Ferguson), 1818-1871. | Washington: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Robert M.T. Hunter, of Virginia, on the resolutions of the Massachusetts legislature concerning the assault on Mr. Sumner. : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, June 24, 1856.. | Hunter, R. M. T. (Robert Mercer Taliaferro), 1809-1887. | Washington: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Admission of Kansas : speech of Hon. B. F. Wade, of Ohio, in the Senate of the United States, July 2, 1856. | Wade, B. F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1800-1878. | Washington, D. C. : Buell & Blanchard, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Dred Scott, a colored man, vs. John F. A. Sandford : argument of Montgomery Blair, of counsel for the plaintiff in error. | United States. Supreme Court | Washington, D.C. : Gideon, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Will the South dissolve the union? | Weston, George M. (George Melville), 1816-1887. | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Miles Taylor, of Louisiana, on the assault by Mr. Brooks on Mr. Sumner. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, July 12, 1856. | Taylor, Miles, 1805-1873. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. John Cadwalader, of Pennsylvania, on the legislation of the United States upon the subject of slavery in the territories : Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 5, 1856. | Cadwalader, John, 1805-1879. | Washington : printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Report of the special committee appointed to investigate the troubles in Kansas : with the views of the minority of said committee. | United States. Congress. House. Committee to Investigate the Troubles in Kansas | Washington : Cornelius Wendell, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of William H. Seward, for the immediate admission of Kansas into the Union. : Senate of the United States, April 9, 1856.. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | [Washington, D.C.] : Buell & Blanchard, printers, Washington, D.C., [1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | The army of the United States not to be employed as a police to enforce the laws of the conquerors of Kansas. : Speech of William H. Seward on the Army Bill. In the Senate of the United States, August 7, 1856. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Report of the Naval Committee to the House of Representatives, August, 1850 : in favor of the establishment of a line of mail steamships to the western coast of Africa, and thence via the Mediterranean to London; designed to promote the emigration of free persons of color from the United States to Liberia : also to increase the steam navy, and to extend the commerce of the United States : with an appendix added by the American Colonization Society. | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs | Washington : Gideon and Co., 1850. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Kansas affairs : Mr. Howard, from the Select Committee, made the following report | United States. Congress. House. Committee to Investigate the Troubles in Kansas | [Washington : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Remarks of Mr. Hamlin, of Maine, defining his position, and the tests of the Cincinnati Convention. : In the Senate of the United States, June 12, 1856.. | Hamlin, Hannibal, 1809-1891. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Office of the Congressional Globe., 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Kansas controversy : Speech of Hon. George W. Jones, of Iowa, delivered in the Senate of the United States, April 16, 1856. | Jones, George Wallace, 1804-1896. | Washington [D.C.] : printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Kansas investigation. : Minority report of the Kansas investigating committee, of the House of Representatives, by Hon. M. Oliver, of Missouri. | United States. Congress. House. Committee to Investigate the Troubles in Kansas | Washington: : Printed at the Union Office., 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. John J. Pearce, of Pennsylvania, on the slavery question : delivered in the House of Representatives, August 9, 1856. | Pearce, John J., d. 1888. | Washington : Printed at the Congressional globe office, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Alleged assault upon Senator Sumner June 2, 1856 ... | United States. Congress. House. Select Committee on Alleged Assault upon Senator Sumner. | [Washington : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of the Hon. Robert Toombs, of Georgia, on the President's Kansas message : Delivered in the Senate February 28, 1856. | Toombs, Robert Augustus, 1810-1885. | [Washington? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | South Carolina and Massachusetts. : Speech of Hon. J.J. Evans, of South Carolina, in reply to Mr. Sumner, of Massachusetts. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, June 23, 1856.. | Evans, Josiah J. (Josiah James), 1786-1858. | Washington: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Personalities and aggressions of Mr. Butler. : Speech of Hon. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, in the Senate of the United States, June 13, 1856.. | Wilson, Henry, 1812-1875. | [Washington] : Buell & Blanchard, printers, Washington, D.C., [1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Admission of Kansas. : Speech of Hon. G.A. Grow, of Pennsylvania, in the House of Representatives, June 30, 1856, on closing the debate on the bill reported from the Committee on Territories for the admission of Kansas into the Union as a state.. | Grow, Galusha A. (Galusha Aaron), 1823-1907. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Kansas contested election : report of the Committee of Elections of the House of Representatives, in the Kansas contested election case | United States. Congress. House. Committee of Elections | Washington : Republican Association, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Percy Walker, of Alabama : on the presidential election, the attitude of parties, the duty of southern men, delivered in the House of Representatives, August 6, 1856. | Walker, Percy, 1812-1880. | [Washington? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | The "laws" of Kansas : Speech of Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana, in the House of Representatives, June 21, 1856. | Colfax, Schuyler, 1823-1885. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Remarks of Hons. A. Biggs and D.S. Reid, of North Carolina : in the Senate of the United States, July 2, 1856, on the bill reported from the committee on territories for the admission of Kansas as a state. | Biggs, Asa, 1811-1878. | Washington [D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Lemuel Todd, of Pa. : on the resolution reported by the committee of elections in the contested-election case from Kansas Territory. Delivered in the House of Representatives, March 13, 1856. | Todd, Lemuel, 1817-1891. | Washington : printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Twelve letters, over the signature of "Madison," on the American question, | Madison. | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Powers of the government of the United States--federal, state, and territorial. : Speech of Hon. James A. Stewart, of Maryland, on African slavery, its status--natural, moral, social, legal, and, constitutional; and the origin, progress, present condition, and future destiny of the United States, considered in connection with African slavery as a part of its social system; with the bearings of that institution upon the interests of all sections of the Union, and upon the African race. Delivered in the House of Representatives, July 23, 1856. | Stewart, James Augustus, 1808-1879. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. S.A. Douglas, of Illinois, on Kansas territorial affairs. : Delivered in the Senate United States, March 20, 1856. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Union office., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Jefferson against Douglas. : Speech of Hon. A.H. Cragin, of New Hampshire, in the House of Representives, August 4, l856. | Cragin, Aaron H. (Aaron Harrison), 1821-1898. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Slavery and its tendencies : a letter from General J. Watson Webb to the New York Courier and Enquirer. | Webb, J. Watson (James Watson), 1802-1884. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, in reply to Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, and review of Mr. Oliver's minority report. : Before the House of Representatives, July 30, 1856. | Sherman, John, 1823-1900. | [Washington, D.C.] : Buell & Blanchard, printers, Washington., [1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Defence of Kansas | Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887. | [Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1856]. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Hon. James Buchanan. : Remarks of Hon. J. Glancy Jones, of Pennsylvania, delivered in the House of Representatives, May 13, 1856, in reply to the remarks made on Saturday, May 10, 1856, by Hon. Henry M. Fuller, assailing the political opinions of Mr. Buchanan, and other leading public men of the democracy of Pennsylvania.. | Jones, J. Glancy (Jehu Glancy), 1811-1878. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., [1856?] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Kansas in 1856. : An authentic account of the outrages in Kansas, since the appointment of the Kansas Investigating Committee, and not embraced in their report to the House of Representatives. From actual observation, and the testimony of eye-witnesses. | Officer of the commission. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Slavery question : speech of Hon. Edward Wade, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, August 2, 1856. | Wade, Edward, 1802-1866. | Washington : Buell & Blanchard, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of William H. Seward, for the immediate admission of Kansas into the Union. : Senate of the United States, April 9, 1856.. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | [Washington, D.C.] : Buell & Blanchard, printers, Washington, D.C., [1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. James C. Jones, of Tennessee. : Delivered in the United States Senate August 9, 1856.. | Jones, James C. (James Chamberlain), 1809-1859. | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Das Verbrechen gegen Kansas. : Die Entschuldigungen wegen des Verbrechens. Das richtige Gegenmittel. Rede des Ehrbaren Charles Sumner, vom Staat Massachusetts. Im Senate der Vereinigten Staaten, am 19. und 20. Mai 1856. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | [Washington, D.C.] : Gedruckt bei Buell & Blanchard, Washington, D.C., [1856?] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Mr. Fillmore's political history and position. : Speech of Hon. E. B. Morgan, of New York, in U.S. House of Representatives, Aug. 4, 1856.. | Morgan, Edwin Barber, 1806-1881. | [Washington, D.C. : Republican Association], [1856]. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Kansas contested election. : Speech of Hon. John Hickman, of Pa., delivered in the House of Representatives, Mar. 19, 1856.. | Hickman, John, 1810-1875. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Office of the Congressional Globe., [1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Kansas affairs : speech of Hon. Henry Waldron, of Michigan, in the House of Representatives, April 8, 1856, in committee of the whole on the state of the Union. | Waldron, Henry, b. 1819. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. J.B. Thompson, of Kentucky, in the Senate, July 1, 1856. | Thompson, J. B. (John Burton), 1810-1874. | [Washington, D.C. : American Organ, printer, 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Mr. Collamer's report and speech against a new constitution for Kansas : and in favor of the free state constitution. | Collamer, Jacob, 1791-1865. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Defence of Massachusetts : Speech of Hon. Anson Burlingame, of Massachusetts, in the House of Representatives, June 21, 1856. | Burlingame, Anson, 1820-1870. | [Washington, D.C.] : Buell & Blanchard, printers, Washington, [1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of William H. Seward, against Mr. Douglas' second enabling bill, and in favor of immediate admission of Kansas into the Union. : In the Senate of the United States, July 2, 1856. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Minority report : July 11, 1856 | United States. Congress. House. Committee to Investigate the Troubles in Kansas | [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Who are sectional? | Weston, George M. (George Melville), 1816-1887. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Modern "democracy," the ally of slavery. : Speech of Hon. M.W. Tappan, of New Hampshire, in the House of Representatives, July 29, 1856, | Tappan, Mason W. (Mason Weare), 1817-1886. | Washington, DC : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | National politics. : Speech of Hon. J.H. Jewett, of Kentucky, delivered in the House of Representatives, July 25, 1856.. | Jewett, J. H. (Joshua Husband), 1815-1861. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Office of the Congressional Globe, [1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Rev. Henry Slicer, delivered in the general conference at Indianapolis, 28th May, 1856, : on the subject of the proposed change in the Methodist discipline, making non-slaveholding a test or condition of membership in said church. | Slicer, Henry, 1801-1874. | [Washington, D.C.] : H. Polkinhorn, printer, Washington., [1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Admission of Kansas. : Speech of Hon. James Harlan, of Iowa, in the Senate of the United States, March 27, 1856.. | Harlan, James, 1820-1899. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speeches of William H. Seward on the Army bill, : at the extraordinary session of the Senate. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | The Kansas question. : Speech of Hon. F.S. Edwards, of New York, on the power of Congress to legislate over the territories. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, June 19, 1856.. | Edwards, Francis S. (Francis Smith), 1817-1899. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the office of the Congressional Globe., [1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Kansas--the territories : Speech of Hon. Lewis Cass, of Michigan, delivered in the Senate of the United States, May 12-13, 1856. | Cass, Lewis, 1782-1866. | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1856.] |
1856 | District of Columbia | The poor whites of the South : the injury done them by slavery | Weston, George M. (George Melville), 1816-1887. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Americanism : Speech of Hon. Lewis D. Campbell, of Ohio, delivered at the American Mass Meeting, held in Washington City, February 29th, 1856, as reported and published in the "American Organ." | Campbell, Lewis D. (Lewis Davis), 1811-1882. | [Washington, D.C.] : Buell & Blanchard, printers, Washington, D.C., [1856]. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of William H. Seward, on the Central American question. : In the Senate of the United States, January 31, 1856. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | Washington, D. C. : Buell & Blanchard, [1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, in the Senate of the United States, April 14, 1856 : in reply to Mr. Douglas, on the subject of the petition of the Kansas Legislature : also "A question of veracity" settled for Hon. Benjamin F. Hallett. | Wilson, Henry, 1812-1875. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | State of political parties : speech of Hon. F. K. Zollicoffer, of Tennessee, in the House of Representatives of the United States, April 8, 1856. | Zollicoffer, Felix Kirk, 1812-1862. | [Washington, D.C. : American Organ, 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | National politics. : Speech of Hon. Albert G. Talbott, of Kentucky, delivered in the House of Representatives, July 28, 1856, defining his position of Know Nothingism, Black Republicanism, and Democracy. | Talbott, Albert G. (Albert Gallatin), 1808-1887. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Office of the Congressional Globe., [1856?] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Letter of Francis P. Blair, Esq. to the Republican Association of Washington, D.C. | Blair, Francis Preston, 1791-1876. | [Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | A review of the president's message : Speech of Hon. Charles Billinghurst, of Wisconsin, in the House of Representatives, August 9, 1856. | Billinghurst, Charles, 1818-1865. | [Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1856.] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Office of the Colonization Society, Washington, March 14th, 1856 : At the late meeting of the Board of Directors ... the following resolutions were adopted ... That the Executive Committee be instructed ... to build comfortable receptacles at least at two points in Liberia ... | American Colonization Society. Executive Committee. | [Washington, D.C.] : [s.n.], [1856]. |
1856 | District of Columbia | The humbug, and the reality. : An address of the Hon. Timothy C. Day, of Ohio, to his constituents. | Day, Timothy C. (Timothy Crane), 1819-1869. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Letter of Harvey D. Scott to his constituents of the seventh congressional district of Indiana. | Scott, Harvey D. (Harvey David), 1818-1891. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | The crime against Kansas. : The apologies for the crime. The true remedy. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Freedom national--slavery sectional : speech of Hon. John J. Perry, of Maine, on the comparative nationality and sectionalism of the Republican and Democratic Parties : in the House of Representatives, May 1, 1856, in committee of the whole on the state of the Union. | Perry, John J. (John Jasiel), 1811-1897. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | In the Senate of the United States, March 12, 1856 ... : Mr. Douglas made the following report | United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories | [Washington : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | The Cincinnati Platform : Speech of Mr. John S. Carlile, of Virginia, in the House of Representatives, June 21, 1856 ... | Carlile, John S. (John Snyder), 1817-1878. | [Washington, D.C.] : [American Party], [1856]. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Modern "democracy," the ally of slavery. : Speech of Hon. M.W. Tappan, of New Hampshire, in the House of Representatives, July 29, 1856, | Tappan, Mason W. (Mason Weare), 1817-1886. | Washington, DC : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | The dangers of extending slavery, and The contest and the crisis. : Two speeches of William H. Seward. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | Washington, D.C. : Published by the Republican Association. Buell and Blanchard, printers., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Freedom national--slavery sectional : speech of Hon. John J. Perry, of Maine, on the comparative nationality and sectionalism of the Republican and Democratic Parties : in the House of Representatives, May 1, 1856, in committee of the whole on the state of the Union. | Perry, John J. (John Jasiel), 1811-1897. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | To the opponents of slavery extension. | Republican Congressional Committee. | [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | The Southern states, : embracing a series of papers condensed from the earlier volumes of De Bow's Review, upon the cultivation, commerce and manufacture of cotton, together with historical and statistical sketches of several of the Southern and South-western states; their agriculture, commerce, etc. | De Bow, J. D. B. (James Dunwoody Brownson), 1820-1867. | Washington, D.C., and New Orleans. : [s.n.], 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | The presidential election : Speech of Hon. L. O'B. Branch, of North Carolina, delivered in the House of Representatives, July 24, 1856. | Branch, Lawrence O'B. (Lawrence O'Bryan), 1820-1862. | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | The state of affairs in Kansas : speech of Hon. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts. | Wilson, Henry, 1812-1875. | [Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | The Republican Party--its necessity and its mission : Speech of Hon. John Allison, of Pennsylvania, in the House of Representatives, August 6, 1856. | Allison, John, 1812-1878. | [Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Southern slavery reduces northern wages | Weston, George M. (George Melville), 1816-1887. | [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Official proceedings of the Republican Convention convened in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on the 22d of February, 1856. | Republican National Convention (1856: Pittsburgh, Pa.). | Washington, D.C. : Republican Association of Washington, Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of William H. Seward, for the immediate admission of Kansas into the Union. : Senate of the United States, April 9, 1856. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | [Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Assault on Senator Sumner. : Speech of Hon. Linus B. Comins, of Massachusetts, delivered in the U.S. House of Representatives, July 10, 1856. | Comins, Linus B. (Linus Bacon), 1817-1892. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, on the bill to admit Kansas as a state under the Topeka Constitution. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, June 28, 1856. | Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 1812-1883. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | The Democratic Party as it was and as it is! : Speech of Hon. Timothy C. Day, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, April 23, 1856. | Day, Timothy C. (Timothy Crane), 1819-1869. | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1856.] |
1856 | District of Columbia | In the Senate of the United States, June 30, 1856 ... : Mr. Douglas made the following report ... | United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories | [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | The wrongs of Kansas. : Speech of Hon. John P. Hale, of New Hampshire. In the United States Senate, February, 1856.. | Hale, John P. (John Parker), 1806-1873. | Washington, D.C. : Published by the Republican Association of the District of Columbia. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Privilege of the representative--privilege of the people. : Speech of Mr. Giddings, of Ohio, on the trial of Preston S. Brooks, for an assault on Senator Sumner. Before the House of Representatives, July 11, 1856.. | Giddings, Joshua R. (Joshua Reed), 1795-1864. | [Washington, D.C.] : Buell & Blanchard, printers, Washington, D.C., [1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Remarks of Hon. J.J. Lindley, of Missouri, on the election of speaker. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, January 11 and 14, 1856.. | Lindley, J. J. (James Johnson), 1822-1891. | [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Admission of Kansas. Speech of Hon. J. S. Morrill, of Vermont, on the admission of Kansas as a free state into the Union. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, June 28, 1856. | Morrill, Justin S. (Justin Smith), 1810-1898. | [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Complaints of the extensionists--their falsity : Speech of Hon. Philemon Bliss, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, May 21, 1856. | Bliss, Philemon, 1814-1889. | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. John P. Hale, of New Hampshire, : and comments of the National Era on the president's message.. | Hale, John P. (John Parker), 1806-1873. | Washington, D.C. : published by the Republican Association of the District of Columbia. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Affairs in Kansas territory. : Speech of Hon. Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois, delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 14, 1856, on the motion to print thirty-one thousand extra copies of the reports of the majority and minority of the committee on territories, in reference to affairs in Kansas. | Trumbull, Lyman, 1813-1896. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Kansas in 1856. : An authentic account of the outrages in Kansas, since the appointment of the Kansas Investigating Committee, and not embraced in their report to the House of Representatives. From actual observation, and the testimony of eye-witnesses. | Officer of the commission. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | State of political parties : speech of Hon. F.K. Zollicoffer, of Tennessee, in the House of Representatives of the United States, April 8, 1856. | Zollicoffer, Felix Kirk, 1812-1862. | [Washington, D.C. : American Organ, 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. W.H. Kelsey, of New York, on the slavery question; : delivered in the House of Representatives, July 29, 1856.. | Kelsey, W. H. (William Henry), 1812-1879. | Washington: : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office., 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | The slavery question : Speech of Hon. John Allison, of Pa., delivered in the House of Representatives, April 1, 1856. | Allison, John, 1812-1878. | [Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1856]. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Address of Hon. Thomas L. Clingman : on the political condition and prospects of the country, to the freemen of the Eighth Congressional District of North Carolina. | Clingman, T. L. (Thomas Lanier), 1812-1897. | [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1856.] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Kansas and the compromises. : Speech of Hon. Jesse O. Norton, of Illinois, in the House of Representatives, August 9, 1856.. | Norton, Jesse O. (Jesse Olds), 1812-1875. | [Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, 1856?]. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Revolution or reform. : A discourse occasioned by the present crisis. Preached at Wayland, Mass., Sunday, June 15, 1856. | Sears, Edmund H. (Edmund Hamilton), 1810-1876. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Politics of the country : speech of Hon. I. Washburn, Jr., of Maine, in the House of Representatives, June 21, 1856. | Washburn, Israel, 1813-1883. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Will the South dissolve the union? | Weston, George M. (George Melville), 1816-1887. | [Washington, D.C.? : Republican Association of Washington City, 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Buchanan and Breckinridge : The Democratic hand-book | Cluskey, M. W. (Michael W.) | Washington : Printed by R.A. Waters, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Kansas contested election. : Speech of Hon. Mark Trafton, of Massachusetts, in the House of Representatives, March 12, 1856, on the resolution reported from the Committee of Elections, in the contested election case from the territory of Kansas. | Trafton, Mark, 1810-1901. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. A.P. Butler, of South Carolina : on the difficulty of Messrs. Brooks and Sumner, and the causes thereof : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, June 12-13, 1856. | Butler, A. P. (Andrew Pickens), 1796-1857. | Washington : printed at the Congressional Globe office, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Letter of the Hon. Mordecai Oliver, of Mo., to Robert H. Miller, esq., : editor of the "Liberty (Missouri) tribune," in reply to editorial criticisms and strictures on his course in Congress this session, contained in that paper of the 1st of February, 1856, which Mr. O. desires should be also considered as addressed to his constituents. | Oliver, Mordecai, 1819-1898. | [Washington : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Russell Sage, of New York, on the professions and acts of the President of the United States; : the repeal of the Missouri compromise; the outrages in Kansas; and the sectional influence and aggressions of the slave power. Delivered in the House of Representatives, August 6, 1856. | Sage, Russell, 1816-1906. | Washington [D.C.]: : [s.n.], 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | The real issue--union or disunion. : Letter of Hon. S.S. Marshall, on the parties and politics of the day, to the freemen of the Ninth Congressional District of Illinois.. | Marshall, S. S. (Samuel Scott), 1821-1890. | Washington: : Printed at the Union Office, 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Martin J. Crawford, of Georgia, on the restoration of the Missouri compromise, and in support of the Kansas-Nebraska bill. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, July 25, 1856. | Crawford, M. J. (Martin Jenkins), 1820-1883. | Washington: : printed by J.T. & Lem. Towers., 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Kansas contested election. : Speech of Hon. S. Galloway, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, March 17, 1856, on the resolution reported by the Committee of Elections in the contested election case from the territory of Kansas.. | Galloway, Samuel, 1811-1872. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Slavery unconstitutional. : Speech on [sic] Hon. Amos P. Granger, of New York, in the House of Representatives, April 4, 1856 ... | Granger, Amos P. (Amos Phelps), 1789-1866. | [Washington] : Buell & Blanchard, printers, Washington., [1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Kansas affairs : speech of Hon. George E. Pugh, of Ohio : delivered in the United States Senate, July 2, 1856. | Pugh, George E. (George Ellis), 1822-1876. | [Washington : Printed at the Office of the Congressional Globe, 1856?] |
1856 | District of Columbia | An appeal for the Union! | Pratt, Thomas George, 1804-1869. | Washington : Printed at the Union Office, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Letter of Samuel Caruthers to his constituents : explaining his past action, defining his present position, and the position of parties. | Caruthers, Samuel, 1820-1860. | Washington [D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe Office, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Affairs in Kansas. : Speech of Hon. Galusha A. Grow, of Penn'a, delivered in the House of Representatives, March 5, 1856, the president's annual message being under consideration in the committee of the whole on the state of the Union.. | Grow, Galusha A. (Galusha Aaron), 1823-1907. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed at the Congressional Globe office., [1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Henry Bennett, of New York, on the admission of Kansas, and the political effects of slavery : In the House of Representatives, June 30, 1856. | Bennett, Henry, 1808-1868. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, Printers, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. J.P. Benjamin, of La., on the Kansas question : Delivered in the Senate May 2, 1856. | Benjamin, J. P. (Judah Philip), 1811-1884. | [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Supremacy of the Constitution and laws : Speech of Hon. Lewis D. Campbell, of Ohio, in the House of Representatives, in reply to his colleague, Mr. J.R. Giddings, the Senate's amendments to the Deficiency bill being under consideration. | Campbell, Lewis D. (Lewis Davis), 1811-1882. | Washington, D.C. : Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Organization of the free state government in Kansas : and the inaugural address of Gov. Robinson. | Washington : Buell & Blanchard, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Dunn's bill! Hypocrisy of Black Republicans in Congress! : As exhibited by the official journal of the House of Representatives.. | Washington: : [s.n.], 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Die Uebergriffe und gesetzlosen Gewaltanmassungen der Sklaven-Macht : Erkla¨¨rung von Grundfässen und Zwecken der Republikanischen Partei : Adresse der Republikanischen Convention, in Pittsburg, am 22. Februar 1856. | Washington D.C. : Gedruckt bei Buell u. Blanchard, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Organization of the free state government in Kansas : with the inaugural speech and message of Governor Robinson. | Washington : Buell & Blanchard, 1856. |
1856 | District of Columbia | The Kansas question. : An act organizing the territorial government of Kansas; : extracts from President Pierce's message in regard to the constitutional relations of slavery; : special message of the president in regard to Kansas affairs; : special message of the president in compliance with a resolution of the Senate; : together with copies of certain letters and papers transmitted therewith, in relation to recent difficulties in the territory of Kansas, with extractions from Mr. Toomb's speech in reply to Mr. Hale.. | Washington: : Printed at the Union Office., 1856.. |
1856 | District of Columbia | Executive Office, January 4 Shawnee Mission, K.T. [i.e. Kansas Territory] : My dr Sir, Your two last favors are received and I regret exceedingly to hear of your unpleasant situation. I hope things will prove better. The evidence you speak of must justify every one that you did not kill Barber ... | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | District of Columbia | Letter of an adopted Catholic, addressed to the President of the Kentucky Democratic Association of Washington City, : on temporal allegience to the pope, and the relations of the Catholic Church and Catholics, both native and adopted, to the system of domestic slavery and its agitation in the United States. The speech of Hon. W.R. Smith, of Alabama, delivered in the House of Representatives January 15, 1855, "on the American party and its mission," reviewed. | [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | England | Colonial constitutions: : an outline of the constitutional history and existing government of the British dependencies; : with schedules of the orders in council, statutes, and parliamentary documents relating to each dependency. | Mills, Arthur, 1816-1898. | London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1856.. |
1856 | England | The Englishwoman in America. | Bird, Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy), 1831-1904. | London : John Murray, 1856 [printed by W. Clowes and Sons]. |
1856 | England | Correspondence of Lieut.-General the Hon. Sir George Cathcart, K.C.B. : relative to his military operations in Kaffraria, until the termination of the Kafir war, and to his measures for the future maintenance of peace on that frontier, and the protection and welfare of the people of South Africa. | Cathcart, George, Sir, 1794-1854. | London : John Murray, Albemarle Street : Printed by Woodfall and Kinder, Angel Courrt, Skinner Street, 1856. |
1856 | England | Southern Africa. : A geography and natural history of the country, colonies, and inhabitants from the Cape of Good Hope to Angola. : Together with notices of their origins, manners, habits, customs ... | Flemyng, Francis Patrick. | London: : Arthur Hall, Virtue, and Co.; ; Norwich: : Thomas Priest., MDCCCLVI. [1856] |
1856 | England | A history of the American compromises. : Reprinted, with additions, from the Daily news. | Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876. | London: : John Chapman, no. 8, King William Street, Strand., 1856.. |
1856 | England | America by river and rail; or, Notes by the way on the New World and its people. | Ferguson, William. | London: : James Nisbet and Co., 21 Berners Street., M.DCCC.LVI. [1856] |
1856 | England | The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.. | Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882. | London: : George Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street., M.DCCC.LVI. [1856] |
1856 | England | Letter of A. Dudley Mann, to the citizens of the slaveholding states, : in relation to a weekly Atlantic ferry line of iron steamships of thirty thousand tons, between the Chesapeake Bay and Milford Haven.. | Mann, A. Dudley (Ambrose Dudley), 1801-1889. | London: : John Miller, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden., 1856.. |
1856 | England | First footsteps in East Africa; or, An exploration of Härar | Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890. | London : Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans : Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., New-street-Square, 1856. |
1856 | England | Lake Ngami, or, Explorations and discoveries, during four years' wanderings in the wilds of south-western Africa | Andersson, Charles John, 1827-1867. | London : Hurst and Blackett, Publishers, successors to Henry Colburn, 1856 [Charles Bevan and Son, Printers] |
1856 | England | Further correspondence relative to the recent expeditions against the Moriah chiefs in the neighbourhood of Sierra Leone. : (In continuation of papers presented August 1855.) : Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 19 June 1856.. | Great Britain. Colonial Office | London: : Printed by George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode, printers to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office., 1856.. |
1856 | England | Brazil viewed through a naval glass : with notes on slavery and the slave trade | Wilberforce, Edward, 1834-1914. | London : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1856. |
1856 | England | Narrative of an exploring voyage up the rivers Kwóra and Bínue (commonly known as the Niger and Tsádda) in 1854 : With a map and appendices. | Baikie, William Balfour, 1825-1864. | London : John Murray, 1856 [Bradbury and Evans, Printers] |
1856 | England | The quadroon, or, a lover's adventures in Louisiana | Reid, Mayne, 1818-1883. | London : George W. Hyde, 1856. |
1856 | England | Africa's mountain valley : or, The church in Regent's Town, West Africa | Charlesworth, Maria Louisa, 1819-1880. | [London] : Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, Fleet Street; and B. Seely, Hanover Street, London : Printed by G. Barclay, Castle St. Leicester Sq., 1856. |
1856 | England | American slavery: : a reprint of an article on "Uncle Tom's cabin," of which a portion was inserted in the 206th number of the "Edinburgh review;" and of Mr. Sumner's speech of the 19th and 20th of May, 1856. With a notice of the events which followed that speech. | Senior, Nassau William, 1790-1864. | London: : Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts., 1856. |
1856 | France | Rachel et le nouveau-monde : promenade aux États-Unis et aux Antilles | Beauvallet, Léon, 1829-1885. | Paris : Alexandre Cadot, 'Editeur, 1856 [Sceaux : Imprimerie do Munzel Frères] |
1856 | France | Rapport a l'empereur sur la question Malgache et la colonisation de Madagascar | Bonnavoy de Premot, F.-H. | Paris : Imprimerie de H. Carion, 64, Rue Bonaparte, 1856. |
1856 | Germany | Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt über wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie | Petermann, A. (August), 1822-1878. | Gotha [Germany] : J. Perthes, 1856. |
1856 | Illinois | Kansas, her struggle and her defense : a discourse preached in the Plymouth Congregational Church of Chicago ... June 1, 1856 | Roy, J. E. (Joseph Edwin), 1827-1908. | Chicago : Wright, Medell, Day, 1756, |
1856 | Illinois | Constitution and by-laws of the Illinois Woman's Kansas Aid and Liberty Association. : Organized June 10, 1856.. | Illinois Woman's Kansas Aid and Liberty Association. | Chicago: : Daily Tribune Book and Job Office., 1856.. |
1856 | Iowa | Our country's crisis. : | Holbrook, John C. (John Calvin), 1808-1900. | [Dubuque, Iowa? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Maine | Speech delivered in Beethoven Hall, before the Fremont Club. : Biddeford Maine, August 27, 1856, | Tuck, John, 1819-1886. | [Biddeford, Me.? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Maine | A reign of terror : A sermon preached in Union Street Church, Bangor, on Sunday evening, June 1, 1856 | Allen, Joseph Henry, 1820-1898. | Bangor [Me.] : printed by Samuel S. Smith, 1856. |
1856 | Maryland | Report of the minority of the Committee on Secret Societies, made to the House of Delegates of Maryland, March 4, 1856.. | Maryland. General Assembly. House of Delegates. Select Committee on Secret Societies. | Annapolis: : Requa & Wilson, printers., 1856.. |
1856 | Maryland | Old line Whigs for Buchanan & Breckinridge : Letters from Hon. James Alfred Pearce, and Hon. Thomas G. Pratt, to the Whigs of Maryland. Speeches of Hon. J. W. Crisfield, of Maryland, and Hon. James B. Clay, of Kentucky. | Pearce, James Alfred, 1804-1862. | [Baltimore? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Massachusetts | The presidency: : a reply to the letter of Hon. Rufus Choate to the Whig State Committee of Maine. | Dix, William Giles, d. 1898. | Boston: : John P. Jewett and Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor, and Worthington. ; New York: : Sheldon, Blakeman, and Company. ; [Boston] : Lithotyped by the American Stereotype Company, 28 Phœnix building, Boston. : Printed by D.S. Ford and Co., 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Wolfsden : an authentic account of things there and thereunto pertaining as they are and have been | Barnes, Josiah. | Boston : Phillips, Sampson, and Company, 1856. [Stereotyped by Hobart & Robbins, New England Type and Stereotype Foundry] |
1856 | Massachusetts | Revolution or reform. : A discourse occasioned by the present crisis. Preached at Wayland, Mass., Sunday, June 15, 1856. | Sears, Edmund H. (Edmund Hamilton), 1810-1876. | Boston: : Crosby, Nichols & Company, 111 Washington Street. Ebenezer Clapp, Jun. 184 Washington Street., 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Kansas, its interior and exterior life : including a full view of its settlement, political history, social life, climate, soil, productions, scenery, etc. | Robinson, Sara T. L. (Sara Tappan Lawrence), 1827-1911. | Boston : Crosby, Nichols and Company, 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | A narrative of the life and travels of Mrs. Nancy Prince | Prince, Nancy, b. 1799. | Boston : Published by the author, 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Remarks on the letter of the Hon. Rufus Choate to the "Whig State Committee of Maine" : written in answer to a letter of the Hon. John Z. Goodrich | Quincy, Josiah, 1772-1864. | [Quincy, Mass.? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Massachusetts | Kanzas and the Constitution. | Fisher, Sidney George, 1809-1871. | Boston: : printed by Damrell & Moore., 1856.. |
1856 | Massachusetts | The conquest of Kansas : by Missouri and her allies : a history of the troubles in Kansas, from the passage of the Organic act until the close of July, 1856 | Phillips, William A. (William Addison), 1824-1893. | Boston : Phillips, Sampson and Company, 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | The North and the South : a statistical view of the condition of the free and slave states | Chase, Henry. | Boston : published by John P. Jewett and Company ; Cleveland, Ohio : H.P.B. Jewett ; New York : Sheldon, Blakeman, and Company ; [Boston] : Lithotyped by the American Stereotype Company, 28 Phœnix Building, Boston : Printed by D.S. Ford and Co., 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Fasten this up in your place of business! : The following correspondence has recently taken place between the governor of Alabama and Henry J. Gardner, governor of Massachusetts. Governor Gardner's reply has been truly characterized as excelling in power any document from a Massachusetts statesman, since Webster's great answer to Hayne. Freemen of Massachusetts, read it, and decide if it is not your duty, to support by your votes, the man who, on every occasion, has ably and manfully vindicated and upheld the dignity and character of the Old Bay State. ... | Gardner, Henry J. (Henry Joseph), 1819-1892. | [Massachusetts : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Massachusetts | Orations and speeches on various occasions. | Everett, Edward, 1794-1865. | Boston: : Little, Brown, and Company., 1856.. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Anthony Burns : a history | Stevens, Charles Emery, 1815-1893. | Boston : John P. Jewett and Company, 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Address illustrative of the nature and power of the slave states, and the duties of the free states : delivered at the request of the inhabitants of the town of Quincy, Mass., on Thursday, June 5, 1856 | Quincy, Josiah, 1772-1864. | Boston : Ticknor and Fields, 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Biography of an American bondman | Brown, Josephine. | Boston : Published by R. F. Wallcut, 1856, c1855. (J.B. Yerrinton & Son, Printers) |
1856 | Massachusetts | The life of John Thompson, a fugitive slave; : containing his history of 25 years in bondage, and his providential escape. | Thompson, John, b. 1812. | Worcester [Mass.] : Published by John Thompson., MDCCCLVI [1856] |
1856 | Massachusetts | Recent speeches and addresses. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | Boston: : Ticknor and Fields., 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | The unconstitutionality of slavery. | Spooner, Lysander, 1808-1887. | Boston: : Published by Bela Marsh, no. 15 Franklin St., 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Slavery and the church : two letters addressed to Rev. N.L. Rice, D.D., in reply to his letters to the Congregational deputation, on the subject of slavery : also a letter to Rev. Nehemiah Adams, D.D., in answer to the "South side view of slavery" | Smectymnuus. | Boston : Crocker and Brewster, 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Eine einfache Darstellung gerichtet an alle ehrliche Demokraten. | Moody, Loring. | Boston: : Herausgegeben von J. P. Jewett u. Comp., 1856.. |
1856 | Massachusetts | The crime against Kansas. : The apologies for the crime. The true remedy. Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, in the Senate of the United States, 19th and 20th May, 1856. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | Boston: : Published by John P. Jewett & Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor, & Worthington. ; New York: : Sheldon, Blakeman & Co., 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Orations and speeches on various occasions. | Everett, Edward, 1794-1865. | Boston: : Little, Brown, and Company., 1856.. |
1856 | Massachusetts | The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.. | Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882. | Boston: : Ticknor and Fields., M.DCCC.LVI. [1856] |
1856 | Massachusetts | Speech of Hon. Horatio Seymour, at Springfield, Mass., July 4th, 1856. | Seymour, Horatio, 1810-1886. | [Springfield, Mass. : Elon Comstock, 1856] |
1856 | Massachusetts | A plain statement addressed to all honest Democrats. | Moody, Loring. | Boston: : Published by John P. Jewett & Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington. ; New York: : Sheldon, Blakeman & Co., 1856.. |
1856 | Massachusetts | A plain statement addressed to all honest Democrats. | Moody, Loring. | Boston: : Published by John P. Jewett & Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor & Worthington. ; New York: : Sheldon, Blakeman & Co., 1856.. |
1856 | Massachusetts | The bush-boys : or, the history and adventures of a Cape farmer and his family in the wild karoos of Southern Africa | Reid, Mayne, 1818-1883. | Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Dred: : a tale of the great Dismal Swamp. | Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896. | Boston: : Phillips, Sampson and Company., 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | The responsibility of the North in relation to slavery. | Batchelder, Samuel, 1784-1879. | Cambridge [Mass.] : printed by Allen and Farnham, 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | The pro-slavery policy and tactics false, fraudulent and dishonest. : Mr. Goodrich's letters to Mr. Toombs.. | Goodrich, John Z. (John Zacheus), 1804-1885. | [Boston] : Wm. White, printer--4 Spring Lane, Boston., [1856]. |
1856 | Massachusetts | A new lesson for the day : a sermon preached at the Music hall, in Boston, on Sunday, May 25, 1856 | Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. | Boston : B.H. Greene, 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | The true issue, and the duty of the Whigs. : An address before the citizens of Cambridge, October 1, 1856. | Parker, Joel, 1795-1875. | Cambridge: : James Munroe and Company, 1856.. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Our national condition, and its remedy. : A sermon, preached in the Pine Street Church, Boston, on Sunday, June 22, 1856. | Dexter, Henry Martyn, 1821-1890. | Boston: : published by John P. Jewett & Co. : Press of the Franklin Printing House, corner of Franklin and Hawley Streets, Boston., 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Republikanisches Handbuch fur die Millionen Deutsche in den Verein. Staaten. : Enthaltend die Republikanische Platform, Biographien von Fremont und Dayton, mit schönem Stahl-Portrait Beider, und ihre Briefe der Annahme. Ebenfalls die Unabhängigkeits-Erklärung und die Constitution der Vereinigten Staaten.. | Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) | Boston: : Herausgegeben von John P. Jewett u. Co., ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor u. Worthington. ; New York: : Sheldon, Blakeman u. Co., 1856.. |
1856 | Massachusetts | A discourse, preached in the First Congregational Church, South Danvers on Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 1856. | Murray, James O. (James Ormsbee), 1827-1899. | Boston: : Henry W. Dutton and Son, printers, Nos. 33 and 35, Congress Street,, 1856.. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Caste: : a story of republican equality. | Story, Sydney A., 1824-1908. | Boston: : Phillips, Sampson, and Company. ; New York: : J.C. Derby., 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Report of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions : presented at the forty-seventh annual meeting, held in Newark, New Jersey, October 28-31, 1856, with the minutes of the special meeting held at Albany, New York, March 4-6, 1856. | American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. | Boston : press of T.R. Marvin, 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | The memento, | Tappan, William B. (William Bingham), 1794-1849. | Boston: : G.W. Cottrell, publisher. 36 Cornhill., [between 1856 and 1870?] |
1856 | Massachusetts | Hon. Rufus Choate on the presidential question. | Choate, Rufus, 1799-1859. | [Boston] : [E.B. Foster & Co.?], [1856] |
1856 | Massachusetts | Is Millard Fillmore an abolitionist? | Boston : American Patriot Office, 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | A north-side view of slavery. : The refugee: or The narratives of fugitive slaves in Canada. | Boston: : published by John P. Jewett and Company. ; Cleveland, Ohio: : Jewett, Proctor and Worthington. ; New York: : Sheldon, Lamport and Blakeman. ; London: : Trübner and Co. ; Cambridge: : Allen and Farnham, stereotypers and printers., 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | The Liberty bell | Boston : National Anti-Slavery Bazaar, 1856 ; [Prentiss and Sawyer, printers]. |
1856 | Massachusetts | The Republican scrap book : containing the platforms, and a choice selection of extracts ... and the opinions of Clay, Webster, Josiah Quincy... on slavery and its extension. | Boston : J.P. Jewett & Co., 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Speech of Honorable Preston S. Brooks : Delivered at Columbia, South Carolina, Aug. 29, 1856. | Boston : Published by John P. Jewett & Co. : Lithotyped by the American Stereotype Company, 28 Phoenix Building, Boston, 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Plain facts and considerations : addressed to the people of the United States, without distinction of party, in favor of James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania, for president, and John C. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, for vice president | Boston : Brown, Bazin, 1856. |
1856 | Massachusetts | Republican campaign edition for the million : containing the Republican platform, the lives of Fremont and Dayton, with beautiful steel portraits of each : also, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States. | Boston : J.P. Jewett and Co., 1856. |
1856 | New Jersey | Hope for my country : showing the divinity of Jesus Christ and his care over his church, as exhibited in the past history of our country : in two parts /by J.J. Janeway. | Janeway, J. J. (Jacob Jones), 1774-1858. | New Brunswick, N.J. : Press of J. Terhune, 1856. |
1856 | New Jersey | Slaveholding not sinful. : Slavery, the punishment of man's sin, its remedy, the gospel of Christ. : An argument before the General Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, October, 1855. | How, Samuel Blanchard, 1790-1868. | New-Brunswick, N.J.: : John Terhune, 31 Albany Street; ; New-York: : : R. & R. Brinkerhoff, 103 Fulton Street. ; [New Brunswick] : J. Terhune's press, New-Brunswick., 1856.. |
1856 | New Jersey | Slaveholding not sinful: : an answer by Henry K. How, to John Van Dyke, Esq.'s reply to the argument of Rev. Dr. How.. | How, Henry K. (Henry Kollock), 1825-1875. | New-Brunswick, N.J.: : Printed at the Fredonian and Daily New-Brunswicker Office., 1856.. |
1856 | New Jersey | Another old-line Democrat for Fremont. : Letter from Hon. S.D. Ingham, former secretary of the Treasury under General Jackson.. | Ingham, Samuel D. (Samuel Delucenna), 1779-1860. | [Trenton, N.J.? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | New Jersey | Slaveholding not sinful : a reply to the argument of Rev. Dr. How. | Van Dyke, John, 1807-1878. | New-Brunswick, N.J.: : Printed at the Fredonian and Daily New-Brunswicker Office., 1856.. |
1856 | New Jersey | An address to the voters of Burlington County, upon the importance of the approaching presidential election, and the true issue in the contest. | [Burlington, N.J.? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | New York | Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends : held at Longwood, Chester County, fifth month, 1856. | Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends (1853-1940) | New York: John F. Trow, 1856. |
1856 | New York | In perils by mine own countrymen. : Three years on the Kansas border. | McNamara, John, 1824-1885. | New York and Auburn: : Miller, Orton & Mulligan, New York: 25 Park Row. Auburn: 107 Genesee St., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | Proceedings and address, of the Democratic State Convention, : held at Syracuse, January tenth and eleventh, 1856. | Democratic Party (N.Y.). State Convention (1856 : Syracuse, N.Y.) | Albany; : [s.n.], 1856. |
1856 | New York | Subduing freedom in Kansas. : Report of the Congressional committee, presented in the House of Representatives on Tuesday, July 1, 1856. | United States. Congress. House. Committee to Investigate the Troubles in Kansas | [New York] : Greeley & McElrath, Tribune Office, New York., [1856] |
1856 | New York | Letter from Gov. A.H. Reeder. : Reasons why a personal and political friend of Mr. Buchanan cannot vote for him. The Democratic Party in favour of the extension of slavery!. | Reeder, Andrew H. (Andrew Horatio), 1807-1864. | [New York? : Tribune Office?, 1856] |
1856 | New York | Ein Brief von Gouvernör Reeder über die herannahende Präsidenten-Wahl und die Candidaten. | Reeder, Andrew H. (Andrew Horatio), 1807-1864. | [New York? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | New York | Atrocious judges. : Lives of judges infamous as tools of tyrants and instruments of oppression. | Campbell, John Campbell, Baron, 1779-1861. | New York and Auburn: : Miller, Orton & Mulligan. New York: 25 Park Row.--Auburn: 107 Genessee Street., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | America free--or America slave. : An address on the state of the country. Delivered by John Jay, Esq., at Bedford, Westchester County, New York. October 8th, 1856.. | Jay, John, 1817-1894. | [New York] : For sale at the Office of the New York Tribune., [1856] |
1856 | New York | The guardian angel; : and other poems. | Congdon, Caroline M. | Auburn [N.Y.]: : William J. Moses., 1856. |
1856 | New York | Free soil, free speech, free men. : Proceedings of the Democratic Republican State Convention, at Syracuse, July 24, 1856. : The address and resolutions, with the list of delegates. | Democratic Party (N.Y.). State Convention (1856 : Syracuse, N.Y.) | Albany. : Printed by order of the convention., 1856. |
1856 | New York | Letter from Gov. A.H. Reeder. : Reasons why a personal and political friend of Mr. Buchanan cannot vote for him. The Democratic Party in favour of the extension of slavery.. | Reeder, Andrew H. (Andrew Horatio), 1807-1864. | [New York? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | New York | New York Republican State Convention, : held at Syracuse, September, 18 and 19, 1856.. | Republican Party (N.Y.). Convention (1856 : Syracuse, N.Y.) | [Syracuse? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | New York | Speech of Hon. Erastus Brooks, at Hartford, Conn., July 8, 1856 : Mr. Fillmore's claims on northern men and Union men, for the presidency. | Brooks, Erastus, 1815-1886. | [New York? : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | New York | The Republican Party and its presidential candidates: : comprising an accurate descriptive history ... and to resist the aggressions of the slave power. : With biographical sketches and portraits of Fremont and Dayton. | Hall, Benjamin F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1814-1891. | New York and Auburn: : Miller, Orton & Mulligan. New York: 25 Park Row--Auburn: 107 Genesee-St., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | Peterboro, January 30th 1856. Governor Chase, Ohio, : My Dear Sir, Alas my poor colored brother! ... | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Peterboro, N.Y.? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | New York | Modern "democracy," the ally of slavery. : Speech of Hon. M.W. Tappan, of New Hampshire, in the House of Representatives, July 29, 1856. | Tappan, Mason W. (Mason Weare), 1817-1886. | [New York : Greeley & McElrath, 1856] |
1856 | New York | Slavery unmasked: : being a truthful narrative of a three years' residence and journeying in eleven southern states: to which is added the invasion of Kansas, including the last chapter of her wrongs. | Tower, Philo. | Rochester [N.Y.]: : Published by E. Darrow & Brother, 65 Main and 2 St. Paul Sts., 1856. |
1856 | New York | Twenty-two years a slave, and forty years a freeman : embracing a correspondence of several years, while president of Wilberforce Colony, London, Canada West | Steward, Austin, 1794-1860. | Rochester, N.Y. : Allings & Cory, 1861. |
1856 | New York | Geo. Law & Chauncey Shaffer's reasons for repudiating Fillmore and Donelson.. | Law, George, 1806-1881. | [New York? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | New York | Tyranny of the slave power. : "We will subdue you." The outrage upon Senator Sumner. James Buchanan, being an amiable man, declares that Mr. Brooks was "inconsiderate" ... | Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) | [New York] : Nesbitt & Co., printers, cor. Pearl and Pine Sts., New-York., [1856] |
1856 | New York | Justice to the south! : An address | Dorr, James A. (James Augustus), d. 1869. | New-York. : [s.n., 1856] |
1856 | New York | The God of the Bible against slavery. | Beecher, Charles, 1815-1900. | [New York : American Anti-Slavery Society, 1856] |
1856 | New York | A ride through Kanzas [sic]. | Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911. | [New York] : Published, for gratuitous distribution, at the Office of the American Anti-Slavery Society, no. 138 Nassau St., New York. ; [Boston ; Philadelphia ; Salem, Ohio] : Also to be had at the Anti-Slavery Offices, no. 21 Cornhill, Boston, and 31 North Fifth St., Philadelphia, and at the Anti-Slavery Depository, Salem, Columbiana Co., Ohio., [1856] |
1856 | New York | Proceedings of the Collins annual meeting of the Friends of Human Progress, : held at North Collins, Erie Co., N.Y., August, 1856.. | Friends of Human Progress. | Rochester: : Press of Curtis, Butts & Co., Daily Union Buildings., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | Views of a statesman. : Mr. Webster, in a speech in 1837, at Niblo's garden, New-York, discussed the slavery question ... | Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) | [New York] : Geo. F. Nesbitt & Co., printers, cor. Pearl and Pine Sts., N.Y., [1856] |
1856 | New York | No. 9. Occasional missionary paper, Foreign Committee Protestant Episcopal Church.. | Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. Foreign Committee | [New York : The Committee, 1856] |
1856 | New York | An appeal for the Union : letter from the Hon. Robert J. Walker, New York, Tuesday, Sept. 30, 1856. [To] Hon. Charles Shaler and others, Democratic Committee, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. | Walker, Robert J. (Robert John), 1801-1869. | [New York : John F. Trow], 1856. |
1856 | New York | The harp of freedom | Clark, George W. (George Whitefield), 1831-1911. | New-York : Miller, Orton & Mulligan, 25 Park Row ; Boston : J.P. Jewett & Co. and by the author, 104 State-St., Rochester, N.Y. ; [New York, N.Y.] : John J. Reed, printer and stereotyper, 16 Spruce-St., N.Y., 1856. |
1856 | New York | Kansas affairs. : Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts. In the Senate of the United States, May 19, 1856. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | [New York : Greeley & McElrath, 1856] |
1856 | New York | Letter from the Hon. Daniel D. Barnard, addressed to James A. Hamilton, Esq. : on the political condition of the country, and the state of parties, and in favor of Millard Fillmore for President. | Barnard, Daniel D. (Daniel Dewey), 1797-1861. | Albany : J. Munsell, 1856. |
1856 | New York | The crime against Kansas. : Speech of Hon. Charles Sumner, of Massachusetts. In the Senate of the United States, May 19, 1856. | Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. | [New York : Greeley & McElrath, 1856] |
1856 | New York | Relations of anti-slavery to religion. | Whipple, Charles K. (Charles King), 1808-1900. | [New York] : Published for gratuitous distribution, at the office of the American Anti-Slavery Society, no. 138 Nassau Street, New York. Also to be had at the Anti-Slavery Offices, no. 21 Cornhill, Boston, and no. 31 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia., [1856] |
1856 | New York | Principles and measures. : Declaration of the Convention of "Radical Political Abolitionists," at Syracuse, June 26th, 27th, and 28th, 1855. | Radical Political Abolitionists. Convention (1855 : Syracuse, N.Y.) | [New York : Published by the American Abolition Society, 1856] |
1856 | New York | Proceedings of the Merchants' Great Democratic Meeting at the New York Exchange, : on Thursday, 2d October, 1856; correspondence of the committees, and speech of Governor Floyd, of Virginia.. | Merchants' Great Democratic Meeting (1856 : New York, N.Y.) | [New York] : John F. Trow, steam job printer, 377 & 379 Broadway, N.Y., [1856] |
1856 | New York | The "laws" of Kansas : Speech of the Hon. Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana. In the House of Representatives, June 21, 1856. | Colfax, Schuyler, 1823-1885. | [New York : Greeley & McElrath, Tribune office New York, May 23rd, 1856.] |
1856 | New York | The kidnapped and the ransomed : being the personal recollections of Peter Still and his wife "Vina," after forty years of slavery | Pickard, Kate E. R. | Syracuse : William T. Hamilton ; 1856 |
1856 | New York | Mlede, the African demon woman. | Scott, Anna M. | New-York: : Protestant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge, 11 Bible House, Astor Place., 1856. |
1856 | New York | Tract for Americans. Fillmore's political history and position. : George Law and Chauncey Shaffer's reasons for repudiating Fillmore and Donelson, and the action of the Know-Nothing State Convention at Syracuse on the resolutions censuring Brooks's assault on Senator Sumner, &c. : Speech of Hon. E. B. Morgan, of N.Y., in U.S. House of Representatives, Aug. 4, 1856.. | Morgan, Edwin Barber, 1806-1881. | [New York] : Office of the New York Tribune., [1856]. |
1856 | New York | No. 8. Occasional missionary paper. Foreign Committee Protestant Episcopal Church. : January, 1856. Epiphany appeal.. | Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. Foreign Committee | [New York : The Committee, 1856] |
1856 | New York | How shall we vote?. | Benedict, Erastus Cornelius, 1800-1880. | [New York? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | New York | Speech of David Dudley Field, delivered at Troy. : Reasons why naturalized citizens should vote for Fremont.. | Field, David Dudley, 1805-1894. | [Albany, N.Y.? : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | New York | Biography of Millard Fillmore. | Fillmore, Millard, 1800-1874. | Buffalo, NY : Thomas & Lathrops ; Auburn ; New York : Miller, Orton & Mulligan, 1856. |
1856 | New York | The piazza tales. | Melville, Herman, 1819-1891. | New York; : Dix & Edwards, 321 Broadway. ; London: : Sampson Low, Son & Co., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | Annals of Southern Methodism for 1855. | Deems, Charles F. (Charles Force), 1820-1893. | New-York: : J.A. Gray's Fire-Proof Printing Office, 16 & 18 Jacob Street, cor. Frankfort., 1856. |
1856 | New York | Teachings of the New Testament on slavery. | Thompson, Joseph Parrish, 1819-1879. | New-York: : Published by Joseph H. Ladd, 22 Beekman Street., 1856. |
1856 | New York | Supplement to the annual report on the China mission, Protestant Episcopal Church. : October, 1856.. | Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. Foreign Committee | [New York] : Pudney & Russell, printers, 79 John-Street, N.Y., [1856] |
1856 | New York | Letter of Judge Ephraim Marsh, of New-Jersey, who presided at the convention which nominated Millard Filmore, giving his reasons for supporting Col. J.C. Fremont.. | Marsh, Ephraim. | [New York] : Issued by the Young Men's Fremont and Dayton Central Union, of the city of New-York ... : John W. Oliver, steam job printer, 43 Ann-Street, New-York., [1856] |
1856 | New York | The immediate admission of Kansas as a state. : Speech of Hon. William H. Seward, of New York. In the Senate of the United States, April 9, 1856.. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | [New York : Greeley & McElrath, 1856] |
1856 | New York | Observations on the fevers of the west coast of Africa. | Ford, Henry A., 1819-1858. | New-York: : Printed by Edward O. Jenkins, No. 26 & 28 Frankfort Street., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | Summary. African mission. Protestant Episcopal Church, October, 1856.. | Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. Foreign Committee | [New York] : Pudney & Russell, printers, 79 John-Street, N.Y., [1856] |
1856 | New York | A lady's second journey round the world : from London to the Cape of Good Hope, Borneo, Java, Sumatra, Celebes, Ceram, the Moluccas, etc., California, Panama, Peru, Ecuador, and the United States | Pfeiffer, Ida, 1797-1858. | New York : Harper & Brothers, 1856. |
1856 | New York | A journey to central Africa; or, Life and landscapes from Egypt to the Negro kingdoms of the White Nile. | Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878. | New York: : G.P. Putnam & Co., 10 Park Place., 1856. |
1856 | New York | Lake Ngami; or, Explorations and discoveries, during four years' wanderings in wilds of southwestern Africa | Andersson, Charles John, 1827-1867. | New York : Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1856. |
1856 | New York | The adventures of Gerard, the lion killer, : comprising a history of his ten years' campaign among the wild animals of northern Africa. | Gérard, Jules, 1817-1864. | New York: : Derby & Jackson, 119 Nassau Street. ; Cincinnati: :--H.W. Derby & Co., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | The Spanish conquest in America, : and its relation to the history of slavery and to the government of colonies. | Helps, Arthur, Sir, 1813-1875. | New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Franklin Square., 1856-1868.. |
1856 | New York | Speech of the Rev. O.B. Frothingham, before the American Anti-Slavery Society, : in New York, May 8th, 1856.. | Frothingham, Octavius Brooks, 1822-1895. | New York: : American Anti-Slavery Society, 138 Nassau Street., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | The life of Charles Sumner: : with choice specimens of his eloquence, a delineation of his oratorical character, and his great speech on Kansas. | Harsha, D. A. (David Addison), 1827-1895. | New York: : Dayton and Burdick, 29 Ann-Street., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | Western Africa : its history, condition and prospects | Wilson, J. Leighton (John Leighton), 1809-1886. | New York : Harper & Brothers, Publishers, Franklin Square, 1856. |
1856 | New York | Life in Brazil; or, A journal of a visit to the land of the cocoa and the palm. : With an appendix, containing illustrations of ancient South American arts in recently discovered implements and products of domestic industry, and works in stone, pottery, gold, silver, bronxe, etc. | Ewbank, Thomas, 1792-1870. | New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Pearl Street, Franklin Square., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | Jackson and New Orleans : an authentic narrative of the memorable achievements of the American Army, under Andrew Jackson, before New Orleans, in the winter of 1814, '15 | Walker, Alexander, 1818-1893. | New York : J. C. Derby, 1856. |
1856 | New York | The life and adventures of James P. Beckwourth : mountaineer, scout, and pioneer, and chief of the Crow Nation of Indians. With illustrations | Beckwourth, James Pierson, 1798-1866. | New York : Harper & Brothers, Publishers, Franklin Square, 1856. |
1856 | New York | The issue fairly presented: : black republicanism versus democracy: law, order, and the will of the majority of the whole people, against usurpation, anarchy, revolution, and the voice of a meager minority of the people of Kansas. : Published by order of the Democratic National Committee. | Democratic National Committee (U.S.) | New York: : [s.n.], 1856. |
1856 | New York | Yankee travels through the island of Cuba : or, The men and government, the laws and customs of Cuba, as seen by American eyes | Philalethes, Demoticus. | New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1856. |
1856 | New York | The Old Dominion; or, The Southampton massacre. : A novel. | James, G. P. R. (George Payne Rainsford), 1801?-1860. | New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Pearl Street, Franklin Square., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | A plan of brotherly copartnership of the North and South : for the peaceful extinction of slavery | Burritt, Elihu, 1810-1879. | New York : Dayton and Burdick, 29 Ann Street, 1856. |
1856 | New York | An appeal for the Union : letter from the Hon. Robert J. Walker, New York, Tuesday, Sept. 30, 1856. [To] Hon. Charles Shaler and others, Democratic Committee, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. | Walker, Robert J. (Robert John), 1801-1869. | New York : John F. Trow, 1856. |
1856 | New York | Twenty-fourth annual report of the Board of Managers of the New-York State Colonization Society. | New-York State Colonization Society. | New York: : John A. Gray's fire-proof printing office, 16 & 18 Jacob St., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | Tit for tat. A novel. | Southwood, Marion. | New York: : Garret & Company, 18 Ann Street. ; London: : Clarke, Beeton & Company., [1856?] |
1856 | New York | Richmond's tracts; : Dairyman's daughter, Young cottager or Little Jane, Negro servant, &c. | Richmond, Legh, 1772-1827. | New York: : Protestant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge. No. 11 Bible House, Astor Place., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | Third annual report of the Southern Aid Society, : presented by the executive committee, at the annual meeting of the society, in Newark, N.J., October 29, 1856; and also at a meeting of the Socity [sic] held in the Mercer Street Church, New York City, November 12th, 1856. | Southern Aid Society. | New York: : S. Hallet, printer, 18 & 20 Liberty Street., 1856. |
1856 | New York | The duty of the American scholar to politics and the times : an oration delivered on Tuesday, August 5, 1856, before the literary societies of Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. | Curtis, George William, 1824-1892. | New York : Dix, Edwards & Co., 1856. |
1856 | New York | A journey in the seaboard slave states, : with remarks of their economy. | Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903. | New York: : Dix & Edwards. ; London: : Sampson Low, Son & Co., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | A history of the struggle for slavery extension or restriction in the United States, : from the Declaration of Independence to the present day. : Mainly compiled and condensed from the journals of Congress and other official records, and showing the vote by yeas and nays on the most important divisions in either house. | Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872. | New York: : Dix, Edwards & Co., 321 Broadway., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | The creole orphans; or, lights and shadows of southern life : a tale of Louisiana | Peacocke, James S. | New York : Derby & Jackson, 1856. |
1856 | New York | The American pulpit: : sketches, biographical and descriptive, of living American preachers, and of the religious movements and distinctive ideas which they represent. | Fowler, Henry, 1824-1872. | New York: : J.M. Fairchild & Co., 109 Nassau-Street. ; Boston: : Crosby, Nichols & Co. ; London: : Sampson Low, Son & Co., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | Governor Reeder's reasons for voting for Fremont. | Reeder, Andrew H. (Andrew Horatio), 1807-1864. | New York : [s.n., 1856]. |
1856 | New York | An appeal for the Union : letter from the Hon. Robert J. Walker, New York, Tuesday, Sept. 30, 1856. [To] Hon. Charles Shaler and others, Democratic Committee, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. | Walker, Robert J. (Robert John), 1801-1869. | New York : John F. Trow, 1856. |
1856 | New York | The last seven years of the life of Henry Clay. | Colton, Calvin, 1789-1857. | New York: : Published by A.S. Barnes & Co., 51 and 53 John Street. : Stereotyped by Thomas B. Smith, 82 & 84 Beekman Street, N.Y. : Printed by George W. Wood, 51 John St., 1856. |
1856 | New York | The island of Cuba, | Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859. | New York: : Derby & Jackson, 119 Nassau Street. ; Cincinnati: : --H.W. Derby., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | The war in Kansas : A rough trip to the border, among new homes and a strange people | Brewerton, George Douglas, 1820-1901. | New York : Derby and Jackson, 119 Nassau Street ; Cincinnati : H.W. Derby ; New York : W.H. Tinson, stereotyper :George Russell & Co., printers. |
1856 | New York | Appel au nom de l'Union : lettre de l'honorable Robert J. Walker au Comité Démocratique de Pittsburgh. | Walker, Robert J. (Robert John), 1801-1869. | New York : Imprimerie du Courrier des Etats-Unis, 1856. |
1856 | New York | The nineteenth annual report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented to the General Assembly in May, 1856. | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (Old School). Board of Foreign Missions | New York: : Published for the board: at the Mission House, 23 Centre Street., 1856. |
1856 | New York | Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada. | Murray, Amelia M. (Amelia Matilda), 1795-1884. | New York: : G.P. Putnam & Company, 321 Broadway, opposite Pearl Street., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | The quadroon, or, a lover's adventures in Louisiana | Reid, Mayne, 1818-1883. | New York : R. M. De Witt, [1856] |
1856 | New York | New York hards and softs: : which is the true democracy? A brief statement of facts for the consideration of the democracy of the Union, showing the origin and cause of the continued "division of the party." | National Democrat. | New York: : Printed at the Daily News Job Office, no. 102 Nassau-Street, corner of Ann-Street., April--1856. |
1856 | New York | Bible slaveholding not sinful; : a reply to "Slaveholding not sinful, by Samuel B. Howe [i.e. How], D.D." | Ganse, H. D. (Hervey Doddridge), 1822-1891. | New York: : R. & R. Brinkerhoff, 103 Fulton Street., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | Remarks on the majority and minority reports of the Select Committee on Secret Societies, of the House of Delegates of Maryland.. | Ives, Malcolm. | New York: : M.B. Wynkoop, book and job printer, no. 12 Ann Street, near Broadway., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | Annual report, presented to the American Anti-Slavery Society, by the executive committee : at the annual meeting, held in New York, May 7, 1856. With an appendix. | American Anti-Slavery Society. | New York : American Anti-Slavery Society, 1856 [Boston : printed by Prentiss & Sawyer]. |
1856 | New York | Rachel and the new world : A trip to the United States and Cuba | Beauvallet, Léon, 1829-1885. | New York : Dix, Edwards & Co., 1856 [Miller & Holman, Printers & Stereotypers] |
1856 | New York | Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada. | Murray, Amelia M. (Amelia Matilda), 1795-1884. | New York: : G.P. Putnam & Company, 321 Broadway, opposite Pearl Street., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | Justice in the by-ways : A tale of life | Adams, F. Colburn (Francis Colburn) | New York : Livermore and Rudd ; London : David Bryce, 1856 [New York : Edward O. Jenkins, Printer and Stereotyper] |
1856 | New York | What will become of the baby? : with three other stories about children in heathen lands. | New York: : Carlton & Porter, Sunday School Union, 200 Mulberry-Street, [between 1856 and 1868] |
1856 | New York | The Republican campaign songster : a collection of lyrics, original and selected | New York : Miller, Orton and Mulligan, 1856. |
1856 | New York | Life of John Charles Fremont.. | New York: : Greeley & McElrath, Tribune Buildings,, 1856.. |
1856 | New York | Western border life, or, What Fanny Hunter saw and heard in Kanzas [sic] and Missouri.. | New York: : Derby & Jackson, 119 Nassau Street. ; Cincinnati: : H. W. Derby & Co., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | The Tribune almanac and political register for 1856. | New York : Greeley & McElrath, [1856] |
1856 | New York | The Life and administration of ex-President Fillmore. : (From Walker's Statesman's manual.) To which are added, reasons for his election to the presidency, extracts from his recent speeches, and a sketch of the life of Andrew Jackson Donelson, of Tennessee.. | New York: : Edward Walker, 114 Fulton-Street: and sold by all booksellers and newsmen throughout the country., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | The Pope's Bull and the words of Daniel O'Connell : to Catholic citizens : read and circulate. | New York : Joseph H. Ladd, [1856?] |
1856 | New York | The "Sons of Liberty," in 1776, and in 1856. | New York: : H.S. Taylor, printer and stationer, no. 61 Beekman Street, corner of Gold., 1856. |
1856 | New York | Republican Documents. Letter from Francis P. Blair. To my neighbors. | Blair, Francis Preston, 1791-1876. | [New York, N.Y. : New York Evening Post, 1856?] |
1856 | New York | The Border ruffian code in Kansas. | [New York : Greeley & McElrath, Tribune Office], [1856]. |
1856 | New York | Die Raufbold-Gesetze von Kansas. | [New York? : Tribune Office?, 1856] |
1856 | New York | The Freemen's glee book: : a collection of songs, odes, glees and ballads, with music, original and selected, harmonized, and arranged for each. : Published under the auspices of the Central Fremont and Dayton Glee Club of the city of New York, and dedicated to all, who, cherishing republican liberty, consider freedom worth a song.. | New York and Auburn: : Miller, Orton and Mulligan, New York:--25 Park Row. Auburn:--107 Genesee St., 1856.. |
1856 | New York | The Border ruffian code in Kansas. | [New York : Greeley & McElrath, Tribune Office], [1856]. |
1856 | New York | New York, April 10th, 1856. Sir: You are respectfully requested to attend a meeting of the citizens of New York : opposed to ... the extension of slavery .... | [New York : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | New York | Life of Col. Fremont.. | [New York] : Greeley & M'Elrath, Tribune Office, New York., [1856] |
1856 | New York | The Softs the true Democracy of the state of New-York. May 25th, 1856. | New-York: : [s.n.], 1856. |
1856 | New York | A Review of the official apologies of the American Tract Society, for its silence on the subject of slavery. : From the New-York daily tribune. | New-York: : Published by the American Abolition Society, 48 Beekman Street., 1856. |
1856 | New York | James Buchanan, seine Grundsätze und Politik, von ihm Selbst und seinen Freunden dargelegt. | [New York? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | New York | Wie der Arbeiter erhoben werden muss. | [New York : Tribune Office, 1856] |
1856 | New York | Life of Millard Fillmore.. | [New York] : R.M. De Witt (late De Witt & Davenport), publisher, 160 & 162 Nassau St., N.Y. : W.H. Tinson, printer and stereotyper. : Geo. W. Alexander, binder., [1856] |
1856 | New York | The fugitive slave law and its victims. | [New York : American Anti-Slavery Society, 1856] |
1856 | New York | James Buchanan, his doctrines and policy as exhibited by himself and friends.. | [New York] : Greeley & McElrath, Tribune Office, New York., [1856] |
1856 | New York | Facts for the people. No. 1. : The conspiracy of Fillmore leaders to elect Buchanan, by inducing honest men to throw away upon Mr. Fillmore, votes which would otherwise be cast against slavery extension and for John C. Fremont.. | [New York] : Howard F. Snowden, printer, 162 Pearl Street, New York., [1856?]. |
1856 | New York | The New "Democratic" doctrine. : Slavery not to be confined to the Negro race, but to be made the universal condition of the laboring classes of society. : The supporters of this doctrine vote for Buchanan! | [New York] : John W. Oliver, steam printer, 43 Ann-Street, New-York., [1856?] |
1856 | Ohio | A history of the separation in Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends : which took place in the winter of 1842 and 1843, on the anti-slavery question ... and some account of the action of other yearly meetings of Friends ... | Edgerton, Walter, b. 1806. | Cincinnati : Achilles Pugh, printer, 1856. |
1856 | Ohio | Official proceedings of the National Democratic Convention, : held in Cincinnati, June 2-6, 1856. : Published by order of the convention. | Democratic National Convention (1856 : Cincinnati, Ohio) | Cincinnati: : Enquirer Company steam printing establishment. T. Wrightson, superintendent., 1856. |
1856 | Ohio | Cyclopaedia of modern travel: : a record of adventure, exploration and discovery, for the past fifty years: comprising narratives of the most distinguished travelers since the beginning of this century; | Taylor, Bayard, 1825-1878. | Cincinnati [Ohio]: : Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co. 25 West Fourth Street., 1856. |
1856 | Ohio | The life of Thomas Morris: : pioneer and long a legislator of Ohio, and U. S. Senator from 1833 to 1839. | Morris, B. F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1810-1867. | Cincinnati: : Printed by Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Overend., 1856.. |
1856 | Ohio | Leaven for doughfaces; or Threescore and ten parables touching slavery | Lyman, Darius, 1821?-1892. | Cincinnati : Bangs and Company. Longley Brothers ; Cleveland : L.E. Barnard & Co., 1856. |
1856 | Ohio | Slavery and infidelity :or, slavery in the church ensures infidelity in the world | Patton, William W. (William Weston), 1821-1889. | Cincinnati : Am. Reform Book and Tract Society, c1856. |
1856 | Ohio | Virtue vs. defeat. : A discourse, preached on November 9th, 1856, (the first Sunday after the presidential election,) in the Unitarian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio. | Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907. | Cincinnati: : Printed by the Cincinnati Gazette Company., 1856. |
1856 | Ohio | Kansas affairs. The report of the investigating committee; | United States. Congress. House. Committee to Investigate the Troubles in Kansas | Cincinnati, G. S. Blanchard, 1856. |
1856 | Ohio | Inaugural address of Salmon P. Chase : governor of the state of Ohio: delivered before the Senate and House of Representatives January 14, 1856. | Chase, Salmon P. (Salmon Portland), 1808-1873. | Columbus : Statesman Steam Press, 1856. |
1856 | Ohio | Walter Browning, or, The slave's protector : founded on fact. | Cincinnati : American Reform Tract and Book Society, 1856. |
1856 | Ohio | The Slavery question. Dred Scott decision. : To the free voters of Ohio. | [Ohio? : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Slavery, and its remedy. | McMichael, William. | Pittsburgh: : J.S. Davison, 65 Market Street., 1856.. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Statistics of the colored people of Philadelphia | Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery. Board of Education | Philadelphia : T. Ellwood Chapman, 1856 [Merrihew and Thompson, printers]. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | The voter's path of duty in 1856. : A letter from Professor J.P. Dake, addressed to C.M. Dake, M.D., of New York, on present political issues, and in favor of John C. Fremont for president. | Dake, J. P. (Jabez Philander), 1827-1894. | Pittsburgh: : printed by W.S. Haven, corner of Market and Second Streets., 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | An address delivered by Hon. William D. Kelley, at Girard Avenue, above Eleventh St. on October 3rd, 1856 ... | Kelley, William D. (William Darrah), 1814-1890. | [Philadelphia] : Published, and for sale at the office of the Philadelphia Morning Times, 47 South Third Street., [1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Democratic State Convention, : held at Harrisburg, March 4th, 1856. | Democratic Party (Pa.). State Convention (1856 : Harrisburg, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : Wm. Rice, Pennsylvanian office, printer., 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | A sketch of the laws relating to slavery : in the several states of the United States of America. | Stroud, George M. (George McDowell), 1795-1875. | Philadelphia: : Henry Longstreth, 347 Market St., 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Passmore Williamson vs. John K. Kane. : Argument for defendant.. | Sheppard, Furman, 1823-1893. | [Philadelphia] : Crissy & Markley, printers, Goldsmiths Hall, Library Street., [1856?] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | First annual report of the Home for Destitute Colored Children. | Home for Destitute Colored Children (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Philadelphia : Crissy & Markley, 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Letter of ex-President Van Buren, June 28, 1856. | Van Buren, Martin, 1782-1862. | Philadelphia : William Rice, 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | The issue, and its consequences. : An address | Freedley, Edwin T. (Edwin Troxell), 1827-1904. | Philadelphia: : King & Baird, printers, 9 Sansom Street., 1856.. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | The moral and intellectual diversity of races, : with particular reference to their respective influence in the civil and political history of mankind. | Gobineau, Arthur, comte de, 1816-1882. | Philadelphia: : J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1856.. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Speech of Judge Kelley, delivered at Spring Garden Hall, Tuesday evening, September 16, 1856.. | Kelley, William D. (William Darrah), 1814-1890. | Philadelphia: : King & Baird, printers, no. 9 Sansom Street., 1856.. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Fifty-fourth annual report of the Board of Missions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented, May 1856. | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Missions | Philadelphia: : Published by the board., 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | An address on the relation of the general government to slavery, : delivered before a public meeting in Camden, N.J. | Mulford, Isaac Skillman, 1799-1873. | Philadelphia: : J. S. McCalla's Book Press, Dock Street, over the post office., 1856.. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Progressive Friends. : An account of the fourth annual meeting of the Progressive Friends, : with some observations on their principles and prospects. | Fisher, W. L. (William Logan), 1781-1862. | [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia, September 23d, 1856. Dear Sir:-- : Enclosed you will find a list of voters of the Eighth Ward, all of whom have signed a call for a public meeting of the Republicans of the ward. The exhibition of so respectable a roll of names, is calculated to add confidence to the friends of the cause, in the rapid growth of its local strength, and to induce many, who would shrink from uniting with a weak organization, to come forward and co-operate heartily ... | Eighth Ward Republican Club (Philadelphia, Pa.) | [Philadelphia, Pa. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | An essay on liberty and slavery | Bledsoe, Albert Taylor, 1809-1877. | Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1856 [Stereotyped by L Johnson and Co.]. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Case of Passmore Williamson. : Report of the proceedings on the writ of habeas corpus, issued by the Hon. John K. Kane, judge of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in the case of the United States of America ex rel. John H. Wheeler vs. Passmore Williamson, including the several opinions delivered; and the arguments of council, | Williamson, Passmore respondent. | Philadelphia: : Uriah Hunt & Son, N. Fourth Street., 1856.. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | African slavery in America. | Ingersoll, Charles Jared, 1782-1862. | Philadelphia: : T.K. and P.G. Collins, printers., 1856.. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Historia de la conquista de La Habana. : (1762) | Guiteras, Pedro José, 1814-1890. | Filadelfia: : Parry and McMillan., 1856.. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | The twenty-eighth annual report of the Board of Managers of the House of Refuge. : With an appendix, containing the annual statement of the Treasurer, the annual report of the Ladies' Committee, and those of the Superintendents and Principal Teachers, &c.. | House of Refuge (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : Published by order of the contributors. Henry B. Ashmead, printer., 1856.. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Twenty-second annual report of the Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society.. | Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society. | Philadelphia: : Merrihew & Thompson, printers, Merchant street, above Fourth., 1856.. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | An address delivered by Hon. William D. Kelley, at Spring Garden Hall, Philadelphia, on September 9th, 1856 ... | Kelley, William D. (William Darrah), 1814-1890. | [Philadelphia] : Published, and for sale at the office of the Philadelphia Morning Times, 47 South Third Street., [1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Speech of Josiah Randall, esq., of Philadelphia, : delivered at Chambersburg, August 6, 1856, at the request of the Democratic State Convention, of Pennsylvania.. | Randall, Josiah. | [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Appeal in behalf of African Colonization. : The managers of the Pennsylvania Colonization Society deem it proper, at the present juncture of its affairs, to call upon the friends of the cause in Pennsylvania, for all aid which they have in their power to give them, to enable the society, and the American Colonization Society--to which it is an auxilliary--to improve their present financial condition in order to meet the urgent necessities of the case ... | Pennsylvania Colonization Society. | [Philadephia : the Society, 1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Tyranny of the slave power. : "We will subdue you." The outrage upon Senator Sumner. | Fremont & Dayton Tenth Ward Club of the City of Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia, Pa.] : "Saturday Evening Post" Book and Job Office, 66 South Third Street., [1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | The South: a letter from a friend in the North. : With special reference to the effects of disunion upon slavery. | Colwell, Stephen, 1800-1871. | Philadelphia: : printed for the author, by C. Sherman & Son., 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Plantation sermons, or Plain and familiar discourses for the instruction of the unlearned. | Dickson, A. F. (Andrew Flinn), 1825-1879. | Philadelphia: : Presbyterian Board of Publication, No. 265 Chestnut Street. : S. Douglas Wyeth, agt., stereotyper., [1856]. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Twenty reasons for leaving the Democratic Party. | Fremont & Dayton Tenth Ward Club of the City of Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia, Pa.] : "Saturday Evening Post" Book and Job Office, 66 South Third Street., [1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Ein Abriss der Gesetze betreffend die Sklaverei : in verschiedenen Staaten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, | Stroud, George M. (George McDowell), 1795-1875. | Philadelphia. : [s.n.], 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Address of the Democratic State Central Committee, to the people of Pennsylvania. | Democratic Party (Pa.). State Central Committee | [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1856.] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | The twentieth annual report of the Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans. | Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans (Cheyney, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : Printed by Joseph Rakestraw., 1856.. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | The appeal to Pennsylvania : a speech by William B. Reed : delivered at a meeting of the friends of Buchanan and Breckenridge, at Somerset, Pa., September 24, 1856. | Reed, William B. (William Bradford), 1806-1876. | [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Hear what Henry Clay said of Republican principles. : The leading doctrines of the Republican party may be summed up as follows:-- ... | Fremont & Dayton Tenth Ward Club of the City of Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia, Pa.] : "Saturday Evening Post" Book and Job Office, 66 South Third Street., [1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | The pleasant and grave history of the first adventures of that good-intentioned gentleman, the renowned Bartholomew Perigru. | Member of the Philadelphia bar. | Philadelphia: : Whilt & Yost, 309 Market Street., 1856.. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Speech of Hon. John M. Read, on the power of Congress over the territories : and in favor of free Kansas, free white labor, and of Fremont and Dayton, at the eighth ward mass meeting, held in the assembly buildings, on Tuesday evening, September 30, 1856. | Read, John M. (John Meredith), 1797-1874. | Philadelphia : [s.n.], 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Circular. Philadelphia, November 4, 1856. : Fellow Citizen: Your support of the following electoral ticket, nominated by the National American party, is respectfully solicited for the following reasons: It is the only ticket unconditionally pledged to the National American and Old Line Whig candidates--Millard Fillmore and Andrew Jackson Donelson. ... | Fillmore and Donelson Committee of Superintendence (Philadelphia, Pa.) | [Philadelphia, Pa. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Speech of Hon. John M. Read, on the power of Congress over the territories : and in favor of free Kansas, free white labor, and of Fremont and Dayton : delivered on Tuesday evening, September 30, 1856, at Philadelphia. | Read, John M. (John Meredith), 1797-1874. | Philadelphia : C. Sherman & Son, 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Desultory remarks on the question of extending slavery into Missouri: : as enunciated during the first session of the sixteenth Congress, | Darlington, William, 1782-1863. | West Chester, Pa.: : Lewis Marshall, printer., 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Sir: Enclosed, is the unadulterated Republican electoral ticket, : formed by a large body of citizens, determined to repudiate the bargain and sale, which makes it impossible to forbid the extension of southern slavery, without simultaneously coming to the aid of the faction which assails the political equality of northern laborers. ... | Republican Party (Philadelphia, Pa.). City Committee. | [Philadelphia, Pa. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Keystone Hall---Reading. Monday evening, September 22, 1856. The Black Swan's grand concert, assisted by the African Mario. : ... Books containing the "Life of the Swan" can be had at the door on the evening of the concert. Price 25 cents. | Greenfield, Elizabeth Taylor, ca. 1819-1876. | [Reading, Pa. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | In the Orphans' Court, for the City and County of Philadelphia; Estate of Elliott Cresson, deceased : Depositions of witnesses examined before the auditor. | Pennsylvania. Orphans' Court (Philadelphia County) | [Philadelphia] : W.F. Geddes, Printer, Franklin Place, [1856]. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | To the citizens of Philadelphia. Republican address. : The formation of a great National Republican Party in the United States has already taken place. Its ultimate success is no longer a problem. The election of N.P. Banks, as speaker of the House of Representatives at Washington, has heralded its success. ... To satisfy the imperious demands of this one-fiftieth part of our population was the solemn act of the Missouri Compromise repealed, and the infamous Kansas-Nebraska outrage perpetrated. ... Below is our ticket, to the support of which we earnestly invite your hearty co-operation. ... | Republican Party (Philadelphia, Pa.). City Committee. | [Philadelphia, Pa. : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | A sketch of the laws relating to slavery : in the several states of the United States of America. With some alterations and considerable additions. | Stroud, George M. (George McDowell), 1795-1875. | Philadelphia: : [s.n.], 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Tyranny of the slave power. : "We will subdue you." The following extracts are from the laws of Kansas, enacted by a bogus Legislature, enforced by the United States troops under the Pierce administration, approved by Douglas and Platform Buchanan, but resisted by the settlers from the Free States and the Republican Party. ... | Fremont & Dayton Tenth Ward Club of the City of Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia, Pa.] : "Saturday Evening Post" Book and Job Office, 66 South Third Street., [1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Sharpley's Minstrels and Ethiopian Burlesque Troupe. : Grand and varied entertainments Upper Saloon, Odd Fellows' Hall, this evening. Programme--Part I. Illustrations of dark dandyism! ... Part II. Grand banjo solo ... Part III. The operatic burlesque, entitled Miss Rosabel ... Part IV. Banjo obligato! ... Part V. Grand terpsichorean display! ... Part VI. The laughable burlesque lecture, on animal magnetism, phrenology & physical knockings. Part VII. The amusing afterpiece, entitled Il barbiere di Siviglia, or, The barber of Seville! ... Tickets, 12 1/2 cents Front seats reserved for ladies. To commence at 7 o'clock, precisely. | Sharpley's Minstrels. | [Philadelphia, Pa.] : Scott's Printing Establishment, 12 Hudson's Alley, below Chesnut, above Third, Philada., [1856 or 1857?] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | The African Methodist Episcopal Church hymn book : being a collection of hymns designed to supersede all others hitherto made use of in that church. Selected from various authors. | African Methodist Episcopal Church. | Philadelphia : Published by order of the General Conference by P.J. Campbell..., 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | The issue. White slavery! : The extension of slavery is the question not only over free soil, but over free men. Do you doubt it? Read the words of the highest authorities in the South. ... | Fremont & Dayton Tenth Ward Club of the City of Philadelphia. | [Philadelphia, Pa. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | History of the ordinance of 1787 | Coles, Edward, 1786-1868. | [Philadelphia] : Press of the Society : T.K. and P.G. Collins, printers, 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Letter from Thomas G. Allen to Col. Thomas B. Florence : representative in the XXXIVth congress, from the First Congressional District Pennsylvania. | Allen, Thomas G. | Philadelphia : [s.n.], 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Memoir of James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania. | Democratic Party (Pa.). State Central Committee | Philadelphia: : printed by C. Sherman and Son., 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Thirty-seventh annual report of the Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented to the General Assembly, May, 1856. | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Education | Philadelphia: : Published by the board., 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | An address delivered by Hon. William D. Kelley, at the West Philadelphia Hall, Philadelphia, on September 4th, 1856 ... | Kelley, William D. (William Darrah), 1814-1890. | [Philadelphia] : Published, and for sale at the office of the Philadelphia Morning Times, 47 South Third Street., [1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | The humors of Falconbridge : a collection of humorous and every day scenes | Falconbridge, 1818-1854. | Philadelphia : T.B. Peterson, [c1856]. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | The olive branch; or, The evil and the remedy. | Miner, Charles, 1780-1865. | Philadelphia. : [s.n.], 1856.. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Twenty-seventh annual report of the inspectors of the Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. : Transmitted to the Senate and House of Representatives, March, 1856.. | Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: : King & Baird, printers, 9 Sanson St., 1856.. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Astounding developments! Let all Americans judge for themselves! : The American Party sold to Buchanan! Address of the Republican State Executive Committee. ... | Republican Party (Pa.). State Committee. | [Philadelphia, Pa. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Astounding developments! The American Party sold to Buchanan! : Let all Americans judge for themselves! Address of the Republican State Executive Committee. ... | Republican Party (Pa.). State Committee. | [Philadelphia, Pa. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Political lyrics : New Hampshire and Nebraska : written after the passage of the Nebraska bill, and after the New Hampshire election, 1854. And made by events "twice appropriate." | Philadelphia : [s.n.], 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Das Leben Colonel John C. Fremonts.. | [Philadelphia] : Gedruckt und zu haben bei F.W. Thomas, Philadelphia, 172 Nord 4te Strasse., [1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | The Republican prize songster : composed of 100 original songs | [Philadelphia] : Philadelphia Republican Club, 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | An appeal for the union | [Philadelphia : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | One hundred dollars reward. let every voter examine and judge for himself! : By general consent, North and South, East and West, the coming election presents this great issue to be decided: shall the extension of slavery be prohibited? | Philad. : [s.n.], Tenth month, 25th, 1856.. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Maria's two vacations; or, Principle in pleasure. | Philadelphia: : American Sunday-School Union, no. 316 Chestnut Street. ; New York: : No. 59 Chambers St. ; Boston: : No. 9 Cornhill. ; Cincinnati [Ohio]: : 41 West Fourth St. ; Louisville [Ky.]: : 103 Fourth St., [1856?] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | Africa. Its claims--its resources--and its destiny. : There are three things relating to Africa deserving far more attention than they usually receive, viz:--its claims upon the generaous efforts of Christians and philanthropists in this country, for aid in its improvement; the sufficiency of its natural resources amply to reward the scientific cultivator of its soil; and its final enlightenment by the universal spread of the Gospel among its inhabitants .... | [Philadephia : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | An Appeal to the conservative masses, North and South : to end agitation for or against slavery, by decided action now. | [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | To the people of Pennsylvania. The true question. | [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | Pennsylvania | The great issue now before the people, : with remarks upon its merits, and claims upon the serious consideration of the well-wishers of our country.. | Philadelphia: : [s.n.], 1856.. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | An die demokraten von Pennsylvanien. | [Philadelphia?] : [s.n.], [1856]. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | The united States Senate : A.D. 1850. | Philadelphia : Butler & Long, 1856. |
1856 | Pennsylvania | The New "Democratic" doctrine. : Slavery not to be confined to the Negro race, but to be made the universal condition of the laboring classes of society. | [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | Rhode Island | A constitutional manual for the national American Party. : In which is examined the question of Negro slavery in connexion with the Constitution of the United States. | Hazard, Thomas R. (Thomas Robinson), 1797-1886. | Providence: : A. Crawford Greene & Brother, printers., 1856.. |
1856 | Rhode Island | Glorious victory! : Where are the boasters! who so confidently told us that good old Connecticut would prove false to the casue of free labor! Every effort was used by the slave labor extensionist--no money spared--no bullying left untried, no threat left unuttered, to stifle the voice of freedom. But the sweeping majority for Republicanism, tells us that the people are not the footballs of demagogues. A few hours more and Rhode Island will brand forever those who would plant slavery in the free territories! Prostitute the people to the rule of an aristocracy, and revisit us with the unnumbered curses of the African slave trade. | [Providence, R.I.? : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | Rhode Island | Facts and figures for Fremont and freedom.. | Providence, R.I. : printed at the Daily Tribune Office, 3 Canal Street., 1856.. |
1856 | South Carolina | The hireling and the slave, Chicora, and other poems. | Grayson, William J. (William John), 1788-1863. | Charleston, S.C.: : McCarter & Co., publishers. 116 Meeting Street., 1856.. |
1856 | South Carolina | Proceedings of the Democratic State Convention of South Carolina, : held at Columbia, 5th and 6th of May, 1856, for the purpose of electing delegates to the Democratic National Convention, to meet in Cincinnati in June. | Democratic Party (S.C.). State Convention (1856 : Columbia, S.C.) | Columbia, S.C.: : steam power press of R.W. Gibbes., 1856. |
1856 | South Carolina | Reply to Dr. Dewey's address, : delivered at the elm tree, Sheffield, Mass. : With extracts from the same.. | Grayson, William J. (William John), 1788-1863. | Charleston, S.C. : published by request. For distribution., 1856.. |
1856 | Tennessee | Reflections and suggestions on the present state of parties. | Old Clay Whig. | Nashville: : Printed by G.C. Torbett and Company., 1856. |
1856 | Tennessee | The great iron wheel examined : or, Its false spokes extracted, and an exhibition of Elder Graves, its builder. In a series of chapters | Brownlow, William Gannaway, 1805-1877. | Nashville, Tenn. : Published for the author, 1856. |
1856 | Tennessee | Americanism contrasted with foreignism, Romanism, and bogus democracy : in the light of reason, history, and Scripture; in which certain demagogues in Tennessee, and elsewhere, are shown up in their true colors | Brownlow, William Gannaway, 1805-1877. | Nashville, Tenn. : published for the author, 1856. |
1856 | Tennessee | Lectures on the philosophy and practice of slavery, : as exhibited in the institution of domestic slavery in the United States: with the duties of masters to slaves. | Smith, William A. (William Andrew), 1802-1870. | Nashville, Tenn.: : Stevenson and Evans., 1856. |
1856 | Texas | The Texas almanac, for 1857, : with statistics, historical and biographical sketches, &c., relating to Texas. | Galveston [Tex.]: : Prepared, printed and published by Richardson & Co., at the News office., 1856. |
1856 | Undefined place of publication | Letters to the people of the northern states. | Pike, Albert, 1809-1891. | [S.l. : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | Undefined place of publication | The federal union : it must be preserved : number one | Weston, George M. (George Melville), 1816-1887. | [S.l. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Undefined place of publication | Who are and who may be slaves in the U. States : facts for the people | Weston, Geo. W. | [S.l. : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | Undefined place of publication | The agitation of slavery : Who commenced! And who can end it!! Buchanan and Fillmore compared from the record. | [S.l. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Undefined place of publication | The voice of Kansas : let the South respond : appeal by the Law and Order Party of Kansas Territory to their friends in the South, and to the law-abiding people of the Union. | [S.l. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Undefined place of publication | For true democrats. | [s.l. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | Undefined place of publication | Read and reflect! | [S.l. : s.p., 1856?] |
1856 | United States | Fremont, the conservative candidate. : Correspondence between Hon. Hamilton Fish, U.S. senator from New York, and Hon. James A. Hamilton, son of Alexander Hamilton.. | Fish, Hamilton, 1808-1893. | [United States? : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | United States | The duty of native Americans in the present crisis. | Americus, fl. 1856. | [U.S. : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | United States | Speech of Hon. S.A. Smith, of Tenn., on the state of political parties. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, April 4, 1856.. | Smith, S. A. (Samuel Axley), 1822-1863. | [United States : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | United States | Letter from the Hon. Ephraim Marsh, president of the convention which nominated Filmore and Donelson.. | Marsh, Ephraim. | [U.S. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | United States | The presidency. : Judge Marsh, of New Jersey, president of the American Convention which nominated Millard Filmore, in favor of Fremont.. | Marsh, Ephraim. | [U.S. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | United States | A lecture delivered in the Tremont Temple, Boston, Massachusetts, : on the 24th January, 1856, | Toombs, Robert Augustus, 1810-1885. | [United States : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | United States | Republikanische Dokumente. Republikanische Platform. | Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) | [United States : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | United States | The Democratic and Republican platforms. | Johnston, James F. | [United States : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | United States | Speech of Hon. G.A. Grow, of Pennsylvania, on the Senate Kansas bill. : Delivered in the House of Representatives, August 7, 1856.. | Grow, Galusha A. (Galusha Aaron), 1823-1907. | [United States : s.n. ; 1856] |
1856 | United States | The North and the South. : The crisis before us. For reading and reflecting men.. | Hancock, John. | [United States : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | United States | Republikanisches Bulletin, no. 1. : Hoert Deutsche Arbeiter, was der Richmond (Va.) Inquirer, und mit ihm die ganze Buchanan Presse von euch denkt: "Man mache den Arbeiter zum Sclaven eines mannes, anstatt zum Sclaven der Gesellschaft ... Deutsche Arbeiter! hoert ihr's!! Die Organe der Democratischen Partei, behaupten, ihr seid zu Sclaven geboren. Die Peitche des Sclaven--Aufsehers ist fuer den Ruecken eines jeden Arbeiters, sei er nun Schwarz oder Weiss. Darf man euch ungestraft beschimpfen? Nun--so stimmt das Hunker-ticket un verkauft euch und eure Kinder in die Schlaverei. Seid ihraber freie Maenner, so werdet ihr am 4ten November der Schlange der Shamocratie den Kopf zertreten. | Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) | [United States : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | United States | Executive office, January 4, /56 Shawnee Mission, K.T. My Dr Sir : Your two last favors are received; and I regret exceedingly to hear of your unpleasant situation. I hope things will grow better. ... | Shannon, Wilson, 1802-1877. | [United States : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | United States | The Fearful issue to be decided in November next! : Shall the Constitution and the Union stand or fall? Fremont, the sectional candidate of the advocates of dissolution! Buchanan, the candidate of those who advocate one country! one union! one constitution! and one destiny!. | [U.S. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | United States | The Fearful issue to be decided in November next! : Shall the Constitution and the Union stand or fall? Fremont, the sectional candidate of the advocates of dissolution! Buchanan, the candidate of those who advocate one country! one union! one constitution! and one destiny!. | [U.S. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | United States | Negroes and religion : The Episcopal Church at the South. Memorial to the general convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. | [United States : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | United States | Negroes and religion : The Episcopal Church at the South. Memorial to the general convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. | [United States : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | United States | Fremont--his supporters and their record. : The opinions of our great statesmen upon the Missouri restriction. | [United States : s.n., 1856.] |
1856 | United States | Infidelity and abolitionism. : An open letter to the friends of religion, morality, and the American union.. | [U.S. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | United States | Infidelity and abolitionism. : An open letter to the friends of religion, morality, and the American union.. | [U.S. : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | United States | Information for the people. : The friends of Messrs. Fremont and Dayton, desiring that their fellow citizens should act understandingly in reference to the great issues that are to be decided at the next election, submit the following important documents for their consideration ... | [United States : s.n., 1856] |
1856 | United States | Die Cincinnati Platform und die Rechte der Arbeiter. | [U.S. : s.n., 1856]. |
1856 | United States | An wahre Democraten. | [United States : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | United States | The Great fraud by which Pennsylvania is sought to be abolitionised in October and November. : The abolition state ticket and the abolition electoral Fillmore ticket.. | [United States : s.n., 1856?] |
1856 | Vermont | Life of Col. John Charles Fremont : "the pathfinder of the Rocky Mountains.". | Middleboro [Vt.] : Pratt & Beals., 1856.. |
1856 | Virginia | White acre vs. black acre : A case at law | Burwell, William M. (William MacCreary), 1809-1888. | [Richmond, Va.] : J.W. Randolph, 121 Main Street, Richmond, Va. : Printed by John Nowlan, 1856. |
1856 | Virginia | Theatre. : Sole lessee, Mr. J.H. Taylor. Sole manager, Mr. H. Lewis. Treasurer, Mr. H. Rogers. Benefit of Mr. Shewell A glorious comedy! and popular drama! Wednesday evening, Jan. 2, 1856, will be presented, for the first time in many years, the comedy of A cure for the heart ache ... After which, La sylphide! by Miss M. Partington. To conclude with the favorite drama of Black-eyed Susan! or, All in the downs. ... To-morrow: benefit of Miss M. Partington. Admission.--Boxes and parquette 50 cents; second tier, 25 cents; centre gallery, 50 cents; colored gallery, east, 37 1-2 cents; colored gallery, west, 25 cents Doors open at 7, performance to commence at half past 7 o'clock. Box office open from 10, A.M. to 1, P.M.; and 3, P.M. to 5, P.M., when seats can be secured. | Richmond Theater (Richmond, Va.) | [Richmond, Va.] : Thomas Bailie, printer, South Twelfth Street, Richmond., [1856] |
1856 | Virginia | A biographical sketch of Henry A. Wise, : with A history of the political campaign in Virginia in 1855. To which is added a review of the position of parties in the Union, and a statement of the political issues: distinguishing them on the eve of the presidential campaign of 1856. | Hambleton, James P. (James Pinkney), 1830-1897. | [Richmond, Va.] : J.W. Randolph, 121 Main Street, Richmond, Va., 1856.. |
1856 | Virginia | Scriptural and statistical views in favor of slavery, | Stringfellow, Thornton. | [Richmond, Va.] : J.W. Randolph: 121 Main Street, Richmond, Va., 1856. |
1856 | Virginia | Speech of Hon. John M. Botts, on the political issues of the day : delivered at the African Church, in the city of Richmond, August 8, 1856 | Botts, John Minor, 1802-1869. | [Richmond, Va. : Joseph Brummell, 1856] |
1856 | Virginia | Richmond in by-gone days; : being reminiscences of an old citizen.. | Mordecai, Samuel, 1786-1865. | Richmond, Virginia: : Published by George M. West., 1856.. |
1857 | Belgium | Études sur l'esclavage aux Etats-Unis | Biervliet, Paul van. | Louvain [&] Brussels : Typographie de C.-J. Fonteyn, 1857. |
1857 | Canada | Rhymes for the times : original poems on popery, slavery, and intemperance | Montreal : [s.n.], 1857. |
1857 | Connecticut | A vindication of the capacity of the Negro race for self-government, and civilized progress : as demonstrated by historical events of the Haytian revolution; and the subsequent acts of that people since their national independence. A lecture | Holly, James Theodore, 1829-1911. | New Haven : William H. Stanley, printer, 1857. |
1857 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Lawrence M. Keitt, of South Carolina, on slavery, and the resources of the South : delivered in the House of Representatives, January 15, 1857. | Keitt, Lawrence M. (Lawrence Massillon), 1824-1864. | Washington [D.C.] : Printed at the office of the Congressional Globe, 1857. |
1857 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. J.S. Green, of Missouri, on the constitution of Kansas; : delivered in the Senate of the United States, December 16, 1857.. | Green, James S. (James Stephen), 1817-1870. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the Congressional Globe office., 1857.. |
1857 | District of Columbia | Report of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the opinions of the judges thereof, in the case of Dred Scott versus John F.A. Sandford. : December term, 1856. | United States. Supreme Court | Washington: : Cornelius Wendell, printer., 1857.. |
1857 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. J.R. Tyson, of Pennsylvania, on the fugitive slave laws and compromise measures of 1850; : delivered in the House of Representatives, February 28, 1857. | Tyson, Job R. (Job Roberts), 1803-1858. | Washington [D.C.]: : Printed at the office of the Congressional Globe., 1857. |
1857 | District of Columbia | Lecompton constitution of Kansas. : Speech of Hon. Samuel S. Cox, of Ohio, on the president's message. Delivered in the House of Representatives, December 16, 1857. | Cox, Samuel Sullivan, 1824-1889. | [Washington, D.C.] : Printed by Lemuel Towers., [1857]. |
1857 | District of Columbia | Speech of John A. Quitman, of Mississippi, on the powers of the federal government with regard to the territories : delivered during the debate on the President's annual message, in the House or Representatives, December 18, 1856. | Quitman, John Anthony. | Washington : [s.n.], 1857. |
1857 | District of Columbia | Kansas-Lecompton convention. : Speech of Senator Douglas, of Illinois, on the president's message, delivered in the Senate of the United States, December 9, 1857. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | Washington: : printed by Lemuel Towers., 1857. |
1857 | District of Columbia | The slaveholding class dominant in the Republic. : Speech of William H. Seward, at Detroit, October 2, 1856. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | Washington, D.C. : Published by the Republican Association of Washington. Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1857. |
1857 | District of Columbia | The poli[ti]cal economy of slavery : or, the institution considered in regard to its influence on public wealth and the general welfare | Ruffin, Edmund, 1794-1865. | [Washington] : Printed by L. Towers, [1857?] |
1857 | District of Columbia | Immigrant white free labor, or imported black African slave labor. : Speech of William H. Seward, at Oswego, New York, November 3, 1856. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | Washington, D.C. : Published by the Republican Association of Washington. Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1857. |
1857 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. C.E. Stuart, of Michigan, on Kansas affairs. : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, December 23, 1857. | Stuart, C. E. (Charles Edward), 1810-1887. | [Washington, D.C.] : Lemuel Towers, printer., [1857] |
1857 | District of Columbia | Speech of Hon. Wm. Bigler, of Pennsylvania, on Kansas affairs : Delivered in the Senate, December 21, 1857. | Bigler, William, 1814-1880. | [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1857.] |
1857 | District of Columbia | The progress of slavery in the United States | Weston, George M. (George Melville), 1816-1887. | Washington, D.C. : Published by the author, 1857. |
1857 | District of Columbia | Message of the President of the United States : communicating, in compliance with the resolutions of the Senate of the 16th and 18th instants, correspondence between the executive department and the present governor of Kansas... | United States. President (1857-1861 : Buchanan) | [Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1857] |
1857 | District of Columbia | The political text-book, or encyclopedia : containing everything necessary for the reference of the politicians and statesmen of the United States | Cluskey, M. W. (Michael W.) | Washington : Cornelius Wendell ; [Philadelphia] : C. Sherman & Son, printers : Mears & Dusenbery, stereotypers ... , 1857. |
1857 | District of Columbia | The parties of the day. : Speech of William H. Seward, at Auburn, October 21, 1856. | Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872. | Washington, D.C. : Published by the Republican Association of Washington. Buell & Blanchard, printers., 1857. |
1857 | England | Wonderful adventures of Mrs. Seacole in many lands. | Seacole, Mary, 1805-1881. | London: : James Blackwood, Paternoster Row., 1857. |
1857 | England | Oshielle or, Village life in the Yoruba country from the journals and letters of a catechist there : describing the rise of a Christian church in an African village | Barber, M. A. S. (Mary Ann Serrett), d. 1864. | London : James Nisbet and Co., 1857 [T.C. Johns, Printer]. |
1857 | England | A memoir of Allen F. Gardiner, commander, R.N. | Marsh, John W. (John William), 1822-1882. | London: : James Nisbet and Co. 21 Berners Street., MDCCCLVII. [1857] |
1857 | England | The prisons of Africa, Guina, and Cayenne; | Ribeyrolles, Charles, 1812-1860. | [Melton Mowbray, Eng.] : W. Darley, printer, Melton Mowbray., MDCCCLVII. [1857] |
1857 | England | Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa : being a journal of an expedition undertaken under the auspices of H. B. M.'s government, in the years 1849-1855 | Barth, Heinrich, 1821-1865. | London : Longman, Brown, Green, Longman's, & Roberts, 1857-1858 [Printed by Spottiswoode and Co.] |
1857 | England | History of the new world | Benzoni, Girolamo, b. 1519. | London : Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1857 [T. Richards] |
1857 | England | The United States and Cuba | Phillippo, James M. (James Mursell), 1798-1879. | London : Pewtress & co. ; New York : Sheldon, Blakeman, & co., 1857. |
1857 | England | The life and journals of the Rev. Daniel West, Wesleyan minister, : and deputation to the Wesleyan mission stations on the Gold Coast, Western Africa. | West, Thomas. | London: : Hamilton, Adams, and Co.; ; sold also by John Mason., 1857.. |
1857 | England | Correspondence with the British commissioners at Sierra Leone, Havana, the Cape of Good Hope, and Loanda; : and reports from British naval officers, relating to the slave trade. From April 1, 1856, to March 31, 1857. : Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1857.. | Great Britain. Foreign Office | London: : Printed by Harrison and Sons., [1857] |
1857 | England | Economical causes of slavery in the United States, and obstacles to abolition. | Middleton, Henry, 1797-1876. | London: : Robert Hardwicke, 26 Duke Street, Piccadilly, and all booksellers., 1857.. |
1857 | England | America, and American Methodism. | Jobson, Frederick J. (Frederick James), 1812-1881. | London: : J.S. Virtue, City Road, and Ivy Lane. Sold by Virtue, Hall, & Virtue, 25, Paternoster Row; and John Mason, 14, City Road, and 66, Paternoster Row., [1857] |
1857 | England | Correspondence with British ministers and agents in foreign countries, and with foreign ministers in England, relating to the slave trade. From April 1, 1856, to March 31, 1857. : Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1857.. | Great Britain. Foreign Office | London: : Printed by Harrison and Sons., [1857] |
1857 | England | The castaways or The adventures of a family in the wilds of Africa | Bowman, Anne. | London : George Routledge & Sons. The Broadway, Ludgate ; New York : 416 Broome Street ; [[London] : Wyman and Sons, printers, Great Queen Street, London, [1857]. |
1857 | England | Letters from the slave states. | Stirling, James, 1805-1883. | London: : John W. Parker and Son, West Strand., 1857. |
1857 | England | Uncle Sam and his country : or, Sketches of America, in 1854-55-56 | Pairpoint, Alfred J. | London : Simpkin, Marshall, & Co.; Trübner and Co.; and all booksellers, 1857 [Printed by Dodd and Company] |
1857 | England | Missionary travels and researches in South Africa; : including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Loanda on the west coast; thence across the continent, down the river Zambesi, to the eastern ocean. | Livingstone, David, 1813-1873. | London: : John Murray, Albemarle Street., 1857.. |
1857 | England | The Kafirs of Natal and the Zulu country. | Shooter, Joseph. | London: : E. Stanford, 6, Charing Cross., 1857. |
1857 | England | Dr. Livingston : his life and adventures in the interior of South Africa: comprising a description of the regions which he traversed; an account of missionary pioneers; and chapters on cotton cultivation, slavery, wild animals, etc., etc. / By H.G. Adams. Illustrated with portrait, map, and sixty engravings; the drawings by Sargent, Harvey, Thomas, Wood, &c. | Adams, H. G. (Henry Gardiner), 1811 or 12-1881. | London : Houlston & Wright; and all booksellers, [1857] [Printed by Adams and Gee] |
1857 | England | The Garies and their friends | Webb, Frank J. | London : G. Routledge & Co. ; New York, 1857 [London : Cox and Wyman, printers]. |
1857 | England | A manual of the history of the political system of Europe and its colonies, : from its formation at the close of the fifteenth century, to its re-establishment upon the fall of Napoleon. | Heeren, A. H. L. (Arnold Hermann Ludwig), 1760-1842. | London: : Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden., MDCCCLVII. [1857] |
1857 | England | Kansas; or, Squatter life and border warfare in the far west. | Gladstone, Thomas H. | London: : G. Routledge & Co. Farringdon Street; ; New York: : 18, Beekman Street., 1857.. |
1857 | England | American slavery and colour | Chambers, William, 1800-1883. | London : W. & R. Chambers, Paternoster Row and Dix and Edwards, New York ; Edinburgh : Printed by W. and R. Chambers, 1857. |
1857 | Germany | Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Central-Afrika in den Jahren 1849 bis 1855 | Barth, Heinrich, 1821-1865. | Gotha : Justus Perthes, 1857-1858 [Druck der Englehard-Reyher?schen Hofbuehdreckerei in Gotha] |
1857 | Illinois | Remarks of the Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, on Kansas, Utah, and the Dred Scott decision. : Delivered at Springfield, Illinois, June 12th, 1857. | Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-1861. | Chicago: : Printed at the Daily Times Book and Job Office. No. 48 La Salle Street, second and third stories., 1857. |
1857 | Kansas | Journal of the Council of the territory of Kansas, at their second session, : begun and held at the city of Lecompton, on the second Monday (12th) of January, 1857.. | Kansas. Legislative Assembly. Council. | Lecompton [Kan.]: : R.H. Bennet, public printer., 1857.. |
1857 | Kentucky | Journal of proceedings of the third annual conference of the African M.E. Church, for the district of Missouri : Held at Louisville, Ky., September 5, 1857. | African Methodist Episcopal Church. Missouri. | Louisville, Ky. : published by Rev. John M. Brown, secretary, 1857. |
1857 | Kentucky | A review of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Dred Scott case | Louisville, Ky. : Morton & Griswold, printers, 1857. |
1857 | Liberia | Message of the president of the Republic of Liberia to the Legislature at the commencement of their session, December, 1857.. | Liberia. President (1856-1864 : Benson) | Monrovia [Liberia]: : Printed by G. Killian., 1857.. |
1857 | Louisiana | Affleck's southern rural almanac, and plantation and garden calendar, for 1858 ... /By Thomas Affleck ... | Affleck, Thomas, 1812-1868. | [New Orleans, La.] : Published by B.M. Norman, New-Orleans, [1857]. |
1857 | Maine | An important letter to Henry C. Lowell, of Minnesota Territory, : upon the persecutions of his enemies; the mysteries of Providence in the destinies of men; the startling aspect of the times; the political condition of the country; consequences of slavery; outrages in Kansas; and the responsibities of government.--Together with an appendix, containing "Hints to young women." | Lowell, Charles, 1793-1858. | Ellsworth, Me: : Printed by Nathaniel K. Sawyer., 1857.. |
1857 | Maryland | Annual minutes of the Baltimore Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church : held in Light Street Church, Baltimore City, Maryland, March 4-18, 1857. | Methodist Episcopal Church. Conferences. | Baltimore : Armstrony & Berry, 1857. |
1857 | Massachusetts | The night of freedom : an appeal, in verse, against the great crime of our country, human bondage! | Hebbard, William Wallace. | Boston : Sam'l Chism, Franklin Printing House, 1857. |
1857 | Massachusetts | Poems. 2 vols. 1st printing of v2. | Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. | Boston : Ticknor and Fields, 1857. |
1857 | Massachusetts | Poems. 2 vols. 1st printing of v2. | Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. | Boston : Ticknor and Fields, 1857. |
1857 | Massachusetts | A few thoughts on the hard times. | Observer. | [Boston? : s.n., 1857?] |
1857 | Massachusetts | The new revolution: : a speech before the American Anti-Slavery Society, at their annual meeting in New York, May 12, 1857. | Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911. | Boston: : R.F. Wallcut, 21 Cornhill., 1857.. |
1857 | Massachusetts | Abstract of the census of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, : taken with reference to facts existing on the first day of June, 1855. : With remarks on the same. | Massachusetts. Secretary of the Commonwealth | Boston: : William White, printer to the state., 1857. |
1857 | Massachusetts | Parlor dramas, or, Dramatic scenes, for home amusement. | Fowle, William Bentley, 1795-1865. | Boston: : published by Morris Cotton., 1857.. |
1857 | Massachusetts | Hymns and songs for the festival in Faneuil Hall, in commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, Friday evening, January 2, 1857. | Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. | [Boston] : Prentiss & Sawyer, printers, 19 Water Street., [1857] |
1857 | Massachusetts | The curse entailed | Bigelow, Harriet Hamline. | Boston : Wentworth and Company ; Cleveland, Ohio : Isaac I. Bigelow, 1857, [c1856] [Boston : Lithotyped by the American Stereotype Company]. |
1857 | Massachusetts | The private correspondence of Daniel Webster | Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. | Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1857. |
1857 | Massachusetts | Report of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions : presented at the forty-eighth annual meeting, held in Providence, Rhode Island, September 8-11, 1857. | American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. | Boston : press of T.R. Marvin & Son, 1857. |
1857 | Massachusetts | The great West, or The garden of the world; : its history, its wealth, its natural advantages, and its future. Also comprising a complete guide to emigrants, with a full description of the different routes westward. | Dana, C. W. | Boston: : Wentworth and Company, 86 Washington Street., 1857. |
1857 | Massachusetts | A legal review of the case of Dred Scott, : as decided by the Supreme Court of the United States. From the Law reporter for June, 1857.. | Gray, Horace, 1828-1902. | Boston: : Crosby, Nichols, and Company., 1857.. |
1857 | Massachusetts | The young yägers : or, A narrative of hunting adventures in Southern Africa | Reid, Mayne, 1818-1883. | Boston : Ticknor and Fields, 1857. (Riverside, Cambridge : Stereotyped and printed by H.O. Houghton and Company) |
1857 | Massachusetts | Speech delivered in Faneuil Hall, - Boston, October 27, 1857. : Also, speech delivered in City Hall, - Newburyport, October 31, 1857. | Cushing, Caleb, 1800-1879. | [Boston] : Printed at the office of the Boston Post., 1857. |
1857 | Massachusetts | The duty of a rising Christian state to contribute to the world's well-being and civilization, and the means by which it may perform the same. : The annual oration before the Common Council and the citizens of Monrovia, Liberia--July 26, 1855: being the day of national independence. | Crummell, Alexander, 1819-1898. | [Boston, Mass.] ; London: : Wertheim & Macintosh, 24 Paternoster-Row, 1856. : Reprinted by the Massachusetts Colonization Society--, 1857. |
1857 | Massachusetts | Scriptural duties of masters. : A sermon preached Danville, Kentucky, in 1846, and then published at the unanimous request of the church and congregation. | Young, John Clarke, 1803-1857. | [Boston] : American Tract Society, 28 Cornhill, Boston., [between 1857 and 1868?] |
1857 | Massachusetts | The genius and posture of America : An oration delivered before the citizens of Boston, July 4, 1857 | Alger, William Rounseville, 1822-1905. | Boston : Office Boston Daily Bee, 1857. |
1857 | Massachusetts | Letters to the London "Times," and New York "Courier and Inquirer" | Childe, E. V. (Edward Vernon), 1804-1861. | Boston : Bazin & Chandler, printers, 37 Cornhill, 1857. |
1857 | Massachusetts | Africa and colonization. : An address delivered before the Massachusetts Colonization Society, May 27, 1857. | Shedd, William Greenough Thayer, 1820-1894. | Andover: : Printed by Warren F. Draper., 1857.. |
1857 | Massachusetts | The poetical works of John Greenleaf Whittier. Vol. 1 only; 1st printing. | Whittier, John Greenleaf. | Boston : Ticknor and Fields, 1857. |
1857 | Massachusetts | The poetical works of John Greenleaf Whittier. Vol. 1 only; 2nd printing. | Whittier, John Greenleaf. | Boston : Ticknor and Fields, 1857. |
1857 | Massachusetts | Poems. Vol. 2 only; 2nd printing. | Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. | Boston : Ticknor and Fields, 1857. |
1857 | Massachusetts | Is slavery a blessing? : A reply to Prof. Bledsoe's Essay on liberty and slavery: with remarks on slavery as it is | Shaw, Charles B. | Boston : published by John P. Jewett & Co., 1857 [Geo. C. Rand & Avery, printers]. |
1857 | Massachusetts | The constitutional power of Congress over the territories : An argument delivered in the Supreme Court of the United States, December 18, 1856, in the case of Dred Scott, plaintiff in error, vs. John F.A. Sandford | Curtis, George Ticknor, 1812-1894. | Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1857. |
1857 | Massachusetts | The great questions of national and state politics. : Speech of Hon. Nathaniel P. Banks, of Waltham. Delivered at Worcester, before the Young Men's Ratification Convention, September 8th.. | Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, 1816-1894. | Boston: : Office of the Daily Bee, 7 State Street., 1857.. |
1857 | Massachusetts | Speech of Wendell Phillips, Esq. at the Worcester Disunion Convention, January 15, 1857. | Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884. | Boston: : Printed for the American Anti-Slavery Society., [1857] |
1857 | Massachusetts | The poetical works of John Greenleaf Whittier. : Complete in two volumes. Volume I[-II]. | Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892. | Boston [Mass.]: : Ticknor and Fields., M DCCC LVII. [1857] |
1857 | Massachusetts | Poems | Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882. | Boston [Mass.]: : Ticknor and Fields., M DCCC LVII. [1857] |
1857 | Massachusetts | Liberty or slavery; the great national question. : Three prize essays on American slavery.. | Boston: : Congregational Board of Publication., 1857.. |
1857 | Missouri | Speech of the Hon. B. Gratz Brown, of St. Louis : on the subject of gradual emancipation in Missouri : Delivered in the House of Representatives, February 12, 1857. | Brown, B. Gratz (Benjamin Gratz), 1826-1885. | Jefferson City [Mo.] : [s.n.], 1857. |
1857 | New Hampshire | A sermon on the duty of ministers to oppose the extension of American slavery, : preached in Manchester, N.H., Fast Day, April 3, 1857, | Wallace, Cyrus W. (Cyrus Washington), 1805-1889. | Manchester, N.H.: : From the Steam Printing Works of Fisk & Gage., 1857. |
1857 | New Jersey | Hope for my country : showing the divinity of Jesus Christ and his care over his church, as exhibited in the past history of our country : in two parts /by J.J. Janeway. | Janeway, J. J. (Jacob Jones), 1774-1858. | New Brunswick, N.J. : Press of J. Terhune, 1857. |
1857 | New York | The impending crisis of the South: : how to meet it. | Helper, Hinton Rowan, 1829-1909. | New-York: : Burdick Brothers, 8 Spruce Street., 1857.. |
1857 | New York | Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends : held at Longwood, Chester County, fifth month, 1857. | Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends (1853-1940) | New York: John F. Trow, 1857. |
1857 | New York | Compensated emancipation. | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Peterboro, N.Y.? : s.n., 1857] |
1857 | New York | Mr. Gerrit Smith on the President's message. : The currency and the hard times. | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Peterboro, N.Y.? : s.n., 1857] |
1857 | New York | Interior mission station, Western Africa : Protestant Episcopal Church, October, 1857.. | Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. Foreign Committee | [New York : The Committee, 1857] |
1857 | New York | Address reported by Gerrit Smith to the Jerry Rescue Convention, : held in Syracuse October 1, 1857. | Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874. | [Peterboro, N.Y.? : s.n., 1857] |
1857 | New York | The impending crisis of the South: : how to meet it. | Helper, Hinton Rowan, 1829-1909. | New-York: : Burdick Brothers, 8 Spruce Street., 1857.. |
1857 | New York | Epiphany appeal. Foreign Committee, Board of Missions, Prot. Epis. Church.. | Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. Foreign Committee | [New York : The Committee, 1857] |
1857 | New York | Pictures of slavery in church and state; : including personal reminiscences, biographical sketches, anecdotes, etc. etc. : with an appendix, containing the views of John Wesley and Richard Watson on slavery. | Long, John Dixon, 1817-1894. | Auburn [N.Y.]: : William J. Moses., 1857.. |
1857 | New York | Fourth annual report of the Southern Aid Society, : presented by the executive committee, at the annual meeting of the society, in New-York, October 29, 1857. | Southern Aid Society. | New-York: : George F. Nesbitt & Co., printers and stationers, corner Pearl and Pine Streets., 1857. |
1857 | New York | The Gospels, written in the Negro patois of English, with Arabic characters, by a Mandingo slave in Georgia.. | Hodgson, William Brown, 1800-1871. | [New York : s.n., 1857?] |
1857 | New York | Autobiography of a female slave. | Browne, Martha Griffith, d. 1906. | [New York] : Redfield, 34 Bookman Street, New York : E.O. Jenkins, printer and stereotyper, No. 26 Frankfort Street, 1857. |
1857 | New York | American Tract Society. New York, 150 Nassau-Street, October, 1857 ... testimony of five of the Society's founders.... | American Tract Society. | [New York : American Tract Society, 1857] |
1857 | New York | Two speeches, by Frederick Douglass; : one on West India emancipation, delivered at Canandaigua, Aug. 4th, and the other on the Dred Scott decision, delivered in New York, on the occasion of the anniversary of the American Abolition Society, May, 1857. | Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895. | Rochester, N.Y.: : C.P. Dewey, printer, American office., [1857] |
1857 | New York | Special appeal. Foreign Committee Board of Missions Protestant Episcopal Church. : Loss of buildings in Africa ... | Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. Foreign Committee | [New York : The Committee, 1857] |
1857 | New York | A letter to the committee chosen by the American Tract Society, to inquire into the proceedings of its executive committee, in relation to slavery. | Jay, William, 1789-1858. | [New York? : s.n., 1857?] |
1857 | New York | The American spy, or Freedom's early sacrifice: : a tale of the Revolution, founded upon fact. | Simms, Jeptha Root, 1807-1883. | Albany [N.Y.]: : J. Munsell, 78 State Street., 1857. |
1857 | New York | The American spy, or Freedom's early sacrifice: : a tale of the Revolution, founded upon fact. | Simms, Jeptha Root, 1807-1883. | Albany [N.Y.]: : J. Munsell, 78 State Street., 1857. |
1857 | New York | Autobiography of Peter Cartwright, the backwoods preacher | Cartwright, Peter, 1785-1872. | New-York : Published by Carlton & Porter, 1857. |
1857 | New York | A guide to the right understanding of our American Union; or, Political, economical, and literary miscellanies. : Dedicated to the young men of America: | Johnson, A. B. (Alexander Bryan), 1786-1867. | New-York: : Derby & Jackson, 119 Nassau-Street. ; Cincinnati: : H.W. Derby & Co., 1857.. |
1857 | New York | Alcar, the captive Creole : a story of the South, in verse | Markham, M. Roland. | Homer [N.Y.] : Jos. R. Dixon, 1857. |
1857 | New York | Memoir of the Rev. Edward Bickersteth ... | Birks, T. R. (Thomas Rawson), 1810-1883. | New-York : Protestant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge. No. 11 Bible House, Astor Place, 1857. |
1857 | New York | Glimpses of life in Africa. | Scott, Anna M. | [New York] : Published by the American Tract Society, 150 Nassau-Street, New York., [1857] |
1857 | New York | Twenty-two years a slave, and forty years a free man; : embracing a correspondence of several years, while president of Wilberforce Colony, London, Canada West, | Steward, Austin, 1794-1860. | Rochester, N.Y. : Published by William Alling, Exchange Street., 1857. |
1857 | New York | The 'manifest destiny' of the American union. : Reprinted from the Westminster review.. | Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876. | New York: : Published by the American Anti-Slavery Society, 138 Nassau Street., 1857.. |
1857 | New York | The speeches of Henry Clay | Clay, Henry, 1777-1852. | New York : published by A.S. Barnes & Co., 51 and 53 John Street : Stereotyped by Thomas B. Smith, 82 & 84 Beekman Street, N.Y. : Printed by George W. Wood, 51 John St., 1857. |
1857 | New York | The martyr of the Pongas : being a memoir of the Rev. Hamble James Leacock, leader of the West Indian mission to western Africa | Caswall, Henry, 1810-1870. | New York : Thomas N. Stanford, 637 Broadway, 1857. |
1857 | New York | The American statesman : a political history, exhibiting the origin, nature and practical operation of constitutional government in the United States : the rise and progress of parties : and the views of distinguished statesmen on questions of foreign and domestic policy : with an appendix, containing explanatory notes, political essays, statistical information, and other useful matter | Young, Andrew W. (Andrew White), 1802-1877. | New York : Derby & Jackson, 1857. |
1857 | New York | Congo; or, Jasper's experience in command.. | Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879. | New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers., c1857. |
1857 | New York | Virginia illustrated: : containing a Visit to the Virginian Canaan, and the adventures of Porte Crayon and his cousins. | Strother, David Hunter, 1816-1888. | New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers, Pearl Street, Franklin Square., 1857. |
1857 | New York | A report of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the opinions of the judges thereof, in the case of Dred Scott versus John F.A. Sandford. : December term, 1856. | United States. Supreme Court | New York: : D. Appleton & Co., 346 & 348 Broadway., 1857.. |
1857 | New York | Little Paul; or, How to be patient in sickness and pain.. | Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879. | New York: : Harper & Brothers, publishers., c1857. |
1857 | New York | Home and the world | Rives, Judith Page Walker, 1802-1882. | New York : D. Appleton, 1857, c1856. |
1857 | New York | America and Europe. | De Gurowski, Adam G., count, 1805-1866. | New York: : D. Appleton and Company, 346 & 348 Broadway., M.DCCC.LVII. [1857] |
1857 | New York | Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. | Prime, William Cowper, 1825-1905. | New York: : Harper & Brothers, Franklin Square., 1857. |
1857 | New York | The Christian doctrine of slavery | Armstrong, George D. (George Dodd), 1813-1899. | New York : Charles Scribner, 1857 [W.H. Tinson, stereotyper. R. Craighead, printer]. |
1857 | New York | Lake Ngami; or, Explorations and discoveries during four years' wanderings in the wilds of south western Africa | Andersson, Charles John, 1827-1867. | New York : Dix, Edwards & Co. ; London : Hurst & Blackett, 1857, [c1856] [Miller & Holman, Printers and Stereotypers] |
1857 | New York | The drama of earth. | Kidder, Jerome. | New York: : published by Adolphus Ranney, 195 Broadway., 1857.. |
1857 | New York | God against slavery : and the freedom and duty of the pulpit to rebuke it, as a sin against God | Cheever, George Barrell, 1807-1890. | New York : Joseph H. Ladd, 22 Beekman Street, office of the Independent : Stereotyped by Thomas B. Smith, 82 & 84 Beekman Street, 1857. |
1857 | New York | The American citizen: : his rights and duties, according to the spirit of the Constitution of the United States. | Hopkins, John Henry, 1792-1868. | New York: : Pudney & Russell, 79 John-street., 1857.. |
1857 | New York | Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code. | Nott, Samuel, 1788-1869. | New York: : D. Appleton and Company. ; Boston: : Crocker and Brewster., 1857.. |
1857 | New York | Sorgho and imphee, the Chinese and African sugar canes : A treatise upon their origin, varieties and culture ... with a paper by Leonard Wray, Esq., of Caffraria, and a description of his patented process for crystallizing the juice of the imphee. To which are added, copious translations of valuable French pamphlets | Olcott, Henry Steel, 1832-1907. | New York : A.O. Moore, Agricultural Book Publisher, (late C.M. Saxton & Co.), 1857 [Edward O. Jenkins, printer and stereotyper]. |
1857 | New York | Moss-Side. | Harland, Marion, 1830-1922. | New York: : Derby & Jackson, 119 Nassau Street., 1857. |
1857 | New York | A journey through Texas; or, A saddle-trip on the Southwestern frontier: : with a statistical appendix. | Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903. | New York: : Dix, Edwards & Co., 321 Broadway. ; London: : Sampson Low, Son & Co. ; Edinburgh: : Thos. Constable & Co., 1857.. |
1857 | New York | The twentieth annual report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented to the General Assembly in May, 1857. | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (Old School). Board of Foreign Missions | New York: : Published for the board: at the Mission House, 23 Centre Street., 1857. |
1857 | New York | Historical and legal examination of that part of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Dred Scott case : which declares the unconstitutionality of the Missouri Compromise Act, and the self-extension of the Constitution to territories, carrying slavery along with it. With an appendix, containing: I. The debates in the Senate ... on the legislative extension of the Constitution to territories, as contained in ... the "Thirty years' view." II. The inside view of the southern sentiment, in relation to the Wilmot Proviso, as seen in ... the "Thirty years view." III. Review of President Pierce's annual message ... as it relates to the abrogation of the Missouri Compromise Act and the classification of parties | Benton, Thomas Hart, 1782-1858. | New York : D. Appleton and Company, 346 & 348 Broadway, New York, 1857. |
1857 | New York | The Englishman in Kansas: or, Squatter life and border warfare. | Gladstone, Thomas H. | New York: : Miller & Company, 321 Broadway, late Dix, Edwards & Co., 1857.. |
1857 | New York | Memoirs of Washington. | Kirkland, Caroline M. (Caroline Matilda), 1801-1864. | New York: : D. Appleton & Co., 346 & 348 Broadway. ; London: : 16 Little Britain., 1857. |
1857 | New York | The Connections of the universe, : as seen in the light of God's created and written revelations.. | New York: : Thomas N. Stanford, 637 Broadway. ; Baltimore: : John P. Des Forges., 1857.. |
1857 | New York | Appletons' illustrated hand-book of American travel : a full and reliable guide by railway, steamboat, and stage ... the United States and the British provinces. | New York: : D. Appleton & Co. ; London: : Trübner & Co., 1857. |
1857 | New York | The life of William Wilberforce. | New York: : Protestant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge, 11 Bible House, Astor Place., 1857.. |
1857 | New York | Appleton's illustrated hand-book of American travel. Part II. The southern and western states, and the territories. | New York : D. Appleton & Co. London : Trübner & Co., 1857. |
1857 | New York | The Tribune almanac and political register for 1857. | New York : Greeley & McElrath, [1857] |
1857 | New York | The Kansas struggle, of 1856, in Congress, and in the presidential campaign; : with suggestions for the future. | New-York: : American Abolition Society, 48 Beekman Street., 1857. |
1857 | New York | The Legion of liberty! And force of truth : containing the thoughts, words, and deeds, of some prominent apostles, champions and martyrs. Pictures and poetry. Illustrated with engravings. | [New York] : Published by the American Anti-Slavery Society, New York, 1857. |
1857 | North Carolina | The Moravians in North Carolina : an authentic history | Reichel, Levin Theodore, 1812-1878. | Salem, N.C. : O.A. Keehln, 1857. |
1857 | North Carolina | To the people of the South.. | Davis, W. B. | [Wilmington, N.C.? : W.B. Davis, 1857?] |
1857 | Ohio | Prison life and reflections; or, A narrative of the arrest, trial, conviction, imprisonment, treatment, observations, reflections, and deliverance of Work, Burr, and Thompson, : who suffered an unjust and cruel imprisonment in Missouri Penitentiary, for attempting to aid some slaves to liberty. Three parts in one volume. | Thompson, George, d. 1893. | Dayton [Ohio]: : Published by the author, at the United Brethren Printing Establishment., 1857. |
1857 | Ohio | Remarks of Mr. A. P. Miller, of Butler County, on House Bill 242, to prevent persons who are of African descent, in whole or in part, from exercising the privilege of voting at elections. | Miller, A. P. | [Cincinnati? : s.n., 1857] |
1857 | Ohio | The history of slavery and the slave trade : ancient and modern. The forms of slavery that prevailed in ancient nations, particularly in Greece and Rome. The African slave trade and the political history of slavery in the United States | Blake, William O. | Columbus, Ohio : Published and sold exclusively by subscription by J. & H. Miller, 1857. (Stereotyped and printed by Osgood & Pearce) |
1857 | Ohio | Wells' illustrated national hand-book : embracing numerous invaluable documents connected with the political history of America. | Wells, John G. (John Gaylord), 1821-1880. | Cincinnati : Mack R. Barnitz, 1857. |
1857 | Ohio | Off hand sketches of men and things in western Africa. | Flickinger, D. K. (Daniel Kumler), 1824-1911. | Dayton, Ohio: : Published by order of the trustees of the United Brethren Printing Establishment., 1857.. |
1857 | Ohio | Das wilde Weib; oder: Das gebrochene Herz. : Eine selbstverfasste Lebensbeschreibung des wilden Weibes, das neulich in Cincinnati ausgestellt war, aber von den Bürgern dieser Stadt den Händen ihrer Verfolger entriffen und in das Irrenhaus in Dayton gebracht wurde. | Wild woman. German | Cincinnati : Verlag von Barclay & Co., No. 6 West 4te Strasse, c1857.. |
1857 | Ohio | Ethiopia: her gloom and glory : as illustrated in the history of the slave trade and slavery, the rise of the republic of Liberia, and the progress of African missions | Christy, David, b. 1802. | Cincinnati : Rickey, Mallory & Webb, 1857. |
1857 | Ohio | The North and the South : being a statistical view of the condition of the free and slave states | Chase, Henry. | Cleveland, Ohio : Henry P.B. Jewett ; [Boston] : Lithotyped by the American Stereotype Company, 28 Phœnix Building, Boston : Printed by D.S. Ford and Co., 1857. |
1857 | Ohio | The Wild woman; or, The wrecked heart. : Being the true autobiography of the "wild woman," who was recently exhibited at Cincinnati, and was rescued from her persecutors by the citizens of that city, and sent to the insane asylum at Dayton, Ohio. The history of this strange woman furnishes incidents of the most thrilling narrative ever written, and is now offered for the first time.. | Cincinnati: : Published by Barclay & Co., No. 6 West Fourth Street., [1857?] |
1857 | Ohio | The child's book on slavery; or, Slavery made plain.. | Cincinnati: : American Reform Tract and Book Society., 1857.. |
1857 | Ohio | A tract for Sabbath schools. | [Cincinnati] : American Reform Tract and Book Society, Cincinnati, Ohio, [1857?]. |
1857 | Panama | The Panama massacre. : A collection of the principal evidence and other documents, including the report of Amos B. Corwine, esq., U.S. Commissioner, the official statement of the governor and the depositions taken before the authorities, relative to the massacre of American citizens at the Panama railroad station on the 15th of April, 1856. : Printed for private circulation. | Panama, New Granada: : Printed at the office of the Star and Herald., 1857. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Slavery ordained of God | Ross, F. A. (Frederick Augustus), 1796-1883. | Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott, 1857. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Geary and Kansas. : Governor Geary's administration in Kansas. : With a complete history of the territory. Until June 1857. Embracing a full account of its discovery, geography, soil, rivers, climate, products; its organization as a territory ... All fully authenticated. | Gihon, John H. | Philadelphia: : J.H.C. Whiting, N.E. cor. Fifth and Chestnut Sts., 1857.. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | An inquiry into the scriptural views of slavery | Barnes, Albert, 1798-1870. | Philadelphia : Parry & McMillan, successors to A. Hart, late Carey & Hart, 1857, [c1846] [Stereotyped by L. Johnson & Co.]. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Twenty-eighth annual report of the inspectors of the Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. : Transmitted to the Senate and House of Representatives, March, 1857.. | Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. | Philadelphia: : King & Baird, printers, 9 Sanson Street., 1857.. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Second annual report of the Home for Destitute Colored Children. | Home for Destitute Colored Children (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Philadelphia : Merrihew & Thompson, 1857. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | A semi-centenary discourse : delivered in the First African Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, on the fourth Sabbath of May, 1857 : with a history of the church from its first organization : including a brief notice of Rev. John Gloucester, its first pastor | Catto, William T. | Philadelphia : Joseph M. Wilson, No. 111 South Tenth Street, below Chestnut, 1857. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Modern reform examined; or, The union of North and South on the subject of slavery. | Stiles, Joseph C. (Joseph Clay), 1795-1875. | Philadelphia: : J.B. Lippincott & Co., publishers, Nos. 22 & 24 North Fourth Street., 1857. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | The church and slavery | Barnes, Albert, 1798-1870. | Philadelphia : Parry & McMillan, successors to A. Hart, late Carey & Hart, 1857, [c1856] [Stereotyped by L. Johnson and Co. Printed by T.K. and P.G. Collins]. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | The twenty-ninth annual report of the Board of Managers of the House of Refuge, : With an appendix, containing the annual statement of the Treasurer, the annual report of the Ladies' Committee, of the Superintendents and of the Principal Teachers, &c.. | House of Refuge (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : Published by order of the contributors. Henry B. Ashmead, printer., 1857.. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Twenty-third annual report of the Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society.. | Philadelphia Female Anti-slavery Society. | Philadelphia: : Merrihew & Thompson, printers, Lodge street, north side of Pennsylvania Bank., 1857.. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | The Dred Scott case : Report of Hon. William H. Welsh, in the Senate of Pennsylvania, May 11, 1857, from the Select Committee to which was referred the resolutions relative to the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Dred Scott case. | Welsh, William H. | [Pa. : s.n., 1857]. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Pictures of slavery in church and state; : including personal reminiscences, biographical sketches, anecdotes, etc. etc. : with an appendix, containing the views of John Wesley and Richard Watson on slavery. | Long, John Dixon, 1817-1894. | Philadelphia: : Published by the author., 1857.. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | The olive-branch; or, White Oak farm. | Berg, Joseph F. (Joseph Frederick), 1812-1871. | Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1857. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Passmore Williamson vs. John K. Kane. : Action for false imprisonment, before the Court of Common Pleas of Delaware County. Argument of Joseph J. Lewis, Esq. of Westchester, on the part of the plaintiff, delivered at Media, December 17th and 18th, 1856. | Lewis, Joseph J. | Philadelphia: : Merrihew & Thompson, printers, Lodge Street, north side Pennsylvania Bank., 1857.. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Thirteen years' experience in the itinerancy. | Manship, Andrew, b. 1824. | Philadelphia: : Published by the author. : For sale at the Philadelphia Conference Tract Depository, no. 119 North Sixth Street. Higgins & Perkinpine, no. 40 North Fourth Street: and other Methodist bookstores., 1857.. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Pennsylvania Colonization Society : held January 13, 1857 ... | Pennsylvania Colonization Society. | [Philadelphia : s.n., 1857]. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | The design and advantages of the House of Refuge.. | House of Refuge (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : [s.n.], 1857.. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Brazil and the Brazilians, : portrayed in historical and descriptive sketches. | Kidder, Daniel P. (Daniel Parish), 1815-1891. | Philadelphia: : Childs & Peterson., 1857.. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Four years in Liberia : a sketch of the Life of the Rev. Samuel Williams, with remarks on the missions, manners and customs of the natives of western Africa, together with an answer to Nesbit's book. | Williams, Samuel, b. 1813. | Philadelphia : King & Baird, 1857. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Thirty-eighth annual report of the Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented to the General Assembly, May, 1857. | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Education | Philadelphia: : Published by the board., 1857. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Pennsylvania Colonization Society, held January 13, 1857 ... | Pennsylvania Colonization Society. | [Philadelphia : s.n., 1857]. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Pennsylvania Colonization Society, held January 13, 1857 ... | Pennsylvania Colonization Society. | [Philadelphia : s.n., 1857]. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Catalogue of human crania, in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia: : based upon the third edition of Dr. Morton's "Catalogue of skulls," &c. | Meigs, James Aitken, 1829-1879. | Philadelphia. : J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1857.. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Fifty-fifth annual report of the Board of Domestic Missions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. : Presented May 1857. | Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (Old School). Board of Domestic Missions | Philadelphia: : Published by the board., 1857. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | The twenty-first annual report of the Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans. | Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans (Cheyney, Pa.) | Philadelphia: : Printed by Joseph Rakestraw., 1857.. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Juan, or The White slave. : A history of wrongs, trials, suffering and daring. | Ritner, W. D. (William D.) | Philadelphia. : Published by J.H.C. Whiting, N.E. corner Fifth and Chesnut Sts., 1857.. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Address and correspondence of the Democratic State Committee of Pennsylvania. | Democratic Party (Pa.) | Philadelphia : B. Franklin Jackson, printer, [1857] |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Dr. Livingstone's 17 years ?explorations and adventures in the wilds of Africa. | Coombs, John Hartley. | Philadelphia, Pa.: : J.T. Lloyd & Co. ; Chicago, Ill.: : Bronson & Fobes. ; Philadelphia: : stereotyped by George Charles. : Printed by King & Baird., 1857. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Sanford's Opera House the star place of attraction, : Eleventh and Chesnut, the most central place of amusement in the city, crowded nightly to witness the inimitable and unapproachable songs, dances & afterpiece. R.J. Turner! whose singing alone is worth a ticket, to say nothing of the remaining stars! Look out for the burlesque Comedy of errors! | Sanford's Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.). | [Philadelphia, Pa.] : Brown, printer, Ledger Buildings, Phila., [1857?] |
1857 | Pennsylvania | The Lost child.. | Philadelphia: : American Sunday-School Union, No. 1122 Chestnut Street, [between 1857 and 1907?] |
1857 | Pennsylvania | The Seaboy's grave, or, The scholar of Robert Raikes. | Philadelphia : American Sunday-School Union, no. 316 Chestnut St., [1857?] |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Kmanyo. | | Philadelphia: : American Sunday-School Union. 1122 Chesnut Street., [between 1857 and 1907] |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Dr. Ross and Bishop Colenso: : or, The truth restored in regard to polygamy and slavery: | Philadelphia: : Published by Henry B. Ashmead, George Street above Eleventh., 1857.. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | Indigenous races of the earth; : or, New chapters of ethnological inquiry; including monographs on special departments of philology, iconography, cranioscopy, palaeontology, pathology, archaeology, comparative geography, and natural history: | Philadelphia: : J.B. Lippincott & Co. ; London: : Trübner & Co., 1857.. |
1857 | Pennsylvania | The Ethiopian serenaders' own book. | [Philadelphia] : Fisher & Brother, No. 8 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia; 64 Baltimore Street, Baltimore; 74 Chatham Street, New York; 71 Court Street, Boston., [1857.] |