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The centerpiece of African American studies

Posted on 09/17/2013

The digital edition of Afro-Americana Imprints, one of the world’s preeminent collections for African American studies, is available as a single complete collection, or in one or more of the following modules, organized by historic era:

I. Discovery and Colonization, 1535-1771

A. Exploration and Establishment of Slavery and the Slave Trade (1535-1728)
Exploration and colonization of Africa and Americas; establishment of trans-Atlantic slave trade and slavery in Americas

B. Prelude to Revolution and Abolitionism (1729-1771)
Rise of trans-Atlantic antislavery literature; slave revolts in U.S. and Caribbean; Enlightenment ideals of human rights

II. Revolution and Racialization, 1772-1830

A. Revolutionary Ideas of Freedom (1772-1804)
Founding of first abolition societies; U.S. Revolution; Haitian Revolution; abolition of slavery and establishment of free black communities in the North; Somerset Ruling; British movement to abolish slave trade; colonial rule and race relations in the Caribbean

B. African American Migrations and Settlements (1805-1830)
Abolition of slave trade (UK/US); Missouri Compromise; birth of colonization movements; growth of free black urban populations; rise of racism in the North

III. Radical Abolitionism, 1831-1865

A. Dissent and Suppression in Slavery Debates (1831-1849)
Nat Turner Rebellion; emancipation in UK and French colonies; race riots; Congressional gag rule; establishment of radical abolition societies; women’s participation in anti-slavery activism; growth of print culture in slavery debate

B. Prelude to Civil War (1850-1860)
Fugitive Slave Act; growth of sectional tensions

C. Civil War (1861-1865)
Emancipation Proclamation; federal enlistment of black soldiers; debates about the war’s objectives

IV. From Freedom to Segregation, 1866-1922

A. Reconstruction (1866-1877)
Debates regarding the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments; Federal Reconstruction; Southern race riots

B. African American Citizenship and Identity (1878-1896)
Federal struggles for civil rights; flourishing of black novelists, historians, and intellectuals; exploration of African interior; missionaries and religion in black communities of the U.S. and Africa

C. Era of “Separate but Equal” (1897-1922)
“Lost Cause” and memorializing the Civil War, growth of sociology in study of African Americans and race relations, solidification of legal and social racial segregation in the U.S., continued growth of African Diasporic thought and travel, British imperialism and racial thought in Africa

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