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Interface Training: Make the Most of Your Readex Collections

Posted on 01/13/2016

Readex interface training sessions present a brief overview of collection content, highlight key interface features and functionality, and offer suggestions for classroom instruction. Specific examples of how faculty and students use the content are also provided. Sessions are organized around major Readex collection families. Register today for one or more today. 


America’s Historical Newspapers and World Newspaper Archive


Collections covered include Early American Newspapers, African American Newspapers, Hispanic American Newspapers, Ethnic American Newspapers, Caribbean Newspapers, American Newspaper Archive and the World Newspaper Archive.  


America's Historical Imprints


Collections covered include Afro-Americana Imprints, American Civil War Collection, American Pamphlets, American Slavery Collection, Early American Imprints, African History and Culture, Black Authors, Caribbean History and Culture, and American Broadsides and Ephemera.  


America’s Historical Periodicals 


This session focuses on African American Periodicals—the largest database of its kind and the inaugural collection in America's Historical Periodicals.  


America's Historical Government Publications  


Collections covered include U.S. Congressional Serial Set, American State Papers, House and Senate Journals and Senate Executive Journals.  


Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports, 1941-1996 and Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) Reports, 1957-1995 


This session focuses on these two major archives of U.S. open-source intelligence—collections designed for researching 20th-century geopolitics, global relations, political science, history, and more.  

Other Training Options 

In addition to the scheduled sessions above, Readex offers the opportunity to request customized webinars for staff, faculty and students. For more information, please contact Readex Product Director Brett Kolcun.


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