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House and Senate Journals, Series 1


A chronicle of the early U.S. Congress' proceedings
Learn what makes this product unique
  • A fully searchable digital edition of the record of floor action from the early U.S. Senate and House of Representatives
  • Chronicles matters considered on the floor, votes and other actions, executive department communications and more
  • Digitized from the original printings of the journals

From their inaugural sessions, both the United States House and Senate have kept journals of their proceedings to record the minutes of floor action, as required by the Constitution. House and Senate Journals, Series I, 1789-1817 chronicles matters considered on the floor, votes and other actions taken, as well as excerpts from executive department communications and member responses. To create this digital edition, Readex used the original printings of the House and Senate journals, rather than the Gales and Seaton reprints from the 1820s.

A breadth of historically significant topics
The historically rich House and Senate Journals, Series I documents important issues, events, organizations and people, including the Constitutional Convention, the Bill of Rights and Constitutional Amendments, Alexander Hamilton, the Fugitive Slave Act and much more. Capturing the U.S. government in its infancy, these fully searchable publications also cover such subjects as the cotton industry, Northwest Ordinance, cabinet departments, Ohio territory, Treaty of Greenville, Judiciary Act, French Revolution, Tariff Acts, tobacco and smoking, Thomas Paine, the Jay Treaty, the United States Navy, the Alien and Sedition Acts, the Franco-American Convention, the Public Land Act, the impeachment of William Blount and post-Revolution British-American relations.

An essential addition to any American history collection
Readex publishes many widely-used American history collections of primary source research materials, including Early American Imprints (Evans and Shaw-Shoemaker), Early American Newspapers, and the U.S. Congressional Serial Set. House and Senate Journals can be easily cross-searched with these and related collections using Readex AllSearch.

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“ important primary source…”
“Gives a real flavor for how the daily life of Congress was spent.... These early Journal volumes bring alive discussions of important events in U.S. history.”
Barbara Miller, Associate Professor and Documents Librarian
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