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American State Papers


Legislative and executive documents of the first 14 U.S. Congresses
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  • Contains legislative and executive documents of the first 14 U.S. Congresses
  • Provides superior images through digitization of the original print volumes
  • Features extensive, expert indexing that helps ensure the most accurate search results

American State Papers, 1789-1838 is a rich source of primary source material on early American history, allowing students and scholars to easily search and browse legislative and executive documents of the first 14 U.S. Congresses. Part of the Americas Historical Government Publications suite of collections, this digital edition is the essential complement to the digital U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1994. Together, they form a seminal archive of U.S. government publications.

Superior images and bibliographic records
Readex’s digital edition of the American State Papers features not only bibliographic records for every one of its nearly 6,300 publications, but also superior images created by digitizing every page of every publication from the original print volumes issued between 1832 and 1861. By combining extensive indexing from expert editors with high-quality original images, this digital archive offers students and scholars the most accurate search results possible.

A detailed record of the birth of the nation
Originally republished in the second quarter of the 19th century, American State Papers is a retrospective collection of largely Congressional, but also Executive, materials originating from 1789 through 1838. Readex’s digital American State Papers illuminates key moments in early American history as they occurred and influential decisions as they were made. This collection covers such historical events as Lewis and Clark’s Expedition, Burr’s conspiracy and arrest, Andrew Jackson’s Treaty of the Creek Indians, and much more.

American State Papers also includes speeches and messages of Presidents Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Madison. Other documents address battles with Seminole peoples, the capture of the British Fleet on Lake Champlain, depredations committed by Mounted Riflemen, exploration of the Pacific Ocean, free Blacks in North Carolina, land for female academies, protection of the western frontier, trade with China and myriad other fascinating topics.

An essential addition to any American history collection
In addition to American State Papers, 1789-1838, and the U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1994, this suite of authoritative digital editions of essential sources on U.S. history government, and politics also includes House and Senate Journals, Series 1, 1789-1817, and Senate Executive Journals, 1789-1980.

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“…highly recommended…”
“A rich resource not only for people studying American history or political science....also an invaluable source of information on social issues.”
Tom Glynn, History and Political Science Selector, Rutgers University Libraries
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American Studies
Native American Studies
US History
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